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QRP POTA: Pairing N3CZ’s Homebrew Transceiver with the TennTennas 49:1 EFHW!

25 September 2024 at 15:23
On Monday, September 2, 2024, my good friend Vlado (N3CZ) and I spent Labor Day morning playing POTA. Our first activation was at Lake James State Park, using the new CFT1 QRP transceiver. It was a lot of fun–you can read the field report and watch the video by clicking here. For the second activation, … Continue reading QRP POTA: Pairing N3CZ’s Homebrew Transceiver with the TennTennas 49:1 EFHW! β†’

The POTA Babe Spreads Her Wings at Pinckney Island

22 September 2024 at 09:35
by Teri KO4WFP Friday, September 13th, I headed to Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge (US-0265) for a POTA activation and was without Daisy as dogs are not allowed at this refuge. Pinckney Island is a 4,000+ acre wildlife refuge off Highway US 278 on the way to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The refuge consists … Continue reading The POTA Babe Spreads Her Wings at Pinckney Island β†’

Xiegu X6200: Does version 1.0.1 firmware fix CW keyer timing?

20 September 2024 at 15:36
I’ve had a production unit of the Xiegu X6200 since June of this year and have made several field reports using it for both SSB and CW. You may have noticed, though, that I haven’t used it much in the field since June. The reason? I’m primarily a CW operator, and the original firmware had … Continue reading Xiegu X6200: Does version 1.0.1 firmware fix CW keyer timing? β†’

CFT1 QRP: Labor Day Morning POTA with Vlado at Lake James State Park!

17 September 2024 at 12:40
Labor Day weekend turned out to be full of labor here at QTH K4SWL. My wife and I had numerous projects to tackle, and my daughters had various activities scheduled as well. By Sunday, my wife looked at me and said, β€œYou need a break. Why not spend tomorrow catching up on POTA?” That was … Continue reading CFT1 QRP: Labor Day Morning POTA with Vlado at Lake James State Park! β†’

Video: Alan (W2AEW) Builds the CFT1 5-Band CW Field Transceiver

15 September 2024 at 22:38
Our friend Alan (W2AEW) has just posted a video showing the process of building, adjusting, and aligning the CFT1 5-band CW portable transceiver. If you’ve been thinking about building a CFT1 kit, this video will help guide you [update: see note from Alan below]: Click here to view on YouTube. Thank you for making this … Continue reading Video: Alan (W2AEW) Builds the CFT1 5-Band CW Field Transceiver β†’

The POTA Babe Learns Some Lessons

13 September 2024 at 10:00
by Teri (KO4WFP) After an interesting and successful activation at Fort McAllister, I turned my sights southward and further back in time to Fort Morris Historic Site (US-3717). Fort Morris Historic Site contains earthen fortifications that date back to the Revolutionary War. The site is simpler than that of Fort McAllister. Fort Morris was built … Continue reading The POTA Babe Learns Some Lessons β†’

The New Venus SW-6B QRP Transceiver: First POTA Activation and Field Test!

11 September 2024 at 21:31
Yesterday morning, around 12:00, I picked up a DHL parcel containing the Venus SW-6B. I was so eager to test it in the field that I dropped my lunch plans, took the SW-6B home, opened the box, and quickly attached Anderson Powerpole connectors to the supplied power cable. I didn’t have time to do anything … Continue reading The New Venus SW-6B QRP Transceiver: First POTA Activation and Field Test! β†’

Christian takes his new β€œRed Corners” uSDR+ on a POTA shake-out activation

10 September 2024 at 10:20
Many thanks toΒ Christian (IX1CKN)Β who shares the following field report: How the Red Corners uSDR+ Performed on Its First Field Test by Christian (IX1CKN) 24 QSOs in 104 minutes at 5 wattsβ€”how would you rate that? The answer isn’t exactly scientific, as it depends on personal opinions, habits, and the unique propagation conditions during the activation. … Continue reading Christian takes his new β€œRed Corners” uSDR+ on a POTA shake-out activation β†’

Morning on the Trail and On the Air: A Relaxing K2 QRP POTA Activation from the Campsite

8 September 2024 at 10:47
I woke up around 6:45 on Saturday, August 24, 2024. That’s late for me, but I tend to sleep well when camping and it must have helped that the previous evening POTA activation by the campfire was pure bliss. There were some noises in the campground that woke me up during the night (probably other … Continue reading Morning on the Trail and On the Air: A Relaxing K2 QRP POTA Activation from the Campsite β†’

The POTA Babe Goes Back in Time

3 September 2024 at 10:54
by Teri (KO4WFP) After a fun POTA for K2D the previous week, it was time to resume the pursuit of my 2024 goal – 60 new valid POTA activations. Friday, August 30th, I headed to Fort McAllister State Park (US-2175). Though I have lived in Savannah most of my life, I’ve never visited this park … Continue reading The POTA Babe Goes Back in Time β†’

Testing My C6 Rooftop Tent During an Overnight POTA Camping Trip!

1 September 2024 at 15:14
Friday, August 23, 2024, was packed with activities, but I was looking forward to the evening to wind down and relax. That morning and afternoon, my wife and I ran numerous errands around town. I played chauffeur to my daughters, taking them to their volunteer jobs and Shakespeare classes. The day wrapped up around 5:00 … Continue reading Testing My C6 Rooftop Tent During an Overnight POTA Camping Trip! β†’

The POTA Babe Gets Skunked

29 August 2024 at 10:48
by Teri (KO4WFP) After a one-month hiatus, it was time for the POTA Babe to get back in the saddle. Tuesday, August 13, Daisy and I dropped off my son and headed out for an adventure. Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve (US-3913), across the Savannah River in South Carolina, is a 45 minute drive from … Continue reading The POTA Babe Gets Skunked β†’

Finding Joy in the Journey: A Missed SOTA Hike Leads to a Relaxing POTA Activation

26 August 2024 at 11:10
On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, I planned to drive to Hickory, NC to spend part of the morning helping my father with a few tasks. I planned to stay for only three hours, leaving the afternoon open for a SOTA (Summits On The Air) activation of Bakers Mountain. Bakers Mountain is one of the most … Continue reading Finding Joy in the Journey: A Missed SOTA Hike Leads to a Relaxing POTA Activation β†’

POTA at Mount Pisgah: Punching through patchy propagation and dodging dodgy weather!

20 August 2024 at 11:08
On Saturday, August 3, 2024, my wife and daughters drove to Edneyville, North Carolina, for an annual family get-together/reunion. It’s always a lot of fun catching up with my wife’s extended family. And, I must say, the food is always spectacular. I’m talking every amazing Southern dish you can dream of! After the gathering, my … Continue reading POTA at Mount Pisgah: Punching through patchy propagation and dodging dodgy weather! β†’

Introducing the New CFT1 Five Band Portable CW Transceiver Kit!

12 August 2024 at 10:42
My buddy Jonathan (KM4CFT) made a big announcement this morning. He’s been working tirelessly since the start of the year, designing and testing a brand-new field-portable CW transceiver he’s dubbed the CFT1. As of this morning, you can purchase the transceiver kit on HamGadgets.com. A little backstory Jonathan first mentioned his plans to design a … Continue reading Introducing the New CFT1 Five Band Portable CW Transceiver Kit! β†’

Field Report: POTA Energy Boost at Tuttle Educational State Forest

11 August 2024 at 11:36
Somedays, I just need a little POTA and radio-active therapy to energize the day. And this was one of those days. On Thursday, July 18, 2024, I woke up still feeling quite tired because I had been out the entire day before helping my sister with a move–my wife and I didn’t get back home … Continue reading Field Report: POTA Energy Boost at Tuttle Educational State Forest β†’

Fish Creek Provincial Park: My most frustrating activation to date

10 August 2024 at 10:57
by Vince (VE6LK) All I wanna know is howcome our local star decides to throw in a monkey wrench when I go to activate? Huh? Huh? Monday August 5 was a statutory holiday for me and I decided to get out early at a popular picnic area in south Calgary and get some radio therapy. … Continue reading Fish Creek Provincial Park: My most frustrating activation to date β†’

A Radio-Active Day in the Triangle: POTA, Satellites, & Southern Hospitality in the Summer Heat

4 August 2024 at 12:32
As mentioned in previous field reports, my wife and I spent the week of July 7th, 2024, in Wilmington, North Carolina, while our daughters were at summer programs at NCSU and UNCW. We had an amazing time and I managed to squeeze in some Parks on the Air (POTA) activations at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State … Continue reading A Radio-Active Day in the Triangle: POTA, Satellites, & Southern Hospitality in the Summer Heat β†’

Video: IX1CKN & IW0HK’s Friedrichshafen ’24 POTA Rove

1 August 2024 at 12:12
Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) for sharing the following video recorded during his multi-park rove with Andrea (IU1APL). The video was only recently published, but I’ve added it to Christian’s original field report. We’re highlighting it here for those who may otherwise miss it. (Note: Some of the video is in Italian, but YouTube closed … Continue reading Video: IX1CKN & IW0HK’s Friedrichshafen ’24 POTA Rove β†’