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…And Now The Little Ham Radio Workshop Is Starting To Become An Electronics/RF Lab…

27 August 2024 at 03:00

From Top to Bottom:

  • Bell System CK-14510-L11 Analog Multimeter
  • Topward 8112 2MHz Digital Function Generator
  • Philips/Fluke PM-6666 120 MHz Frequency Counter
  • Tektronix CMC251 1.3GHz Frequency Counter
  • Tektronix 2465 300MHz 4-Channel Oscilloscope
  • Hameg HM5014 1GHz Spectrum Analyzer with Tracking Generator

Not shown are my RigExpert VNAs, the NanoVNA, the Koolertron 60MHz function generator, the Tacklife 30V 5A variable DC power supply, and handheld digital multi- and LCR meters. On the bench is the Weller WE1010NA soldering station. Oh yeah, and my Elegoo 3D printer.

I think its turning into a proper little radio lab! State of the art, circa 1982!


ADF4351 Signal Generator with frequency select

Another one for the list of projects with the ADF4351, following the ADF4351 Signal Generator and the ADF4351 signal generator with sweep

 This one to be used on a future project, a transverter for QO-100 satellite where a TX and RX frequency will be needed, depending if RX or TX enabled. The original design of the RX for around 50Mhz is that it can be divided by two so that signal will drive the 25Mhz oscillator of the LNB. I'll probably do that way for the LNB but also as full down conversion from 790Mhz.

 Main code is from F1CJN at: with small changes for my particular board and needs. 


 The end result:

 The diagram:

might need a pull down resistor on pin D5 to ground since on open air even a finger touch will make it select the TX frequency. On "0" then default to enable the RX frequency. Added an LED to be on during TX frequency select and blinking 3 times during boot. The MUX out is not needed but could be implemented on the future to check if the lock is on.

The code (will change the TX and RX frequency for my needs in the future): 

 Original at:

Bellow with changes:
///// code adf4351_dual_v1.ino
/// look for " PFDRFout=25; // Frequence de reference" if using a 10Mhz reference /// on the board

//   ADF4351 with fixed frequency
//   By Alain Fort F1CJN november 29,2019
//  ****************************************************** FRANCAIS *******************************************************
//  Ce programme permet de programmer un ADF 4351 avec deux fréquences fixes et en utilisant une fréquence de reférence de 10 MHz.
//  La premiére frequence frequence est utilisée avec un convertisseur émission (RX=0 et la seconde avec RX=1.Selection par PIN 5
//  Les fréquence de sortie peuvent être modifiées aux lignes 79 et 80 en conservant le format.
//  La frequence de reference peut être modidiée à la ligne ligne 70  (10MHz par défaut)
//  ********************************************* HARDWARE IMPORTANT *******************************************************
//  Avec un Arduino UN0 : utilise un pont de résistances pour réduire la tension, MOSI (pin 11) vers
//  ADF DATA, SCK (pin13) vers CLK ADF, Select (PIN 3) vers LE
//  Resistances de 560 Ohm avec 1000 Ohm à la masse sur les pins 11, 13 et 3 de l'Arduino UNO pour
//  que les signaux envoyés DATA, CLK et LE vers l'ADF4351 ne depassent pas 3,3 Volt.
//  Pin 2 de l'Arduino (pour la detection de lock) connectee directement à la sortie MUXOUT de la carte ADF4351
//  La carte ADF est alimentée en 5V par la carte Arduino (les pins +5V et GND sont proches de la LED Arduino).
//  ***********************************************************************************************************************
//  *************************************************** ENGLISH ***********************************************************
//  This software is used to programm an ADF4351 with Two fixed frequency, using a 10 MHz reference frequency.
//  The frequency can be changed at lines 79 and 80, using the same format.Frequency selection is done with Arduino PIN 5.
//  The reference frequency can be changed at line 70, using the same format (Default 10 MHz)
//  ******************************************** HARDWARE IMPORTANT********************************************************
//  With an Arduino UN0 : uses a resistive divider to reduce the voltage, MOSI (pin 11) to
//  ADF DATA, SCK (pin13) to ADF CLK, Select (PIN 3) to ADF LE
//  Resistive divider 560 Ohm with 1000 Ohm to ground on Arduino pins 11, 13 et 3 to adapt from 5V
//  to 3.3V the digital signals DATA, CLK and LE send by the Arduino.
//  Arduino pin 2 (for lock detection) directly connected to ADF4351 card MUXOUT.
//  The ADF card is 5V powered by the ARDUINO (PINs +5V and GND are closed to the Arduino LED).

#include <SPI.h>
#define ADF4351_LE 3

uint32_t registers[6] =  {0x4580A8, 0x80080C9, 0x4E42, 0x4B3, 0xBC803C, 0x580005} ; // 437 MHz avec ref à 25 MHz
//uint32_t registers[6] =  {0x3D88FA8, 0x8009F41, 0x14E42, 0x4B3, 0x91003C, 0x580005} ; // 1969,501 MHz avec ref à 10 MHz
//uint32_t registers[6] =  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0xBC803C, 0x580005} ; // 437 MHz avec ref à 25 MHz
int address,modif=0;
unsigned int i = 0;
double FreqTX, FreqRX, RFout, REFin, INT, PFDRFout, OutputChannelSpacing, FRACF;
double RFoutMin = 35, RFoutMax = 4400, REFinMax = 250, PDFMax = 32;
unsigned int long RFint,RFintold,INTA,RFcalc,PDRFout, MOD, FRAC;
byte OutputDivider;byte lock=2; byte RX=1;
unsigned int long reg0, reg1;

void WriteRegister32(const uint32_t value)   //Programme un registre 32bits
  digitalWrite(ADF4351_LE, LOW);
  for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)          // boucle sur 4 x 8bits
  SPI.transfer((value >> 8 * i) & 0xFF); // décalage, masquage de l'octet et envoi via SPI
  digitalWrite(ADF4351_LE, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ADF4351_LE, LOW);

void SetADF4351()  // Programme tous les registres de l'ADF4351
{ for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--)  // programmation ADF4351 en commencant par R5

//************************************ Setup ****************************************
  void setup() {
  Serial.begin (9600); //  Serial to the PC via Arduino "Serial Monitor"  at 9600
  pinMode(2, INPUT);  // PIN 2 en entree pour lock
  pinMode(5, INPUT);  // Pin 5 for TX/RX
  pinMode(ADF4351_LE, OUTPUT);          // Setup pins
  digitalWrite(ADF4351_LE, HIGH);
  SPI.begin();                          // Init SPI bus
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);           // CPHA = 0 et Clock positive
  SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);            // poids forts en tête

  PFDRFout=25; // Frequence de reference
  RFintold=1234;//pour que RFintold soit different de RFout lors de l'init
  RFout = RFint/100 ; // fréquence de sortie
  OutputChannelSpacing = 0.005; // Pas de fréquence min
  RX=1; //

// ct2gqv
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);          // PIN 6 for display if on tx and blink 3 times during boot.
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(6, LOW); delay(500);
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(6, LOW); delay(500);
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(6, LOW);
} // Fin setup

void loop()
  RX = digitalRead(5);   // reading RX/TX
  if (RX==0){RFout=FreqTX; digitalWrite(6, HIGH);}  // output frequency selection // ct2gqv put out 6 high to display we are in tx
  if (RX==1){RFout=FreqRX; digitalWrite(6, LOW);}  // output frequency selection  // ct2gqv put out 6 high to low since we are in rx
  if (RFint != RFintold) {
    if (RFout >= 2200) {
      OutputDivider = 1;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 0);
    if (RFout < 2200) {
      OutputDivider = 2;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 1);
    if (RFout < 1100) {
      OutputDivider = 4;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 0);
    if (RFout < 550)  {
      OutputDivider = 8;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 1);
    if (RFout < 275)  {
      OutputDivider = 16;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 0);
    if (RFout < 137.5) {
      OutputDivider = 32;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 0);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 1);
    if (RFout < 68.75) {
      OutputDivider = 64;
      bitWrite (registers[4], 22, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 21, 1);
      bitWrite (registers[4], 20, 0);

    INTA = (RFout * OutputDivider) / PFDRFout; 
    MOD = (PFDRFout / OutputChannelSpacing);
    FRACF = (((RFout * OutputDivider) / PFDRFout) - INTA) * MOD;
    FRAC = round(FRACF); // On arrondit le résultat

    registers[0] = 0;
    registers[0] = INTA << 15; // OK
    FRAC = FRAC << 3;
    registers[0] = registers[0] + FRAC;

    registers[1] = 0;
    registers[1] = MOD << 3;
    registers[1] = registers[1] + 1 ; // ajout de l'adresse "001"
    bitSet (registers[1], 27); // Prescaler sur 8/9

    bitSet (registers[2], 28); // Digital lock == "110" sur b28 b27 b26
    bitSet (registers[2], 27); // digital lock
    bitClear (registers[2], 26); // digital lock
    SetADF4351();  // Programme tous les registres de l'ADF4351
}   // fin loop

//// end code

Have a nice day!


ADF4351 signal generator with sweep

Nothing major here, needed a small signal generator to test in the 10Ghz range (using harmonics from 3.3Ghz), decided to go with the ADF4351 module available everywhere. This is an improvement over the previous iteration here.
After the initial testing on 3.3Ghz made some changes on the software in order to set some common frequencies for future testing with QO-100 satellite equipment and also added provision to sweep around the frequency currently set in order to test some filters. Output on 3.4Ghz:
And testing the third harmonic:
The Rigol is not a 10Ghz version, I'm using a down converter before the input, that will be another post... The diagram, at this stage I still didn't added the two extra buttons (look on code for mode and band), to change band and to change mode between set frequency and sweep.
Inside on the almost final interaction (waiting SMA's to connect to front pannel):
And the front panel view working:

The code on the current version, keep in mind might still have some bugs, reach me for latest version if there is one: If blogger breaks formatting ask me a copy by email. 

   ADF4351 signal generator
   CT2GQV 2020

   Based on code from: ADF4351 example program

   VFO with 100Khz steps starting from a predifined frquency (UL frequencia) using 2 buttons for up and down.
   Display on 16x2 I2C LCD of the frequency set and the third harmonic value
   Also serial output of the main frequency set.
   Possibility to sweep for filter testing.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "adf4351.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define SWVERSION "1.4" // 2021-09-11
#define PIN_SS 9  ///< SPI slave select pin, default value
ADF4351  vfo(PIN_SS, SPI_MODE0, 1000000UL , MSBFIRST) ;
//unsigned long frequencia = 3333320000UL ; // 3.333.334 (10 Ghz n=3)
unsigned long frequencia = 3496500000UL ; // 3.496.000 (10.489 Ghz n=3)
unsigned long maxfrequencia;
unsigned long minfrequencia;

// unsigned long frequencia = 2000000000UL ; // 2.000.000 (10 Ghz n=5)
// unsigned long frequencia =    414000000UL ; //    414.000 (10.368 Ghz n=25)
// for 442Mhz use the bellow and comment the above
//   unsigned long frequencia =  442000000UL ; // 442Mhz or 1.326 Ghz , tird harmonic

// I2C LCD virtual pinout
#define I2C_ADDR    0x27  // I2C Address for my LCD, found with I2C scanner
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN     3
#define En_pin  2
#define Rw_pin  1
#define Rs_pin  0
#define D4_pin  4
#define D5_pin  5
#define D6_pin  6
#define D7_pin  7
LiquidCrystal_I2C       lcd(I2C_ADDR, En_pin, Rw_pin, Rs_pin, D4_pin, D5_pin, D6_pin, D7_pin);

// buttons for up/down in frequency, puleed up from 5v with a 10K resistor, analog pin will be short to ground for button press

int button0 = 0; // mode
int button1 = 1; // up
int button2 = 2; // down
int button3 = 3; // select / band / step

int opmode = 0; //
int tempopmode = 0; //
int band = 0;
// Band 0 - 10Ghz (3.3Ghz harmonic) - 10489.550 to 10489.795MHz ->
// Band 1 - 2400.050 frequencia = 2400500000UL
// Band 2 - 1969.5Mhz (-2400 = 431Mhz )
// Band 3 - 2256 (2400-144Mhz) - 2400.050 to 2400.295MHz
// band 4 - 739.55 - LNB out

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600) ;
  Serial.print("adf4351 VFO CT2GQV "); Serial.println(SWVERSION) ;

  pinMode(button0, INPUT); // mode
  pinMode(button1, INPUT); // up
  pinMode(button2, INPUT); // down
  pinMode(button3, INPUT); // band

  lcd.begin (16, 2, LCD_5x8DOTS); lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // 20x4 lines display LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("Signal Generator  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Ver: "); lcd.print(SWVERSION);

  Wire.begin() ;
     setup the chip (for a 10 mhz ref freq)
     most of these are defaults
  vfo.pwrlevel = 3 ; // measured at 3.3Ghz after 1m cable >> "0" = -8 dBm / "1" =  -5.8dbm / "2" = -3.3dbm / "3" = -0.4dbm
  vfo.RD2refdouble = 0 ; ///< ref doubler off
  vfo.RD1Rdiv2 = 0 ;   ///< ref divider off
  vfo.ClkDiv = 150 ;
  vfo.BandSelClock = 80 ;
  vfo.RCounter = 1 ;  ///< R counter to 1 (no division)
  vfo.ChanStep = steps[2] ;  ///< set to 10 kHz steps

     sets the reference frequency to 10 Mhz
  if ( vfo.setrf(10000000UL) ==  0 )
    Serial.println("REF.SET: 10 Mhz") ;
    Serial.println("ERROR: reference freq set error") ;
     initialize the chip
  vfo.init() ;

     enable frequency output
  vfo.enable() ;


  if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 ) {
    Serial.print("VFO.SET:") ; Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
  } else {
    Serial.println("ERROR: Set init Frequency") ;

vfo.ChanStep = steps[4] ; ///< change to 100 kHz

void loop()
  int buttonState0 = analogRead(button0); // mode
  int buttonState3 = analogRead(button3); // band
  int buttonState1 = analogRead(button1); // up
  int buttonState2 = analogRead(button2); // down
  // serial debug for the button for +/- frequency
  // Serial.print("B1,B2:"); Serial.print(buttonState1); Serial.print(",");  Serial.println(buttonState2);

// band / start/stop sweep
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState3 <= 100) {

   if (opmode == 1 ){  
       /////// start stop start procedure
       if(tempopmode == 1) // started
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING starded ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Stop---------->  ");   
        tempopmode = 255;
        maxfrequencia=frequencia+10000000; //compute the max frequency so we start from the one now and 100Mhz down and up
        minfrequencia=frequencia-10000000; //compute the min frequency so we start from the one now and 100Mhz down and up
        else // is stoped
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING stoped ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Start---------->");
        tempopmode = 1;
    // we are in band mode
    if (opmode == 0 ){            
      Serial.print ("BAND: ");
      if (band > 4){band=0;};
      if(band == 0){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);  };
      if(band == 1){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("TX QO100         ");   };
      if(band == 2){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("+430Mhz QO100 TX");  };
      if(band == 3){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("+144Mhz QO100 TX");  };

      if(band == 4){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("LNB OUT 10.48955");  };

        Serial.println(band) ;
     }; // let's change band
// end band up  

// mode  
  if (buttonState0 <= 100) {
      if(opmode == 0)
        opmode=1; tempopmode = 1;
        Serial.print ("SWEEP MODE:"); Serial.print(opmode);  Serial.print(","); Serial.println(tempopmode) ;
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING MODE   ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("START/STOP----->");   
        opmode=0; tempopmode =0;
        Serial.print ("BAND MODE:"); Serial.print(opmode);  Serial.print(","); Serial.println(tempopmode) ;
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("BAND MODE       "); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
  } // end if (buttonState0 <= 100) {

// if we are sweeping
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print(" .");};
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print("  o");};
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print("   O");};

if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){
  frequencia += vfo.ChanStep; // increase frquency by step
  if (frequencia >= maxfrequencia){frequencia=minfrequencia;}; // if we are on the limit then go to lower value
   Serial.print ("F:"); Serial.println(frequencia) ;

// up frequency
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState1 <= 100) {
    frequencia += vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      if (band == 0 ){lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);};
// end up frequency  

// down frequency
  if (buttonState2 <= 100) {
    frequencia -= vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      if (band == 0 ){lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);};
// end down frequency  

 // button software debounce if we are not sweeping
 if (opmode == 0) {   delay(150); };
} // end code




 Have a great day!

Microphone amplifier for signal generator external modulation input

 Needed a small microphone signal amplifier to connected to the external modulation input of the Wavetek 3001 signal generator so I can test an AM de-modulator.

Nothing fancy here, just basic electret microphone amplifier. Microphone is of the basic type sold for computers voice calls.

 The diagram/schematic:


The result:

Works OK for basic testing, maybe in the future will join a noise and dual tone generator.

Have a nice day!

ADF4351 Signal Generator

 Not much here, just a simple signal generator based on ADF4351 module from "fleebay". PS: there is an improvement over this code at this new post.

 I just needed to generate one single frequency that can go up or down in 100Khz steps via two push buttons. Added an optional LCD to display the main frequency and the third harmonic since I'm using it to verify some equipment on 10Ghz.

Test board:

On the frequency counter:

Schematic based on an Arduino Nano controler:

Spectrum output on lower frequencies (414Mhz) and output level at "0" (add 20db attenuation at the spectrum input):

and the third harmonic:

Power at "3" (second harmonic now visible)

 3rd harmonic as seen on a 10Ghz adapter for a 1.5Ghz spectrum analyzer:
(not calibrated):


 /// code start
   ADF4351 signal generator
   CT2GQV 2020

   Based on code from: ADF4351 example program

   VFO with 100Khz steps starting from a predifined frquency (UL frequencia) using 2 buttons for up and down.
   Display on 16x2 I2C LCD of the frequency set and the third harmonic value
   Also serial output of the main frequency set.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "adf4351.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define SWVERSION "1.3"
#define PIN_SS 9  ///< SPI slave select pin, default value
ADF4351  vfo(PIN_SS, SPI_MODE0, 1000000UL , MSBFIRST) ;
unsigned long frequencia = 3333320000UL ; // 3.333.334 (10 Ghz n=3)
// unsigned long frequencia = 2000000000UL ; // 2.000.000 (10 Ghz n=5)
// unsigned long frequencia =    414000000UL ; //    414.000 (10.368 Ghz n=25)
// for 442Mhz use the bellow and comment the above
//   unsigned long frequencia =  442000000UL ; // 442Mhz or 1.326 Ghz , tird harmonic

// I2C LCD virtual pinout
#define I2C_ADDR    0x27  // I2C Address for my LCD, found with I2C scanner
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN     3
#define En_pin  2
#define Rw_pin  1
#define Rs_pin  0
#define D4_pin  4
#define D5_pin  5
#define D6_pin  6
#define D7_pin  7
LiquidCrystal_I2C       lcd(I2C_ADDR, En_pin, Rw_pin, Rs_pin, D4_pin, D5_pin, D6_pin, D7_pin);

// buttons for up/down in frequency, puleed up from 5v with a 10K resistor, analog pin will be short to ground for button press
int button1 = 1;
int button2 = 2;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600) ;
  Serial.print("adf4351 VFO CT2GQV "); Serial.println(SWVERSION) ;

  pinMode(button1, INPUT);
  pinMode(button2, INPUT);

  lcd.begin (16, 2, LCD_5x8DOTS); lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // 20x4 lines display LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("Signal Generator  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Ver: "); lcd.print(SWVERSION);

  Wire.begin() ;
     setup the chip (for a 10 mhz ref freq)
     most of these are defaults
  vfo.pwrlevel = 3 ; // measured at 3.3Ghz after 1m cable >> "0" = -8 dBm / "1" =  -5.8dbm / "2" = -3.3dbm / "3" = -0.4dbm
  vfo.RD2refdouble = 0 ; ///< ref doubler off
  vfo.RD1Rdiv2 = 0 ;   ///< ref divider off
  vfo.ClkDiv = 150 ;
  vfo.BandSelClock = 80 ;
  vfo.RCounter = 1 ;  ///< R counter to 1 (no division)
  vfo.ChanStep = steps[2] ;  ///< set to 10 kHz steps

     sets the reference frequency to 10 Mhz
  if ( vfo.setrf(10000000UL) ==  0 )
    Serial.println("REF.SET: 10 Mhz") ;
    Serial.println("ERROR: reference freq set error") ;
     initialize the chip
  vfo.init() ;

     enable frequency output
  vfo.enable() ;


  if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 ) {
    Serial.print("VFO.SET:") ; Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
  } else {
    Serial.println("ERROR: Set init Frequency") ;

vfo.ChanStep = steps[4] ; ///< change to 100 kHz

void loop()
  int buttonState1 = analogRead(button1);
  int buttonState2 = analogRead(button2);
  // serial debug for the button for +/- frequency
  // Serial.print("B1,B2:"); Serial.print(buttonState1); Serial.print(",");  Serial.println(buttonState2);

// up frequency
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState1 <= 100) {
    frequencia += vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
// end up frequency 

// down frequency
  if (buttonState2 <= 100) {
    frequencia -= vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
// end down frequency 

// button software debounce
/// code end

Some other signal generators based on similar modules and also the ADF4355: (for the ADF4355)


Have a nice day!
