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QMX+ kit arrives

By: John AE5X
31 May 2024 at 20:16
Click for largerIn a package significantly heavier than I would have thought, the QMX+ kit arrived today, shipped from a US address.I'm very anxious to get this kit together and on the air but all I'll be able to do for now is winding the many coils and transformers before leaving town for a while.I've built a lot of kits over the decades but few have made me as excited as this one, in terms of

First QMX+ build, de Hannes DL9SCO - and is the QMX+ a pre-QSX?

By: John AE5X
17 May 2024 at 20:26
As I wait for mine, I enjoy the rig vicariously thanks to Hannes and (soon) others:One interesting comment on the QRPLabs group: "Once SSB is implemented in the QMX+, will that make it a QSX?"The QSX description (5 years ago) was for a 10-160m, all-mode rig so it seems like the 6-160m QMX+ may fit the description - if firmware-driven SSB is a possibility with these rigs. Like the QMX, the QMX+

Success! Thump suppression in the QMX

By: John AE5X
6 May 2024 at 20:12
On 1 May, Hans G0UPL released new firmware for the QMX.The primary goal of the update was to suppress the thump on CW that many users experienced on several bands.In my case, 80m was the most affected band.I'm happy to report that the new firmware does what it was written to do. Even before enabling the thump suppression feature, the new firmware seems to have fixed 80% of the thump generated

15-60m version of QMX now available for order

By: John AE5X
26 April 2024 at 13:50
This morning, from Hans G0UPL:I am pleased to announce the availability of the 60-15m QMX version, which has been requested multiple times by POTA and SOTA operators. Note that there will be a few days' delay; the Rev 4 QMX boards will allegedly arrive here today according to the cargo company contracted locally by FedEx. But there will be some work to pack kits and program bootloader etc. I

A few thoughts on the QMX transceiver

By: John AE5X
22 March 2024 at 18:24
 A recent get-together of Central Florida POTA ops, led, of course, by Bill N4NYM, allowed me the opportunity of meeting a dozen or so kindred spirits at Lake Louisa State Park where I very much enjoyed seeing their set-ups and eating their food.One of those in attendance was a newbie CW op, Glenn KO4NTA, and somehow Glenn and I got to talking about QRP. He had several rigs with him but the

QMX on CW: demo of thumping at the end of CW characters

By: John AE5X
19 March 2024 at 13:43
A thread currently running on the QRP Labs group discusses the "thumping" issue on CW.I received my pre-built QMX yesterday and was able to hear for myself how this it sounds on the 5 bands, 20 to 80 meters. As noted on the group, the issue is more pronounced on 80 meters and is present to a smaller degree on higher bands, although 40m seems the least affected.The sound is the same whether using

Long-awaited QMX arrives

By: John AE5X
18 March 2024 at 19:15
Ordered 7 months ago, my pre-built QRP Labs QMX arrived today.There is a much shorter waiting time for those who order the kit version of this rig. It's a 20-80m version and I will be putting it through its paces on CW over the next few days and will eventually configure it for FT8.I was happy to see that a test sheet was included, indicating the results of various parameters obtained before it
