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Today β€” 17 September 2024Ham Radio Blogs

POTAing on!

Good friend, Alan W2AEW does a POTA activation with a new QRP rig.Β 

Boy howdy! These new QRP rigs are popping up so fast, it's hard to keep up with them - what's new, what's what ....... WOW! Going to sound like an oldster, but I can remember when you could count available QRP rigs with the fingers on both hands. Pickin's were slim ...... no more!

Alan was at my favorite spot - Washington Rock State Park, in Greenbrook, NJ.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Can you have too many radios?

Can a ham have too many radios? The answer: Perhaps! Seems my newest FlexRadio Flex-8600 radios are close to shipping, so I’ve too many radios again. Up for sale are two seldom used radios, the Flex-6600M at my work QTH and a spare Flex-6700.Β  Both radios are full featured (other than things MARS, which I’ve […]


This is a band that is gaining in popularity. It is very good when there is Es, but it is also good for inter-G working. I am sure that with reasonable power and FT8 the whole of the British Isles would be in range. The new Yaesu FTX-1F is supposed to include this in European versions.Β  I would expect 6W and a dipole to reach widely on FT8 especially.

A while back I designed and build a 4m transverter that is on my website. It is only low power but managed to work well. It was inΒ  GQRP SPRAT some years ago.

50 Years of G-QRP Book review

17 September 2024 at 02:25
Australian QRP and home brew enthusiasts typically subscribe to two fine newsletters, the local Lo-Key from the VKQRP club and the British SPRAT from the G-QRP club. Both are A5 format newsletters packed full of interesting projects and ideas. They are of sufficient quality to stand many re-readings over the years but it’s sometimes hard to find an item that comes to mind in the pile.Lo-Key has

Return Loss Bridge – Dunsmore’s bridge

By: Owen
17 September 2024 at 01:20

Jeff, K6JCA, kindly sent me a paper, (Dunsmore 1991) which gives design details for a variation of the common resistive Return Loss Bridge design.

This article expands on the discussion at Return Loss Bridge – some important details, exploringΒ Dunsmore’s design.

Dunsmore’s design

Above is Figure 3a from (Dunsmore 1991).


The Dunsmore’s circuit has been rearranged to be similar to that used in my earlier articles.

Above is the rearranged schematic for discussion. It is similar to that used in the earlier article, but three components are renamed, R1, R2 and R3.

To analyse the circuit, we can use the mesh currents method. Mesh currents i1, i2 and i3 are annotated on the schematic.

The mesh equations are easy to write:

\(V_s=(zs+r1+r3) \cdot i1-r1 \cdot i2-r3 \cdot i3\\0=-r1 \cdot i1+(r1+r2+zd) \cdot i2-zd \cdot i3\\0=-r3 \cdot i1-zd \cdot i2+(r3+zd+zu) \cdot i3\\\)

This is a system of 3 linear simultaneous equations in three unknowns. In matrix notation:

\(\begin{vmatrix}i1\\i2\\i3 \end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix}zs+r1+r3 & -r1 & -r3\\-r1 & r1+r2+zd & -zd\\-r3 & -zd & r3+zd+zu\end{vmatrix}^{-1} \times\begin{vmatrix}V_s\\0\\0\end{vmatrix}\\\)

Lets solve it in Python (since we are going to solve for some different input values) for Vs=1V.

First pass: zs, zref, zd are 50Ξ©, and zu is short circuit (1e-300 to avoid division by zero) for calibration and 25Ξ© for measurement.Β This example uses Dunmore’s 16dB coupling factor to derive the values for r1 and r3.

from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
import cmath
import math



#equations of mesh currents

#s/c cal
#solve mesh equations

#check oc
#solve mesh equations
print('ReturnLoss (dB) {:0.2f}'.format(rl))

#check 25
#solve mesh equations
print('ReturnLoss (dB) {:0.2f}'.format(rl))

This gives calculated rl=9.54dB which is correct. Also ReturnLoss for OC reconciles with the SC calibration.

This result is sensitive to the value of Zs and Zd, changing them alters the result. It may be that there are other combinations of Zs, Zd, r1, r2, r3 that give correct results in all cases.

A common manifestation of design failure is that ReturnLoss of a short circuit termination will be significantly different to an open circuit termination, and the difference may be frequency dependent when combined with imperfections in the bridge.


Dunsmore gives an alternative design, though his formulas still depended on Zs=Zd=r1=Zref.


Dunsmore, J. Nov 1991. Simple SMT bridge circuit mimics ultra broadband coupler In RF Design, November 1991: 105-108.

Last update: 17th September, 2024, 7:08 PM
Yesterday β€” 16 September 2024Ham Radio Blogs

Jeff’s Backcountry POTA Adventure: Campbell-Brown Ecological Reserve Activation

16 September 2024 at 20:35
Many thanks toΒ Jeff (VE7EFF)Β who shares the following guest post: Off The Beaten Path – Campbell-Brown Ecological Reserve, CA-3925 by Jeff (VE7EFF) This is the 2nd backpacked-in POTA activation outing that my wife and I have done this summer.Β  I’m the 2nd person to have ever activated the Campbell-Brown Ecological Reserve (CA-3925).Β  Last year was the … Continue reading Jeff’s Backcountry POTA Adventure: Campbell-Brown Ecological Reserve Activation β†’