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Finally! My Extra Class study guide is available in all formats

By: Dan KB6NU
26 June 2024 at 19:09

2024 No Nonsense Extra Class License Study GuideMy Β No Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide is finally available in all formats, including:

  • PDF. You can read this version on practically any device.
  • ePub. You can sideload this version to Kindles, Nooks, and read it with ePub applications.
  • Kindle. Purchase this version to have it appear in your Amazon digital library and read it on Kindle readers or tablets.
  • Print. Get this version if you want to read it in print.

June 1, 2024 One-Day Tech Class a Success

By: Dan KB6NU
10 June 2024 at 12:36

My latest One-Day Tech Class took place on Saturday, June 1. There were only 13 in this class, fewer than most classes that I teach. I think the main reason for this is that the university school year had already ended, so there were only a couple of students in this class.

Students taking a test.
Students in my June 1, 2024 one-day Tech class taking the license exam.

Nine of the thirteen passed the test. This is a little lower than usual, but one of the students was a ten-year-old who seemed more intent on playing with a yo-yo than actually getting a license. Another was a young man who didn’t miss by much. He took the test again on Saturday, at our club’s regularly-scheduled test session, and passed. So, if you don’t count the ten-year-oldβ€”and I generally don’t count anyone that youngβ€”then the final result is 10/12, which is much closer to my usual pass rate.

I got a kick out of one guy in the class. He was so afraid that he had failed the test. As he was waiting for his exam to be scored, he asked me about one of the questions. Unfortunately, he had chosen the wrong answer, and when I told him this, he got even more anxious. In the end, all of his worrying was for naught, though. He passed with a score of 30/35.

As always, thanks to the VEs who came to administer the test. These included (in alphabetical order by call sign) Dinesh AB3DC, Ed AB8OJ, Don AC8TO, Steve AC8YA, and Mark W8FSA,

I’ll next be teaching at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in New York City in July. If you know someone who would like to take the class, have them contact me, and I’ll email them when the date is set. After that, I’ll be teaching at DEFCON in Las Vegas in August.
