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The new QMX+

Last week without any fanfare, Hans Summers small company QRP Labs, launched the bigger QMX+.Β 

A full blown 160m-6m. CW and Digital modes. 5W QRP rig. (SSB to come in a future firmware release).


The radio is available as either a kit, or as a ready built option. With optional metal case and GPS Unit to aid frequency alignment, RTC, and Location.

Anything which Hans designs, is engineered and tuned for high performance! With an easy step by step documentation for those who are competent enough to understand and build.

The radio is based on the provenΒ QMX SDR. But where the smaller sister is limited to 5 bands, the QMX+ comes with a full hat of HF bands including 6m.


Price starts at $125 + case + options + carriage. (Price may also be subject to import charges, duty etc.)

Further details: https://shop.qrp-labs.com/qmxp

QRP Labs forum:Β  https://groups.io/g/QRPLabs/

G3XBM informs me he has ordered a fully assembled unit. So it is well worth keeping an eye on his blog for details when it arrives in his shack: https://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/



QST the end!

Β All ARRL fees are up from the 1st January 2024.

An international 3 year ARRL membership, including QST, rises from $217 to $282 a rise of 30% from the 1st January. That's another one I won't be renewing.

Something that is supposed to represent Amateur radio, does not provide good value for money for it's membership. With that sort of hike many members will leave and it will do nothing to encourage new members into the ARRL.

ARRL rates from the 1st Jan 2024:https://www.arrl.org/2024-dues-rates

Yaesu FTDX101 price drop!

There has been a sudden upping of the UK cashback offer on the Yaesu FTDX101D. Infact it has been doubled from the original cashback offer of Β£170 to Β£340!! Taking the price after cashback down to Β£2659.95.


This makes this quite an exceptional saving over the list price for a big base HF station rig.


Offer now expired 31.1.24

The QMX from QRP Labs

QRP Labs have announced the new QMX 5 band digital transceiver.


Initially the firmware supports CW and Single tone FSK modes, but maybe upgraded to SSB in future firmware updates:

Available as a kit or fully assembled, you can bet that this is going to be the hottest QRP product of the year.

Further details:https://shop.qrp-labs.com/qmx

FT8CN user manual translated to English


Using Google translate, I uploaded the whole Chinese FT8CN V0.83 user manual PDF file. Except for the illustrations, it has managed to translate the whole file quite successfully to English.

There is enough detail for most to get an understanding of all of it's modes, uses and information.

Download a copy from here


Matoa ISina 5 Band HF


We live in very exciting times for new Amateur products. You have only got to blink these days and a new rig appears on the horizon.Β 

It makes a change not to see the normal Chinese output, but this time what appears to be from Indonesia.

Specification is sparse at the moment, but 5W QRP and 5 wide HF Bands on offer:

1. Band1 3-5 MHz
2. Band2 6-8 MHz
3. Band3 11-14.5 MHz
4. Band4 15-23 MHz
5. Band5 24-30 MHz

https://matoaprojects.com/transceiver/hf-transceiverΒ Β Β 

I have also seen them being traded on ebay.com

Price appears to be around $250

FT8CN and the QDX



It is being reported on the QRP Labs forum, that some have got the little smart QDX digital transceiver communicating with the FT8CN app.

The rig is noticed straight away by FT8CN using an OTG USB lead and a minimum of configuring.Β 

The QDX and a small phone or tablet, allow true FT8 portable operating with minimum hardware to cart around.

Pick up the thread here

Details about the QDX https://qrp-labs.com/qdx.html

Β  Β 

The Blog is back on quite a roll.

Sorry I have been away the last twelve months or so, the Blog has had to take a rest from my typing fingers and Amateur Radio has been put well away on the back burner.

I lost both my parents within five months of each other early last year and I still have not really got over the ordeal yet, which had played out over five years before their demise.

FT8CN a new FREE android APP..

There is a new FT8 APP for Android doing the rounds, called FT8CN from BG7YOZ (China). It is a free download and unrestricted in use. It is in the early stages of development, but is already up to version 0.86.

Download the APK file from here:https://github.com/N0BOY/FT8CN/releases

YouΒ  will need to give your device permission to allow install of the APP.

There are various ways to configure the radio connection. The simplest VOX appears to use the Android device's internal mic and speaker.(Of course you could pipe the audio directly in and out via the audio socket on your Tablet or Phone). Direct CAT allows a USB connection, Bluetooth is available, and connection via a WiFi network. All these seem to be in early stages of development.

Β I soon got it installed, and enabled, decoding the audio using the internal mic of my Android tablet..



Split mode enabled showing Spectrum scope and received decodes.




It also plots the action to a live map via another quick tap on the screen.













