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Yesterday β€” 9 October 2024With Varying Frequency – Amateur Radio Ponderings

No Longer an Inmate (Medically That Is)

Was spring free about 30 hours after walking in the hospital door! Surgeon and his awesome team confirmed the knee was bone-on-bone and worn out. Was walking about 2-1/2 hours afterwards, brief walks at first. By late evening I could do double laps circumnavigating the hospital floor. In the morning I got cleared to use… Continue reading No Longer an Inmate (Medically That Is)
Before yesterdayWith Varying Frequency – Amateur Radio Ponderings

Chicken Mischief

Seems the English have taken offense to silly government rules, and have broken the system behind the rules by β€œover complying” with nonsense. Background: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uks-chicken-license-rebellion-good-way-deal-bad-laws Summary – a sensible law to keep track of β€œchicken farmers” with 50 or more birds, was ruined by the unintended consequences caused by capriciously lowering of the reportable flock […]

Chicken Mischief

Seems the English have taken offense to silly government rules, and have broken the system behind the rules by β€œover complying” with nonsense. Background: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uks-chicken-license-rebellion-good-way-deal-bad-laws Summary – a sensible law to keep track of β€œchicken farmers” with 50 or more birds, was ruined by the unintended consequences caused by capriciously lowering of the reportable flock… Continue reading Chicken Mischief

Radio Jeep – a M151A2 and M416 trailer

Technically this is a β€œG.P.” Rather than trademarked β€œJeep” brand vehicle and trailer. It’s a M151A2 1/4 Ton high-mobility vehicle, or β€œGeneral Purpose” vehicle (hence the GP name) and with a matching trailer. Roll back to the early 1980s and you would find me either being driven or driving myself in a similar M151A2 pulling […]

Radio Jeep – a M151A2 and M416 trailer

Technically this is a β€œG.P.” Rather than trademarked β€œJeep” brand vehicle and trailer. It’s a M151A2 1/4 Ton high-mobility vehicle, or β€œGeneral Purpose” vehicle (hence the GP name) and with a matching trailer. Roll back to the early 1980s and you would find me either being driven or driving myself in a similar M151A2 pulling… Continue reading Radio Jeep – a M151A2 and M416 trailer

Not as much Flexing

Got a lot of life stuff going, and haven’t been much on the radio. Not even listening. Nothing, nada… The push to pull many of my October/November chores ahead so that they are done prior to surgery next week, has taken up much of my operating & blogging time. Then their is a fair bit […]

Not as much Flexing

Got a lot of life stuff going, and haven’t been much on the radio. Not even listening. Nothing, nada… The push to pull many of my October/November chores ahead so that they are done prior to surgery next week, has taken up much of my operating & blogging time. Then their is a fair bit… Continue reading Not as muchΒ Flexing

Taking a Break

β€œWith Varying Frequency” postings will be more variable than usual, as I am taking a bit of a break to get some knee surgery done. Seems I am out of warranty, and some rework is needed! I’m told to expect two weeks of no-driving and several more weeks of β€œthe tough stuff.” Not certain if […]

Taking a Break

β€œWith Varying Frequency” postings will be more variable than usual, as I am taking a bit of a break to get some knee surgery done. Seems I am out of warranty, and some rework is needed! I’m told to expect two weeks of no-driving and several more weeks of β€œthe tough stuff.” Not certain if… Continue reading Taking a Break

Talking to Silent Keys

Talking to Silent Keys isn’t really possible, so apologies to the Ouija Board sort of title. So how do we interact with those Silent Keys that factored in our ham radio lives? The homage we pay them for the areas we pioneered is a start. But the biggest part is what we do to pass […]

Talking to Silent Keys

Talking to Silent Keys isn’t really possible, so apologies to the Ouija Board sort of title. So how do we interact with those Silent Keys that factored in our ham radio lives? The homage we pay them for the areas we pioneered is a start. But the biggest part is what we do to pass… Continue reading Talking to SilentΒ Keys

Can you have too many radios?

Can a ham have too many radios? The answer: Perhaps! Seems my newest FlexRadio Flex-8600 radios are close to shipping, so I’ve too many radios again. Up for sale are two seldom used radios, the Flex-6600M at my work QTH and a spare Flex-6700.Β  Both radios are full featured (other than things MARS, which I’ve […]

Can you have too many radios?

Can a ham have too many radios? The answer: Perhaps! Seems my newest FlexRadio Flex-8600 radios are close to shipping, so I’ve too many radios again. Up for sale are two seldom used radios, the Flex-6600M at my work QTH and a spare Flex-6700.Β  Both radios are full featured (other than things MARS, which I’ve… Continue reading Can you have too manyΒ radios?

Are we approaching a β€œSeneca Point” with FT8 DXing?

Roman Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca said: β€œFortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid.” Like a house of cards, which takes time to carefully assemble yet can collapse in but a moment, are we building towards a Seneca Inflection Point DXing with FT8? As an FT8 QSO is by design reduced to the […]

Are we approaching a β€œSeneca Point” with FT8 DXing?

Roman Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca said: β€œFortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid.” Like a house of cards, which takes time to carefully assemble yet can collapse in but a moment, are we building towards a Seneca Inflection Point DXing with FT8? As an FT8 QSO is by design reduced to the… Continue reading Are we approaching a β€œSeneca Point” with FT8Β DXing?

FT8 SuperFox – Fad , Fashion or Flub?

β€” EDIT β€” Offers of links to working SuperFox key generators caused me to stop and think.Β  At this time I am not approving comments with links or posting myself links to these generators.Β  Readers should know these generators are out there, and plan accordingly.Β  Trust can be elusive in solutions for identity verification.Β  β€” […]

FT8 SuperFox – Fad , Fashion or Flub?

β€” EDIT β€” Offers of links to working SuperFox key generators caused me to stop and think.Β  At this time I am not approving comments with links or posting myself links to these generators.Β  Readers should know these generators are out there, and plan accordingly.Β  Trust can be elusive in solutions for identity verification.Β  —… Continue reading FT8 SuperFox – Fad , Fashion orΒ Flub?