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Listen to the Audio Clips WBZ Rejected!

In a previous post, I told you about the fun, no-jargon ham radio interview we did with Bradley Jay on Boston-based clear channel station WBZ. It was a basic amateur radio introduction.

During the short time we had to prepare for the show, we planned extensively in collaboration with the show’s producer. At one point, I asked if we could liven up the hour with some audio clips to allow listeners to really experience the sounds of amateur radio. β€œSure!”, she said.

We assembled a set of clips that represent a broad range of amateur radio pursuits. But, just two hours before air time, our producer emailed me to say that Bradley didn’t want to use the clips. Ugh!

We were disheartened because we think we really captured sounds that effectively convey the wide range of on-the-air ham radio experiences.

Let’s not allow these clips go to waste!

WBZ and their listening audience did not get to hear these little gems. But, their loss need not be yours, too! Here are the clips we had all ready to go. They’re all pretty short. Enjoy. Don’t miss the last one – contact with the International Space Station.

History: Spark Transmission from Point Judith
Public Service: Boston Marathon Communications
Emergency Communications: Hurricane Dorian
Casual Radio: K1IR Contact with Ukraine on 20 meter band
Radiosport: Hope KM4IPF contacts Morocco during international competition
Where does ham radio take place? Not just in the basement . . . everywhere!
The new ham radio is digital.
In this clip: ionospheric FT8, moon bounce JT65, meteor scatter MSK144
Student-built satellite with Morse code beacon . . . and Doppler shift!
Small, battery-powered handheld kit used to make many voice satellite contacts.
International Space Station talks to school students in Hudson, NH.

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Ham Radio on WBZ!

Ham radio got a nationwide boost from Boston-based clear channel station WBZ. Tom Walsh, K1TW, our Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager contacted me to see if I could help satisfy a short-term request from Jay Talking a WBZ talk show hosted by veteran radio personality Bradley Jay. How could I refuse?

I partnered with Bruce Tinkler N9JBT to fill the hour with some great content. We wanted to convey a broad view of ham radio that captures both its historic roots and current advanced technology and relevance to modern-day STEM initiatives. Cameo appearance by Marty Sullaway NN1C!

How did we do?

The post Ham Radio on WBZ! appeared first on The Driven Element.
