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Yesterday β€” 6 July 2024Main stream

God Bless Buddipole Antennas 20 Years + of Antenna Bliss!

By: ve3ips
5 July 2024 at 20:36

History of the Buddipole

In January of 2000, Budd W3FF began experimenting with a β€œwalking portable” ham station. Since
then, thousands of stations have been worked on the amateur radio bands, mostly from
10 Meters through 60 Meters.

The radio of choice here is a Yaesu FT-857ND. The new Lithium Ion Nano-phosphate
batteries, the A-123’s are the way to go for power. A two pound A-123 gives me two
hours of SSB operating with 100 watts and the β€˜857d. (A-123’s and chargers are under
accessories at Buddipole.com.)

Instructions are on this website for two homebrew HF antennas that are easy to build
and very effective…………the Buddipole and the Buddistick, a vertical antenna that uses
PVC with a variety of whip options.

The mast is important. I have several, but in order to get the feedpoint up high, I use
either a Buddipole commercial mast ( Buddipole.com ) or a painter’s pole with a Center
Tee Adapter. That adapter changes the odd Acme thread to a half inch pipe thread.
That’s the thread used on the homebrew and commercial antennas I will describe.
My son, Chris W6HFP, suggested we go commercial with the Buddipole, and we did that
back in July 2002. You can see the commercial products at Buddipole.com. Chris now
runs the company, and I do the technical support and help the homebrewers with any

So somehow I have the original Buddipole back to 2003 to the latest BuddiHex and bits and bobs in between (TRSB is a must) along with several masts and a Mastwerks. Do I have 5 zip cases of various Buddipole antennas and tripods? Yes Sir! Total Fan Boy maniac OCD

Heard them…worked them…logged them…

I have made several thousand contacts from 80 to 2m and have always been happy with the excellenet workmanship and proof of concepts actually prototyped for some time before release to market.

I am at the Booth on Friday 9am at Hamvention

pdf available upon request I am Good in QRZ.com

Before yesterdayMain stream

God Bless Buddipole Antennas 20 Years + of Antenna Bliss!

By: ve3ips
5 July 2024 at 20:36

History of the Buddipole

In January of 2000, Budd W3FF began experimenting with a β€œwalking portable” ham station. Since
then, thousands of stations have been worked on the amateur radio bands, mostly from
10 Meters through 60 Meters.

The radio of choice here is a Yaesu FT-857ND. The new Lithium Ion Nano-phosphate
batteries, the A-123’s are the way to go for power. A two pound A-123 gives me two
hours of SSB operating with 100 watts and the β€˜857d. (A-123’s and chargers are under
accessories at Buddipole.com.)

Instructions are on this website for two homebrew HF antennas that are easy to build
and very effective…………the Buddipole and the Buddistick, a vertical antenna that uses
PVC with a variety of whip options.

The mast is important. I have several, but in order to get the feedpoint up high, I use
either a Buddipole commercial mast ( Buddipole.com ) or a painter’s pole with a Center
Tee Adapter. That adapter changes the odd Acme thread to a half inch pipe thread.
That’s the thread used on the homebrew and commercial antennas I will describe.
My son, Chris W6HFP, suggested we go commercial with the Buddipole, and we did that
back in July 2002. You can see the commercial products at Buddipole.com. Chris now
runs the company, and I do the technical support and help the homebrewers with any

So somehow I have the original Buddipole back to 2003 to the latest BuddiHex and bits and bobs in between (TRSB is a must) along with several masts and a Mastwerks. Do I have 5 zip cases of various Buddipole antennas and tripods? Yes Sir! Total Fan Boy maniac OCD

Heard them…worked them…logged them…

I have made several thousand contacts from 80 to 2m and have always been happy with the excellenet workmanship and proof of concepts actually prototyped for some time before release to market.

I am at the Booth on Friday 9am at Hamvention

pdf available upon request I am Good in QRZ.com

Ham Radio Operator confesses to FT8 Sins and Proud of it

By: ve3ips
29 March 2024 at 14:58

At Fish n Chips Cheap Ham Lunch Club (we share an order across 3 hams) and order a single X large coffee to share to keep it cheap they confessed:

>We are operating on FT8 right now while we break bread (flashing the biggest grin ever!)

How so?

>The auto robot mode on FT8

So this is an unattended station operating without AI but use of software controls? Don’t you need to be Advanced for that? I think you may be in violation.

>Yeah, its awesome. It just fills my log with contacts even when I am watching TV with my partner

Partner? Sorry what is that Partner. I hear that all the time ? that’s not morse code…… Aren’t you married?

>So I find this mode fascinating and has really got me back into the hobby again. I spend a lot of time listening to nets so this is interesting to me.

Yeah, its gotten very interesting as I see many Freebanders are also using FT8. There was some guy in Belgium sending SSTV on 27.580 and I caught the bottom third of the transmission so couldn’t get his Freeband callsign or number. Do you listen to the OMISS net on 7185? (How do I know?)

>Yes I do every night and I enjoy that. I heard a guy from PEI and everyone wanted to work him.

Do you check in to that net as they are always looking for VE3s? It could be fun

>Oh NO I would never check in to the net

Your killing me here as you just said you never Chicken into the net.

>Hold on let me ask the counter staff for some more Tartar sauce

So guys I was floored the other day when Ten opened up and there was all kinds of EU signals coming in and I made a bunch of contacts with a vertical with 10 watts. Just like the old days in CB when we had 12 watts and a Hustler antenna in the car. Cycle 25 is hear

>What frequency is that I would love to listen

Try 28.400 and then looking at the waterfall you can move the mouse to the drip and click. If you have a Drake TR4cw then move the dial left or right until you hear a signal.

I learned 2 things today:

  1. A partner is a person with whom someone is in a romantic or sexual relationship. The term is often used to refer to individuals who are not married, but who are in a committed relationship. Partners may live together, share financial responsibilities, and support each other emotionally. In some cases, partners may also have legal agreements that define their relationship, such as cohabitation agreements or domestic partnership agreements. The term β€œpartner” is often used in LGBTQ+ communities as a gender-neutral alternative to β€œhusband” or β€œwife.”. However, many married to the opposite sex are staying to use this term as well due to Identity and Gender ideology shaping everything. The extreme left will tell you this is the way we should explain our marriages to avoid being considered anti-DEI. OK I use partner in a business sense but there is nothing wrong with using wife or husband even if it considered bad politics or incorrect. Who cares about sexuality since its 2024. This is Gender Neutral Language.

2. Some Hams are enjoying the Hobby their own way and they are Happy listening and being a robot .

FT8 has become increasingly popular in amateur radio in recent years, and for a good reason.

This digital mode removes conversation and allows for fast contacts over long distances, even in low power mode and under challenging band conditions.



And so it goes in this hobby that has a thousand hobbies even if you sin you will be forgiven by Marconi and Hiram (maybe even Tesla – the ham not the car)

A new study suggests that havingΒ one conversation with a friend (Ham) per day can have a significant effect on a person’s mental health.Β The study published in Communication Research.

However, for some making FT8 contacts in robot mode can be very uplifting. Whatever floats your boat but please wear a life jacket as the water is getting frothy and deep.

Chameleon PRV Heavy POTA Kit Review

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:36

A great add on to the MPAS kit or just as a stand alone.

I do find the counterpoise wires o be too thin and prone to breakage and want Chameleon to go back to the #16 Kevlar wire they are known for

Also the short length of the whip on20m is a bit finicky due to the ground I had but a grassy ground is usually pretty good but the radiation resistance was kind of low.

The kit adds items I dont have in my MPAS kit making for a well rounded deployment kit similar to this:


The core component of the CHA PRV antenna, known as the CHA MCC (Multi Configuration Coil), serves as its foundation. The CHA PRV antenna is skillfully engineered and built to withstand rugged conditions, making it particularly suited for demanding portable applications such as Parks On the Air (POTA), Summits On the Air (SOTA), and other outdoor radio pursuits that necessitate an antenna that’s both efficient and easily transportable. This antenna is also an excellent choice for radio enthusiasts who reside in environments like RVs, apartments, or condos, where space is limited to a small balcony or patio.

Chameleon Antenna has designed the CHA PRV to perfectly complement the latest generation of compact multi-band/multi-mode QRP transceivers, including models like the Icom IC-705, Xiegu G90 or X6100, LAB 599 TX500, and the Yaesu FT-817/818.


Power Handling: 500W SSB 300W CW 200W DATA

Materials: Anodize Aluminum OD Green, White Delrin, Stainless Steel and Silver Plated Copper wire

Bands Coverage: 2M to 40M with the SS58


Diameter = 1 1/4β€³

Length Collapsed = 12 1/2β€³

Length Extended = 19 1/2β€³

Weight = 0.94 lb.




1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6β€³)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34β€²)Β 


1 X CHA 12β€² COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6β€³)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34β€²)Β 




1 X CHA 12β€² COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


FT8 vs SSB

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:11

FT8 4 contacts an hour watching waterfalls like in the matrix

SSB 45 contacts an hour including weather report and working conditions

Do you really want to bring your laptop and Signal link to the park to make 4 contacts?

I dont

John Ve3ips

I am looking for a FT8 appliance similar to the PreppComm DMX radios. I can turn it on in robot mode and let it rip on 20m while I work 40m SSB

I am working on my CW set up for POTA hang in there folks the AI module is getting trained

Life is to short for RFI No more EFHW and Longwires

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:04

I have been using my PackTenna Linked Dipole for 20m and 40m with great effect – No RFI back to my radio

I have been using my Chameleon, JNCRadio, REZ Antenna and the Gabil vest pocket antenna which are all verticals – No RFI back to my radio

I forgot to bring my chokes and 1:1 ununs to a activation and was so upset to the RFI bleeding into my transmit audio with these long wires with baluns

I put these longwires into a box for donation to the Salvation Army – NO RFO back to the shack

I dont know why the past few years these antennas have exploded onto the market place with 3D prints, Homebrew, etc for an antenna that isnt a DX antenna

When I go to the park I want to work DX and the most far states and provinces I can as life is to short for NVIS contacts into Michigan, Papa Alpha and O-High-O

Ask EA1BUL worked on 20m from the park with and without QRP power many times and also when I was in Spain but then I work Larry VE3LBI and Toby AD2CD on 40m within my NVIS range all the time. I love these two hunters but sometimes I want a date with DX.

Want to work DX? Go with a vertical

John Ve3IPS

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils RECON40

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 19:33

The DX Engineering box on the PO Box arrived and the antenna is a beauty

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils are high-performance HF antenna coils capable of tuning 40-10 meters when paired with the REZ-Z17 17-foot telescoping whip (not included). I have the MFJ and Chameleon version.

Made with 14GA enameled copper wire, the Recon 40 is rated for use at up to 500W SSB, 300W CW, and 200W digital (50% duty cycle). The coil body is made from Delrin and 6061 anodized aluminum all CNC machined in the USA. The coil body is 100% weather resistant, thanks to its unique design which incorporates the use of O-rings and gasket seals at each joint. The coil’s machined wire groove provides mechanical support and optimal spacing to ensure a low loss coil. Switching bands is made easy with the integrated weatherproof coil bypass switch.

When you’re ready to move to the higher bands simply flip the switch and tune the telescoping whip to your desired frequency. The Recon 40 also features a rapid-deploy radial system. At the heart of this system is the radial β€œpuck” that accepts up to eight 4mm banana plugs.

This enables quick attachment of REZ Antenna Systems’ 4-wire radial kit (not included) and leaves room to expand your radial field for increased performance. I used the radials from my Ranger 80 antenna.

I did a 3fer park activation running 50 watts off my FT-891 and a bunch of DCPower LiePO4 batteries I picked up at Liquidation Show for cheap.

There was the usual a solar storm and you could hear the band huffing and puffing in the background but we managed to also snag a couple of 2m contacts.

No adjustments were made….SWR was under 2:1 in both cases. Work 40m and then hunt the 13 Colonies on 20m…flick the switch.

The long radials make a big difference.

The QSO map shows that I was able to get a nice signal out on SSB.

This is a nice addition to the Ranger 80 antenna, although they do the same thing. If you swap out the 9 foot antenna for the 17 foot antenna on the Ranger 80, its the same story but a lot heavier. If you just wanted a quick 2 bander then the Recon 40 is a good choice (the whip can be adjusted for 20-10m and 6m as well.

The Recon 40 as its own standalone antenna is more rugged than the JNCRadio MC-750 and a lot heavier. The advantage is that the JNCRadio adds a 40m coil and uses shorter 10 foot radials but still offers a quarter wave on 20m and an 1/8 wave on 40m and a lot cheaper. Also the engraved markings on the MC-750 makes set up a breeze and its carry case is top notch. The MC-750 antenna also uses metric threading so interoperability with my antenna mounts and Buddipole stuff is impossible. I have made over a thousand contacts and very happy with it.

BUT the Recon can handle a lot more power and the whip antenna is more rugged. Its also a longer whip to try to pack. I have made about 100 contacts from the park during the RAC Contest, 13 Colonies QRMathon and POTA 3fer.

I own both and I choose the antenna I need to get the job done.

Please avoid the MFJ 17 foot whip as it likes to fall apart while using it. I am on my third so I am super careful with it but I was that way with the first two.

Happy Antennas

73s IPS





Instagram @ve3ips_portable_operator

YouTubeΒ @VE3IPS

Ham Radio is a life$$$tyle not a Hobby!

Take the radio outside and operate from the Field

Throw a wire in a tree and make a QSO

Tinfoil has many uses beyond the BBQ


  1. Buy Cheap Buy Twice – That online special that is a non-branded product may have misinformation in its marketing approach lost in translation
  2. Buy Once Cry Once – Buy the Best with a Warranty that has Teeth
  3. One is None and 2 is One – Think back up or a Modular approach

Chameleon PRV Heavy POTA Kit Review

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:36

A great add on to the MPAS kit or just as a stand alone.

I do find the counterpoise wires o be too thin and prone to breakage and want Chameleon to go back to the #16 Kevlar wire they are known for

Also the short length of the whip on20m is a bit finicky due to the ground I had but a grassy ground is usually pretty good but the radiation resistance was kind of low.

The kit adds items I dont have in my MPAS kit making for a well rounded deployment kit similar to this:


The core component of the CHA PRV antenna, known as the CHA MCC (Multi Configuration Coil), serves as its foundation. The CHA PRV antenna is skillfully engineered and built to withstand rugged conditions, making it particularly suited for demanding portable applications such as Parks On the Air (POTA), Summits On the Air (SOTA), and other outdoor radio pursuits that necessitate an antenna that’s both efficient and easily transportable. This antenna is also an excellent choice for radio enthusiasts who reside in environments like RVs, apartments, or condos, where space is limited to a small balcony or patio.

Chameleon Antenna has designed the CHA PRV to perfectly complement the latest generation of compact multi-band/multi-mode QRP transceivers, including models like the Icom IC-705, Xiegu G90 or X6100, LAB 599 TX500, and the Yaesu FT-817/818.


Power Handling: 500W SSB 300W CW 200W DATA

Materials: Anodize Aluminum OD Green, White Delrin, Stainless Steel and Silver Plated Copper wire

Bands Coverage: 2M to 40M with the SS58


Diameter = 1 1/4β€³

Length Collapsed = 12 1/2β€³

Length Extended = 19 1/2β€³

Weight = 0.94 lb.




1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6β€³)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34β€²)Β 


1 X CHA 12β€² COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6β€³)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34β€²)Β 




1 X CHA 12β€² COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


FT8 vs SSB

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:11

FT8 4 contacts an hour watching waterfalls like in the matrix

SSB 45 contacts an hour including weather report and working conditions

Do you really want to bring your laptop and Signal link to the park to make 4 contacts?

I dont

John Ve3ips

I am looking for a FT8 appliance similar to the PreppComm DMX radios. I can turn it on in robot mode and let it rip on 20m while I work 40m SSB

I am working on my CW set up for POTA hang in there folks the AI module is getting trained

Life is to short for RFI No more EFHW and Longwires

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 20:04

I have been using my PackTenna Linked Dipole for 20m and 40m with great effect – No RFI back to my radio

I have been using my Chameleon, JNCRadio, REZ Antenna and the Gabil vest pocket antenna which are all verticals – No RFI back to my radio

I forgot to bring my chokes and 1:1 ununs to a activation and was so upset to the RFI bleeding into my transmit audio with these long wires with baluns

I put these longwires into a box for donation to the Salvation Army – NO RFO back to the shack

I dont know why the past few years these antennas have exploded onto the market place with 3D prints, Homebrew, etc for an antenna that isnt a DX antenna

When I go to the park I want to work DX and the most far states and provinces I can as life is to short for NVIS contacts into Michigan, Papa Alpha and O-High-O

Ask EA1BUL worked on 20m from the park with and without QRP power many times and also when I was in Spain but then I work Larry VE3LBI and Toby AD2CD on 40m within my NVIS range all the time. I love these two hunters but sometimes I want a date with DX.

Want to work DX? Go with a vertical

John Ve3IPS

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils RECON40

By: ve3ips
2 July 2024 at 19:33

The DX Engineering box on the PO Box arrived and the antenna is a beauty

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils are high-performance HF antenna coils capable of tuning 40-10 meters when paired with the REZ-Z17 17-foot telescoping whip (not included). I have the MFJ and Chameleon version.

Made with 14GA enameled copper wire, the Recon 40 is rated for use at up to 500W SSB, 300W CW, and 200W digital (50% duty cycle). The coil body is made from Delrin and 6061 anodized aluminum all CNC machined in the USA. The coil body is 100% weather resistant, thanks to its unique design which incorporates the use of O-rings and gasket seals at each joint. The coil’s machined wire groove provides mechanical support and optimal spacing to ensure a low loss coil. Switching bands is made easy with the integrated weatherproof coil bypass switch.

When you’re ready to move to the higher bands simply flip the switch and tune the telescoping whip to your desired frequency. The Recon 40 also features a rapid-deploy radial system. At the heart of this system is the radial β€œpuck” that accepts up to eight 4mm banana plugs.

This enables quick attachment of REZ Antenna Systems’ 4-wire radial kit (not included) and leaves room to expand your radial field for increased performance. I used the radials from my Ranger 80 antenna.

I did a 3fer park activation running 50 watts off my FT-891 and a bunch of DCPower LiePO4 batteries I picked up at Liquidation Show for cheap.

There was the usual a solar storm and you could hear the band huffing and puffing in the background but we managed to also snag a couple of 2m contacts.

No adjustments were made….SWR was under 2:1 in both cases. Work 40m and then hunt the 13 Colonies on 20m…flick the switch.

The long radials make a big difference.

The QSO map shows that I was able to get a nice signal out on SSB.

This is a nice addition to the Ranger 80 antenna, although they do the same thing. If you swap out the 9 foot antenna for the 17 foot antenna on the Ranger 80, its the same story but a lot heavier. If you just wanted a quick 2 bander then the Recon 40 is a good choice (the whip can be adjusted for 20-10m and 6m as well.

The Recon 40 as its own standalone antenna is more rugged than the JNCRadio MC-750 and a lot heavier. The advantage is that the JNCRadio adds a 40m coil and uses shorter 10 foot radials but still offers a quarter wave on 20m and an 1/8 wave on 40m and a lot cheaper. Also the engraved markings on the MC-750 makes set up a breeze and its carry case is top notch. The MC-750 antenna also uses metric threading so interoperability with my antenna mounts and Buddipole stuff is impossible. I have made over a thousand contacts and very happy with it.

BUT the Recon can handle a lot more power and the whip antenna is more rugged. Its also a longer whip to try to pack. I have made about 100 contacts from the park during the RAC Contest, 13 Colonies QRMathon and POTA 3fer.

I own both and I choose the antenna I need to get the job done.

Please avoid the MFJ 17 foot whip as it likes to fall apart while using it. I am on my third so I am super careful with it but I was that way with the first two.

Happy Antennas

73s IPS





Instagram @ve3ips_portable_operator

YouTubeΒ @VE3IPS

Ham Radio is a life$$$tyle not a Hobby!

Take the radio outside and operate from the Field

Throw a wire in a tree and make a QSO

Tinfoil has many uses beyond the BBQ


  1. Buy Cheap Buy Twice – That online special that is a non-branded product may have misinformation in its marketing approach lost in translation
  2. Buy Once Cry Once – Buy the Best with a Warranty that has Teeth
  3. One is None and 2 is One – Think back up or a Modular approach

Hola CQ The Gabil GRA-7350TC Rooftop Poolside Ops

By: ve3ips
14 June 2024 at 15:45

Rooftop operation from Seville, Spain with the brilliant GRA-7350TC Antenna

I was happy to see them release a version with the 3/8-24 threads allowing use with my JAWS clamp

I was able to enjoy poolside ops while on vacation Travel friendly as its small and light

I also brought the JNC MC-750 which is a brilliant antenna as well. Its heavier and longer and not as easy to slip into a backpack but its a full quarter wave Between the two antennas the signals are a maybe a S unit better on the JNC but the ability to pocket the Gabil antenna is very useful

Long Live the Flower Pot and the Shower Pole

59 from EA7/VE3IPS

Hola CQ The Gabil GRA-7350TC Rooftop Poolside Ops

By: ve3ips
14 June 2024 at 15:45

Rooftop operation from Seville, Spain with the brilliant GRA-7350TC Antenna

I was happy to see them release a version with the 3/8-24 threads allowing use with my JAWS clamp

I was able to enjoy poolside ops while on vacation Travel friendly as its small and light

I also brought the JNC MC-750 which is a brilliant antenna as well. Its heavier and longer and not as easy to slip into a backpack but its a full quarter wave Between the two antennas the signals are a maybe a S unit better on the JNC but the ability to pocket the Gabil antenna is very useful

Long Live the Flower Pot and the Shower Pole

59 from EA7/VE3IPS

Tired of AI Driven Fake Propagation Reports?

By: ve3ips
3 June 2024 at 20:37

I sure am because it says 40m is POOR and 40m is actually open. So where is the center of their propagation reporting coming from? The South Pole? Who knows but its wrong and if its done by AI then the LLM is wrong. It needs better tuning.

In the meantime, try https://spaceweather.com/ which is managed by human beings and they are more accurate

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G1):Β NOAA forecasters say that aΒ G1-class geomagnetic storm is possible onΒ June 4thΒ when a CME is expected to graze Earth’s magnetic field. The CME was hurled into space on June 1st by a complex X1-M7Β double solar flare. Much confusion has attended this forecast because there were actuallyΒ two CMEs at the same time–one toward Earth and one away from Earth. Analysts unraveled the two storm clouds to produceΒ a likely modelΒ of the Earth-directed CME’s trajectory.Β CME impact alerts:Β SMS Text

THIS ERUPTION WILL PROBABLY MISS EARTH:Β Sunspot AR3691 erupted today (1411 UT), producing an M4.8-class solar flare and hurling a gorgeous plume of hot plasma into space:

Ok since the bands suck bathwater I am going to sort out all my pennies and so far I found some old ones and even some TTC tokens from a long time ago. Normally I would be hunting DX or at a park.

Hmmm I will bring a tray and all the pennies and do it at the park

Pennies At the Park

IPS Over and Out


Leatherman Squirt ES4 – Found One!

By: ve3ips
3 June 2024 at 18:31


I finally found one in Gibraltar at a Binocular and Tools shop after 10 years of looking to replace the one that was stolen – The person that stole it has never confessed even thought 3 years after he stole it I found he was using it during Field Day. He scratched off my initials.

45 Euros with VAT

Its because of the strippers my friend

Added a zip pull hack

The more tools the bigger the smile!

You have to cross the airport runway to get to the city after passing the border and passport control!

The city has the worst Fish and Chips because the locals eat Steak leaving the rest for tourists. The average tourist is there for 2 hours so why bother with good food….you will never see them again.


MFJ Bye Bye and Hello Society problems

By: ve3ips
3 June 2024 at 16:24

The whole MFJ bye bye thing continues to be a mess of QRM

It is difficult to run a business using locals making $7.25 an hour. That is less than $15k a year. You can put your RV on a trailer lot for $450 a month or get a small apartment for $700 a month. With a gross income of $1200 a month and after taxes and rent your employees will be eating from food banks. California raised the minimum wage to $20 an hour and already, small businesses are throwing in the towel. Rent there starts at $3000 a month and does not include a air mattress.

Park your RV….if you dont own one then you are stuck

God Bless America? Welcome to inner city bliss!

They didnt show up at Dayton which would have sold tons of stuff at a discount but it would affect the vendors with current stock at full price

This is sad as there are MFJ brand antenna items that will be unobtanium and be an issue

I have been trying to buy certain MFJ Mississipi produced items while they are available as they will not be replaced.

I am surprised DX Engineering has not picked up the antenna lines Cushcraft or Hy-Gain and maybe some of the in-house MFJ stuff

So if you want a 2m Boomer or a TH3JR then now is the time to get one before they are gone or maybe they are already gone

Martin is already a millionaire and will enjoy DXing now without managing his business and their products will remain a hamfest special going forward

In the meantime it may be a bit risky to buy certain MFJ products but a great time to buy certain MFJ products

Hopefully the good MFJ stuff will continue to be sold but not by California labour ($20 an hr) so we have a huge social policy and labour problem.

I have seen a very disturbing trend that started 10 years ago, was ramped up 5 years ago and now we have a lot of problems due to bad decisions and all based on American Corporate Greed. The C Suite rapes the corporate bank account and they leave 3-5 years later for the new team to do the same thing and the jobs go offshore and the company realizes they are in trouble and with lay offs the employees get gassed and they end up sleeping on the street. Its all about quarterly corporate profits and HR workshops reducing productivity. Offshore companies do not waste hours every week with the same mumbo jumbo that takes away from doing actual work. Its the same nonsense, force corporate mission statements (that are marketing fluff) during weekly calls, focus on revenue, fire staff when targets missed, no staff when revenues pick up and most of the time people work from home but dont really put in the hours because they hate the culture that is being promoted as good but its actually bad for employees. This circle of work becomes impacts a company ability to really grow. Look at the big names in Corporate America that are all failing from 10 years ago.

MFJ looked after its employees with employee reviews being good and bad but for the most part there was a family culture, so even if they had low pay they still felt valued. That is an important thing if you live in poverty making products for cheap hams.

Kenwood and Alinco, Icom and Yaesu are all in trouble with over 80% of hams of 60 years of age and older, on pensions and too broke with high inflation to spend money on new radios. New hams buy Bofangs and Aliexpress antennas which will eventually affect North American ham radio manufacturers.

Look at Icom with the X60. YES its a high end Ham Radio transceiver and you can buy the Yaesu FTDX101MP today and not be teased for 6 months to realize its $10000 and available in march 2025.

Ham Radio is becoming a rich mans hobby.

73s IPS

Enjoy Canada!

10 years of Safe Supply Policy is clearly not working

Spot the J-pole.

I donated about 20 FRS radios and 2 48 packs of batteries to several of the Tent City encampments to provide better security for the dwellers. Theft and violence is a problem but getting free drugs is not a problem, just wait in line. Fires has been a bigger problem as they try to stay warm.
