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nanoVNA – are you fazed by phase?

By: Owen
25 September 2024 at 20:41

The NanoVNA can measure and display β€œphase”, is it useful for antenna optimisation?

Some authors pitch it as the magic metric, the thing they lacked with an ordinary SWR meter.

In a context where it seems most hams do not really have a sound understanding of complex numbers (and phase is one β€˜dimension’ of a complex quantity like voltage, current, S parameters, impedance, admittance etc), lets look at it from the outside without getting into complex values (as much as possible).

The modern NanoVNA can display three phase quantities, only two are applicable to one port measurements as would commonly be done on an antenna system:

  • s11 phase; and
  • s11 Z phase.

Let’s look at a sweep of a real antenna system from the connector that would attach to the transmitter (this is the reference plane), plotting the two phase quantities s11 phase and s11 Z phase, and SWR (VSWR) and a Smith chart presentation of the s11 measurement.

Above is the measurement of the antenna system.

Like most simple antenna systems (this is a dipole, feedline, ATU), the most appropriate optimisation target is SWR, and minimum SWR well above 7.1MHz.

The SWR is 2.568 at the desired frequency, it is poor.

Do either or both of the phase plots give useful information on the problem, and leads to fix it?

s11 phase

s11 phase is -179.62Β° at the desired frequency (the marker).

Some authors insist optimal s11 phase is zero, some with a little more (and only a little more) knowledgeable insist it should be either 0Β° or 180Β°, take your pick. In fact the latter criteria essentially means the load impedance is purely resistive… but let’s deal with that under the more direct measurement s11 phase of Z.

Phase of -179.62Β° is approximately -180Β°=180Β°.

This metric is not very useful in this case.

s11 phase of Z

s11 phase of Z is -0.4Β°, approximately zero, which means the load impedance is almost purely resistive.

Of itself, s11 phase of Z does not identify the shortcoming.

So, what is the shortcoming?

If SWR is the optimisation target as proposed for this type of antenna, the SWR is poor, and the minimum is at a significantly higher frequency.

The SWR plot is revealing.

For more information, the value of Z is reported for the Smith chart marker as 19.47-j0.140Ξ©.

The reason that SWR is not 1.0 is that the feed point impedance is not exactly 50+j0Ξ©, and the main reason is that the real component is quite low at 19.47 and less importantly there is some very small reactance.

So, this provides information that to improve the match, the real component needs to increase significantly, and some minor trimming of the imaginary component.

Let’s make some matching adjustments

The sweep above is after some adjustment seeking to optimise the match.

Overall, the SWR plot shows that SWR is now fairly good at 7.1MHz, the Smith chart shows the marker just left of the prime centre so R is a little low and X is close to zero, the marker detail shows that Z is 45.57-j0.426Ξ©, so a little more information than the SWR curve, and with more resolution than reading the Smith chart graphically, R is a little low, X is close to zero. This is good information to guide the next matching steps if one wanted to refine the match.

The phase plots are of almost no value.


  • Neither of the available s11 derived phase plots are of much use for this matching task.
  • The SWR plot gives the best high level indication of the match.
  • Knowledge of R and X components of Z can be helpful in understanding more detail of the match and guiding matching adjustments.
  • This article has not explained the Smith chart in detail, it requires an understanding of complex quantities, so outside the scope and prerequisite knowledge set out for this article. In fact the Smith chart provides insight well beyond any and all of the other plots.
Last update: 26th September, 2024, 8:35 AM

DIY UHF short and open circuit terminations

By: Owen
4 September 2024 at 00:21

It is often handy to have a reliable / known female UHF short and open circuit terminations when measuring using cables terminated in a UHF male connector.

This article describes a DIY solution.

Above is a diagram from Rosenberger showing the location of the β€˜standard’ reference plane on UHF series connectors.

Above, the DIY short and open terminations. The short uses a M4x12 brass washer to short inner to outer at the connector body. This was measured using a VNA to have a one way propagation time of 50ps from the reference plane, and it is labelled for reference. The open termination simply has the pin cut off very close to the end of the dielectric, and again it measures 50ps.

These are not microwave standards, you are kidding yourself if you think you are making accurate measurements using UHF connectors above 100MHz, even less for demanding measurements.

You might wonder why you need an open termination. A UHF plug with a loose coupling sleeve and / orΒ  exposed male pin is not a reliable open with known location.

An example application is measurement of the above transformer (though with nominal load of 2450Ξ© attached by very short wires) using a short cable from the VNA to the UHF(F) jack, If the cable + SC adapter described above is calibrated with an e-delay value that shows X=0 over a wide range of frequencies,Β  removing the short termination and connecting the cable to the transformer (with load) allows capture of the impedance as exists at the point that the (blue) compensation capacitor is attached, ie we want the reference plane to be the inboard end of the UHF connector. In this case, we ignore the 50ps offset.

One could take that s11 data and apply a small +ve or -ve capacitance in shunt to evaluate whether the optimal capacitor is larger or smaller and by how much.

Above is an example of measurement a correspondent’s build of a hfkits.com EFHW transformer (aka ARRL EFHW transformer) imported to the L element as a .s1p file with reference plane at the UHF connector, and Ccomp is an additional +/- adjustment dialled up and down to optimise the VSWR response. In this case an additional 20pF provided a small improvement to VSWR on the higher bands.

For this technique to be valid, it is essential that the reference plane be where the compensation capacitor will be applied.

You wanted a LOAD as well? See A check load for antenna analysers with UHF series socket. If you want a UHF(F) load, do the same thing but with a UHF(F)-SMA(F) adapter.

Last update: 4th September, 2024, 10:46 AM

Videos I’ve been watching: HF propagation, how to use a NanoVNA, Hallicrafters’ world of SW radio

By: Dan KB6NU
2 September 2024 at 02:06

W3LPL on HF propagation

At an hour and a half, this video is kind of long, but if you’re interested in propagation, it’s worth watching.

W2AEW on how to use a NanoVNA to measure a filter’s characteristics

Alan, W2AEW, shows how to use a NanoVNA, which is one of the most useful tools for characterizing RF components and circuits.

Hallicrafters World of SW Radio

Back in the day, Hallicrafters was arguably the biggest name in amateur and shortwave radio. Unfortunately, this is just an audio file, but I guess, radio is audio so just close your eyes and imagine that you’re listening to this on a Hallicrafters receiver.

A simple NanoVNA test of a ferrite core and winding to check its suitability in a 50Ξ©:xΞ© transformer

By: Owen
26 August 2024 at 09:42

The most common problem of broadband ferrite cored transformer designs for RF is insufficient turns which results in:

  • low magnetising impedance Zmag causing:
  • high InsertionLoss at lower frequencies;
  • excessive core loss at low frequencies, and
  • high InsertionVSWR at low frequencies.

This article give a simple test for a transformer that will have a nominally 50Ξ© input or output winding

Without going into a lot of magnetic and transformer theory, a through test using a VNA of the core and just one winding configured as a 1:1 (50Ξ©:50Ξ©) autotransformer is revealing. If that combination of turns, core, frequency is not adequate, it is very unlikely any transformer

Above is a schematic of the test configuration, the DUT is the central element, everything else is supplied by the VNA.

Above is an example mystery core with 3t for the 50Ξ© winding, connected in shunt with the through connection using a SDR-kits test board.

The test board and NanoVNA-H4 was SOLIT calibrated for the test, the the DUT inserted. For this core, the question is whether there are sufficient turns for 3.5MHz and up, we will test to 11MHz as this test will not reveal the high frequency limit, you need the other winding… which you can put on having established whether 3t is enough.

Above is the scan on the NanoVNA. Here we note that |s21| @ 3.5MHz is -0.528dB, this has potential. The network is symmetric, and so only a scan in one direction is needed.

Let’s import the .s2p file into SimNEC and do some calcs. (Where the .s2p file contains zeros for the s22 and s12 columns, SimNEC assumes a symmetric network and silently copies the values… which is ok as this network is symmetric.)

Above is the SimNEC model. The plots include calculated:

  • InsertionLoss;
  • Loss; and
  • InsertionVSWR.
dcl pfwd=S1.P/(1-(Gamma(S1.Z).M)^2);

Above is the code for these calculations. See Measurement of various loss quantities with a VNA for meanings of the terms. In this source case of UseZo(), pfwd=1, but it may not be for other source cases.

InsertionLoss @ 3.5MHz is 0.523dB, depending on the applications requirements, that might be acceptable, you probably would not want any worse.

Loss tells us about conversion of input RF power to heat, and it is relatively low at 0.083dB.

InsertionVSWR is moderately high at 1.9dB, again it depends on the application requirements.

Overall, this 1:1 (50Ξ©:50Ξ©) is likely to be marginal to unsuitable for most applications and would require at least 4t all else equal to perform reasonably well.

Now increasing the step up ratio typically degrades these parameters a little, so this test really identifies the minimum core / turns / frequency configuration that may result in an acceptable transformer with a higher step up ratio.

The discussion has inferred that the final transformer will be an auto transformer, but the analysis is useful for a conventional transformer using a medium to high Β΅ core, just that a little more departure from the measured performance is likely with a high ratio conventional transformer.

So if such a test of the 50Ξ© winding and core has a bit of margin, wind the other winding and test the transformer.

7MHz and up

There are articles on this site that use this core (LO1238) with 3t 50Ξ© winding in 1:64 and 1:49 transformer configurations for an EFHW antenna system for 7MHz and up.

Whilst the combination doesn’t really make the grade at 3.5MHz, it does look better at 7MHz, see the chart above. Built, tested, measured transformers based on 3t winding worked well 7-30MHz (which suits lots of portable uses).

Last update: 27th August, 2024, 2:37 AM

Is port extension or e-delay a universal solution?

By: Owen
16 August 2024 at 02:58

Several recent articles examined the use of s11 port extension or e-delay in some scenarios that might have surprised.

Recall that s11 port extension adjusts the measured phase of s11 based on the e-delay value converted to an equivalent phase at the measurement frequency.

It is:

  1. an exact correction for any length of lossless line of Z0=50+j0Ξ© transmission line;
  2. an approximate correction for a very low loss length of approximately 50Ξ© transmission line; and
  3. an approximate correction for some specific scenarios such as those discussed at Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines – a practical demonstration.

Of course 1. does not exist in the real world, but 2. can give measurement results of acceptable accuracy if used within bounds. Both departures mentioned in 2. occur in the real world, non-zero loss and departure from Z0=50+j0Ξ©. Provided these departures are small, port extension may give acceptable results.

Let’s analyse some example measurements based on a 10m length of ordinary RG58A/U from 1-11MHz.

Above, measurement of the first series resonance with SC termination.

Note that the curve is a spiral inwards from the outer circle, the line is not lossless.

A requirement for e-delay to work well is that phase of s11 is proportional to frequency. This plot wraps, but apart from that, the plot looks approximately linear… however scale prevents detailed analysis.

Above, measurement of the first series resonance with OC termination.

Note that the curve is a spiral inwards from the outer circle, the line is not lossless.

Again the plot wraps, but apart from that, the plot looks approximately linear… however scale prevents detailed analysis.

Let’s find a value for e-delay at 1MHz and analyse the result.

Above is adjustment of e-delay to 115ns for approximately s11 phase 180Β° at 1MHz with SC termination.

The phase is correct at 1MHz, but at higher frequencies, it departs. So, the assumption that this TL has phase delay proportional to frequency is invalid. If you look closely, it is not a perfectly straight line, there is a small oscillation superimposed which is a sign of Z0 error. For these reasons, e-delay correction will have error.

Above is adjustment of e-delay to 100ns for approximately s11 phase 180Β° at 1MHz with OC termination.

The phase is correct at 1MHz, but at higher frequencies, it departs. So, the assumption that this TL has phase delay proportional to frequency is invalid. If you look closely, it is not a perfectly straight line, there is quite an oscillation superimposed which is a sign of Z0 error. For these reasons, e-delay correction will have error.

Let’s proceed anyway and look at the error. We will connect the 50+j0Ξ© termination load to the end of the cable and measure with each of the e-delays above.

Above is measurement of a 50+j0Ξ© termination with e-delay calibrated using 100ns e-delay (calibrated to OC termination). Note that the curve is a small circle, a sign of Z0 error and a hint that actual Z0 is about the centre of the circle plotted. Note though that Z0 is frequency dependent at these frequencies for this cable, so you can’t pin a pin on the chart and say this is Z0.

Above is measurement of a 50+j0Ξ© termination with e-delay calibrated using 115ns e-delay (calibrated to SC termination). Note that the curve is a small circle, a sign of Z0 error and a hint that actual Z0 is about the centre of the circle plotted. Note though that Z0 is frequency dependent at these frequencies for this cable, so you can’t pin a pin on the chart and say this is Z0.

At 5.75MHz and:

  • e-delay from the SC calibration, Z=45.01+1.25Ξ©; whereas
  • e-delay from the OC calibration, Z=45.01-1.26Ξ©.

For some purposes, that might be sufficient accuracy, for others it might be unacceptable:

  • Z0 departure is more significant for lossier cables below about 10MHz; and
  • in any event loss of tenths of a dB leads to measurable error.


Port extension or e-delay can provide a convenient means of shifting the reference plane given suitable test fixtures, but it is subject to significant error if the underlying assumption of lossless 50Ξ© line is breached.

Last update: 16th August, 2024, 12:58 PM

CMRR and transmitting antennas

By: Owen
11 August 2024 at 00:33

Since the widespread takeup of the NanoVNA, a measure of performance proposed by (Skelton 2010) has become very popular.

His measure, Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), is an adaptation of a measure used in other fields, he states that he thinks the application of it in the context of antenna systems and baluns is novel and that β€œCMRR should be the key figure of merit”.

Skelton talks of different ways to measure CMRR, but essentially CMRR is a measure of the magnitude of gain (|s21|) from Port 1 to Port 2 in common mode, with the common mode choke (or balun) in series from the inner pin of Port 1 to the inner pin of Port 2.

Note that this is the same connection as used for series through impedance measurement, but calculation of impedance depends on the complex value s21.

Above is capture of a measurement of a Guanella 1:1 common mode choke or balun. The red curve is |s21|, the blue and green curves are R and X components of the choke impedance Zcm calculated from s21.

Matched vs mismatched DUT

Case 1: impedance matched DUT

In this type of test, the DUT between Port 1 and Port 2 is a good match to both Port 1 and Port 2.

Lots of readers will understand that if they connected a long piece of 50Ξ© coax between Port 1 and Port 2, and measured |s21|=-6dB, that it is reasonable to say that the cable appears to have an attenuation or loss of 6dB for that length. Further, that the current into Port 2 is exactly half of that out of Port 1… the current has been β€œattenuated”.

If the DUT is deployed in another matched scenario, you would expect to observe similar behavior, including attenuation.

Case 2: impedance mismatched DUT

In this type of test, the DUT between Port 1 and Port 2 is not a good match to both Port 1 and Port 2.

For example, the matched DUT case does not apply if you made an electrically short connection between ports using a series resistor, the current from Port 1 to Port 2 is approximately uniform. If the DUT is a electrically short inductor, capacitor resistor, or combination with only two terminals, one connected to Port 1 inner and the other connected to Port 2 inner, the same thing applies, the current into Port 2 is approximately equal to the current out of Port 1, the current has NOT been β€œattenuated”.

If the DUT is deployed in another undefined mismatched scenario, you should not expect to predict behavior based on the simple |s21| measurement.

Interpretation of the |s21| plot above

The widespread interpretation of |s21| for the balun test described above is that it is a plot of the common mode current attenuation property of the balun.

That is deeply flawed, very popular, but deeply flawed. The measurement is of the type discussed under Case 2 above, and the two terminal DUT does not possess some intrinsic attenuation property independent of its measurement context.

Interpretation of the plotted series through R,X derived from the complex s21 measurement, so-called series through s21 impedance measurement

It is popularly held that it is valid to measure common mode impedance (Zcm) by this technique, superior even by many authors… but let’s stay with valid for the moment.

The calculation of series through impedance from s21 depends on an assumption that the current into Port 2 is exactly equal to that out of Port 1, there must NOT be any reduction or attenuation of current in the test setup, otherwise the results are invalid.

Properly executed, this IS a valid technique for measuring Zcm… and one of the necessary conditions is that there is no reduction in current from Port 1 to Port 2.

So, you cannot accept the common technique for series through s21 impedance measurement and at the same time entertain the concept of a matched attenuator DUT.

Bringing it all together

Let’s explore the system response using three terminal measurement of the antenna system impedance and the balun measured above.

Working a common mode scenario – VK2OMD – voltage balun solution reports a three terminal impedance measurement of an antenna system at 3.6MHz.

This following presents calculation of some interesting balun / drive scenarios based on those measurements and Zcm of the balun reported above, and repeated here for convenience.

Above, an identical balun was measured to find |s21| of the balun in common mode. Also shown is the s21 series through measurement of Zcm.

The oft touted CMRR is + or – |s21|, depending on the author and their self defining measurement. Let’s take Skelton’s definition and call CMRR for this balun 29.4dB.

Let’s list the key configuration parameters:

  • frequency=3.6MHz;
  • drive voltages V1 and V2 are not perfectly balanced as detailed in the table below;
  • other key parameters are listed in the table.

Above is a table showing for each configuration, the magnitude of the total common mode current |2Ic|, |2Ic| relative to the No balun baseline configuration, differential current |Id|, and |2Ic/Id| as a percentage.

Note that these currents are potentially standing waves, and they are measured at the antenna entrance panel, about 11 m of two wire feed line from the dipole feed point.

You might ask in respect of the total common mode current:

  1. is the no balun result surprising?
  2. is the current balun performance surprising?
  3. is the voltage balun performance surprising?
  4. does the measured CMRR of 29.2dB imply the reduction in common mode current due to the current balun of 24.3dB?
  5. what does the measured CMRR infer?
  6. can the CMRR be used in an NEC model of the system scenario?
  7. can Zcm be used in an NEC model of the system scenario?


  • Agilent. Feb 2009. Impedance Measurement 5989-9887EN.
  • Agilent. Jul 2001. Advanced impedance measurement capability of the RF I-V method compared to the network analysis method 5988-0728EN.
  • Anaren. May 2005. Measurement Techniques for Baluns.
  • Skelton, R. Nov 2010. Measuring HF balun performance in QEX Nov 2010.
Last update: 11th August, 2024, 10:33 AM

Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines – a practical demonstration

By: Owen
10 August 2024 at 10:44

This article presents a simple practical test of the concepts laid out at Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines.

Above is the DUT, it is a short circuit at the end of 102mm of two wire transmission line with VF=1, conductor diameter 0.47mm and 5mm spacing.

The transmission line is not perfectly uniform, but sufficiently good for this demonstration.

We are going to use port extension or e-delay to adjust the reference place to the short circuited end of the transmission line.

Let’s calculate Z0 and propagation time and phase length at 10MHz of the nominal transmission line. It is chosen for this example because it has a VF very close to 1, and is easily physically measured and parameters calculated.

RF Two Wire Transmission Line Loss Calculator

Conductivity 5.800e+7 S/m
Rel permeability 1.000
Diameter 0.000470 m
Spacing 0.005000 m
Velocity factor 1.000
Loss tangent 0.000e+0
Frequency 10.000 MHz
Twist rate 0 t/m
Length 0.102 m
Zload 1.000e-99+j0.000e+0 Ξ©
Yload 1.000e+99+j0.000e+0 S
Zo 369.31-j2.78 Ξ©
Velocity Factor 1.0000
Length 1.225 °, 0.021 ᢜ, 0.003402 λ, 0.102000 m, 3.402e+2 ps
Line Loss (matched) 1.41e-3Β dB
Line Loss >100Β dB
Efficiency ~0 %
Zin 1.198e-1+j7.953e+0 Ξ©
Yin 0.00189307-j0.12570620 S
VSWR(50)in, RL(50)in, MML(50)in 428.02, 0.041 dB 20.314Β dB

So, Z0=369Ω, and its propagation time is 340ps one way, two way is 680ps, βl=0.021ᢜ.

Using the theory set out in Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines, we can calculate the e-delay that should refer the reference plane from Port 1 connector to the end of the transmission line section.

\(\frac{\beta l Z_0}{50}=0.155\), so this is just above the limit of 0.1 radians for best accuracy, but the results should still be good enough visually.

\(edelay_{50}=edelay_{Z_0} \frac{Z_0}{50}=680 \frac{370}{50} \text{ ps}=5.03 \text{ ns}\\\)

Let’s estimate Z0 from the impedance of the short circuit stub.

\(Z_0=\frac{X}{\tan (\frac{2 \pi l f}{C_0})}=\frac{8.0}{\tan (\frac{2 \pi \cdot 0.102 \cdot 1e7}{299792458})}=374\), that measurement based value reconciles well with the calculation above.

Let’s plot the phase of s11 SOL calibrated at the Port 1 connector.

Above, phase looks fairly linear, but in fact it departs a little from linearity above about 6MHz, more so as frequency increases.

Above is application of e-delay adjusted to obtain an almost flat phase response to 10MHz. Never mind the phase wrap, but note there is a very slight upward slope in the upper part of the trace (obvious when the marker is swept over the area).

Above is the sweep from 1-11 MHz with e-delay adjusted to 5.05ns. The trace looks very flat, sliding the marker around shows it to be pretty good. This reconciles well with the calculated e-delay of 5.03ns.


Port extension within the limits discussed at at Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines. can provide an accurate, convenient and useful technique for referral of the reference plane without doing a full SOL calibration at that point.

Last update: 11th August, 2024, 11:02 AM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #6 – HC-05 Bluetooth matured

By: Owen
9 August 2024 at 20:11

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #1 – HC-05 Bluetooth described intial tests on a Bluetooth remote connection to a NanoVNA-H4 using an inexpensive HC-05 adapter by hc01.com.

UART connector

For more convenient access to the UART pins, I installed a SIL 6w female header and cut a 3x18mm opening in the back for access.

I have seen reports that the Bluetooth module can be fitted inside the case. At this stage I am reluctant to do that for several reasons, EMC being one, and a convenient means of turning the power off to the Bluetooth module is another (it might be useful if one of the IO pins signaled that the UART interface was selected).

NanoVNA firmware changes

Dislord made changes to add compression of the screenshot data transfer using a run length encoded (RLE) compression scheme (the capture rle command). This reduced the size of the data transfer from 300kB to around 50kB depending on screen content, and made transfers over a 38400pbs link practical.

Data channel error analysis

The data channel is the path from the NanoVNA to the receiving application software.


The NanoVNA’s UART port is a simple three wire serial port (GND, Tx, Rx) with ASYNC encoding. There is no hardware flow control, no error detection.

The prototype used a short unshielded connecting cable for GND, Tx, Rx, and Vcc.

If the connecting cable is short, there should be only a very small risk of bit errors. That may be worse if the system is subject to high intensity electromagnetic fields.

Simple bit errors that do not result in loss of an entire byte will corrupt the data, and those corruptions to some bytes of the encoded data may be detected as invalid values. Some bit errors will go undetected and be carried through as corruptions of the decoded image. This is no means provided in the data to detect the latter condition.

Bluetooth link

The Bluetooth link segment provides a reliable link at potentially very high air speed. I say potentially as it is a radio path subject to interference and loss of signal strength due to obstructions and excessive path length.

There should not be data corruptions over the Bluetooth link itself, but overrun of the input buffer is an issue.

Whilst the HC-05 appears to contain a sizeable input buffer, it is not sufficient to hold the entire screenshot transfer and so there is a risk of buffer overrun if the Bluetooth channel throughput slows. Buffer overruns would result in loss of complete bytes, one to many.

Loss of complete bytes will very likely result in failure to decode the RLE structure.

Receiving application

Because the end to end link is not a β€˜reliable link’, the way in which the receiving application handles apparently lost or corrupted data is important, and there is no β€˜standard’ way to do that.


The HC-05 Bluetooth solution is usable. Screenshots are practical with later firmware that supports compressed image files.

At the limits of radio coverage, communications timeouts will make the link unusable.

Last update: 10th August, 2024, 7:57 AM

Using your NanoVNA-H4 for Zref other than 50Ξ©

By: Owen
8 August 2024 at 21:37

An online expert recently promoted this way of using a NanoVNA on 600Ξ© lines: Normalizing the NanoVNA for any characteristic impedance.

Essentially, he calls for SOL calibrating the VNA with the L or LOAD being a 600Ξ© resistor.

This does have the effect of β€˜correcting’ all s11 measurements to be wrt Zref=600Ξ©, but most of the calculations of derived values like R, X, etc are wrong.

Above is an example where the NanoVNA-H4 was calibrated with LOAD=470Ξ©, and then that resistor measured. Note the |s11| is very small, it is correct. The Smith chart locus is a dot in the middle of the chart, it is correct… but the Smith chart marker legend shows Z=49.96-j0.0206Ξ© which is a gross error, it should be very close to 470Ξ©.

The instrument assumes that s11 measurements are wrt 50Ξ©, and this β€œtrick” does not consistently transform the measurements to the desired reference impedance.

So, in summary, while this does centre the Smitch chart on the impedance used for the LOAD, and some other displayed data is correct, some displayed data is grossly wrong, and many available displays are grossly wrong.

There is a better way…

There are many variants of NanoVNA-H4 firmware, and each in many versions. Some may incorporate the β€œPORT-Z” transformation shown below, some may not.

Above is a NanoVNA-H4 using Dislord’s NanoVNA-D reporting v1.2.37. This version was downloaded as beta firmware and might not be generally available. Competetive variants might have the same feature.

The VNA was SOL calibrated with a LOAD=50Ξ©, and the PORT-Z set to 470 to change the reference Z for calculation of related displays.

Note the chart is centred on 470Ξ© (the DUT resistor), the marker legend shows 467-j5.057Ξ©.

So if you want to present the measurements wrt some impedance other than 50Ξ©, this is the better way to do it.

A similar feature exists in lots of one port antenna analysers, some allowing selection fromΒ a small set of alternative references.

Last update: 9th August, 2024, 3:16 PM

Use of port extension or e-delay to measure a dummy load

By: Owen
1 August 2024 at 21:57

I have an MFJ-264N which does not perform very well.

A measurement of the impedance at the inboard side of the N connector jack would be informative.

So, a NanoVNA-H4Β  (SOL calibrated at the Port 1 connector) with short SMA(M) to SMA(M) and SMA(F) to N(M) adapter are available, but how to set the reference plane to the inboard end of the N(F) connector?

Port extension, or e-delay is a means of correcting a lossless (ie short) β€˜adapter’ where propagation time is independent of frequency, ie phase delay is proportional to frequency.

Above is a view of the inboard side of N(F) connector. If we can apply an effective short circuit centre pin to ground at that point, we can adjust e-delay to calibrate the β€˜fixture’.

Above shows a small piece of kitchen foil scrunched up into a ball and pressed into the space to short the inner conductor to the connector body. The piece is held in place with moderate finger pressure whilst calibrating the e-delay value.

Above is the display after tweaking e-delay for approximately flat s11 phase over the frequency range (save the wrap from 180Β° to -180Β°), a necessary condition for validity of the technique.

The VNA is configured with VF=1, so the displayed distance is the two way free space electrical length which reconciles with the approximately 200mm cable length.

Having calibrated e-delay, we can now measure Z looking into the dummy load from the inboard end of the N(F) connector. There are two significant problems:

  • R at low frequencies is close to 60Ξ© when ideally it would be 50Ξ©; and
  • X rises linearly to 4.7Ξ© at 100MHz, suggesting there is about 7nH of series inductance when ideally X should be zero.

The main problem is the resistance of the carbon resistor. They tend to age high in value, and operation at high temperature accelerates aging. Given that these are rated at 1500W for intermittent operation and the derating curve suggests they are probably not good for more than about 50W continuously, users should keep in mind that every cycle to extreme temperature accelerates aging of the resistor and upwards creep in resistance.

This one has not been abused, abuse will exacerbate the problem.


Port extension or e-delay can provide a convenient means of shifting the reference plane given suitable test fixtures.

Last update: 2nd August, 2024, 1:14 PM

Some useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines

By: Owen
31 July 2024 at 16:12

This article explains some very useful equivalences of very short very mismatched transmission lines. They can be very useful in:

  • understanding / explaining /anticipating some measurement errors; and
  • applying port extension corrections to VNA measurements where the fixture can be reasonably be approximated as a uniform transmission line.

Port extension commonly applies a measurement correction assuming a section of lossless 50Ξ© transmission line specified by the resulting propagation time, e-delay, but as explained below, can be used to correct other approximately lossless uniform transmission line sections of other characteristic impedance.

In the following, Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, and Zl is the load at the end of that transmission line.

The line section can usually be considered lossless because of its very short length, but whilst its loss might be insignificant, the phase change along the line may be significant and is considered in the following analysis.

The expression for Zin of a lossless transmission line terminated in Zl is:

\(Z_{in}=Z_0 \frac{Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)}{Z_0+\jmath Z_l tan(\beta l)}\\\)


  • Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the line;
  • Ξ² is the phase velocity of the wave on the transmission line, the imaginary part of the complex wave propagation constant Ξ³ (the real part Ξ± is zero by virtual of it being assumed lossless);
  • l is the length of the line section.

Ξ²l is the electrical length or phase length in radians.

Ξ² can be calculated:

\(\beta= \frac{2 \pi f}{c_0 v_f}\) which allows the equivalent shunt capacitance to be calculated (an exercise for the reader).

  • where f is the frequency;
  • c0 is the speed of an EM wave in a vacuum, 299792458m/s; and
  • vf is the applicable velocity factor.

The transmission line has a propagation time t:

\(t=\frac{l}{c_0 v_f}\) or rearranged \(l=t c_0 v_f\), or \(t=\frac{3.336}{v_f} \text{ps/mm}\).

Two cases are discussed:

  • Zl>>Zo; and
  • Zl<<Zo.


Recalling that the expression for Zin of a lossless transmission line terminated in Zl is:

\(Z_{in}=Z_0 \frac{Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)}{Z_0+\jmath Z_l tan(\beta l)}\\\)

Inverting both sides:

\(Y_{in}=\frac{1}{Z_0} \frac{Z_0+\jmath Z_l tan(\beta l)}{Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)}\\\)

For \(Z_l \gg Z_0 \text{, } Z_0 tan(\beta l) \ll Z_l\) and can be ignored.

\(Y_{in}= \frac{1+\jmath \frac{Z_l}{Z_0} tan(\beta l)}{Z_l}\\\) \(Y_{in}=Y_l +\jmath \frac{tan(\beta l)}{Z_0}\)

Where \(\beta l \lt 0.1\) applies:

For short electrical length, \(\beta l<0.1\), \(tan(\beta l) \approx \beta l\):

\(Y_{in}=Y_l +\jmath \frac{\beta l}{Z_0}\\\)

So, the effect of this transmission line is to add a small +ve (capacitive) shunt susceptance to Yl.

\(\frac{\beta l}{Z_0}\) is interesting:

\(\frac{\beta l}{Z_0}= \frac{2 \pi f}{Z_0 c_0 v_f} t c_0 v_f=2 \pi f \frac{t}{Z_0}\\\)

Where \(\beta l\frac{50}{Z_0} \lt 0.1\) also applies:

At a given frequency, we can say that \(\frac{\beta l}{Z_0} \propto \frac{t}{Z_0}\) and that \(t_{50} \equiv t_{Z_0}\frac{50}{Z_0}\) and since \(l \propto t \text{, } l_{50} \equiv l_{Z_0}\frac{50}{Z_0}\). These equivalences allow transforming a length or propagation time at actual Z0 into an equivalent length or time at Z0=50. For example if the propagation time of a fixture of 6mm length of air spaced line with Z0=200Ξ© was 20ps, an equivalent one way e-delay at Z0=50Ξ© (the instrument reference) of \(t_{50} =20\frac{50}{200}=5 \text{ ps}\) would approximately correct the transmission line effects of the 20ps of 200Ξ© line. Note that for an s11 correction, the two way e-delay is needed, 10ps in this example.

An important thing to remember is that port extension using e-delay assumes a lossless port extension using transmission line where phase length is proportional to f.

Above is a SimNEC simulation of Zl=10000+j0Ξ© with 0.025rad 200Ξ© lossless line backed out by -0.1rad of lossless 50Ξ© line (comparable to e-delay). The green reversal path lies almost exactly over the magenta path of the original transmission line transformation.

Summary for Zl>>Zo

\(Y_{in}=Y_l +\jmath \frac{\beta l}{Z_0}\\\) \(t_{50} =t_{Z_0}\frac{50}{Z_0}\\\) \(l_{50} =l_{Z_0}\frac{50}{Z_0}\)


Recalling that the expression for Zin of a lossless transmission line terminated in Zl is:

\(Z_{in}=Z_0 \frac{Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)}{Z_0+\jmath Z_l tan(\beta l)}\\\)

For \(Z_l \ll Z_0 \text{, } Z_l tan(\beta l) \ll Z_0\) and can be ignored.

\(Z_{in}=Z_0 \frac{Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)}{Z_0}\\\) \(Z_{in}=Z_l+\jmath Z_0 tan(\beta l)\)

Where \(\beta l \lt 0.1\) applies:

For short electrical length, \(\beta l<0.1\), \(tan(\beta l) \approx \beta l\):

\(Z_{in}=Z_l+\jmath Z_0 \beta l\\\)

So, the effect of this transmission line is to add a small +ve (inductive) series reactance to Zl.

\(\beta l Z_0\) is interesting:

\(\beta l Z_0= \frac{2 \pi f Z_0}{c_0 v_f} t c_0 v_f=2 \pi f Z_0 t\\\)

Where \(\beta l\frac{Z_0}{50} \lt 0.1\) also applies:

At a given frequency, we can say that \(\beta l Z_0 \propto t Z_0\) and that \(t_{50} \equiv t_{Z_0}\frac{Z_0}{50}\) and since \(l \propto t \text{, } l_{50} \equiv l_{Z_0}\frac{Z_0}{50}\). These equivalences allow transforming a length or propagation time at actual Z0 into an equivalent length or time at Z0=50. For example if the propagation time of a fixture of 6mm length of air spaced line with Z0=200Ξ© was 20ps, an equivalent one way e-delay at Z0=50Ξ© (the instrument reference) of \(t_{50} =20\frac{200}{50}=80 \text{ ps}\) would approximately correct the transmission line effects of the 20ps of 200Ξ© line. Note that for an s11 correction, the two way e-delay is needed, 160ps in this example.

An important thing to remember is that port extension using e-delay assumes a lossless port extension using transmission line where phase length is proportional to f.

Above is a SimNEC simulation of Zl=1+j0Ξ© with 0.1rad lossless 200Ξ© line backed out by -0.025rad of lossless 50Ξ© line (comparable to e-delay). The green reversal path lies almost exactly over the magenta path of the original transmission line transformation.

Summary for Zl<<Zo

\(Z_{in}=Z_l+\jmath Z_0 \beta l\\\) \(t_{50} =t_{Z_0}\frac{Z_0}{50}\\\) \(l_{50} =l_{Z_0}\frac{Z_0}{50}\)


Last update: 9th August, 2024, 11:57 PM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #5 – NanoVNA enhancement

By: Owen
25 July 2024 at 05:29

A series of four articles explored different wireless solutions for remote operation of a NanoVNA-H4.

The NanoVNA-H4 can use a USB connection, or a serial connection, the UART, selected from the configuration menu. The UART β€˜channel’ is a conventional unprotected asynchronous protocol, 8N1, and supports a range of DTE speeds.

Three different wireless remote solutions were trialed, and an inexpensive Bluetooth adapter showed the most promise. The air-link is a β€˜reliable’ link in terms of error free transmission, though of course it depends on adequate signal strength. Importantly, even at 115200bps DTE speed, it did not seem to suffer buffer overruns, an important detail given the lack of effective flow control in the NanoVNA-H4 UART interface (as brought to the edge pads).

In response to the need for a more efficient data transfer for screenshots (~399kB), Dislord has released a version of NanoVNA-D that supports a RLE compressed screenshot download.

The Python script published at https://github.com/owenduffy/tinydevicecapture allows standalone screenshot capture using the new β€œcapture rle” command which permits screenshot download in 2-5s at DTE speed 115200, less than a quarter the uncompressed image.

Above, a loopback throughput test at 20m outside gave throughput of 42958bps, so it is deemed prudent to configure the NanoVNA serial speed to 38400 bps to minimise the risk of buffer overruns. Transfer time for a not very busy screen is around 6s.

Last update: 26th July, 2024, 9:14 AM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #4 – Summary

By: Owen
21 July 2024 at 08:53

A series of three articles explored different wireless solutions for remote operation of a NanoVNA-H4.

The NanoVNA-H4 can use a USB connection, or a serial connection, the UART, selected from the configuration menu. The UART β€˜channel’ is a conventional asynchronous protocol, 8N1, and supports a range of DTE speeds. Importantly, it does not incorporate:

  • any form of flow control; or
  • any form of error detection / correction.

Essentially, any form of wireless channel were the actual throughput is less than the DTE speed is likely to experience buffer overruns, errors.

For my use, direct capture of screens is very important. It is supported, but the RGB565 format used means a 307KB transfer for the -H4. This takes nearly 1min on an error free channel with throughput of 57600bps… so it is very slow.

The unprotected link problem will result in an unreliable communications link, though a reliable radio link of sufficient bandwidth might be reasonably successful.

Three possible solutions were tried:

  • Bluetooth using HC-05 module;
  • 433MHz data link using HC-12 modules; and
  • SiK data radio.

Tests were conducted at DTE speed 57600bps unless stated otherwise.

Bluetooth using HC-05 module

The Bluetooth solution actually worked. Air speed is greater than the DTE speed used, and even at 115200bps DTE speed, data overruns were not apparent, throughput close to the theoretical 80% of 115200bps DTE speed (due to async encoding). Transfer time for a 307kB screen capture is just under 30s.

This appears to be a workable solution, though with a distance limitation typically of 10-30m depending on path obstruction.

Another advantage is that the radio frequencies used are at 2.4GHz, well away from the NanoVNA-H4’s measurement range.

433MHz data link using HC-12 modules

The HC-12 modules are a simple single channel data radio with a range of speed and bandwidths. The air speed is automatically chosen based on the DTE speed.

Distances of 1km or more are possible, though probably at lower data speed.

The problem is that at 57600DTE speed, throughput was around 20kbps for a very short distance at full power.

Since the throughput was way less than the DTE speed, in the absence of flow control this will suffer intolerable errors due to buffer overruns.

It is deemed unsuitable.

SiK data radio

The SiK data radio is designed for use with UAVs. It is a FHSS technology. It has the potential to work over distances up to 1km or more, depending on the configured transmit power.

The measured throughput was around 22kbps.

Since the throughput was way less than the DTE speed, in the absence of flow control this will suffer intolerable errors due to buffer overruns.

It is deemed unsuitable.


The transfer time for screen capture would be improved if the user was offered an uncompressed TIFF format (which is already supported for SD card saves). The saving is 60-80% of download time, so a screen capture would take say 30% of 30s, so just under 10s for an average screen capture.

If the NanoVNA calculated a CRC and sent it at the end of the capture transfer, the receiving application could check the integrity of the transfer and the operator would know on the spot whether it need to be taken again.

An enhancement request was submitted on github: Enhancement: capturetiff command.

Time will tell whether that results in these improvements.

Last update: 21st July, 2024, 6:53 PM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #3 – 3DR radio (SiK)

By: Owen
19 July 2024 at 18:27

As part of investigation of radio remote options for the NanoVNA, a 3D Robotics (SiK) clone radio was evaluated. Firmware is v2.2.

Above is the radio. These are widely used for UAVs, indeed the firmware is optimised for that application. My assumption is that the thing implements a reliable radio link, potentially over distances to 1km or so (at 20dBm tx power).

I have used these on UAV applications and the radio comms has been reliable out to a few hundred meters (including ground to ground).

The USB and a non-USB device were configured for 57600 DTE speed.


Above is a test of throughput using Ezurio Terminal with the devices separated 5m.

Since the NanoVNA does not implement flow control, buffer overruns can be expected to occur and this configuration is dismissed.

Last update: 20th July, 2024, 4:49 PM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #2 – HC-12

By: Owen
19 July 2024 at 07:25

As part of investigation of radio remote options for the NanoVNA, hc01.com’s HC-12 modules looked promising. Some parts were purchased and tested for the application.

Above is a HC-12-USB and HC-12 using a Si4438 chip. Another of these and two HC-12 using Si4463 chip were purchased, however Si4438 were supplied against all orders.

The USB and a non-USB device were configured for 57600 DTE speed and 11dBm transmit power. Turns out there is a trap in programming these, the programming command input times out in less than 20ms between characters, and needed 100ms rest after each command.

In a test with the devices separated 5m, the maximum throughput was under 20kbps, just 30% of the DTE speed. The input buffer overran at about 220B. This is unusable for the NanoVNA application which has no flow control.

Testing did not progress to distance vs power checks and the inability to handle data at full DTE rate with a good signal made them unsuitable for the application.

Last update: 19th July, 2024, 5:29 PM

nanoVNA-H – Deepelec test jig #2

By: Owen
17 July 2024 at 22:59

I have found you can never have enough of these things. It is very convenient to leave some measurement projects set up while work continues on some parallel projects.

Above is the kit as supplied (~$8 on Aliexpress). Note that it does not contain any male turned pin header… more on that later.

I was critical of Alixpress four years ago when I purchased the last one, but things have improved greatly in that time, to the point they are often faster delivery that eBay’s β€œAustralian stock” sellers.

Carefully break off 7 x 7 way pieces of the turned pin female header and β€˜dry’ fit them to the board, Now get two more pieces of header that are at least 7 way, and plug them at right angles to the ones already placed to set the spacing. Now solder them to the board (hint: liquid flux makes this job easier.) The β€˜donuts’ are quite small, use a tip that gives contact to the donut so that heat is applied to the pin and the β€˜tube’ for a good solder joint.

Test the coax connectors on a good male connector to be sure they are not defective… quality of these is poor. I tighten them to 0.8Nm to seat and form the female connector. If the threads bind, chuck them now rather than after you have soldered them in place.

I installed only the mid connectors on this board, I have another which has all the connectors and I have never used the other four. Carefully position and solder the connectors, again liquid flux helps.

The clear plinth does not come in the kit, it is my addition.

Above, the plinths designed in Freecad were cut out of 3mm clear PVC.

They are cut using a single flute 2mm carbide cutter.

You could easily make them with hand tools and a drill. M2.5Γ—6 nylon screws are used to attach the plinth to the hex spacers (supplied), giving the assembly four non-scratch feet.

Now the kit is incomplete. You are going to need some parts you see above built on male turned pin header strip. The kit does contain some 49.9Ξ© resistors you can use for a LOAD, you will also need an OPEN (centre left) and a SHORT (lower right). Others are for connecting the sections of the test board and THROUGH calibration.

The SMA connector at left is another test fixture which uses the same calibration parts. It can be used directly on the NanoVNA or at the end of a convenient length of cable. I originally made it to use on a Rigexpert AA600, either on a N(M)-SMA(F) adapter, or a short N(M)-SMA(F) cable.

It is bit hard to see the connections on the board when it is populated, so I have made the graphic above, printed it and laminated it for handy reference.

Note that the connections are a little different to the SDR-Kits jig (that they probably copied), in particular C2, C6, E2 and E6 are each not connected to anything.

I have some custom made 300mm long RG400 cables that I use with these, labelled for calibration purposes. IIRC they cost about $30 per pair from RFSupplier.com.


Last update: 18th July, 2024, 9:20 AM

Common mode choke measurement – length matters #3

By: Owen
15 July 2024 at 21:06

Following on from Common mode choke measurement – length matters #2 which demonstrated that the following test fixture gave invalid results due to the 20mm length of resistor pigtails, the connection length in general terms

Above is a pic of my experimental setup. The resistor on Port 1 is a 10k 1% metal film resistor. The NanoVNA has been SOL calibrated at the Port 1 jack.

These plots should be horizontal lines at R=10k and X=0. They can be improved by shortening the connections, try the experiment yourself, you will learn more than if I show you the results.

If you do the experiment, you will be better placed to critically appraise the test configurations that abound online, especially on Youtube, and form a view as to whether the results are credible.

A thought exercise: do you think the fixture for this choke is good?


Last update: 16th July, 2024, 7:11 AM

NanoVNA-H4 radio remote trial #1 – HC-05 Bluetooth

By: Owen
12 July 2024 at 20:22

This series of articles documents a trial of an Bluetooth link for remote operation of a NanoVNA-H4.

There are risks in fitting a radio transmitter in close proximity to RF measurement equipment. Those risks can be mitigated by just not doing it, but with care, it may be possible to achieve the utility of remote operation without degradation of the instrument.

The Bluetooth adapter is an external HC-05 adapter, <$5 on Aliexpress, configured for 38400bps.

The trial started with NanoVNA-D v1.2.35 firmware.

This should be straightforward as people claim to have this working.

Note than HC-05 modules are not all the same, and different performance may be obtained from different manufacturers products and different firmware versions. The one tested here was labelled hc01.com… but it is Chinese product and Chinese are copyists, it means little. Firmware reports version hc01.com v2.1.


The module uses a CSR BC417 Bluetooth chip. The Windows end is unknown, but relatively new.

Some loopback throughput tests using Ezurio terminal

Above, results hint high protocol overhead.

Above, close to ideal throughput for async encoding.

Problems encountered

System hangs sometimes

It sort of worked, but there was excessive delay in running a single scan from NanoVNA-App, though continuous scanning worked ok (after the same start up delay).

To help locate the problem:

  • a test was run of the UART connection to the VNA using a USB to serial adapter, so a wired connection; and
  • an extended bit error rate test was run on the Bluetooth link looped back at the HC-05.

Both comms links were reliable so the problem was the NanoVNA or NanoVNA-App.

Throughput at 38400 was 77%, quite close to the async encoding limit of 80%. Throughput at 230400 was 42%, not much better than half the async encoding limit of 80%.

A communications trace revealed that the NanoVNA appeared to hang on a pause command.

The issue was reported to Dislord, and the defect in NanoVNA-D v1.2.35 firmware fixed quite quickly (NanoVNA-D v1.2.37).

Downloading screenshots fails

I have a script set that are derived from a script published by Ho-Ro, and my script failed on the slow link.

That turned out to be a read timeout as the transfers are quite large, eg 307k which takes about 80s on an error free uncongested Bluetooth connection at 38400bps.

Higher speeds were tried, 115200bps failed, so I reverted to 38400bps which seems reliable.

In any event, the script needs facility to adjust timeout appropriately.

To do that, a baudrate parameter was added to the script, and it calculates a timeout equal to twice the time to transfer the calculated transfer size. If no baudrate is specified, it defaults to 1s timeout.

The Python script is published at https://github.com/owenduffy/tinydevicecapture .

UART connector

For more convenient access to the UART pins, I installed a SIL 6w female header and cut a 3x18mm opening in the back for access.


I have purchased some other Bluetooth adapters, and some HC-05 that did not have the hc01.com label on the board mask and they have had low throughput.

I have a bunch of hc01.com product from more than 10 years ago, and I purchased a new one in the past weeks, the hc01.com labelled ones all perform the same as each other.

Dislord claims he measured 460kbit throughput, but the β€˜genuine’  HC-05 does not deliver that throughput with my recent purchase Lenovo Windows 11 notebook.


This is not quite the no-brainer. The problems encountered were related to the specific firmware and my script (though Ho-Ro’s script may have the same issue). One is left wondering whether there were unresolved problems in some claimed implementations using this firmware.

That said, the prototype appears to work ok. It now needs to be packaged and some tests made of EMC including noise floor degradation.

Last update: 29th July, 2024, 6:38 PM