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POTAing on!

Good friend, Alan W2AEW does a POTA activation with a new QRP rig.Β 

Boy howdy! These new QRP rigs are popping up so fast, it's hard to keep up with them - what's new, what's what ....... WOW! Going to sound like an oldster, but I can remember when you could count available QRP rigs with the fingers on both hands. Pickin's were slim ...... no more!

Alan was at my favorite spot - Washington Rock State Park, in Greenbrook, NJ.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

The Antenna with a Secret: Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 Coil

By: kb9vbr
14 August 2024 at 11:51

You may think the Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 is like any other base loaded coil, but what makes this one different is that you can change bands with a flick of a switch

Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 coil: https://www.rezantenna.com/product-page/recon-40

As you may know, I am a big fan of using a vertical antenna for my portable operations and Parks on the Air activations. I enjoy the speed of setting up a quarter wave vertical antenna for the higher bands, and I love the versatility of using a loaded coil to extend my operation down into the 40 meter band.

Knowing that many people like to take advantage of the efficiency of the 213 inch vertical whip as a ΒΌ radiator, Rez antenna systems has developed this product, the Recon 40, to extend the range of the 17 foot vertical whip down into the 40 meter band.

The Recon 40 is a fixed inductance coil system to turn a 17 foot whip, which is resonant on the 20 meter band, into a base loaded vertical antenna that is now resonant on the 40 meter band.

But with conventional coil systems, you have to add or remove the coil, or somehow bypass it in order to switch between 40 and 20 meters. The Recon 40 solves that problem by adding a bypass switch, right in the coil system. This switch, when turned on, puts the coil in line with the antenna and turns it into a 40 meter antenna. Flick the switch off, and now you’ve bypassed the coil and your whip is instantly resonant on 20 meters. Physically adjusting the whip will get you resonance for any other band above 20 meters.

Rez antenna systems loaned me a kit for this review. I’ve returned it and no further compensation was received. My comments and experience with it are my own without outside influence.

Links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect the price you pay.

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Portable Ham Radio: Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit Review

By: kb9vbr
23 May 2024 at 12:47

The Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit is a versatile solution for a vertical antenna counterpoise or ground plane. The Stinger kit consists of six 48 inch stainless steel elements with all weather banana plugs on one end and a teardrop on the other. The Stingers are a quick deployment option for times in which you may not have the space to put out a conventional radial network, like if you are operating on a patio or deck, or other high traffic areas.

Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit:

Chameleon antennas recently introduced the Stinger kit. This is billed as a versatile solution for a vertical antenna counterpoise or ground plane The Stinger kit consists of six 48 inch stainless steel elements with all weather banana plugs on one end and a teardrop on the other.

For antennas, like the Chameleon PRV system, you insert the 2 mm banana plugs into the holes of the radial puck that comes with the antenna. For other antennas, like the MPAS 2, an optional 6 port puck is available to convert the antenna counterpoise to the Stinger kit. Stinger kits can be ordered either with or without the puck, depending on if you need that part or not.

The Stingers are a quick deployment option for times in which you may not have the space to put out a conventional radial network, like if you are operating on a patio or deck, or other limited areas.

Performance of the stinger kit is good. Using the 58 inch whip on the Chameleon PRV antenna, I was about to get the SWR down to around 1.5:1 on the 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. Chameleon states that a tuner may be necessary for 40 meter operation in this radial configuration. On air reports were good on those bands.

Similar results were achieved with the MPAS 2 non resonant vertical antenna.

Not stretching out radials, like in limited spaces and high traffic areas may be a benefit to some portable operators, and the Chameleon Stinger Kit offers that convenience and versatility in those situations.

The Chameleon Stinger kit can be found online at chameleonantenna.com. Thank you to Chameleon for sending me a stinger kit for this review. Links to their online store are in the video description.

Links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect the price you pay.

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The post Portable Ham Radio: Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit Review appeared first on KB9VBR Antennas.

New and Improved! Chameleon LEFS 4010 EFHW Antenna

By: kb9vbr
12 February 2024 at 13:12

I head to Council Grounds State Park (POTA K-1447) to test the new Chameleon LEFS 4010 end fed half wave antenna system. The LEFS or Light Weight Antenna System is a versatile EFHW HF antenna with tuner-free operation on 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters and can be used with a tuner on 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters. This lightweight antenna is specially good for low power, or QRP, operation and is small enough to be carried in your pack for portable POTA and SOTA adventures.

Chameleon LEFS 4010 Lightweight End Fed Sloper Antenna: https://chameleonantenna.com/shop-here/ols/products/cha-lefs-4010/v/CHA-LEFS-4010-NO-CX

My favorite amateur radio gear: https://amzn.to/3QXrYgz

Links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect the price you pay.

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The post New and Improved! Chameleon LEFS 4010 EFHW Antenna appeared first on KB9VBR Antennas.
