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Yesterday β€” 4 October 2024Main stream

Also in GB2RS this week…

grid.radio is a web application born out of the frustration that Rose, 2E0RXO and many others experienced during spontaneous, often unplanned, Parks on the Air activations. During busy moments, someone would inevitably ask for a Worked All Britain square or another reference that she wasn’t prepared for. There wasn’t a single, simple resource to quickly […]

RSGB Convention: last chance to pre-book tickets

The theme for the 2024 RSGB Convention is Your Convention, your way and the Society is providing a range of activities and presentations as well as different ways to get involved. There is still just time to buy your tickets in advance, but hurry as advance sales for attending the Convention or the dinners close […]

RadCom December feature on National Coding Week

Did you take part in National Coding Week this year? The RSGB had nine activities to inspire you to take part, including two new worksheets developed by the Society’s Outreach Team. Whether you took part by yourself, at a club night, or with friends and family, the RSGB would love to hear from you. To […]

Tonight@8: Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide

The next RSGB Tonight @ 8 live webinar is on Monday 7 October 2024 when Ian White, GM3SEK presents Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide. Aircraft scatter is about bouncing VHF and UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraftβ€”effectively β€˜hitching a ride’ with someone else’s plane to extend your everyday working range up to 800km. It may […]
Before yesterdayMain stream

Also in GB2RS this week…

The October 2024 edition of RadCom includes an article about the very first two-way radio communication between the UK and New Zealand, something that Sir Edward Appletonβ€”radio physicist and Nobel laureateβ€”later described as β€œprobably the most dramatic moment in the history of the development of the short waves.” The contact was between two radio amateurs, […]

RSGB 2024 Convention: still time to book

With just two weeks until the RSGB Convention, this year’s event is the place to go if you are interested in anything and everything to do with amateur radio. There will be a host of expert speakers presenting on topics ranging from sporadic E, and how to use AI to write amateur radio applications, to […]

RSGB to promote October JOTA activities

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is taking place 18 to 20 October 2024. The event promotes friendship and global citizenship, and is a brilliant celebration of amateur radio among the groups within the Scout Association. Some groups have already shared details of activities that will be taking place over the weekend, and the RSGB plans […]

Ofcom 2.3GHz band consultation: RSGB response

The RSGB has responded to a recent Ofcom Consultation, which would see new users sharing spectrum within the 2.3GHz amateur band. Whilst the new devices may be limited to indoor use, the RSGB has taken the opportunity to highlight concerns regarding the weak signal 2320MHz segment. In addition, the RSGB has also indicated its wish […]

Also in GB2RS this week…

The next Bletchley Park 1940s weekend is taking place at the moment. If you are visiting for the event, make sure you drop into the RSGB National Radio Centre where you’ll be able to see a number of World War II receivers on display. Don’t forget that RSGB members can get free entry to Bletchley […]

YOTA activities at RSGB National Radio Centre

Do you work with young people at a school, or perhaps with a youth group such as the Scouts, Guides or Cadets? Are you looking for an activity that provides hands-on learning opportunities for them? The RSGB National Radio Centre currently has availability for two private evening visits in December 2024 as part of the […]

RSGB Convention just three weeks away

The RSGB Convention is just three weeks away and there is a fantastic programme planned Whatever your amateur radio interests or experience there will be something for you. In addition to the presentations, you could take part in a workshop to learn more about microcontroller programmingβ€”spaces are limited so book soon if you want to […]

Routine availability of paper exams ends 31 December 2024

Currently 97 percent of amateur radio licence examinations are sat online using the TestReach platform, either at home under remote supervision, or in a club setting. Following the implementation of Syllabus v1.6 on 1 September 2024, the new examination question bank will only be maintained online. Generating paper exams will involve significant additional work for […]

Also in this weeks GB2RS…

Have you ever tried LoRa? Or Node Red? Have you used the Raspberry Pico for coding or played a Morse game with an Arduino? These are just some of the great activities on the RSGB’s website that are available for National Coding Week which begins this Monday, 16 September. Whether you fancy doing something different […]

RSGB Member in ARDF Championship success

The 24th IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships in Bulgaria saw an RSGB member on the podium. David Williams, M3WDD took the silver medal position in the M60 category of the 144MHz Classic five-transmitter race at the Championships held at Primorsko, Bulgaria earlier this month. David had come so very close to winning being only 14 […]

YOTA Month invite to the RSGB National Radio Centre

Do you work with young people at a school, or perhaps with a youth group such as the Scouts, Guides or Cadets? Are you looking for an activity that provides hands-on learning opportunities for them? The RSGB National Radio Centre currently has availability for two private evening visits in December as part of the Society’s […]

Convention 2024 early bird price deadline

Don’t forget that the RSGB Convention early bird price ends on Sunday 15 September. There’s a range of great presentations planned, a fantastic microcontroller workshop to take part in, as well as all the fantastic social opportunities to enjoy like the Gala Dinner. Go to the RSGB Convention web pages to find out more and […]

Could you be the RSGB Youth Champion?

We have a fantastic opportunity for the right person! Would you like to become the next RSGB Youth Champion? Do you have what it takes to engage with young people, supporting them on their amateur radio journey? The role The RSGB is looking for the next volunteer Youth Champion. This could be one role or […]

Volunteer for Regional Team vacancies

The RSGB has 13 regions, each covered by a Regional Representative and a team of District Representatives. This volunteer team is an important link to clubs, and a potential source of support and information for individual radio amateurs. There are several vacancies in the Regional Team and this month we’re highlighting two regions. In Region […]

Book RSGB 2024 Convention tickets now

The RSGB 2024 Convention is just five weeks away and an exciting programme of presentations and practical activities is being prepared. The early bird price for day tickets ends on 15 September 2024. and this year there won’t be any extensions to that date! As well as three streams of presentations across the weekend, there […]