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"The Far Sound" -- Bell System Video from 1961 -- Good Radio History (video)

20 August 2024 at 09:35

This is a really OLD video, but there is a lot of great material here:Β 

-- Tubes.Β  (Valves or Thermatrons)
-- Coax.Β Β 
-- Frequency Division Multiplexing.Β 
-- Negative Feedback and the fight against distortion.Β 
-- Transistors and early experiments with semiconductors.
-- Fiber optics and Masers.
-- Satellite communications.
-- Early hopes for video communications.

The video is, by today's standards, extremely misogynist.Β  And the sound experiment with the poor woman wearing a male head was just weird.Β  Β But still, an interesting film.Β 

Thanks to Mark KM4GML for reminding us of this wonderful Bell Labs (AT&T) video archive.Β 


Jens OZ1GEO's AMAZING Radio Museum

11 May 2024 at 17:09

Brace yourselves.Β  This is just too much, too much radio history, too much cool stuff.Β  We are into ham radio sensory overload territory here. The rigs, the radios, the radioactive stuff (including tubes!).Β  Lots of Whermact stuff.Β  A Chinese receiver.Β  Tesla coils and Faraday shields.Β  Much more.Β 

Thanks to Helge LA6NCA for alerting us to this and for shooting these videos.Β  And thanks to Jens OZ1GEO for putting this magnificent collection together.Β  I hope they find sometplace to keep this all together so that future generations can benefit from it.Β 

George WB5OYP points out there is more from Jens here:Β 
