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Project TouCans Comes in Third at California QSO Party and Fourth-ish in GQRP Construction Competition!

Β Project TouCans has had a big couple of months!

It received a certificate of commendation in the GQRP building contest, as well as fourth place in the QRP division at the California QRP party!

Both of these things surprised me a bit. I've been inundated since junior high school with the 'QRP can't do much' schtick, and well? It just ain't true!Β 

TouCans is strung up on a dipole stretching from our roof to a wood pole mounted on our back fence. (Mota, the 11 year-old, and I levered a construction clamp over the lip of the roof using a broom handle from the kitchen window. I did all the window leaning... It was an adventure.) I didn't even realize the QSO party was the weekend it was, and yet that little pineapple can based rig came in pretty close to third!

KO6BTY and I were also tickled pink to receive Certificates of Commendation in the GQRP construction competition! We've done a lot of work on the rig bringing it to it's completely wireless state a few months ago. We've learned about RFI and digital supply noise and Bluetooth audio transmitters as well as Raspberry Pi Pico-Ws and microPython. The whole endeavor actually inspired a microPython class at our local maker space for homeschooling kids (and anyone else who's interested at our local maker space taught by yours truly. Who'd have thought you could have so much fun with a pineapple can? OK, OK, yeah, it was me. I was the one that thought it.Β  Β :)

New GQRP videos released

From the recent GQRP club convention, video recordings are now available to view:

Just go to the GQRP Club YouTube channel and you should find:

* Charlie, ZL2CTM, talking about his approach to RF Construction
* Tony, G4WIF, sharing his experiences of building and using RF Test Equipment:
* Farhan, VU2ESE, talking about his latest BITX transceiver for 2m
* Steve, G0KYA, sharing his experiences of building and using the End Fed Half Wave antenna:
* Pete, N6QW, talking about building a valve (tube) transmitter in the 21st century
* John, M0JAV, sharing the latest information and answering questions about EMF Assessments:
* Steve, G0FUW, talking about getting started with surface mount devices
* Michael, G0POT, sharing his experiences of operating from hill tops
* Roy, W7EL, talking about antenna modelling using EZNEC
* Anthony, K8ZT, sharing his experiences of operating with QRP
* Alan, W2AEW, talking about a range of RF test equipment
* Bonus Session, Operating Panel with Peter, G3XJS and Carl, GW0VSW


Β https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhe-ybLZzpnJh80VmFuS-A


If your not a member of the GQRP club, why now join today. From only Β£6 (UK) inc 4 issues of Sprat, and a just a few more shekels if you are in DX land: http://www.gqrp.com/join.htm


