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It is Thirteen Colonies Week

The annual event is so well explained at their website that I will just send you there: http://13colonies.us/ Always a fun and festive event. I logged six of the colonies as I was preparing this post!Β  (Well one was WM3PEN which is a bonus contact.) Hoping I can do a full natural clean-sweep this year. […]

It is Thirteen Colonies Week

The annual event is so well explained at their website that I will just send you there: http://13colonies.us/ Always a fun and festive event. I logged six of the colonies as I was preparing this post!Β  (Well one was WM3PEN which is a bonus contact.) Hoping I can do a full natural clean-sweep this year.… Continue reading It is Thirteen ColoniesΒ Week

Power Supply Failure Deux

My dual rack-mount Astron power supply has been causing issues. I’d moved things over from the left-hand unit to the right-hand unit a year ago, after a series of unexplained β€œbrown outs” that I never really was confident I had gotten to the bottom of. https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2023/07/19/diagnosing-reduced-power-flex-6700/ https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2023/08/06/diagnosing-reduced-power-flex-6700-part-ii/ Basically when things worked well enough again, I […]

Power Supply Failure Deux

My dual rack-mount Astron power supply has been causing issues. I’d moved things over from the left-hand unit to the right-hand unit a year ago, after a series of unexplained β€œbrown outs” that I never really was confident I had gotten to the bottom of. https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2023/07/19/diagnosing-reduced-power-flex-6700/ https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2023/08/06/diagnosing-reduced-power-flex-6700-part-ii/ Basically when things worked well enough again, I… Continue reading Power Supply FailureΒ Deux

Another Thousand QSOs – 51000 logged and counting

February 28th 2024 hit another thousand-round logged QSO number, 51K this time. I have been pondering how many QSOs I would log if I didn’t have the remote capability of FlexRadio’s SmartLink (or another way to remote to my station) and guess it would be perhaps 15% as many QSOs, if not even less. Much […]

Crossed that 50,000 logged QSOs count

Despite being banished to the master bedroom sick with the flu, I was able to work enough FT8 and FT4 contacts to cross the fifty thousand in the log mark. Β  As I really didn’t keep logs and if I did I must have put them someplace so super safe that I’ve not found them, […]

On the Mend and On the Air, a bit

Seems the meds are helping, not like any instant cure. Rather much symptom relief and helping the natural process along. At the stage where fever comes and goes. The harshest parts of high fever, body aches, headaches and complete fatigue is hopefully behind. This morning the XYL knocked on the bedroom door asking if I […]

Ten Bands in 21 QSOs – Monday Morning Start to the Week

Thought I would see how quickly I could get the ten main HF bands I work (160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10m) by working two stations each band. We I did one extra, as the Saba station wasn’t doing a conventional exchange, with any 73’s offered combined with they next […]
