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New GQRP videos released

From the recent GQRP club convention, video recordings are now available to view:

Just go to the GQRP Club YouTube channel and you should find:

* Charlie, ZL2CTM, talking about his approach to RF Construction
* Tony, G4WIF, sharing his experiences of building and using RF Test Equipment:
* Farhan, VU2ESE, talking about his latest BITX transceiver for 2m
* Steve, G0KYA, sharing his experiences of building and using the End Fed Half Wave antenna:
* Pete, N6QW, talking about building a valve (tube) transmitter in the 21st century
* John, M0JAV, sharing the latest information and answering questions about EMF Assessments:
* Steve, G0FUW, talking about getting started with surface mount devices
* Michael, G0POT, sharing his experiences of operating from hill tops
* Roy, W7EL, talking about antenna modelling using EZNEC
* Anthony, K8ZT, sharing his experiences of operating with QRP
* Alan, W2AEW, talking about a range of RF test equipment
* Bonus Session, Operating Panel with Peter, G3XJS and Carl, GW0VSW


Β https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhe-ybLZzpnJh80VmFuS-A


If your not a member of the GQRP club, why now join today. From only Β£6 (UK) inc 4 issues of Sprat, and a just a few more shekels if you are in DX land: http://www.gqrp.com/join.htm


