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Ham Radio in China -- Interesting info from 高倧伟 David Cowhig

27 May 2024 at 16:29

Chinese Radio Licenses and Operating Certificates

David Cowhig (aka WA1LBP,Β  aka Gao Da Wei) was Hambassdor for 73 Magazine on Okinawa when I held a similar "position" on the island of Hispaniola.Β  David is a real Asia hand, and is fluent in both Mandarin and Japanese.Β  Β He is uiniquely sitated to provide info on ham radio in China.Β  In a recent post he provides this info, and describes how we may soon be hearing from ham Taikonauts in space:Β Β 


Thanks David!Β 

"The New Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen" A Book Review by Jenny List (with a video from Shenzhen)

14 March 2024 at 09:53

This new book looks really good.Β  Great electronics info, with lots of cultural and linguistic wisdom.Β 


Jenny's review brought to mind an older SolderSmoke blog post about Shenzhen. In this 2012 videoΒ  Bunnie Huang in Singapore talks about getting parts in that city: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2012/08/singapore-knack.html

Thanks to Jenny, Naomi, and Bunnie.Β Β 
