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Electronic Toys and Their Influence on Us

4 July 2024 at 10:44

Mike WU2D recently put out this interesting video.Β  I vaguely remember the springs on the Radio Shack kits -- I also remember (bitterly) not being able to get their shortwave receiver to work.Β  Β I really wanted to tune in HCJB and Radio Moscow.Β  This probably led me to ask Santa for a Lafayette HA-600A receiver in 1973 or so.Β 

An earlier influence was the little intercom kits.Β  I think they worked over the AC lines?Β  Β We took some of them to the beach bungalows we had in Lavallette NJ.Β  With them we were able to speak clearly to similar units in nearby bunalows.Β  Wow, that was cool. That got me interested in radio.Β 

Cassette tape recorders were another early influence. I still have a recording I made with a tape recorder I got for Christmas, probably in 1972.Β  I used this recorder to practice CW for the ham exam.Β 

I managed to escape the CB madness.Β  Β But I came close to falling into the groovy psycho stuff of the early 1970s.Β  I remember the Transcendental Meditation gizmos.Β  I never built one, but if I had I may have been better off with CB.Β 

I kind of wish I had followed the example of the Woz and Jobs by making telephone blue boxes.Β  This could have led me to riches.Β  But as Jean Shepherd used to say, young men often come to a fork in the road: one path leads to wealth, the other to ham radio flea markets.Β  I got on the second path.Β Β 

Thanks Mike!Β 


A Contact with my Old Azorean DSB Transceiver

5 March 2024 at 10:36

I've been thinking about balanced modulators, and I wanted to see how some of my early circuits performed.Β  So I pulled this OLD Double Sideband rig off the shelf and fired it up. The balanced modulator -- and everything else! - worked fine,Β  and I soon made contact on 17 meter SSB with Gene, AB9GK.Β 

This was the first DSB transceiver that I ever built.Β  I made this out in the Azores, probably in 2000 or 2001.Β  Years later I had replaced the RF power amplifier with a "JBOT" (Just a Bunch of Transistors) designed by Farhan.Β Β 

Over on my YouTube channel a comment came in from my friend Jack:Β Β 

"Looking inside and seeing the o-scope probe in place while the radio was on the air reminded me of neurosurgery where the patient is awake and talking while the surgeon probes different brain regions soliciting feedback. Sure, ham radio isn't neurosurgery, but it's not too far at times. Also, you already have rocket science covered."

Here is an article about my build of that first rig:

I think the article captures well the trials and tribulations faced by new homebrewers, perhaps with the twist that comes from being out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.Β Β 

Mike WU2D is having similar fun with his homebrew 10 meter DSB transceiver:Β 

I was struck by how similar Mike's early QSO experiences were with mine.Β  We both put our DSB transmitters on the air before they made their way into real cabinets or boxes.Β 

Here's mine from 2001 in the Azores:Β 
