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Turn Thinking Into Doing (But Do Some Actual Thinking First).

27 August 2023 at 01:28

It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. It’s been quite a summer! Flooding, extreme heat, wild fires, and (at this writing) a hurricane just tore up the Western USA and another storm is churning in the Gulf of Mexico. Every time... Read more Β»

The post Turn Thinking Into Doing (But Do Some Actual Thinking First). appeared first on Off Grid Ham.

Planning For Off Grid Home Solar.

27 April 2023 at 01:15

Wish list. Most off grid hams are off grid only for portable operations. Many of them would like a larger, permanent home system but don’t know where to start or what such a project involves. If having an off grid home solar power system has been a longtime wish, this... Read more Β»

The post Planning For Off Grid Home Solar. appeared first on Off Grid Ham.
