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QSO logging

30 March 2024 at 15:12

Some time ago I wanted a logging program that would do things my way. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the various offerings they generally try to be everything for everyone and none of them really sat well with me. So I wrote my own in PHP (learning Python is high on my list of things to do, along with Mandarin, Morse, cooking…) which uses the QRZ.com logbook as the backend. Ok then, really I wrote a series of various scripts in PHP that make it all work. The advantage is it does just what I need and nothing more and can easily be modified to add functionality. The downside is I never was a coder (well, ok, I have a certification in COBOL from the 1970’s!) and it is not going anywhere other than my own server. So you can’t have it…

The way I tend to log stuff is via wsjt-x or other software that logs to a local file. I then have a script that takes the ADIF data and populates QRZ.com on a QSO-by-QSO basis. Somehow having to actually do something after each QSO feels like I am actually engaging in the process. But I am not a contester… it would simply not work for any stress situations (but then I could easily make it work if I so desired…)

With QRZ.com being the master a script then populates a local database which does all manner of stuff that I personally need. For example, it holds records of eQSL sent/received, real QSL sent/received, and various tabular data for Worked All Britain (WAB).

Scripts also modify the wsjt-x log file on all my systems such that each has a record of all QSOs. As QRZ.com is globally accessible (not tried from China mind… not that I plan to take any radio gear there anyway) and my main database is on a VPS so is also globally accessible the various scripts work from anywhere.

I do plan to move the database from the VPS to a system at home once we get FTTP broadband and use the VPS as a backup, synchronising between the two. But that will wait.

One plan which is more immediate is LoTW integration because as yet my LoTW logging is via QRZ.com which means an extra step. No biggie, I mean it’s its a few clicks and a password… but it would be nice to integrate it. The same goes for eQSL sends, but as yet I only send on receipt and I have scripts to deal with that anyway.

eQSL's from the HA-DX 2023

31 January 2023 at 11:40
Here are some eQSL card from the HA-DX contest 2023.
The cards show QSO's that are made with low power or very low power.
The QSO's are made with more than 1000 Miles per Watt.

IK2UEX 36 mW 13446 MPW

IV3KKW 80 mW 6600 MPW
EA1WH 360 mW 1995 MPW

HG6OΒ 360 mW 1930 MPW

OK7T 360 mW 1151 MPW

My RIG: FT-817Β  (3,6WΒ  -->Β  360 mW)
I use aΒ 10 dB Attenuator to reduce below 360 mW.
My antenna is a Storm or Wind proof End-fed.

eQSL's for 1000 Miles/watt QSO's in OK/OM contest 2022

22 November 2022 at 11:56

I had great fun with low power in the OK/OM contest 2022.
On 14 MHz I made QSO's with 360 mW and 4 watt.
I use 360 milliwatt, when the signals are strong.
With 360 mW to OK or OM every QSO is good for more than 1000 Miles per Watt.
Within a few days after the contest, I received eQSL's.
All QSO's are made with CW S&P on an Sloping Endfed antenna.

More than 1000 Miles per Watt eQSL's

OM5NA - 360mW - 596 Miles - 1657 Miles/Watt

OM2VL - 360mW - 620 Miles - 1722 Miles/Watt

OM8FR - 360mW - 698Miles - 1940 Miles/Watt

OM3DX - 360mW - 747 Miles - 2074 Miles/Watt
