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2024 Museum Ships Weekend

3 June 2024 at 15:29

The event was held on June 1st and finished on June 2nd. At the time of posting this there were 106 Museum Ships (including memorials) on the list. For more info on the event check out: https://www.nj2bb.org/museum/ .

In Kingston we were fortunate enough to have the SS Keewatin berthed at the Great Lakes Museum and so for this event it was a 45 min bus ride with all the radio gear I needed to participate.

Here is a couple of pics I took while at the museum.

The gear I used for operating from alongside the Keewatin was my POTA Station that consisted of my Yaesu FT891, Eco-Worthy 20ah LIPO 4 battery and a MFJ 33 foot telescopic mast to support the home brewed 63 Foot End Fed Half Wave (10m to 40m) antenna.

It looks rather small compared to the size of the Keewatin… Thanks to the Taxi Driver who moved into the pic so I could show the size of the ship easier. No I did not use the taxi… Kingston Transit bus #3 stops right at the front door of the Museum.

All my gear fit in my wife’s laundry cart… She may never get it back now…

I used some bungy cords to secure the mast (right of the pic) to a fence behind the tree cover. It suspended the EFHW in a β€œinverted Vee” configuration and worked well for me with no tuner needed.

I was able to operate for about 3 hours (or less) each day. The gear worked without a hitch but not so much the operator.

As the radio room in the Keewatin has not been updated yet, I was forced to operate from alongside (the above pic) so I was unable to leave the gear to use the facilities and so once nature called… it was time to pack up.

At the end of the event according to my logs I actually was contacted by 100 stations that were β€œWelcomed on Board the Keewatin”… of those 100 contacts 12 of them were other Museum Ship and their details follow.

(Pictures above the name of the ship)

Col James M Schoonmaker

USS Lafferty

USS Thresher Memorial

USS Massachusetts

Tall Ship Elissa

USS Nautilus

Claud W Somers

USS North Carolina

Watson Naval Museum

USS Salem

USS Cobia

This was a β€œspur of the moment” style of activation. I was going past the ship a week before and then found out the Museum Ships event was the next weekend. Although the Keewatin does have a valid Callsign without the radio room ship shape they were not in a position to activate.

I asked if I could do it and was given the green light to operate (using my own personal callsign) from where I did. (alongside but outside the fence)

As the Drydock is part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail (POTA CA-6003) some amateurs also got a new park in their logs.

Long story short… The activation was a success…. At least 100 amateurs now know of our ship and the Museum Ship community welcomed the Keewatin and its my hope that next year the ship itself will the on the air.

If we made the contact, thanks again. My logs for the two day event have been uploaded to EQSL, QRZ.com, the Museum Ships Group and will be uploaded to LoTW when they have fixed the security issue. I will also offer a copy of my logs to the Keewatin Radio Operators (see above link) for their records.


Ragnar LA1UH's Wonderful Museums in Norway

13 May 2024 at 11:54

Here are two more great museum visits by Helge LA6NCA.Β  In these two he visits Ragnar LA1UH.Β Β 

Ragnar has a lot of maritime experience, so we see a lot of older ships' radios.Β  But his interest in the radio art is much broader and we also see a lot of other kinds of gear:Β 

-- Wow,Β  a "travel radio" in a suitcase from 1927.Β  Was this the idea that later lead to the Parasets of WWII?Β 

-- Lots of "Stay Behind" gear from the Cold War. That "Africa" receiver (that never made it to Africa!) is very interesting.Β 

-- We see an ART-13 with autotune, ANGRC-9s, several ARC-5 command sets.Β  I was hoping Raganar would fire up a Dynamotor, but no.Β 

-- I spotted a Galaxy V transceiver.Β  I have the VFO reduction drive from one of these in my homebrew 15/10 rig.Β  Β 

-- We see several variometers in the emergency (500kc?) maritime transmitter.Β  I used a variometer in my super-simple ET-2 transceiver (with an N0WVA receiver).Β 

-- Lots and lots of tubes.Β 

Ragnar says he himself is of 1944 vintage. I hope some "stay behind" provisions have been made for these amazing museums.Β 

Thanks to Helge LA6NCA and to Ragnar LA1UH.Β Β 

Jens OZ1GEO's AMAZING Radio Museum

11 May 2024 at 17:09

Brace yourselves.Β  This is just too much, too much radio history, too much cool stuff.Β  We are into ham radio sensory overload territory here. The rigs, the radios, the radioactive stuff (including tubes!).Β  Lots of Whermact stuff.Β  A Chinese receiver.Β  Tesla coils and Faraday shields.Β  Much more.Β 

Thanks to Helge LA6NCA for alerting us to this and for shooting these videos.Β  And thanks to Jens OZ1GEO for putting this magnificent collection together.Β  I hope they find sometplace to keep this all together so that future generations can benefit from it.Β 

George WB5OYP points out there is more from Jens here:Β 
