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2B2C: A video series on the design and construction of a Dual-Band 2 Channel QRP CW rig

10 July 2021 at 13:22

My radio projects have involved a build and test effort, often spanning 3, 4 or even 6 months, culminating in one long, detailed blog post which was assembled over many months and a video that serves the dual purposes of showing and explaining the rig followed by an outing to one or more SOTA summits.

One consequence of this is that my video and blog output is quite low. Another is the resulting content is long, detailed, and not necessarily accessible to all readers or viewers. The concept/plan/build/test/box up and, finally, demonstrate approach is akin to building a house over a few years and publishing your account upon completion. So much of the story goes untold β€” old school thinking in 2021.


I decided to turn this approach around, in the style of Charlie Morris ZL2CTM who (when in homebrewing mode) pumps out an interesting video at least once a week, in which he shares his thoughts, turns over components in his fingers, sketches out circuits and stages, and involves you in a construction story. In fact Charlie went further and invited his subscribers to suggest or vote on candidate projects, which introduces the risk that he will end up with a project that doesn’t work, a situation which I note Charlie is too smart to have fallen in to.

By opening up a homebrew project, or at least by documenting it stage by stage, taking and incorporating feedback along the way, your viewers come on the journey with you, and the outcome emerges as being kind of our achievement rather than my achievement.

There is also a sense that you (the maker) are your viewer’s surrogate maker, which is a worthy thing, given so many would-be makers lack the time, space, experience, tools, eyesight, dexterity, or freedom to complete a homebrew radio project.

2B2C rig in pocket.

Feeding the YouTube video-monster

There is another reason for taking this approach. After a few years on YouTube I started wanting to know more about how the platform works. Or, how to work it. The motivation to β€˜catch more subscribers’ is a thought exercise in itself and I won’t go further on it, as it is different for everyone. Suffice to say that when you go to the trouble of making what you think is a good YT video, you naturally want it to be seen by as many people as possible. That in itself seems logical, human, and not crazily narcissistic.

Guidance on catching more YouTube eyeballs is not difficult to find. Useful clues can be found the videos released by YT themselves to creators. Anyone can view these, and there are no secrets, similar advice can be found on many of the thousands of β€˜grow your YT channel’ channels. It basically comes down to a bit of commonsense YT Search Engine Optimisation hygiene, and, mixing it up a bit and keeping on with it until you find your niche, then being consistent. Good and engaging content is king (as if we needed to be told that).

One algorithm input is sustained views. How do you get views? Well, you could mine internet memes, or film yourself doing something totally ridiculous or crazy, or take your clothes off, or annoy Police. The options are endless and most have been tried. Almost nobody watches the same great video every day for a month, so the answer isn’t in making a small number of great videos and expecting them to be watched repeatedly.

The majority of YT creators churn out content as best they can, on a regular basis, typically weekly. And new videos get watched, even if only for a few minutes, generating views, and feeding the voracious YT video monster. Video is a consumable medium. The strategy then is to turn out a good video weekly. With all this in mind I resolved to make a video series about the design and construction of a simple but useful QRP CW transceiver, almost as a byproduct. This post kicks off episode 1 and the 8 part series. The complete transceiver design and build story will be published on YouTube as follows:

Part 1 – Concept
Part 2 – Receiver PCB
Part 3 – Receiver Band Pass Filters
Part 4 – Receiver build & test
Part 5 – Tx PCB, keying, pre-driver, LPFs
Part 6 – Transmitter driver
Part 7 – Transmitter PA and tests
Part 8 – Case, finishing and field test.

Other videos on the rig on SOTA and park outings will be added as they occur.

Promoting solder-melting

The other motivation is to share and promote making, or β€˜melting solder’. While blogs are an important record and are critical to convey detail, a picture paints a thousand words and moving pictures moreso. The most powerful, pervasive and pervasive medium is undoubtedly video via YouTube, which has become the world’s goto source for content, how-to’s, and entertainment. And in the best of content, all of these elements come together. So, like it or not, video/YT is now the pre-eminent platform for reaching eyeballs at scale, regardless of content type.

Dual-band 2 channel QRP CW transceiver

β€˜SP-2B2C’ is a project to design, build and document in a video series the design and construction of a two band (40 and 20m) crystal locked (channelised) QRP CW transceiver. The rig is entirely scratch-built, from β€˜borrowed’ designs, circuit elements and ideas. It is a compact, neat pocket rig that will provide more than adequate service as a simple parks and portable rig, but it comes into its own for SOTA where the crystal-locked channels will not be a major impediment to making contacts.

Frequency control is provided by separate dedicated and trimmed 7MHz and 14MHz crystal oscillators with buffers and with a fixed transmit offset. The receiver is a conventional Direct Conversion design with strong band pass filtering and an SA612 mixer, followed by a dual op amp for audio filtering and gain, and an LM386 for headphone or speaker listening. It has ample gain both in the shack and on a windy summit.

The transmitter duplicates a parts of the popular QCX and MTR radios using a high speed logic gate as a digital driver, to three BS170 FETs in parallel for a full 5 watts on both bands. Keying for a straight key is done using discrete components. The receiver draws about 50mA and the transmitter up to 0.8A on key down. Band switching is done with two miniature telecom relays.

Sketching the physical and electronic design options.



The aluminium sheet and angle case was made to closely match that of a previous rig, SP-X. I wanted these two rigs to look like big brother and little brother. The 2B2C case measures 52mm wide, 105mm long and 32mm high. That’s 2 inches wide, 4 1/4 inches long, and 1 1/4 inches high.

Case sketches.


The videos have plenty of on-air snippets so it is easy to get a sense of performance. They openly address the design and build challenges encountered so I won’t repeat them here, other than to note a few observations on the design that the astute or experienced viewer will notice.

The first is the 40m receiver note β€” some of the callers come back at around 300 to 500Hz, not the 700Hz that is usual. This is because the transmit offset is done by pulling the crystal low with a diode switched capacitor (around 22pF on 40m). There is also a series C for trimming the crystal (30pF) to the desired frequency, and these two Cs interact. As this trimmer is closed to pull the crystal down, the transmit offset reduces due to the diminishing effect of the 22pF capacitor. The best compromise I could get was to have the oscillator on 7022.3kHz which delivers around 4 to 500Hz transmit pull.

7022.3kHz is an odd frequency. If the caller nets exactly, they sound a 500Hz note. But I suspect some operators call on 7022, and some on 7022.5, so the caller’s CW note is unpredictable. A solution is to go on eBay and buy two 7023 crystals, and parallel these for (hopefully) more swing, and also, a bit more transmit pull. I might do that, because it would be much better to transmit on 7023.0, not 7022.3, and callers should respond consistently on the whole kHz.

The other obvious limitation is the DC receiver bandwidth, which is probably as much as 8kHz wide. That means strong signals can capture the receiver anywhere in this range. The best QSOs are had on a clear band. The crystal-clear tinkling sound of CW on a DC receiver is a delightful thing, but it wears thin in a crowded band.

Apart from these points I am happy with the usability and performance of this simple CW rig, and look forward to trying it on a SOTA activation soon, once COVID lockdowns are lifted, where I think it will shine!

2B2C was spotted at VE6JY on 14060 CW.


Thanks go to the authors/designers of the various receiver/transmitter circuit blocks I have copied, in particular, Steve Webber KD1JV, creator of the MTR series, and Hans Summers G0UPL whose QCX is an ongoing inspiration. I’ve used KD1JV bandpass filters, and the same RF driver and PA as is in both these designs.

The keying is from RSGB Homebrew columnist Eamon EI9GQ.

Inspiration is drawn constantly from Hayward, Campbell and Larkins’ Expermiental Methods in RF Design (EMRFD).

Finally the SOTA crowd is a global source of genuine interest and know-how in low power portable radios and their operation, and continues the fine amateur radio tradition of operating minimal QRP radios from the mountains and the fields.


Cycle 25 postscript

2B2C was built in winter 2021, during long COVID lockdowns. After lockdowns eased it didn’t get much further use, but was carried on some outings as a β€˜spare’ rig. Fast forward to July 2023 when I had the opportunity to activate SOTA summit Camels Hump VK3/VC-040 (near Mt Macedon, north east of Melbourne) with David VK3KR.

I took 2B2C, a tiny 3S 1.3AH LiPo, and a 10m wire that I use alternately as a 20m EFHW and a 1/4 wave vertical on 40m. I used one side of my paddle as a crude straight key. I worked 40m CW with fair to good reports coming back from VK2, 3, 4 and 5s.Β  Around 4pm local time I spotted on 20m and immediately worked a string of DX:Β ZL1TM, F4WBN, KG5CIK, EA2BD (also running just 5 watts to an EFHW), M0TTQ, ON7PQ, F6CEL, and EA4R. This followup email was receibed from Ignatio EA2BD:

β€œI was astonished to hear you as I am on holidays visiting some relatives and I just put my wire EFWH antenna on the backyard and connected my Sota gear, a KX3. I’m lucky that this is a noise free environment in the countryside. When I saw your spot and switched on the radio I found 14060 occupied by a EU qrp station calling, but after some minutes I heard another signal slightly off frequency.
I paid attention and… I couldn’t believe I heard you calling. I’m running my rig on batteries and they are a bit flat, so I set to 5 watts and tried calling you for several times. You asked for EA2? and I jumped on my seat!!! Thanks for the QSO, you made my day working with my limited setup. Your signal was solid 429, no drifting and good tone. I was delighted with your straight keying, congrats, you just sounded great!”

At last, 2B2C demonstrated its utility as a basic two-band two-channel CW activator’s appliance. With Cycle 25 doing the β€˜heavy lifting’, the possibility of talking half way around the world, even when the other operator is also using the same tiny power level and just a piece of wire, was proven. Bravo QRP!

SP-X, a pocket rig for the CW activator in a hurry!

5 March 2021 at 00:58

I’ve long been interested in compact and fairly minimal SSB and CW rigs with good performance. I’m not into bells, whistles or menus. Menus are for restaurants! When hiking, walking or bouncing around summits I want to minimise things that are not absolutely necessary, things that can go wrong. Less is more when it comes to a transceiver for portable work.

The first place to reduce unnecessary complexity is your mode. In Australia, a number in the SOTA crowd have slowly adopted CW as the mode of choice . This makes sense for operating QRP with sometimes compromised antennas. The CW trend has been assis ted by increasing and enthusiastic bunch of ZL activators who appear to use CW almost exclusively.

In recent activations it has been common to spot on 20m CW and be rewarded with 3 to 5 ZL chasers, all reliable reports between s3 and s5. Then, a spot for 40m CW should bring forth equal numbers of ZL and VKs. CW exchanges are formulaic, businress-like transactions with 73 GL and dit dits to conclude. No long social obligations concerning handle, rig, wx. A CW activation is efficient and fast. You can bag 7 or 8 chasers in minutes. Reducing your qualifying time let’s you keep moving, or, gives you more time to enjoy the mountain top experience.

There’s another noteworthy feature of CW activations. They nearly always use the same frequency. 7032, 14062 kHz. And on a SOTA activation, the standard procedure is that you spot with one of the apps, call CQ SOTA, and the chasers line up to work you. You hardly ever touch the dial. In fact, you hardly even need a tuning dial πŸ€”!

That got me thinking. How minimal could a CW multiband rig get? In a dedicated SOTA CW rig, do you really need to be able to tune around the band, or could you get by with fixed β€˜channels’?


The concept for this project is that of a CW β€˜appliance β€˜, a device that you pull out of your pocket, plug in the antenna and paddle, choose your channel (aka band) and hit the keyer button to send CQ and get the activation started. The appliance would need to cover at least 40 and 20m, the two VK/ZK SOTA CW watering holes, and one or two additional higher HF bands, where short antennas offer interesting variety as Cycle 25 rises.

Five watts should be plenty. An inbuilt top-facing speaker with a headphone jack will suit all listening situations. Small and light goes without saying, as does the option to operate on an external 3S or 4S LiPo pack, possibly even strapping the battery to the rig.

It will need to be physically sturdy without being too heavy β€” 3 to 400 grams seems like a good target weight.


A simple, dedicated CW rig shouldn’t require a complicated receiver. A single conversion superhet is in order. I studied various designs by Steve Weber KD1JV, particularly his MTR5B and SodaPop. The Mountain Topper range are very well regarded, even romanticized by some owners. The MTR5B is a dual SA612 receiver with 4.915kHz IF. The more recent SodaPop uses a pair of JFETs in each mixer, but is otherwise similar. I also looked at the receiver in the Elecraft K1, also an SA612 design.

I’m a fan of the SA612, with a decent bandpass filter and a resonant antenna ahead, proper impedance matching and a bit of extra IF gain downstream. I have not had any problems with these receivers with basic but decent antennas on mountains or at home. What some northern hemisphere hams do not realise is that the bands in VK and ZL are more or less empty when compared to what we see on USA and Euro SDRs. Pull up a session on 80 or 40 anytime on my local receiver and see what I mean. Also, VK hams are capped at 400 watts which eliminates the β€˜kilowatt around the corner’ problem we hear talked about. And our lower population density limits the Broadcast breakthrough suffered by some who live in densely populated areas. So we are lucky here, living in a region with a low density of hams, although it has its drawbacks as well.

I also looked at receivers using diode ring mixers such as the Bitx, but these receivers require higher oscillator injection levels that necessitate non trivial buffering and level setting over the rig’s intended frequency range. Gilbert Cell mixers have useful conversion gain and avoid this complexity to some degree.

I also looked at the QCX, which uses a higher performance quadrature detector. It’s an option in a compact and portable analogue receiver if you use Hans’ polyphase kit to do the audio phase shifting for a single signal audio output. Also the mixer requires a 4x VFO as input to the usual 74AC74 divider, not really a problem with an si5351 but I’ve not tried it before.

The best path to realising one of these would be to buy Hans’ High Performance Receiver and Polyphase plugin kits. The resulting assembly is only 80mm x 50mm, so with a VFO (no BFO necessary because it’s base-band) there are some good options for a partially scratch built multiband version of the QCX. Interesting. I’ll leave that concept for another time.


Page 1 is the transceiver core:

Page 2 is the Arduino Nano, si5351 and controls:


Construction methods followed my established combination of stacked (hand-drawn and etched) PCBs housed in an aluminium sheet and angle case. The transceiver was designed as two self contained modules, the VFO/BFO and Controller (Arduino Nano and si5351), and a second housing receiver, BPFs, transmitter and LPFs.


This module was designed and built first. It followed the common pattern of an Arduino Nano, si5351 breakout board, 78-series voltage regulators, a discrete clock buffer on the CW clock (CLK0), sidetone filtering and some switching components. The module consists of two PCBs β€” a single sided hand-made base board is bolted flat against the aluminium base plate with side controls mounted directly on the board. Front panel controls are mounted against a double-sided hidden front panel PCB with perpendicular bracing pieces. Two 8-pin 0.1 inch DIL header sockets at either end support the daughterboard on top which houses the Nano and some logic.

VFO/Controller comes together. Middle of the three pushbuttons cycles up through the channels (bands). The top and bottom buttons move the VFO higher or lower by 500Hz (hard coded in the firmware). Sockets for DC power, ext speaker or phones, and keyer memory button are side mounted.

A vertical line of three miniature pushbuttons at the left hand end of the front panel implements the transceiver’s frequency control. The middle button is the channel button β€” push it, and you move to the next channel. A channel is a semi-fixed frequency in one of the four supported bands β€” 40, 30, 20 and 17m. Each of the six channels has its own LED on the front panel. The mapping of a channel to a band and frequency is fixed in the firmware (but is easy to change).

The upper and lower buttons β€˜bump’ the channel (VFO) frequency up or down by 100Hz. So to move 1kHz from the default channel frequency, you need to pump one of these buttons ten times, counting as you go. After a few seconds, the current frequency is written to EEPROM and will persist over a power-down.

So, if you have β€˜tuned’ the rig away from a channel (such as 7032kHz, the 40m SOTA CW calling frequency) how do you get it back? Easy! You hold down the channel button for a second and it reverts to the hard-coded frequency. If you wish to change any of the channel frequencies, you edit the Arduino script and upload it to the Nano, whose USB is accessible through a slot cut into the transceiver’s left side panel.

Receiver and Transmitter module

This module uses an upper and lower PCB pair, with transmitter on the bottom and receiver on top. In a departure from my usual T/R relay to switch antenna and DC power, both are done electronically. In fact the receiver is permanently on, so there is no need for a separate +12 volts (receive) line. The RF switching arrangement is copied straight from Steve Weber’s MTR5b, and is almost the same as is used in the QRPLabs QCX.


The receiver is a standard superhet with SA612 Gilbert Cell receive mixer and product detector and a 5 pole homebrew crystal filter. The design is almost identical to VK2DOB’s MST3, and KD1JV’s MTR5B (which doesn’t have the additional IF amp stage). I built my crystal filter at 4MHz but only because I didnt have any 4.915MHz low profile crystals in the junk box. My filter exhibits steep skirts and a bandwidth of about 300 Hz. Just about right for CW.

I added an additional gain stage after the mixer which makes a difference to receiver liveliness, remebering that the 5 pole narrow crystal filter is a point of significant attenuation.

Band Pass Filters

In previous projects I have strictly adhered to tight bandpass filters, one per band, and always using hand wound inductors on T37 or T50 toroids. Favourite filter designs have been those of Eamon EI9GQ from RSGB RadCom, and Diz W8DIZ of kitsandparts.com, both easily reproduced filters. This time I tried something different β€” a different filter design using electronic switching and surface mount inductors.

The filters are taken from the hardware portion of the RS-HFIQ project, a modern baseband SDR. They are much broader in bandwidth than I’ve used in the past, as the sweeps show. This means that the Gilbert Cell SA612 receiver mixer will be exposed to more out of band RF energy coming down the antenna, which could result in overload. Let’s see.

The filters are electronically switched using a 2N7002 FET between the filter earthy end and real ground. Pin diodes (from Minikits) do the switching. This saves a relay and relay driver.

The 40m BPF rendered in surface mount components occupies about 12mm of width on the board, and is dwarfed by the connecting ribbon cable wires. A T37-6 further illustrates scale.
Band pass filter sweeps.

CW transmitter

The transmitter portion reproduces those of Steve Weber’s MTR-5B and SodaPop as well as Hans Summers’ QCX, and uses three BS170 JFETs in parallel driven by a high speed logic gate to deliver up to 5 watts of RF to the Low Pass Filters. Once the drive level was padded to ensure at least 4 volts was hitting the BS170 gates, it worked as expected.

This is a Class E switching configuration, so unlike a more conventional Class A or AB RF power stage there is no bias, meaning it draws no current at all between dots and dashes, and is around 90% efficient.

On the bench the transmitter was drawing 300mA at 14V for 3 watts of RF (remember the Digital VFO and Controller draw 80mA). Observant readers may notice that the driver logic gate is a 74HC00 NAND, not the usual 74HC02 NOR, only because the NAND gates were on hand. No drive problems have been observed as a result of this substitution.

Low Pass Filters

Continuing the spirit of simplicity and to save space, two LPFs are used to cover the four bands (40 and 30m, 20 and 17m), a common technique in QRP rigs. These are 7 element W3NQN filters. Remember that a resonant antenna plays a vital part in the transmitting system’s overall spectral purity.

Solid state TR switching

In another break from my past practice of using miniature Telecom relays for transmit/receive switching, the series JFET used in KD1JV’s designs was tried. An almost identical arrangement is used in the QCX. No appreciable received signal loss was experienced, and the JFET appears to be an effective blocker for RF power from the transmitter at the 5 watt level.

Receiver muting

Despite using a solid state analogue switch (TS5A3157) in series with the audio signal path, getting a silent CW break-in switch (from receive to transmit then back again) proved to be a major headache. On my PCB the TS5A3157 switch was inserted between the two op amp audio stages. This resulted in an annoying click going both into and out of transmit. No amount of bypassing or fiddling with signal levels made much difference.

I checked for DC levels around the input of the TDA2003 IC and found a DC offset of about 1.4V on pin 1 (input), which is always blocked with a series 2uF capacitor. Nothing unusual there. I wondered if this series 2uF electrolytic was charging or discharging, bur reducing it to 0.1uF made no difference.

Next, I build a small vertical board with a second 3157 switch, right next to the TDA2003, with just a series 100n capacitor from its output to the volume control, which itself was isolated from DC with 100n capacitors. That made no difference.

It is strange how you can get fixated on things like this. The rig was useable as it was, with what some might call an acceptable click on change-over. But I wanted a noiseless changeover, and the quest turned into a series of experimentation and debugging sessions that stretched far beyond what I’d expected.

I now regard noiseless T/R switching in a CW rig with an audio power stage capable of driving a loudspeaker to be a non-trivial problem. As I was studying the KD1JV (MTR, SodaPop) and G0UPL (QRPLabs/QCX) designs I realised that they both support headphones only, not loudspeakers. Could it be that lower volumes made this problem less pronounced?

The problem is as follows. You want a noiseless transition from CW receive to CW transmit and back again. It has to happen quickly to make even β€˜semi-break-in’ work. But in transmit mode, you want the sidetone to come through in your speaker. So you cannot disable or mute the audio power amplifier stage, otherwise you lose the sidetone. As well, you want to have the sidetone come via the volume control, so that turning the volume up or down affects both receiver audio and sidetone.

I reluctantly decided to ditch the solid state audio switch (which was making an annoying click on both transitions) and replace it with a relay at the input of the volume control and audio power amplifier, switching the audio source between receiver noise and sidetone. Mercifully, this resulted in a silent Rx to Tx transition, but, when the transmitter dropped out, a nasty click! This was particularly annoying as I’ve successfully made noiseless TR switching with TDA2003s and a relay in two other rigs.

Finally I added a second relay to mute the audio power amp for a short period (after the last character had been sent and just as the rig reverted from transmit to receive). A second digital control line coming from the Arduino, and some orchestrated timing in software was needed.

Eventually, I achieved silent T/R switching, and it is a pleasure to use. How to mute the audio amplifier’s transmit to receive click more elegantly? If the audio IC I’d chosen had a mute pin, that would suffice. But the TDA2003 is an old car radio audio amplifier and has no mute. So I took the brute force action. Normally closed, this relay opens for a few hundred milliseconds and silences the click from the power amp. This arrangement is shown above for all to see.

Case and finishing

The case measures 70mm wide, 132mm deep and 32mm high, and is made from hand worked aluminum angle and 1.2mm sheet for the base. A top cover is from 1mm sheet.

The front panel is finished with all purpose metal primer, three enamel coats (colour is called β€˜aluminum β€˜ and is an appealing silver-grey). Lettering is rub-on DecaDry. Two coats of clear satin enamel spray seal the panel. The side panel is labels applied direct to the aluminium angle piece, with a satin clear top coats.

Case is made from 32x32x1.2mm angle with a 1.2mm sheet base panel. Fixings are M2.

On the Summits

After a few weeks of bench testing it was time to try the little rig in the field. Two nearby SOTA peaks, Mt Vinegar VK3/VC-005 and Mt Gordon VK3/VN-027 in the Yarra Ranges acted as a proving ground and offered 10 activator points in total. Both are miles from residential areas and offer the chance to play radio in a noise-free environment.

After a 90 minute drive followed by a 90 minute (at times strenuous) walk from Acheron Way up four wheel drive tracks to the summit, we were on-air on Mt Vinegar at around 1.25PM local time. Antenna was a linked dipole for 20 and 40m on a 9m pole. Starting on 20m, two of the regular New Zealand chasers called in, ZL1BYZ and ZL1TM, weak but workable, 539 reports coming back. VK2IO provided a third 20m QSO. Moving to 40m, four chasers (VK2IO again, VK2WP, VK5IS, and VK5HAA) called in with reports ranging from 419 to 559.

The rig performed well as expected, although the audio output level (or receiver gain) on 20m seemed a touch low.

From here we moved on to Mt Gordon VK3/VN-027 on the outskirts of Marysville, a drive-up four pointer with a comms and fire watch tower, and a great view of the Cathedral Ranges to the north. 20m yielded just the one QSO with ZL1BYZ (thanks John, you are amazingly reliable!). A QSY down to 40m caught VK2GAZ, VK5HAA, VK2LI, ZL3MR, and VK2IO again, with all R5 reports ranging in strength from 2 to 5. Now, later in the afternoon (we finished around 5PM), both 20 and 40m were more lively and the receiver correspondingly louder.

Acvtivation maps from SOTA Mapping for Mt Vinegar and Mt Gordon, remarkably similar.


Back on the bench a few fixes and improvements were made. The hole on the side panel was widened to stop the CW keyer message button sticking. The single 2N3904 IF amplifier stage, originally using a resistive collector load and a series coupling capacitor into the cyrstal filter, got a 10 turn FT37-43 bifilar transformer on its output which improved its overall gain by some dB. A number of minor firmware changes were made. The top plate was cut and this greatly improved the speaker volume. Never judge an un-baffled loud-speaker.

Size and weight

Comparisons with the tiny and much loved Mountain Toppers are enlightening. The MTR-5b (the inspiration for SP-X) apparently weighs 6.4Oz or 181 grams. That’s light! I believe this is sans batteries. SP-X weight 332 grams, a lot more. About 27g is attributable to the speaker which the MTF-5b doesn’t have.

The MTR-5b is 4.27β€³L x 3.2β€³W x 1.34β€³T. I make that 10.8 x 8.2 x 3.4 cm or 301 cm3. SP-X is 14 x 7 x 3.2 or 313cm3 β€” about the same volume.

To get the weight (and size) down further, you’d need to ditch the homebrewer/maker-parts (the Arduino Nano and si5351 breakout) and use exlusively surface mount components on a purpose-designed and fabricated PCB. This represents a big step from a prototype like SP-X to a product that can be produced and sold in a run. There are examples all over the crowd funding sites. It’s the logical next step but it requires different skills and it’s not really my game. Kudos to Steve Webber for his achievement!

Closing comments

SP-X, like all my projects, are prototypes without complete revisions and iterations to follow. I’ll never go back and build a second version of SP-X with the workarounds and mistakes corrected. As a consequence I’ll live with a few re-worked stages (such as the receiver muting fix). A more considered solution to the muting problem might involve a comprehensive end to end design of the audio stages from detector to loudspeaker. Perhaps you’d have two digitally controlled potentiometers on the I2C bus to act as faders between the two audio sources and an audio power IC with muting that you knew could be trusted to switch silently. Maybe there is a simpler way of doing this in a rig with a 5 watt audio stage. Feel free to let me know in a comment!

I’m very happy with how this little rig turned out. It is compact, light, useable, simple, and as versatile a portable QRP CW station as I’ll ever need. I’ll be happy to trust it to get me the four QSOs on any VK3 activation in the future. It simplifies and lightens the rest of my load, particularly the battery which is half the weight of its predecessor. If I built it again I’d fix the receiver muting and probably try to accommodate a LPF for each band. Other than that, I’d build it as it is.

And channelised SOTA CW is a breeze β€” who needs a tuning knob and display anyway?!

SP-9: A Compact Five band SSB/CW QRP Transceiver

27 February 2021 at 12:18

β€˜Summit Prowler 9’ is a homebrew five band SSB/CW 5 watt transceiver designed for and tested on the summits near Melbourne Australia. This project further developed my interest and ideas on the right mix of features and design choices in a moderately compact case that any keen radio builder could reproduce in the home workshop with modest equipment. The transceiver project was completed over an 18 month period to April 2021.


Page 1 is the receiver:

Page 2 is the transmitter:

Page 3 is the microcontroller, PLL and associated control pieces:

Listening to G4 station on 20m.


The VFO, BFO, CW keyer and all control functions are provided by my usual Arduino Nano and si5351 combination. This module is built sandwich style. The front double sided board supports front panel encoder, encoder switch and three pushbuttons, all soldered directly to wide pads. The reverse side hosts a carrier oscillator buffer for CW and its DC supply switch, the T/R relay driver FET, and a PCF8574 decoder and five filter relay driver FETs. It also mates with the second board via 0.1β€³ headers.

This board hosts the Arduino Nano, si5351 breakout, a VFO buffer (MMBT3904), R/C sidetone filtering and a 7805 voltage regulator. The module is conveniently self contained and can be built and tested standalone.

Front view of the VFO, BFO and Controller module showing the SSD1306 OLED, LED-illuminated pushbuttons and mechanical encoder.
Rear view, self explanatory. Hidden in the middle board are a 5V regulator, MMBT3904 VFO buffer, carrier oscillator DC switch and MMBT3904 buffer ( for software-generated CW).

Receiver front end

The front end is almost identical to that developed for an earlier transceiver project, SP7. It consists of a switchable, AGC controlled dual gate MOSFET RF amplifier, a Minicircuits JMS-1 double balanced mixer,Β  a balanced tee diplexor and a post-mixer Class A amplifier stage (2N2219A). Fifty ohm pi attenuator pads are used for impedance stabilisation and level-setting to the L7 mixer and the IF amplifier that follows.Β 

The switchable RF amplifier is a conventional broad-band NTE332 dual gate MOSFET stage, but departs from that used in SP7 in that the switching is done with SA630D BiCMOS RF switch from NXP (2014). In an earlier rig (SP7), this amplifier stage was switched using a front panel toggle. This time, I decided to use an Arduino digital output to switch this stage for the 20m band only.

MOSFET RF amplifier test, demonstrating times 6 voltage gain or 15dB into a 50 ohm resistor.Β 
Diplexor test rig.
Diplexor bandwidth.
Diplexor sweep, showing -1.37dB at 9MHz, and a 2MHz -3dB bandwidth.

The mixer (a JMS1) is a double balanced mixer; with the LO and IF used, these appear to exhibit around 5 dB conversion loss. The post mixer amplifier stage has a fairly flat gain of about 15dB. The band pass filters (see below) show a loss of about 2dB. So overall gain is as follows: -2 (BPF) -5 (mixer) -2 (diplexor) +15 (post mixer amp) = 6dB overall gain. Add about 10dB with the RF preamp switched in.

IF filter and amplifier

Unlike previous transceiver projects, I had no crystal filter in mind for this rig. Peter DK7IH has been using these tiny 8-pole 9MHz SSB filters from Germany. They look ideal, but the delay involved in landing one in Melbourne was unknown. So I layed out the IF board with space for a 9MXF24D, but make up a simple 4-pole experimental filter using on-hand 9MHz matched crystals from Minikits. The board is encased in brass sheet sides and top β€” as the crystal filter sits at the front of an 80dB gain stage, good shielding is essential.

Simple four pole 9MHz crystal filter, sweep shows it centred on 9001kHz, -40dB bandwidth about 2.2kHz, roughly 5dB of passband ripple; not great but good enough to develop and test this transceiver.

Various AGC-controlled IF amplifiers were considered; the design by Eamon EI9GQ was chosen on the basis of overall gain, dynamic range and size. Three pairs of BF246A RF JFETs arranged in a cascode fashion each behave like dual gate MOSFETs with signal on the lower FETs gate and AGC on the upper FETs gate. The stages increase gain with increasing AGC voltage, just like a dual gate MOSFET.

As built, the IF strip had way too much gain and oscillated on tuned circuit peaks ( at or around 9MHz). The first stage’s tuned circuit was damped down with a parallel 5k6 resistor. The board measures 95 x 38mm.

IF amp test rig.
30dB gain.
IF amplifier.
Cascode BF246As.
IF board. In test, 100mV at output of crystal filter yields 3V-pp or 30dB gain.

When the tiny 9MHz 9MXF24D filter from our friends at FunkAmateur arrived it was dropped in and resulted in a noticeable improvement in the passband.

Product detector, audio and AGC

These receiver stages occupy an irregular 95 x 50mm board. The product detector is an SA612, which is followed by a low pass RC filter, a discrete audio preamp and a NEC uPC2002 audio amplifier.Β  A two-transistor AGC circuit occupies a small vertical double sided board that doubles to screen the audio power amplifier.Β Β  The transmit-receive relay occupies the right side of the board for antenna and DC switching.Β 

Receiver back end board.
AGC on vertical divider.
Clockwise from top: SA612 product detector, T/R relay, 7812 regulator, AGC (vertical), upc2002 audio power amplifier.

Five-band Band Pass Filter module

This board contains five individual Band Pass Filters, relay switching for each, and transmit- receive switching to allow the selected filter to be used in both receive and transmit modes.Β 

Band Pass Filter module, from left, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80m. Relays at the top select one of the five filters. Relays at the bottom do T/R switching.

The filters are by Eamon EI9GQ (Radcom homebrew columnist).Β  Each filter uses four adjustable parallelΒ  LC tuned circuits with coupling. This module is obviously critical for the spectral performance of the transceiver, and is probably the most design and labour-intensive.

EI9GQ BPF sweeps.

The filters are fairly consistent, 400 to 500kHz wide at the 3dB points and with insertion loss between 3 to 5dB. This figure is higher than EI9GQ reported (1.5 to 2dB). I used regular 1206 X7R 50v ceramic caps. One DPDT relay was used to switch each filter.

The 80m filter initially came up with a good shape but insertion loss of 8dB. I breadboarded it and found that using the regular shiny blue leaded 50v ceramic caps in the four resonant tuned circuits brought the insertion loss down to < 2dB. From subsequent discussions with Nick N1UBZ and David VK3KR, I learned that X7R surface mount capacitors are not great for RF. Minikits stocks caps with a better dialectic, I should use these in future. That said, the difference is 3dB which may be accommodated in the receiver’s overall gain distribution.

Receiver tune-up

Connecting these boards together was straight forward, and yielded band noise and signals. As a result of independent module testing and getting the IF gain about right, no major changes were necessary to get it working well on all bands. The receiver has plenty of gain, and on 80m rides on the,AGC line to keep tamed.


To get this bunch of boards to transmit required four more modules: a microphone amplifier and balanced modulator,Β  a transmit mixer, the driver and PA chain, and a five-band software-selectable Low Pass Filter.

Exciter board, before the addition of brass shielding.

Mic amp and balanced modulator

The three transmitter stages were laid out on a single board. These modules reproduced those used in SP7 and are copied from SSDRA p202/203. The mic amp uses a FET for a high impedance microphone preamp and an op amp for gain. The LM1496 in balanced modulator configuration has a tuned output at 9MHz.

Transmit mixer

Another LM1496 configured as a transmit mixer with broadband output, and followed by a broadband gain stage (MPSH10).


The broadband driver uses a BFU590GX. This is a fairly hot little RF amp transistor that is good to microwaves. It is my attempt to employ a modern replacement for the 50 year old 2N5179. The first one blew up on the test bench, not sure why, I may have let a clip lead go astray. The stage delivers 250mW into a 50 ohm load flat to 30MHz, depending on drive.

The pre-driver is a BF961 dual gate MOSFET. This device was chosen for a reason. In other rigs, drive drops off on the highest band, in this case, 20m. I arranged two trimpots, diodes and a switching transistor into an OR gate so that each trimpot sets the gate 2 bias. Trimpot 1 sets the pre-driver gain on the lower bands. Applying 5 volts to the transistor base brings trimpot 2 into the circuit which can be set to lift the bias for the higher bands. A digital line from the Arduino provides the 5v.

PA and 5-band LPF module

The 5 watt power amplifier stage uses a single Mitsubishi RD16HHF1 RF FET. The circuit was copied from one developed by Glenn VK3PE, and is commonly used. It includes a p-channel DC switch to control the 12 volt rail and the gate bias, allowing the entire PA to be enabled or disabled via a 5 volt control line, such as an Arduino digital line. It is important to drop the gate bias when receiving, as this can be set as high as 250mA.

Five watt PA and LPF module.

Three W3NQN LPFs were made to cover the five bands β€” 80 and 60m, 40 and 30m, and 20m. Each filter is switched via a pair of Telecom relays. Diodes on the five-band select bus ensure the dual band LPFs are shared appropriately.

LPF sweeps.


RF power output was measured on a 13.7 volt DC supply as: 80m 6.2 watts, 40m 7.8 watts, 30m 7.6 watts, 20m 6.3 watts.

Output waveforms, DC supply 13.7V, 50 ohm load, on 80, 40, 30, 20m.

A spectrum plot was done using the SDRPlay RSP1A running the supplied spectrum analyser software. The rig was connected to a dummy load, with 23dB of attenuation in series with the analyser, delivering around -20dBm to the RSP1A. The test revealed 50 to 55dB suppression of the second harmonic on 30 and 20m, and 34 to 35dB suppression on 80 and 40m. This directly equates to how three LPFs were cut to cover the five bands. Space permitting, a dedicated LPF on each band would achieve better than 50dB harmonic suppression.

Transmitter spectrum on 80 and 30m, second harmonic -35dB and -57dB respectively. Other results: 40m -35dB, 20m -50dB.


The case is made from stock aluminum, hand cut and worked, with pop rivest and M2 and M2.5 bolts, barrel-head and countersunk. The case has two angle pieces running along either side as bearers for top and bottom PCBs. This scheme created receiver (top) and transmitter (bottom) compartments, and allowed open access to the PCB components and tracks for testing. The Arduino controller, si5351 breakout and control components are mounted on a pair of boards that sit parallel and behind the front panel. The front panel is made from 3mm angle, painted black, with Decadry white lettering and several coats of protective clear enamel. The labels on the right side panel are Decadry (black) applied direct onto the cleaned aluminium surface, with clear enamel top coats.

Aluminium case details, 235mm long, 100mm wide, 40mm high.


This project was an exercise in scratch building a compact 5 band SSB and CW QRP transceiver using approaches and circuit blocks I’d used before. As with anything, doing it for the 2nd or 3rd time is always easier and the results better.

I addressed a number of omissions or weaknesses that bugged me from earlier rigs, including a fully integrated loudspeaker, convenient location and spacing of controls (for me at least), a β€˜true’ RF PA transistor (RD16HHF1) to ensure 5 watts on the higher bands, a smooth and functional AGC, loud audio, a rigid microphone connector, and a case that offered top and bottom zones for receiver and transmitter. SP9 met my expectations and has given me an ideal SSB and CW rig for a wide range of backpack or portable outings.

Why include 60m in VK? In the planning, I included 60m in good faith, as there was much anticipation amongst VKs at the time. This project was well advanced before the Australian Communications and Media Authority announced the refusal of the amateur radio community’s request for access to the band. At some stage in the future I may replace the 60m filters to get 17 or 15m. That task has been left for a rainy month.

If you got this far, thanks for reading this homebrew radio story. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of this project, by leaving a comment below. 73 from Paul VK3HN.
