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The KX2 rides to Goethe State Park

By: John AE5X
25 April 2024 at 21:31
A new set of paddles and an inductive helper for my 17-ft whip both rode shotgun with me for about an hour on a beautiful Florida morning.Everything about the kit made for a quick and easy set-up...and that is my goal: 2 minutes till "On The Air" and 2 minutes to "Back on the road".The KX2 is probably the 2nd fastest rig to put on the air, second only to the KH1. But its effectiveness (due to

The POTA ride begins

By: John AE5X
11 March 2024 at 20:14
Packed up and ready to roll Two-score and seven years ago, the Texas Department of Public Safety conveyed forth upon my person a new motorcycle license, conceived in Smith County and dedicated to the proposition that even a 15 year-old kid could roam about freely on two wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine.I am now engaged in a great reminiscence to determine whether that freedom

Video: A full size, yet even more portable, POTA/DX antenna

By: John AE5X
15 December 2023 at 00:26
MFJ-1979 & eBay whipMy go-to antenna for portable operation has become the MFJ-1979 telescoping whip. It operates as a no-compromise 1/4-wave vertical on 10-20 meters, provided I have four elevated radials.In Lowband DXing, John ON4UN (SK) cites work done by many lowband DXers (confirmed by antenna modeling) that four elevated radials is equivalent to 120 on-the-ground radials in terms of

Others who Motorcycle-POTA

By: John AE5X
13 October 2023 at 13:54
I've recently learned that I'm far from alone in combining HF ham radio with motorcycling. The POTA program provides for a fun and interesting addition to what might otherwise be a non-stop morning ride on a beautiful day.What a great way to stretch our legs and take a break!Confession: Sometimes, after returning home and shutting down the bike, the heat of the ticking engine taps out "73".Does
