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Today β€” 7 July 2024Main stream
Yesterday β€” 6 July 2024Main stream

Radio Waves: Switzerland to End Analog Radio, AM For Every Vehicle Act, AM v Safety, and Electromechanical Radio Transmitters

By: Thomas
6 July 2024 at 05:23
Radio Waves:Β  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio Welcome to theΒ SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio.Β Enjoy! Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Paul and Dennis Dura for the following tips: Switzerland to end 2024 with an analog FM broadcast-killing bang (The […]
Before yesterdayMain stream


I often wonder about Edward Swoffer. He was the original W2LJ before I took on the call sign. Ed lived in Binghamton, NY and other than that, I know not much about him.

Was he an SSB guy? Was he a CW devotee like I am? Was he into DX? Traffic Handling? Or maybe he was just an inveterate rag chewer? By some oddball chance, could he have been a QRPer? What clubs, if any, did he belong to? Did he participate in Field Day with his Ham buddies? What kind of station did he have? What was his antenna farm like? A search on Google maps shows their address (which is public info) has a decent sized back yard with lots of trees. I'm betting he was a wire antenna guy.

He was an Amateur Extra, so I have to believe that, at least for a while, he was more than just a casual operator.Β 

Doing a Google search on W2LJ doesn't lead to anything other than stuff about me. By doing some digging on the name Edward Swoffer AND Binghamton, NY I was able to find out that Ed was born in 1919 and died in 1993. That makes him two years older than my Dad.Β  He was married to Norma Thompson who passed away in October 2009, They had a daughter who earned a degree in Philosophy. Other than that, zip.

Why the fascination? No reason, really. It's just that it would be neat to sit down and talk with him and find out if we have anything else in common besides being W2LJ. Or, for that matter, a family member who could tell me more about him.

What would be the icing on the cake would be to somehow acquire one of his QSL cards. THAT would be a treasure!

History was my favorite subject in school. As a kid, I loved reading biographies and still do. I have an appreciation for things from the past. It would be fun to know more about the original W2LJ.

72 de Larry (the current W2LJ)

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

The July-August 2024 SARC Communicator

2 July 2024 at 01:00
Hello summer...With another big Summer issue. The July-August 2024 Communicator, digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications is now available forΒ viewing or download.Read in over 150 countries, we bring you 120+ pages of Amateur Radi...


β€œMusic On The Move” explores portable audio technology developments over the decades

By: Thomas
30 June 2024 at 10:27
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ed, who writes: Last night on my bedside radio I heard on BBC World’s β€˜The Forum’ a wonderful 49-minute piece about portable audio. Much of it covers the earliest portable electron tube radios and transistor radios, and their influences on society in different countries. Mediumwave, Shortwave and FM radios […]

Go Back In Time – Vintage Film

29 June 2024 at 21:24
Turning back time to virtually witness a critical historic method of shortwave communication using the fundamental mode of continuous wave modulation. This is a film from 1944, teaching the basics of Morse code, for military comms. What is the proper (and most efficient) technique for creating Morse code by hand, using a manual Morse code […]

1939 Film: Morse Code on HF in New Zealand (Historical)

27 June 2024 at 18:01
Before modern radio broadcasting, the trails were being blazed both in public broadcast, but also critical links out of the local area. Here’s a side-look back in time…. in this 1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW) The romance of the radiotelegraph service (in this video, the service in New Zealand) is a […]

1939 Film: Morse Code on HF in New Zealand (Historical)

27 June 2024 at 18:01
Before modern radio broadcasting, the trails were being blazed both in public broadcast, but also critical links out of the local area. Here’s a side-look back in time…. in this 1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW) The romance of the radiotelegraph service (in this video, the service in New Zealand) is a […]

Special Event Station TM80DDAY

27 May 2024 at 22:45
Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied assault on Normandy beachesFrom June 4 to 9, 2024, a number of crew members of the Plusscouts PA3EFR/J and other Radio Scouters will be traveling to Normandy (Omaha Beach) to support the international ac...


Special Event Station TM80DDAY

27 May 2024 at 22:45
Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied assault on Normandy beachesFrom June 4 to 9, 2024, a number of crew members of the Plusscouts PA3EFR/J and other Radio Scouters will be traveling to Normandy (Omaha Beach) to support the international ac...

