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By: John AE5X
12 August 2024 at 14:10
I was minding my own business this morning, drinking coffee and up to my knees in the pleasant (cough) task of toroid-winding, when what to my wondering eyes did appear - news of a new kit. More radio gear!The messenger is Thomas K4SWL and the kit is from Jonathan KM4CFT - the CFT1.The kit currently under construction is the QMX+. I'm 80% of the way through the build. As if the radio gods know

Update on my new Hermes Lite 2

By: John AE5X
24 June 2024 at 12:06
A few people expressed interest in the HL2 that I mentioned a few weeks ago - two of those were CW ops who want to know how it does on that mode.To improve its performance on CW, I ordered the mod kit which converts the rig to a Plus model.The mod kit was sent out by WA2T the very day I ordered it but it arrived after we'd left for Iceland and has been with our neighbor since then. We are home

Hermes Lite 2 arrives: QRP PC + QRP SDR

By: John AE5X
4 June 2024 at 19:22
A few weeks ago I bought a cheap mini-PC as a way to learn Linux. I liked it so much that I bought another mini-PC, this one with "the works" - an AMD Ryzen 7840 processor, 2 TB SSD and 32GB of RAM.The power supply is a 30W wall-wart. The small-footprint shack computerI'm impressed with them both. 4k video editing with the new mini-PC: smooth as silk.Naturally, I've been looking for a radio to
