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Farhan Talks Radio Tech at SolderSmoke HQ (EAST) (TWO VIDEOS!)

1 June 2024 at 11:48

Great stuff!Β  We were really fortunate to have Farhan and Humera visit the SolderSmoke East shack after Dayton and FDIM.Β  Dean and I had a chance to talk BITX with the creator. Here is the two part video.Β  Most of the tech talk is in Part II (below).Β Β 


Farhan and his zBITX

Dean and Farhan with three sBITXs

Dean's homebrew sBITX

Farhan Phone

A Really Cool Homebrew Computer

26 May 2024 at 10:15

Wow, very cool.Β  On Hack-A-Day this morning:

It caught my eye because the architecture seems similar to that of the MostlyDIYRF PSSST rig.Β Β 

There is a lot to learn from this little machine, especially for an analog guy like me.Β 


Pete Juliano's Amazing Videos -- 318 of Them!

25 May 2024 at 10:56

Blogs come and go, but (hopefully) YouTube is more permanent and accessible.Β  This morning I re-found Pete N6QW's YouTube channel.Β  When you use it, I suggest you click on "oldest" first.Β  This will take you back 14 years,Β  to Pete's time in the Pacific Northwest.Β  Β The video above (him playing guitar) was shot just before he and his XYL moved back to California.Β Β 

Here is Pete's YouTube channel:Β Β 

This is a tremendous resource for ham radio homebrewers.Β  It should be preserved and protected.Β 
Subscribe!Β Β 

Thanks Pete!Β 

Version II of 15-10 Rig -- Updates on Bal Mod, AF amp, and RF Amp, DX

24 May 2024 at 18:04

Version II of the 15-10 rig is mostly done. I did a lot of work on the AF amp, balanced modulator, Mic amp, carrier oscillator, and filter. Dean KK4DAS and I continue to test and measure the RF power amplifier. I describe the brutally simple, non-sequenced T/R switching arrangement, and the spread-out open air construction style.

Version I of this rig is on its way to the Dominican Republic. Version II will stay in Virginia. I have already worked a lot of SSB DX with this rig, including, Thailand, Taiwan, China, India, Kenya, Australia, American Samoa, and others.

This video was inspired by the recent work of Nick M0NTV and Charlie ZL2CTM. And of course, Pete Juliano N6QW.
