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Connect to Ham Reflector with your Windows Computer and DroidStar

25 September 2024 at 17:07

I don’t think enough people know about this, so I decided to make a post here for those looking. You can connect to your average YSF (Yaesu System Fusion), DMR and M17 reflector using your computer and talk with any connected headset. Droidstar is openSource, and the source code can be found here.


Grab the Windows 64 bit version of DroidStar from here:

Grab the Windows 32 bit version of DroidStar from here:

DMR ID Requirement

This build of droid star requires a DMR ID, even when connecting with other modes. The reason for this is unknown to me. If you don’t yet have one, you can register for one at Once you open the application, navigate to the Settings Tab and fill in the DMR Id there.

The post Connect to Ham Reflector with your Windows Computer and DroidStar appeared first on TheModernHam.

Setup IP Networking via Packet Radio with DireWolf and IL2P

17 September 2024 at 17:46

This guide will get you a working TCP/IP network connection over the 2m or 70cm band over just about any radio. This guide will get you a working direwolf installation, a program called tncattach installed, and a network interface connected via IL2P (Improved Layer 2 Protocol). Tncattach is a modern way of creating am IP interface for KISS TNC’s. IL2P is an improvement on the AX.25 protocol to add error correction without the overhead that FX.25 has. Direwolf is a software TNC, eliminating the need for extra hardware.


Creating a User

Otherwise, follow long to create a user we will use for the rest of the guide.

Swap to the root user if you haven’t already:

#On Debian/Ubuntu
su -l
#On Raspi
sudo su

As root enter the following commands (replace “yourusername” with your chosen username):

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt install sudo
adduser yourusername
sudo usermod -aG pulse-access yourusername
sudo usermod -aG audio yourusername
sudo usermod -aG plugdev yourusername
sudo usermod -aG dialout yourusername
sudo usermod -aG sudo yourusername

Go ahead and reboot the server or relog/ssh into your terminal session as your new user before proceeding.

sudo reboot

Everything from now on will be ran in the context of the new user you just created.

Install Direwolf

This is a quick down and dirty on getting a basic installation of direwolf up and running. It will assume you are using the digirig. For a full guide, with details and all supported sound card interfaces, see this guide (The Ultimate guide to DireWolf)

Issue the following commands to install the latest version of direwolf as a standard user:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
sudo apt-get install libavahi-client-dev
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
cd ~
git clone
cd direwolf
git checkout dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
make install-conf
cd ~

Sound Card Interface

Grab your soundcard device numbers by issuing the following command:

arecord -l

You will see a list of cards, locate the one that has your sound card interface (such as “usb” if using the digirig). Note down the card number, as well as the device number. Most likely 0/0 or 1/0. You will need these numbers for the next part.

Now issue the following command to setup volume levels, and disable AGC:


Press “F6” and use your arrow keys to select your radios sound card interface. Set the speaker volume to 50. If the Microphone seciton has “MM” arrow key to it, and press “M” on your keyboard to unmute it, and set the microphone volume to 10. If a”AGC” bar is present, arrow key to it and Press “M” to mute it. Press escape to close the window, and enter the following command the save the settings:

sudo alsactl store

Serial PTT Setup

We will also need to know the serial port path for PTT. These devices are located in /dev/. If using a usb PTT interface, your PTT serial path will be in the format “/dev/ttyUSBX” .

You can see a list of devices with the following command:

ls -l /dev

Setup the Direwolf Config File for IL2P and Networking

We will now create a new direwolf configuration file. You will need to replace the numbers after “ADEVICE plughw:” with the card and device number found above in the Sound Card Interface section. You will need to replace the serial path after “PTT” with your own. “RTS” used after the path here is for the digirig. This can be RTS or DTR depending on your interface.

Enter the following command to create a new config file:

nano ~/direwolf-network.conf

In the file, paste the following configuration, adjusting the PTT serial path, and ADEVICE card numbers as needed from the results we found previously:

ADEVICE plughw:1,0
MODEM 1200
PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 RTS

Press Ctrl+X to Save.

Install tncattach:

sudo apt install git
sudo apt install build-essential
git clone
cd tncattach
sudo make install

Starting and Testing the Network

We will now need 3 terminal windows to start and test everything. After this, we will move it all to services so that it’s all started on boot automatically.

On Terminal 1, Start Dire Wolf (replacing “youruser” with your own):

direwolf -d kn -c /home/youruser/direwolf-network.conf

On Terminal 2, Start TNC Attach.

Use the following command if you want a Point to Point network (2 IP’s) with no Ethernet overhead:
( The “KN4MKBTNCATTACH” portion of the below needs to contain your own callsign, and must be at least 15 char long) It is used as ID.

sudo tncattach --kisstcp --tcphost= --tcpport=8001 -s 'KN4MKBTNCATTACH' -t 600 -m 508 --noipv6 --noup -v

If you instead want to have a network where more than 2 people can communicate, you will need to use the following command instead of the above to add Ethernet frames into the mix (The MTU is adjusted here to leave room for 22 bytes of overhead from the Ethernet frames comapred to the direwolf PACLEN):

sudo tncattach --kisstcp --tcphost= --tcpport=8001 -s 'KN4MKBTNCATTACH' -t 600 --ethernet --mtu 490 --noipv6 --ipv4

In the above command, we give ourselves the IP “”, and will be able to communicate with anyone on that network via packet.

On Terminal 3, Create the Network Tunnel (Only If using the Point to Point command above):
In the below example, will become your own IP in the radio network, while would be the destination IP. On the other server, connected to a different radio, these IP addresses would be reversed.

sudo ifconfig tnc0 pointopoint

Testing the network:

If everything goes error free above, you should now be able to ping a distant end, in the example case “”. You can use the following command to send a single ping:

ping -c 1

If all goes well, you should see a reply back. If not, check the direwolf window to make sure the packets are being decoded properly.

Setup Start on Boot

We will now setup the entire network stack to come up when your server is booted.

Install Screen:

sudo apt install screen

Setup Direwolf auto start:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/direwolf.service

Paste the following, changing “yourusername” in the three separate areas with your own:


ExecStart=screen -S direwolf -dm bash -c "direwolf -d kn -c /home/youruser/direwolf-network.conf; exec sh"


Press Ctrl+x to Save.

Enable the Service:

sudo systemctl enable direwolf

Setup tncattach to auto start:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tncattach.service

Paste the following, take care to replace the portion in quotes (“”) with your intended tncattach command (the one you used above):


ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30
ExecStart=screen -S tncattach -dm bash -c "sudo tncattach --kisstcp --tcphost= --tcpport=8001 -s 'KN4MKBTNCATTACH' -t 600 -m 508 --noipv6 --noup -v; exec sh"


Enable the Service:

sudo systemctl enable tncattach

Auto start the Point to Point Tunnel

This is only needed if your are configuring a point to point tunnel for the tncattach command instead of a /24 network.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tunnel.service

Paste the following:
Take care to replace the IP addresses below with the ones you intend to use with yourself and your packet partner.


ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 40
ExecStart=screen -S tunnel -dm bash -c "sudo ifconfig tnc0 pointopoint; exec sh"


Enable the service:

 sudo systemctl enable tunnel

Restart the Server

sudo reboot

Auto Start Results Verification

Once the server is back up, give it a solid 60 seconds to bring the services up. Afterwards, you can issue the following commands to “check in” on the services by attaching to their console sessions. Take care to use sudo for the tncattach, and tunnel screen commands.

screen -r direwolf
sudo screen -r tncattach
sudo screen -r tunnel

To detach from the screen press Ctrl + A on your keyboard, followed by the “D” key. If all is well, you will be able to ping the distant radio/server.

EXTRA: Optimizing the Network

This is just a few notes on achieving lower latency, and higher throughput in your packet network.

Reducing Latency

The first element to take a look at are the TXDELAY and TXTAIL parameters within the direwolf configuration file. Start these out higher to give plenty of room for your transmitter to “balance” out before sending data, as well as give the transmitter time to finish sending before disabling the PTT. These values are calculated by multiplying the value by 10, and the result is the delay in milliseconds. The above configuration of TXDELAY 20 and TXTAIL 10 will result in a 200ms delay prior to data, and a 100ms delay before stopping the transmission. Slowly turn these values down one at a time, and verify the other end can still decode your packet until your station is no longer understood. Then add a bit back onto it to create a small buffer. This will result in the lowest latency your radio can handle. I’ve found my RT95 will work finer with a TXDELAY 10 and a TXTAIL 0, despite warnings form dire wolf.

Increase Speed

Using a larger PACLEN value in the configuration file, combined with an increase in the MTU supplied to the tnc attach command can allow larger packet sizes. This can result in overall less overhead of the network by sending more data with each frame header. As a general rule, have your PACLEN within direwolf be 4 bytes more than the MTU supplied to tncattach to allow for the IP frame header in point to point networks. If using ethernet frames as well (such as a /24 network) have your PACLEN be at least 20 more than the MTU supplied to tncattach. The draw back to larger packet sizes will be the likelihood of a packet not being decoded due to interference screwing up too many bits in the packet. As such, a more reliable link will allow larger packet sizes.

You can also increase the modem speed within dire wolf from the 1200 supplied in the above example configuration. Keep in mind, this is somewhat limited to your digital sound card interface, and radio. Radios that supply a dedicated data jack often support up to 9600 baud. I’ve found that most radios will be happy with a value of 2400. But this rule has exceptions. Both modems in the network will need the same speed setting. As such, my config usually has “MODEM 2400” as the speed setting as this does well with my RT95.

The post Setup IP Networking via Packet Radio with DireWolf and IL2P appeared first on TheModernHam.

Share Soundcard between Direwolf and VARA on Linux

30 May 2024 at 23:00

I wish I could make this one simple, but we are getting into complex territory. Please read the instructions and follow along carefully. This is not something I recommend doing without knowing your way around Linux, and so the basics are not covered(it would be too long). this should let you share the same soundcard between direwolf and other apps like VARA, and FLDigi as well. I ran into this when I wanted to have VARA and Dire wolf share a soundcard for my BPQ32 node on Linux. By default, Dire wolf takes complete control of the sound card interface, as well as VARA when ran within wine. There are several tweaks and changes needed to make this work, so buckle in. In this guide, I’ve used this post to install VARA within wine on Debian 12. I’ve used this post to install dire wolf.

Splitting the Interface

First, we need to grab your sound cards device name. Enter cat /proc/asound/cards to get a list of sound cards, pay attention to the “Device” or “Device_1” relating to your radios digital audio interface card. I my case, I needed both (one was used for 2m, the other for HF). Note the name somewhere, paying attention to the case as well.

Now, we need to open the “asound” configuration file (or make a new one if it doesn’t exist), and enter some information. First, check if one exists for your current user with : cat ~/.asound. If you get file does not exist, that’s fine. If you instead see file info, enter rm ~/.asound to get rid of it. The reason we did that was because the user configuration file overrides the global (which is the one we will now create/edit).

Enter sudo nano /etc/asound.conf to create/edit the existing global configuration. If your file is empty, awesome. If it contains content, remove everything.

What we will do now, is name our new split soundcard interface. In the following example, I’ve taken the soundcard listed as “Device” from above, and now named it “digirig” in this new interface, and split it into “digirig-rx” for the receive(audio in), and “digirig-tx” for the transmit (audio out)

We will now paste the following template:

Take care to replace the word “Device” with the name you found above (probably the same), and if you would like to rename the interface to something other than “digirig” like I have here, replace all instances of it with something lowercase and simple you will remember.

pcm_slave.digirig {
   pcm {
      type hw
      card Device
   period_time 0
   buffer_size 8192

pcm.digirig-dmix {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 2023041901
   slave "digirig"
   bindings.0 0

pcm.digirig-dsnoop {
   type dsnoop
   ipc_key 2023041902
   slave "digirig"
   bindings.0 0

pcm.digirig-rx {
   type plug
   slave.pcm "digirig-dsnoop"
   hint.description "digirig RX audio plug"

pcm.digirig-tx {
   type plug
   slave.pcm "digirig-dmix"
   hint.description "digirig TX audio plug"

If you have 2 sound card interfaces, such as I do, you will just paste the above twice, one after the other. You will need to rename all instances of “digirig” (or whatever you called the first one) to something else (to refer to the second card). You will also need to replace “Device” once more with the name of the second sound card (probably “Device_1”).

Great, save that file. Issue the following command to have the changes take effect.

sudo alsa force-reload

If you get command not found, you’re better off rebooting before continuing.

Now, we will now make sure we’ve done this part right. Open up your direrwolf configuration file (probably nano ~/direwolf.conf) and find the “ADEVICE” line and remove it.

Replace it with the following. (Obviously replacing “digirig” if you’ve renamed it in the asound file we made/edited above.

ADEVICE  digirig-rx digirig-tx

Save the file, and restart Dire wolf. Dire wolf should start fine, and your audio device should be working as it did before. If not, stop here, somethings wrong.

Getting VARA to use the Split interface

Now that dire wolf is using our split interface, we now need to get VARA on board, which is a little more involved.

First, we need to get your wine prefix to be configured using ALSA. If using VARA in the default prefix, this could be as simple as running “winetricks sound=alsa“. Give it a try, as it won’t hurt either way. Otherwise, you will run the following command, replacing “.wine32” with the wine prefix you’ve made for VARA.

 env WINEARCH="win32" env WINEPREFIX="/home/aspect/.win32" winecfg

Another way you can try to achieve this is by running “winetricks” within desktop mode, selecting the prefix where VARA is installed, choosing “Change Settings”, finding “sound=alsa” and pressing “Ok”

vara wineprefix config
setting vara to alsa in wine

Next we need to set some registry keys on the Wine prefix to identify our split interfaces. Similar to the above, we will enter the following command to open the registry editor for the VARA prefix:

env WINEARCH="win32" env WINEPREFIX="/home/aspect/.win32" regedit

You can also reach the Registry editor using the “winetricks” command, selecting the prefix, and opening the regedit from there.

You will navigate to the following key and leave it it open:


set input and output devices for alsa in a wine prefix

Just as in the above screenshot, you will right click the empty space, and select new -> multi-string value.

Create one key called “ALSAInputDevices” and another called “ALSAOutputDevices”. In each of them, for the value, make a list of the relative -rx or -tx devices we made before in the asound file. (If you only have 1 sound card interface to use, you only need the one here). (-rx being in the Input devices, and -tx being in the Output.)

set the digirig as an option for vara to use in wine

Save, and close it all out.

Starting VARA

Now start VARA as you normally do in WINE. In the soundcard settings, now chose the interface we specified in the registry relating to the one we created in the asound configuration file.

vara running on debian 12

Direwolf and VARA should now be able to share the sound interface this way!

The post Share Soundcard between Direwolf and VARA on Linux appeared first on TheModernHam.

Host your own FCC Ham Radio Database for Offline Use with HamDB

23 May 2024 at 17:51

First, I want to give all credit for this blog post and script to this website(, and the ham who created it (K3NG). The only reason I am posting it here is to walk through the database installation portion, and show how the database can be expanded onto to include extra information, as well as add some more detailed documentation. His mission seems to align with mine in making database lookup tools for logbooks for accessible, instead of taking user data and selling it back (such as what QRZ does). As such, most of the information here is ripped from his post, and presented in a different way.

exampel of hamdb

This guide is going to assume you are running Debian 12, or Ubuntu 22.04

Creating our User

This section is Linux 101, but I usually go over it anyways just in case. We will be running mostly everything here as a non root user, that is in the sudo group. As such, the following commands below will create our new user, install sudo, and swap to it. If you already have a user created that you would like to use, you may skip this step.

As Root:

add user your-desired-user
apt install sudo
usermod -aG sudo your-desired-user
su kn4mkb

Installing and Configuring MariaDB Database

The following will perform some updates, and install MariaDB. Everything else from here on should be done under the user we just created, not root.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt -y install mariadb-server
systemctl restart mariadb

Now we will configure it for best security practices:

sudo mysql_secure_installation 

You will be asked several questions. As we are running the command as root, press [Enter](none) when asked for the root password, as we haven’t configured one. We can answer ‘n’ for most of the others until asked if we want to remove anonymous users. From here, we want to say ‘y’, for the rest of the questions.

Enter current password for root (enter for none):
Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] n
Change the root password? [Y/n] n
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
creating secure mysql isntall

Creating the Database User

We will now create the user which will be used to update the database with the latest information from the FCC database. We will start the sql prompt as root, and use the prompt to create the user, giving it privileges to create new databases.

sudo mysql

Replace “hamdbuser” and “SECURE_PASSWORD” with your desired username and password for the database user. Enter the following 3 commands at the MariaDB prompt:




We now have the database and a user ready to go. Next we will proceed with K3NGs database updating script.

Installing HamDB

First we will install wget, which will allow us to pull the most recent version of the hamdb script form github. unzip is also needed as hamdb uses it for database downloads. We will then pull the script into our current working folder and run a full database build.

sudo apt install wget unzip
sudo chmod +x hamdb
./hamdb full

The script will ask you a few questions. Would you like to create a config file (y), what is your Database sser, database password. afterwards, it gets to work pulling the current database in full.

creating mysql user

Using HamDB to lookup Ham Radio Callsign Information

You can use HamDB in a few ways to lookup information. But the true power will be building third party or external tools to extract information from the database.

offline lookup of ham fcc callsign

Look up a callsign: ./hamdb k3ng
Wildcard Search: ./hamdb like k3ng%
Search for amateurs in a zip: ./hamdb zipcode 17701
Search by last name: ./hamdb lastname Jones

./hamdb -h will give you all of the lookup options built into the application.

Maintaining and Updating the Database

You will want to run and update daily on your database to keep things current. You can use cron to accomplish this.
Take note of where you have downloaded the hamdb script (mine is at /home/kn4mkb/hamdb)

Enter the following command. If you are unsure with what editor to use when asked, go with nano.

crontab -e

Enter the following line at the end of the file to update the database every day at 2:30 am.
Take care to replace /home/kn4mkb/hamdb with the path of your hamdb script.

30 2 * * * /home/kn4mkb/hamdb update

Ctrl X + Y to save (if using nano), and you should be good to go!

The post Host your own FCC Ham Radio Database for Offline Use with HamDB appeared first on TheModernHam.

Connect to a Packet Radio BBS Node with KISS or AGWPE TNC Windows/Linux

20 May 2024 at 20:01

As a last post to the BBS portion of the packet radio series, I wanted to give a few ways you can actually connect to a BBS node within Linux and windows. If you want to setup your own node with BPQ, you can follow the guide here.

Connecting to a BBS Node in Windows OR Linux with Paracon

Thanks to a recommendation by a commenter, I’ve added a program called Paracon to the top of this list of programs I recommend to use to connect to radio BBS nodes. Paracon is a cross platform python application used to connect to AGWPE enabled TNC’s. It does not support KISS TNC’s, which means this option limits you to the use of software TNC’s like dire wolf or AGWPE. If you are using a hardware TNC, please see one of the below options instead. If you don’t yet have a TNC, check out this guide to setup Dire wolf.

You will need python 3.7 or above installed. If you are on windows, grab the latest version and install it from here. If you are on Debian/Ubuntu or Raspberry PI OS, you can install it with:

sudo apt install python3

Grab the latest release of Paracom from the release page here. You will want to download the ‘pyz’ file. Linux users can grab it headless by running the following commands:

sudo apt install wget

Go ahead and start your chosen AGWPE application (such as direwolf) and note the port. Open a command prompt (on windows) or a terminal (on linux) and run the following command to open Paracon.

#On Linux:
python3 paracon_1.0.0.pyz 
#On Windows:
python paracon_1.0.0.pyz 

You may need to modify the file name above if you have downloaded a newer version (obviously). The application opens with a terminal screen, F1 will show you the help menu, and the mouse can be used to also click various buttons. The Setup screen should appear. Here you will enter your AGWPE server IP and port. If running dire wolf on the same system, the IP will be, and probably the default port, 8000.

Connecting to another node is as simple as Pressing “Connect” and then entering your desired NODE/BBS Callsign.

In the end you should be connected to your desired node!

Connecting to a BBS Node in Windows with QtTermTCP:

My choice here without python or Paracon is a program called QtTermTCP by John Wiseman G8BPQ. Although it isn’t perfect, and does crash sometimes, for the most part it works as long as you don’t try anything funny. Grab the download link from here and unzip the file. At this time, your TNC should be started or plugged in, depending if you are running a software TNC or a hardware one. Keep the packaged version, as I’ve noticed when crashes occur, it’s best to delete the extracted folder and replace it with a fresh version. Open the contents, and you should see a “QtTermTCP.exe” file. Open it up.

Once open, navigate to Setup, and choose your desired communication mode. The most popular options are going to be either VARA or KISS. If you don’t yet have a KISS network or serial interface, go check out The Ultimate guide to Direwolf to setup a KISS TNC.

Once open, you will see a few options. either way, we want to check the box to “Enable KISS Interface”. If you are using a hardware Kiss TNC, make sure it’s plugged in, and select the correct port and speed from the “Serial TNC” portion. On the other hand, if you are using a network KISS TNC such as direwolf, select “TCP” under “Select Device”, and enter the IP where it’s running. If direwolf is running on the same windows computer, it will be “”

Great, click “Ok” and we should be ready to get connected. If all is tight, you should see “KISS Connected on the bottom of the program. Now, Naviagte to the “Connect” button on the top left, and press “KISS Connect”. In the “Call To” Field, enter your destination , and press “Ok” to get connected.

Connecting to a BBS Node in Linux with Kissattach

Linux can be a little more evolved that Windows, but don’t worry it’s not too bad. The instructions are going to assume you are running Debian/Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS. If you are using Arch Linux, I’ve already made a guide for this here. If you intend on using a hardware TNC, go ahead and get it connected. If you are using direwolf make sure it’s configured, but don’t start it just yet as we will make a slight change. If you don’t yet have a KISS TNC, check out this to get dire wolf up and running.

Install needed tools

sudo apt-get install ax25-tools ax25-apps

Now we will create a new “ax.25 port” which we will use for connections. Open the file at /etc/ax25/axports as sudo. Add a new line at the bottom below the comemted lines like the following example.

# /etc/ax25/axports
# The format of this file is:
# name callsign speed paclen window description

#1      OH2BNS-1        1200    255     2       144.675 MHz (1200  bps)
#2      OH2BNS-9        38400   255     7       TNOS/Linux  (38400 bps)
ax0     KN4MKB-8        19200   236     7       144.675 MHz (300  bps)

Replace “KN4MKB-8” with your own call.
Replace “19200” with your TNCs serial connection speed (you can leave it as 19200 if using direwolf).
The “236” is the packet length. If using HF, you may want to use “64” here. 236 is fine for VHF.
The “144.675 MHz (300 bps)” at the end is just text, and does not really matter.

Save it.

If you are using a hardware KISS TNC, you will need to gets it’s serial path from /dev. If you are using dire wolf, you will now start it like this in a separate terminal:

direwolf -t 0 -p -c ~/direwolf.conf

Replace “~/direwolf.conf” with the dire wolf configuration file you would like to use.

You will see the following serial path, we will need that in just a moment:

Bind kissatatch to the TNC

Now run the following command, replacing “/dev/pts/4” with your serial /dev path from above.

sudo kissattach -l /dev/pts/4 ax0

If you are using dire wolf, additionally run this command:

sudo kissparms -c 1 -p ax0

Connect Away!

You should now be able to connect to a given callsign within your linux shell. Use the following format, obviously replacing “KN4MKB-4” with the call you’d like to connect to.

axcall ax0 kn4mkb-4

The post Connect to a Packet Radio BBS Node with KISS or AGWPE TNC Windows/Linux appeared first on TheModernHam.
