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Before yesterdayHam On A Bike

My Parks on the Air Activities - NOT about "The Numbers"


My Parks on the Air Activities - NOT about "The Numbers"

Parks on the Air has never been about numbers for me. I became aware of Parks on the Air (POTA) in June 2021. This was during the height of the COVID pandemic. At that time I was recovering from surgery and treatment for liver failure and treatment for Bladder cancer.Β  My body's ability to fight any type of infection was basically non-existent, so social distancing was a MUST for me. I was not going to totally isolate myself from the world by staying indoors, knowing how vital exercise, fresh air and mental stimulus was vital to my recovery. Parks on the Air has been the BEST medicine for me over the last 3 years.Β 
I've been able to combine bicycling with my Ham Radio activities as part of my health treatment plan. What a great combination.

Lewis & Clark National Historical Trail
Along the banks of the Ohio River
at Waterfront Park
Louisville, KY. USA

POTA is not about the numbers for me.Β  Oh, I've hadΒ a few failed POTA activations over the years; but it is no big deal. WHY? BecauseΒ I've been able to meet so many people; in part due to my ham radio POTA activities.Β  I've met current and former teachers, current and retired nurses, doctors and other medical professionals, current and former military personnel, a retired Federal Judge, Boy and Girl Scout leaders along with kids from Scout Troops, inquisitive children, Nature and Wildlife conservationists and park staff, countless animals, dogs, cats, minks, river otters, deer, snakes, frogs, coyotes, giraffes, hawks, ducks, turtles, wild turkeys, aircraft pilots, other hams who've been inactive, numerous sunrises and sunsets, operating at night, and more than anything; thousands of other hams who've I been able to contact and some who've visited; like Ed / W4EMB, Marcos / K8ARE and Doug / N6UA.

Recently, I had one of several QSOs with a man I like to call "The POTA LEGEND", Bob Voss / N4CD.Β Β 

During Hamvention 2022, Charlie "Red" / NJ7V got a chance to talk with Bob who at that time was one of the activation leaders for Parks on the Air (2022)Β  Below is a link to that interview;


When I have contacts like those with Bob and other operators who I regularly communicate with and those operators who are NEW to CW pedaling along at 10 WPM, I get excited as that little kid who was introduced to the hobby in the mid 50's.Β Β 

One of my other cherished Parks on the Air activations came about amazingly unexpected when I was calling CQ and got HUGE greeting from an associate of a park visitor.Β 

I've come to understand that with my Parks on the Air activities in an urban setting, I never know what to expect.

Here's a short slideshow of some of the things I've experienced during my Parks on the Air activities. After watching; you may have a better understanding why for me, "Its NOT about the NUMBERS"

Ten with 9 using James Watt




James Watt

As some of you know I do some QRPp Parks on the Air activations using the QRP Labs QCX Mini. For the past couple of years I've had GREAT results using my 40 and 20 meter QCX Mini with what I call, "My Smoke Detector Battery" setup

This spring and so far this summer I've used both 40 and 20 meter QCX minis with a 9 volt/200mW battery for WSPR operations.Β  And most recently I've used the 9 volt/200mW battery with my 40 meter QCX Mini for for early morning CW Parks on the Air activations.

While using my YouKits HB-1B during a POTA activation on April 29th, 2024, I set up another vertical antenna with my 20 meter QCX Mini to use as a WSPR station with a 9 volt/200mW battery. I ran this setup for almost an hour and was amazed with the distance and how many beacons picked up my less than a watt signal from Kentucky, USA.Β 

QRP Labs QCXX Mini 20 Meters


A few days later on May 1, 2024; I decided to give it another try but this time on 40 meters when conditions were not quite optimal. And again, I was amazed with the number of stations picking up my signal with "My Smoke Detector Battery"

QRP Labs QCX Mini 40 Meters

As most of you may know, during the month of June 2024, the sun has presented several Earth facing regions which have been quite active with solar storms, solar flares, large sunspot regions, CME's and HF radio blackouts. These conditions have not been favorable for QRPp communications. Living in Kentucky, USA this time of year also represents days and weeks of hot, humid weather with potential for almost daily thunderstorms. So far in June 2024; we've seen record low morning temperatures of 82 degrees and several days of temperatures exceeding 95 degrees with heat indices well over 100 degrees.

Finally the Solar Space Weather forecast for the first few days of July 2024 looked like an excellent opportunity to try some Parks on the Air CW activations using QRPp. However, terrestrial weather was another issue. Heat advisories were forecasted for the last few days of June 2024 and first few days of July 2024.Β  It was time to take advantage of this brief window to do some QRPp operating.

QRPp Equipment Set Up

The antenna I was going to use was the Tufteln 40 / 20 Linked EFHW. I made this antenna specifically for my QRP Labs 40 & 20 Meter QCX Minis.

Tufteln 40 / 20 Meter Linked EFHW

As for a keyer, I was going to use the American Morse Equipment Ultra Porta Paddle.Β 

American Morse Equipment
Ultra Porta Paddle

Upon awaking before daybreak, I checked the NOAA Space Weather Predication Center's website for Space Weather conditions. It all looked favorable.Β Terrestrial weather had a Heat Advisory forecasted for July 2, 2024, so I decided to head out for a near sunrise Parks on the Air activation at Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve US-7956 which is less than 4 miles from my QTH.

Not knowing who would be hunting at 1130 UTC, I arrived on site; throw up my arborist line about 45 feet into a tree and pulled up my antenna in a sloper configuration, set up my 40 meter QCX Mini and was ready to go.

At 1142 I started sending CQ and 'BEHOLD" within a minute or two the hunters responded top my calls and kept me busy for the next 50 minutes. Below are the results of what a QRPp CW Parks on the Air activation yielded me.

The highlight of this day's activation was a QSO with Greg / VE3GSSΒ  Port Carling, ON, Canada. A little over 920 km from my Kentucky POTA site with less than 1 WATT.

At 1235 UTC the temperature had risen to 84 degrees. It made no sense in pushing it as I had already achieved more than I expected. To say I walked away with a HUGE grin on my face is an understatement. It was a GREAT Parks on the Air activation.

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On July 3, 2024 my internal clock woke me at 0900 UTC with basically the same Space and Terrestrial conditions that were in play as the day before.Β  So why not make this "Ground Hog Day in July.Β  Same time, same set up on July 3, 2024. One difference; today I would try 20 meters.

Within less than a minute after my CQ on 40 meters at 1143 UTC, my activation began with hunters eagerly wanting to be acknowledged.Β  I didn't disappoint and neither did they.Β  QSOs were rapid fire for almost an hour.

Β At 1240, I switched over to my 20 meter QCX Mini to see what I could garner, knowing that at time time of morning in the U.S., the likelihood of getting any action on 20 meters was suspect.Β  Β I did manage one 20 meter QSO.Β  Here was my catch for a July "Ground Hog Day"

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The highlight of this day was as try for a Park-to-Park QSO with a station in Japan. I tirelessly tried for several minutes to make a 40 meter contact with aΒ Parks on the Air station JJVAS at JP- 0128. The QSB was pronounced and the strongest I could get was a 229.Β  The operator was kind enough to send AGN? a few times but I was just trilled for that reply with less than 1 WATT.

This day like many others brought greetings from people who have become familiar with my operations as they get in their daily walks, runs and cycling before the heat sets in.Β  Today though I met Dr. Tamekka Cornelius, Ph. D, who was out on her daily walk. She, like others are inquisitive about seeing a man sitting in a mostly open field connected to some wires, a bicycle close by and some weird equipment strapped to his legs.Β  Β Dr. Cornelius and I had a nice chat about Amateur Radio, brief history of my broadcast career and my bicycling activities.


Operating QRPp reminds me of the country music singer Kenny Rogers' song:Β 
"The Gambler"

You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

Once in your ham radio journey, try operating QRPp.
You might be surprised with YOUR results.

"Ham on a Bike"



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