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Field Day 2024: Reach Outside Your Circle.

21 May 2024 at 00:01

It’s everything to everyone. Field Day 2024 is about a month away. It’s a contest, readiness drill, science fair, publicity stunt, geek festival, and party all rolled into one. It’s the Grand Poobah of amateur radio events. And this year my challenge to Off Grid Ham readers is not to... Read more Β»

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Everyone is an β€œMFJ Guy”: COMMENTARY

28 April 2024 at 06:20

Didn’t see it coming. I’m sure I’m not the only one who felt completely blindsided to hear that MFJ Enterprises, a name that is surely known by every ham radio operator, is going out of business. The end of MFJ will also result in the sunset of its subsidiary brands,... Read more Β»

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Data Modes: Game Changer or Gimmick?

25 April 2024 at 02:14

Time + technology= options. Ham radio has a lot more options than it did years ago. Back in the day your choices were phone or CW and that was about it. In the 1970s/1980s slow scan TV and early data such as RTTY came about, but they were niche modes... Read more Β»

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Everything But The Ham 2024.

20 March 2024 at 01:16

It’s about ham-less radio. I’m going to assume that everyone who reads this blog is either a ham or at least vaguely interested in becoming one. With that kind of a demographic, why should I even entertain the idea of covering unlicensed radio options? Well, it’s all about having choices... Read more Β»

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Inverter Talk.

21 February 2024 at 12:29

You didn’t know you needed one. Off grid amateurs often forego having an inverter as part of their power capability, most likely because DC powered radio gear doesn’t need one. An inverter also adds expense, and in the case of portable operations, adds weight and space. But inverters bring a... Read more Β»

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Digital Battery Passport: Be Aware, Not Afraid.

28 December 2023 at 02:35

Nothing is sacred, including batteries. Do you have concerns about technology intruding on your life and privacy? We have reached a point where even batteries β€”yes, batteriesβ€” are documented and recorded. What am I talking about? You may have never heard of a digital battery passport (DBP), but pay attention... Read more Β»

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The Off Grid Ham 100 Watts For $300 Solar Project -2023 Update

19 November 2023 at 03:55

A classic never goes out of style. Way back in 2016 I posted the Off Grid Ham 100 Watts for $300 Solar Plant. Even today, that article is still hugely popular and one of the most viewed posts on this website. In a 2020 update, the $300 threshold not only... Read more Β»

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Lithium Battery Fire Risks: Sorting It Out.

22 September 2023 at 01:47

Exponential market growth! Lithium battery technology has made exponential market penetration in the last decade or so. Once an exotic and expensive platform, today nearly every battery-powered device uses lithium. Along with increased market acceptance comes attention, both good and bad. Most of the bad news circulating about lithium batteries... Read more Β»

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Perovskite Solar Update.

25 July 2023 at 03:03

The β€œholy grail” of solar energy? It’s been over six years since Off Grid Ham first covered perovskite solar. For the unfamiliar, perovskite solar is a new type of photovoltaic technology that is based on perovskite-structure crystals. There are several advantages. First, is efficiency. Perovskite solar is far more efficient... Read more Β»

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Planning For Off Grid Home Solar.

27 April 2023 at 01:15

Wish list. Most off grid hams are off grid only for portable operations. Many of them would like a larger, permanent home system but don’t know where to start or what such a project involves. If having an off grid home solar power system has been a longtime wish, this... Read more Β»

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Series and Parallel Battery Connection Techniques.

19 March 2023 at 18:33

Graduation time. A lot of if not most off grid hams have only one battery in their system. Connecting a single battery is more or less self-explanatory. What should you do when you expand your system to include multiple batteries? Should they be in series? In parallel? Is one way... Read more Β»

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Batteries: Your Weakest Link.

21 February 2023 at 03:30

It cannot be avoided… Batteries are arguably the weakest link in the off grid radio chain. Solar panels, controllers, connecting cables, and almost everything else can last years, even decades. But batteries are a consumable product and no matter how good yours are, it’s almost certain they will not last... Read more Β»

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QRP Alternatives: After The Funeral, What Comes Next?

27 January 2023 at 18:57

Let the dead rest. Now several weeks out from being the #1 ham radio news story, the Yaesu FT-818/817 product sunset has faded from attention. Anyone not already on the Yaesu platform will have to seek QRP alternatives. Most hams were surprised, some were disappointed, and some were strangely…glad? One... Read more Β»

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Check Out This Really Cool Radio Manual Database.

4 November 2022 at 02:12

A moment of serendipity. Let’s face it, the internet can be a sewer. Yes, there’s quite a bit of useful information out there, but sometimes trying to find it is like sticking your hand in a toilet full of crap to fish out a hundred dollar bill. DATABASE Well, in... Read more Β»

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