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The July-August 2024 SARC Communicator

2 July 2024 at 01:00
Hello summer...With another big Summer issue. The July-August 2024 Communicator, digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications is now available forΒ viewing or download.Read in over 150 countries, we bring you 120+ pages of Amateur Radi...


EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0005 - 4th May 2024

The latest edition of the newsletter is now up on Substack.

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0005 - 4th May 2024

Summary: -
  • Intro, TEP & Sp-E
  • HF Beacon & Propagation News - 28 MHz
  • 40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports
  • 50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
  • 70 MHz News: 4m activity, new 4m beacon, 4m beacons, 4m nets
  • 88-108 MHz: Sp-EΒ  openings
  • 144 MHz & Above: TEP, 145 Alive, Antarctica
  • EI7GL blog posts for the last two weeks

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0004 - 19th Apr 2024

The fourth edition of the new newsletter is now up on Substack.

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0004 - 19th April 2024

Summary: -
  • Intro, TEP & Sp-E
  • HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, Kiwi SDR, Solar Flux, 10m
  • 40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Spain
  • 50 MHz News: Singapore, Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
  • 70 MHz News: 4m activity, new 4m beacon, 4m beacons, 4m nets
  • 88-108 MHz: Radios in cars
  • 144 MHz & Above: TEP, Antarctica, Expedition to SV5 cancelled, US EME, GPS disciplined oscillators
  • Experimenters Corner: End fed half wave, Impedance matching
  • EI7GL blog posts for the last two weeks
  • In conclusion

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th Apr 2024

The third edition of the new newsletter is now up on Substack.

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th April 2024

Summary: -
  • Intro
  • HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, MH370, Solar Eclipse, 30m beacon, 26 MHz, Solar Flux, 10m
  • 40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Spain
  • 50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, Beacon in Alabama, 223 DXCC, 1000 grids, Sardinia to New Zealand, Antarctica to France, Cyprus to Australia
  • Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
  • 70 MHz News: 4m activity, aurora, new 4m beacon, 4m nets
  • 88-108 MHz: First Sporadic-E opening in Greece, TEP Florida to Chile
  • 144 MHz & Above: Aurora in Australia, TEP from Namibia to Europe, TEP from Australia to Japan, Moonbounce, Antarctica
  • Satellites: DATV on the ISS
  • Experimenters Corner: Resistor values, handheld antenna teardown, CW bandwidth, impedance matching, Soldersmoke podcast
  • EI7GL blog posts for the last two weeks
  • In conclusion

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0002 - 22nd March 2024

The second edition of my new newsletter is now up on Substack.

Β EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0002 - 22nd March 2024

Summary: -
HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, 160m, 80m, 40m, Solar eclipse, Solar Flux, 10m
40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Luxembourg
50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, GB3MBA, ZB2GI, Pirate
Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
70 MHz News: 4m activity, 4m nets
144 MHz & Above: Expeditions & Microwave beacons
In conclusion


New Amateur Radio Newsletter - 7th March 2024

7th March 2024: It's time to try something new! I have just started a new amateur radio newsletter with an emphasis on radio experiments and the VHF bands.

I covered a lot of the reasons for starting the newsletter in the first post but basically it is there to compliment what I already do on the blog here and it will allow me to share more information that would take too long to do properly here on the blog.

I'm basically going to cover the topics that I find of interest.Β 

The thing about the blog is that people have to remember to come here or see a link to visit. With a newsletter, I am sending information directly by email to subscribers.

How often? My initial plan is to send out a newsletter once every two weeks and see how it goes. I don't want subscribers to feel like they're getting spam with several emails a week. Just one mail every two weeks in fine.

You can read the first edition here...Β https://ei7gl.substack.com/p/ei7gl-amateur-radio-newsletter-0001

If you would like to be added to the email list then just subscribe...Β https://ei7gl.substack.com/
