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Version II of 15-10 Rig -- Updates on Bal Mod, AF amp, and RF Amp, DX

24 May 2024 at 18:04

Version II of the 15-10 rig is mostly done. I did a lot of work on the AF amp, balanced modulator, Mic amp, carrier oscillator, and filter. Dean KK4DAS and I continue to test and measure the RF power amplifier. I describe the brutally simple, non-sequenced T/R switching arrangement, and the spread-out open air construction style.

Version I of this rig is on its way to the Dominican Republic. Version II will stay in Virginia. I have already worked a lot of SSB DX with this rig, including, Thailand, Taiwan, China, India, Kenya, Australia, American Samoa, and others.

This video was inspired by the recent work of Nick M0NTV and Charlie ZL2CTM. And of course, Pete Juliano N6QW.

Xiegu X6200: Released for Preorder

Discover the latest in ham radio technology with the Xiegu X6200, featuring RF direct sampling, versatile frequency support, and built-in wireless capabilities. Explore key features, setup tips, and recommended accessories in our comprehensive overview.

(tr)uSDX met β€˜Morseman’ single-lever paddle

5 May 2024 at 18:34

Na de radiostilte van de laatste tijd toch even een bericht posten. Met CW ben ik sinds 2 weken helaas niet actief vanwege tinnitus-achtige klachten. De piep/ruis in mijn oren klinkt als wel 100 oude beeldbuis TV’s, de OM’s weten wat ik bedoel. Dit β€˜geluid’ vermengt met CW zorgt ervoor dat ik de morse code haast niet meer kan nemen. De concentratie is dan in ieder geval geheel weg. Uiteraard blijft de interesse in CW natuurlijk wel en kwam iets leuks tegen op Facebook….

Op Facebook, (in de (tr)uSDX groep) kwam ik een 3D ontwerp tegen van een single-lever paddle voor de (tr)uSDX QRP Transceiver, ontworpen door Mark Hunter (KA9OOI). Deze paddle bevestig je aan de (tr)uSDX door het onderste paneeltje los te nemen en te vervangen met de paddle. Marc PD5ST heeft voor de mij de losse onderdelen van de paddle 3D geprint. Super gaaf en aardig dat hij dit wilde doen. Na nog geen 2 uur waren de onderdelen klaar (printtijd), wel moesten nog β€˜supports’ aangebracht worden voor het printen en dat kost natuurlijk ook tijd.

(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)
(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)
(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)
(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)

Het bewerken van het geprinte kunststof was lastig maar wel nodig om de paddel soepel te laten bewegen. Dus met een mesje en kleine vijl steeds hele kleine stukjes eraf halen. De contacten heb ik gemaakt van messing M3 boutjes en de β€˜veerkracht’ wordt gedaan door totaal 4 magneetjes, aan beide kanten twee stuks die elkaar afstoten. Dit houdt de paddel mooi in het midden. Nu alles afstellen en de bedrading plaatsen. En zo ziet het er nu uit:

(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)

En wil ik een andere paddle gebruiken of SSB op de (tr)uSDX? Dan trek ik gewoon de stekker van de paddle eruit en plaats een andere paddle of microfoon terug. Het ontwerp voor dit moois wordt door Mark Hunter β€˜Morseman’ (KA9OOI) beschikbaar gesteld op Facebook. Heb je geen beschikking over Facebook dan hierbij ook even de link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6596475

Dank nogmaals aan Mark Hunter β€˜Morseman’ (KA9OOI) voor het ontwerp en het beschikbaar maken en natuurlijk Marc PD5ST voor het printen! Mark Hunter is ondertussen al bezig met een dual-lever paddle. Dat zou ook zeker niet misstaan en misschien werkt dat toch fijner omdat ik natuurlijk al redelijk gewend ben aan mijn KENT TP1-B en BaMaKey TP-II (2).

Hieronder de (tr)uSDX QRP transceiver van van DL2MAN en PE1NNZ en de paddle van bovenaf. Het seinen gaat anders dan met de iambic paddle maar dat is even wennen. CQ CQ DE PE2V/P PE2V/P K ging foutloos zoals deels op het display is te zien…

(tr)uSDB met Morseman single-lever paddle Mark Hunter (KA9OOI)

En ja, ik hoop dat het geen blijvende tinnitus is en het een simpele verkoudheid of ontsteking is. Ik heb nu al bijna twee weken geen morsesleutel meer aangeraakt en ik ben bang dat ik het morse toch een beetje kwijt ga raken, in ieder geval de snelheid. Nouja, het is dan maar zo. Als ik straks maar weer lekker CW QSO’s kan gaan maken zonder dat het gepiep de morse gaat overstemmen. Ik heb toch eigenlijk al besloten dat ik mij niet meer druk ga maken om de snelheid. 19 a 20 woorden per minuut is prima, desnoods met een beetje Farnsworth spacing.

EDIT: zojuist bij de huisarts geweest en het trommelvlies zit wat naar binnen en er zitten luchtbelletjes achter. Waarschijnlijk gekomen door onderdruk tijdens de harde wind door een verstopte buis van Eustachius? Nu neusspray gekregen daarvoor. Helaas is de voelbare werking ervan pas over 2 weken. Nog even afzien dus. Wel wil ik proberen iedere dag even naar CW te gaan luisteren. Een beetje spelen met de toonhoogte van de sidetone. Het klinkt vervelend en een beetje raar zelfs maar dan raak ik het tenminste niet helemaal kwijt haha

Het bericht (tr)uSDX met β€˜Morseman’ single-lever paddle verscheen eerst op PE2V.

SolderSmoke Podcast #251 Aurora! CBLA, Winterfest, Legal Action Against SolderSmoke, HB sBITX, SDR, Raspberry Pi, Rounded Passbands, MAILBAG

1 April 2024 at 09:35
Aurora Picture by Dean KK4DAS

SolderSmoke Podcast #251Β Β 4-1-2024

Audio: http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke251.mp3

Videos:Β Podcast 251 Aurora! CBLA, Winterfest, Legal Threat, sBITX, SDR, RaspPi, Rounded Passbands, MAILBAG (youtube.com)

Travelouge:Β  Dean goes to the North Pole to see Aurora.Β 

A CBLA Call to Arms!Β 

Winterfest.Β  Lots of goodies.Β  MXM Industries 40 meter transceiver. 1 dollar.Β 

Jean Shepherd. Recording of Bill talking to Shep in 1976.Β 
Β https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/03/listen-to-me-talking-to-jean-shepherd.html

Legal Trouble: Could put us out of operation for a while.Β  We need listener input.Β 

November 2023

December 2023


Pete's Bench

Homebrew SDR (based on Zl2CTM’s original design) and how good it sounds.

Raspberry Pi Zero W is now working on FT-8 with digital adapter.

Ferrite Cores at Digi-Key (a replacement for the FT-37-43 where Β you buy 100 and the price is 21 cents/each)

ADE-6 –great specs in HF but more expensive than the ADE-1

For Pete's recent blog posts, go to this site and click on "Archive" in the right column:Β 



Dean's BenchΒ 

sBITX progress, McGyver-ing a lifted pad, replacing crystal on the CODEC board, sBITX success! See:Β 



Shameless Commerce Division:Β  Please use the Amazon link on the blog to start your Amazon purchases. And please consider using Patreon to support the podcast and blog.Β  We try to send extra content to our Patreon supporters. Mostly DIY RF --Β  Boards, Kits and Pete's PSSST


Bill's Bench

More trouble with the 15-10 rig.Β  Rounded passbands in 25 MHz filter. See figure 4 in both links:Β 



Experimenting with Balanced Mixers and Product Detectors.Β Paul VK3HNΒ  Suggests the MC1496 chip; Walter KA4KXX points to SSDRA circuits

But it is on the air!Β  Using the PA from a BITX40 module and an RD06.Β Β 

Put an OLD dial from Pericles HI8P on 15-10 version 1.Β  Soul in the new machine.

Pericles' Dial on the 15-10 RigΒ 


Grayson KJ7UM's Hollowstate video.Β 

Mike WU2D's amazing 10 meter DSB transceiver.Β 

Jack AI4SV (Dhaka Jack) liked video of recent QSO with AzoresDSB rig

Mike AA1TJ and Dave AA7EE on backwaves and 100 uW QRPpppp

Dave G3UURΒ  on my curved passband problem

Alan W2AEW heard my only QSO with the MXM indsutries SupeRX/TX40

Wes W7ZOI, Mike WN2A, Walter KA4KXX. Farhan VU2ESE on passband,Β 

Ramakrishnan sent article about Charles Proteus Steinmetz.Β  Beautiful.Β 

Justin AC8LV built a receiver!Β  FB.Β 

San Francisco QRP:Β  Β KDOFNR TouCans Rig, and N6ASD Zinc-Oxide TX

Frank KC8JJL -- Another guy who heard first ham sigs from a homebrew rig.Β 

Nate KA1MUQ's homebrew thermatron superhet

Dino KL0S sent info on the PAL CB VFO I picked up at Winterfest. Airborne!Β 

Bob W8SX will be once again doing SolderSmoke interviews at Dayton.Β  Thanks Bob

Peter VK2EMUΒ  Always good to hear from him.

Tobias Feltus -- Wisdom teeth removed, wondering if he will get sBITX hallucinations...

Rick WD5L continues to work on his Herring Aid 5

Ciprian YO6DXE wants to learn CW. No alerts from his FB Blog!

Todd K7TFC -- Likes CW, says it eliminates the Blah-Blah-BlahΒ 


Finishing up (?) Version 2 of my 15-10 Transceiver (Video) -- An Annoying Residual Carrier Problem

15 March 2024 at 09:49

Front panel is on. RF PA is installed. Balanced Modulator problem fixed (?) Rig is on the air with about 3 watts, working lots of DX.

But there is an annoying amount of carrier that is still getting through. It is only about .5 watts with sidebands of 100 watts PEP, but it annoys me, and it makes the setting of the carrier frequency in relation to the filter passband very critical: If I set the carrier a bit too far from the passband I get improved carrier rejection (from the filter), but I also lose the lows in both received and transmitted signals -- the RX just doesn't sound as good. I see it in both of the 15-10 rigs (IF of 25 MHz). There is less of it in the 17-12 meter rig (IF of 21.4 MHZ), and none of it in the Mythbuster (75-20 meters) (IF of 5.2 MHz). I am now wondering if this might be a consequence of my using a very high (25 MHz) single conversion IF in the 15-10 rigs. What do you folks think?

From my log: March 7, 2024 PUT VERSION 2 of the 15-10 RIG ON THE AIR! 10S 1528 OK2RZ Jiri – said I was 57! 15S 1539 S52WW 58 Damian. 15S 1602 SP1NQH Stev said I am big signal! 10S S58N 1726Z 10S S58N 1726Z 10S S57S 1728Z 10S IK4GRO Lauro 1735Z 10S W0CJV 1825Z Ft. Collins Gary 10s 2000Zish KK7TV Gary in Randy. Asked what software/microcontroller I was using. 10S KJ5MFF 2015Zish a middle school in New Mexico. KI5MFF control op sent picture


Using the RF Power Amplifier of the BITX40 Module

13 March 2024 at 18:55


PA shematic from the BITX 40 Module
Click on the diagram for a better view

C.F. Rockey W9SCH (who alerted us in SPRAT 22 to the chicken sacrifice option) spoke of transistors that exhibit "quantum mechanical necromancy." Β Rockey explained thatΒ when this happens, "The transistor simply turns up its toes and dies. Not even an Atomic Physicist can tell you why!"Β Β 

This often (very often!) happens with homebrew power amplifiers.Β  So when we find a good one, many of us stick with it, using the same power amp circuit in rig after rig.Β  I have done this with the power amplifier from the BITX40 Module.Β 

Mythbuster (75 & 20 Meter) version (early)Β Β 
Click on image for a better view.Β 

Same amplifier built into Version 2 of the 15-10 TransceiverΒ 
Click on image for a better view.Β 

In the build for the 15-10 transceiver you can see some changes.Β  I used an RD06HHF1 instead of an IRF-510.Β  I used an 8.1 volt zener diode instead of the regulator chip. I set the bias at around 5.5 volts DC on the gate of the RD06.Β  Β I used a smaller, metal can driver transistor (it works fine). I changed the input/output physical configuration between the pre-driver and the driver stages (I think it was kind of goofy the way I had it in the Mythbuster).Β  Finally, you can see how I used a small piece of copper tape (with conductive adhesive) to shield the line going from the driver transformer to the gate of the RD06.Β  The wire was too small to use a bit of shielded coax, but I think the copper tape and the copper clad board beneath it work just as well.Β 

Farhan provided me with some fascinating background on this circuit:Β 


I just saw your post on the bitx40 power amp. The credit must go to Wes for this, it is from the Lichen transceiver described in 6.9 of the EMRFD. I merely copied it with some modifications for it to work with junkbox components.

It bears mentioning that at that time I didn't have a way of generating two tone signal or measuring the IMDR. Those came later when I built my own spectrum analyzer based on Wes and Terry White's spectrum analyzer. It was sheer luck that I picked this power chain that already had careful gain distribution.

For the output, the original build used and LPF with inductors wound on a ballpen shell and TV baluns cores instead of toroids. Again, it was incredibly lucky that they worked at all.Β 

- f

Innovation and a Dual Band Sweep with Version 2 of the 15-10 Transceiver

25 February 2024 at 17:29

Here are a couple of videos on Version 2 of my 15-10 SSB transceiver.Β  In the video above I try to show the advances and innovations that have been made since the start of my BITX construction adventure back in 2013.Β Β 

Β The video below shows the receiver in action this morning on 15 and 10 meter SSB.Β  I think it sounds pretty good.Β 

Click on the image for a better look

Farhan asked what the passband of the 25 MHz crystal filter looked like.Β  I sent him this.Β  I think it looks very good, and shows that it is possibleΒ to use an IF this high.Β  This permits us to not only set up the transceiver for dual band coverage (in this case 15 and 10 meters), but it also allows for a lower frequency VFO (in this case around 3.5 MHz) with a resulting increase in VFO stability.Β Β 

CW (Morse) perikelen…. (5)

13 November 2023 at 10:32

We zijn al aardig onderweg met CW Morse Code. Dat wil zeggen, ik oefen iedere dag volgens de CW Academy Fundamental Curriculum van CWops. Het begint alleen nu wel pittig te worden. Dat vond ik natuurlijk ook al helemaal aan het begin van de hele Morse Code belevingsreis en ben al zoveel verder. Dus ook nu komt het wel goed.

Ik blijf contact onderhouden met Daniel M0SDB die mij nog steeds goede tips kan geven en mij kan motiveren. En toch begint het langzaamaan in mijn hoofd tegen te staan dat ik CW Morse Code niet kan nemen (verstaan) bij 13 tot 15 WPM (Woorden per minuut) wanneer dit zonder Farnsworth spacing wordt gezonden. En natuurlijk leer ik nu nog met een Farnsworth spacing van 9 WPM maar wel met 25 WPM karaktersnelheid! Ik probeer het van mij af te zetten en maar gewoon door te gaan….. de resultaten van de cursus worden ook steeds slechter. Heel begrijpelijk omdat de snelheid omhoog gaat (hogere Farnsworth spacing), dus de tijd om euh… te euh… euh… denken wordt ook steeds korter. Het seinen gaat gelukkig wel steeds beter. Tenminste als ik het geklik van de relais in de Icom IC7300 kan negeren. Want dat is wel een dingetje. Ik met mijn Misofonie haha.

Ik heb ondertussen al 5 CW QSO’s in het log staan en dat is al best heel leuk. Dit worden er ongetwijfeld steeds meer. Naarmate ik verder kom met de cursus zal het nemen van CW ook steeds beter gaan. En soms lukt het even niet. Nouja…. niet erg, toch?

CW QSO's tot nu toe....

Gisteravond heb ik mijn eerste CW QSO met de (tr)uSDX gemaakt. Dit ook weer met Daniel M0SDB. Het verliep wat lastig door de fluctuerende condities maar het lukte wel. En dat met zo’n 4 Watt dus QRP. Een QSO met Martin PE1EEC lukte helaas niet omdat zijn signaal helemaal verdween. Volgende keer beter! Wel heb ik nog een tweede QSL kaart ontvangen van DL1DUS via eQSL:

Lees hier hoe het allemaal begon met CW

Of ga verder naar Morse perikelen deel 6

Het bericht CW (Morse) perikelen…. (5) verscheen eerst op PE2V.

The DL2MAN / PE1NNZ (tr)uSDX: A Pocket-Sized 5 Band QRP Transceiver

Are you looking for a super compact, portable QRP transceiver for your BOTA, POTA or SOTA ham radio operations? Then read on and watch DL2MAN’s video about his (tr)uSDX non-clone QRP transceiver.


Since I recently got a Venus-Tech SW-3B, I had not paid much attention to the (tr)uSDX rig from DL2MAN/PE1NNZ until now. YES! I am a BIG sucker for QRP stuff and just had to add one of these pocket sized rigs to my QRP stable. So, I pulled the trigger and placed my order for an assembled rig with AliExpress. AliExpress was listed as one of DL2MAN’s Where to Buy recommendations.

The (tr)uSDX is a 5-band, multi-mode transceiver that packs an efficient class E PA and supports CW/LSB/USB/AM/FM. It covers by default 80/60/40/30/20m (alternative filter setups possible). What sets it apart from the tons of clones is that every unit sold has its own serial number. To download the firmware upgrade you must enter your serial number and call sign into the web site. Your unique firmware will then be loaded into the radio, and your call will be displayed on the screen.

Sharing DL2MAN’s video about his design, operation and features of his (tr)uSDX transceiver might be valuable for those who want to learn more about it or considering one of these pocket transceivers for themselves. DL2MAN has a bunch of videos about his design on his YouTube channel.

Key Takeaways:

  • The (tr)uSDX transceiver is a compact, portable, and powerful 5-band, multi-mode transceiver that supports CW/LSB/USB/AM/FM.
  • Each unit sold has its own serial number, and you can upgrade your firmware only by entering your serial number and call sign into the firmware download website.
  • The transceiver is easy to use, and you can change various options in the menus to suit your needs, such as TX drive and noise gate.

Step-by-Step Firmware Upgrade Process:

  • Go to the firmware download web site and enter your serial number and call sign.
  • Download your unique firmware file.
  • Connect your (tr)uSDX to your computer via a USB cable.
  • Open the firmware update software and select your firmware file.
  • Click the β€œUpload” button to start the firmware upgrade process.
  • Wait for the firmware upgrade process to finish.
  • Disconnect your (tr)uSDX from your computer and turn it on.
  • Your new firmware and callsign should be displayed on the screen.


  • DL2MAN web site – (Manual) The official website of the creator of the (tr)uSDX transceiver.
  • eHam.net review – A review of the (tr)uSDX transceiver on eHam.net.
  • DX Explorer article – An article about the (tr)uSDX transceiver on DX Explorer.
  • QRPer.com has a video review of the (tr)uSDX,


The (tr)uSDX is a super pocket-sized QRP transceiver designed by Guido (PE1NNZ) and Manuel (DL2MAN) that has been widely anticipated by the amateur radio community. The transceiver boasts up to 5 watts output power, CW, SSB, FM, and AM modes, a built-in microphone, five bands (80, 60, 40, 30, and 20 meters), a super compact and lightweight form factor, and an open-source hardware and software design.

Based on the web search results, it is clear that the (tr)uSDX is a pocket-sized QRP transceiver capable of working multiple modes on 5 bands at 5 watts, and weighing less than 5 ounces. It has a Micro USB CAT and Programming Interface, and can create 0.5W Output from 5V USB Supply alone. It typically draws 80mA on RX and 500mA on TX at 13.8V with 85% PA Efficiency. The small size of the (tr)uSDX makes it excellent for portable work, and it can be used for CW, SSB, and digital ops as well.

One notable aspect of the (tr)uSDX is that it is an open source project and available for a very reasonable price. According to one review, the assembled transceiver is sold below the $150 price point, which is impressive given its capabilities.

Overall, the (tr)uSDX appears to be a powerful and portable transceiver that can be used for a variety of modes and bands, and is available at a very reasonable price point. Its open source design also allows for customization and modification, making it a popular choice among radio enthusiasts.

Exploring the Kenwood TH-D75A: The Ultimate Portable Handheld Transceiver

Ham Radio With K0PIR

So you've seen all the hype about the New Kenwood TH-D75A. Here's my breakdown. After reading, do you think this is the ultimate portable transceiver? I researched the best videos on YouTube and made a playlist for your conveience. (See...

The post Exploring the Kenwood TH-D75A: The Ultimate Portable Handheld Transceiver appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.

New Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF D-Star Hand Held Transceiver

Ham Radio With K0PIR

Recently, I had the chance to view (videos) the new Icom ID-50A. From what I saw, it looks like a solid option for amateur radio operators seeking an efficient and effective handheld transceiver. With its impressive features and specs, this...

The post New Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF D-Star Hand Held Transceiver appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.

VHF Low Pass filter for DRA818V module

Β It is best to use the DRA818V VHF voice transceiver module with a low pass filter.

Since I'm building a VHF/UHF transceiver using the 818V and 818U modules, the VHF low pass filter was missing from the build.


This design was based from the one here and only some small values changes made , I placed adjustable cap's on the center elements (the 56pF), so used 10-60pF trimmer cap and used 32pF on the ends (10+22pF parallel).Β 


Β After build did some measurement on the spectrum analyzer:

Final iteration of the trimmers:

Β Attenuation at 200Mhz:

Filter shape from 100 to 300Mhz without normalization:

...now I need to finish the remaining of the transceiver..


Have a great day!

Icom IC-705 – considerations on RX power draw (wild guesses ahead)

By: Razvan
2 September 2019 at 14:06

I'll try to put together a breakdown of IC-7300's sections and how much power those use and try to see how Icom could've tweaked those to make the architecture "portable" for the IC-705.

The post Icom IC-705 – considerations on RX power draw (wild guesses ahead) first appeared on QRPblog.