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May Updates

Β Well we are only a week into May and work has been keeping me quite busy! Not much time to mess around on the radio.

I made a few changes to my setup since my last post. I now have a new L-shaped desk (more room for radios!). I picked up a new desk chair (way better for my back!) to go with the new desk. I've been working on cable management for the pat few days and I'm still not finished!

I was able to get a new G5rv up in the air with some help from Dad. This one I purchased from HRO. It is a Radiowavz brand G5. Seems to preform about the same as the old antenna. This one supposedly tunes on 6 meters. I haven't had a chance to try it out down there yet. But I was able to make several DX QSOs right off the bat. While I was placing and order I also picked up a pretty nice SWR/Power meter. It is a Daiwa CN-901. It makes a nice addition to my setup. I was using the LED bar graph on my LDG tuner for a wattmeter but it doesn't have the accuracy that I wanted. I also picked up a few short RG8x cables that are a little more flexible than what I was using. I wanted them to be more flexible to alleviate strain on the connectors on the equipment.

Now that I have an HF antenna back up in the air I've been working some FT8. I actually applied for a few more awards through the FT8DMC. Hopefully I'll get them soon.

I've started looking at options for a new desktop computer to replace my current PC. It's looking like it's going to cost about $1,000-1,800 to either build or buy a PC that meets my specifications. It's been hard to price components due to a LOT of electronic parts being out of stock. I'm looking forward to updating my setup.

I was able to attend the May KY4ARC meeting IN PERSON!! It was nice to actually be in a meeting with people instead of staring at a monitor. Hopefully I will be able to attend future meeting. It's hard to tell when I'll be able to go with my work schedule the way it is currently.

Lastly an administrative update for email subscribers. I was notified in the last month that FeedBurner, the service I use to automate email subscriptions will be shutting down in July 2021. I'm currently looking at a couple different options for a new service. I hope to have a solution in place next month.

Well no pictures in this one (again).

Hope to catch ya' down the log!



It's been a while...

Β Well it's been a while since my last update. Things have been quite busy. First I now have a full-time job! My schedule hasn't been set yet so it's been quite hectic not know what times or days I'm working.

Now onto the radio stuff.

During the recent ice storms we had a few trees fall. One of them happened to take down my G5RV. One of the legs is completely broken into two pieces and frayed really badly. Haven't looked at the otherside but it's on the ground as well. I'm going to need to replace it. Right now I'm not sure if I want to get another G5RV or something else. I'll probably take the remnants of the current antenna and make some other dipole out of it. The VHF beam seems to have survived the ice buildup with no damage. Overall we were without power for about 6 days.

As you can guess without an HF antenna and a new job I haven't had much time to get on the air. Due to my chaotic schedule I've been missing local nets. I was able to make the March Zoom meeting of KY4ARC (I'm actually a member now). If I end up working nights I won't be able to attend any in-person meeting now that they are starting back. Hopefully I'll still be able to make field day.

I was hoping to work the KA6LMS Last Man Standing special event but that's not happening. If I get around to it before the event ends I may try and work them on Echolink or DMR.

Well that's all I've got for now! Hopefully I'll have more it the next one!

Β 73


New year, New Goals

Β Well happy 2021 everyone! (I know I'm a month late πŸ˜‚)Β 

January started off with another meeting of KY4ARC via Zoom. I finally sent in my dues so I should now be a member.

This year I decided to set a goal of participating in as many contests as I can. I started off this month with the North American QSO Party, SSB. I didn't have as much time to operate as I originally expected. After operating for about 2 hours I only ended up with 15 QSOs. Noise seemed to really bad on 40m. 80 meters was a little better, though I had some trouble breaking through the pileups. Of the 15 QSOs 13 were on 80 meters and 2 were on 40 meters. Overall all I had 12 multipliers for a total score of 180.Β 

Winter Field day was supposed to be my next contest, but thanks to a power outage the Friday before the start of the event my main shack computer shutdown and now fails to boot. So my logging and digital software were inaccessible. It's been on it's last leg for quite a while. It desperately needs to be replaced. I'll eventually finalize a parts list and start purchasing parts to build a new more powerful computer for the shack. Until then I'm going to try and nurse the current one back to health.

Other than a couple of DX FT8 contacts earlier in the month that is about all I've done radio wise. I did manage to make a contact with South Africa I think that's my first. I may send out a couple of QSL cards to stations from the NAQP. I haven't sent any out in a while.

Well that's all for now. Hope to catch ya' down the log!



Not so spooky October

Β Well October flew by. I didn't get around to half of what I wanted to.

I worked some FT8 here and there. I qualified for a few awards from the FT8 Digital Mode Club. I got the Worked Prefix Award for working 100 prefixes on 40 meters. I got the Worked All South America Bronze award for working stations in all 10 South American Countries. The Worked All Members 100 Award was issued for working 100 members of the FT8DMC. I got the Worked United States Station 200 Award for working 200 US Stations. And lastly I got the Costa Rican Station Award for working 3 Costa Rican Station.

FT8DMC Awards

I was also able to attend a yard sale and acquire some equipment. I picked up a few sections of tower (with two toppers) along with a Alliance HD-73 Rotor (need to find a control box). Included with the towers was a 2m vertical and what I believe to be either a 2m or dual-band(2m/70cm) beam.Β 

Equipment wise I was able to get the following:Β 

    • Heathkit SB-401

    • Heathkit DX-40 Transmitter
    • Hammarlund SB-600
    • Knight Ocean Hopper
    • Signal Corp BC-342-N (Farnsworth Television & Radio)
    • Bendix Radio Type TA-12C Aircraft Transmitter
    • (2) Midland 75-764B
    • Uniden Pro 510XL
Equipment, Antenna, Tower

I need to go through all of the equipment and see if it works or what parts it needs. A couple are in a little rough shape. Looks like most will need new tubes. One needs new knobs. I think the 401 needs crystals but that's as far as I've gotten 😁. I haven't even looked through the box of tubes yet, that's going to be a chore.

Looking ahead I've found a few things to update my room a little and picked out paint colors so hopefully I can get that started soon. Ham wise I'm thinking about trying to work the ARRL SSB Sweepstakes this month. We'll see what happens.Β 

Well that's all for now! Kinda short, but there's pictures this time!!



Slow September

Β Well September has come and gone in this crazy year. EMT Class has been keeping me pretty busy so not much has happened radio wise. I've made a few contacts on good ol' FT8, but that's about it operating wise.

I applied for several awards from the FT8 Digital Mode Club. Hope to hear back that they are approved soon!

Some home improvement projects have been completed so I can finally start looking for a new desk. Moving back from my apartment I lost a decent chunk of desk space so everything (radio and non-radio) is crammed on one desk with no storage, just a hutch on top of it. I forgot how hard it was to find a desk that fits both space and personal requirements 😁. 

In other news I received my ARRL ballot for this years election of the Great Lakes Division Director and Vice Director. I hope all of my fellow members with elections in your division/section cast a vote!

I also made a few updates to the code plug in my 878UV. Eventually I'll get around to updating the radios in the car. Unfortunately my pi-star hot-spot has stopped working. Not sure what happened to it, seems like the MMDVM board is functioning but the Pi-zero is not. I've tried re-flashing the image and replacing the SD card. I've been wanting to upgrade to a duplex model, maybe this is a sign to pick up a duplex board!

I was able to attend KY4ARC's monthly (virtual) meeting for October. I'm looking forward to becoming a member in January when the dues are due!

Well that's all for now! No pictures this time!

See ya down the log!


Slow July Updates

Not much of an update this time.

After the 13 Colonies Special Event I took some time off from the radio to focus on organizing stuff after moving out of my apartment and updating the website.

I've added a few QSL cards from the KY QSO Party and the 13 Colonies event to the QSL archiveΒ (click link to view). I also added descriptions to each card so the album is now fully searchable (at least for me). The descriptions also allow the image to be accessible to people using screen readers. You can view the descriptions by clicking the (β„Ή) after clicking on an image.

I also added descriptions to all of the awards on the awards pageΒ as well as alternate text to the awards and images on my QRZ page. I received and uploaded my certificate from the KY QSO Party. My score was higher than what I calculated. I ended up 3,036 points. I'm eagerly awaiting the full results!

2020 KYQP Certificate
2020 KYQP Certificate

I made a few check-ins on the nightly Friendship Net on the East Kentucky Link System (via the KY4ARC Paintsville repeater) after setting my Yaesu FT-2980 VHF radio back up. Not long after some work was done to the repeater and I can no longer hear it. I found out that I can usually hear the N4KJU UHF repeater in Paintsville, via ONLY my Anytone 878UV (my IC-706mkiig seems to be deaf on UHF). I don't have a UHF rig (or antenna) that can reach the UHF repeater so I came up with a different solution. I rigged up a manual antenna switch to the feedline coming from my VHF beam and split it between the FT-2980 and the 878. I use the 878 to receive the UHF repeater and switch to the 2980 to transmit to the Paintsville VHF repeater (it can hear me even though I can't hear it). It's crude, but it works!Β 

I planned on attending the DX Engineering Virtual Event but ended up being away from home most of the day. I'm going to try and attend the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo on August 8 & 9. Looks like they have a good list of speakers!

A few other "behind-the-scenes" things were updated on the site to make things work and look a little better. There was also a slight change to the way the automatic emails are formatted (you probably won't notice the change). The domain for the website was also renewed for another year.

I may have some new to share soon! It'll probably get it's own post!

Well that's all for now!

See ya down the log!!



Fall is coming!

So it's been awhile. Again.

I don't have many updates this go around.

I received my digital interface from XGGComms. I was able to get it connected to the IC-706 and it seems to be functioning. I've tried making a few FT8 contacts with it but I haven't been successful. I was able to see my transmissions on a few PSKReporter stations so I'm sure it's working but one of the downsides of using the buddistick in my current setting is I don't get out very well. I can hear quite a few stations but they can't hear me.

Marathon station with MPD.
This past Sunday I worked with W8MWA and W8CUL to provide communications for the Morgantown Marathon. I was posted with a newer ham at a busy intersection where all 3 races cross a road. Overall it seemed like everything worked well, but there's always room to improve! We also had issues with one of the dreaded Baofeng sirens (some of you will know what I'm talking about) blaring over the W8CUL repeater.

Unfortunately due to commitments for a class on Saturday and the Marathon on Sunday W8CUL didn't participate in the Collegiate QSO Party. Maybe next year. However, we will be in the ARRL School Club Roundup (hopefully) next month!

This Saturday is WVUARC's first Tech-In-a-Day session of the semester. I'll be there all day teaching a few sections, VEing, and watching managing testing as the VE Team Lead. Hopefully, all goes well! We already have about 10 people registered!

Another officer in WVUARC and I had a meeting with one of the safety coordinators from the university to begin planning antenna repairs and maintenance on the roof of the Engineering Sciences Building. We'll be repairing our 10/15/20m Yagi, our VHF/UHF Satellite antennas, rehanging our G5RV, and adding antennas for our UHF repeater and our APRS Digipeater.

We also had another general club meeting. We changed the format a little for this one with a presentation before the meeting. I gave a short hands on presentation covering how to operate a Baofeng UV5R, the most popular radio in our club. Following our meeting the weekly W8CUL 2m net went well with 13 check ins, counting me as NCS. We are hoping to break 20 this semester!

I'm still working on the W8CUL digipeater. Hopefully it will be finished soon. The W8CUL DMR repeater is still not online. We are waiting for our duplexer to arrive from Bridgecom Systems. It should be on air soon!

HF wise I haven't been operating from my apartment much. I have spent some time operating from
W8CUL K3s with my ACLog.
the W8CUL Shack though. I was able to work part of Canada, Italy, Malta, France and an SES from Austria on 20m FT8 this week! I was also able to grab Slavko in Slovenia, a station in Italy and a station in St Pierre & Miquelon on 20m SSB. 20m was really hot the past few days!

Well I think I've rambled on enough till next time!

See you down the log!!

Another week in...(and some HF updates)

Well, it looks like I'm posting on Friday now. Isn't it funny how your schedule schedule is set the all of a sudden BAM another change!

A few things have changed with the apartment HF setup since I last posted. I now have an HF antenna! I picked up a Buddistick Deluxe pack. It's a nice compact portable multiband vertical
Buddistick setup in front of my door
antenna. It can easily operate on 40m-10m at 250 watts! I haven't had much of a chance to try it out yet. I managed to set it up the night I got it and could receive the OMISS 40m net pretty well. Tried a transmission on low power (I haven't fully tuned the antenna yet) and wasn't heard. I'll work on getting it tuned over the weekend.

I also ordered a USB digital interface for the 706. I went with the XGGCOMMS Digimode-3-Icom. It shipped this week so I'm looking forward to working some digital modes (mainly FT8) from my apartment.

I have also be using the W8CUL Station to try and participate in the Hiram Percy Maxim Contest. Using a tri-band yagi and an Elecraft K3s makes it a little easier. Though I have been fighting band conditions I have only made 2 QSOs so far. I'm planning to operate a little over the weekend to finish out the contest.

This week I also completed the Heartsaver First Aid CPR and AED course. I've been wanting to do this for a while. I felt that it was a necessary training to take, given that I work a few public service events each year (Marathons, bike races, parades).

Ready for the W8CUL Net!
The WVU Amateur radio club held our first meeting of the semester this week! We had an awesome turnout! Quite a few people have already paid dues as well! Hopefully they all are active members! We also held the first W8CUL 2m net of the semester. I created a new net control script for this semester to better accommodate traffic handling, since we call it a "Traffic & Information Net". I acted as the net control station and took 10 check ins, including myself. Overall not too bad for the first net of the school year!

Well I think that's all I've got for now!

Antennas & Antenna Accessories

This past week has been quite busy with a few radio projects but, more on those later!Β 

I made a few updates to KN4CFI.net as well. Most of the updates revolved around embedding social media links to my new Twitter account for radio related stuff. I also set up a link between Twitter and Blogger using IFTT that automatically posts a link to blog updates on the Twitter account. I made a mistake setting this up the first time and it double posted (Oops!). I also added a few new QSL cards into QSL Archive album.

I acquired some new equipment as well. To better facilitate my goals for my home VHF FM station I picked up a Yaesu FT-2980R to use as the primary transceiver from Ham Radio Outlet. The extra 30 watts should help me get into the local repeaters as it was a bit of a
6-element beam at 20-ft up
up the mast with center of
G5RV at the top.
struggle on 50 watts. I also purchased 50ft of ABR 25400F coax (also from HRO) to connect the Yaesu to the 6-element beam that I grabbed at the Louisa hamfest. The beam is up on the mast behind the house about 20-ft. I still have very low audio into the KY4ARC Paintsville, so I still have a few issues to resolve.

Β I also decided to move the G5RV from the mast to further up in the trees to change it from an inverted vee to a flat top with a little more height above the ground. It hasn't been moved yet but it's on the to do list.

My next project for the week was a suction cup window mount for magnetic antennas. I originally found the project a while back on the Sarasota Emergency Radio Club website. I thought this would be a nice, easy solution for my apartment where I can't put anything outside the windows. This project was relatively cheap under $20 (not includingΒ tax). Here is the parts & tools list:

Parts for Suction Cup Mount. Note: I decided not to use
the lock washers.

To start the build, I placed the box cover on the suction cup handle and marked where I needed to drill the first hole on the suction cup handle, for the holes in the suction cup you are only drilling holes through the static handle. (Note: Some of the box covers are a little different. Mine had a keyhole with a diagonal cut in the opposite coroner.)Β  After drilling the first hole I used a machine screw,Β washer and nut to secure the cover to the suction cup. I drilled the 2nd hole in the suction cup
Drilled Cover
handle allowing the drill bit to contact the cover marking where I needed to drill the hole in it. I removed the screw and nut and drilled the hole in the cover. While the cover was free from the suction cup, I drilled the hole for the screw that the brass rod for the tiger tail will be secured. I put this hole on the front side of the cover opposite the keyhole.Β 

Completed Mount for 2m.
For the screws used to secure the cover to the suction up I placed the screw through the hole with the screw head on the bottom side with the moving handle. I placed a washer on top between the cover and the suction cup handle then a second washer between the cover and the nut. For the screw that is used for the tiger tail I placed a screw with a washer through bottom side of the hole and placed a second washer with a nut on the topside. I bent the top of the brass rod into a loop that would fit onto the screw. I then put a bend in the rod so it would be perpendicular to the cover plate. I measured 19.5" (1/4" wave for 2 meters) from the bend and cut the rod with a set of heavy cutters. I attached the tiger tail by placing a washer on the bottom and top of the loop and securing it with a wingnut. This allows the tiger tail to be removed for easy storage. Now time to try it out!Β 

This week I also registered for and started the ARRL's EC-001 Introduction to Emergency Communication Course, so I'll be working on that for the next few weeks. Hopefully this course will help further my knowledge that I can use with ARES and EMCOMM.

On Thursday the 1st I attend the monthly KY4ARC meeting in Paintsville, KY. It was a great opportunity to meet some of the local hams and make a few new connections. I hope to get more involved with this club in the future.Β 
KY4ARC Meeting
I think that's enough for today I have a few other projects I want to work on so there may be some more posts like this! I will also be heading back to WVU and starting classes in the couple weeks so posting will most likely switch from every week to every other week (Unless I have something that deserves its own post!)!

Cameron, KN4CFI
