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RAC Canada Day Contest-report

2 July 2024 at 23:04

Well the RAC Canada Day Contest is over for another year.

As with all the RAC Contests I set certain goals for my self and for this one was no different.

The goals were as follows:

HAVE FUN- This is a must. I am a casual operator and not a β€œdyed in the wool” contester. The main thing is to have fun and keep it friendly… This was not an issue and I had a blast working across Canada.


Well almost… I had contacts in:VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE7, VE8, VE9 and VO1. East Coast to the West Coast and the North West Territory.

Unfortunately this time VO2,VY0, VY1 and VY2 escaped me.

HAVE A SCORE IN THE TOP 50% OF MY CATAGORY. Needless to say that this time its not going to happen. I made contacts on 15m, 20m and 40m and they were good contacts…. I just needed more of them.

After about 9 hours of radio stretching it out over a 24 hour period it was all over. One of the lowest scores I will not be submitting but it was still fun.

Onwards and upwards so…. Happy 4th of July to my American Friends…. I’ve already gotten 7 of the 13 Colonies station in the log and I started chasing them today.

Check out their website for more information.


Then it looks like its back to β€œPlaying Pota” again ….


Coming soon….

14 June 2024 at 14:11

…. A β€œnew” POTA Park…

For those of you not certain where Uxbridge Ontario is…. Look up for a map.

From the info given on the Global TV site (see above link) I am led to believe that this will be a β€œDay Use” Park but it will be a β€œProvincial Park” which means that when the work is complete and the park is opened to the public it will qualify as a POTA entity once it gets assigned a POTA Number.

Looking forward to getting another new park in my log


Coming soon….

14 June 2024 at 14:11

…. A β€œnew” POTA Park…

For those of you not certain where Uxbridge Ontario is…. Look up for a map.

From the info given on the Global TV site (see above link) I am led to believe that this will be a β€œDay Use” Park but it will be a β€œProvincial Park” which means that when the work is complete and the park is opened to the public it will qualify as a POTA entity once it gets assigned a POTA Number.

Looking forward to getting another new park in my log

