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Yesterday β€” 5 October 2024Main stream

ISS Special Event contact with Astronaut Sunita Williams

5 October 2024 at 23:14

A special event organised by the RSGBΒ and Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), in collaboration with the UK Space Agency, Girlguiding Surrey West and Brooklands Museum’s Innovation Academy programme took place today and I was fortunate enough to actually receive the signal from the ISS as it passed over Europe.

The contact with NASA astronaut Sunita Williams was also attended by The Duchess of Edinburgh who asked the first question via radio to the NASA astronaut.

Following this a number of girl guides posed questions which were very quickly answered as the ISS passed overhead.

Using my new Wouxun UV-980PL and simple end-fed vertical dipole I got a great signal from the ISS HAM radio station and was able to receive the ISS side of the conversation as the space station approached the N/W Coast of Spain until it eventually dropped below the horizon out of site nearing East Russia.

Below is a short video clip with audio showing the clarity of reception. The ISS peaked at an S9 signal, it was a perfect pass for the special event.

I’m hoping to put up a better antenna for 2/4/6m & 70cm in the next few days so that I can start joining the local nets on these bands and perhaps get contacts through a few more of the FM Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites.

I’ll also be writing a full article on the Wouxun KG UV-980PL in the very near future, so if this radio is of interest to you then watch this space.

More soon …

Before yesterdayMain stream

Space Station contact with students in Malta

By: m5aka
9 February 2023 at 13:45

Josh Cassada KI5CRH

Josh Cassada KI5CRH

An ARISS contact between students at Stella Maris College, Gzira, Malta, callsign 9H1MRL and the International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled for 12:34 GMT on Wednesday, February 15.

Update March 26: Report on the contact in the Times of Malta newspaper https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/ariss-mt-direct-contact-iss-via-amateur-radio.1021213

The ISS crew member will be astronaut Josh Cassada KI5CRH who will be using the ISS callsign OR4ISS. The downlink frequency is 145.800 MHz and the signal should be receivable in the British Isles and Europe.

A little bit of information about the school follows. Stella Maris College is a Lasallian school. It takes its inspiration from its founder John Baptist de la Salle. In the Christian faith, John De La Salle is venerated as the Patron Saint of Teachers.

Basically, a Lasallian School has the following characteristics:
A) respect for each student as a unique person.
B) A strong spirit of Community.
C) A school of Quality.
D) A school that embraces everyone.
E) Shows special preference for persons who are considered poor financially, morally, physically, psychologically.

Mission statement:
Our school is a place where everyone strives to create and nurture a holistic, inclusive and well-ordered learning climate thereby ensuring a high-quality, values-based academic preparation.

The school has an astronomical observatory and electronics forms part of the school curriculum.

The contact is being conducted by five local radio amateurs and we call ourselves ARISS team Malta; Dominic 9H1M, Manuel 9H1GW, Andrew 9H2AV, Trevor 9H5TS and Anthony 9H2AS. We have set up a station at the school’s auditorium and a 10 element crossed Yagi and rotator on the roof.

The whole event will be streamed live on YouTube on the following URL:

73s Manuel 9H1GW
