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Yesterday β€” 4 October 2024Main stream

RSGB Convention: last chance to pre-book tickets

The theme for the 2024 RSGB Convention is Your Convention, your way and the Society is providing a range of activities and presentations as well as different ways to get involved. There is still just time to buy your tickets in advance, but hurry as advance sales for attending the Convention or the dinners close […]

RadCom December feature on National Coding Week

Did you take part in National Coding Week this year? The RSGB had nine activities to inspire you to take part, including two new worksheets developed by the Society’s Outreach Team. Whether you took part by yourself, at a club night, or with friends and family, the RSGB would love to hear from you. To […]

Tonight@8: Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide

The next RSGB Tonight @ 8 live webinar is on Monday 7 October 2024 when Ian White, GM3SEK presents Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide. Aircraft scatter is about bouncing VHF and UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraftβ€”effectively β€˜hitching a ride’ with someone else’s plane to extend your everyday working range up to 800km. It may […]

Aeronautical mobile entry in the RSGB 144 MHz FM contest – a UK first!

In what is believed to be a UK first, there was an aeronautical mobile entry in the RSGB 144 MHz FM contest on 3Β September. Nick Long and Amy Whitewick operated G4BIN/AM from Nick’s Beagle Pup aircraft. The aircraft has been fitted with monopole antenna tuned to 144 MHz and a temporary mount for an IC-705. […]
Before yesterdayMain stream

RSGB 2024 Convention: still time to book

With just two weeks until the RSGB Convention, this year’s event is the place to go if you are interested in anything and everything to do with amateur radio. There will be a host of expert speakers presenting on topics ranging from sporadic E, and how to use AI to write amateur radio applications, to […]

RSGB to promote October JOTA activities

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is taking place 18 to 20 October 2024. The event promotes friendship and global citizenship, and is a brilliant celebration of amateur radio among the groups within the Scout Association. Some groups have already shared details of activities that will be taking place over the weekend, and the RSGB plans […]

Ofcom 2.3GHz band consultation: RSGB response

The RSGB has responded to a recent Ofcom Consultation, which would see new users sharing spectrum within the 2.3GHz amateur band. Whilst the new devices may be limited to indoor use, the RSGB has taken the opportunity to highlight concerns regarding the weak signal 2320MHz segment. In addition, the RSGB has also indicated its wish […]

Centenary celebrations of first two-way radio communication between the UK and New Zealand

The October edition of RadCom includes an article about the very first two-way radio communication between the UK and New Zealand, something that Sir Edward Appleton, radio physicist and Nobel laureate, later described as β€œprobably the most dramatic moment in the history of the development of the short waves.” The contact was between two radio […]

Amateur radio: a family hobby

In August 2024, three generations of the Wilson family became licensed radio amateurs, after they all took their Foundation exams within two days of one another. Their aim was to introduce a different way to stay connected, as well as pick up a new hobby that they can all enjoy. The three generations, all based […]

Wick High School Radio Club collects time zones

Wick High School Radio Club, which operates as GM0WHS, has started the new school term with great success. The group recently organised a β€œcollecting time zones” event, that was inspired by a similar activity created by John Hislop, G7OHO. Lucy, MM7FUV lead the radio club in making their QSOs, which took place over the course […]