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RSGB British Science Week Challenge

Are you looking for your next construction challenge? Then the RSGB British Science Week Time challenge could be for you. The task is to provide a method of either measuring the frequency of a radio frequency source or signal, or providing a time reference to a radio operator or radio system. You must use readily […]

RSGB YOTA Czechia rep announced

The RSGB is pleased to announce that it will be represented at this summer’s Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) camp by Rhys Williams, M0WGY / AJ6XD. The event, which is organised by the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group together with the Czech Radio Club, will be held between 16-23 August 2024 in Prague, Czechia. […]

Direct to Full syllabus v2.0

The new amateur radio licence has now been in effect for a few months. Changes to the licence conditions have necessitated revision to the examination syllabus. We are pleased to release v2.0 (PDF) of the Direct to Full (PDF) syllabus, including these revisions. Compared to the version in current use, the only section that has […]

Tonight @ 8 QMX+ transceiver

The next RSGB Tonight @ 8 is on Monday, 8 July 2024 when Hans Summers, G0UPL from QRP Labs will present QMX+ Multimode 160-6m transceiver kit design and features. This is a great opportunity to find out more and ask questions live on the night. You can watch on the RSGB YouTube channel or special […]

ESC annual report and key messages

The Examinations Standards Committee (ESC) has published its annual report, relating to activities in 2023. Key messages arising from the report: Whilst in 2023 there were fewer candidates across all licence levels, the number of people taking exams so far in 2024 has increased significantly Preparations are being made to release the bank of questions […]

GR2HQ Challenge

We are looking forward to the IARU HF Championship contest on 13-14 July 2024, and there is a great opportunity for you to get involved in a different way this year. During the contest, Headquarters Stations represent their countries and the RSGB’s station GR2HQ will be run by a network of about a dozen stations […]

RESOLVED – RSGB phone system issue

UPDATE 15:20 24/06/2024 Phone service to RSGB HQ has now been restored. Thank you for your patience during the incident, it is much appreciated. You may now call us as normal using all the usual numbers and the automated switchboard. UPDATE 14:47 24/06/2024 Our apologies for the lack of progress on this issue. We are […]

RSGB Convention practical session ideas welcomed

Do you like making things? Are you interested in finding out more about the Raspberry Pi or programming an Arduino? Have you heard about the NanoVNA and DragonOS but don’t know where to start? The RSGB wants its 2024 Convention to offer practical sessions to help radio amateurs to try something new, develop their skills […]

RSGB talks to ICQ Podcast at Dayton Hamvention

Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB, had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention in May. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and it resulted in 132 people joining the RSGB. It also provided […]

Updated RSGB Discovery Scheme

Have you tried the updated RSGB Discovery Scheme? Now called the Discovery Logbook, there are fewer requirements, an easy-to-follow programme and exciting links with external organisations such as Parks On The Air and Worked All Britain. There are also some great RSGB Awards to work towards if you’d like to include those in your own […]

RSGB Yearbook Editor vacancy

The RSGB is looking for an individual to take on the complex role of Editor of the annual RSGB Yearbook, following the retirement of the previous Editor. This is a paid post, working part time from home for a few months each year, and is offered as a fixed term contract. You will need experience […]

Exercise Blue Ham is taking place this week

RAF Air Cadets are running the ever-popular Blue Ham Radio Communications Exercise, on the 60m band, between the 17 and 21 June. Subject to your licence conditions, the Blue Ham team hopes that you can put some time aside to join in with the cadets and staff who will be ready to take your calls. […]

RSGB 2024 Convention – your convention, your way

The RSGB 2024 Convention will take place from 11 to 13 October. What would you like to see at the Convention? This year the Society is offering everyone the opportunity to propose a presentation, a topic, a practical session or a project to share. Are you involved in some new research? Have you discovered something […]

Could you be the RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator

National Coding Week runs in September. Coding – or programming as it used to be called – is used in a range of amateur radio activities. This year the Society would like to develop its activities further by appointing a volunteer National Coding Week Coordinator. Could you encourage people, help them with their ideas and […]

RadCom July 2024, Vol. 100, No. 7

Yaesu FTM-500DE review To read this edition, tap or click cover image Regulars Advertisers’ index 85 Antennas, Tony Preedy, G3LNP 28 ATV, Dave Crump, G8GKQ 16 Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 65 Contesting, Nick Totterdell, G4FAL 60 GHz bands, Sam Jewell, G4DDK 58 HF, John Petters, G3YPZ 48 Members’ ads 86 Propagation predictions, Gwyn Williams, […]

TX Factor marks 10 year anniversary with 30th episode

TX Factor is marking its ten-year anniversary by launching its 30th episode. It looks at how radio technology has advanced since Marconi conducted some of his early transmissions. The episode includes the first of a two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 geostationary satellite with a look at the hardware and software needed to achieve […]

Changes to four year planning rule in England

The four-year planning rule has offered a degree of protection for antennas and masts that have been erected without planning permission. Under this rule any installations which had been installed and unchanged for four years or more were protected against planning enforcement action. However, as of the 25 April 2024, this rule ceased to exist […]

Bath-Based Distance Learning Full licence course

Bath Based Distance Learning’s next Full licence course runs from August to December, with exams in January. There is no charge for the training, but applicants must work through some pre-course material and complete a quiz to be eligible for a place. To request full details, and an application form, please email Bath Based Distance […]

IARU President and Vice President nominations ratified

IARU member societies have ratified the nomination of Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA and Thomas Wrede, DF2OO as IARU President and Vice President, respectively, for a five year term which began on 9 May 2024. On beginning his fourth term as President, Tim Ellam thanked member societies for their support, congratulated Thomas Wrede on his election as […]