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Wise Revisiting of the β€œTurn on, Tune in, Drop out” in a Modern Situation

Echoing the overwhelmed feeling from current events they neither can influence, control or fully understand, Peter put the old 1960’s adage β€œTurn on, Tune in, Drop out” into modern use (I’m hitting the highlights, follow the link for the expanded original blog post): I think Timothy Leary’s slogan might not be a bad one to […]

Wise Revisiting of the β€œTurn on, Tune in, Drop out” in a Modern Situation

Echoing the overwhelmed feeling from current events they neither can influence, control or fully understand, Peter put the old 1960’s adage β€œTurn on, Tune in, Drop out” into modern use (I’m hitting the highlights, follow the link for the expanded original blog post): I think Timothy Leary’s slogan might not be a bad one to… Continue reading Wise Revisiting of the β€œTurn on, Tune in, Drop out” in a ModernΒ Situation

About University

Econ, Finance, and Accounting. The people who have to actually understand how money works in real life, are the least likely to favor socialism. That’s what a trained criminal investigator might call a clue. https://monsterhunternation.com/2024/04/09/correia-mocks-your-major/ While I would not go to print with the wasted verbiage Correia uses, he has a point. Unless University is […]

About University

Econ, Finance, and Accounting. The people who have to actually understand how money works in real life, are the least likely to favor socialism. That’s what a trained criminal investigator might call a clue. https://monsterhunternation.com/2024/04/09/correia-mocks-your-major/ While I would not go to print with the wasted verbiage Correia uses, he has a point. Unless University is… Continue reading About University

Why I am β€œMeh..” on Scholarships

Really not interested in contributing in any fashion to Scholarships.Β  No serious* scholarship donations from me, no volunteered time from me, simply just not interested. (*sometimes you have to donate small amounts to be supportive of the larger efforts behind a scholarship) Even though scholarships are somewhat split between merit based and social agenda based […]

Why I am β€œMeh..” on Scholarships

Really not interested in contributing in any fashion to Scholarships.Β  No serious* scholarship donations from me, no volunteered time from me, simply just not interested. (*sometimes you have to donate small amounts to be supportive of the larger efforts behind a scholarship) Even though scholarships are somewhat split between merit based and social agenda based… Continue reading Why I am β€œMeh..” onΒ Scholarships

Education – We paid our way, and not willing to be forced to pay another’s way

Our present administration has really hit a raw nerve across my household on Student Loan forgiveness. Between the two of us, and our kids, my family has finish nine degrees, and we paid our way. No debts, only strategic student loans, and no millstone around anyone’s neck from education costs. Now after paying our way […]

Education – We paid our way, and not willing to be forced to pay another’s way

Our present administration has really hit a raw nerve across my household on Student Loan forgiveness. Between the two of us, and our kids, my family has finish nine degrees, and we paid our way. No debts, only strategic student loans, and no millstone around anyone’s neck from education costs. Now after paying our way… Continue reading Education – We paid our way, and not willing to be forced to pay another’sΒ way

Out and About – CX 2400 Prestige Cmatic

Β  Finally I have the paperwork to be legally on the road. Wisconsin DMV took ten weeks in the process, until they were ready to issue paperwork and a downloadable printable β€œtemporary license plate.” So on Monday I took the car from storage to my house for a photo session. I planted these apple trees […]

Out and About – CX 2400 Prestige Cmatic

Β  Finally I have the paperwork to be legally on the road. Wisconsin DMV took ten weeks in the process, until they were ready to issue paperwork and a downloadable printable β€œtemporary license plate.” So on Monday I took the car from storage to my house for a photo session. I planted these apple trees… Continue reading Out and About – CX 2400 PrestigeΒ Cmatic

Blast from the Past – A Gift Arrives from England

When we receive mail from friends our household saying is β€œ received Gold today!” This package from England was not only Gold, but was a blast from the past. A Summer 1977 copy of CoEvolution Quarterly, the successor to the Whole Earth Catalog! (About eight years later this magazine became the Whole Earth Review, which […]

Blast from the Past – A Gift Arrives from England

When we receive mail from friends our household saying is β€œ received Gold today!” This package from England was not only Gold, but was a blast from the past. A Summer 1977 copy of CoEvolution Quarterly, the successor to the Whole Earth Catalog! (About eight years later this magazine became the Whole Earth Review, which… Continue reading Blast from the Past – A Gift Arrives fromΒ England

Working with DMV

I’d sent in the forms, paperwork and money early April, before the car was actually delivered to me. After 8 weeks of waiting with periodic nonsensical interactions, I was just told my CX Prestige’s registration & title are approved by Madison (DMV special plates/research), and plates will be ordered. Because they took so long, they […]

Working with DMV

I’d sent in the forms, paperwork and money early April, before the car was actually delivered to me. After 8 weeks of waiting with periodic nonsensical interactions, I was just told my CX Prestige’s registration & title are approved by Madison (DMV special plates/research), and plates will be ordered. Because they took so long, they… Continue reading Working with DMV

Non-Radio – Car Outing May 19th 2024

Had been invited to a French car meet-up in Southern Wisconsin. Really more focused on Citroen cars. I couldn’t take the very new to me CX Prestige, as its paperwork & plates haven’t been issued. So I had intended to drive my CX Pallas Automatic, as it is a pretty plush ride, nicely air conditioned […]

Non-Radio – Car Outing May 19th 2024

Had been invited to a French car meet-up in Southern Wisconsin. Really more focused on Citroen cars. I couldn’t take the very new to me CX Prestige, as its paperwork & plates haven’t been issued. So I had intended to drive my CX Pallas Automatic, as it is a pretty plush ride, nicely air conditioned… Continue reading Non-Radio – Car Outing May 19thΒ 2024

My Citroen CX Trio

Presently I have three Citroen CX cars. 1981 CX Athena 5-speed 2.0L car with the later CX engine design, with about 27,000 miles on the clock 1981 CX 2400 Pallas Automatic with A/C and about 47,000 miles on it’s clock 1978 CX 2400 Prestige Cmatic with dual-A/C and only about 14,000 miles on it Most […]

Is University Worth It?

Would say that unless you need: Specific Training ONLY available at University (like STEM) Access to Networking Opportunities ONLY available at University That University is wasted time and money. To be transparent I have at least three University Degrees (an Associates, a Bachelor’s in Business Administration & Computer Science, and an Masters in Business Administration). […]

A bit about my Citroen CX 2400 Prestige Cmatic

The backstory on the Citroen CX 2400 Prestige Cmatic is fairly interesting. Of the CX models the Prestige is basically a factory standard extended length model, intended for executive and governmental use.Β  Initially extended 10 inches by sharing the station wagon chassis, the Prestige was a low volume model, often custom specified. This particular car […]
