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RSGB Logbook: Explorer gets hams involved

I’m not really sure where I found out about the RSGB Logbook: Explorer, but I like it a lot. It’s sort of a British version of my 21 Things to Do After You Get Your Amateur Radio License, but it’s a workbook that hams can print out and then fill up as they go along. Here are the activities included in the RSGB Logbook:

  • Register online. In this step, the new ham is asked to set up accounts on QRZ.Com, Logbook of the World, the RSGB QSL Bureau, and EchoLink.
  • Build a wire antenna. This task is to build a simple wire antenna and then describe the antenna.
  • Make 10 contacts through a repeater and log them.
  • Make 10 contacts on 2-meter simplex and log them.
  • Make 10 POTA contacts and log them.
  • Make 10 Summits on the Air (SOTA) contacts and log them.
  • Make 10 Bunkers on the Air (BOTA) contacts and log them.
  • Worked All Britain. Make 10 contacts in 10 different grid squares in Britain and log them.
  • Use different modes on HF. Make 10 HF contacts using at least two of the following modes: CW, FM, FSTV, FT4, FT8, JS8, JT65, MFSK, packet radio (AX25), PSK31, RTTY, SSB and SSTV; you MUST use at least 2 bands from the following list: 40m, 30m, 20m, 10m.
  • Make 10 VHF/UHF contacts on any band but 2 meters and log them.
  • Take the RSGB Quiz. The quiz consists of 10 questions that invites the readers to do a little research on famous radio amateurs and a couple of technical topics.

I think that perhaps for the next edition of 21 Things I’m going to use this format. It’s more interactive, and it just might get more hams to try new things with their licenses. Of course, some of these activities don’t really apply to U.S. hams. The reason for this is that British hams get more HF privileges than U.S. hams, but perhaps I can slant the activities I Β include to target those things that U.S. hams can do.

And, since everyone likes awards, I’ll design certificate for those that complete 75% of the logbook and submit proof of the activities that they’ve completed.

To see how one ham used the RSGB Logbook: Explorer, read read this article on the RSGB website.
