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KH1 to the Rescue! A postcard field report from Pisgah National Forest.

18 August 2024 at 13:09
On Friday afternoon (August 16, 2024), after dropping off one daughter at her volunteer job and the other at Shakespeare class, my wife and I had about 90 minutes of free time before the next scheduled activity. We opted to visit the Sycamore Flats Picnic Area in Pisgah National Forest (US-4510) so that I could … Continue reading KH1 to the Rescue! A postcard field report from Pisgah National Forest. β†’

In Stock: The Ham Radio Workbench Podcast DC Distribution Panel Kit

By: Thomas
18 August 2024 at 10:31
Many thanks to Mike Serio who notes: Hi Thomas, Just a note to let you know that digikey has a supply of Ham Radio Workbench DC Power Strips in stock, 43 at the time I reviewed. Product number is HRWB101. Thought you might want to let your audience know. These are neat little kits, I […]

Introducing the New CFT1 Five Band Portable CW Transceiver Kit!

12 August 2024 at 10:42
My buddy Jonathan (KM4CFT) made a big announcement this morning. He’s been working tirelessly since the start of the year, designing and testing a brand-new field-portable CW transceiver he’s dubbed the CFT1. As of this morning, you can purchase the transceiver kit on HamGadgets.com. A little backstory Jonathan first mentioned his plans to design a … Continue reading Introducing the New CFT1 Five Band Portable CW Transceiver Kit! β†’

New 3D-Printed Paddle Kit from KM4CFT

5 July 2024 at 11:01
Yesterday, I met up with Jonathan (KM4CFT) who happens to be in town visiting family over the holiday weekend. Before our POTA activation, he mentioned that he is now selling a 3D-printed paddle kit for $34.95 on eBay: https://ebay.us/GhLOYz (note: this is an eBay partnership link) Jonathan told me that he’s using the kit as … Continue reading New 3D-Printed Paddle Kit from KM4CFT β†’

Robot Dreams, Summer Camp, and Public Transit

Β Just a quick note.Β 

My partner and I went to see Robot Dreams with the 11 and 9 year olds about a week and a half ago. First, the movie is awesome! It stays almost true to the book in that there are very, very few words at all. More in the movie than there ever were in the book, but still. The whole thing was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it.

The oldest kid wasn't there because she was attending summer camp up on the orthern edge of the penninsula.Β 

After the movie, my partner and I went off to do errands in one direction, the 11 and 9 year old headedΒ  towards the house on BART. And! Guess what?

They ran into their older sib on the bus home. There routes coincidentally linked up for the last leg and they hopped on the sam bus she was on. About a stop later, they all realized it.

Public transit and independent kids are pretty awesome! We got to do our errands. The kids got to go do what they wanted, and they ran into each othere anyway! Without transit, I doubt we could have even seen the movie because we'd have been making camp pickups and whatnot. Woooo MUNI and BART!

New to Amateur Radio? What is a Repeater?

27 June 2024 at 17:53
If you have not yet explored ham radio repeaters, this might be interesting to you. What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work? In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater. It is filmed in a relaxed, β€œride along with me,” […]

New to Amateur Radio? What is a Repeater?

27 June 2024 at 17:53
If you have not yet explored ham radio repeaters, this might be interesting to you. What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work? In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater. It is filmed in a relaxed, β€œride along with me,” […]

On a POTA Mission with the RGO One!

25 June 2024 at 13:23
On Thursday, June 6, 2024, I had two missions: To help fellow volunteers at the Asheville Radio Museum assemble shelving. To fit in a POTA activation over lunch. I started out the day pretty early at the QTH sorting out a few chores, then I made my way to the museum around 9:30. The Asheville … Continue reading On a POTA Mission with the RGO One! β†’

Xiegu X6200 SSB Field Test: A Morning POTA Activation at Lake James

21 June 2024 at 12:21
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, I needed to make a morning trip to Hickory, NC, to take care of some family business and visit my father. I started my day early because I also wanted to be back in the Asheville area by noon. Some quick calculations over morning coffee and I decided I had … Continue reading Xiegu X6200 SSB Field Test: A Morning POTA Activation at Lake James β†’

Wild-PTT – Kein Fehler, ein Feature!

5 May 2024 at 07:30
In diesem Beitrag erklΓ€ren wir euch, warum es passieren kann, dass ihr plΓΆtzlich nicht mehr in einem YSF-Raum ΓΌbertragen werdet und was es mit der s.g. Wild-PTT auf sich hat. Nein mit dem Ford Ranger Wild-Trak hat das gar nichts zu tun, obwohl es Γ€hnlich klingt, aber Spaß beiseite. Ist euch das auch schon einmal … Wild-PTT – Kein Fehler, ein Feature! weiterlesen

Loading Meshtastic Firmware onto Heltec ESP32 v3 Devices

4 March 2024 at 14:26

The loading of the Meshtastic firmware on the Heltec ESP32 v3 devices is really simple if done via a Linux PC/RaspberryPi. There are of course other ways to load the firmware using a web browser that supports USB/Serial devices and this method is preferred by many however, being a Linux command line junkie I far prefer the simplicity of using the Linux command line to do the job.

So, how much experience with the Linux command line do you need?

In all honesty none at all. If you know how to use copy and paste then all you have to do is follow the simple steps I’ve detailed below. In reality it will only take a few minutes to do so, don’t be put off by the long article, I’ve just tried to cover everything and provide screen shots along the way.

To get started fire up your Linux PC/RaspberryPi and get yourself to the desktop. Next you will need to open a Linux command line terminal. This is often just called β€œTerminal” on most Linux desktop installations.

The first thing you need to do is check to see if you have python3 installed. This is done using the following command:

python3 --version

Running the above command you should see a result something like what is shown below.

Python3 command showing installed version
Python3 command showing installed version

Next we need to check if pip3 is installed using the following command:

pip3 --version

If pip3 is installed then you should get a result similar to that shown below.

Pip3 command showing installed version
Pip3 command showing installed version

If your computer doesn’t have Python3 or Pip3 installed they can be easily installed from the command line. To install Python3 enter the following command into your terminal:

sudo apt install python3

You will be asked to enter your login password and then the installation will begin. You should see output in your terminal similar to that shown below.

Installing python3
Installing python3

To install Pip3 enter the following command into your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

This will detail a long list of packages that will be installed on your computer, Enter Y to answer Yes and let the packages install.

M0AWS - Installing Pip3
M0AWS – Installing Pip3

You will see many messages scroll up the terminal screen such as getting, selecting, preparing, unpacking and setting up, this is all normal.

Once Pip3 is installed you should be dropped back at the command line with a terminal screen that looks something like the one below.

M0AWS - Pip3 install complete
M0AWS – Pip3 install complete

At this point you will now have Python3 and Pip3 available on your computer.

You are now ready to install the tool we are going to use to check your Meshtastic device is connected to your PC and install the firmware to it. (Do not connect your Meshtastic device to your PC just yet!)

Run the following command in your terminal to install the ESP Tool:

pip3 install --upgrade esptool

You will see an output from the installation process similar to that shown below.

M0AWS - Installing the ESP Tool
M0AWS – Installing the ESP Tool

Now that we have the ESP tool installed plug your Meshtastic device into your USB port on your computer and then run the following command to interrogate the device to find out what kind of device it is.

esptool chip_id

You should see the information about your device that looks similar to that shown below. This information should confirm the device type (ESP32) and which USB port it is connected on (/dev/tty/USB0).

M0AWS - Expected output from the ESPTool command showing device information
M0AWS – Expected output from the ESPTool command showing device information

Once you have this information you will need to download the firmware for your device from Github using the following URL:


At the time of writing this I downloaded and used the v2.2.22.404d firmware which I have found to be extremely reliable.

In your terminal you now need to change directory (cd) into the Downloads directory where your downloaded firmware should be. (If you downloaded your firmware into another directory then you will need to cd into that directory). Use the following command to change directory into the Downloads directory.

cd ~/Downloads

Now we need to find the filename of the firmware we have just downloaded, we can use the list directory contents command to find the file using the simple command below.

ls -la firm*.zip
M0AWS - List firmware file name from the Linux command line
M0AWS – List firmware file name from the Linux command line

In the screenshot above we can see that the filename is called
We now need to unzip the file using the unzip command.

unzip firmware-

You’ll see lots of output from the unzip command about inflating files etc, this is normal.

Once the file has been unzipped you are ready to load the firmware onto your Heltec device. First you need to find the .bin file for your Heltec device. Use the following ls command to list the files available.

ls -la firmware-heltec*

This will list out all the firmware file options for the Heltec device as shown below.

M0AWS - List of Heltec firmware files
M0AWS – List of Heltec firmware files

The file you need to use for a new firmware installation on a Heltec v3 device is
firmware-heltec-v3- (If you downloaded a different version then the version number in the file will be different).

Using the filename you found above enter the following command into your terminal.

./device-install.sh -f firmware-heltec-v3-

This will now clear down your Heltec device and will load the Meshtastic firmware. This will take a little time especially on slower computers like the RaspberryPi so, just let it run until it finishes. Do not interrupt the process whilst it is running.

Installing the Meshtastic firmware onto my Heltec ESP32 v3 using the Python command line tool
Installing the Meshtastic firmware onto my Heltec ESP32 v3 using the Python command line tool

Once the firmware is loaded the Heltec device will reboot and you will see the Meshtastic banner on the OLED screen. Your device is now ready for configuration.

Now that you have Python3 and Pip3 installed you can load the firmware onto other devices just by downloading the firmware and then running the device-install.sh script file, you won’t need to install Python3 or Pip3 again.

If you want to update your device in the future to a newer version of the firmware then just use the update script and update binary file as shown below.

./device-update.sh -f firmware-heltec-v3-

That’s it, you are now a Linux Command line junkie!

More soon …

Retevis Ailunce HD1 GPS First impression

21 January 2024 at 10:33
The Retevis Ailunce HD1 GPS, rated IP67 for dust and water resistance, surpassed expectations in extreme weather testing at -30Β°C, showing no signs of battery, LCD, or condensation issues after being left outside for three days. The robust HD1 performed admirably, suggesting it's a serious contender in rugged radio options.