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Well My Bags Are Packed, I’m ready to Go

The 2024 Hurricane Season started of slow but boy did it pick up steam. Right now, the country has been rocked by the devastation left by Hurricane Helene and now Florida is bracing for Major Hurricane Milton. There are lots of good people doing lots of good things out there. I want to give a shoutout to AmRRon and Grindstone Ministeries for all the work they are doing in the Tennessee/North Carolina areas. You can find out more about these organizations at https://amrron.com and https://grindstoneministries.com.

I have been blessed in that both of these powerful hurricanes missed me. Helene about 40 miles to my east and Milton several hundred miles to my south. Just because I got lucky doesn’t mean I should sit back and rest upon my laurels. Contrary to popular belief, ham radio operators in the affected area are typically not able to operate after a hurricane passes through. Their number one concern is the safety of their family and the protection of their property. Many have left the area and are holed up in a motel somewhere or are with friends/family. This is the time and the place for those not affected by the storm to lend a hand. With families and property safe and secure, amateur radio operators can travel to, set up and operate their portable stations, relaying valuable information to public safety and/or nervous families wanting to know that their kith and kin are safe.

For those able to deploy, preparations should start long before you leave hearth and home. Radios and coax need to be checked for proper operation, antennas checked for damage? Are all of your batteries charged, generators serviced, and solar panels operating properly? Is your vehicle ready: tires checked, engine serviced, lights work? Do you have enough fuel for your vehicle and your generators? Do you have a place to sleep and something to sleep on? Do you have water and do you have food? Always bring food and always bring water, regardless of what someone promises you.

And what about you? Are you in shape? When was the last time you were to the doctors? Do you have any conditions that may affect you and are they serious enough that not being near an emergency room might kill you?

I’m not young anymore and my days of traveling to a disaster areas are coming to a close. However, I am ready; I keep a running talley on my gear. How? I practice with my gear almost everytime I go to park or a campground. The same gear I use in a park is the same gear I use for a disaster. I know how it works and I know I have what I need. I call this FunComm, which to me, is practice for EmComm. My field radio stays packed and ready to go. My basic kit looks like this.

The top box contains my radio and associated gear.

The bottom box, contains my batteries, power stations and a couple of solar panels. I also have 2 larger solar panels that I would also bring. I do not always bring batteries with me for FunComm but I see that they are charged up several times a year. Two notes. 1) Check your gear. Out in a disaster, you probably won’t be able to get whatever it is you left behind. I recommend that when practicing FunComm, you go at least 20 miles away from home. That is about the distance too far to drive back home again β€” either make do or call it a bust. 2) Solar power generation is iffy. On a good day, a 100 watt solar panel puts out about 6 amps. Your radio at 100 watts output consumes about 18 amps. That means for every hour of transmitting, it requires 3 hours of solar power generation at max efficiency. Don’t forget, you will have to feed you laptop, lights, cell phone etc. Yes, a cell phone has other uses besides a phone. My battery box looks like this.

You EmComm types may chuff at Parks on the Air (POTA), but they know their gear, because they use it often. Take the time now. Check your gear, get it ready, get yourself ready, sometimes, when they need you, they need you now. My prayers are for those in the paths of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, and also for those souls who when the call came were ready. When the call comes, can you cry out β€œHere am I” 73 and God Bless de Scott

Optimizing Power Settings for Elecraft K3S and WSJT-X: A Comprehensive Guide

Ham Radio With K0PIR

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of optimizing power settings for the Elecraft K3S and WSJT-X. From understanding the impact of power levels on signal quality to fine-tuning your setup for maximum efficiency, this guide provides invaluable insights and step-by-step instructions to enhance your digital communication experience.

The post Optimizing Power Settings for Elecraft K3S and WSJT-X: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.

Icom 7610 And Elecraft K3S SSB Receiver Settings

Ham Radio With K0PIR

Among amateur radio operators, the Icom 7610 and Elecraft K3S radios stand out as popular choices, renowned for their superior performance and advanced features. Despite their impressive attributes, these radios can be further optimized by adjusting their SSB listening receiver...

The post Icom 7610 And Elecraft K3S SSB Receiver Settings appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.

Upgrades, planning, the future...

Over the last couple of weeks, I've started participating in a little round table on 80m at 5 AM.Β  Yikes.Β  These group of guys are outstanding CW operators and all working on honing in on their high speed, or QRQ, operating.Β  The average speed is in the 40-50 wpm range depending on who is there and conditions, though pretty much everyone is running (well) over 100w so conditions don't usually have much impact!Β  I'll admit, the last few years of inactivity mixed with the intermittent keyboard-sent contests, my sending has suffered immensely.Β  Yes, I can probably manage quick fills in a contest at 35wpm but even though I'm close to copying ragchew QSOs at 40wpm, I can't send over an extended period more than 30wpm without errors.Β  It is a humbling and frustrating experience to be among such great ops and still feel like a complete LID!Β  They are all very accommodating though and willing to withstand the poor fist while I improve, which is honorable.

My station has been performing very well through all of this though which is a great feeling.Β  There has been little RFI to speak of and I've become used to relatively comfortable operations.Β  (save the computer taking a dump on me but that's not related to ham radio)Β  With that said, I am always looking for ways to improve the station (plus it gives me something to strive for, which is always good in life).Β  Based on recommendation from a friend, I figured I'd try to get an antenna resonant on 60m.Β  I used to work on 60m a bit from Iowa but it's been years since I have had any interest or reason to check it out.Β  With its "unusual" propagation characteristics, it might be a nice change of pace from the other "low" band operations I'm used to.Β  The Gap Titan is not resonant anywhere near 5.3 MHz so I was left with figuring out something on the inverted L for now.Β  The inverted L is cut for 80m and does a pretty good job there but to get from 3.5MHz to 5.3MHz I'd need to add some capacitance to make the antenna look shorter.Β  Luckily I picked up a homebrew tuner some years back at a hamfest so I had a couple of open air tuning capacitors at my disposal to do the job.Β  I rigged up some hokey wiring and hooked it up and was able to tune a nice null a few places along the coil with the capacitor in series.Β  It was interesting to see how I could pick different spots of resonance and get different network Q, showing a variety of usable bandwidths.Β  I decided to pick a lower Q option so I could get the whole 60m band, and back at the operating position, the SWR stays below 1.5:1 across the whole band.Β  Now I can operate 160, 80, and 60 meters on that antenna without much trouble. Just a few jumpers to move around.Β  I would love to make it remote switching but that's a job for another day.

Next little project was to do some work on the Gap.Β  My and I had a little spat regarding the beauty of my antennas (you can guess which side she comes down on) and I made a private promise to help the situation a bit.Β  The Gap has a wire loop on the bottom part that serves as a counterpoise for 40m as well as part of the 10m element and it happens that the mast I chose for installing it was a hair too short - ok it's about a foot too short if we're being honest - to put the loop above head level.Β  This means when walking around the pool deck, one has to duck to not hit the loop; a scenario that is less than ideal for obvious reasons.Β  As it turns out, the shape of the loop isn't really important for operation on 40m, and at least one other ham has modified his antenna to allow for a more conventional radial in place of the loop due to similar constraints.Β  So to help pad the concerns of the XYL, I set out to do just that.Β  I removed the spreaders and ran a counterpoise along the top of the fence in the NE direction and pruned for a good match on 40m.Β  Luckily I was able to find one not unlike the original match without affecting the matches on the other bands!Β  So now I have a loop-less Gap Titan, and time will tell if it will cause any degradation in performance on 40 (or other bands).

Remember the part about the QRQ CW net in the mornings?Β  Well that high speed, QSK operation has made it really obvious the most critical limitation of the TS-590: Relay based T/R switching.Β  You may recall I noted this way back when I did the side by side comparison between these radios and nothing has changed in that regard.Β  I still think the TS-590S and SG are some of the best deals in radio, especially considering the 2nd hand market for the 590S is down BELOW $700!!!Β  It makes the value proposition against the K3 very difficult.Β  However...Β if silent and smooth QSK is your goal, there is simply no match for an Elecraft radio (well maybe Ten Tec but lets not go there mkay?)....Β  I think you can see where this is going!Β  Upon introduction of my W6LVP receive antenna loop, the TS-590 now has TWO relays clacking away and at 50 WPM it can be quite a racket.Β  I did make a considerable improvement in this by covering both relays with blue-tack putty (the stuff you use to hold up posters from the office supplies), but both are still quite noticeable even when wearing headphones.Β  Those of you who know me well know I'm a real stickler for noisy stuff like this so it's just hard for me to ignore.Β  Which has brought me to the conclusion that I have to start my journey back to the Elecraft lineup, and perhaps my timing could not be better.Β  It just so happens that my friend N5EIL is in the process of upgrading his remote station and reducing the stack of radios he has at home and among them is a K3/10 with the sub-receiver installed.Β  Neil made me an offer I simply cannot refuse and will let me "hold on" to the K3 for him on the pretense that I buy the 100w PA.Β  Some time down the road we'll decide if I want to buy the whole radio from him or if he'll buy the PA from me.Β  The only drawback is if I decide to let him have it back, I'll be stuck with my only radio being my FT-817, and I think we all know that's a non-starter!Β  So the reality is, I'm going to end up buying the radio from him soon enough and I'll be back in the family!Β  Someone get the Kool-Aid mix!

I'll keep you all updated as things progress but that's all for now!

Elecraft discontinues the K1 (and KX1?)

I've been out of the QRP loop for a while as my operating has waned in the last year or so but happened to run across an article on the blog of K4SWL,Β qrper.com.Β  His post includes a note from Wayne, N6KR, on the fate of the K1:
We should have made a formal announcement here. Yes, we discontinued it because certain parts are hard to come by now, making it no longer cost effective for us to manufacture.
It was a great product for us, and I used mine for years, taking it on many trips. I thought of it as a β€œSierra on Steroids” at the time (referring to an earlier design I did for the NorCal QRP Club). But we’ve moved on to more versatile field radios, including the KX2 and KX3.
This news meets me with mixed feelings.Β  The K1 is the radio that started Elecraft - well technically it existed before Elecraft even.Β  To see it go certainly strengthens the signals we've been seeing from Elecraft for several years now, since the introduction of the K3.Β  I certainly hope that they continue to offer piece-part kits as long as it is possible.Β 

However, I will admit, I am no raving fan of the K1 as a radio - I have built one and I did not find it to perform very well with a fairly drifty VFO and weak filtering.Β  For the price, it is too much toy and not enough radio.Β  Still, it was one of the first kits many hams have had the pleasure of putting on the air so I can see the draw.Β 

Now Tom's blog noted that the KX1 was also on the chopping block but I did not see any evidence of this on Elecraft's site, as they are still selling the KX1 from stock, but I have not gone in and researched if there was further discussion in the thread Wayne posted on.Β  In my opinion, the KX1 is far superior in performance and operation to the K1 and it would be a shame to see it go from the list of offerings.Β 

Elecraft KX2: The end of kits for Elecraft? UPDATE: WITH VIDEO!

Elecraft has always offered kit versions of just about everything they make, until now. Β The newly announced KX2 (not a successor to the KX3 or the K2 interestingly) is their first offering to come in factory built ONLY.

Expected to be priced at about $750, it seems they will be targeting the more mainstream ham market.

I'm sure they'll get a lot of gruff for leaving out 6m or 160m but I think those are reasonable to leave out. Β The idea of a rechargeable lithium option sure sounds nice too. Β Maybe this is the secondary radio I would want from Elecraft - something I won't ever use on my desk but is destined to be carried in the field. Β At the $750 price tag, that option seems far more likely than it did with the KX3 at nearly 2x the cost. Β We will see how it compares from a performance standpoint though if you're comparing it to just about any other radio (save KX3) it doesn't need to be a stunner in the RX department to be a winner.

I'm going to be keeping my eyes out for more details, so be sure to check back!

UPDATE: WG0AT posted this video to YouTube:

And another:

Radio Showdown: IC-7300 vs. K3S

Ham Radio With K0PIR

Comparing the audio quality and signal strength between the Icom IC-7300 and Elecraft K3S receivers can be a valuable demonstration. These aspects are crucial in determining the overall performance of a receiver. In the video below, you can observe how...

The post Radio Showdown: IC-7300 vs. K3S appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.

The Elecraft K3S at the Home QTH

Ham Radio With K0PIR

I recently acquired an Elecraft K3S through an auction, and it's currently at my home QTH while my Icom 7610 undergoes repairs. The LCD on the Icom 7610 needed to be replaced and was fortunately under warranty. The other problem,...

The post The Elecraft K3S at the Home QTH appeared first on Ham Radio with K0PIR - Icom 7300 and 7610 SDR Transceivers and now Elecraft!.
