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By: Jeff
1 August 2024 at 04:48

Β This is one of three SOTA peaks in the Kaiser Wilderness above Huntington Lake. After some staring at a map, I decided the easiest approach was to drive up to Kaiser Pass, then follow the ridge. This is broadly what we did.

About to enter the wilderness.

The road gets pretty narrow and windy on the way up to the pass, so be prepared for that. There was plenty of parking at the pass, and even some bathrooms. Much cushier than I expected. Heading up the hill we passed a few campfire rings, then the sign marking the wilderness boundary. The slope here is pretty gentle, and it was a pleasant walk through a Sierra forest. On top of the first sub peak we headed down to the col.

Enjoying the view from the open areas.

On the way there we stayed high enough to avoid the marshy meadows. It was probably slightly longer, but having dry shoes made it worth it. The original plan was to get on the ridge and follow it to the summit, but the ridge looked pretty rough. We decided to stay a little below where we only had to walk through calf-high brush. Going was pretty easy, and there weren't any areas we had to fight through.

Huntington Lake.

After you pass around the last sub-peak, you can see the summit above you. This climb was the steepest of the day, but nothing terrible. From below it looks like there are some cliff bands, but the rocks are broken and it was easy to just walk to the summit. From the top the views to the north were excellent, there being a cliff on that side of the mountain. My Verizon phone had ok service, enough to put out some spots. AT&T had some, but not as good.

Making contacts with the new KH1.

The bands were not in good shape, but I managed to get enough on HF with only the KH1 whip. We called on 2m for a while, but there was a station hogging the calling frequency, so we didn't make many there.Β 

We retraced our steps, more or less, to get back to the car. We stayed a little lower on the ridge during the traverse, and it was just as easy as higher. It did mean, however, we had to cross the wet meadow. Luckily we were able to find enough solid ground to keep our feet dry. Back at the car we coasted down the hill to the general store at the marina to get some snacks and beverages, then back to the campground to relax by the lake.

Trailhead: Kaiser Pass.
Website:Β SOTA Site.
Route: Head west into the wilderness and follow the ridge around and up to the summit.
Red Tape:Β None. Permit needed if you want to camp in the wilderness.

W6/SS-354 Park Ridge

By: Jeff
9 August 2023 at 15:37

Β We had gone to Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks for the weekend, and before heading home decided to grab an easy SOTA peak. The choice was the nearby Park Ridge. We packed up the campsite, then drove up to the Panoramic Point parking lot.Β 

What a nice view.

There is a short paved trail up to the viewpoint. Definitely worth the trip up. From the viewpoint, it is a pleasant walk along the ridge. The ridge has open forest along it, and there are some nice views as you hike along.Β 
Another view from Panoramic Point.

Just below the high point there is an obvious hill. The trail has a switchback or two up this last climb. On top, there is more open forest. I stuck my pole in some of the bushes, and ran out the antenna. Since I was planning a quick activation, I only extended it to the 20m link. I had a little service on top, enough to put out a spot. I quickly got some contacts, including Germany.
General Grant tree, the third largest in the world!

It was a quick hike back down to the car, with another stop to enjoy the viewpoint. Back at the car we drove down the hill and made one last stop at the Grant Grove to enjoy the giant sequoias before heading back home.Β 

Trailhead:Β Panoramic Point Parking Lot.
Website:Β SOTA Site.
Route:Β Follow the paved trail to the view point, then the regular trail to the summit.
Red Tape:Β None.
Video:Β Coming Soon!
