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Why I Read Blogs

Β I read blogs! It's my preferred method of tooling around the internet.

I read Simon Willison's blog to fill me in on the latest in LLM AIs. I read Thomas Witherspoon's blog to hear about a variety of ham radio QRP (low power < 5 Watts) operations and POTA (Parkds on the Air) activations. I reach W6CSN's blog to keep abreast of what's going on POTA-wise around me here in San Francisco. I also find things that I think are super-cool that have nothing to do with what I set out to learn.

For example, reading Simon's blog two days ago, I wound up at this really nice post from Andrew Stephens about well, reading blogs. So, that was kinda meta, but here's the cool part. I'm a huge Edward Tufte fan. Reading sheep.horse on a cell phone, I didn't notice the big reveal right away, but as I toodled around the site, I found it! Holy smokes! There's a CSS package that formats web documents like an Edward Tufte book! Or handout. I just learned about handouts yesterday as well!

Blogs are cool. Here's another post about reading blogs to create a different web.
