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Ragnar LA1UH's Wonderful Museums in Norway

13 May 2024 at 11:54

Here are two more great museum visits by Helge LA6NCA.Β  In these two he visits Ragnar LA1UH.Β Β 

Ragnar has a lot of maritime experience, so we see a lot of older ships' radios.Β  But his interest in the radio art is much broader and we also see a lot of other kinds of gear:Β 

-- Wow,Β  a "travel radio" in a suitcase from 1927.Β  Was this the idea that later lead to the Parasets of WWII?Β 

-- Lots of "Stay Behind" gear from the Cold War. That "Africa" receiver (that never made it to Africa!) is very interesting.Β 

-- We see an ART-13 with autotune, ANGRC-9s, several ARC-5 command sets.Β  I was hoping Raganar would fire up a Dynamotor, but no.Β 

-- I spotted a Galaxy V transceiver.Β  I have the VFO reduction drive from one of these in my homebrew 15/10 rig.Β  Β 

-- We see several variometers in the emergency (500kc?) maritime transmitter.Β  I used a variometer in my super-simple ET-2 transceiver (with an N0WVA receiver).Β 

-- Lots and lots of tubes.Β 

Ragnar says he himself is of 1944 vintage. I hope some "stay behind" provisions have been made for these amazing museums.Β 

Thanks to Helge LA6NCA and to Ragnar LA1UH.Β Β 

Multi Stream Reflector ???

24 December 2023 at 08:30
Vorstellung & Anleitung Was soll das nun wieder sein? Viele die nach unserem Artikel ΓΌber den neuen YSF-Raum Deutschland auf das Dashboard geschaut haben waren wohl etwas verwundert. Das sieht ja komplett anders aus, als die bisherigen Dashboards. Antonio (IU5JAE) ist der Mann, der diesen pYSFReflector3 oder auch Multi Stream Reflector programmiert hat. Vielleicht noch … Multi Stream Reflector ??? weiterlesen