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Progress Report Video on the SolderSmoke Shack South

30 June 2024 at 16:11

The new shack is coming together in HI7 land.Β  Β I will need a shelf for the test gear -- I am looking for something thatcan sit on the main workbench -- the wall behind the bench is drywall and won't support any weight.Β  Β I will have to get some plywood to protect the nice woodwork. I have melted some solder already -- I had to fix the little magnifying lamp -- it felt good to get back in the game.Β Β 

The AM radio station that was providing background music was from just across the Mona passage -- they were in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico.Β  Β My S38-E shows the frequency as being a bit above 700 kHz, but as with most things S38-E, this readout is suspect.Β  Can anyone tell me the call sign of this station?Β Β 

I have been using the homebrew 15-10 rig, but only in receive mode so far.Β Β 

I am also doing some VHF scanning, using a Realistic Pro-36 scanner that Bob KD4EBM gave me.Β  So far I am picking up aircraft approaching Santo Domingo from the East.Β  I have the maritime calling freq also programmed in and hope to hear some ships at sea.Β  Thanks Bob.Β 

Dino asked about astronomy.Β  Β As you can see in the video, the Orion telescope is ready to go, but we are in rainy season here, so the skies aren't too great right now.Β  They will be better in the winter.Β 

Hurricane Beryl is approaching, but current projections are for it to pass to our south on Tuesday. The eye of the storm is not expected to hit this island.Β  Β 

Sticker Madness, HI7, April 1

15 June 2024 at 15:11

Our friend Lex astutely focused on the date of the release of our report about legal prosecution by the City of San Francisco.Β  The truth is that we made almost all of this up.Β  We did put a sticker on a lamp post at Haight and Ashbury.Β  Β Dave AA7EE did visit the site and report that the sticker had been removed.Β  But all the rest was made up.Β  We did catch several people in this annual April 1 joke.Β  Unfortunately, not everyone who was taken in was outraged by the city's supposed action. In fact, we got one e-mail SUPPORTING the prosecution.Β  This fellow said, essentially, that we were getting what we deserved, that we should take this as a life lesson, and stop with the sticker-vandalism.Β  He was serious.Β  Jeez.Β  APRIL FOOL!Β  Β We will talk more about this in the next podcast.Β 

I know the podcast has been delayed by a lot, but I am still getting things set up here in HI7 land.Β  I hope we will soon be podcasting with particpation from California (N6QW), Northern Virginia (KK4DAS), and the Dominican Republic (HI7/N2CQR).Β Β 

Happily, my Dominican ham radio license came throughΒ  -- I will be HI7/N2CQR for the next year.Β  At some point I hope to take the Dominican exam and get a real Dominican call.Β 

Lex has been our main point of contact in Europe on sticker distribution (aka VANDALISM!). Lex writes:Β Β Β 

Hello all,

Shocked to hear about the "Legal action against Soldersmoke" in podcast :Β 


Which could mean a few things :Β 
  1. some official is trying to make a career and he will be very busy because there are a lot of stickers in San Fransisco to remove.
  2. somebody did remove the sticker because they are highly collectable and somebody at soldersmoke HQ saw a opportunity toΒ made one of the best april fools jokes in soldersmoke history pulling the listeners (and readers) leg.Β 
  3. somebody use photoshop and made one of the best april fools jokes in soldersmoke history pulling the listeners (and readers) leg.Β 

Looking at the release date of the soldersmoke podcast 251, IMHO #3 is the most possible with #2 as a good second. When #1 is the real reason, that sucks big time :-(Β  (so I'm hoping for the april fools joke outcome)

Let's continue and get on topic to this e-mails subject.

My XYL and I are just back from a holiday to Berlin and aside of the architecture, visiting a large number of museums and historical exhibitions, there was one place on my personal list I wanted to visit : the "Teufelsberg".Β 

*Β Β The "Teufelsberg" (Devil's Mountain) is a artificial mountain build with rumble of the ruins of Berlin on top of theΒ β€œWehrtechnische FakultΓ€t”, covert soil and plated full with trees. In the early 70's the location becameΒ one of the most important locations for the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) outside the United States. The facility monitors Soviet and Eastern Bloc communications and gathers important information on the activities of Warsaw Pact countries. 1992 the side got intrest of creative minds and started to get covert by street art.
More info about the history can be found on there website:Β Β https://www.teufelsberg-berlin.de/en/history/

Not only the historical part of the site, but also because the XYL and I love street art, we took a day visit it. Aside from the nice walk to it, the excellent view and the great pieces of street art, when you are at a site where street art is present all over the place and even is encouraged (and legal) and you "accidently" just happen to have a few soldersmoke stickers in you bag, you just have to use them. So as of this moment, Soldersmoke is present a the formalΒ National Security Agency (NSA) spy station in Berlin.Β 

I added a few images as a attachment to this e-mail including one to show the great view over Berlin when you on the top deck (only showing one placement, the other 2 are hidden in plane site).Β 

In short : when you can apricate street art and visit Berlin, a visit to the "Teufelsberg" is almost a must. IBEW bonus : there are a few soldersmoke stickers hidden on the top dek for you to find ;-)

73 from PAΒ 


mail :Β lex@ph2lb.nl
home :Β http://www.ph2lb.nl/Β Β Β 
twitter :Β https://twitter.com/lex_ph2lbΒ Β 
call : PH2LBΒ 

"Life's like a role playing adventure. You
need to solve the puzzles first before
they let you go to the next level."

Some of my Double Sideband Rigs: Azores, Virginia, Dominican Republic

22 February 2024 at 11:53

The above video describe a round of mods to the much modded DSB rig. And my alleged winning of the ARRL Sweepstakes (in a very elite category).Β 

The video above shows where I took the rig in 2014.Β  Bahia Rincon, Samana peninsula, Dominican Republic.Β  You can also see my power supply.Β 

Here is an article on the first DSB rig that I built, out in the Azores:Β Β 


I think the article captures well the trials and tribulations faced by new homebrewers, perhaps with the twist that comes from being out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.Β Β 

Mike WU2D is having similar fun with his homebrew 10 meter DSB transceiver:Β 

I was struck by how similar Mike's early QSO experiences were with mine.Β  We both put our DSB transmitters on the air before they made their way into real cabinets or boxes.Β 

Here's mine from 2001 in the Azores:Β 
