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HAARP director says timing of the May 2024 HAARP tests and aurora were a coincidence

I recently had a post up about the May 2024 HAARP radio transmission tests in Alaska... see HERE

During the HAARP tests which ran from the 8th to 10th of May, there was also a very large auroraΒ  visible on the 10th of May. Apparently many people in the media and public were wondering if the two were connected?

In a statement, HAARP director Jessica Phillips said that the two events were a coincidence and were in no way connected.

Phillips writes... β€œWe have been responding to many inquiries from the media and the public. The HAARP scientific experiments were in no way linked to the solar storm or high auroral activity seen around the globe.” 

The news item on the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska website goes on to say... β€œThe May HAARP campaign was scheduled about a month and a half before the geomagnetic storm. The timing was purely coincidental; geomagnetic storms are unpredictable, with lead times before a solar event is detected from Earth measured in minutes, not months.”

Link... https://www.gi.alaska.edu/news/solar-storm-not-haarp-creates-intense-auroral-display

A POTA Aurora?

By: robert
11 May 2024 at 18:09

Aurora watching turned into a thing when the largest Geomagnetic Storm in more than two decades gave us Earthlings a spectacular view of the power and majesty of our sun last night.Β  Sadly, Rhode Island weather wasn’t as cooperative as it could have been, as it was very cloudy until about 3:30 AM this morning.Β  But that didn’t stop my wife, daughter, and me from heading out at O’dark hundred to see the sights.

View to NW around 3:30 AM near Schartner Farms in Exeter RI

My wife and daughter can be seen on the shore of Barber Pond (POTA US-10548) around 4:00 AM enjoying the celestial display due west

This amazing global display of Auroral activity was spawned by the first few of a large series of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), impacting the Earth Friday afternoon.Β  This drove the Kp level up to 9 and generated a G5 storm.Β  While things tapered off a bit this morning, they are back up to a level 8, with several more CMEs due to impact us in the next day.Β  Those with clear weather may be lucky enough to see more displays tonight.

By the way, viewing the event through recent smartphones will reveal more colors and details than can be seen by the naked eye.Β  In the examples above, the Aurora was occurring over the West Coast thousands of miles awayΒ  Had the sky been clear around 10 PM, the display would have been on top of us.Β  Nevertheless we could still see the Aurora with our naked eyes, but mostly saw the whitish green colors of the shimmering curtains.

I love stuff like this!

Β Definitely from the "Don't believe everything you see on the internet" file.

In all my 67 years of living in New Jersey and in the some 45 years of paying attention to this stuff as an Amateur Radio operator, I have never seen aurora in New Jersey, ever!

I think it would take an almost Carrington type event for aurora to be seen this far south of the Arctic Circle. And if aurora was actually able to be seen over my state, then invariably it would be cloudy or overcast and that would "86" the opportunity.

This latest geomagnetic storm was intense, but it didn't shut down HF communications - not by a long shot. I was able to make contacts on 20 and 30 Meters yesterday afternoon, and the St. Max Net on 75 Meters last night went exceptionally well. I was able to hear everyone who participated and that's not often the case. Yeah, the band was a little noisier than it has been, but that's probably due more to the fact that we're approaching Spring atmospheric conditions.Β 

In addition, I'm not sure where places like earth.com get their information. The aurora maps that I saw that were published by NOAA yesterday didn't even show NY State as a possibility. And as far as I'm concerned, I think the best chance of me EVER being able to see aurora would be if a very severe geomagnetic storm occurred while we are up at Lake George some summer from now.

Aurora visible from Alabama? Maybe I'm dead wrong, but I would think that if that were the case, then the skies over New Jersey would be a spectacular light show!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
