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N8GNJ's Meadow Day 2023 Experiment

Wow... it's been way too long since my last post on this blog.

Disclaimer - In what I’m describing in this post, to avoid any confusion that I’m trying to claim that any of this involves Amateur Radio, I decided to call this experiment Meadow Day (1). 

Meadow Day 2023 Experiment - Overview

In Zero Retries 0104 Request to Send, Starlink Field Day? I mentioned casually:

Now that I’m a Starlink customer, I consider communications with little terrestrial infrastructure required to be a mostly solved problem, especially when you factor in the increasingly capable battery plus solar units providing power. The combination of the Starlink hardware, battery plus solar, and Starlink subscription isn’t cheap… but it’s amazingly capable… in fact, a paradigm change. But that’s a story for a future issue of Zero Retries. Teaser - Imagine an app that ran on a laptop or Raspberry Pi that connected to another (roaming) Starlink terminal (on battery power), transferred a large file, and then “logged the contact”?

As I woke up yesterday morning (2023-06-24), I thought briefly about ARRL Field Day (2). Because of recent family events, I haven’t been able to devote much time to preparation for Field Day activities, and couldn't devote the entire day to attending a local Field Day event. But I did have a few hours… and the idea came to me fully formed, that I actually could try out “Starlink Field Day” as a proof of concept. I decided that the goal would be to "work" a few Amateur Radio Operators using broadband Internet connectivity via Starlink.

Again - to avoid any confusion that what I'm describing here involves Amateur Radio, I decided to call this experiment Meadow Day

Right after morning coffee time I assembled the various pieces I would need and hauled them out of N8GNJ Labs into the middle of my large yard, and started plugging them all together. To my delight… but not quite surprise, it all worked.

What I wanted to test out was, was it practical to “deploy” a Starlink system in “emergency” conditions - on battery power? Short answer, Yes. Even though it was overcast, the solar panel output at least 20 watts, and when there were “widely scattered sunbursts” the solar panel put out as much as 80 watts. The Starlink required typical 60 watts, so the battery on the EB3A trended down slowly.

It worked surprisingly well. I recorded the notes for this post using the temporary Starlink connection as described, and completed the post with the "expedient" Starlink connection that is my sole Internet connectivity in N8GNJ Labs and my office.

Major elements of my Meadow Day "station:

  • Starlink terminal - Starlink antenna (Dishy McFlatface), Starlink indoor unit (power supply / Wi-Fi access point), and the Starlink Ethernet adapter.
  • Bluetti EB3A battery / power supply
  • Generic 100 watt solar panel
  • Cisco VOIP telephone (acquired as surplus)
  • Macbook Air laptop with USB headset
  • Table, chair, beverage, logging sheet

Similarities with Field Day:

  • Simulate emergency conditions such as loss of power and other infrastructure.
  • Communicate using only what you can carry or transport.
  • Set up a communications facility (station) independent of existing communications infrastructure. While it's allowed in the Field Day rules to use an established Amateur Radio station, the intent is "get out into the field" to set up a temporary communications facility (which is what I chose to do for Meadow Day).
  • Communicate "out of region" to bypass assumed loss of local communications infrastructure.
  • Have fun doing so.

Differences with Field Day:

  • I had no desire to accumulate contacts for "points" or other aspects of the overall contest structure of Field Day.
  • I was only going to operate for a few hours.
  • Field in my case was my house's yard, which is ~ 1 acre.
  • Meadow Day was going to use technology of 2023 - Starlink, laptop, VOIP telephone, video conferencing, and a portable battery bank being charged with a solar panel.


Meadow Day 2023 Experiment - Photos

Basics of Meadow Day:

  • Set up portable table and a camp chair
  • Set up solar panel supplying power to portable battery bank
  • Set up Starlink terminal in the yard (remote from the desk)
  • Set up VOIP phone (connect to Ethernet adapter on Starlink)
  • Set up laptop (connect to Starlink Wi-Fi)
  • Connect to a number of friends using various videoconference systems (as the most demanding test of broadband capability).



N8GNJ Operating Position for Meadow Day 2023
Photo by Tina Stroh KD7WSF



N8GNJ Operating Position Desktop 1
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



N8GNJ Operating Position Desktop 2
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



Bluetti EB3A Display (poor visibility in direct sunlight)
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



Generic 100 Watt Solar Panel
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

The solar panel was casually positioned, leaning on a corner of the table. It was not optimized for angle or orientation, and it was a bit overcast. I have verified that in direct sunlight, it does generate the rated 100 watts (~12 Volts @ ~8.3 Amps). 



Bluetti EB3A Status via iPhone App (via Bluetooth)
Screenshot by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



Cisco VOIP Phone Configuring Itself
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Funny story about this Cisco VOIP phone... I bought a small lot of these from someone six months to a year ago. I just grabbed this one out of the bin I had stored them in, and intended this to be just a "prop" for this story. For fun, because I had an Ethernet port available, I plugged it in. To my amazement, it connected to the host system (that this phone was removed from) and configured itself! I picked up the handset and got a "dialtone" (which was likely generated internally by the phone) and then dialed a couple of digits, and it worked. Not only were these phones not wiped of their configuration, but these phone's MAC addresses apparently weren't deleted from the host system. I'm sure that I could have dialed out with this phone, but I didn't want any accusation of "hacking" the host system. But it was obvious that VOIP works completely normally with Starlink.



Starlink Power Supply and Wi-Fi Access Point
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



Dishy McFlatface "deployed" (oriented Northwest)
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

This is the stand that each Dishy McFlatface (yes, that's the actual product name) is shipped with. It's intended as a starter as Starlink works best with an unobstructed view of the sky, which generally dictates a roof or tower mount. I was lucky that I have a large yard with few tall obstructions.



Approximate view of the sky of Dishy McFlatface. Note minor tree obstruction at bottom.
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ



Starlink Status (1) via iPhone App (via Wi-Fi)
Screenshot by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Note that the phone is in Airplane mode - Wi-Fi connectivity only.



Starlink Status 2 via iPhone App (via Wi-Fi)
Screenshot by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

For approximately the first 24 hours of operation, in a combination of downloading data from the Starlink satellites, trying different azimuth / elevation settings (Dishy has both attitude and rotational motors, though they're rarely used), and and observing outages with various satellites, Dishy will eventually orient itself to provide optimum connectivity. My Dishy orients itself to the Northwest where there are few obstructions.


Meadow Day 2023 Experiment - Contacts

One goal of Meadow Day was to utilize a number of different videoconference systems. Like almost all broadband Internet access systems (other than fiber), Starlink prioritizes downlink speeds over uplink speeds, so it was an interesting test to see if the various videoconference systems would work acceptably on Starlink, especially in this ad-hoc quick setup.

Prior to recording the following screenshot images, I verbally asked each participant for their permission to record a screenshot, and all agreed.

Contact 1 - Cale Mooth K4ACK via (Google Gmail) email

My first Meadow Day contact was to Cale Mooth K4ACK to try to set up a "contact", but he was busy and replied back to me later in the day. But his reply confirmed that there were no issues in using email via Starlink even with the quick setup.


Contacts 2 and 3 - Ken Koster N7IPB (left) and Bruce Miller KC7IAY (right) via Jitsi videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Neither N7IPB or KC7IAY noted any issues with my video or audio quality.


Contact 4 - Merideth Stroh KK7BKI via Apple Facetime videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

KK7BKI didn't note any issues with my video or audio quality.


Contact 5 - Budd Churchward WB7FHC via Zoom videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

WB7FHC didn't note any issues with my video or audio quality.

WB7FHC recorded the video of our 26 minute conversation. We did a brief overview of what I was trying to accomplish with Meadow Day.

Video link My thanks to WB7FHC for editing our video conversation to a watchable 9 minutes.


Contact 6 - Steven Roberts N4RVE via Facebook Messenger videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

N4RVE didn't note any issues with my video or audio quality.


Contact 7 - Bill Vodall W7NWP via Signal videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

W7NWP didn't note any issues with my video or audio quality.


Contact 8 - Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP via Signal videoconference


Screenshot image recorded by Steve Stroh N8GNJ

WA8DZP didn't note any issues with my video or audio quality.



Completed N8GNJ Meadow Day 2023 Logsheet.
Photo by Steve Stroh N8GNJ


Meadow Day 2023 Experiment - Conclusions

What was remarkable about my experience with Meadow Day 2023... was how unremarkable the experience was.

The Bluetti EB3A portable battery / inverter unit with the 100 watt solar panel just worked to provide AC power to operate the Starlink terminal and Cisco VOIP phone. I connected my laptop to the EB3A's USB-C port to charge it (that cost a bit of battery power). If the day had not been cloudy (direct sunlight) the solar panel would have provided a surplus of power.

When using Starlink as an emergency communications system, it's impressive just how plug and play Starlink is:

  • Pull everything out of the box,
  • A bit of minor mechanical assembly,
  • Connect the cables,
  • Place Dishy so that it can see the (as unobstructed as possible) sky (avoiding pointing at obstructions like trees will get online faster),
  • Apply power to the router,
  • Do a bit of configuration (name, password) in the phone app (only required for the initial setup),
  • And… done! Online (via Wi-Fi) at broadband Internet speeds.

Within two minutes of powering up the Starlink, it was providing a broadband Internet connection. I cheated just a little bit knowing that in my area, Dishy McFlatface "prefers" to be facing Northwest, so I saved a bit of time by placing it in that orientation.

To be online at broadband speeds, capable of doing realtime video at reasonable quality, using no local infrastructure, required perhaps fifteen minutes of setup.

Could be better:

  • The Bluetti EB3A, rated at 268 Wh (Watt Hours) was probably inadequate for extended operation (with no solar input) of the loads of:
    • Starlink terminal
    • VOIP phone (AC power adapter)
    • Laptop charging / operation
    • Small light (for nighttime operation)
    • Incidental charging - phone, etc.
  • Newer, slightly more expensive solar panels are larger (provides more power), flexible, and lighter.

I deem "Meadow Day 2023" a success!



(1) I didn't want there to be any confusion that my experiment had anything to do with Field Day, thus I created the title "Meadow Day".

(2) The Field Day event held during the Summer is ARRL Field Day. There is also Winter Field Day that is independent of ARRL.


Note - This post was actually completed and posted on 2023-10-16, but it will appear in the blog timeline as 2023-06-25, when I should have written and posted it.

New Acquisition from Craigslist - Kenwood TS-130SE HF Radio

Of late I've been scanning the "Electronics" section of Bellingham Craigslist. My radius on Craigslist is set pretty tight so I only see items that are in Whatcom County or perhaps a bit into Canada (which I ignore as a useless exercise at the moment).

A couple of days ago I saw this mention:

Short wave radio equipment - $200

Used short wave radio equipment. Kenwood HF transceiver TS-130SE; Astron RS-20A amplifier; MFJ HF SWR WATTMETER model MFJ-816; MFJ antenna tuner model# MFJ-16010; kenmore handset model # MC- 35S; all the necessary cords. This was my dad's equipment. I have never used it. I have little knowledge of how it works. It does power on. No holds. First person who shows up.




The Astron RS-20A "amplifier" is, of course, a "20 amp" 120V AC to 12V DC power supply, and the "kenmore handset model # MC- 35S" is a Kenwood handheld push-to-talk microphone.

I need more radios / projects like I need... well... you know. But this was too good to pass up - the price was reasonable, and it was right here in Bellingham.

My primary criteria was that for me to be interested in it, it must be 100% solid state (no vacuum tubes). In my opinion, life is too short to deal with vacuum tubes. (Mostly... I have some vacuum tube equipment solely out of nostalgia.)

Per Universal Radio's page on the Kenwood TS-130SE:


(Image courtesy of Universal Electronics)

The Kenwood TS-130SE is designed for SSB and CW modes in the 80 through 10 meter ham bands including the 30, 17 and 12 meter bands. All solid-state technology is input rated at 200 PEP input on SSB, 160W DC on CW. The TS-130SE features a 100 Hz digital display with analog subdial. (This transceiver does not have general coverage receive).

Requires 13.8 VDC at 19 Amps. 9.6 x 3.8 x 11.7 inches 12.3 lbs. (241x94x293 mm 5.6 kg).

So, reasonable features / vintage, reasonable story for selling, price was reasonable, and it's local.

So I went for it last night. I contacted the seller, we met up, and I came away with a copy paper box full of about 30 pounds of radio equipment.

The seller was glad that it went to another Amateur Radio Operator.

I confirm the weight! One won't be backpacking this radio anywhere. All of the gear looks in reasonable shape, just a bit dusty.

One thing I liked about the TS-130SE is that it looks like a reasonably simple, basic rig which I appreciate since despite my decades as an Amateur Radio Operator, I'm an HF Newbie. I know all the theory, but...

Manual Hunting

The hunt online for the TS-130SE user manual started inauspiciously. The first site I found had the TS-130SE listed as a "Boating Accessory". That should have been a clue. To download the manual, I tried the "captcha" three times and "failed". Apparently that site is clickbait to help train some Artificial Intelligence.

The second site, despite being "Kenwood Ltd." immediately clued me that I wasn't in the right place with the mention of "Cooking Chef".

Finally, ManualsLib was "reasonable" though to download the PDF they put all kinds of tricky buttons around the actual Download link. But I did get a PDF of the TS-130SE User Manual downloaded, and it's now printed. ManualsLib injects an unobtrusive footer into each PDF page, and that's a reasonable compromise for being able to find this manual (scanned at reasonable quality), download it as a PDF at no cost , and for ManualsLib not to get ripped off wholesale by some other site profiting from their work. (Assuming, of course, that ManualsLib actually did this initial scan of the user manual. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.)

I'm looking forward to powering up the TS-130SE and hopefully using it (gently, power reduced) on HF data modes. The new home has some good possibilities for HF wire antennas.


Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Copyright © 2022 by Steven K. Stroh

Zero Retries 0171

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2100+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ for renewing his second Founding Member Annual Subscription to Zero Retries this past week!

Founding members are listed in every issue of Zero Retries!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 12 for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Phil Marquis K6HSV for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

K6HSV said “Beats the heck out of reading QST.“

My thanks to Jeffrey Komori KH6JUZ for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 51 for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 52 for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a significant vote of support for the continued publication of Zero Retries.

Upcoming Events Countdown

Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 3 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us).

My presentation at Pacificon 2024 - Tracking Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio will be on Saturday 2024-10-19 from 16:00 - 16:50 in Contra Costa Salon 2.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

My FCC Docket 24-240 Reply Comments Filed

Well, I got my Docket 24-240 Reply Comments submitted, but I did so after business hours in Washington DC, but still well within “2024-09-20”. I wasn’t quite sure if my submission would be considered to have been submitted that day, but the timestamp on my submission, processed the next business day (2024-09-23) says 2024-09-20, and the status of my submission says


So I think my Reply Comments will be duly considered.

Comments are still coming in (more than 1800 now), nearly a week after the 2024-09-20 deadline, and those late comments are being marked as DISSEMINATED.

NextNav isn’t dissuaded by the thousands of negative comments. Their Reply Comment said, in part:

The Commission will of course carefully consider the feedback from all commenters, as will NextNav, but the key takeaway is this: No one else has proposed a credible solution to the widely recognized and increasingly urgent problem that the United States has no widescale TPNT service to complement and back up GPS where the GPS signal is obstructed or when outages occur. Even many of those opposed to NextNav’s Petition acknowledge that a terrestrial complement and backup to a satellite-based PNT service is critically important to safeguarding U.S. national security, public safety, economy, and way of life. As there is no prospect of the U.S. government funding a standalone terrestrial PNT network, NextNav offers the only concrete opportunity to enable a widescale terrestrial PNT service—one that has a clear path to availability in consumer devices such as cellphones—without spending taxpayer dollars.

NextNav is really disingenuous here - there were other “credible solution[s]” discussed in the submitted comments. NextNav’s proposal is not the only credible potential solution to this issue. I, for one, think we should rebuild the LORAN (eLORAN) system.

I’ve been amazed before, and this is yet another example, of the seemingly inexhaustible budgets available to communications law firms to aggressively lobby the FCC when there’s a credible prospect of getting the FCC to (however reluctantly) agree to allocate “free spectrum”. If the FCC declines NextNav’s proposal… they (or a successor, who buys NextNav’s assets out of bankruptcy) will be back, eventually.

Some Zero Retries readers from outside the US wrote to me basically saying:

What a screwed up system the US has with the FCC when a private company with a specious claim, who hasn’t really done anything to prove out their technology claims, can credibly threaten to bankrupt hundreds of companies and obsolete billions of devices.

I couldn’t offer any argument to their assessment.

Have a great weekend, all of you co-conspirators in Zero Retries Interesting Amateur Radio activities!

Steve N8GNJ

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Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP is a Silent Keyboard

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

A remembrance of my very smart, and kind friend and mentor, Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP.

Since this article will likely be shared outside of Amateur Radio (also called Ham Radio), when an Amateur Radio Operator has died, they are referred to as a Silent Key (SK). This terminology dates back to the very early days of Amateur Radio when communications were conducted solely with Morse Code, by tapping on a Morse Code key. Thus, when an Amateur Radio Operator dies, their “key goes silent”. In the more modern form of Amateur Radio that Dewayne and I were involved with, using data communications technology, “Silent Key” is archaic. Thus in Zero Retries memoriams, I began using the terminology “Silent Keyboard” in such situations, since data communications folks generally make more use of keyboards than Morse Code keys.

Dewayne was an incredibly smart person, with amazing bandwidth and mental stamina. In my decades of knowing him, our interactions and conversations were generally about radio technology (Wireless Internet Access), Amateur Radio, Internet access, regulatory issues, and various other issues.

Years before I met him, I knew of Dewayne by reputation as one of his early notable accomplishments in the early Amateur Radio Packet Radio era in the 1990s was was to port KA9Q’s “NOS” TCP/IP package (originally written for MS-DOS) to the Macintosh in the “Classic Mac” era, which was (I think…) the first implementation of TCP/IP running on the Mac. There was… nothing… in common between those two different types of computers in that era. Thus Dewayne’s accomplishment of making KA9Q NOS became legendary to those of us in Amateur Radio who understood how challenging that project was.

Along with TAPR President Greg Jones WD5IVD (another, way too soon Silent Keyboard), Dewayne was instrumental in TAPR’s “focus on the future” in the late 1990s as illustrated in this prescient paper - A New Vision for the Amateur Radio Service. At the time, many of us “digital enthusiasts” in Amateur Radio wanted to experiment with more modern, digital types of radio technology and the FCC rules severely restricted such experimentation. Dewayne, and later TAPR, was involved with a “Special Temporary Authority” by the FCC to conduct testing that ordinarily would be outside FCC’s regulations for Amateur Radio. The results of that testing eventually justified some relaxation of the strict rules against using such digital technology in Amateur Radio.

I first met WA8DZP at the 1996 Digital Communications Conference in Seattle, Washington when he was the featured speaker for the Sunday “Deep Dive” technical seminar. WA8DZP would be explaining about the (then) new unlicensed “Part 15” wireless networking devices that were becoming available and could potentially be repurposed for Amateur Radio use. (This was way before 802.11 or Wi-Fi made such devices common.)

Dewayne subtly revealed his intense interest in Science Fiction to us at that conference. His “outfit” at the conference unremarkable - a black pullover sweatshirt, notable only because of the life-size (and looking totally authentic) Star Trek (the Next Generation) Starfleet logo “communications badge” on his upper chest. That… and Dewayne wasn’t willing to be taken to the nearby Kinko’s 24 hour copy shop to download his presentation handout for printing until after he had watched the first episode of a new science fiction television series called “Dark Skies”. Given that that show came on at 9:00 or 10:00 that evening, my wife Tina got irritated at that delay and told me:

“I’m going home to my daughter. You deal with him.”

At the Kinko’s, because of the late hour, there was a church bulletin for a large church that had to be completed before they could work on Dewayne’s handouts that we would need on Sunday morning. So we waited for about an hour and we started talking about his presentation subject, “Part 15” radios. I listened attentively… but I couldn’t quite believe the claims Dewayne was making about the capabilities (and the relatively low cost) of these new types of radios.

After seeing Dewayne’s presentation on Sunday, I still felt that his claims were a bit too good to be true, based on my extensive background in Amateur Radio Packet Radio. I was highly skeptical that “1 watt, 20 miles, 1 Mbps, on 902-928 MHz” was doable without extraordinary effort like using large, focused dishes to achieve that level of performance.

One of the reasons I was skeptical about Dewayne’s claims was that I was a voracious reader of all kinds of computer periodicals, and I had not heard of such devices in my reading. But, I was lucky that my employer at that time had access to the pre-commercial Internet and I could use the NCSA Mosaic web browser to look up the companies and products that Dewayne mentioned. WOW, he was right! He wasn’t exaggerating his claims about those Part 15 devices, and the reason that I wasn’t reading about these products was that these companies were selling all the products that they could make, and they didn’t (then) need to advertise to the computer industry.

After that experience, I dived deep into learning about this new type of radio technology. I became mildly obsessed about the subject, and when I spotted a request for writers about the new “public” Internet, and Internet access technologies, I offered to write a monthly column on “Wireless Internet Access”.

It was a long and winding path from that weekend, to becoming a writer about radio technology, and most recently, Zero Retries, this newsletter about technological innovation that’s happening now in Amateur Radio. But, looking back, it’s easy to place the primary “pivot point” of my becoming a writer back to that weekend when I had my mind blown that an entirely new level of radio technology had become possible… that I became intensely interested in, thanks to Dewayne. Wireless Internet Access is completely normal now, and even a small industry (Wireless Internet Service Providers - WISPs). But back then, it was very novel, very bleeding edge, and learning about it early, thanks to Dewayne, was “my writing ticket”.

In that era, Dewayne was in demand as a Subject Matter Expert on broadband wireless technology (that wasn’t cellular telephony). Dewayne’s influence in that industry extended to his appointment to the Technological Advisory Committee at the FCC where his opinions were carefully considered - the FCC was literally asking for Dewayne’s opinion. Dewayne lived in Fremont, California where the “Broadband Wireless Internet” industry was in full swing. In my writing, I was tracking dozens of companies developing unique radio technology, and whenever I mentioned one to Dewayne, he was already aware of it. I was envious of Dewayne’s access to the very early broadband Internet via the first @Home “cable Internet” system which provided 10 Mbps symmetric Internet access. Dewayne was also was an early user of the Metricom wireless Internet access network, which was first deployed in Silicon Valley.

One of the most unique aspects about Dewayne making presentations about Broadband Wireless technology (and he made a lot of such presentations), was that he always worked Amateur Radio into the presentation and presented having an Amateur Radio license as an entry into using Amateur Radio spectrum as a “proving ground” for experimental radio systems. He told me of many radio “experiments” conducted in Silicon Valley… some of them are better left unmentioned even now.

One of Dewayne’s mentors about radio technology was Paul Baran who was a very influential technologist who founded two influential companies - Metricom and Com21. Metricom used the 902-928 MHz band for wireless Internet access using “microcells” clamped to streetlights. Com21 was an early manufacturer of what’s now known as cable modems. One of Dewayne’s technology insights for Amateur Radio was that Com21’s cable modems were one of the earliest implementations of Software Defined Radio technology - a data radio whose characteristics could be changed with a few software commands, rather than changing the hardware of the radio. Dewayne worked for Com21 briefly and had some test units made to prove out his theory, and they worked as he expected (some of the “experiments” I referenced), but Com21 was uninterested in making products for Amateur Radio.

Dewayne’s professional exploits are now the stuff of legend, and he was profiled in Wired Magazine (practically the equivalent of a knighthood in tech circles in that era) in a January 2002 article titled “Broadband Cowboy” - Dewayne’s various “wireless Internet” projects took him to Mongolia, to Tonga, and to Native American reservations. Dewayne stated to me once that he was part of a group that met with President Bill Clinton in the oval office to brief President Clinton on the (then) new “Internet”. (I never had the nerve to ask him if he “dressed up” for that meeting.)

Others have done a far better job of explaining Dewayne’s many professional interests and kindnesses beyond my interactions with him. David Rosenthal did the the most complete telling of Dewayne’s accomplishments (beyond the Wired article) that I’ve seen to date -

Dewayne was a fan of the Apple Macintosh (and, if memory serves, worked at Apple for a while) especially after they began making “laptops”. The first “luggable Mac” I saw Dewayne with at an Amateur Radio conference was huge and heavy… but he had his computer with him and most of us had to leave our (desktop) computers at home. I was a much later convert to the Mac, and so when Apple did their periodic “reveals” of new systems, Dewayne and I exchanged our impressions. Most recently we were both impressed with Apple’s Vision Pro augmented reality headset. I mentioned a project I’d read about to create a full virtual model of the USS Enterprise (original series) for the eventual development of a good enough virtual reality headset - like the Vision Pro. The idea of “virtual Enterprise” was that you could wander the entire ship in virtual reality (which of course, was never possible in real life as only a few selected portions of the ship were ever built as full scale sets). I told Dewayne that as soon as “virtual Enterprise” was available, I would buy a Vision Pro just for that. Dewayne was equally enthusiastic and said that he would buy one also.

With all of Dewayne’s many personal and professional accomplishments, I was always humbled by his acceptance of me as a peer. He would always take my call or reply to my emails. In the decades since that fateful Sunday in 1996, Dewayne and I became friends and confidants, sharing our respective insights about radio technology, Amateur Radio, regulatory issues, and general technology, and life.

I learned late in our relationship that Dewayne devoted significant time in his life to mentor young folks through The Mentor Project - For more than a decade, he had relocated from Fremont, California to his family home in Detroit to help his elderly mother, and his mentees were both virtual and in-person. For decades Dewayne curated an email list called Dewayne-Net - where he mentioned interesting and/or important, or occasionally just funny or interesting science fiction articles to a list of many significant people. It was amazing to see some of the reply comments he would get that he would include in a later issue of Dewayne-Net. It was a rare “score” for me that something I suggested to Dewayne was mentioned on Dewayne-Net… and it was so cool that he referenced my contribution “from friend Steve Stroh”.

One of the very few things that I “beat” Dewayne to in “advanced Amateur Radio” was my involvement with Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) -, which is an organization that makes grants to Amateur Radio projects, research and development, and most notably scholarships. I began working with ARDC on their Grants Advisory Committee in 2021 and talked about it a lot to Dewayne. Dewayne became very interested in ARDC’s work and applied and was accepted onto the same committee in 2022, and he just completed his three year term at the end of 2023. One of the most memorable things that was mentioned about Dewayne when I talked to other folks at ARDC about his passing was Dewayne’s habit of when we would vote to recommend a grant proposal for funding, most of us said “Aye” or “Yes”. Dewayne would always say “Make It So!” which was a oft-uttered phrase of Captain Picard of Star Trek The Next Generation. ARDC’s remembrance of Dewayne is now online -

One of the lasting legacies of Dewayne on my life was making introductions for me to a group of very smart people who prefer not to be named or publicly acknowledged (not for any bad reasons - they just prefer to interact with each other confidentially). Dewayne was deeply embedded in that group from the very beginning, and that group has been a very informative part of my life that continues to enrich my life, personally and professionally.

In July 2021, I “pulled the trigger” on a wild experiment I called Zero Retries Issue 0000. It went out to a very small group of folks who I had alerted about it. Dewayne was one of the earliest, and the most impactful “cheerleader” when I began Zero Retries. Dewayne didn’t want to be publicly acknowledged - he preferred to remain in the background. I am forever indebted to Dewayne for his early, enthusiastic influence on Zero Retries and sharing his very broad and deep knowledge and perspective. Dewayne was usually the first to click “Like” when I published each issue of Zero Retries and he told me that he waited eagerly for each new issue (and missed it when I was occasionally late in publishing). I will miss seeing that “Like” show up, often within minutes of auto-publishing at 15:30 Pacific.

Dewayne’s “Keyboard went silent” last Friday 2024-09-20, painlessly I’m told, after a brief illness. I’m blessed that I talked to him the previous day and was able to tell him how grateful I was for his friendship and acceptance as a peer, and all the times he helped me along in my writing career.

I also told him, in total sincerity, that he had made his own unique dent in the universe, that only he could have done, and that I was blessed to be his friend. He chuckled at that, and thanked me.

In our talks, Dewayne got me to commit to doing three things that I have yet to complete… but now they’re a priority. The first is to get my Amateur Radio Extra license (I’m currently a General). The second is to visit the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation in Dearborn Michigan. Despite growing up in Ohio, just a few hours away, I never have made the time to visit it, and Dewayne was a fanatic fan of it. Third, read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series… all of it. I started it after the new (Apple) television series and found it dense going. Dewayne sputtered at me when I begged off “Steve - we’re living in Empire now”. Only fans of Foundation will understand that remark.

I will profoundly miss my friend Dewayne.

I wish you had Live(d) Long(er) and Prosper(ed) (more), Dewayne! 🖖

WA8DZP from N8GNJ… 73 and QRT.


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A 144 / 222 / 440 MHz 9600 APRS Stack… and Network!

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

I discovered a Zero Retries Interesting project in progress, by a highly motivated fan of APRS, to build a network of 144 / 222 / 440 APRS digipeaters on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, USA.

My discovery started with a post by Ron Kochanowicz on the Facebook Group 220 MHz Radio Group:

Image courtesy of Jeff Komori KH6JUZ

Jeffrey, KH6JUZ, is bundling a BCM-220 with his 70cm and 2m rigs to build these awesome APRS stations. This [is] being deployed in Hawaii on Oahu. This is really cool to see.

Kochanowicz also links to Bridgecom Systems blog post and a YouTube video (below) with a brief interview of KH6JUZ about his goals with this project:

I had intended this to be a brief ZR > BEACON mention, but I was able to get in touch with the creator of the project, Jeffrey Komori KH6JUZ. We had a delightful 90 minute conversation about his project, and we’re of the same generation and both of us had extensive experience with Amateur Radio Packet Radio technology back in the 1990s and early 2000s. Thus I have a lot more background information to make this a full article.

The goal of the KH6JUZ’s project is to improve APRS coverage on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA with a network of these units providing APRS service on 144.39 MHz at 1200 bps, and 9600 bps APRS service on the 144, 222, and 440 MHz bands.

This project has been underway for about two years now, with prototype units deployed with various radios, modems, etc. That research has resulted in this configuration, now being built en masse by KH6JUZ.

Each unit consists of:

  • Customized short rack to keep the installation “clean”

  • Two Bridgecom Systems BCM-144 radios1

    • One on 144.39 MHz operating at 1200 bps

    • One on 144.99 MHz operating at 9600 bps

  • 144 MHz duplexer to combine the two 144 MHz radios into the same antenna (port)

  • Bridgecom Systems BCM-220 radio on 223.65 MHz operating at 9600 bps

  • Bridgecom Systems BCM-440 radio on 443.10 MHz operating at 9600 bps

  • Antenna triplexer to feed a Comet CX-333 (144 / 222 / 440 MHz) omni antenna

  • Four Masters Communications DRA-45M modems

  • Custom cable between the radios and the DRA-45Ms

  • Raspberry Pi running DIRE WOLF Software TNC

  • West Mountain Radio RIGrunner 4010S+ power distribution (chosen because it has a low voltage cutout function). This unit can be configured via USB for remote monitoring / reset.

  • West Mountain Radio Epic PWRgate for uninterruptible power with a 12 volt battery

  • Raspberry Pi 5 with CPU cooler, powered by a 12V to USB (3A) adapter, with USB-A to USB-C adapter. For maximum flexibility and future expansion, the 8 GB RAM version of the RPi 5 was chosen, and for storage, a 256 GB Micro SD card. While very little storage is required, and the wear leveling feature of the 256 GB card will have “plenty of excess capacity”.

  • Powerwerx 30A power supply

  • (Not mentioned, but assumed given the inclusion of the Epic PWRgate) - a 12 volt backup battery.

  • Cisco cellular modem when the site does not have Internet already available, used for remote management and APRS IGate connectivity.

Some of the painful discoveries in the prototyping process:

  • The Raspberry Pi 4 has a nasty, known bug that it doesn’t handle multiple USB devices very well. The Raspberry Pi 3 doesn’t have this issue, but it is still unobtainium. The Raspberry Pi 5 is widely available, so that was chosen.

  • The Raspberry Pi 5, at least in this application, doesn’t use much more current than the Raspberry Pi 3 or 4… but it won’t boot up reliably unless it has a 3A power supply.

  • The Bridgecom BCM radios require unusually high voltage to drive the radio to full 3.5 kHz deviation for most reliable 9600 bps communications. Of the various Masters Communications Digital Radio Adapter (DRA) units, the DRA-45M has an option for external 12 volts input to be able to drive the BCM radios to full 3.5 kHz deviation.

  • Consumer grade cellular modems had various issues, including not powering up when power is lost, then restored, despite being configured to do so.

This is a cool, clean installation and it’s one of the few examples I’ve seen of using the flat audio capability of the Bridgecom BCM radios for higher speed data such as 9600 and VARA FM. That the BCM series is a capable data radio, and is one of the few single band radios with standard flat audio… is slowly filtering into Bridgecom Systems, and there is growing awareness at Bridgecom Systems of the market for the BCM series as data radios.

Another photo on the Facebook post showed at least eight such stacks under construction, and in our conversation KH6JUZ confirmed that number, which doesn’t include the prototype units already deployed. As these units are completed and installed, the prototype units will be brought back and the usable bits of the prototypes will be reused for new units.

One of the improvements made possible by using DIRE WOLF is that each unit will be transmitting with FX.25 Forward Error Correction (FEC), which is backwards compatible with AX.25 for user access. If the user is also using FX.25, the connection is more reliable.

The deployment of these final design units is planned to begin in the next few months. In the initial stages, the “backbone” will be the Internet connection for management and the APRS IGate connectivity. But once all of the units are deployed and connectivity tests between them can be conducted under real use conditions, it’s possible / likely that the units can be linked on the 222 MHz radio channel, including the IGate traffic, thus removing the requirement for the cellular modems. If connectivity on 222 MHz is usable, then the 222 MHz channel will be converted from user access to restricted linking. Because there’s then no need for backwards compatibility with AX.25 for user radios, the 222 MHz radios will be switched to (more efficient, lower overhead) IL2P Forward Error Correction (FEC).

There are many things possible with this system beyond the primary mission of providing APRS coverage of Oahu for residents and tourists. One of my suggestions was that in the wee hours when the system would not be highly utilized, a cron job could be started up to run FLAMP every hour or half hour (let the radio cool off) to distribute files to receive-only remote users, such as bulletins, updates of repeater frequencies, meeting notices, etc.

I was really impressed with the hard work (research) and equipment choices that went into these units by KH6JUZ and I look forward to staying in touch with him as he begins the deployment of these units in the next few months. And, perhaps… an in-person visit to Oahu to see them in action in the dreary months of the Pacific Northwet.

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NinoTNC Firmware Updates

By Nino Carrillo KK4HEJ

Nino Carrillo KK4HEJ, posting to the Ninotnc email list:

Here's an over-due update of recent NinoTNC firmware features.

The latest firmware is version 3.41 for 256k dsPIC chips and 4.41 for 512k dsPIC chips. These are functionally identical firmwares, compiled from the same source, with allowances for the architecture differences between those two variants of dsPIC.

QPSK 3600 Mode

In May, I added a new operating mode called QPSK 3600. This is designed to maximize data rate through an FM radio that lacks a "data port". In other words, you can use QPSK 3600 through the speaker/mic connections of normal FM voice radios.

QPSK 3600 applies phase modulation to an audio carrier. The audio carrier tone is 1650Hz, modulated at 1800 symbols per second. The symbol transitions are RRC filtered with roll-off rate 0.3. This scheme puts the majority of the audio energy between 500Hz and 2800Hz, which should pass through the voice filtering networks in most FM radios. 

QPSK 3600 is found on the NinoTNC at switch position 0101 since version .39, and uses IL2P+CRC encoding. The QPSK phase transition map is the same as the other QPSK modes on the TNC, and can be found in the IL2P spec document. QPSK 3600 mode was mentioned in a recent Zero Retries article.

Improved QPSK Demodulator

In version .40, I improved the QPSK demodulator algorithm for better performance. The Costas Loop will now sync slightly faster, and is more tolerant of frequency mismatch errors. This was accomplished by changing the Costas Loop architecture to use complex carrier recovery through a Hilbert Filter applied early in the demodulation process. For those interested, this paper is a good reference on Hilbert Filters. 

C4FSK Fast Modes for Data Radios

I added two C4FSK modes in version .40 as well, but they became much more useful in version .41 with the addition of some active equalization in the receive algorithm. C4FSK 9600 mode uses 4-level modulation at 4800 symbols per second to allow 9600 bits per second (gross) through a narrow 12.5kHz FM channel. C4FSK 19200 mode uses the same scheme at 9600 symbols per second to allow double the bit rate through a wide 25kHz channel.

Both of these modes need better signal and path conditions than the 2-level FSK waveforms at the same symbol rate. The level transitions are gaussian filtered to reduce occupied bandwidth. They also use IL2P+CRC encoding. I developed these waveforms with Jon G4KLX, who plans to implement them on the MMDVM-TNC as well.

These modes require radios that have a 'data port' or '9600' connection for the TNC. C4FSK 19200 has been successfully used on-air with Tait TM-8100 series radios. C4FSK 9600 has been successfully used with Taits as well as modified FTM-3100 radios. I expect there are others that will work, but that's our experience to date.

SETHW KISS Command for Remote Mode Change

In version .41 I also added the ability to change the TNC operating MODE remotely with a KISS command. To enable this feature, all the MODE switches need to be in the up position (1111). The KISS command is SETHW (0x6), followed by the mode number. The selected mode will be saved in non-volatile memory. There is an option to disable the NVM save as well. More about this can be found in the Operators Manual at the bottom of section 4.

The latest firmware usually also includes minor bug fixes and other performance improvements, so I generally recommend upgrading. You can find firmware hex files, the updater script, and update instructions here. Please read the instructions. TARPN users can update with the 'tarpn flash' command.

Tadd Torborg KA2DEW posted a reply:

The NinoTNC Operator’s Manual should be up to date:

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Handie-Talkie or Walkie-Talkie?

Bob Witte K0NR on The KØNR Radio Site:

In ham radio, we often use Handie-Talkie or HT to describe a compact, handheld transceiver. My first exposure to the term Handie-Talkie was when I became a licensed radio amateur in 1977. As a student at Purdue University (W9YB), the absolute coolest VHF radio to have was the Motorola HT-220. Even a used one commanded a high price so they were out of my price range and I never owned one. These were 6-channel crystal-controlled transceivers…back then you had to set up the radio with the particular 2m frequencies you wanted to use. Because it was such an iconic radio, there are many HT-220 enthusiasts still around with websites with tons of useful information. See the HT-220 Page.

Motorola trademarked the name Handie-Talkie and used that nomenclature for many years with its line of portable radios. However, this trademark has expired, so now Handie-Talkie is a generic term.

K0NR dives satisfyingly (Zero Retries Interesting) deep into the history of Motorola “portable” radios and the history goes back to World War 2 and “Walkie” Talkie actually refers to the backpack mounted radios. I wasn’t aware that Handie-Talkie is now, officially, a generic term with the expiration of Motorola’s trademark.

I too, in the day, lusted after the elegant form factor and the advanced (for the day) capabilities of the HT-220, but never ended up owning one as technology had moved on from the HT-220’s capabilities by the time I could consider purchasing a well used unit. The HT-220 was truly a great portable radio, and those among my Amateur Radio friends that had them, really loved them!

Video - Setup IP Network over Packet Radio with IL2P and Direwolf

Billy Penley KN4MKB on his Modern Ham YouTube channel:

KN4MKB also offers the text version of all of this on his blog.

It’s fascinating to see “TCP/IP over Amateur Radio Packet Radio” done in this era. I’ll spare you my reminiscence of “how we did it back in my day”. But the tools KN4MKB has at his disposal are so much better - Linux on any computer, DIRE WOLF for the “TNC” (notably, and smart - he’s using the IL2P Forward Error Correction - FEC protocol), and most notably “TNC Attach“ to bridge between the KISS TNC functionality of DIRE WOLF and the TCP/IP stack of the computer. He’s recommending the use of a Digirig audio interface, which admittedly does have the best support for plug and play cable selection for portable radios.

He’s using a modest speed radio link:

You can also increase the modem speed within dire wolf from the 1200 supplied in the above example configuration. Keep in mind, this is somewhat limited to your digital sound card interface, and radio. Radios that supply a dedicated data jack often support up to 9600 baud. I’ve found that most radios will be happy with a value of 2400. But this rule has exceptions. Both modems in the network will need the same speed setting. As such, my config usually has “MODEM 2400” as the speed setting as this does well with my RT95.

Video - Tech Minds Review - The FIRST Commercial M17 Digital Radio - CSI CS7000-M17

I am a fan of Matt Miller M0DQW and his Tech Minds YouTube channel. Most of what he posts there is Zero Retries Interesting. Thus, when he posts a new video, it goes to the front of my YouTube suggestions because I almost always begin watching it, even if I’m just taking my brief lunch break at mid-day.

One of the most surprising things about this review is that it explained (the first time that I learned this) is that the unit comes in the box programmed as a DMR / FM radio, and you have to update it (pretty laboriously - see the video) to activate its “native” M17 capabilities. Shipping this unit as a DMR / FM radio, and marketing it as an “M17” radio seems a bit disingenuous. But, at least it doesn’t require a hardware mod, so there’s that. And, to date, there isn’t a better “plug and play” unit for M17 at the moment. But it would seem to be so much better if the radio came to the customer as running M17, because that is the differentiation of this radio versus a generic DMR / FM radio.

A GEOSAT for North America?

Keith Baker VA3KSF / KB1SF in The Canadian Amateur, September / October 2024:

In A Micro GEO?

Micro GEO satellites are a new class of small geostationary communications satellites inspired by the success of the CubeSat platform for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites.

Micro GEOSATs are around a tenth of the size of traditional geostationary satellites and typically measure just one cubic metre in volume. This smaller size makes them significantly cheaper to manufacture and launch, allowing satellite operators to offer customized regional services (or gap fillers) that would not be financially feasible with larger satellites. As a result, the drafters of the new proposal believe that a payload for Amateur Radio would fit nicely into a Micro GEO and would also allow the greatest possible opportunities for experiments on different bands.

Six bands are now being proposed for the uplink to enable experiments with different frequencies with the 13 cm band (2.4 GHz) uplink being primary with the main downlink in the 3 cm (10 GHz) band. All proposed transponder combinations could be implemented at the ground station.

In Zero Retries, I normally won’t mention articles in publications behind paywalls, but this one was really good and worth an exception. I’d happily reprint the entire article, but The Canadian Amateur is a members-only publication2 and is not publicly available.

As VA3KSF / KB1SF explains, inclusion of an Amateur Radio payload in one of the conventional (big, high power) GEO satellites comes at the cost of higher weight to GEO orbit and correspondingly lower amounts of precious stationkeeping fuel for the typical decade or more lifetime of a conventional GEO satellite. Thus an Amateur Radio payload on one of those satellites is a cost, or would be a gift, worth 10s of $millions.

As prelude to the possibility of a North America Amateur Radio GEO payload, VA3KSF / KB1SF provides the some previously unexplained (that I’ve seen…) backstory of how the Qatar-OSCAR 100 (QO-100) Amateur Radio payload came to be hosted on Qatar’s Es’hail-2 satellite in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) over Africa.

It’s a real frustration that quality content such as this article, that would benefit Amateur Radio as a whole and could help incite significant interest in Amateur Radio, will only ever be seen by a very small number of people who happen to be RAC members. But kudos that TCA is featuring such Zero Retries Interesting content in their primary publication; that can’t be said of their US counterpart.

And… with even more frustration on “good articles locked behind paywalls”, there’s an accompanying 12 page article in the same issue:

Exploring New Horizons
First Activation of Newfoundland (VO1) on QO-100 (Es’Hail-2)

… with great photos and ample technical explanations of the challenges of (just… barely… feasible…) working QO-100 from North America.

Radio Amateurs to Receive Awards From Radio Club of America

John Rech W0PV on Amateur Radio News:

The Radio Club of America has announced its 2024 awardees. Among these are two well-known hams in our technical circles:

Dr. Nathan “Chip” Cohen, W1YW, the Dr. Arno Penzias Award for Contributions to Basic Research in the Radio Sciences. Established in 2023, this award recognizes significant contributions to basic research involving RF and related subjects to inspire future generations of scientific professionals. Chip pioneered fractal antennas, invisibility cloaks, and fractal metasurfaces including the science behind them.

Professor James Breakall, WA3FET, the Dr. Ulrich Rohde Award for Innovation in Applied Radio Science and Engineering. Established in 2023, this award recognizes significant contributions to innovation in applied radio science and engineering in the wireless industry to inspire future generations of wireless professionals. Jim is a pioneer in NEC and electromagnetic computer simulations and created the OWA Yagi antenna, among others.

The awards will be presented at RCA’s banquet on Nov 23.

Congrats to Chip and Jim, and the other winners!

73, John, WØPV

For more information see: PRESS_RELEASE_RCA_Awards_and_Fellows_2024 PDF

SDR Television

Simon Brown

QO-100 Beacon

SDR Television is a pure software solution for DVB-S2 H.264 / H.265 / AAC digital television. No hardware such as the MiniTiouner is required, just a SDR such as Pluto or Lime if transmit support is required, otherwise even a RTL SDR suffices.

Here's a recording showing SDR Television playing content from the geostationary QO-100 beacon. This software is still being developed, tentative preview date before February 2025, official preview April 2025.

  • CPU load is low - typically 2% or less of an i5-13600F

  • MER is around 10 dB

  • Diagnostic display show key decoding status values

Much more to come over the next weeks and months including transmit support.

We’ve become accustomed to Software Defined Radio… as a system for radio. and we’re pretty parochial about “radio” meaning narrowband and slightly less narrowband (1 Mbps or so) data.

As long as I’ve been following (peripherally… I haven’t done a deep dive in quite a while) Amateur Radio Television3 analog, and digital, has required specialized (at least somewhat expensive) hardware. The analog “6 MHz radio” has given way to dedicated video chipsets for compressing the wide bandwidth video signal down to the minimum necessary channel. Until this.

But no more - this is just software.

SDR Television is a pure software solution for DVB-S2 H.264 / H.265 / AAC digital television. No hardware such as the MiniTiouner is required, just a SDR such as Pluto or Lime if transmit support is required, otherwise even a RTL SDR suffices.

A few caveats, as I understand the above:

  1. SDR Television will be another mode added to SDR Console.

  2. It’s a Windows application (only - aggressively4)

  3. There’s no indication that it’s open source, only distributed freely with a “use for free if you’re an Amateur Radio Operator” blessing.

So there’s no easy “porting” of this to any other systems. But… now that we know that Digital Amateur Radio Television (DATV) is possible on really minimal hardware.

Here’s a bit of my “Mind Blown” moment reading this:

With this, Amateur Radio can be offering Amateur Radio video content…
on Amateur Radio. Cheap. Easy (enough).

What I’m imagining is that every large regional or big city Amateur Radio organization ought to be working to get a Digital Amateur Radio Television (DATV) repeater on the air. Then it would be pretty easy to set up kits of preconfigured RTL SDRs systems out there in the world for use with kids. If the repeater is a powerful one on, say 222-225 MHz located on a primary “broadcast” site, then a simple system such as a Raspberry Pi 400 with an RTL-SDR dongle and a simple wire antenna cut for 222-225 MHz would work, and live Amateur Radio video content could be received.

Thanks to my friend Michael Sterba KG7HQ for mentioning this item.

Help Wanted - Documenting APRS Use Cases

Jeff Hochberg W4JEW on the APRS Foundation blog:

Your Mission…Should You Choose to Accept It

Plain and simple - tell us how you use APRS!

  • Why did you choose APRS over another protocol?

  • What benefits do you receive from it?

  • What sort of equipment do you need?

  • How does it need to be configured?

  • How do you interact with the equipment once it’s configured?

  • How often do you use APRS?

  • What external systems have an effect (positive or negative)

I admire the energy of the APRS Foundation. It’s been enthusiastically embraced by the APRS Community and 130+ people have become paid members, which has given the APRS Foundation a small budget for its expenses. It really seems to be working to start moving APRS forward again and evolving it to new capabilities.

APRS and the extensive infrastructure and very simple systems required to transmit information into the system is one of Amateur Radio’s unique capabilities.

Ideas for APRS Foundation Request For Comments Process / System

Jeff Hochberg W4JEW on the aprssig email list:

IETF - RFC-like Process

We've discussed some ideas about how to facilitate healthy, productive conversations about where to take APRS next.

It's safe to say that unless we have some semblance of process around this, these sorts of discussions can spiral out of control, and none of us want to see that happen.

The challenge is in coming up with finding a process that fits the requirements of the APRS community.

If anyone happens to have references they think would be helpful, please reach out via Contact Us form on the APRS Foundation website.

This is another sign of the maturation of APRS and the APRS Foundation’s determination to do things differently about expanding APRS, but doing so with more modern techniques and systems.

The Turn Island Systems WSPRSONDE v2 Is Here!

Paul Elliott WB6CXC for Turn Island Systems:

It’s alive!!! The new WSPRSONDE v2 WSPR/FST4W multichannel transmitters are rolling off the Turn Island Systems assembly line:

Image courtesy of Turn Island Systems

There are a few changes from the previous batch of WSPRSONDEs:

  • Smaller chassis, customized for Turn Island Systems.

  • Software control of output power: 1W or 250mW

There are a few other minor changes on the circuit board — things like Board Revision ID, allowing for future forward and backward compatibility.

But the WS-v2 is otherwise identical to the units that have been deployed on at least 2-1/2 continents. It continues to generate the clean, precise, and stable signals so necessary for accurate measurement of ionospheric propagation effects.

Along with this new hardware release comes updated WS firmware, with new features and options.

This has been in the works for a while now, and I am very pleased with the finished product!

This is yet another example of technological innovation in Amateur Radio. A year or two ago this was just an idea, but WB6CXC decided to try to turn the idea into reality, and now these systems are being installed around the world.

International EME Conference Archive on Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications

This is a full archive of all the data from the 2024 EME Conference held 2024-08-09 thru 11 in Trenton, New Jersey, USA, and some data from earlier conferences.

There are a lot of interesting presentations there from IEME 2024, including:

  • EME Today and Tomorrow - Rick Rosen K1DS

  • Story of EME - Its Evolution from 1940 to Present - Guy Gervais F2CT

  • EME Fundamentals 2024 - Joe Taylor K1JT

and many more.

What the FCC’s New Rule Means for Drones

Jack Daleo in Flying:

The agency last week voted to allow certain drone operations on a dedicated radio frequency spectrum, with the goal of improving safety and access.

The Federal Communications Commission has voted to adopt a set of initial rules for uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS)—more commonly known as drones—to use an exclusive radio frequency for operations.

The FCC last week approved Part 88, which, for the first time, permits certain drone operations within a dedicated 5 GHz spectrum for wireless communications. Most drones fly on unprotected wireless frequencies—the same ones shared by your Wi-Fi router—which raises the risk of interference, such as through jamming.

“Right now, drone operators largely rely on unlicensed airwaves to communicate with and control these uncrewed aircraft systems,” said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel in a statement. “But the use of unlicensed spectrum leaves these aircraft more vulnerable to interference that could disrupt operations.”

“Our actions today should enable UAS to be an effective tool in disaster recovery efforts,” said Starks. “Although we establish a regulatory framework for UAS operating in radio line of sight of an operator, we also permit the use of some ground infrastructure deployment, such as a string of ground stations deployed over a particular and frequently used flight path.”

To access the spectrum, drone operators will use the automated DFMS Rosenworcel alluded to. These systems manage spectrum availability and ensure safe use of the frequency.

The DFMS will assign the operator a temporary frequency within a particular geographic area and time frame, specified by their UAS flight plan. Within that space and time, they would have exclusive and protected use of the band in controlled airspace and “other safety-critical circumstances,” the FCC says.

“By making additional spectrum available through such a framework, we ensure that spectrum is used efficiently and effectively while meeting the needs of UAS operations to be robust, reliable, and safe,” said Starks. “That’s real progress.”

The spectrum in question is apparently 5030-5091 MHz. This is… pretty ingenious, actually. You have a drone flight scheduled from Point A to Point B from Time X to Time Y. So as part of scheduling that flight, your planning system checks into the Part 88 database, gets a frequency, that frequency is marked in the database as being in use from Point A to Point B from Time X to Time Y.

Another interesting aspect is that the system can be extended to permanent ground infrastructure… or not… the article wasn’t quite clear on that. So just like a package delivery company knows where all of its vehicles are, via a (cellular) network, this system will (might?) enable drones to be remotely controlled from a central location via a network of Part 88 “remote base stations” instead of maintaining manual or local line of sight.

Well-Informed Commentary on the new FCC Part 88 (Dedicated Spectrum for Drones)

I reached out to Zero Retries reader Eric Grumling K0JEG for additional context on “FCC Part 88” from an Amateur Radio background. As you’ll read, K0JEG has significant experience with drones and especially drone communications. He is the owner of Grand Valley Aviation, a semi-dormant5 startup company that designed a drone that can map Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) sources such as CATV leakage. K0JEG also writes an excellent newsletter titled Grand Valley Aviation; I’m a subscriber.

The part 88 rules have been in discussion since 2018, when the initial language was part of the FCC reauthorization act. There will be two “bands” created, one for control point to drone and one for control to network to drone linking (analogous to simplex and repeater operation) . There will be at least one drone network provider that will likely build infrastructure on existing towers to support drone control and telemetry. Note that the definition of telemetry is strictly what’s required to operate the aircraft, not video feeds or other payload data. Think lower speed data, text and control stick inputs. Last year I was at a drone conference when uAvionix learned of their type acceptance for their C-Band radios. You can read about their air radios here and ground station radios here. You’re looking for the equipment labeled “Skystation-5060,” those are the units that operate in the 5030-5091 MHz band. 

When I first started getting interested in drones and I heard they used ISM band radios I thought they were crazy. I’ve played around with long distance wifi and worked on my radio club’s 3.0 GHz repeater link project, never imagining that 2.4/5Ghz would be suitable or reliable enough for drone flight. And for the most part, 2.4 GHz is a wasteland of lost links and flyaways. My one and only major crash was when I was flying close to an interstate and kept losing video when semis went by.  I think they run some illegal “boosters” to get better wifi performance at the truck stop and just never turn ‘em off.  Eventually the drone lost link, and initiated a return to home into a big rock! But during the first generation radios that was fairly typical. And so were flyaways and crashes due to losing link. 

But since then the industry has come up with much better modulation, borrowing from LTE/5G radios and LDPC error correction. And moving to the 5 GHz ISM band helps too. There’s much less interference from wifi systems only because they seem to stay fairly well contained in buildings. The ISP (and ham radio systems like our repeater links and ARDEN) are usually aimed and very directional so if they do cause problems it will usually only be for a few seconds, and I believe the drone radios should notch out the problem frequencies in their spreading algorithm, a lot of that is secret sauce...

The holy grail of the small drone business is to get to beyond visual line of sight, or BVLOS. One of the big things holding it back is just how will the remote pilot actually fly the aircraft? There are several cellular network based solutions, I believe Honeywell’s product uses the Iridium network and I’m sure there will be a few that use Starlink once SpaceX gets their gen2 (or is it gen3) satellites up in large numbers. The major holdup right now is who’s responsible if the network goes down? uAvonix radios have redundancy built in with a dual C-band/LTE radio. This will likely be the solution for some time until the C-band network is built out and the lawyers come up with acceptable language in the contracts. Because even if you could get an SLA from a wireless provider it would still have plenty of ways for the ISP to weasel out of a service outage. 

But either way, the C-band isn’t likely to be used for consumer and most part 107 commercial drones.

Of course the Air Force figured all this stuff out decades ago with their UAV programs. The idea that someone sitting in Henderson NV (OK technically  Nellis AFB) can pilot a drone that takes off in Saudi Arabia, flies a mission in Iraq and returns -and the pilot goes home at 5:00 to her family opens up a lot of possibilities. The FAA is under intense pressure to get this right. The FAA side of the program is 14CFR part 108, it’s working its way through the system now.

BTW, another use of the 900MHz band is for drone telemetry radios. I have a little FHSS pair that runs 56Kbps serial/USB between a drone and ground station PC. They’re about the size of a matchbox and will talk for at least a mile or so with the stock stubby antenna.

K0JEG answered one of my most profound questions about drone communications prior to this new allocation of dedicated spectrum - are they nuts for using unlicensed spectrum to communicate and control a moving object in the air??? At first, yes, they were, but not so much now, and his explanation of the reliable use of unlicensed 5 GHz makes complete sense. I continue to be amazed at the innovation being applied to unlicensed spectrum… and Amateur Radio, of course.

Again, my thanks to K0JEG for his informed commentary.

20 Years Later, Real-time Linux Makes it to the Kernel - Really

Steven Vaughan-Nichols writing for ZDNET:

[A Real Time Operating System - RTOS] is a specialized operating system designed to handle time-critical tasks with precision and reliability. Unlike general-purpose operating systems like Windows or macOS, an RTOS is built to respond to events and process data within strict time constraints, often measured in milliseconds or microseconds. As Steven Rostedt, a prominent real-time Linux developer and Google engineer, put it, "Real-time is the fastest worst-case scenario."

He means that the essential characteristic of an RTOS is its deterministic behavior. An RTOS guarantees that critical tasks will be completed within specified deadlines. Many people assume that RTOSs are for fast processes. They're not. Speed is not the point in RTOSs -- reliability is. This predictability is crucial in applications where timing is essential, such as industrial control systems, medical devices, and aerospace equipment.

Real-time Linux has also proven useful in ways no one ever dreamed of at the start. Rostedt reminiscenced, "Back in 2005, I got a real-time bug report, and I sent a patch and said, 'Hey, here's the fix. Can you apply it?' And the guy's like, 'I don't know what I'm doing.' I replied, 'Wait, aren't you a kernel developer?' He replied, 'I'm a guitarist.'"

Also: Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'

It turned out he was using the early real-time patches because he was using JACK, the sound server for low-latency audio connections. He was using it because, like most musicians, he was too broke to buy high-end gear so, Rostedt continued, "he got a cheap laptop, with Linux and JACK, because with the real-time patch it would do good recording instead of skipping when the hard drive was writing."

It turns out that a lot of musicians were early real-time Linux users because it let them produce high-quality recordings on the cheap. Who knew?

This caught my eye because of a comment of a modem developer for an Amateur Radio system some time ago (which I think I quoted in Zero Retries) that running a modem application on a general purpose computer and OS (such as VARA HF running on Windows) can be inferior to a dedicated modem appliance. That is because the modem application has to wait for the OS to cycle its multitasking to be delivered the data (from the audio interface) to the modem application. Granted the latency in a modern multi-GHz, multi-core computer operating a modern operating system is at worst case milliseconds, that can make a difference in the vagaries of a radio channel, especially of the HF bands. The developer made the point that modem software running on a dedicated processor might be a better choice because there wasn’t any operating system latency - the processor was (typically) running “bare metal code” - just the modem application and nothing else.

Now, it seems, that running Real-time Linux is the best of all worlds:

  • Easier development of modem code on a modern Operating System (with a network stack instead of that being a external system) instead of embedded systems programming,

  • All the power of a Multi-GHz multiple core processor and multi-GB of memory such as a Raspberry Pi, and

  • Realtime responsiveness from the OS for the modem code.

I’ll guess that Real-time Linux will quickly be adopted by radio manufacturers such as FlexRadio whose radios actually run an in-radio operating system6.

I hope these updates find their way into Raspberry Pi OS, but these days it’s no big deal to run a Raspberry Pi as an appliance with a Linux (or other *nix) version other than Raspberry Pi OS.

This is just another of a series of advances that Amateur Radio can take advantage of with its rapidly evolving new competencies such as Software Defined Radio systems. If Software Defined Radio running on a host computer is good now… imagine how much better it could be running as Real-time?

WSPR Transmitter Construction And Programming

Bob Fontana AK3Y on his website:

The WSPR transmitter was designed to be fully modular in construction. The unit consists of three (3) plug-in modules (ESP8266 NodeMCU microcontroller, SI5351 synthesizer subassembly and a user-selectable Low Pass Filter), together with a self-contained Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) which provides the necessary frequency stability for the design.

The SI5351 synthesizer sub-module has been modified from its stock configuration. The on-board 25 MHz crystal has been removed (to be replaced by the outboard TCXO) and one of the output ports (Port 1) has been modified to be an input for the TCXO signal. This was done by cutting a single trace on the bottom of the module, and soldering a jumper connection from the previous crystal location. In addition, a 7 pin header has been soldered to the module.

The following set of steps will illustrate how to assemble, program and test the transmitter. Please refer to the schematic and board layouts (transmitter and low pass filter) in Appendix A below. Also note the WSPR parts kit which is shown in Appendix B.

This is an interesting project(?) (kit?) but there’s some context missing from this PDF document such as where to download the software for the processor:

Once downloaded, open the WSPR Transmitter code (WSPR_HF.ino).

Nor is it explained where to get the kit that is illustrated in this writeup. But it does seem to be a nice, interesting unit!

My thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 348 for mention of this item.

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If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Annual Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0001 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01 (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ (Renewed 2024 with two Founding Member subscriptions!)
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0011 - Rick Prelinger W6XBE

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  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications - beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs in Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

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All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


The BCM-144 radio was, unfortunately, recently discontinued by Bridgecom Systems.


A Canadian Zero Retries reader who’s a member of Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) has read my previous articles about a GEO Amateur Radio payload / satellite for North America, saw that article, and shared a (one time) copy of that issue with me. No, I won’t “reshare” that issue - please don’t ask.


Fast scan full motion television.


What about Linux, MacOS, Raspberry PI? This project only supports Windows on the x86 and x64 hardware. There are absolutely no plans whatsoever to support any other operating system or hardware.


Dormant - Ran out of money and talent. What an investment opportunity! When you need to locate Radio Frequency Interference, you need that solved now and “driving around” a metro area in traffic trying to triangulate on an RFI source, versus a drone being able to “home in” on a source of RFI from the air is a no-brainer better solution to this issue.


Proprietary software versus Open Source Software taken into consideration, of course.

Zero Retries 0170

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2100+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Todd Willey KQ4FID for renewing as a Founding Member Annual Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Founding members are listed in every issue of Zero Retries!

My thanks to Brian Webster N2KGC for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a significant vote of support for the continued publication of Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 5 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us).

My presentation at Pacificon 2024 - Tracking Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio will be on Saturday 2024-10-19 from 16:00 - 16:50 in Contra Costa Salon 2.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

My Thanks to Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP

As I have written substantively about the 902-928 MHz band this past month, I frequently think of my long time friend Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP.

One of WA8DZP’s early Amateur Radio accomplishments was to port KA9Q’s TCP/IP package (originally written for MS-DOS) to the Macintosh, which was (I think…) the first implementation of TCP/IP running on the Mac. WA8DZP was instrumental in TAPR’s “focus on the future” in the late 1990s as illustrated in this prescient paper - A New Vision for the Amateur Radio Service.

I first met WA8DZP at the 1996 Digital Communications Conference in Seattle, Washington when he was the featured speaker for the Sunday “Deep Dive” technical seminar. WA8DZP discussed the (then) new unlicensed “Part 15” wireless networking devices that were becoming available and could potentially be repurposed for Amateur Radio use. (This was way before 802.11 or Wi-Fi made such devices commonly used.)

While I was interested in WA8DZP’s claims about these Part 15 devices, based on my extensive background in Packet Radio, I was highly skeptical that “1 watt, 20 miles, 1 Mbps, on 902-928 MHz” was doable without extraordinary effort like using large, focused dishes to achieve that level of performance. But, I was lucky that my employer at that time had access to the pre-commercial Internet and I could use the NCSA Mosaic web browser. I started looking up some of WA8DZP’s statements and companies and units he referenced… and WOW, he was right! He wasn’t exaggerating his claims about those Part 15 devices.

It was a long and winding path from that Sunday, to becoming a writer about radio technology, and most recently Zero Retries. But, looking back, it’s easy to place the primary “pivot point” of becoming a writer back to that Sunday when I had my mind blown that an entirely new level of radio technology had become possible… that I became intensely interested in, thanks to WA8DZP.

Outside of Amateur Radio, WA8DZP was also quite accomplished. But I was always humbled by WA8DZP’s acceptance of me as a peer. He would always take my call or reply to my emails. In the decades since that fateful Sunday in 1996, WA8DZP and I became friends and confidants, sharing our respective insights about radio technology, Amateur Radio, regulatory issues, and general technology, and life.

Live Long and Prosper, Dewayne! 🖖

Update - I wrote the above earlier this week after learning that WA8DZP was suffering a likely terminal illness, and I just wanted to publicly say Thanks to him, without saying too much as he wasn’t making his illness publicly known.

As I was finishing this issue of Zero Retries, I was informed that Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP became a silent keyboard today, painlessly, after a brief illness. I’m blessed that I talked to him yesterday and got to tell him the gist of the above, and how much I valued our friendship over the decades. I also told him, in total sincerity, that he had made his own unique dent in the universe, that only he could have done, and that I was blessed to be his friend. I will profoundly miss my friend Dewayne.

Dewayne was one of the earliest, and the most impactful “cheerleader” when I began Zero Retries, but he didn’t want to be publicly acknowledged - he preferred to remain in the background. I am forever indebted to him for that early influence on Zero Retries and sharing his very broad and deep knowledge and perspective. He was usually the first to click “Like” when I published each issue of Zero Retries and he told me that he waited eagerly for each new issue. I will miss seeing that “Like” show up, often within minutes of auto-publishing at 15:30 Pacific.

I’ll have a longer Silent Keyboard memoriam to Dewayne in next week’s Zero Retries.

Update: That memoriam is now online in Zero Retries 0171 - Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP is a Silent Keyboard.

More Complete ZR > BEACON Next Week

ZR > BEACON is usually the last section of Zero Retries I edit before publishing. There were at least ten items queued up for possible mention in ZR > BEACON in this issue, but receiving the news about the death of my friend Dewayne Hendricks WA8DZP has admittedly thrown me for a loop. I mentioned to one of the people who informed me about Dewayne’s death that I was reviewing the last paragraph of my Docket 24-240 Reply Comments and they said “He would have wanted you to finish that and get it filed with the FCC”. They were right, and so I did. So, getting that done, and making this issue of Zero Retries minimally presentable is all I have the mental bandwidth for at the moment. Next week will be better.

Background on my FCC Docket 24-240 Reply Comments

My apologies for overpromising and underdelivering this week. I intended to publish this issue of Zero Retries earlier than the usual 15:30 Pacific on Friday, but I am actually publishing this issue late on Friday. As you read above, it’s been a bit of a week for me.

And, of course, my apologies to Zero Retries readers outside the US, for whom the majority of this issue’s content isn’t very relevant. Things should be “back to normal” next week… or at least what passes for “normal” here in Zero Retries.

The FCC already has ample comments now, from many organizations and individuals with standing, on the specific questions the FCC asked in Docket 24-240, so I didn’t feel the need to “sing in that particular chorus”.

FCC Comment and Reply Comment periods are rare for any FCC issues that involve Amateur Radio - we’re kind of “down in the noise floor” for the FCC’s attention. Thus when Amateur Radio does have that rare moment of “attention” from the FCC, I feel we (and I) should make the most of it. Thus I ended up spending a lot more time than I originally intended in crafting my Reply Comments.

I began to write my Reply Comments here in Zero Retries, and I created lots of good discussion points that I had intended to include… and then time drew short. So, what you’ll read in the two articles has some overlap, but also a lot of divergence. If I had the time… if I had made the time… I would have merged, and condensed, and heavily edited the two “versions” of my thoughts on Docket 24-240.

With time getting short in order to file by end of day 2024-09-20, I decided to direct my FCC Docket 24-240 Reply Comments from a unique perspective in discussing the unappreciated role of the 902-928 MHz band as a “Citizens Data Band” and that it’s a low barrier to entry way to learn about and experiment with radio technology. I suspect the FCC Commissioners are going to be surprised that so many individuals care about the 902-928 MHz band and this “Meshtastic” system that they’ve likely never heard about until receiving comments on Docket 24-240.

Last Possible Moment Reply Comment?

If after reading this issue, and you decide you would have wished to file a Reply Comment on Docket 24-240… please do so (in the next few days).

It can’t hurt, and every little bit might help, even if the FCC ultimately decides not to “disseminate” (formally consider) late Reply Comments.

FCC Electronic Comments Filing System (ECFS) - Submit an Express Comment

In the Proceedings field, type (slowly) 24-240. The system should find the proceeding - just click on the result.

In the text box, I suggest stating “Reply Comment”.

And if you’re tempted to use a pseudonym or “Anonymous”, I advise not to bother to file comments. If I were the FCC, I would simply discard such comments as not credible, that someone didn’t care enough to use their real name.

Have a great weekend, all of you co-conspirators in Zero Retries Intersting Amateur Radio activities!

Please tell your closest friends that they matter in your life. I’m very, very glad that I took those few moments to do so yesterday, just in time.

Steve N8GNJ

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Image courtesy of Meshtastic

I decided to feature the Meshtastic logo in this issue because the development of Meshtastic is mentioned so prominently in my Docket 24-240 Reply Comments.

A Few Good Comments on FCC Docket 24-240

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

With over 1500+ 1600+ 1700+ Comments and Reply Comments and increasing until the end of the Reply Comments period on 2024-09-20, it’s become impossible (for me as an individual) to do more than a cursory survey of comments filed with the FCC on Docket 24-240. What follows is a personal perspective based on the comments I was able to review.

After reading hundreds of Comments (and very few Reply Comments), I’m cautiously optimistic that the FCC has received ample substantive comments that will provide it sound reasoning to deny NextNav’s request to radically reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band to NextNav’s proprietary advantage. NextNav proposes to operate high power transmitters in its new exclusive allocation of 918-928 MHz and compact all non-NextNav activity into an 11 MHz band - 907-918 MHz.

Based on the number, and quality of the comments in Docket 24-240, the most provably inaccurate statement in NextNav’s original filing is the statement:

The Lower 900 MHz Band is an ideal candidate for swift FCC action as it is currently underutilized due to an outdated band plan and technical and service rules that limit the use of the band for fifth-generation (“5G”) technologies.

“Currently underutilized” only from the perspective of NextNav’s proposed usage of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT). NextNav attempts to ignore the hundreds of companies, organizations, and user communities, and the hundreds of systems and networks, and billions of devices that are in 24 x 365 use in the 902-928 MHz band.

Analogy - the 2.4 GHz Band is Also “Underutilized”

I offer a brief analogy to NextNav’s logic that the 902-928 MHz band is underutilized. The 2.4 GHz band could also be considered underutilized because1 the lower half of the 2.4 GHz band is allocated to Amateur Radio as primary (or secondary) usage, and the upper half of the 2.4 GHz band is allocated for “mobile broadcasting” (such as a point to point link from a “news” helicopter to a receiver to provide a live video feed) as primary (or secondary) usage. Paying attention to only those usages, one could posit that the 2.4 GHz band is “underutilized”. But not only is 2.4 GHz used for Amateur Radio and “mobile broadcasting”, it’s used for wireless networking (Wi-Fi), and even video transmission (wireless cameras). But likely the biggest use, by numbers (tens, or hundreds, of billions of devices) of 2.4 GHz is Bluetooth, which by NextNav’s logic of “utilization”, would be completely invisible as a use case for 2.4 GHz.

If the FCC were to reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band per NextNav’s request, doing so would irrevocably damage thousands of unlicensed (Part 15) and secondary user groups such as Amateur Radio (Part 97). Not to mention render obsolete literally billions (not hyperbole… billions) of electronic devices.

I think we “incumbents” of the 902-928 MHz band are lucky that NextNav’s attempt on the 902-928 MHz band is, in the end, terribly clumsy, if not desperate, and a transparent “spectrum snatch” or as EFF put it, a “Band Grab”.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has weighed in with a substantive article - NextNav’s Callous Land-Grab to Privatize 900 MHz:

NextNav’s Proposed 'Band-Grab'

NextNav wants the FCC to reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band to grant them exclusive rights to the majority of the spectrum. The country's airwaves are separated into different sections for different devices to communicate, like dedicated lanes on a highway. This proposal would not only give NextNav their own lane, but expanded operating region, increased broadcasting power, and more leeway for radio interference emanating from their portions of the band. All of this points to more power for NextNav at everyone else’s expense.

This land-grab is purportedly to implement a Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) network to serve as a US-specific backup of the Global Positioning System(GPS). This plan raises red flags off the bat. 

Dropping the “global” from GPS makes it far less useful for any alleged national security purposes, especially as it is likely susceptible to the same jamming and spoofing attacks as GPS.

NextNav itself admits there is also little commercial demand for PNT. GPS works, is free, and is widely supported by manufacturers. If NextNav has a grand plan to implement a new and improved standard, it was left out of their FCC proposal. 

What NextNav did include however is its intent to resell their exclusive bandwidth access to mobile 5G networks. This isn't about national security or innovation; it's about a rent-seeker monopolizing access to a public resource. If NextNav truly believes in their GPS backup vision, they should look to parts of the spectrum already allocated for 5G.

In the end, NextNav was only able to garner perhaps a handful of supportive comments. This was the only supportive comment that I saw:

California Fire Chiefs Association

September 13, 2024

Re: Comment on NextNav Petition for Rulemaking; WTDocketNo.24-420; RM-11989

Dear Ms. Dortch:

First responders depend on accurate information to deliver prompt assistance to building occupants and maintain situational awareness in the process. Firefighters, for example, can face zero-visibility conditions in structure fires from smoke and blackout conditions from electrical outages. Having the support of a terrestrial geolocation system that can accurately identify the location of people inside a building could avoid dangerous and time-consuming searches in the wrong areas and accelerate the delivery of life saving assistance to people who need it.

We have firsthand experience with degradation of GPS due to the "urban canyons" and dense environment we cover, a problem that is ideally resolved by a terrestrial PNT service of this type proposed. Having the z-axis requirement as the Commission does is highly important to our operations, and while the 3-meter requirement is a great step forward, the x/y location from GPS is not sufficient for our operations and is sporadic and inconsistent in our region on a daily basis. The ability to have a consistent x/y signal that most importantly penetrates buildings, which these frequencies will accomplish, is truly a gamechanger for the fire service and one which will save lives, reduce time to victim and gain critical situational awareness of where our fire fighters are during an emergency.

NextNav's approach could improve the availability and accuracy of indoor geolocation. I would like to encourage the Commission to proceed forward on this matter as the potential benefits to Public Safety are important to our agency and stakeholders.

Mark Heine, President
California Fire Chiefs Association

Even with this supportive letter, it seems that Heine or the CFCA staff relied solely on NextNav’s highly optimistic potential capabilities in the formation of Heine’s letter. Th requirement for “higher precision Z axis positioning” has been known for some time, and the US cellular industry has been working on this issue - Wireless Industry’s Z-Axis Achievement Provides Accurate Vertical Location for 9-1-1 Calls. To cite another example, if the California Fire Chiefs Association was truly interested in having a better geolocation capability, especially in urban areas, they would be investigating the emerging Broadcast Positioning System (BPS) that is one of the subsystems of ATSC 3.0 television transmissions. Not to mention that NextNav’s system will be proprietary and fee-for-service.

The Power Players In the 902-928 MHz Band

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

The application I was not aware of that is the primary user of the 902-928 MHz band in sheer numbers (billions of “devices”) are the two major applications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Basically, RFID is a passive electronic circuit that when “excited” by a radio transmitter, gathers enough energy from the transmission for the circuit to transmit briefly with a unique ID number.

RFID using the 902-928 MHz band is used very widely for logistics, for units as large as shipping containers, inside warehouses, and all the way down to retail use on individual products. RFID tags can be very compact and can be pasted into a hardcover book.

RFID using the 902-928 MHz band is apparently the primary method of automated vehicle tolling, such as “E-ZPass”.

Both of those applications had many, and very substantive, professional comments submitted that if NextNav’s proposal was enacted, the requirement to change the existing systems would be… incalculably expensive… with no equivalent capability to convert to. Many stated that the very high power transmissions that NextNav proposes would render the 902-928 MHz band completely unusable for their current technology. RFID depends on being able to receive a very low power “response” transmission from the RFID “tags”, and anywhere near a NextNav high power transmitter, an RFID system operating on the 902-928 MHz band would probably be unable to operate, at least with the current technology.

Automatic Meter Reading

As expected, the utility industry provided comments that very large utility monitoring systems consisting of tens of millions of devices had evolved on the 902-928 MHz band, all of which would have to be replaced, and the entire radio infrastructure for those tens of millions of devices would also have be replaced.

Z-Wave / Commercial Infrastructure Management

Another application operating in the 902-928 MHz band I was only partially aware of was Z-Wave. I was aware that Z-Wave was a home automation system, but I was unaware that Z-Wave was used in commercial and industrial applications, especially management of large lighting systems in commercial office buildings, factories, and warehouses. One comment I read stated that Z-Wave is embedded deep into the infrastructure of such facilities and it would be incalculably expensive to replace, and likely impossible to use the current Z-Wave technology in the 902-928 MHz band with NextNav’s high power transmitters.

Many commenters made reference that the 902-928 MHz band is a delicate balance of applications and differing technologies that have “spread out” across the 26 MHz of spectrum in the 902-928 MHz band. Most notably, commenter (that I saw), especially those that were using the 902-928 MHz band commercially, complained that 902-928 MHz was unusable. Quite the opposite - they cited their very committed, profitable, highly effective use the 902-928 band MHz for their products and systems.

Internet of Things

There were many Internet of Things comments including comments from Wi-Fi related organizations discussing the recent popularization of 802.11ah / HaLow standards, and a lot of mentions of the use of Semtech’s LoRa technology (for its originally intended purpose - low bandwidth, long range control and monitoring of systems with low cost hardware).

Surprisingly, despite using the 902-928 MHz band for its Sidewalk network, Amazon didn’t provide its own comments (that I saw). It may well have commented as part of an omnibus comments like that of the US Chamber of Commerce.

The non Power Players in the 902-928 MHz Band - Meshtastic and Amateur Radio

As far as I can tell (again, I can only do cursory surveys of names of commenters, and a few targeted searches), the only two Amateur Radio organizations who commented are Open Research Institute (ORI) and ARRL. Kudos to both of those organizations for showing up.

Excerpt from ORI’s comment (by Ed Friesema, Michelle Thompson, and Matthew Wishek):

Current Amateur Radio use of the band includes point-to-point links, amateur television stations and repeaters, and voice repeaters. Some of the amateur repeater systems on 900 MHz are linked and serve a wide area ( Recent Amateur Radio experimental use of the band includes a variety of modern and innovative digital modes, including MMDVM and our own Opulent Voice protocol ( voice-digital-voice-and-data-protocol-update/). The open source amateur transceiver project Faraday RF was designed for 900 MHz ( Faraday-Software). Amateurs operate DMR and P25 repeaters in this band. Below is a list of amateur P25 repeaters just in Colorado. ( repeaters/feature_search.php? system=The%20900%20P25%20Network%20System&state_id=%25&type=systems)

Unfortunately, most of ORI’s comment was attacking the validity of NextNav’s claims instead of promoting more of the “Open Source innovation” that (in my opinion) would have been more impactful because of ORI’s mission.

Excerpt from ARRL’s comment (by David R. Siddall)

The Amateur Radio Service uses of this band are important and even critical for some purposes, but reality also is that sometimes use by Radio Amateurs has been impaired or made impossible by there being so many other transmitters operating within the band. Amateurs employ this band when technically feasible, but not infrequently Amateurs have been unable to fit in a signal without causing interference to a higher-allocated service.

It therefore raises eyebrows when Radio Amateurs read NextNav’s statements that the band is under-utilized. Our operators use the band when and where they can find space, but many report that there are so many signals already in the band that they have had to search out other less desirable frequencies or, in some cases, design and build highly directional antennas and special equipment to accomplish their purpose.

Kudos to Siddall for his economy of thought and keeping ARRL’s comments focused on data that’s relevant to Amateur Radio where it has standing. This is the kind of “ground truth, from standing” that in my opinion is potentially impactful to the FCC in their deliberations. Contrary to NextNav’s asserting that their reconfiguration plan would have little impact… that plan would have enormous impact because of the myriad… literally uncountable… uses.

Drinking from a Firehose - Too Many Comments to Process

This is my first experience trying to offer substantive comments in a popular… populist… proceeding with the FCC and trying to follow all the comments in order to formulate my substantive comments. It’s essentially impossible for one person, working on one’s own time, to do more than a cursory survey of all the comments, in the time allotted by the FCC. Of course, this isn’t news to those professionally involved in “Communications Law” regarding the FCC. This is how / why the professional Washington DC communications Law Firms earn their high pay. Communications law firms must have an automated process to do this, or at least marshal their staff members to pore through all the comments, or perhaps hire temporary staff to comb through all of the comments in order to winnow out the few substantive comments that justify a reply comment, either negative or positive.

At least, this process is impossible for a non-professional individual in the timeframe allowed by the FCC… and have any kind of other life. The FCC’s system is just byzantine to navigate - you cannot “dump” all of the comments; you can only “dump” a csv file, or have an RSS feed. You then have to open each commenter’s link and save that individually, though I suppose an AI system could be used to do this process.

Individual Responses

Most of the individual responses were pleas not to disrupt the status quo of their Amateur Radio activities or their Meshtastic activities. Many Amateur Radio Operators who commented made the fundamental mistake of positing that the 902-928 MHz band was an Amateur Radio band. That is not the case - Amateur Radio has secondary privileges in the 902-928 MHz band, but it is not an Amateur Radio band such as 144-148 MHz and 222-225 MHz where Amateur Radio is primary.

One major goof I saw was addressing the FCC as:


This was a bit tone deaf considering that the current Chairperson of the FCC is a woman (Jessica Rosenworcel) and one of the Commissioners is a woman (Anna M. Gomez).

It was surprising to see how many commenters made pleas not to disrupt their use of Meshtastic, and most commented that a primary use of their Meshtastic systems are for emergency communications “off grid”.

I saw references in comments to regional emergencies such as hurricanes, wildfires, and flooding, all of damage infrastructure, especially communications infrastructure.

First responders have access to FirstNet, a hardened, prioritized cellular service operated by AT&T. Ordinary citizens have no equivalent “network of last resort”… or at least they didn’t until Meshtastic was developed. Meshtastic is being used in (preparation for) emergency scenarios by ordinary citizens because it is inexpensive to buy individual nodes and doesn’t depend on infrastructure. Meshtastic’s relay (mesh) functionality is automatic, and it can easily be deployed by individuals or in groups such as a neighborhood.

The cellular companies will say that this type of communications innovation using unlicensed spectrum isn’t needed - they can “quickly” restore cellular service using emergency systems such as “Cells on Wheels”. And yet, in every regional emergency event - hurricanes, wildfires, and flooding, cellular systems are one of the first infrastructures to be affected.

A few commenters made references to actual use cases - inter family communications in areas where cellular coverage is intermittent or often disrupted by regional emergencies such as hurricanes, wildfires, and flooding. Some examples:

Ricky Wilson:

My family rely on 915mhz lora and meshtastic to help manage our domestic animals and homestead as well as alternative communications for family and friends during emergencies.

Frank Christel:

Please don't allow NextNav Inc. to cripple the 902-928 MHz band's usage. Their proposal has the potential to disrupt LoRaWAN devices including Meshtastic network radios. Meshtastic technology is just now beginning to see adoption across Oklahoma. There is no less expensive way for citizens to create decentralized and community-driven communication networks. Granting exclusive or prioritized access to NextNav could stifle open-source innovation and undermine community resilience and public safety, particularly in disaster-prone or remote areas in Oklahoma.

William T Burke

Pave PAWS Beal Air Force Base has limited and eliminated many 70 centimeter systems regarding Amateur Radio in this geographical area. 902-928 MHz became the alternative and 20 years of development by civilian Amateur Radio groups have created very advanced systems in this spectrum. Interstate linking and high level coverage to provide excellent emergency assistance to the American civil population would be eliminated by this proposal. There are thousands of skilled Amateur Radio operators operating within this 26 MHz allocation. We've worked hard over the last 20 years at no cost to the American taxpayers in development and in these uncertain times globally our efforts are highly useful in a catastrophic event. These advanced and skilled Amateur Radio groups/individuals are beyond the average appliance operators of the Amateur Radio Fraternity and deserve consideration in regard to technical excellence. This small slice of spectrum contains the most useful and reliable backup interstate communication systems within the USA. No other Amateur Radio spectrum allocation in VHF or UHF compares to what has emerged in the 902 to 928 spectrum in the past 20 years. The modified and converted commercial radio equipment occupying this slice of spectrum is mil-spec equipment by many standards. The technical workmanship by advanced Amateur Radio operators sets this spectrum allocation into a different category of advancement and functionality. It has stellar merit and deserves considerable protection. Respectfully WA6Q

There were also a number of commenters who referenced both their Amateur Radio and their Meshtastic use of the 902-928 MHz band. I think some of the most impactful comments will be those that reference how Meshtastic is proving to be a useful “hook” in getting people, especially young people, interested in radio technology and perhaps Amateur Radio.

A trusted advisor to Zero Retries stated that the FCC does not care about “hobbyist” use of bands like the 902-928 MHz band, especially when tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of potential new investment by NextNav and others hangs in the balance of the FCC’s decision. But self education in radio technology, and critical shortage of the US “Spectrum Workforce” does matter to the US Federal Government. Thus I think these references to Meshtastic that reference self-education do merit some consideration, such as these comments:

Catherine Strobel

Please do not interfere with the Meshtastic system. It has been such a wonderful way to get our daughter interested in digital modes as an offshoot from amateur radio. It is a good thing to grow this endeavor for our children. Thanks for your consideration.

Dylan Durst KN6QOQ

18170 Basil Drive
Tehachapi, CA 93561
September 4, 2024

Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20554

Opposition to FCC Public Notice August 2024 – Proposal by NextNav

I have been using the Lower 900MHz band as an unlicensed Part 15 user for almost 35 years, it was the first band I gained experience on, and lead me to a life long fascination with radio, communications and signaling that I apply what I learned daily as a professional Software Engineer, Open Source Software volunteer contributor, licensed Amateur Radio Operator and Amateur Radio Volunteer Examiner, and Meshtastic Network Operator.

Specifically, the lower 900MHz band has been undergoing a technological Renaissance in recent years, and ultimately lead me to become an Amateur Radio Operator. This particular bit of spectrum lives at the intersection between:

  1. Extremely low cost radios with on board micro-controllers with a smooth and low-cost supply chain.(1)

  2. Shared and collaborative operation with Amateur Radio operations.

  3. Extremely low power operation with comparatively long range.

  4. An extremely innovative community using this part of the spectrum under Part 15 more and more every day.

Overall, it provides a much better learning path than unlicensed microwave operation for those who are a novice in the field. This allows me to provide others with a path for independent discovery and education similar to the one I took when I was younger.

Nobody needs to look very far to see these applications in practice, but I can enumerate a couple applications that I use for day to day operations within my community, under Part 15 usage:

  1. The WiFi Alliance’s 802.11ah (HaLow) standard

    1. Which allows for network bridging across a variety of rural situations that microwave is not a good fit for, providing a way for rural communities to side step having to using LTE and expensive proprietary platforms.

  2. Meshtastic (and similar Open Source projects)

    1. A peer-to-peer meshing radio application that provides nearly unlimited educational and research opportunities in some of of the most critical applications of Distributed Systems today:

      1. Peer to Peer message routing.

      2. Backwards compatible message encapsulation for long lived deployment.

    2. An extremely low cost barrier of entry, as low as $10-$15 to get started (if not cheaper).

    3. A completely Open Source ecosystem.

    4. Immediate entry points for Electrical Engineers, Radio Engineers and Software Engineers to collaborate, learn from each other, and contribute towards a better community operated network.(2)

Because of the overlap with Licensed Amateur Radio operations, it becomes a quick way to get started using modern networking and distributed systems technologies on radio, at such a low cost, without having to be licensed at all. The educational path does lead users into becoming licensed, and learning and developing their skills more. There is no similar overlap in any other band. This is the current on-ramp band for innovation.

On the supply chain side of things, current Amateur Radio operators can use off-the-shelf hardware in this band for digital operation, with simple power adjustments to meet their needs, and coordinate and work with unlicensed operators collaboratively. This is not the case with unlicensed Part 15 Radio Operation, where Amateur Radio Operators need to also be Software Engineers and Electrical Engineers to change the frequency on hardware not designed for the task, or purchase much more expensive hardware, designed for the specific task. This shared region of overlap reduces waste and redundancy, and saves independent innovators money.

Without any doubt, the proposed change, would open the doors to:

  1. Close the on-ramp to innovation happening in radio communications today, and close doors on educational opportunities.

  2. Impact the entire Lower 900MHz Band Supply Chain, drastically increasing cost even for Amateur operators.

  3. Drown out a large but unknown number of Part 15 users in this space.

  4. Shut down the convergence of folks who are older and know a lot about radio, interacting with younger folks who know a lot about digital networking.

While I don’t see NextNav petition as anything more than a spectrum grab at the cost of millions of everyday users of the band, and I would be incredibly surprised if their petition were approved by The Commission, I did feel the need to represent how this particular bit of spectrum has impacted my life, and how I see it impacting that of others.

Most people who are using the 900MHz band don’t even know they are using it, and they certainly aren’t going to be educated about using it within this short commentary period.

As for why they will need to buy a replacement item for something that has worked for years and years, the phrasing "will work with unlicensed users," in my book, means that they will just be told they can no longer use their hardware, or it just won’t work anymore and they will never know why.

I support Meshtastic Communities’ Formal Opposition to the change, and I will probably also support the ARRLs upcoming commentary.


Dylan Durst / KN6QOQ

(1) Any attempt to relocate usage, will increase costs.

(2) One person having all 3 of these skill sets is already extremely rare, but those are the only individuals who would be able to innovate in this space, if this on-ramp is closed.

Matthew Leavitt:

This proposal to reshape the 900 MHz band would be extremely damaging to the purpose of amateur radio, and would stall existing projects using this band. I have been involved with my school’s amateur radio club and the interest in radio has exploded in the last few years. However, we have not had as many people get their license and further their education in radio technologies because of the licensing requirement. Meshtastic and other technologies fill a gap between obtaining a license and knowing nothing about radio. It provides a way for people to easily approach radio and learn the basics by hands on experience outside of normal club meetings, at very low cost. These frequencies should remain open and free from interference to further the development of new radio technologies and interest in said technologies.

Douglas Datwyler

Comments for FCC WT Docket No. 24-240 and RM-11898

My name is Douglas Datwyler.

I urge the FCC reject the petition by NextNav to “reconfigure” the low 900 MHz band (from 902 to 928 MHz) band.

1. I am a licensed amateur radio operator (WR7O), and I believe firmly in the purposes of Amateur Radio as listed in FCC 97.1, especially 97.1(b) and 97.1(c):

- 97.1(b) Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

- 97.1(c) Encouragement and improvement of the amateur service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the art.

I am currently engaged in experiments with digital modes (FSK, GFSK) and antennas in the 902 to 928 MHz band. The NextNav action will curtail my uses of 900 MHz in part 97.

2. I have in my home an older 900 MHz DECT telephone. This phone is a lifeline for my family as cellular coverage can be spotty. This phone is likely to fail under the conditions of the NextNav system being active.

Chris Crandon:

The frequency range in question in the lower 900mHz range has been an area of huge enjoyment for me and many members of my community. I and others who share the same interests in small hobby electronics, communication and computers have spent the our valuable free time (and not to mention a lot of money) building small electronic devices that we can make do a lot of really fun and cool things over these frequencies. For one, I have been able to create my own small network within my neighborhood that can connect both my wife and I while we are at work since cell reception is lacking. I have also created a mobile gps device for both our vehicles which acts as a safety backup in case either of us need to know location or if our vehicle is stolen. There are many more things I would love to experiment with and eliminating this frequency range from amateur and hobbyist use will completely erase everything I have spend all my spare time and enjoyment creating. Our devices are hardwired to operate on this frequency and would render them completely useless. Aside from that, we don't need more corporate capture of what limited space us as hobbyists and makers have to work with! I urge anyone reading this to oppose this proposal and effectively protect this space on the RF spectrum that is growing every day in the amateur space! Thank you -Chris

Brian Ramos:

As a ham radio operator, volunteer firefighter/EMT, CERT Team member, and former Search and rescue technician; I am obviously very keen on emergency preparedness, but also innovation. I live in Napa Valley, as the name suggests, being nestled in the valley means Line of sight RF transmissions are difficult. in order to enable communications, Towers are set up throughout the valley on ridgetops to be able to communicate vital information. The Nunn, Atlas, and Lightning complex fires severely limited access to these towers, knocking out cell communications, radio broadcasts, and more for several days. The ongoing Airport Fire threatened the same. Due to the nature of centralized communication structures, Major threats exist to otherwise unpopulated land. This is resource intensive. The bandwidth in question has been used to create low powered, redundant, reliable mesh communications networks to circumvent the need for communications, an open source passion project for Hobbyists. Right now this worldwide network is in its growth phase, but if better established, would revolutionize emergency management. But Hobbyists don't generate revenue, so who cares? Well, they generate technology. Another hobby I'm a part of is building and flying multirotor sUAS (drones). A decade ago, I thought they were a fun diversion. Today, my mostly open-source hobby acts as a force-multiplier like never before, completely upturning military doctrine and revolutionizing the battlefield. By locking out American citizen's ability to tinker in their free time, American's will be on the back foot. We will be forced to rely on foreign experts to develop costly solutions to problems that are unfamiliar to everyday Americans. People who would otherwise be subject matter experts will be relegated to sending CW messages using 100 year old technology. This is how NOT to create knowledgeable young Scientists, Engineers, and technicians. Allowing technology to expand abroad, but limiting access on our home soil creates a defense risk.

Preparation for the Next Spectrum Assault

In the time allotted by the FCC, trying to publish something to Zero Retries and file my reply comments, it was impossible to read and keep track of all of the comments that came flooding in, especially after the EFF published their article and motivated many individuals to file comments.

On behalf of Amateur Radio and related radio-based communities such as personal communications (users of CB, GMRS, MURS, FRS, etc.), it’s worrisome to me that it has become so tough for individuals to provide substantive comments that will receive serious consideration by the FCC. When the next band is targeted for “commercial innovation” by “sharing” or attempting a complete takeover… and there will inevitably be a next one… it’s become apparent to me that all such a company has to do to “flood the FCC” with comments would be to create a fake organization and use social media to incentivize massive numbers of individuals to file comments. Such a situation would be a severe challenge to respond substantively.

Amateur Radio can no longer rely on the ARRL for guidance on commenting to the FCC. Increasingly, ARRL’s reaction time is too slow and its perspective isn’t modern enough. For example, in FCC Docket 16-239, the ARRL requested that the FCC remove archaic symbol rate limits on the HF bands so that Amateur Radio Operators could use Pactor 4 modems. But the ARRL’s request was only for the HF bands - they completely ignored that archaic symbol rate limits were also in place on Amateur Radio VHF and UHF bands.

And, increasingly, ARRL only files their comments at the last minute, which doesn’t provide sufficient time and guidance for others to offer their comments.

Thus I think a group needs to be formed to make ready for “the next one”. The closest analogy to what I think is needed is Archive Team, which is a loose affiliation of individuals with organization and resources to download and locally store portions of large online systems that are, or are likely to be removed from online access. Members of Archive Team are “on standby” until they’re “activated” and then begin to “divide and download” by each individual focusing on selected portions of that system.

The part I think is most applicable to “Comment Team” is the “coordinate, divide, and download” approach. There has to be a way to automate the downloading of FCC comments, perhaps in chunks of 25 comments, and be able to centrally track whether a comment is substantive, or not, approves or disapproves of the requested change, worth filing a Reply Comment, or not, etc. Each member of “Comment Team” can check into the system, download a “chunk”, upload their summarization of the comments in their chunk, etc.

Members would have to be vetted and trusted in advance. A “ringer” that’s involved in “Comment Team” could cause a lot of harm.

Based on the low number of comments on Docket 24-240 filed by Amateur Radio organizations, another reason for forming “Comment Team” would be to assist Amateur Radio organizations to develop and file comments in a timely manner. They would keep various Amateur Radio organizations in mind, perhaps create a prototype comment that would reflect an organization’s perspective, and then offer it to that organization so that all they would have to do to file a comment is to edit the wording and then submit that edited version. Hopefully that assistance would improve the number of Amateur Radio organizations that file comments on behalf of Amateur Radio.

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Reply Comments of Steven K. Stroh Regarding FCC Docket 24-240

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

This is the text of my formal Docket 24-240 Reply Comment filing to the FCC, which was acknowledged by the FCC as being received. I submitted it after business hours Eastern (Washington DC) time. I expect… hope… that my Reply Comment will be updated to “Filing Status DISSEMINATED” on Monday since the date stamp shows that it was filed on 2024-09-20, which was the deadline for Reply Comments.

Submitted 2024-09-20 via the FCC Electronic Comments Filing System as a PDF file, filename FCC_24-240_Reply_Comments_Steven_K_Stroh_2024-09-20.

Original Comment on Docket 24-240:
Submission ID: 10905537208674


I recommend to the Commission that NextNav’s request to reconfigure 902-928 MHz should be denied. Denying NextNav’s request and maintaining the current configuration of 902-928 MHz would serve the broadest possible public interest of the American businesses and individuals.

The Commission has received ample evidence in Comments filed by numerous organizations that thoroughly refute NextNav’s contention that the 902-928 MHz band is “currently underutilized”.

Thus the Commission is now confronted with a major decision - whether to accept NextNav’s request which may create a new class of terrestrial Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) service. However, to do so would come at the well-documented enormous cost of disrupting thousands of existing, working, revenue producing systems and businesses, and obsoleting billions of radio devices, all of which depend on the current configuration of the 902-928 MHz band.

As input for the Commission in making its decision about granting NextNav’s request, the Commission has also received numerous comments from individuals and small organizations such as ARRL, Open Research Institute, and Meshtastic that attest that the 902-928 MHz band fills a unique role for personal data communications, including a role in personal emergency data communications. 902-928 MHz has become a de facto “Citizen’s Data Radio Service”, even though such a role was not envisioned, or nor is formally recognized, as a use of the 902-928 MHz band.

In my opinion, the Commission should deny NextNav’s request to reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band. Making no changes to the current configuration of the 902-928 MHz band would serve the broadest possible public interest of American businesses and individuals. Making no changes to the current configuration of the 902-928 MHz band would allow the band to remain its role as a vibrant spectrum ecosystem of many divergent uses, all of which are figuring out, dynamically, how to operate their systems while cooperating with other systems.


I am an Amateur Radio Operator (callsign N8GNJ), licensed for nearly 40 years. I am a GMRS user (callsign WRPS598). I also had a Citizens Band license - callsign KBFZ8271. My professional background is an Electronic Technician, computing System Administrator, Network Manager, and Technology Writer. I live in Bellingham, Washington. I write a weekly independent newsletter called Zero Retries ( that highlights technological innovation occurring in Amateur Radio worldwide.

My primary interest within Amateur Radio is operating data communications modes, experimentation, and helping to develop, prove out, and document new radio-based data communications modes. In Zero Retries every week, I document the remarkable evolution in radio technology occurring in Amateur Radio based on new technologies such as Software Defined Radio (software and hardware), Digital Signal Processing, novel and new antenna techniques, use of multiple inexpensive receivers and many other fascinating new approaches and technologies applied to old problems in radio communications.

In short, I posit to the 2100+ readers of Zero Retries that Amateur Radio is a literal license to experiment with radio technology, with low barriers to entry, especially in the Amateur Radio VHF / UHF bands of which 902-928 MHz is one.

While my primary standing to comment on Docket 24-240 is my perspective as an Amateur Radio Operator, I also feel qualified to comment on Docket 24-240 as a member of the general public (a citizen) who uses 902-928 MHz for experimental and education purposes, as well as mundane uses of 902-928 MHz such as a cordless telephone that was specifically chosen for its operation on 902-928 MHz to not be interfered by my wireless systems operating on 2.4 GHz.

902-928 MHz Has Become the Starting Point of Personal Experimentation and Self Training in Radio Technology

In past eras, the Amateur Radio service was regarded as the “entry point” for individuals that were interested in doing personal experimentation and self training in radio technology.

For various reasons (most of which aren’t germane to this discussion), in the last half-decade, experimentation with radio technology using data communications in 902-928 MHz has become the new “entry point”. Some primary reasons for this change are:

  • No individual license (Amateur Radio, or GMRS) is required,

  • Equipment is to do such experimentation, typically with (free) Meshtastic software operating on LoRa hardware is inexpensive,

  • Individuals can self-educate because the information about using Meshtastic and creating individual nodes and relay stations is widespread, and

  • Individuals can form their own electronic communities using Meshtastic, either for family use, or community use, or on the basis of shared interests.

Some of these Meshtastic users, after having hands-on experience with radio technology, will go on to become licensed for Amateur Radio. Others will prefer to continue their experimentation and usage in the “unlicensed, more flexible” realm of the 902-928 MHz band and other unlicensed bands because of various restrictions on Amateur Radio operations, including that encryption cannot be used (with very limited exceptions) on Amateur Radio.

With that experience, those users will have a better understanding of the fundamentals of radio technology, and be better equipped than 99% of the public in potentially becoming a member of the “Spectrum Workforce”.

Growing the Spectrum Workforce

As documented by the Biden Harris Administration’s November 13, 2023 National Spectrum Strategy (NSS) document, Pillar Four - Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness, there are three Strategic Objectives:

  • Strategic Objective 4.1 | Attract, train, and grow the current and next-generation spectrum workforce.

  • Strategic Objective 4.2 | Improve policymakers’ understanding of spectrum considerations.

  • Strategic Objective 4.3 | Improve the public’s understanding of radio frequency spectrum and raise awareness of its role in everyday life.

I posit to the Commission that though the Commission and its actions are not specifically mentioned in the NSS, Pillar Four, or the three Strategic Objectives, the Commission by its actions in Docket 24-240 will determine the the continued usability of the 902-928 MHz band, which will have a significant influence on the three Strategic Objectives, as discussed below.

Strategic Objective 4.1 | Attract, train, and grow the current and next-generation spectrum workforce.

“Attract” is directly related to the continued usability of the 902-928 MHz band for personal experimentation and usage for data communications. Unlicensed devices such as Meshtastic, operating in the 902-928 MHz band offer a low barrier to entry for radio technology experimentation, and that low cost is especially important to encourage those in disadvantaged situations to be able to gain hands on experience with radio technology.

While Meshtastic is a great “entry point” for use of 902-928 MHz because of its ease of use and low cost, there are other systems that can be personally experimented with in the 902-928 MHz band:

  • 802.11ah / HaLow - much faster data communications than Meshtastic, similar range, and still relatively low cost. The 802.11ah network protocol was specifically designed for < 1 GHz bands worldwide, but one of the primary bands is the “Americas” 902-928 MHz band. The HaLow certification insures interoperability between different manufacturers, and thus a diversity of manufacturers, functions, price points, form factors, from embeddable boards to complete access points similar to conventional Wi-Fi units.

  • Z-Wave is not only used for personal / home automation, but it scales up in to commercial and industrial systems. One can experiment with Z-Wave technology in their home, and apply that knowledge directly in a professional career.

  • Amateur Radio offers nearly unlimited potential for personal experimentation with radio technology, including in the 902-928 MHz band. While many Amateur Radio commenters describe how their 902-928 MHz repeater systems are “forced to the band edges where the noise is lowest”… those repeaters are typically using analog Frequency Modulation (FM) technologies that generally require a “clear frequency”. Digital systems deal with interference much better because they can employ Forward Error Correction (FEC). Thus Amateur Radio is a “proving ground” for dealing with interference in a crowded band without resorting to “brute force” methods required for older technologies to deal with interference such as “clearing out all other users”.

    One example of innovation in Amateur Radio is a new Digital Voice and Data system called the M17 Project ( which is an entirely open source system designed by Amateur Radio Operators for Amateur Radio. M17 is attracting new experimenters into Amateur Radio which were previously disinclined to do so because current Digital Voice repeaters use proprietary technology. Because of its open source nature, M17 is innovating rapidly. One example is the experimental addition of cryptographic signatures (not encryption) of transmissions so that “spoofing” of transmissions can be detected.

Strategic Objective 4.2 | Improve policymakers’ understanding of spectrum considerations.

“Policymakers’ understanding” speaks directly to the Commission’s role in understanding the rapidly improving capabilities of radio technology and the ability for different radio technology systems to coexist in the same spectrum.

In the constraint of “the entirety of the usable electromagnetic spectrum has been allocated to some service”, any new radio based services will inevitably have to share spectrum with other uses, or undergo a disruptive reconfiguration.

As American society has converted from wired communications infrastructure to radio based communications infrastructure, the economic cost of the latter approach has reached the point of being non-feasible. Thus “spectrum sharing” is now the most cost-effective and efficient system of creating new radio services.

The Commission has implemented a number of innovative spectrum sharing systems such as CBRS, sharing the portion of the 5 GHz band used for Weather RADAR with Wi-Fi, unlicensed use of the 6 GHz band, and TV White Space to use vacant television broadcast channels for broadband Internet access.

Each of those systems have required highly proscriptive rules or elaborate new infrastructure. To use the 5 GHz Weather RADAR spectrum required new generations of Wi-Fi chipsets that would detect Weather RADAR transmissions and shift off those frequencies automatically. To allow the use of military RADAR frequencies around 3.5 GHz required the deployment of a vast network of receivers, infrastructure, and the creation of a “permission requested to use this channel” protocol. Similarly, TV White Space systems required the deployment of a similar infrastructure for a “permission requested to use this channel” protocol.

But none of that is used in the 902-928 MHz band. There is no mandated protection built into chipsets, nor is there any external “permission requested” protocols or infrastructure. Within the 902-928 MHz band there are systems as diverse as

  • RFID chips for retail and warehouse logistics,

  • Extensive networks for automatic toll collection,

  • Internet of Things networks such as Z-Wave, Amazon Sidewalk network, and LoRa,

  • Experimenters deploying Meshtastic and 802.11ah / HaLow networks,

  • Amateur Radio “Earth Moon Earth” operations operating at very high power (but focused on the Moon).

All of those very diverse uses are demonstrably coexisting with the 902-928 MHz band., again, with no mandated protection built into chipsets, nor any external “permission requested” protocols or infrastructure.

Another example of innovation in the 902-928 MHz band is spectrum sharing “underlay” techniques such as Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum. FHSS was one of the first spread spectrum systems in use when the ISM bands were allowed to be used for communications. FHSS use in 902-928 MHz continues to the present day. FHSS is highly effective, but its potential data rate is less than what can be accomplished with other technologies such as OFDM and DSSS, so its use is less “visible". Demonstrably, FHSS technology works by its continued use in the 902-928 MHz band, and potentially could be used in other bands as an underlay using faster hopping patterns, lower dwell times, and lower transmit power enabled by vastly improved digital system gain. Bluetooth has become even more usable over time in the 2.4 GHz band despite that band being used very aggressively by Wireless LANs such as Wi-Fi, and even analog “wireless television” cameras.

How is this possible? How can such a “free for all, ad-hoc, anything goes” spectrum sharing model be applied to future needs for new services when “virgin spectrum” can no longer be allocated or created by reallocation of existing services?

In the 902-928 MHz band as currently configured, the Commission has a perfect “laboratory” for observing rapid technological evolution in spectrum sharing. It only has to carefully observe what is actually happening in that band, perhaps by setting up a “spectrum observatory” in a selected, representative city such as Columbus, Ohio. Provably the current model of regulation in the 902-928 MHz band is working well. All that the Commission has to do to “continue the experiment” is to not radically disturb the unique spectrum ecosystem in the 902-928 MHz band.

Strategic Objective 4.3 | Improve the public’s understanding of radio frequency spectrum and raise awareness of its role in everyday life.

In my opinion, this Objective could not be more directly related to the situation represented by Docket 24-240.

Thanks to media mentions such as from Meshtastic, Electronic Frontier Foundation, ARRL, (and, modestly, Zero Retries) and notifications from the many commercial users of 902-928 MHz, the (techie) “public’s understanding of radio frequency spectrum and raise awareness of its role in everyday life” has quickly became prominent.

The most impactful action that the Commission can undertake in supporting the Biden Harris Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy, Pillar 4, Strategic Objective 4.3 to improve the public’s understanding of radio frequency spectrum and raise awareness of its role in everyday life…

… is to allow the continued, current use by the public, using unlicensed (Part 15) equipment, of the entirety of 902-928 MHz band. To use a resource is to appreciate it, understand it, and support it, be it roads, schools, public parks… or spectrum.

If there are not places in the electromagnetic spectrum where the public can use spectrum directly, hands-on, experimentally, with low barriers to entry (even lower than Amateur Radio, which requires a technical examination, and a lot of “domain knowledge”) then we will be relegated to be a nation of “app users” with no appreciation or understanding of the role of spectrum in everyday life.

And if that comes to pass, we will be poorer and less secure and less self-sufficient in the primary technology of radio technology.

In Conclusion

In Docket 24-240, NextNav has proposed a radical reconfiguration of the 902-928 MHz band. If adopted, NextNav’s reconfiguration will be highly disruptive, and in most cases destructive (no practical or cost effective way to adapt to the reconfiguration) to hundreds of systems and billions of individual units that use 902-928 MHz daily.

Beyond the currently incalculable financial cost of disrupting commercial systems that currently use the 902-928 MHz band, and the obsolescence of billions of electronic units, if the Commission reconfigures the 902-928 MHz band per NextNav’s request, the American public will suffer an enormous loss of opportunity for personal use of the 902-928 MHz band.

The use of 902-928 MHz as a de facto “Citizens Data Radio Service” would be severely impacted. If the band were reconfigured per NextNav’s request, “cramming” all unlicensed use into a mere 11 MHz (907-918 MHz), it would not be cost-effective for most unlicensed uses to attempt to adapt.

Such a situation would be the commercial equivalent of “mere app users”, buying service on other systems, with no resiliency or independent operations capability. Imagine a commercial lighting system that currently uses Z-Wave on 902-928 MHz that was forced to be converted to use cellular technology. Then we’d be in an absurd situation where if the cellular network were unavailable… you cannot even turn the lights on. Even worse, electric utilities, or water utilities, or gas utilities could not monitor their local distribution systems for service outages, or breaks (bad for water main breaks, catastrophic for gas pipeline breaks).

Managing the Radio Spectrum for the Broadest Possible Public Interest

In the most broad perspective of the Commission’s “mission”, it is to manage the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is “usable for radio communications” to the highest and best use for the broadest possible public interest. In my initial comment, I cited the easiest example of radio spectrum management highest and best use of the broadest possible public interest was sinking of the Titanic. The subsequent rescue of passengers, in time, before they perished from exposure, was the result of then new radio technology. The aftermath of the Titanic sinking required new management of radio spectrum to make ship communications reliable. That management required making some hard decisions about “highest and best use” of competing user communities (such as segmenting radio broadcasting and ship communications into separate portions of the radio spectrum) and choosing between competing technologies to effectively use limited radio spectrum.

In Docket 24-240, the Commission is again tasked with making decisions about “highest and best use” of competing user communities and competing technologies to effectively use the limited radio spectrum of the 902-928 MHz band. In the totality of the unique nature of the 902-928 MHz band, the diverse users and systems that have evolved, and thrived, and profited in the 902-928 MHz band as it is currently configured…

In my opinion, NextNav’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz is not in the broadest possible public interest.

Thus I recommend to the Commission that NextNav’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz in Docket 24-240 should be denied.

Steven K. Stroh
P.O. Box 30725
Bellingham, Washington, USA

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

WCF Experimenter Newsletter

Welcome to the new home of THE WCF EXPERIMENTER, formerly known as THE EXPERIMENTER, the official technical newsletter of the ARRL West Central Florida Section.

There were fourteen issues of this newsletter published between 2013 and 2020. It was published by the ARRL West Central Florida Section and its format and content is very similar to Zero Retries. This could easily be, should be, an official publication of ARRL as a “lighter, more hands on” technical newsletter than ARRL’s QEX. But then, I’m glad it’s not because all of these newsletters are available to everyone, worldwide, and not hidden behind a paywall such as QEX is where it can only be accessed by < 20% of US Amateur Radio Operators that are currently ARRL members.

I’ve emailed two of the principals of WCF Experimenter, Darrell Davis KT4WX and Jim Weslager K3WR, complimenting them on the excellent content.

The 18.25 meter dish in Wall Township, New Jersey, US (FN20xe) is expected to return to service on 1296 Mhz before the end of 2024.

Martin Flynn W2RWJ on the Facebook group Earth Moon Earth (EME) Radio Communications:

The 18.25 meter dish in Wall Township, New Jersey, US (FN20xe) is expected to return to service on 1296 MHz before the end of 2024.

A bearing failed in the elevation drive, requiring removal of the drive assembly for non-destructive testing and evaluation. While the drive system was down, work continued on the control console, adding UHF and VHF radios, and the initial control system to support the VHF and UHF yagi antennas.

Earlier testing under remote control (actual speed)

Infoage Space Exploration Center

In a visit to New Jersey several years ago I visited this facility in Wall, New Jersey and it’s an amazing facility for Amateur Radio. How could a visiting kid who’s “trending towards techie” not be interested in that awesome dish and being able to use it for bouncing radio signals off the Moon? The dish and all of the control equipment was built decades ago for government use and it’s long since been deeded over to the nearby Infoage Museum. It’s all Amateur Radio activity now. At the time I visited, I was told that the bearing mentioned above was entirely custom to that particular dish and had to be fabricated from scratch… not to mention the very cautious removal of the bad bearing. Thus it’s been a slow, expensive process to replace that bearing and get the dish back to full capability. I tried to “pass the word” about the potential of ARDC grant funding to help finance the bearing replacement, but the volunteer I tried to discuss it with had no interest.

RPC Electronics SMT NinoTNC Going Out of Production

On the RPC Electronics page for the SMT NinoTNC:

We are ceasing production of the SMT NinoTNC. Please contact us directly regarding remaining inventory.

This is an unfortunate development.

I quickly ordered two more units so I can have them for experimentation. These units work well and are sold assembled and tested.

I hope there is a possibility that the SMT NinoTNC could be put back into production. While I’m of the generation where soldering up a PCB and sourcing all the components can be an enjoyable exercise, that’s not the perspective of a lot of new folks entering into Amateur Radio to hack on software, Software Defined Radio, and especially networking. They’re unpracticed, and thus uncomfortable using a soldering iron and saying to them “Oh, soldering is easy, just try it” isn’t helpful. (That said, soldering can be fun, with practice, but that really requires some mentoring, which can be a good group project.)

Thus RPC Electronics’ SMT NinoTNC, assembled, tested, plug and play was a game changer because it made theNinoTNC usable by folks that otherwise wouldn’t consider it. There’s a lot of innovative technology in the NinoTNC including the new 3600 bps mode that works great even using speaker and microphone connections to any radio, the Improved Layer 2 Protocol (IL2P) Forward Error Correction, an improved HF mode, and many other subtle and potential features.

If you order one out the remaining inventory, be sure to tell RPC Electronics’ Jason Rausch K4APR that he did a great job with the SMT NinoTNC. Perhaps he’ll reconsider and put it back into production. That’s what I told him when I ordered mine.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Annual Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0001 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01 (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0011 - Rick Prelinger W6XBE

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

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    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications - beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs in Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


This is mostly from memory; I’ve probably got details of this wrong, but I think the analogy is worth offering.

Zero Retries 0169

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2000 2100+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 49 for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 50 for becoming a Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a significant vote of support for the continued publication of Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 5 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us).

My presentation at Pacificon 2024 - Tracking Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio will be on Saturday 2024-10-19 from 16:00 - 16:50 in Contra Costa Salon 2.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

Reply Comments on FCC Docket 24-240 Due on Friday 2024-09-20

If you’re an Amateur Radio Operator in the US, you should care about FCC Docket 24-240, a plan to radically reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band for the proprietary advantage of one company, and would likely render the band nearly unusable for Amateur Radio and most unlicensed (Part 15) uses.

For background, see Zero Retries 0168 which explained the issues from a Zero Retries perspective.

There are two phases of comments:

  • Comments on Docket 24-240 were due by end of day 2024-09-05.

  • Reply Comments (essentially, comments on the comments) are due by end of day next Friday 2020-09-20.

As of this writing, 958 comments are on file with the FCC for Docket 24-240.

If you didn’t file a Comment, you can still file a Reply Comment. In the FCC’s Electronic Comments Filing System, in the TYPE OF FILING, be sure to select REPLY TO COMMENTS (because we’re now in the Reply Comments period).

Pro Tip - The definition of “Reply Comment” is pretty loose there really isn’t any. The intent of the FCC Reply Comment period is, again, comments on the comments, and if it came to a really detailed legalistic parsing, anything that isn’t a direct comment on a (previously filed) comment wouldn’t be relevant to the FCC. But from everything I’ve been told, “Comments” filed in the “Reply Comments” period are still accepted and considered.

So… just say something. Every little bit helps. Sadly, some large Amateur Radio organizations, and companies, with paid staff, didn’t file comments.

Hopefully we’ll dodge this bullet and 902-928 MHz will be even more usable.

It’s my opinion that if Docket 24-240 is declined and the 902-928 MHz band remains configured as it is now, in just a few years, Amateur Radio and unlicensed (Part 15) users will look back and feel that a major bullet was dodged because both Amateur Radio and unlicensed users will be making more and better use of 902-928 MHz than most folks can imagine at the moment.

Why? Because of the standards effect of IEEE 802.11ah and Wi-Fi HaLow which is (finally) a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard for the unique properties of spectrum (like 902-928 MHz) below 1 GHz1. Now that there is both a technical standard and an interoperability standard, lower cost units are emerging, and interoperability can be assumed. That means a mass market - better hardware, lower prices, and rapid evolution due to competitive pressure.

There is precedent to imagine such a scenario. The FCC legalized “communications” use of the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) bands like 2.4 GHz in 1985. In the following years, some proprietary Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) hardware emerged for the ISM bands. But it took the creation of the IEEE 802.11b standard being finalized around 1999 that a mass market for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) could emerge with reasonably affordable hardware and reasonably assured interoperability. In the IT industry, standardization matters if you want things to really scale… and we finally have good standards for a mass market for consumer (and experimenters, and Amateur Radio) use of 902-928 MHz for data.

2100 Subscribers To Zero Retries!

Unlike previous “century bumps” to the Zero Retries subscriber count that were traceable to a prominent mention of Zero Retries, this latest “century bump” seemed organic - slow, incremental adds (and the usual 3-5% unsubscribes) since hitting 2000 subscribers as of Zero Retries 0165 on 2024-08-16. So, thank you newest subscribers to Zero Retries!

That latter bit deserves periodic mention. The subject matter of Zero Retries - speculation, cheerleading, advocacy, breathless fawning coverage of “Zero Retries Interesting” developments about data communications, microwave, space, general technological innovation in and adjacent to Amateur Radio… isn’t for everyone. Not to mention the irreverent and highly personal editorial tone… Not to mention a lot of folks who read other Substack newsletters who blindly subscribe to every newsletter Substack suggests, including Zero Retries now that the subscriber count is in the thousands.

Thus each week there are always a few folks that unsubscribe to Zero Retries, which is normal, expected, and fine. For those that choose to stick around - Welcome, and Thanks!

Update On Plans To Migrate Zero Retries to the Ghost Platform

For reasons previously discussed, I am actively working to migrate Zero Retries off the Substack newsletter publishing platform to the Ghost newsletter publishing platform by the end of 2024. After a lot of study, I’m comfortable that a migration of Zero Retries from Substack to Ghost is feasible. There are some minor issues to be figured out, and a lot of preparation work to be done, thus a completion date months in the future.

I believe that Zero Retries will be even stronger once it’s hosted on Ghost as Substack is trying to evolve into a new social media ecosystem for (mostly) consumer-focused topics, especially politics. Substack’s “you might be interested in…” suggestions to subscribers of other (non-technical) Substack newsletters referencing Zero Retries are getting kind of comical now.

Going forward, I’ll provide regular updates on the migration, and provide early access to the new platform to the Founding Members and Paid Subscribers. For at least a few weeks, perhaps longer, I’ll likely be publishing Zero Retries in parallel to Substack and Ghost before shifting entirely to Ghost.

Presentation to Granite State Amateur Radio Association

Within one hour of publishing Zero Retries this week, I’ll be doing a presentation about Zero Retries, and the Zero Retries perspective on Amateur Radio to the Granite State Amateur Radio Association (GSARA). I know nothing about GSARA other than they were curious enough about future trends in Amateur Radio to invite me to speak, and they have a very nice, approachable, modern website which, if a person curious about Amateur Radio was directed to, would retain their interest in learning more about GSARA.

In my presentation, I’ll touch on some of the critical technologies and trends about Amateur Radio in the 21st century that I’m seeing in writing Zero Retries. I’ll post the presentation slide deck next week.

Happy Zero Retries Anniversary to Kay Savetz K6KJN

K6KJN has been contributing their What’s New at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications columns to Zero Retries for more than one year now.

Primarily, I’m very grateful to K6KJN for their work on DLARC - it is an incredible resource for Amateur Radio worldwide! Everything that has gone into DLARC - all 124,000+ items, has been “touched” (perhaps “guided” is a better descriptor) by K6KJN in some way, and that is a lot of work. Sometimes that’s hard physical work as in K6KJN’s recent trips to Denver Colorado and Lima Ohio to rescue valuable collections of material for DLARC.

I’ve contributed a lot of material to DLARC, and it’s truly a dream to see some of my unique Amateur Radio material appear in DLARC such as Packet Radio Magazine, thanks to K6KJN’s hard work.

But I’m also grateful to K6KJN for their monthly articles, written uniquely for Zero Retries, of insight into DLARC and Internet Archive’s activities and operations. K6KJN’s first (or, as they termed it, their “Zeroth”) column was in Zero Retries 0115 on 2023-09-08 - One Year Update on Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC). That article was intended as a one-off “report out” about DLARC, but it was well-read in Zero Retries and at my suggestion (or K6KJN’s… I forget - “mutual agreement”), K6KJN began submitting articles monthly. It’s always a small thrill for me to be able to “read it first” of each monthly article.

Over the past year, K6KJN and I have worked well together, first ingesting my hundreds of pounds, and dozens of boxes of material into DLARC and IA. When I’ve been in the Portland, Oregon area we usually meet up and chat and sometimes I hand over some electronic media for K6KJN to personally read and post into DLARC. Then we began chatting about areas of mutual interest, including what’s now called retro computing (Kay knows a few things about Atari home computers). At some point we became friends, and that relationship evolved into our partnering on the Store and Forward podcast, published “approximately biweekly”.

Kay - Thanks for your hard work on DLARC, your support of Zero Retries, and your friendship this past year!

Early Publication of Zero Retries 0170 Next Week

As with Zero Retries 0168, I plan to publish Zero Retries 0170 early next week to provide some perspective on FCC Docket 24-240 Reply Comments period that ends on Friday 2024-09-20. Unlike Zero Retries 0168, I expect Zero Retries 0170 won’t be a single topic.

Will the Rabid Pace of Technological Innovation In (and Adjacent to) Amateur Radio Please Slow Down?

At least, for a bit? 🤨

Of course, I’m being facetious - I love that interesting stuff keeps happening, and I love reporting it out to all of you, but wow, it just keeps coming! This week I was not expecting that Teledatics’ crowdfunding campaign through Crowd Supply would go live, and as you’ll read below, I consider that development very Zero Retries Interesting.

Have a great weekend, all of you 2100+ co-conspirators in Zero Retries Interesting Amateur Radio activities!

Steve N8GNJ

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What’s New at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications - September 2024

By Kay Savetz K6KJN
Program Manager, Special Collections
Internet Archive, Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications
Zero Retries Pseudostaffer

Material from Bob Cooper’s (Coop) estate continues to get digitized, and boy is it paying dividends.

One of Coop’s many publications over the years was Coop's Technology Digest, a “confidential industry newsletter" published ten times a year. It’s filled with super interesting contemporary news about television, radio, and the internet. Unsolicited Email Overloads Internet! Titanic Released on VHS! 51-53 MHz Problems Between New Zealand Radio Operators and Ministry of Commerce! It’s all there. 91 issues of the digest were published: the first issue was August 8, 1991, the last was August 29 2002. I found a majority of the issues in the Denver warehouse — all scanned and online now — but somehow we’re missing 19 issues, tantalizingly close to a complete set. Making matters tricky is that the newsletter was published out of New Zealand and it had a pretty small subscription base (about 150-200 subscribers.) Other than DLARC, it only seems to be available in one library in New Zealand. I’ve added those issues to the DLARC Wantlist.

More than a decade before that, Coop published Community Antenna Television Journal “as a service to the CATV/MATV industries serving the American television viewing public.” (I knew CATV meant cable television. I didn’t know that MATV stands for Master Antenna Television, referring to a system where multiple television sets, typically in a large building or complex, are connected to a central antenna or satellite dish.) Although the journal is about cable TV, I am positive there are amazing ideas and history in these pages for amateur television enthusiasts. The first issue was 1974. We have online every issue through June 1979, then only some issues after that date. I don’t know when he stopped publishing CATJ — we have some 1986 issues, so at least that long.

And two decades before that, Bob Cooper was writing for the American Ionospheric Propagation Association’s newsletter, “TV-DX”. The AIPA was a club for TV and FM DXers — enthusiasts who tried to receive standard television and radio signals from as far away as possible. The group was founded in 1953 and lasted until 1963. Thanks to Bob’s estate, we have 60 issues of the TV-DX newsletter. It’s hard to know exactly, but if that isn’t every issue the group published, it’s pretty close. Cooper began writing for that newsletter in 1954 at age 16.

In non-Coop news, the California Historical Radio Society has also been inundating us with amazing material. I’m particularly intrigued with The Low Band Monitor, a newsletter devoted exclusively to 160m, 80m & 40m DXing. It was published by Steve Gecewicz K0CS under the pen name "Lance Johnson". He passed away in 2021 at the age of 73. K0CS wrote extensively about DXpeditions, contests, and sunspots. He started publishing Monitor in 1993, and it ran through at least 2001. But we have only 18 issues, though 1996. I’d love to find more issues of this little publication.

CHRS also sent us a bunch of tapes of CHRS Radio News, an audio newsletter that was published by that group. It featured interviews, segments on radio history, and clips of old-time radio. (Bonus: I digitized the tapes at my new stand-up desk digitizing station.)

CHRS also sent us an ARRL Emergency Communications public service announcement on an adorably tiny reel of 16mm film. Our friends at Prelinger Archives digitized it for us. It’s a little 30-second ad for ham radio featuring Pernell Roberts and Gregory Harrison, stars of Trapper John, M.D, shot on that set.

When I schlepped 200 boxes of books and manuals from Fair Radio Sales to the digitizing center, I handed them one special box and asked them to prioritize it. Sure enough, here it is: scans of 76 Fair Radio Sales catalogs published from 1970 through 2011. These catalogs are a crazy glimpse into the various radio and electronics surplus items sold from their Lima Ohio warehouse over the course of 41 years.

Speaking of catalogs: Recently added to the Ham Radio Outlet Catalog library is the oldest HBO catalog that we have so far: Spring/Summer 1995. Considering that the company has been around since 1971, it seems like we have a lot of catalogs left to add. Do you have any stashed away?

The 2024 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) conference took place last month in Trenton, NJ. I’ve added all of the papers and slide decks from that event to DLARC’s International EME Conference archive. They didn’t record the talks, but you can learn a lot by browsing the papers and PowerPoint decks of presentations like 432 MHz Moonbounce with a Small Dish and EME at the Deep Space Exploration Society.  The next EME con will be held in 2026 in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Sorry for this hot take, but that seems like a more enticing destination than New Jersey.

I haven’t mentioned it much in Zero Retries because ya’ll want ham radio and not college radio, but there’s a whole lot of historical interconnection between the two. My colleague Jennifer Waits has been working on DLARC’s college radio collection, now nearly 1,600 items strong, that includes radio station program guides, flyers, playlists, ‘zines, correspondence, books, academic theses, and magazines. Almost all of this material is freshly digitized, never online before, including 90+ issues of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s Journal of College Radio. Here’s Jennifer’s blog post with more info about DLARC’s College Radio collection.

This final item is a tease, a tantalizing peek into a collection that’s coming to DLARC later this year. Check out these QSL Pennants and Radio Stickers. Most hams know about QSL cards, but perhaps fewer are familiar with QSL pennants: decorative flags or banners for radio stations. I scanned this collection of pennants as part of a much larger collection of shortwave material that I’m excited to tell you more about soon.

Next month I’ll be at Pacificon in California, giving a presentation about DLARC and hanging out at the DLARC booth. Come say hi. First, I need to create some materials for the booth. I’d like to print some brief quotes about how people have benefitted from the materials they’ve found in the library. So if you’d like to provide some feedback about how DLARC has helped you, please shoot a me quick message at the email address below.

Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications is funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) to create a free digital library for the radio community, researchers, educators, and students. If you have questions about the project or material to contribute, contact me at

K6KJN and N8GNJ are co-hosts of the Store and Forward Podcast - a podcast about the past and future of amateur radio. K6KJN offers their perspective about recent developments in the Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications, and I offer my perspective about recent exciting developments covered in Zero Retries.

802.11ah / HaLow Gets a Bit More Mainstream, and Potentially, Integrates with AREDN

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

I’ve been following the progress of a small company in Westford, Massachusetts, USA called Teledatics for more than a year now since the introduction of their initial product that operated in the 902-928 MHz band, which I discussed in Zero Retries 0038 - Halo TD-XPAH - New 902-928 MHz 802.11ah Radio. Teledatics has now begun its crowdfunding campaign for HaloMax, its next generation of 802.11ah / HaLow products for 902-928 MHz.

Reference - Zero Retries 0162 - New Distance Record Claimed for 802.11ah (Wi-Fi HaLow) on 902-928 MHz (33 cm) Band

This is one of those rare “best of times / worst of times” moments for experimenters… or just users… of radio technology for fast data communications.

The best of times perspective is that in the past few years, IEEE 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow has emerged as a technical standard and an interoperability standard, which opens the possibility of longer range “Wider-Fi” radio-based networking using the 902-928 MHz band. To date, the vast majority of products for data communications in 902-928 MHz have been proprietary, and thus expensive, and non-interoperable with other vendor’s products.

The worst of times perspective is the requested reconfiguration of the 902-928 MHz band by NextNav in FCC Docket 24-240. If the FCC agrees with NextNav and reconfigures 902-928 MHz per NextNav’s request, that would almost certainly destroy the utility of the 902-928 MHz for unlicensed (Part 15) users such as those who would like to use 802.11ah / HaLow products.

For months, I’ve been in email communication with Teledatics CEO James Ewing about Teledatics’ pending next generation of 802.11ah / HaLow products. (It’s a relief not to have to keep this information confidential any longer.) My initial contact with Ewing was to point out that there’s a potential market for Teledatics’ products for 902-928 MHz with Amateur Radio Operators who have enhanced capabilities in 902-928 MHz including the ability to operate higher power transmitters than unlicensed (Part 15) users. In particular, I mentioned the possibility of extending Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (ARDEN) mesh networking into 902-928 MHz. Currently AREDN is capable of being used in the 2.3 / 2.4 GHz band with some Wi-Fi and Wireless ISP (WISP) units, but is mostly used in the 5.x GHz band. While 5.x GHz works with clear line of site (think users looking up at a mountain or communications tower with no trees in the way), those with trees in their path are constrained, and AREDN usage isn’t really practical… or at least reasonable without a tall tower to “shoot above the trees”.

But, the physics of radio spectrum is that 902-928 MHz radios (similar to VHF and UHF radios) can penetrate trees. So if we could add 802.11ah / HaLow units to an AREDN mesh, on the logical level that 2.x and 5.x GHz AREDN users could interoperate with 902-928 MHz AREDN users, that… would be highly useful.

It’s a fantasy… for a later time, that 802.11ah / HaLow units could be adapted to operate in the (shared) Amateur Radio bands at 219-220 MHz, 420-450 MHz, and 1240-1300 MHz. The 802.11ah standard includes channel sizes as small as 1 MHz, for up to 12 Mbps (using 256-QAM). Thus that idea is feasible, potentially through the use of a wideband transverter, but creating such a unit would require demonstrating a reasonable market within Amateur Radio.

Ewing was intrigued enough at my suggestion of Amateur Radio usage of Teledatics’ products and the potential of AREDN, especially that it is open source and based in part on OpenWRT, that he recently got his Amateur Radio license - KC1UDQ so that he can experiment with Teledatics products with Amateur Radio capabilities in addition to using it for unlicensed (Part 15) activities.

This week, Teledatics launched their crowdfunding campaign for their family of HaloMax™ Long-range Wireless products through Crowd Supply. There are a number of units offered, the most interesting of which (to me) is the

Image courtesy of Teledatics

HaloMax™ Raspberry Pi bundle

Raspberry Pi compatible daughterboard, TD-HALOC HaloMax™ m.2 card, TE Connectivity L000549-02 3.3 dBi antenna

$119 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide

Personal note… it still blows my techie mind that a data radio unit that can potentially do > 100 Mbps in 902-928 MHz… comfortably fits in half of the palm of my hand (m.2 form factor). I’ve long since come to terms that a 1 TB memory “card” the size of my smallest fingernail could easily be lost in a shag rug carpet if it was dropped… but I’m still working on grokking that level of capability and compactness for radios.

That’s a really reasonable price point for experimenting with the capabilities of 802.11ah / HaLow. Of course, multiply that x2 for being able to do one’s own experiments, but if this became a club (or just a few co-conspirators) project, a group buy would be a lot of fun.

I think these new Teledatics products (HaloMax) are the most compatible with Amateur Radio experimentation with 802.11ah / HaLow that I’ve seen to date. They can be integrated into a “radio on pole” unit, (theoretically - needs to be tested) powered by a Raspberry Pi using a Power over Ethernet (POE) HAT. The Teledatics units provide an external antenna connector so that a reasonable gain outdoor-rated 902-928 MHz antenna can be used.

But… a few disclaimers:

First, if you participate in this crowdfunding campaign, the stated ship date (which really can’t be more than an estimate) is 2025-02-09. That said, the production will be done in the US, so this date is probably a lot better than the more usual “let’s hope that our suppliers in China come through on time” estimate.

Second, this is a crowdfunding campaign, with all the baggage of that form of “purchase”.

Third, there is of course the issue of the future of 902-928 MHz (in the US) with FCC Docket 24-240.

All that said… despite having had some poor experiences with previous crowdfunding campaigns through Crowd Supply, with (what I consider) poor oversight and poor customer service from Crowd Supply… my history of communications with Teledatics CEO James Ewing gives me enough confidence in this Crowd Supply crowdfunding project to “buy in” for at least a pair of the Raspberry Pi bundle.

But that last is just me and my personal perspective.

Update - tap, tap, mouse, mouse, click clickI’m now a backer of HaloMax for two Raspberry Pi bundles. I look forward to February, 2024 and unlike the previous units from Teledatics, these will get on the air soon after they arrive.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

New Ryobi 18V ONE+ 120-Watt Power Source With 12V Output

I’m a member of the “Ryobi ONE+” household battery devices “tribe”. There are many other such tribes2 based around interchangeable batteries and portable power tools that use those batteries. Having bought into the Ryobi ONE+ ecosystem of batteries and gadgets nearly a decade ago now, I’m content to be locked in to the ONE+ tribe. In my opinion / observation / usage, Ryobi does a decent job of coming out with good gadgets and the batteries are of good quality and are reasonably long lived - I have several batteries that have lasted seven years and are still working well. It’s also convenient that many ONE+ units are stocked at Home Depot3.

The one gadget that I’ve wanted, and until very recently, Ryobi did not offer, was a power module that could output 12 volts (has an internal DC-DC converter). There have been numerous non-Ryobi ONE+ 12 volt adapters that use dubious electrical connections, 3D printed cases, poor mechanicals, etc. Considering the energy density of my larger Ryobi ONE+ batteries, I wasn’t willing to consider using something like those. I just kept hoping for a ONE+ 12 volt adapter from Ryobi, and finally that wait is over.

The new “18V ONE+ 120-Watt Power Source with 12V Output4:

Image courtesy of Ryobi

Under the “12VDC” flap is a “cigarette lighter” socket, and Ryobi states that it’s good for “120 watts”, so doing the math, you can pull up to 10A out of that. But considering the largest batteries I have are 7AH units, that big a load is not that realistic. But in a pinch, for recharging some Amateur Radio systems, phones, tablets, and other USB-powered devices, it looks like a good choice (I bought two). Of course, the logical accessory to this for Amateur Radio use is a mating plug and Anderson PowerPole adapter and splitter, which I already have.

Obviously this isn’t the solution to backup 12 volt DC power, especially given that I have to switch batteries for long term power needs, but I like that it’s a point solution. Where I need 12 volt backup power for a while (like on a project bench), I can just plunk one of these down and don’t have to run extension cords from my other AC to 12 volt power supplies or bigger backup power sources. I can just pick this up, plug in the load, and it’s usable for hours.

If you just need 2x USB A ports for ONE+ batteries (no 12 volts, no AC, no USB-C, there’s the Ryobi 18V ONE+ Portable Power Source.

Mercury v0.3 - Linux and Windows

Rafael Diniz on the ARDC Community email list:

We just released Mercury 0.3. Now runs on Linux and Windows.

- Audio I/O rewrite.
- Windows support
- New shared memory modes
- Command line switches

More at:

I uploaded a Windows binary here:

Briefly, Mercury is “just a modem” (software equivalent of a dialup modem; not even as full featured as a typical Terminal Node Controller - TNC). Thus Mercury requires other software to manage it to establish connections, work with the computer to upload, store files, display incoming data, handle the keyboard, etc.

But in that simplicity… is huge flexibility:

Supported clients

Mercury alone is not very useful. A client is needed to receive and transmit information using Mercury. The folder "examples" has a transmitter and receiver example to use with the TX_SHM and RX_SHM modes. A more complete client called HERMES-BROADCAST to be used for data broadcast which uses RaptorQ codes is available here: .

For a simple ARQ client which supports hamlib, take a look at:

Any VARA client should be compatible with Mercury. Compatibility support is not complete. If you find a VARA client which does not communicate, please report. Base TCP port is 7002 (7002 control and 7003 data).

For a more complete ARQ client which integrates Mercury to UUCP, look at:

It would be cool to see how Mercury performs with a good control program like VarAC.

I can envision Mercury as the HF component in a basic HF station for data communications, especially given Rhizomatica’s other goal of using an open source radio such as the sBitx. Add a basic power supply and a basic HF antenna, and you have a decent data communications radio for regional communications.

And this is only version 0.3! I’m very much looking forward to see Mercury evolve over the coming years.

OpenRTX Team Releases First Open Source Version for A36plus MAX

Per email from Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP:

The renowned developer team, OpenRTX, has recently released the first open-source version for the Talkpod A36plus MAX. This marks a significant milestone for the A36plus MAX, a device equipped with 128K+2M of large memory. This substantial memory capacity not only supports basic functionalities but also provides developers with a robust environment to expand and customize features according to their needs.

Key Features of A36plus MAX With its expansive memory, the A36plus MAX offers endless possibilities for developers to innovate. Whether you want to add new functionalities or enhance existing ones, the A36plus MAX provides the perfect platform. Its color LED screen opens up opportunities for creating engaging mini-games, displaying clearer radio waves, signal waterfalls, and much more.

It’s finally happening, in a substantive manner, that radio manufacturers are directly supporting open source alteration of the operating characteristics of their radios. The manufacturers that embrace this trend will do very well.

Though this development specifically references OpenRTX, which has done amazing things with some other radios, this announcement isn’t definitive about the scope of what third party, open source software can actually do to the base characteristics of the radio:

Whether you're interested in enhancing the device's functionality or exploring the possibilities of its color LED screen…

OK, nice that third party software can:

… creating engaging mini-games…

But what’s really needed is to have access to the base functionality of the radio for adding, for example, M17 compatibility or especially (audio based) data modes, access to I/O such as USB connectivity (do data modes with the A36plus MAX plugged into a laptop via USB…), remote control (change frequencies, etc.).

Again, this is finally happening, and not a moment too soon for our newest generation of younger Amateur Radio Operators with a techie background that are coming in ready to engage their mad hacking skilz on radios!

Two Notes About IPv6

Comment on Zero Retries 0166 by Ben Kuhn KU0HN:

Hurricane Electric (one of the big tier-3 internet transit providers) offers free IPv6 "certifications." I put it in quotes because I don't think it would really help on a resume, but the program is a great way to learn IPv6 by doing. To make it all the way through you need to set up IPv6 somehow, either using an allocation from your ISP or one of their IPv6 tunnels, and set up DNS, a web server, and a mail server. It's a great little home lab activity.

Email from Ren Roderick K7JB:

Interesting video by Network Chuck about a recent attack on IPv6...

The MMDVM is Famous, It Seems!

Email from Jonathan Naylor G4KLX:

The BBC are bringing out a new drama called Nightsleeper, and in the trailer you can see a version of the MMDVM, presumably being used by some baddies to do something naughty to a train. I don’t know how they plan to use it that way, so I suppose I’ll have to watch it to see my creation being used for nefarious purposes.

You get a glimpse of it at 0:05 in the trailer posted by the BBC on YouTube. Here is a screenshot of it.

Image courtesy of Jonathan Naylor G4KLX

Stealth goal of the MMDVM project - used as a plot device in a movie 🤣

Flipper Zero Firmware 1.0 Released

Meet the first major release of Flipper Zero firmware — version 1.0. In this release, we have completed work on many features that have been in development for 3 years and are now stable. In this post, we’ll show you what’s new in Firmware 1.0 and the challenges we faced during development.

What’s new in Firmware 1.0

  • 3rd-party apps: We’ve introduced dynamic app loading support. Now you can install hundreds of community-developed apps from the Apps Catalog, and the number of apps continues to grow.

  • New NFC subsystem: Completely rewritten from scratch, resulting in a significant increase in card reading speed. New NFC card types support and a new plugin system for user card parsers.

  • JavaScript support: You can now develop apps for Flipper Zero using JavaScript.

  • General system improvements: Battery life reaches 1 month in standby. Bluetooth data transfer speed with Android devices increased by up to 2x. Firmware updates now upload via Bluetooth 40% faster.

Flipper Zero is a game changer in exploring the myriad uses of radio technology in ordinary everyday consumer life. It’s on my (long and still growing… sigh…) list of radio technology things to explore. And, yes, this is a “hacking” tool - for good, or ill (believe me, the “folks with nefarious intent” are way ahead of this public, friendly version of Flipper Zero). It’s out there, so there’s no point in complaining about it, so we progressive Zero Retries folks that enjoy experimenting with radio technology might as well get ahead of this trend so we’re equipped to understand what the bad guys could be doing with this technology.

Meet the Radio-obsessed Civilian Shaping Ukraine’s Drone Defense

MIT Technology Review article by Charlie Metcalfe:

Since Russia’s invasion, Serhii “Flash” Beskrestnov has become an influential, if sometimes controversial, force—sharing expert advice and intel on the ever-evolving technology that’s taken over the skies. His work may determine the future of Ukraine, and wars far beyond it.

Serhii “Flash” Beskrestnov hates going to the front line. The risks terrify him. “I’m really not happy to do it at all,” he says. But to perform his particular self-appointed role in the Russia-Ukraine war, he believes it’s critical to exchange the relative safety of his suburban home north of the capital for places where the prospect of death is much more immediate. “From Kyiv,” he says, “nobody sees the real situation.”

So about once a month, he drives hundreds of kilometers east in a homemade mobile intelligence center: a black VW van in which stacks of radio hardware connect to an array of antennas on the roof that stand like porcupine quills when in use. Two small devices on the dash monitor for nearby drones. Over several days at a time, Flash studies the skies for Russian radio transmissions and tries to learn about the problems facing troops in the fields and in the trenches.

It’s inexplicable to me why the Ukraine military doesn’t simply create a special law, draft this guy into the military (again), pay him a handsome salary for his singular skills, provide him with whatever equipment he could need, and create a military unit or at least a staff for him to train directly. It’s comforting to me as a US citizen that lack of common sense about situations like this other national governments, even in wartime.

This is a fascinating article (highly recommended to Zero Retries readers). It’s an example of “what we’re up against” in this new era of “next level electronic warfare” based on bleeding edge drone and radio technology. This battle isn’t being fought cleanly, bloodlessly in cyberspace, on computer networks or the Internet. This type of electronic warfare is “trench warfare with radios” - up close, personal, on the battlefront, direct, life-endangering with lethal consequences if your radio technology isn’t superior to the enemy’s radio technology.

This article is a great illustration of why we in Western countries desperately need more folks in the “Spectrum Workforce” with hands-on expertise with radio technology. Not “configure the Wi-Fi” or “write an app for a mobile phone” expertise, but direct, visceral understanding of radio technology… like the degree of intimately knowledge you get in using Amateur Radio systems and technology.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Annual Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0001 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01 (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0011 - Rick Prelinger W6XBE

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

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    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications - beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs in Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


There is also 802.11af which is designed for to use vacant television broadcast channels in the UHF band for broadband Internet access. As promising as that was, it just didn’t take off because of the many technical constraints imposed by the television broadcast industry to not ever, never, don’t even think about imagining interfering, even slightly, with a television broadcast… EVER! Really - NEVER! A lot of good people, companies, and service providers tried to make use of 802.11af and “TV White Space” spectrum, but in the end, it was more cost effective to use other systems.


For anyone that wants to argue the technical merits of their favorite consumer interchangeable battery ecosystem… I’ll happily concede. This is one of many such technical issues where I just don’t care to allocate mental bandwidth for reasonable study of alternatives. For my usage, the Ryobi ONE+ batteries and tools have worked well enough and have proven reliable enough.


For those not in the US, Home Depot is national chain of “big box” stores in the US for building supplies, a pretty good selection of tools, reasonable retail prices, etc.


Ryobi is the first consumer products company that, from the verbose product names such as “18V ONE+ 120-Watt Power Source With 12V Output“, I feel like I could work there as a product manager. These are the kinds of names, that with my limited “naming” imagination, I could do at least as well.

Zero Retries 0168

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2000+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01 for renewing as a Founding Member Annual Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Founding members are listed in every issue of Zero Retries!

My thanks to my old friend and former colleague Sid Siegel for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Bill Sefton N6OWF for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Jeff Hochberg W4JEW for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a significant vote of support for the continued publication of Zero Retries.

Nice Things Said About Zero Retries Department

In a private email correspondence this past week, a Zero Retries adviser said:

You and ZR are really the voice for the real advancement in Amateur Radio.

Wow. That was powerful, and appreciated.

I don’t… had not previously… thought of Zero Retries in quite such absolute terms, but that statement was made by someone else (with standing, in my opinion, to make such an observation) and their statement was unsolicited.

Thus, I’ll accept that statement with grace and Thanks. And try to continue to live up to it.

I’ll mention once again that Zero Retries, was created, and over the previous three years, shaped, out of frustration that other Amateur Radio “media” should be doing this job - with their greater resources, reporting out into their much wider audiences in Amateur Radio1 about the amazing diversity and quantity of technological innovation occurring in the present within Amateur Radio. Eventually I got irritated enough about this lack that I decided “If they’re not going to do it… I can’t do any worse by trying to do it myself.” And thus, Zero Retries was born, and continues.

I wish it didn’t feel necessary for what I write about in Zero Retries to be pushing out quite so far onto the bleeding edges of technological innovation in Amateur Radio. In previous decades, I would happily read articles by others about technological innovation by others far smarter, more accomplished, and more involved than I am. One prime example is the May 1995 issue of QST. But in this era, other than the occasional Zero Retries Interesting YouTube video, or some tightly focused (silo’d) organizations (the satellite orgs, the low power techies, the Amateur Radio television folks, the software radio crowd, etc.), no other person or organization seems to be attempting to cover the totality of the technological innovation that’s happening in Amateur Radio in this era!

So, thank you, unnamed advisor, and all the advisors, friends, and contributors (and especially the Zero Retries Pseudostaffers) who “keep me in the loop” behind the scenes, about the interesting stuff going on in Amateur Radio. And Thank You once again to the Founding Members and the Paid Subscribers who financially support the expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries, and enabling several future fun projects that will emerge this Fall now that Zero Retries is paying its own way.

Newest Zero Retries Pseudostaffers - Cale Mooth K4HCK and Tom Salzer KJ7T

Cale Muth K4HCK and Tom Salzer KJ7T have been named to the exalted ranks of Zero Retries Pseudostaffers.

Zero Retries Pseudostaffers are folks that contribute regularly and substantively to me and Zero Retries by providing “heads up” notifications, feedback, and posting to their own outlets (email lists, blogs, newsletters, etc.).

K4HCK’s contribution as a Zero Retries Pseudostaffer is Amateur Radio Weekly (ARW). I can’t think of a weekly issue of ARW in the past year where there wasn’t at least one Zero Retries Interesting item, and it’s regularly the case that an issue of ARW consists mostly of Zero Retries Interesting items. Zero Retries publishes on Fridays at 15:30 Pacific, and ARW publishes sometime in the wee hours of Saturday mornings. Thus I look forward to ARW to see “what did K4HCK spot that I missed”?

KJ7T’s contribution as a Zero Retries Pseudostaffer is his weekly newsletter The Random Wire. I particularly value KJ7T’s writing every week as, similarly to Zero Retries, he writes longer, explanatory pieces in a conversational style. KJ7T delves into technical areas of Amateur Radio, usually from a hands-on perspective, that I just don’t quite have the bandwidth to cover. Most issues of The Random Wire almost alway requires multiple readings to grasp all of the content2. When KJ7T publishes an article that’s overwhelmingly Zero Retries Interesting, I often just mention it in passing in Zero Retries’ ZR > BEACON section because I usually can’t offer any better context on a subject than KJ7T’s writing.

Thank you Cale and Tom for your invaluable assistance with Zero Retries over the past several years, and I continue to expect great things of you as Zero Retries Pseudostaffers! 🤣

In This Connected Era…

I wrote this item as a footnote in the FCC Comments as a minor illustration of how hyper-connected we have become (and how much we “value” such hyper-connectivity). But rereading it during an editing pass, it was a bit too “familiar” and off-topic for the FCC, so I moved it here.

In my household, the oddest examples of continuous connectivity that I never would have imagined as recently as five years ago, are:

  1. Our new firmness and adjustable headboard bed wants to be connected to the Internet so it can report back to me on the “quality of my sleep” (declined).

  2. My Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) appliance has a built-in cellular modem and thus offers to advise me, via an app, on the “quality of my sleep” (declined).

  3. My continuous glucose monitor adhered to my arm connects via Bluetooth to my mobile phone to let my doctor see a chart of my varying glucose levels, which I allow.

  4. Though my watch is a “smart watch” with both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, it’s now “old fashioned” that it doesn’t have its own cellular modem, which is nearly standard on current models of my watch. But my next smart watch will have one.

We live in such a wondrous era of technology… especially radio technology, of which I am continuously, endlessly fascinated.

Apologies for Not Publishing This Issue As Early as Promised

In Zero Retries 0167 I said that I hoped to publish this issue of Zero Retries on Tuesday 2024-09-03. Unfortunately, I underestimated the time that my contributions to two (non Zero Retries) writing projects would require. My contributions to both of those writing projects were “behind the scenes”, and time sensitive because additional work on them by others was pending on my inputs. Thus this week-long stretch of intense writing was a bit grueling. I consider both of those projects to be important to the future of Amateur Radio so that was time well-spent, but it impacted the delivery of this issue of Zero Retries.

Thus apologies for Zero Retries Readers seeing this issue barely 24 hours before Comments on FCC Docket 24-240 are due.

Reply Comments on FCC Docket 24-240 are due on 2024-09-20, and I will be working on the Reply Comments issue of Zero Retries nearly immediately… after taking a one or two day break from this solid week of writing, and getting my Docket 24-240 comments formally submitted to the FCC.

And… Apologies to Non-US Readers for This US-Centric Issue

This issue is dedicated to FCC Docket 24-240 regarding the US 902-928 MHz band. While that band is also available in a few other countries such as Canada, only the US is impacted by the FCC considering the reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz. I consider 902-928 MHz to very important to the future of US Amateur Radio, and to radio technology experimentation in general, thus, this dedicated issue of Zero Retries seems justified.

Have a great weekend, all of you co-conspirators in Zero Retries Intersting Amateur Radio activities!

Steve N8GNJ

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Backgrounder on Commenting on FCC Docket 24-240

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

My backgrounder to Zero Retries readers, and my comments to the FCC regarding FCC Docket 24-240, NextNav’s attempted reconfiguration (hostile takeover) of the 902-928 MHz band in the US, due by end of day 2024-09-05.

Please understand that what follows is my personal perspective on how best to offer comments to the FCC on Docket 24-240. I’d like to think my comments are “informed”, but in the end they are my comments from my background and my perspective.

If you offer your comments to the FCC based on what you read here, please don’t accept what I say “blindly”. If you read my points, and agree, great. But please don’t consider me and my comments an all authoritative source.

Primary things to know about FCC Docket 24-240

  • FCC WTB and OET Seek Comment on NextNav Petition for Rulemaking (PDF)

  • ARRL Guide to Filing Comments with FCC (how to use the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).

  • The FCC ECFS allows either “fill or paste comments into a text box” or attachment of a document file. If you intend to attach a document file, please consider the following from someone who spent several days reading Comments submitted to Docket 24-240. I recommend:

    • Convert your document file to a PDF, and submit the PDF file. While the ECFS does allow the file format to be a .txt, a .rtf, a .doc, or a .docx, those types of files cause a “helper app” to be loaded, and (at least, in my opinion), that’s a pain. Microsoft Word as a “reader” was such a pain I disabled it on my system. In contrast, a PDF file opens right in the web browser and is formatted exactly as the author laid it out.

    • From experience, when I use web addresses in a filing to the FCC, I don’t attempt to do hyperlinks. Instead I follow the word(s) that would be hyperlinked with the URL in parentheses such as ( I’ve seen FCC submissions where the hyperlinks were converted and mangled to the point where the hyperlinks were rendered unusable.

    • I know that legal documents use footnotes (and the FCC uses them extravagantly). But like hyperlinks, I’ve seen submissions to the FCC where the footnotes were mangled (often cut off) and thus rendered unusable. Thus I don’t incorporate footnotes in my FCC submissions. (Yes, this issue of Zero Retries includes footnotes, but when I convert my comments for submission, there won’t be any footnotes.)

    • Include your name and the docket number in the filename, such as:
      FCC_24-240_Comments_of_Steven_K_Stroh. With that, the bare minimum of information about your input is discernible when downloaded into a directory of other such files.

    • This next is a very personal preference from dealing with files accessed from mixed operating systems such as UNIX and Linux and MS-DOS3 that “barf” on filenames with spaces and characters other than dashes (-) and underscores (_). I generally create filenames as a string, using only dashes and underscores as separators. For my personal use, I only use lowercase characters, but that’s often annoying to those less geeky than I, so for “polite company” like this, I use mixed case in a filename.

  • The close of the Comment period is end of day Thursday 2024-09-05 - tomorrow! If it’s not possible to submit your comments by then, submit them anyway, as soon as possible (it cannot hurt). The FCC will eventually close Comment submission.

  • Following the Comment period, there is a Reply to Comment period which ends 2024-09-20.

  • Here is the listing (search) of Comments on Docket 24-240 filed to date (more than 400)

  • Previously coverage of FCC Docket 24-240 in Zero Retries:

In my (very incomplete) reading of comments, the three main types of responders are industry / government users such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Internet of Things (IOT), Meshtastic users, and Amateur Radio Operators.

What the FCC Wants to Hear About (Cares About)

A trusted advisor provided me with this short, pithy, realistic, and a bit brutal “reality check” list of the real priorities of the FCC in considering issues such as Docket 24-240:

  • Innovation

  • Creating new tax paying businesses

  • Unserved and underserved populations

    • Native Americans

    • People with disabilities

    • Schoolchildren

  • Emergency communications

  • Broadband communications

  • Revenue to the US government (spectrum auctions)

  • Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA)4

  • National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)5

This adviser consistently offers “distilled wisdom” on matters relating to the FCC, and I am very grateful for his input such as this.

To this adviser’s points, I would add:

  • Addressing the shortage of the Spectrum Workforce as outlined in the Biden-Harris Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy ( to expand the workforce of of those knowledgeable about radio technology to create new radio technology systems and build and maintain radio technology systems.

  • STEM education (we need more techies, not just programmers)

  • US national and regional security, including (radio systems) cybersecurity

  • US national economic activity / impact (not necessarily just paying taxes)

Note that “hobbyist” activity such as “playing around with Meshtastic” or “chatting on an Amateur Radio repeater” does not appear on the above list. Such activities are simply not on the FCC’s “cares about” list. But using Meshtastic to encourage STEM and Maker activities by students and youth, or Amateur Radio repeaters to provide emergency and “no dependence on cellular, Internet, or satellite” communications is something that the FCC “cares about”.

Attacking NextNav Won’t Make an Impact With the FCC

Expressing one’s opinions about NextNav’s business model, technology, motivations, or its assertions about its importance to the overall security of the US as “backup” for GPS will not make an impact with the FCC, in my opinion. For example, claiming that that NextNav’s actions “aren’t fair” will have no impact with the FCC.

It’s settled precedent that NextNav obtained a license for its services from the FCC to operate in 902-928 MHz. What’s at issue is NextNav’s claims that its proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz into dedicated sub-bands for its operations “minimally impacts” other uses of 902-928 MHz, and that the current rules on “interference” should be altered to favor NextNav’s (proposed) operations.

However specious and self-serving NextNav’s claims seem (their “create more 5G spectrum” is particularly galling to me), offering comments that are essentially “emotional” attacks on NextNav’s claims simply won’t make any impact with the FCC.

In short, for maximum impact with the FCC, comments against NextNav’s proposed changes to 902-928 MHz need to be made on standing, facts, merit, technical aspects, and especially the “FCC cares about…” points.

“Standing” is that as an Amateur Radio Operator, I am qualified to comment on how NextNav’s proposed changes will impact Amateur Radio Operations on 902-928 MHz. But I also have standing, as a citizen user of 902-928 MHz, to comment. Admittedly it’s a bit tricky to offer “citizen” comments that aren’t “hobbyist”, but I think it’s possible.

Mostly it’s important to remember that Amateur Radio operations in 902-928 MHz are secondary to NextNav’s operations in 902-928 MHz. Not only are Amateur Radio operations in 902-928 MHz secondary to NextNav, they are tertiary to other operations such as industrial use, US military RADAR, as well as Location and Monitoring Services (LMS) which is the type of service that NextNav offers in 902-928 MHz. Amateur Radio is not the “big dog” in 902-928 MHz.

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Comments of Steven K. Stroh Regarding FCC Docket 24-240

Submitted 2024-09-05 via the FCC Electronic Comments Filing System as a PDF file, filename FCC_24-240_Comments_Steven_K_Stroh_2024-09-05.


I feel that the radical reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz proposed by NextNav in Docket 24-240 is not in the broadest possible public interest. 902-928 MHz is a unique portion of spectrum, with an enormous number of users and systems, using widely varying technologies and techniques to to coexist and cooperate in 902-928 MHz. In short 902-928 MHz is a unique ecosystem for radio technology in the US, and its current configuration should be continued. I will cite a number of technologies which provide equivalent services and capabilities to those that NextNav states can only be provided by its proprietary technology and by radical reconfiguration and disruption of 902-928 MHz.


I am an Amateur Radio Operator (callsign N8GNJ), licensed for nearly 40 years. I am a GMRS user (callsign WRPS598). I also had a Citizens Band license - callsign xxxxxxx. My professional background is an Electronic Technician, computing System Administrator, and Technology Writer. I live in Bellingham, Washington. I write a weekly independent newsletter called Zero Retries ( that highlights technological innovation occurring in Amateur Radio worldwide.

My primary interest within Amateur Radio is operating data communications modes, experimentation, and helping to develop and prove new radio-based data communications modes. In Zero Retries every week, I document the remarkable evolution in radio technology occurring in Amateur Radio based on new technologies such as Software Defined Radio (software and hardware), Digital Signal Processing, novel and new antenna techniques, use of multiple inexpensive receivers and many other fascinating new approaches and technologies applied to old problems in radio communications.

In short, I posit to the readers of Zero Retries that Amateur Radio is a literal license to experiment with radio technology, with low barriers to entry, especially in the Amateur Radio VHF / UHF bands of which 902-928 MHz is one.

While my primary standing to comment on Docket 24-240 is my perspective as an Amateur Radio Operator, I also feel qualified to comment on Docket 24-240 as a member of the general public (a citizen) who uses 902-928 MHz for experimental and education purposes, as well as mundane uses of 902-928 MHz such as a cordless telephone that was specifically chosen for its operation on 902-928 MHz to not be interfered by my wireless systems operating on 2.4 GHz.

Comments on Amateur Radio Usage of 902-928 MHz

Amateur Radio operations readily acknowledge their place in the hierarchy of operations within 902-928 MHz and has figured out how to “fit in”, typically by placing its systems and operations at the lower and upper ends of of the band where the “noise” from unlicensed systems is lowest.

In some parts of the US, use of portions, or all, of the (shared) “Amateur Radio” 420-450 MHz band is prohibited due to the primary user of this band - operation of the US military’s PAVE PAWS RADAR systems.

Another band where Amateur Radio operations seem likely to be severely restricted is the 1240-1300 MHz band where the primary user is Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) which have begun coming online in the past several years, primarily Europe’s Galileo system.

Thus, many US Amateur Radio operators, clubs, and systems such as repeaters, have begun using 902-928 MHz - quite successfully (and uneventfully to other uses and users of 902-928 MHz).

Many Amateur Radio commenters have described the technical issues of radio systems used for Amateur Radio in 902-928 MHz as to why it is infeasible to reconfigure them to accommodate NextNav’s suggested reconfiguration of the band.

Thus, in many areas where 420-450 MHz is unavailable for Amateur Radio use, Amateur Radio’s ability to provide emergency communications, with no dependence on communications infrastructure such as cellular networks, Internet, or satellite, would be reduced or curtailed if NextNav’s suggested reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz were implemented.

If NextNav’s suggested reconfiguration of the band is implemented, Amateur Radio’s ability to provide emergency communications using 902-928 MHz would be severely reduced or curtailed. Thus, that impact on emergency communications capability should be a consideration by the Commission.

If 902-928 MHz Is Reconfigured Per NextNav’s Request, a Unique Spectrum Ecosystem Will Be Severely Impacted

902-928 MHz is a spectrum resource that is unique to the Americas (ITU Region 2), and especially to the US and Canada. 902-928 MHz is uniquely useful because its characteristics are somewhat like the UHF bands:

  • Good penetration of trees

  • Radios for 902-928 MHz are easier to build compared to microwave frequencies

But also similar to the microwave bands above 1 GHz:

  • Antennas are small and manageable

  • Antennas can be made directional, but still compact, for longer range using minimal power

Because of those aspects of 902-928 MHz, it has become the “go to” band for experimentation, innovation, and deployed services and systems. Varying uses of 902-928 MHz range from cordless telephones, to Amazon’s Sidewalk Network for its smart home devices, to Amateur Radio using 902-928 MHz for Earth-Moon-Earth communications experimentation.

Another example of the utility of 902-928 MHz comes from my earlier career of writing about Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs). 902-928 MHz was the first band where Internet Access via wireless systems was possible. I wrote about the use of an innovative small company, WiLAN offering its “Hopper” products to some of the earliest WISPs which were then able to provide Internet service in rural areas that barely had landline telephones. Metricom, using 902-928 MHz for its Ricochet service, proved out the utility of microcells on utility poles, far predating the use of microcells by the cellular industry.

While 902-928 MHz use by WISPs have declined because other bands offered higher speeds, 902-928 MHz is still in use by many WISPs in places where its unique characteristics are useful, such as areas with extensive tree cover.

Those are just a few examples from my personal experience, amongst hundreds, perhaps thousands of use cases, technologies, and operating systems and services where the unique characteristics of 902-928 MHz and the Commission’s decision to allow Licensed by Rule operations in that band have made it the preferred spectrum choice. In 902-928 MHz, the Commission has created a portion of spectrum where innovative radio technology techniques and systems can be developed, tested, and deployed rapidly and at minimal cost (no leasing or licensing of spectrum required).

From my perspective, the most impressive aspect about 902-928 MHz is that all these myriad use cases have all figured out how to “get along”. 902-928 MHz is a spectrum “melting pot” or “mixed, eclectic neighborhood” where every use and user of 902-928 MHz has figured out how to fit in and get along with all the other uses and users.

And that innovation in 902-928 MHz continues to the present day and the projected future.

One of the biggest changes in 902-928 MHz in recent years is the creation of LoRa ( which is an implementation of Chirp Spread Spectrum modulation. LoRa has proven to be amazingly effective, reliable, and inexpensive. While LoRa was intended as an Internet of Things technology, it has been widely adopted by experimenters who have used LoRa units to create Meshtastic (, an innovative text messaging system using mesh network technology, which has no dependence on cellular, Internet, or satellite infrastructure.

Meshtastic was not created by a company, or a government program. It was created by a user community as an open source project. Meshtastic has been very widely adopted by techies, and is simple enough to build and operate user equipment and network units (relays) that non-techies can also use Meshtastic effectively. Meshtastic has kindled the curiosity and imagination of those who have been curious about radio technology (but not quite ready to become an Amateur Radio Operator). Such experimentation and self-education should be encouraged (see Spectrum Workforce later in this Comment). We don’t yet know the kind of innovation that Meshtastic (and follow-on systems) can create, so we need to allow it to continue.

Several years ago, IEEE ratified a new wireless standard - 802.11ah ( for “extended range” networking below 1 GHz, such as 902-928 MHz in the US. In conjunction with 802.11ah, the Wi-Fi Alliance created Wi-Fi HaLow ( This degree of standardization, coupled with the unique characteristics of 902-928 MHz, incentivized radio chip manufacturers to create inexpensive devices based on these standards. Such devices have only begun to enter the US market in the past year. 802.11ah / HaLow devices show even more promise for innovation, public utility, and economic activity than LoRa because they operate at “broadband” speeds, whereas LoRa devices operate at “narrowband” speeds (by design, given its intended use as telemetry and control for “Internet of Things” applications).

Just one example of innovation and new economic activity is Teledatics (, a new US-based manufacturer of 802.11ah / HaLow devices. Companies such as Teledatics were founded and have a market only because of the unique characteristics of 902-928 MHz as they are now. They can compete, cooperate, and coexist with other users of 902-928 MHz… but could not in the “NextNav” version of 902-928 MHz.

902-928 MHz Fills the Role of a De Facto Citizen’s Data Radio Service

Over the decades, the Commission has created a number of “citizen” radio services to suit a range of intended uses:

  • Citizens Band (CB)

  • Family Radio Service (FRS)

  • General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS)

  • Multi Use Radio Service (MURS)

  • The majority of the Marine VHF channels can be used for casual conversation

None of these services require technical examinations, and only GMRS requires a pro forma license from the Commission.

Thus the Commission has clearly recognized the need and utility for radio services that facilitate decentralized (no infrastructure) communications by self-selected groups to talk to one another. But other than a few of the MURS channels, there is no “citizen” radio service where data (other than very short bursts) is specifically permitted.

In this Internet / mobile phone / satellite communications era, where being continuously connected is now expected (and some consider, required), a perceived need for a “Citizen Data Radio Service” has emerged. 902-928 MHz has de facto filled that role through the use of consumer friendly data communications systems such as Meshtastic and 802.11ah / HaLow.

The emergence of Meshtastic has created amazing new independent radio-based text messaging networks in special interest groups (communities of thought) such as:

  • Young women interested in tech, using a “techie” way to communicate amongst themselves.

  • Casual gatherings of those living full time in recreational vehicles such as the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous in Quartzsite, Arizona.

  • Students involved in STEM and Maker activities in small towns

  • Children in dense inner city neighborhoods whose parents can only afford prepaid cellular Internet… but Meshtastic equipment is cheap and free and unlimited to use.

  • Families and students living on native reservations where connectivity is expensive and unreliable.

  • “Flotillas” of boaters anchoring down in a cove (boating equivalent of the RV example).

Meshtastic networks have become so commonplace and empowering to various communities that Iffy Books, a bookstore in Philadelphia, offers classes on how to use Meshtastic and build Meshtastic networks (

I posit that there has been amazing amounts of innovation and economic activity resulting from the creation, use, and network deployment of Meshtastic by thousands of individuals. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of new decentralized “no infrastructure” networks have been created for text messaging by leveraging low cost, low power devices, open source software, mesh networking techniques, all operating in 902-928 MHz. Contrast this with the very limited impact of the very expensive, proprietary, high power, licensed, centralized, corporate NextNav technology and systems, that NextNet claims can only be operated reasonably by reconfiguring 902-928 MHz per NextNet’s requirements.

Thus if NextNav’s suggested reconfiguration of the band is implemented, this de facto “Citizens Data Radio Service” role of 902-928 MHz would be severely reduced or curtailed as LoRa and 802.11ah / HaLow were designed to operate in 902-928 MHz as it is currently configured. Thus, the emerging use of LoRa / Meshtastic and 802.11ah / HaLow for providing ad-hoc communications, including emergency communications, by individuals and small groups, should be a consideration by the Commission.

The Subtle Role of 902-928 MHz in Addressing the “Spectrum Workforce” Shortage

As an agency of the US government, the FCC is well aware of the Spectrum Workforce shortage as documented in “Pillar Four” of the Biden Harris Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy ( The Biden Harris Administration considers expanding the workforce of those deeply knowledgeable about radio technology as crucial to US security and international competitiveness in technology. Such an expanded “Spectrum Workforce” is needed for the US to be able to “take full control” of the radio technologies used by citizens, industry, government, and military. Currently, as with semiconductor manufacturing, the US is vulnerable that much of the radio technology it uses is created and manufactured by other countries that may render the US vulnerable if such technology is withheld or tampered with.

While 902-928 MHz may not seem relevant to the Spectrum Workforce shortage, I posit that it is indeed relevant because Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs and hardware (used by “Makers”) make use of radio technology, and increasingly that hardware uses LoRa and other radio technologies that operate on 902-928 MHz. STEM and Maker activities that involve radio communications, such as robots, airborne drones, and instructive projects such as monitoring a favorite plant’s soil moisture via radio, usually use 902-928 MHz. That band offers range, higher reliability than the very heavily used 2.4 GHz / 5.x GHz bands, and choice of a number of radio technologies ranging from frequency hopping, to narrowband, even to (wideband) digital video. As an example of how widely used 902-928 MHz is used in STEM and Maker activities, a quick search of Adafruit (, a popular supplier of STEM and Maker electronic modules, shows 21 matches for “915 MHz”, and 54 pages in a search for “LoRa”.

I posit that being able to teach the use of radio technology in STEM / Maker activities is as critical as teaching basic electronics, programming, and physical construction (such as 3D printing). If a student is taught to “assume that a radio link will always work”, when it inevitably does not work due to interference, electronic failure, or even a cyberattack (taking control of the radio link), the result is situations such as vehicles being easily stolen because poor security practices were used in designing the vehicle’s “wireless key fob”. Using radio technology such as 902-928 MHz in STEM and Maker activities teaches students to understand radio technology at low level, and puts them on a path to potentially be part of the future Spectrum Workforce.

Is NextNav’s Proprietary Technology Worth “Sacrificing” the Flourishing Spectrum Ecosystem of 902-928 MHz?

In this section, I do not intend to “challenge” NextNav’s technology assertions. But I do wish to offer some “bigger picture” perspective to some of NextNav’s claims that only their proprietary technology can be a backup in the US for navigation and timing services provided by GNSS systems.

PNT Services

In the past two decades since NextNav obtained its licenses and began operations in 902-928 MHz, other approaches to offer Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) services, independent of GNSS services, have emerged that do not require the use of 902-928 MHz, and especially do not require the reconfiguration of the 902-928 MHz band per NextNav’s request.

Broadcast Positioning Service - BPS

One of the most promising such systems that can back up GNSS in urban areas and could quickly become ubiquitous is the Broadcast Positioning System (BPS) ( that is a subsystem of over the air television transmissions that have been upgraded to the ATSC 3.0 (Next Gen TV) standard.


For wide area backup of GNSS, such as use on marine vessels, is Enhanced Long Range Aid to Navigation - eLORAN ( As with all technologies, especially radio technologies, capabilities have vastly increased, and costs have exponentially decreased, and LORAN technology and now eLORAN technology is no exception. If the US is serious about the requirement of a backup system for wide area positioning and navigation, LORAN and eLORAN technology is proven.

Inertial Navigation Systems - INS

For mobile platforms that require precise navigation, but must be able to navigate without relying on GNSS, technology has advanced to create cost-effective Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) (

Rubidium Atomic Timebases

For providing precision timekeeping, as with all technology, the state of the art and functionality of standalone precision timebases has become much more affordable than they were two decades ago. A rubidium atomic timebase system such as required for radio system network coordination ( is now available for $7,000. Such a unit was many times that cost two decades ago, which drove the use of GPS receivers to be used as inexpensive precision timebase systems.

“5G” Spectrum

The Commission has made huge amounts of “5G” spectrum available in the past two decades, calling into question that NextNav’s assertion that its requested reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz provides needed “5G” spectrum.

CBRS - 150 MHz of “5G” Spectrum

In the last decade, the Commission created a sharing system that made 150 MHz of “5G” spectrum - 3.55 - 3.70 GHz, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) available. Not only was CBRS an innovative way to allocate “new” spectrum, this spectrum can be used not just by cellular carriers but also enterprises, and very small entities such as individual commercial buildings, college campuses, and small businesses.

Wi-Fi 6E (6 GHz) - More Than 1 GHz of “5G” Spectrum

In the most notable allocation of spectrum of late, the Commission allocated more than 1 GHz of spectrum at 6 GHz for license by rule use, most widely known as Wi-Fi 6E. With the this much spectrum being made available, cellular carriers are able to “offload” some of their customer’s activity onto 6 GHz, such as picocells and microcells, freeing up localized usage of their “wide area” spectrum.

Galileo - Robust GNSS Services

NextNav makes the claim that GNSS signals can be easily disrupted or “spoofed”. But newer GNSS technology has advanced to provide GNSS capabilities that are far more resistant to jamming than GPS. Europe’s new Galileo GNSS system cryptographically “signs” its transmissions, thus simple spoofing can be detected and ignored (

In Conclusion

In Docket 24-240, NextNav has proposed a radical reconfiguration of the 902-928 MHz band. If adopted, NextNav’s reconfiguration will be highly disruptive, and in many cases destructive (no practical or cost effective way to adapt to the reconfiguration) to hundreds of systems and likely tens, or possibly hundreds of millions of individual units that use 902-928 MHz daily.

It’s not hyperbole to project that entire companies that manufacture units that operate in 902-928 MHz or operate systems in 902-928 MHz will simply go out of business from the immense costs of having to reconfigure their units or systems.

Just to cite one example of 902-928 MHz usage, many (most?) utility systems use Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) transmitters operating in 902-928 MHz. My former home in suburban Seattle had three such transmitters - one each for the water meter, the natural gas meter, and one for the electricity meter. And every thousand feet or so on a utility pole was an AMR “repeater” unit to receive the transmissions from the meters. All of those AMR transmitters, and entire networks of “repeater” units would need to be manually replaced - hugely disruptive, and hugely expensive, with the cost ultimately being borne by utility customers… unless NextNav proposes to pay for those equipment replacement costs.

Amateur Radio’s role in providing emergency communications services with repeaters operating in 902-928 MHz would be effectively shut down as there’s no affordable method available to change Amateur Radio operations to accommodate NextNav’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz… unless NextNav proposes to pay to create a new class of Amateur Radio repeaters and user radios to conform to its proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz.

The use of 902-928 MHz as a de facto “Citizens Data Radio Service” would be severely impacted. All new LoRa and 802.11ah / HaLow units would have to developed to conform to NextNav’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz. While the cost of the individual units is low, and it’s feasible to “simply buy a new “conforms with NextNav” unit, the development costs for new LoRa and new 802.11ah / HaLow systems would be huge, and many small companies such as Teledatics would probably be forced out of business by such development costs… unless NextNav proposes to reimburse Teledatics and many other companies for the costs to redesign their systems to NextNav’s configuration of 902-928 MHz.

Lastly, in the “Is NextNav’s Proprietary Technology Worth “Sacrificing” the Flourishing Spectrum Ecosystem of 902-928 MHz?” section, while NextNav legitimately posits that there are a number of issues resulting from over dependence on the US GPS system, such as location, navigation, and precision time services…

I briefly mentioned a number of other solutions for those issue that seem equally as viable as NextNav’s proprietary technology which would requires the huge disruption of current configuration, users, and usage of 902-928 MHz.

Managing the Radio Spectrum for the Broadest Possible Public Interest

In the most broad perspective of the Commission’s “mission”, it is to manage the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is “usable for radio communications” to the highest and best use for the broadest possible public interest. The Titanic sinking, and rescue, in 1912 was the first major critical use of radio communications technology. The aftermath of the Titanic sinking required new management of radio spectrum to make ship communications reliable. That management required making some hard decisions about “highest and best use” of competing user communities (such as segmenting radio broadcasting and ship communications into separate portions of the radio spectrum) and choosing between competing technologies to effectively use limited radio spectrum.

In Docket 24-240, the Commission is again tasked with making decisions about “highest and best use” of competing user communities and competing technologies to effectively use the limited radio spectrum of 902-928 MHz.

In the totality of the unique nature of 902-928 MHz, the diverse users and systems that have evolved, and thrived, and profited in 902-928 MHz as it is currently configured, and the availability of systems that can provide effective backup of PNT services provided by GPS in the US…

NextNav’s Proposed Reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz is Not In the Broadest Possible Public Interest

I respectfully suggest that NextNet’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz is simply not in the broadest possible public interest. Thus I recommend that to the Commission that in evaluating Docket 24-240 NextNav’s proposed reconfiguration of 902-928 MHz should be denied.


Steven K. Stroh

P.O. Box 30725

Bellingham, Washington, USA

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Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

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    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

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Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


For new readers, I specifically “exclude” ARRL’s magazines from this plaint as the vast majority of their content is restricted behind a paywall, and less than 20% of US Amateur Radio Operators (and falling) can access such content - in perpetuity (given ARRL’s current policies). I won’t write for ARRL’s magazines for this reason, and encourage others not to do so.


I take some comfort in reading The Random Wire that I’m not the only Amateur Radio newsletter editor (on Substack) that regularly blows past Substack’s “recommended length for email”.


Literally, when I began using operating systems that supported more than 8 uppercase characters in a filename, that was one of the happier moments in my life.


CTIA is the industry association for the “cellular” industry. Their inputs and requirements are a priority with the FCC. I haven’t seen any mention that Docket 24-240 is of interest to them.


NAB is the industry association from the broadcasting industry. Their inputs and requirements are also a priority with the FCC. There is some relevance to television broadcasting relating to Docket 24-240 that ATSC 3.0 technology can provide alternative PNT services to NextNav’s PNT services.

Zero Retries 0167

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2000+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Ben Kuhn KU0HN for renewing as a Founding Member Annual Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Craig Cherry N7RWB for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 47 for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 48 for upgrading from a free subscriber to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week, with this message:

Thanks a lot for the M17 Project information.

You’re quite welcome “Anonymous 48” - much more M17 info to come!

My thanks to Dan Marler K7REX for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a significant vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

The “APRS Foundation Issue” of Zero Retries

This issue of Zero Retries became dominated by coverage of APRS Foundation and the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet 2024 event, which as you’ll read has some overlap with the APRS Foundation.

I also included two three postings, verbatim, from the aprssig email list, only because my assumption is that many Zero Retries readers are not actively following the two APRS related email lists because there’s been minimal “news” on APRS until very recently. And, those two three postings were directly related to the articles resulting from my interview of APRS Foundation President Jeff Hochberg W4JEW in this issue.

The two APRS related email lists - aprssig sponsored by TAPR, and APRS sponsored by Joe Sammartino N2QOJ are (to the best of my knowledge) the primary communication channels of the APRS community worldwide. Both are free and open to subscribe to, so if you want to follow APRS developments closely, I suggest subscribing to them.

Organizationally, APRS Foundation will have a lot of activity over the coming months, and I don’t anticipate covering that “administrivia” very closely. If there is progress about the APRS “Specification”, new APRS software or hardware, etc., that technological innovation will obviously be very Zero Retries Interesting and thus mentioned here in Zero Retries. But, mostly I wanted to reassure Zero Retries readers that Zero Retries has not been turned over to full time coverage of every nuance of the APRS Foundation.

Store and Forward Podcast Episode 5 - Admiral Hopper

Kay Savetz K6KJN and I have released Episode 5 of Store and Forward - A podcast about the past and future of ham radio. Store and Forward is now a “real podcast” by now being discoverable in the “gigantous list of all podcasts” in any podcast app. Or, you can just listen to Episode 5 in any web browser at the link above. With some judicious editing, K6KJN got this rambling conversation of ours down to a listenable 35 minutes.

It feels like K6KJN and I are getting hitting our intended groove in addressing the work K6KJN does as part of the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications - the history of Amateur Radio (Store), and the future of Amateur Radio as reflected here in Zero Retries (Forward). In this episode, we began with both of us gushing about our shared admiration for the late US Navy Admiral Grace Hopper. What an inspiration she was in the computing industry!

FCC Docket 24-240 Deadline for Comments is Thursday 2024-09-05

As I finish editing this issue of Zero Retries, there are now 307 comments filed in FCC Docket 24-240, NextNav’s attempted hostile takeover of the US 902-928 MHz band.

As of this issue of Zero Retries, I have not yet completed my study of all of the comments filed to date, nor have I completed my comments on this issue. To give Zero Retries readers a chance to read my comments on FCC Docket 24-240 and formulate their own comments, I’m planing to publish Zero Retries 0168 as a special issue devoted to addressing FCC Docket 24-240 on Tuesday 2024-09-03.

Not only is NextNav’s attempted hostile takeover of the US 902-928 MHz band an existential issue for Amateur Radio’s continued (and projected, especially data) use of the 902-928 MHz band, it’s an existential issue for continued use of that band for many other user communities that have evolved in the past two decades, including self-education of the “Spectrum Workforce” and STEM education in radio technology.

It’s going to be a long weekend… but hopefully the intense sprint will relax after Zero Retries 0168. Then…

Maybe, Perhaps, It’s Possible To Take a Little Break in September

At the beginning of Summer 2024, I imagined that perhaps in late July or August I would queue up a few “Best of” issues of Zero Retries to allow at least a two or three week block of time to work on some bigger projects in the project queue of N8GNJ Labs. One example is repairing the bent antenna mast damaged by last winter’s “Whistling Whatcom Winds” that nags at me every time I step outside to walk between my house and N8GNJ Labs.

But… there have been so many Zero Retries Interesting developments happening in Summer 2024 that each week it felt like this week, current developments really deserve to be covered. Thus, I haven’t taken a break from Zero Retries to date; I’ve just kept going each week.

But, Summer is quickly waning here in the Pacific Northwet - the monsoon weather is fast approaching, and those bigger projects in N8GNJ Labs are still in queue. So, after this big “APRS Foundation” issue, and Zero Retries 0168 being a Special Issue focused on my comments for FCC Docket 24-240 at least a few days prior to the Comments deadline of 2024-09-05…

Then it might be time for at least a two week “break” from Zero Retries to work on the highest priority of those deferred projects. There will still be a Zero Retries issue published during those weeks; but the majority of the content of those “break” issues will probably “recycled”.

This plan is not firmed up, so consider this a potential “heads up”. Thanks in advance for your understanding.


Steve N8GNJ

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Image courtesy of Appalachian Trail Golden Packet

A Conversation with Jeff Hochberg W4JEW - Part 1 - the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet 2024 Event

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

My conversation with W4JEW was wide ranging, and instead of this article being in the form of an interview, with extensive quoting, with many references that weren’t part of the conversation, it just worked better to make this article an edited synopsis of the most salient portions of the conversation.

This article, Part 1, reflects the extended conversation that W4JEW and I had regarding the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet 2024 Event. This annual event is not (currently) formally affiliated with the APRS Foundation, but as an event where success is measured in technical accomplishment rather than operational issues such as numbers of contacts, ATGP is Zero Retries Interesting. Thus I was interested in learning more about ATGP directly from W4JEW who is one of the coordinators of the event for the past several years.

The Appalachian Trail Golden Packet 2024 (ATGP 2024) event was held on Saturday, July 20, 2024 along the entire length of the Appalachian Trail.

About the Appalachian Trail (AT):

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail — more commonly known as the Appalachian Trail or “the A.T.” — is a unit of the National Park System. Fully connected in 1937, the A.T. stretches from its northern terminus at Katahdin, Maine, to its southern terminus at Springer Mountain, Georgia. At more than 2,190 miles in length, the A.T. is the world’s longest hiking-only footpath. 

About the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet event:

Every year for the past 15 years, licensed amateur radio operators coordinate 15+ sites along the length of the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia. We use transceivers to exchange packet data between each site with the goal of sending the "golden packet" the entire length of the trail!

Robert Bruninga (WB4APR - Silent Key), the creator of the APRS protocol, founded the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet event. The intent is to get licensed amateur radio operators ("hams") to feel more comfortable with operating in the field, while demonstrating the ability to send real-time messages along 2200+ miles without the need for any infrastructure!

W4JEW added a bit more history of ATGP, that WB4APR originally envisioned the creation of a network for APRS activity along the length of the AT so that there would be 100% coverage of APRS (traditional 144.39 MHz) along the AT, even for users of low power portable radios transmitting APRS data. That would be accomplished by creating a backbone network for APRS on the Amateur Radio 220 - 225 MHz (now 222-225 MHz) band, with gateways on 144.39 MHz. The basic idea was that 144.39 (the US national APRS frequency for 1200 bps Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) - traditional Amateur Radio Packet Radio) along the AT would be reserved for APRS users on the AT, and the 222-225 MHz network would handle routing the APRS data into and out of those 144.39 MHz digipeaters which would be reserved for use by AT users on low power portable radios. To date, the 220-225 MHz network has not been realized, but the idea has not been abandoned either. (And is even more possible than ever now with various radios and modems and computers such as Raspberry Pi that can be used as routers.)

ATGP is considered by many to be a legacy / memorial to Bob Bruninga WB4APR. But beyond the WB4APR legacy, ATGP is an active Research and Development project. Until the last several years, only APRS mobile radios by Kenwood were used. Using only the Kenwood TM-D700, TM-D710, and TM-D710AG (TM-D7xx) minimized the variability of radio / modem combinations, and because Kenwood implemented a feature called uiflood. For ATGP, the internal TNCs of the TM-D7xx radios are used, again, minimizing variability among ATGP stations.

There are typically twenty five or so participants that operate these specially configured / specified APRS nodes on various high points along the entire length of the AT.

For “intense” fans of APRS, ATGP is the equivalent of Amateur Radio Field Day.

But several years ago, Kenwood discontinued the TM-D710 product line (and the closely related TM-V71A). Since the Kenwood TM-7xx radios were no longer available (and became very expensive on the used market), ATGP “commissioned” the development of an “ATGP Appliance” to be able to continue the consistency of radios and modems used for ATGP. The ATGP Appliance was specified and developed by Don Rolph AB1PH. The initial design of the ATGP Appliance was documented by AB1PH:

An Open Source Meta-Design for an APRS™ Appliance

Positioning of Effort

This effort resulted in what might be termed a meta-design. The effort was critically dependent on the Dire Wolf TNC software written by John Langner, WB2OSZ, and should more correctly be thought of as an application note for John’s software. It is a meta-design because it has a few core principles, but the implementation can and has utilized a variety of hardware configurations and run successfully.


An APRS™ implementation, nicknamed the APRS™ “Appliance,” was developed, underwent performance testing, and then field testing including use at the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet event. The APRS™ “Appliance” offers the potential of a high performance open source software and open hardware design which can be readily assembled from purchased parts (only the enclosure may need 3D printing) and can provide a low cost (~$130) alternative for deploying APRS™ implementation. It is called the APRS™ “Appliance” because once configured, for normal use one needs only to turn it and . No other actions are required.

The “Appliance” was originally published in ARRL QEX - September / October 2023, pages 30-35 (thus currently only available to ARRL members behind the ARRL publications paywall). A version of this article is available in the GitHub repository of the project APRSFoundation / aprsappliance. There is also a video - AT Golden Packet - January 2023 - APRS Appliance - Don AB1PH where the APRS Appliance is discussed.

One of the features of the “Appliance” was that it uses the DIRE WOLF software TNC which had support for the uiflood feature added in at the request of ATGP.

One of the surprises to ATGP participants after the was that the DIRE WOLF TNC performed better (decoded packets more reliably) than the Kenwood TM-D7xx radios’ internal TNCs. For an explanation of why DIRE WOLF is superior, see this article. (Basically, better software, better modems, more powerful computing capability.)

In the absence of the TM-D7xx radios, suitable radios for use with the ATGP Appliance must provide “flat audio” to the modem unit for best high speed data performance. Although not mentioned in my discussion with W4JEW, the most suitable such radio (currently in production, operates on 144-148 MHz, at least 25 watts power output, and provides flat audio to the standard 6-pin MiniDIN connector) would seem to be the Yaesu FTM-6000R with the use of the Yaesu CT-164 “Data Cable MDIN10 pin to MDIN6 pin” adapter cable.

See also Zero Retries Guide to VHF / UHF Radios for Data - for discussion of other suitable radios.

On the ATGP web page, the most current configuration of the ATGP Appliance (for use during the 2024 event) is well-documented.

In recent years, ATGP was split into two phases:

Phase 1 – ATGP Classic

Operate with Kenwood radios only; do not use “Appliances” during this phase. This phase does not end until the golden packet has been successfully passed and Lynn has given the go-ahead for Phase 2.

Phase 2 - ATGP Appliance

Operate with the ATGP Appliance.

Notably, ATGP 2024 was conducted using only 9600 baud; 1200 baud was not used.

As part of the ongoing refinement (research) in the quest of a routinely successful ATGP, there is a new position amongst the participants of ATGP - “Shack Potato”. In 2024 Lynn Deffenbaugh KJ4ERJ assumed this role, which monitors and records the entire event via the Internet using the extensive APRS Internet Server (APRS-IS) connectivity. The idea is that by not being an on-air participant, but monitoring and recording the entire event via APRS-IS with better computers and connectivity, a better after-event evaluation can be conducted.

The Appalachian Trail Golden Packet 2024 - After Action Review was recently conducted and shared on YouTube:

ATGP 2025 (the 17th year) is scheduled for Saturday July 19, 2025.

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A Conversation with Jeff Hochberg W4JEW - Part 2 - State of APRS Foundation - August 2024

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Up front, this article won’t seem like the usual Zero Retries fare about technological advancement in Amateur Radio… no new technology (at least, not yet), no sexy hardware revealed (other than the existence of the ATGP Appliance in the previous story), nor any cool new software. Admittedly what follows is mostly “administrivia” about a new organization.

But, in my mind, this is a story about technological innovation in Amateur Radio. Automatic Packet Reporting System - APRS1 is such a sprawling, diverse, and (hopefully, still) interoperable technology in Amateur Radio that I really feel that there needs to be some unifying entity that can, at a bare minimum, keep all of the “pieces” of APRS “flying in reasonably close formation”, and thus my advocacy for APRS Foundation.

I consider APRS to be one of the foundation technologies of what makes Amateur Radio “Zero Retries Interesting” in the 2020s and beyond. But of late, there is a perception within Amateur Radio that APRS is… if not “dead”, but perceived to be merely a boring utility of “beacon out my position data using old, slow, 1200 bps AFSK.”

APRS does a lot now, but it could be doing so much more, such as evolving to better, more robust modulation techniques beyond 1200 bps Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) modulation.

Actually… APRS is evolving as I suggest - being used with VARA HF, with WSPR, even with LoRa. APRS’ creator Bob Bruninga WB4APR, in his role as APRS creator and de facto Benevolent Dictator effectively coordinated such diverse uses of APRS so that they would interoperate. But with WB4APR’s transition to a Silent Keyboard on 2022-02-07, the leadership and coordination… the evolution of APRS, was left in limbo. Since then, “APRS” seems to fragment with each new development, with each new hardware device offering the developer’s individual creativity of innovating on APRS, but without updates to the APRS specification for years now to insure compatibility.

One example of the “drift” of APRS that I’m seeing is that APRS has an integrated messaging capability - effectively “texting” within the APRS infrastructure, that is mature and capable… and yet rarely used. Amateur Radio could be “showing off” APRS messaging to interested folks that are beginning to experiment with Meshtastic via inexpensive wireless units that operate (unlicensed) in the 902-928 MHz band using LoRa technology. But visibility (and usage) of APRS messaging has languished because it was only accessible in dedicated APRS software or embedded in APRS-capable radios such as the Kenwood TM-D700 and later radios, requiring the text input to be done, painfully, with a 12 or 16 button keypad on a microphone. The closest we have to usable, portable apps for APRS messaging, for example with the new Kenwood TH-D75A portable radio is the APRS-Fi app for iPhone or iPad, and APRSdroid app for Android devices. Both of these apps are “map centric” with messaging as an “can also do” capability rather than a great “messaging first” application that would really showcase APRS messaging2.

Jeff Hochberg W4JEW announced the formation of the APRS Foundation on 2022-03-02, and I considered that a promising development in the aftermath of WB4APR’s passing. An “APRS Foundation” seemed like a logical development to guide the future of APRS. But after that initial announcement and a few terse mentions, there was no real news, information, or updates from APRS Foundation for more than a year. I would periodically mention the APRS Foundation in Zero Retries when there was something slightly newsworthy, but until this interview, there was little of substance to report. On the rare occasion I was able to “peek inside” APRS Foundation, I was told “we’re busy doing stuff”, but that was all that I could learn - until W4JEW and I spoke for more than two hours in early August, 2024.

As was the case with Part 1, my conversation with W4JEW was wide ranging. Thus instead of this article being in the form of an interview, with extensive quoting, with many references that weren’t part of the conversation, it just worked better to make this article an edited synopsis of the most salient portions of the conversation.

Founding / Foundational Issues Are Complete

As of August 2024, APRS Foundation has worked through its formation issues:

  • Formed its five-person Board of Directors

  • Received its 501(c)(3)3 status

  • Now accepting (paid) memberships

  • Now accepting individual donations

  • Can now begin to apply for grants

  • Defining roles needed for volunteers to step into

See more details in the “What’s taken so long” section.

Thus now APRS Foundation can begin moving towards its longer term goals of assuming formal stewardship of APRS - managing, guiding, and evolving APRS in the 2020s and beyond… as a successor to WB4APR’s leadership of APRS.

As one of the opening discussions, I mentioned that a piece of wisdom from the death of another visionary who left behind a legacy - Apple’s CEO Tim Cook was specifically told by Steve Jobs to not be guided by “What Would Steve Do?”

As he took the microphone at the memorial to Jobs held at the company's Cupertino campus, Cook said, "Among his last advice he had for me, and for all of you, was to never ask what he would do. 'Just do what's right.'"

I think the same thing should apply to APRS and the APRS Foundation - don’t ask “What would WB4APR do?” but rather “what is the right thing for to do for APRS” - in this era, with the resources of a foundation, with the technologies we now have available. WB4APR was an individual, having created APRS more than two decades ago with the technology of that era. What worked and was right then, for WB4APR, isn’t necessarily what will work, and is right, now for the APRS Foundation.

New, More Informational Web Page

The most notable change that signals that APRS Foundation is entering a new, energetic phase is that it now has a much more friendly and informative web page at Notable improvements are:

That last point was one primary criticism I had with the APRS Foundation was that when one went to the Foundation website… there was almost no detailed information available about the APRS Foundation - just some generalities. Apparently, that plaint was heard and is being fixed.

I note that another section that’s needed on the APRS Foundation website is a “News / Press” section with basic primers on APRS, photos, logos, where press releases are posted, mentions of articles about APRS, etc.

(Many) Volunteers Needed - Details To Follow

One of the things that W4JEW emphasized several times is that the APRS Foundation Board cannot do “all the work that is needed” to take APRS and APRS Foundation to the next stages. Many people (all volunteers) will be needed, to fill a number of diverse roles.

Watch for upcoming messages to find an area where YOUR expertise is needed.

The scope of those roles hasn’t yet been fully defined, nor can many such roles be defined quite yet - see below.

Budget - Not Much, Yet

To date, APRS Foundation is operating on a financial shoestring, with expenses to date paid from individual donations when needed, as needed. Individual paid memberships will help APRS Foundation create at least some financial cushion, and individual donations will also help. But there is hope that some grants can be obtained to help with significant expenses that will likely be encountered in APRS Foundation’s next phases.

One early goal with sufficient funding is for the APRS Foundation Board members to attend several major Amateur Radio events to represent APRS, beyond those in close proximity to where they are based (in driving range).

From the financial perspective of allocating funds for future projects, I discussed the role of the Digital Communications Conference (DCC) in the very early formation of APRS, and it was disappointing that the TAPR DCC will not be held this year, either in person or virtually and thus rekindle the collaboration for APRS that routinely happened at DCCs.

After our conversation, W4JEW put out a poll on the two APRS email lists asking if an APRS conference in-person or virtual would be preferred, and the majority preferred a virtual conference. Thus, a virtual conference dedicated to APRS is still a possibility in 2024. But of course, this is another example of “the Board cannot do it all” and volunteers will be needed to create and conduct such a conference.

APRS, “Inc.” - Currently Within TAPR

When WB4APR learned that his illness was likely terminal, he transferred the assets of APRS, such as the APRS trademark authority, to TAPR. Per W4JEW, TAPR views their role with APRS as “temporary custodian”. Now that APRS Foundation is in place, talks will soon commence to discuss the transfer of the assets of APRS, including the trademark authority, to APRS Foundation. Such a transfer is not a given.

APRS.ORG Website

APRS.ORG was WB4APR’s website on behalf of APRS, and was transferred to Steve Dimse K4HG in a similar custodial arrangement to the transfer of the APRS assets to TAPR. There is a great deal of content there, and APRS.ORG continues to be the primary reference for APRS information, though it has not been updated for years now since before the death of WB4APR. APRS Foundation considers the transfer of custody, re-hosting, and updating APRS.ORG as one of its primary tasks. Per W4JEW:

In the one of the emails that I sent to the email lists, I was listing jobs including Webmaster. We need people who can go through and edit content. We need people who can migrate content from whatever format it’s in to something like Markdown, so that it's really nice and easily portable.

APRS Protocol Reference (Specification)

The APRS Protocol Reference 1.0 was created and Copyright ©2000 by APRS Working Group All rights reserved.

Since 2000, of course, there have been many updates to APRS, some of which have been incorporated in various proposed updates, etc. The “APRS Specification” is currently in limbo as “The APRS Working Group” has not been a “Working Group” for some time, but the formal custody of the original specification remains with TAPR.

Thus there are two tasks ahead related to the APRS Specification:

  • Transfer formal custody / ownership of the APRS Protocol Reference 1.0 (and follow-ons) to APRS Foundation

  • Update the APRS Protocol Reference to current technology, practices, etc.

Per W4JEW, the latter is largely complete:

The updating (the backlog of changes) of the APRS Protocol Reference (Specification) is competed and ready to go. John Langner WB2OSZ compiled all the updates through version 1.1D. We might call the first one from APRS Foundation version 1.1E, or perhaps just version 2.0 - to be determined.

Our next step is to get permission from TAPR to publish the original, and updated specification with Copyright by APRS Foundation.

Other Longer Term Goals of APRS Foundation

  • There are a number of websites that are part of the worldwide APRS infrastructure, and other information sources that may be interested in their services and content and information being transferred to APRS Foundation. One example is legacy APRS software that is no longer maintained.

  • Rebranding - after 20 plus years, W4JEW thinks “It may be time for a newer, more modern logo. That would help make a transition from WB4APR’s APRS to APRS Foundation.

    Image courtesy of APRS Foundation

    I put one example as a prototype on the APRS Foundation website.” (Shown above.)

  • I discussed the possibility of APRS Foundation “chapters” with the example of Northwest APRS here in the Northwest corner of North America. We used to have an annual “Summer Gathering” but that event died during the COVID-19 shutdowns. W4JEW mentioned “I've had a couple of people reach out to me as well. They want to be kind of “technical evangelists” that would be interested in going out and doing speaking engagements on APRS. I would love to see that.”

  • New videos reintroducing APRS (perhaps showing the use of more modern technology and systems). W4JEW noted “There are many Youtube videos that just say APRS is dead.“

  • The aforementioned APRS Foundation APRS virtual conference.

  • Formalizing a system for suggesting changes to the APRS Specification, similar to the Internet’s Request For Comments (RFC) system.

W4JEW - Concluding Comments

My closing observation to W4JEW was that APRS Foundation seemed to be hiding behind a veil of silence. In the absence of solid information, imaginations can go wild. It’s apparent now that APRS Foundation was doing a doing a lot, but it wasn’t “reporting out”. Now that W4JEW and I have had this conversation, resulting in this article, I'm glad that phase of “silence” is now drawing to an end.

W4JEW said:

You’re right that we probably weren’t communicating as much as we should have been. Communication is a hard thing. And that’s funny because we're all Hams and we're supposed to be communicating. When you don't [proactively] communicate, people can be a victim of their own imaginations. In speaking with you today, I'm hoping that you understand we have not been sitting idle. We have been pressing on, maybe not as quickly as people would like. I feel like I have the right people involved. I want more good people involved. We are ready to execute.

I’m grateful to Jeff Hochberg W4JEW for taking the time to talk substantively and candidly to me for these articles despite recovering from recent surgery, and as I finish this article, recovering from a significant illness. I’m hopeful about APRS Foundation and the future of APRS as a Zero Retries Interesting technology in Amateur Radio.

I hope that Zero Retries readers will choose to help support APRS Foundation financially and volunteer to help APRS Foundation as the calls go out for specific types of help. Amateur Radio really needs APRS to continue to evolve, and it’s my opinion that for that to happen, we need a very active APRS Foundation.

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Breaking - APRS Foundation Membership is NOW OPEN!

Jeff Hochberg W4JEW on the aprssig email list:

APRS Foundation Membership is live! Membership is available to anyone anywhere across the globe! You don’t need to be a licensed amateur radio operator to join!

We evaluated several membership management platforms and selected a relative newcomer in the space - Raklet.

Visit the Membership page on the Foundation for details and the link to the membership management application:

If you aren’t a licensed amateur radio operator, enter “NOCALL” in the callsign field when submitting the form.

To give an idea of the benefits of membership, we took a poll last week to determine the level of interest in an APRS Foundation-sponsored event to be held around Dayton Hamvention 2025.

Your APRS Foundation Membership would allow you to attend the event for free, whereas non-members would have to pay USD $15.00.

So, right away, one event pays for the event and helps support our operating expenses! And that's just the beginning!

We are excited to have you join us in Ensuring the Future of APRS!

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

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Breaking - APRS.ORG to be Transferred to APRS Foundation

Steve Dimse K4HG on the aprssig email list:

Congrats to the APRS Foundation for going live. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to get to this point, but what happens next is up to all of you.

First, as an old man, I am contractually obligated to start with a history lesson. In the beginning there was Bob, and APRS only ran on DOS. Bob wasn't a programmer and had no interest in learning anything more modern than DOS. In the mid-90s the Sproul brothers decided to write a Mac version, and later added Windows. They made a deal with Bob to split their registration fees. He never got rich from APRS, but the earnings were put into his daughter's college fund, I suspect mostly as a way to justify the time he spent away from the family playing with computers and radios.

In 1996 I wrote javAPRS which ran in a browser. I did not charge, either to use it on the web, or to create your own web site using it, so there was no money to share with Bob. This greatly angered Bob. We would butt heads over the next five years, though in the end he did come to accept that javAPRS and the rest of the APRS Internet System I created had greatly expanded the world of APRS and helped his income. Other early APRS programs like APRS+SA, PalmAPRS, etc. made deals with Bob as well.

The problem was part of the deals Bob made was exclusivity. No one else could make a Windows or Mac version unless the Sprouls approved it, no other Palm version unless Mike Musick approved, etc. We fought over this for a while, and it came to a head in 2003 when a number of new developers started getting dumped on as I was in the beginning as Bob tried to protect his income. Most of our fights over the years were private but this was very public and nasty. Best community comment: "This is like watching your parents fight!" Ultimately I won, leading to the creation of the APRS Working Group and the APRS Spec, opening APRS to any developer.

Over the years the Working Group never did much else than create the spec as the early developers drifted away, and Bob became the guardian of the spec by default, with me acting to put brakes on his crazier ideas. While he was terminal we had a lot of talks about the future of APRS. He wanted me to take over everything he did, which I have no interest in. I agreed to take back <> (I had registered it in 1997 when I got <>, and transferred it to him when he was ready to do his own web site separate from the USNA).

I told him my plan was to encourage formation of a new organization similar to TAPR that would represent all APRS users and developers, something I had wanted him to do for decades, and he agreed to that. Jeff et. al. was the only group that showed interest when I explained my plan after Bob's death. It has taken a while, but they are incorporated and accepting members. I required them to have an open membership before I gave them access to the <> web site. I did that this morning, and I will transfer the domain before it comes up for renewal in April. Bob wanted to give me the APRS trademark, but I had no interest in the hassle, so I recommended he give it to TAPR for safekeeping (N8UR is a retired IP lawyer), and if the Foundation takes off I expect TAPR will transfer it there.

So as I said, what happens now is up to you. For the first time in its thirty-odd year history, APRS has the chance to be a community steered entity, but only if you join me in supporting the APRS Foundation.

Don't blow it!

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Announcing -

Normally a brief mention such as this would be included in ZR > BEACON (Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items), but given the preceding four articles were related to APRS, to maintain “flow” of the topic, I’m including it as an article.

Jeff Hochberg W4JEW on the aprssig email list:

Here's yet another exciting announcement from your friends at the APRS Foundation!

We continue to hear two recurring themes (in no particular order):

  1. There needs to be more accurate & up-to-date information on the APRS protocol.

  2. The ham community wants/needs a solid beginner's guide to APRS.


While is technically the authoritative source for APRS, we fully recognize the site is challenging to navigate, dated-looking, contains stale information, etc.

We wanted to get something in the hands of the APRS community as quickly as possible! There's not a lot of content yet, but you can contribute here! (More details below.)

How APRS Works is a brand-new site that sits atop Ghost (, a blogging platform similar to WordPress. Ghost is much more modern, easier to work with, fast, and gorgeous!

While the site is owned and managed by APRS Foundation Inc., it is for the entire amateur radio community worldwide! While we got things started, we do not want to be 100% responsible for writing the articles (nor do we have the time to do so).

How APRS Works is designed so that anyone can write posts. However, we want to ensure that the posts are accurate and reliable, so new posts will be moderated to ensure high quality and accuracy.

If you are up to the task and interested in authoring documents for the site, you can use the Contact Us form on the APRS Foundation website to ask for an account, and we will send you an invitation.

Also, if you have other ideas about what content should be on the site, don't be shy—let us know!

We hope you're as excited about the new site as we are!

The issue that this new blog from APRS Foundation addresses was an observation of mine that W4JEW and I discussed during our conversation. I’m glad to see that this blog has now gone public, and those basic questions, and some answers, are being addressed. “” is a good start for APRS Foundation to reach out to new APRS users with current information on APRS.


By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Unlock the Secrets of the Invisible Radio Universe with SuperKnova®

ARDC Press release (and article on NRAO website) from U.S. National Science Foundation National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Amateur Radio Digital Communications:

STEM coursework is available without cost to learners of all ages from the U.S. National Science Foundation National Radio Astronomy Observatory, thanks to funding from the Amateur Radio Digital Communications

August 28, 2024 — Wireless technology is central to our modern world. You may be reading these words on a smartphone or tablet using WiFi — all of these devices use the same electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as radio astronomy. Learning these fundamentals can offer a better understanding of the technology we use in our daily lives and provide valuable, transferable skills required in many present and future careers.

The U.S. National Science Foundation National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NSF NRAO), and its administrator Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), have created SuperKnova, an online educational platform that provides inclusive, equitable access to radio technology learning and training. “Our goal is to broaden participation in STEM by offering no-cost training and education in skills that help prepare learners for STEM careers,” shares Valarie Bogan, NSF NRAO SuperKnova Program Manager. The SuperKnova website has a wealth of free educational resources for teachers and learners of all ages. Topics include history of radio astronomy, the physics of radio technology, and even cube satellites.


SuperKnova instructor Jesse Alexander (WB2IFS) with students Sullivan Gutierrez Torres, Logan Slimp, and Nejon McBride-Stubbs (KJ5AXD), from the pilot cohort at the HamSCI 2023 Workshop.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Ham Radio

The NSF NRAO is excited to announce that, thanks to a generous grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), learners can now enroll in two self-paced courses to learn the fundamentals of radio communications. The Technician Amateur Radio License and EMS Course introduces learners to the electromagnetic spectrum using amateur (ham) radio as a vehicle, and helps them to prepare to take the exam for licensure. Starting with the basics of radio waves, electronics, and simple radio equipment, students then continue learning challenging topics, such as frequency, propagation, antennas, and general circuitry.

Those who have earned their Technician license can advance to the General Amateur Radio License and EMS Course, where learners will have, over the course of twelve lessons, more in depth instruction on the electromagnetic spectrum and amateur radio, including electrical principles such as reactance, impedance, resistors, capacitors, and inductors. The course then delves deeper into these subjects with lessons on filter types, oscillators, the structure of the ionosphere, and FCC rules.

Project instructor Jesse Alexander (ham radio call sign WB2IFS) adds, “This is a great opportunity to share amateur radio with a new generation of potential ham radio enthusiasts.

We’ve designed this course to introduce learners to the electromagnetic spectrum while developing radio skills and knowledge.”

Lyndele von Schill, director of the NSF NRAO office of diversity and inclusion, notes that many organizations have come together to make these resources possible. “Thanks to the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation, with administration by AUI, and additional support from the ARDC, the SuperKnova program has emerged as a valuable and free resource to students and educators across the country.”

“The electromagnetic spectrum is fundamental to amateur radio and significant in many professional fields,” says Rosy Schechter (KJ7RYV), Executive Director at ARDC. “Developing coursework on an accessible platform like SuperKnova benefits both the learner and the longevity of amateur radio. I love the work that is happening with this program at NRAO, and I’m so happy to see this curriculum out in the world.”

Amateur Radio is certainly doing something right by attracting, simultaneously, the attention of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the famed National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) to get STEM students learning more about radio technology. Kudos to NRAO for developing this curriculum, and kudos to ARDC for funding NRAO to do that development!

M17 Text Messaging Proof of Concept Demonstration

Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP via email:

I quickly wrote a simple GUI app for Linux, demonstrating M17 packet mode. It transmits text messages, UTF-8 encoded, nothing more. It is supposed to be used with Digirig and an M17 capable mobile transceiver.

You connect it all together, enter your message and hit the "Transmit" button. As simple as that. No fancy hardware required.

I am… regularlyamazed at the capabilities of M17 that are revealed in projects like this from SP5WWP. It’s still a project of mine to capture all that I have learned and written about in Zero Retries about the deep and myriad capabilities of M17 that take it well beyond the capabilities of the other digital voice systems for VHF / UHF currently used in Amateur Radio, especially the integral data capabilities of M17.

Wow… and WOW! Thank you SP5WWP for this proof of concept demonstration!

New Kenwood Mobile (Data?) Radio Teased for 2025

Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu all displayed future Amateur Radio units at last weekend’s Ham Fair 2024 conference in Tokyo, Japan. Amateur Radio Daily’s Friday August 30, 2024 issue gave a good synopsis of these “new radio reveals”. While there were some Zero Retries Interesting elements in the Icom and Yaesu units, the most Zero Retries Interesting unit (and the least developed unit) was from Kenwood, apparently a replacement for the Kenwood TM-D710AG. And, hopefully, also a “de-featured” variant as a replacement for the Kenwood TM-V71A. What Kenwood displayed wasn’t even as advanced as a prototype, just a mockup of a display unit and a radio unit with some basic features listed:

  • Dual Band - 144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz. I’ve seen some mention in other references to this radio that 222-225 MHz will also be included in this radio. That would make sense if this was, as many have speculated, a “mobile version” (big brother) of the new Kenwood TH-D75A, which does include 222-225 MHz as well as 144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz.

  • Display unit like the TM-D710AG, includes a front-facing speaker and a total of 13 soft keys around the display - 4 on the left, 4 on the right, and 5 along the bottom. All the photos were black and white (???) so it’s unknown if the display will be color or monochrome. Update 2024-09-02 - My thanks to Matt Liggett KO6BKV for pointing out that the photo on is actually a color photograph - look for the tiny splash of red in the W of the Kenwood logo on the display unit. (You may have to zoom in on the photo, as I did. Thus… I guess the display unit will be (very) monochrome, or at least this mock up display is.

  • Integrated GPS receiver

  • Supports APRS and D-Star

  • USB-C ports on both the display unit and the radio unit

  • SD card port on the radio unit

  • Functions of the USB-C and SD card ports weren’t specified.

  • Unlike the TM-D710AG and TM-V71A, no 6-Pin MiniDIN (“data” / flat audio) port was shown in the available photos.

  • Targeted for release in 2025.

The data functionality of this radio is a complete unknown other than to guess that, like the TM-D710AG, there will be an internal TNC with modems for 1200 bps AFSK and 9600 bps FSK. I hope… hopehope… that Kenwood’s engineers will be forward-thinking enough to make the TNC capable of real data transfers 4 and to make the modems software-based, with various features so that the radio can be used for data communications.

It’s also unknown, but hoped, of course, that like the TM-D710AG and the TM-V71A, this radio’s basic functions (frequency, TX/RX split, CTCSS, etc.) can be changed remotely.

It would have been really cool if there had been a native Ethernet port on this radio, but the photographs didn’t show a dedicated Ethernet port. There is the (probably remote) possibility that the display unit and radio unit’s connection has been updated to Ethernet format and signaling rather than the proprietary Kenwood data format and signaling used over an “Ethernet” cable in the TM-D710AG and the TM-V71A.

Ideally (pure speculation / wishful thinking on my part)… Kenwood would release this radio in three versions:

  • Two piece with “big pretty display” as a direct replacement for the TM-D710AG - probably at least $800, especially if it includes 222-225 MHz.

  • Two piece with a minimal display, as an equivalent to the TM-V71A without GPS, APRS, D-Star, or TNC / modems - significantly lower cost than the “big pretty display” version.

  • One piece, radio unit only, “black box” version with all control functions remotely controlled via the USB-C port, no GPS, APRS, D-Star, or TNC / modems but the equivalent functionality of 6-Pin MiniDIN (“data” / flat audio) port to be able to use external modems for data communications.

There was also no hint that Bluetooth was included in this radio… though with USB-C, an external Bluetooth module could probably be added.

I’m somewhat hopeful that Kenwood has taken note of Yaesu’s new’ish FTM-6000R whose primary differentiation as a new radio is that Yaesu included the equivalent of the 6-Pin MiniDIN (“data” / flat audio) port in that radio. That feature was apparently a very deliberate design decision. I’m told that the FTM-6000R is selling reasonably well to those that want to use it for data communications such as with VARA FM. Thus I hope that Kenwood also wants “a piece of that market segment” for a basic data-capable Amateur Radio VHF / UHF unit.

Kenwood engineers - please do us data communications folks proud with this new radio!

And, if anyone from Kenwood is reading this5, and would like arrange an exclusive “Zero Retries Interesting deep dive” about this radio in a dedicated issue of Zero Retries… I’m more than willing and eager to do so! Let’s talk!

Admiral Grace Hopper’s 1982 Lecture at the National Security Agency

Not Amateur Radio related… but still Zero Retries Interesting for Admiral Hopper’s significant influence on the early computer industry, overcoming sexism (female Admiral in the US Navy - back then) and ageism in both the US military and the male dominated computer industry.

US Navy Rear Admiral Grace Hopper is (deservedly) legendary for her early advocacy of the COBOL programming language. I only recently learned of this particular lecture that was legendary both for her foresight… and its obscurity given that NSA was joked to be an acronym for “No Such Agency”.

A colleague wrote about this lecture:

This is simply wonderful. Admiral Grace Hopper gave a talk at the NSA in 1982. Those of us in the security community recently found out about it, and badgered the NSA to declassify and publish it. It's a fantastic time capsule, and an example of her brilliance.

Apparently that “badgering” was pretty intense - the NSA initially declined, aggressively to release this video, with the comical excuse of not doing so because the video was recorded on a now-very-obscure video tape recording format that could not be read by current technology. This was ridiculed, because people that know… knew… that No Such Agency did in fact have such equipment.

Thus it’s… really something… for this video recording to be officially released by the NSA. If you watch at least of a few minutes of Part One, I bet you’ll be hooked and want to watch the entire video, as I was, and did. We really lost a great one with Admiral Hopper, and we were really lucky to have her, and we’re grateful for her persistence in not giving up without realizing her unique highest and best purpose in life and making computers easier and saner to use.

The NSA web page on this lecture:

Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (1982)

On August 26, 2024, the National Security Agency (NSA) released a digital copy of a videotaped lecture, "Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People" that Rear Adm. Grace Hopper gave to the NSA workforce on August 19, 1982. This lecture highlights technological foundational principles, valuable perspectives on leadership and shared experiences overcoming challenges in computer science and math. The legacy of Rear Adm. Grace Hopper continues to echo across the intelligence community to light the path for women in STEM.

(Anyone else feel like it’s a bit surreal to know that No Such Agency posted a pair of videos… on YouTube?)

Extended Technical Description of the New Masters Communications DRA-Pi-Zero

I thought this was a great primer, not just for the new DRA-Pi-Zero, but also an explanation of some of the issues involved in making a good audio interface unit used for Amateur Radio data communications when Amateur Radio VHF / UHF “voice” radios are used for data communications.

Kevin Custer W3KKC on the DRA email list in response to:

Can you describe the advantages or capabilities that the DRA Pi-Zero has over the Fe-Pi Audio Z v2 board when using it on a KM6LYW DigiPi?

The short answer is convenience.

The DRA-PI-Zero gives you the convenience of not having to build or add another board to handle the PTT logic and LEDs. The two conventional radio jacks are easier to source cables for and are compatible with more radios. And - in the true spirit of Amateur Radio - it's available as a project kit. By contrast - some hams don't like to build projects and maybe can't solder at all. This product is available assembled and tested (A&T) for those that can't or don't want to solder a bunch of stuff together.

The long answer may be better understood with bullet points with added explanations - referenced by a special character:

  • Mechanically stable - no need to solder a bunch of stuff together.

  • 3 - LEDs for status of various conditions.

  • 2 - Radio connectors (MD6 and TRRS) - easily connect many radios using one or the other port.

  • TRRS connector is DigiRig compatible - many pre-made cables are available - no soldering required.

  • Header to mechanically select 1200 or 9600 baud receive audio - no soldering required.

  • Onboard pots to easily adjust the audio levels. *

  • RX audio feeds the MIC input of the chip, which by default feeds both the Left and Right channels. %

  • The TX audio signal is fed from the high-power headphone outputs to the TX header. !

  • 47pf bypass capacitors on audio lines - just like other DRA's - to help reduce RFI.

  • The PTT logic is produced by a fast reed relay - compatible with all radios. #

  • Highest audio quality. &

  • Quiet voltage regulation. @

  • Pots and LEDs are not covered by the optional display.

  • Large bottom-side ground plane, and top-side ground traces surrounding audio routes - like the DRA-100.

  • These help insure quality audio and help reduce RFI issues.

* The larger pot (R12) adjusts the receive audio level. The smaller pot (R14) adjusts the transmit audio level. Audio settings may not require an AlsaMixer change and store. Component identification follows the same convention as other DRA's. This may become important if/when VARA (HF/FM) is installed on a Raspberry Pi platform, or for those that already own other DRA's and understand the reference.

% Because both the Left and Right channels are driven by the MIC input - no channel steering header is (therefore) needed (or provided) for RX audio. The sensitivity of the MIC and Line inputs on the CODEC are exactly the same - so there are no drawbacks to using the MIC input, but there are benefits of using it.

! The TX audio signal is fed from the high-power headphone outputs (NOT the LINE outputs) to the TX header. Maximum TX output level is 3.0V P-P with a 500 ohm load and 2.8V P-P with a 30 ohm load - TX pot wide open and AlsaMixer set to "Max White" (no red). Most portable radios don't need additional AlsaMixer adjustment - but radios requiring elevated transmit audio (many Yaesu and Kenwood mobiles) may require a master level setting in the 70's. This gives the DRA-Pi-Zero nearly the same TX audio output capability as a DRA-50. The TX output impedance is sufficiently low to drive radio modulators and not become loaded down - causing frequency response and group delay problems that can happen when you use LINE outputs.

# FET transistor switching is fast - but the reed relay is almost as fast. For the protocols this software supports - it's plenty fast enough. The 2N7000 is a popular PTT transistor but will lock up in the presence of RF (RFI). The last thing we want is for the radio interface to lock PTT ON solid - and require a hard reboot to resolve it. The reed relay adds 1mS to the switching time. The relay is the same one we use in other relay equipped DRA's. 

& The highest quality components are used in all DRA's. There are no Tantalum capacitors, transformers, or other "things" in the audio path that ruin good audio. The RX input impedance is sufficiently high enough not to load the source. The capacitors are genuine Panasonic, TDK, Samsung, Richey and Nichicon - most are 105C. For the DRA-Pi Zero, the resistors are XICON and the pots are genuine Bourns.

@ Linear voltage regulation of the Analog supply with multiple bypass capacitors and an inductor to help to insure the best audio signal to noise ratio.

Bonus - With the correct thickness thermal pad - the Mini-DIN6 connector can be used as a heatsink on a Raspberry Pi4.

In an email discussion with W3KKC, I asked why the DRA-Pi-Zero schematic showed there were two separate power supplies. W3KKC replied that separate power supplies for the digital section of the circuit, and the analog section of the circuit was recommended practice by the modem chip manufacturer.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Annual Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0011 - Rick Prelinger W6XBE

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

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All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


In this article, I acknowledge that APRS™ is a trademarked name, formerly a trademark owned by Robert (Bob) Bruninga WB4APR who is now deceased (Silent Keyboard). The APRS trademark is now owned by TAPR. It is cumbersome to continue writing the “™”, thus I hope this initial acknowledgement that APRS is a trademarked name… is sufficient for the trademark’s owner.


In saying this, I mean no disrespect to the APRS-Fi app or the APRSdroid app for Android devices. Both of these apps have been developed to “meet the demands of the market” of casual APRS users, and the need for a “messaging first” app has really only emerged in comparison with the stellar user experience for peer-to-peer messaging as demonstrated by the Meshtastic app. Amateur Radio needs something comparable to Meshtastic, and APRS messaging technology is available, just awaiting better… sexier… messaging apps.


In the US, 501(c)(3) is the section of the Internal Revenue Service rules that defines a particular type of not-for-profit corporation


The TM-D7xx radios were infamous for their internal TNCs to have minimal memory that was sufficient for APRS, but not for large data packets as are needed for large file transfers.


Yes, this is a shameless pandering attempt to get Kenwood’s attention. I’m completely unembarrassed to admit this. 😄

Zero Retries 0166

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2000+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ for renewing as a Founding Member Annual Subscriber! (Previously acknowledged in Zero Retires 0161 as “Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39”.)

My thanks to Rick Prelinger W6XBE for becoming a new Founding Member Annual Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Don Coker KM6TRZ for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 45 for upgrading from a free subscription to an Annual Paid Subscriber this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 46 for becoming a new Annual Paid Subscriber this past week!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

ARRL Division Elections - My Endorsements For Northwestern Division

I generally avoid Amateur Radio “politics” in Zero Retries, but my endorsement is based in large part on one of the candidates for Northwestern Division Director being involved in Zero Retries Interesting activity - RATPAC video seminars, and thus it seems appropriate to mention that perspective in Zero Retries.

For the upcoming elections for ARRL Division leadership, I endorse

  • Dan Marler K7REX for ARRL Northwestern Division Director

  • Michael Sterba KG7HQ for ARRL Northwestern Division Vice Director

KG7HQ for Vice Director was unopposed, so he’s in.

Congratulations Michael! Serve Long, and Prosper! 🖖

I’ve known KG7HQ for decades now and he has served quietly and capably in Northwestern Division leadership since I’ve known him. I’m confident he will serve the members of the ARRL Northwestern Division even better in his new role.

K7REX is the challenger in the upcoming election for Northwestern Division Director and I endorse him because of his leadership in the RATPAC (Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee) organization. RATPAC is an ongoing seminar held online of all things Amateur Radio. One thing that I appreciate about RATPAC is that it actively encourages presentations about technical topics (often Zero Retries Interesting), and it embraces all Amateur Radio Operators, regardless of ARRL membership.

In short, I have watched and listened to many RATPAC programs, some live, some from its archive, and learned a lot from them. I cannot say the same about any ARRL equivalent programming (if it even exists). Thus I think that the example of RATPAC is a good example of the future of Amateur Radio, rather than the “mostly paywalled” offerings from the ARRL.

It’s my guess / hope that K7REX has received far greater exposure to Amateur Radio as a whole through his leadership and participation in RATPAC. That cannot help but inform K7REX better than the “silo’d” experiences of a typical ARRL Division Director attending mostly ARRL sanctioned events.

If the ARRL is to have a reasonable future in US Amateur Radio, it will have to develop a solution to the existential threat / challenge of ARRL current membership numbers of < 20% (and falling) within US Amateur Radio Operators. I think ARRL and Northwestern Division has a better chance to tackle this issue with K7REX as Northwestern Division Director, than his opponent.

Starlink - Mobile Usage and DNS Issues

Starlink continues to be in the news. I’m seeing so many mentions of Starlink that I lose track of them. One of the more interesting mentions I saw of Starlink is the increasing use of Starlink Mini in vehicles. Apparently the Starlink Mini unit is lightweight enough that people are building (or buying) lightweight frames for it to which they attach suction cups and then attach it to a sunroof on a vehicle and then have in-transit broadband connectivity wherever they go.

One surprising “suction cup” installation I saw was in a private plane that had a sunroof in the rear of the fuselage. The Starlink Mini was suction cupped to the plane’s sunroof and the plane’s owner report that it worked fine as long as his groundspeed didn’t exceed (I forget the number). It occurred to me that this was the very first time such small planes could have broadband Internet access while in flight. Cellular isn’t an option for a plane in flight (unless you’re flying pretty low so as not to be heard on too many cell sites simultaneously), nor is GEO satellites, and Iridium isn’t exactly “broadband” connectivity (or inexpensive).

I finally discovered I had a “gripe” about Starlink - the Domain Name Server (DNS) Starlink provides, or direct their users to, is a known issue. I had been having inexplicable, seemingly random errors on my phone and tablet ever since switching over to Starlink from Comcast, or the new Wi-Fi access point in the house. I finally typed in a long description of the issue into a web search, and finally found an answer! A poor DNS experience is a known issue with Starlink and as soon as I put in a manual DNS entry on my phone and tablet, they began working better than I can remember. In the near future I’ll go into my Starlink router and put in manual DNS entries so I don’t have to put manual DNS entries into every individual device on my network. With that issue resolved, now I’m really happy with Starlink service for my household!

Ziply Fiber - Not Very “Zippy”

Underground utility survey crews came through our neighborhood more than a month ago on behalf of Ziply Fiber. By now the paint marks are fading on lawns from grass growing out, and the electric utility surveyors left little red flags that are now getting removed for lawn mowing, but still no sign of Ziply Fiber coming anytime soon.

Having seen my interest in possibly getting fiber Internet service from Ziply, my wife Tina called the number on the Ziply Fiber door hanger left on our front door around the same time as the utility surveys crews did their thing. When Tina talked to the Ziply Fiber call center, they sounded puzzled that she was calling and said our neighborhood was not shown as scheduled for fiber deployment.

The call center person said “Thank you for your interest, and when your neighborhood is going to get Ziply Fiber, a crew will come through and leave door hangers on your front door.” Tina said, stunned… “Ma'am… I’m calling this number because of the door hanger left on my front door”. They had no further comment.

Help Requested For Wikipedia Editing - “9600 Port”

In this issue, from the article on the new Masters Communications DRA-Pi-Zero, I looked up the article 9600 port on Wikipedia.

It’s good that article is there, as a reference, but it really needs some work.

This paragraph:

This port is capable of transmitting and receiving data at speeds of at least 9600 bits per second, but usually faster. This is achieved by bypassing the highpass, lowpass, preemphasis, and deemphasis filters normally contained in the microphone and speaker circuits of an FM transmitter and receiver.[1]

is particularly problematic, but there are other issues that are readily apparent to those of us who are familiar with this subject.

The main issue that needs to be addressed in this article is that the signals in question that are sent through this port / connector are analog, not digital.

Other issues that I would love to see addressed:

  • The signals are mostly standardized, but not the signal levels (amplitude), which can vary widely between radios and modems.

  • The terminology that I’ve seen that gets the point across about no pre-emphasis or de-emphasis is flat audio (which I picked up in reading technical material about repeater audio interfacing), and it would be nice if that could be incorporated into the article as I think “flat audio” helps get the point across about lack of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.

  • It would be nice if the Module 17 could be worked into the list of devices since it requires the use of a radio with a “data jack”.

  • Other devices that use this jack now are the new N7EBB Radio Interface Board, the Masters Communications DRA-Pi-Zero, the NW Digital Radio DRAWS, the WB7FHC Nexus DR-X, and many Masters Communications audio adapters.

  • In current production, the Yaesu FTM-6000R and other Yaesu radios featuring System Fusion provide flat audio, and with the use of an available adapter cable from Yaesu, have this connector.

  • Also in current production, the BCM-144, BCM-220, and BCM-440 mobile radios from Bridgecom also provide flat audio, with the use of an adapter from Masters Communications.

  • Numerous other radios that have flat audio available, but not this connector, but adapters from Masters Communications and RPC Electronics remedy that situation.

I request that some of you knowledgeable Zero Retries readers do an update of this article. It’s a needed and useful reference and it would help Zero Retries Interesting Amateur Radio activity if it was more detailed and more accurate. If someone else can do this, that frees me up to put more time into Zero Retries.

Thanks in advance!


Steve N8GNJ

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New Product from Masters Communications - DRA-Pi-Zero

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

First, there was Craig Lamparter KM6LYW’s KM6LYW Radio YouTube channel:

Welcome back to KM6LYW Radio, the show about Amateur Radio or Ham Radio with an emphasis on digital or data modes, moving information back and forth using Amateur Radio, reimagining Ham Radio in the Information Age.

The KM6LYW Radio YouTube channel is exactly on target as Zero Retries Interesting, and thus it’s mentioned at the end of every issue of Zero Retries.

DigiPi Software

Some background on DigiPi… Before considering hardware, the “star of the show” is the DigiPi software (currently 1.8-3) developed by KM6LYW.

In creating the DigiPi software, KM6LYW did a stellar job of creating a critical differentiation of the typical operation of an Amateur Radio station for data communications - he built-in remote operation for the supported modes in DigiPi.

Thus you don’t connect a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. to a DigiPi station - you connect it to an (Amateur) radio and power supply and then tuck it out of the way. The small display is optional, but I would always want one installed for ease of troubleshooting, such as displaying the unit’s IP address, verifying that it’s up and running (not locked up).

The user interface of your data communications software of choice (APRS, Winlink, FLDigi, and many others) is routed over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The typical “operating environment” is working Amateur Radio data modes, silently, from your lap while you’re watching television with someone else.

A frequent point of confusion about DigiPi is that when it uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to a tablet, phone, or laptop, those connections are local, not requiring Internet.

This makes a DigiPi system ideal for an apartment or condo or dorm or other crowded living arrangement where you can’t devote much dedicated space for a data communications station (with a separate monitor, keyboard, etc.). The radio needs more room and a bit of ventilation than the DigiPi requires.

The New DRA-Pi-Zero

KM6LYW has explained his original DigiPi hardware construction well on his YouTube channel. The original DigiPi required some “bodging” of a transistor and some other components onto a Raspberry Pi Zero and an attached audio interface board called the Fe-Pi. That was functional and inexpensive.

The new Master’s Communications DRA-Pi-Zero is yet another hardware option to build your a DigiPi station.

DRA-Pi-Zero without display - image courtesy of Masters Communications

Kevin Custer W3KKC of Masters Communications on the DRA-Sound-Cards email list:

New product sneak peek - The DRA-Pi-Zero.

What is it - and why do I need it?
Some of you are aware of a software product called DigiPi. DigiPi is a Linux based program created by Craig KM6LYW that runs on a Raspberry Pi. Craig's explanation is the best, so here it is - “The DigiPi is the ultimate hot-spot for all amateur radio data modes, including APRS, AX.25, Winlink email, ft8, js8cal, SlowScan TV, PSK31, packet and even CW. The implementation is an elegant, inexpensive, low-power, open-source Raspberry-Pi--based amateur radio data transceiver, managed exclusively by web browsers or smart-phone apps, with no bulky keyboards, monitors or complicated wiring.”

I was asked to design a “DRA” [Digital Radio Adapter] radio interface for this project. While there are other radio interface solutions “out there” for this project, some are quite large and power hungry, while others require a good bit of DIY intervention. The DRA-Pi-Zero is an attempt to make it easy to use this software with radios that don't have a built in sound card. It's interesting to note that the DRA-Pi-Zero should work with other software solutions too - not just DigiPi.

The DRA-Pi-Zero is available Assembled and Tested or as a project kit. The project kit is only recommended for very experienced builders. There are surface mount components, and while the Codec and voltage regulator come pre-installed - it's a challenging board to build due to its shear small size.

As with all other DRA devices, the audio quality is excellent - insuring the widest bandwidth and highest (most reliable) throughput. Connecting the DRA-Pi-Zero to a mobile radio or portable is made as easy as possible using one of two radio connectors - a 3.5mm TRRS and a Mini-DIN-6 female (both are included). The MD6 allows a DRAC-12 or DIN6-Shortie to connect to the vast number of digital ready radios with a matching Mini-DIN-6 data connector. The TRRS is wired to accept cables made by Digirig. The DRA-Pi-Zero has pots to properly range the TX and RX audio levels, and a high-performance reed relay to insure all radio keying (PTT) compatibility.

The DRA-Pi-Zero is designed to be stacked on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, as the board is the same size, but - is compatible with most other Raspberry Pi's. It has NOT been tested with the Raspberry Pi5, but the Raspberry Pi Zero, Pi3 and Pi4 all work correctly. Audio frequency response and group / phase delay was tested on 64bit Raspbian OS with a Raspberry Pi4 and Audacity. Its performance equals our other DRA products.

The extended 40 pin header allows an optional 1.3" TFT display to be stacked onto the DRA-Pi-Zero. Screen position alignment is outlined with silkscreen printing. This is truly a tiny but reliable solution that works well for portable or permanent deployments. We've tested them in bicycle races and other events and Craig has one online in active duty. Craig has a forum for DigiPi, so we won't need to duplicate that support here.

More information:
DRA-Pi-Zero Main Page.
DRA-PI-Zero Support Documentation.
DRA-Pi-Zero Construction Article.

KM6LYW's DigiPi.

Comments and questions are welcomed.

More details from the Product Support Documentation - Model DRA-Pi-Zero page:

Overview of DRA-Pi-Zero
Things that may not be otherwise obvious:

  • Use with KM6LYW's DigiPi Software - providing a very high quality but small form factor (Pi Zero) sound card.

  • Here's an installation of a DRA-Pi-Zero in operation.

  • Kits come with the surface-mount IC and regulator preinstalled - but other SMT parts do exist and need installed.

  • Kits are only recommended for VERY experienced builders.

  • RX audio feeds the MIC input of the chip, which by default feeds both the Left and Right channels. As such - no channel steering header is included (or needed) for RX audio.

  • The larger pot (R12) adjusts the receive audio level.

  • The smaller pot (R14) adjusts the transmit audio level.

  • The LEFT / RIGHT "TX" header selects which channel feeds the transmitter - no soldering required.

  • The TX audio signal is fed from the high-power headphone outputs to the TX header to give the most TX level possible at a low impedance.

  • TX audio feeds pin 1 of the MD6 and Ring 1 (the ring closest to the tip) on the TRRS.

  • PTT is available at MD6 pin 3 and Ring 2 (the ring closest to the sleeve) on the TRRS.

  • The PTT is driven by a transistor with its bias coming from pin 32 of the 40 pin header.

  • The Red PTT LED is in parallel with the coil of the PTT relay.

  • The Blue Bluetooth LED is from pin 29 of the 40 pin header through a current limiting resistor.

  • The Green Carrier Detect LED is driven from pin 36 of the 40 pin header through a current limiting resistor.

The DRA-Pi-Zero is a pretty cool development, and kudos to W3KKC for creating it1! One point of differentiation for the DRA-Pi-Zero versus others (see below) is that it’s a product of Masters Communications, which has developed a number of high-performance audio interfaces2 for use with higher speed Amateur Radio data communications modes on narrow VHF / UHF channels such as VARA FM3.

DRA-Pi-Zero with display - image courtesy of Masters Communications

In this photo of the DRA-Pi-Zero, there’s a hint of another tacit, but important endorsement. NS7C is Scott Currie, who is very active in promoting advanced Amateur Radio data modes on VHF / UHF such as VARA FM, and helping troubleshoot data mode issues on various Amateur Radio email lists relating to data modes. NS7C’s involvement in the DRA-Pi-Zero pretty much guarantees that the DRA-Pi-Zero will support advanced data modes on VHF / UHF.

The TX and RX audio level (hardware, not software) audio adjustments (potentiometers) mean set-it-and-forget-it audio level adjustments rather than fussing with the internal audio settings within Raspberry Pi OS. Similarly, including a reed relay for Push To Talk (PTT) switching instead of using a transistor insures maximum compatibility. Some audio interfaces use a transistor which doesn’t work with every radio.

Update - KM6LYW did a video unboxing and review of the Masters Communications DRA-Pi-Zero:

It’s good that Masters Communications has tested and qualified the DRA-Pi-Zero for use on Raspberry Pi units other than the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (the most advanced version of that form factor) because that unit is still in very short supply. You can usually find one in stock, but you can’t buy more than one. For my first DRA-Pi-Zero (yep, I ordered one within an hour of learning about it) I wanted to connect it to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W as a reference build. Despite its diminutive size4, the only vendor that had one in stock as I was looking charged as much for “shipping” as the unit itself (which is, unfortunately, within “wiggle room” of Raspberry Pi’s authorized maximum pricing of $15 each for this unit). Thus I’ll probably end up installing future DRA-Pi-Zeros on Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 4 units which may well be overkill, but those Raspberry Pi units have ample stock levels now.

Lastly, I had not considered the potential of a DigiPi for use in portable operations. For portable operations, at first glance, the Digirig Mobile seems a better choice - rugged case, small form factor, etc. But Digirig requires connection to a computer, and if you’d like to use a phone or tablet for operating data modes, using a DigiPi has a lot to recommend it given you can tuck a it away into a Go Kit and then access it via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi with a tablet, phone, or laptop.

Other Hardware Options for DigiPi

Lastly, for completeness, two other options for DigiPi hardware have emerged this year:

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

The New M17 Digital Voice Mode is Here!

Link will open in Google Drive - select the August issue

Jim Moen K6JM writing in the 2024-08 issue of the Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club’s THE CARRIER (Page 9):

The New M17 Digital Voice Mode is Here!

By Jim Moen, K6JM

You may have heard of this new digital voice (DV) mode. MDARC's DV repeater supports it.

The club is proud to offer members and hams within RF range of Mt Diablo various kinds of repeaters, not only on different bands, but supporting different modes of communication, from our popular analog FM 2-meter repeater (147.060 +), to a stand-alone DMR digital voice repeater (144.925 +2.5), to our Amateur TV repeater (1244.5). We also operate an APRS digipeater on 144.39.

And we have a Multimode Digital Voice (DV) repeater (145.0 +2.5). This repeater, starting about 15 years ago, was a D-Star repeater. In 2021, it was upgraded to support several other popular DV modes, including the YSF version of Fusion, DMR, D-Star of course, and, beginning last November, M-17.

Until recently, digital modes available to hams have all used a proprietary compression/decompression (codec) algorithm developed originally for the military but now licensed and sold by a company called DVSI. Many hams have longed for a free, open-source codec, and one is now available. M17 comes from the collaboration of high-end developers around the world. These include experts in hardware, software and infrastructure.

The goal of the "M17 Project" has been to design and implement a total system, starting with firmware for radios, network reflectors (conference servers) and everything in between. Their work is basically done and roll-out has begun.

Our W6CX DV Multimode repeater uses open-source software written by Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX. He flew out to Pacificon in 2018 and again in 2023. He plans to be at Pacificon 2024. When he added support for M17 to his repeater programs, we enabled that new mode on our repeater.

Up until now, the problem has been that there have been no commercially-available M17 radios. For tinkerers, it is possible to make hardware modifications to certain DMR radios and load in a replacement firmware, but many hams will not choose that approach. I built an M17 radio using a $47 board connected to an analog FM radio. It works, but again, this is not for everyone.

Then this summer, Connect Systems, owned by Jerry Wanger in Los Angeles, began to sell an M17 UHF HT -- the CS7000-M17. It is single band, so will not work with our VHF repeater, but it does work with M17-capable hotspots, and those can then connect in to our repeater via a reflector. Jerry also plans to sell a dual-mode UHF radio that can do both DMR and M17. Those are expected to be available this Fall.

So M17 is beginning to leave the lab and roll out to the real world.

A fast way to play with M17 right now would be to get the Connect Systems M17 HT and an MMDVM hotspot that supports M17. These consist of a Raspberry Pi running the WPSD package and an MMDVM modem that ranges in cost from $50 to $125. This would let you link to M17 reflectors and talk to other M17 users around the world.

If some of you like to tinker and experiment, there are also options. If you have a spare analog FM radio with a 9600 baud data port, you could build your own M17 radio for a modest investment in a Module 17 board.

We'll continue to monitor and update you about M17 as it begins to get used more and there are more options.

More information:

M17 Project –
Connect Systems -
Module 17 board -
Example hotspot that can do M17: ZUMspot -
(eBay also has some less expensive hotspots, though not all claim to do M17)
WPSD (replacement for Pi-Star) hotspot software for the Raspberry Pi -

I predicted that M17 would get much wider notice as a result of the Connect Systems CS7000 M17 and that’s being borne out in articles such as this. It’s notable that MDARC was ahead of this trend and their W6CX Digital Voice repeater had already been upgraded to support M17 before the Connect Systems CS7000 M17 was released.

I wish there was a similarly progressive Amateur Radio club / repeater association here in Seattle… or Washington that was willing to support M17 on a primary repeater such as MDARC has done. But as I said in Zero Retries…

I think the “I just don’t get it about M17” contingent in Amateur Radio is just going to have to be routed around by the folks with the energy, the better M17 technology (which will evolve faster and take advantage of new computer and radio technology)… and the youth to outlast the majority.

There are two repeaters in N8GNJ Labs that didn’t have a specific purpose (I saw some good deals and snatched them up “for a rainy day”). At least one, or perhaps both units are now destined to be upgraded to support M17.

One of my repeaters is for 222-225 MHz… Hmmm… I might be able to claim to “First M17 on 222-225 MHz”.

Report from the International Earth Moon Earth (EME) 2024 Conference

Image courtesy of 2024 EME Conference

Dave Carlson N2OA via email:

I saw that you were looking for reports from the EME conference.

I attended my first EME conference ever last week at The College of New Jersey and it was a blast. I've never done EME but have had an interest since the early 80's when I saw a presentation by Frank Pollino K2OS on 2m EME.

This conference was done a bit differently than other years and they offered a second track on Friday called EME101, which I attended . This track was for people interested or just starting out in EME. It was unfortunate that by attending the 101 track I missed other interesting presentations on Friday but there was a lot of good information and a lot to learn even for an old VHF+ weak signal guy like myself.

The 101 track had many presentations on getting started, bands, modes, planning, equipment and troubleshooting. The main track had everything from operating stories, to EME history, tracking, building power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, and dish building and restoration. There was even a presentation on building the communications equipment for the mars helicopter.

The highlight of any of these events is always the people. It was an incredible experience to sit and talk to folks from all over the world that are involved in this great aspect of the hobby, pick their brains, and learn from their adventures.

On a sad note, Al Katz K2UYH became a silent key just before this conference and was a large part of the conference organization. While I never met Al, the stories told by family, friends, and former students were incredible. Amateur radio lost another great person this year but I must commend the team that stepped in to make the conference happen. They did a great job and I'm sure K2UYH was watching with a big smile.

I've now got the bug and hope to be on EME starting with 23cm early next year.

My thanks to N2OA for that great summary of his experience at International EME Conference 2024.

To date, I haven’t found any reference to the International EME Conference 2024 being video recorded, though I did find recordings of the 19th (2022?) International EME Conference, so there’s reason to hope that there will also be video recordings of the 2024 conference.

After reading N2OA’s report I checked the website and I was very pleasantly surprised that the conference did a great job of putting all the presentation materials online on the Downloads tab of the website:

  • Conference Papers

  • EME101 Presentation

  • Conference Power Points (nearly 3 GB, even in .zip format!)

  • Presenters Bios

  • 23cm Band – G4SJH

That last item is a current update on the situation of Amateur Radio’s situation as a secondary user of the 23cm band (1240 - 1300 MHz) and the increasing use of that band by its primary user, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The US Global Positioning System (GPS) was, for a long time, the only, and then primary GNSS system (which does not use the 23cm band), but other GNSS systems are now online, especially the European Union (EU) / European Space Agency (ESA) Galileo GNSS system, and they don’t want Amateur Radio interference of those systems.

I was also impressed that the conference had these sponsors:

  • IEEE Princeton / Central New Jersey Section

  • The College of New Jersey School of Engineering

  • IEEE The College of New Jersey, IEEE Student Chapter

  • Delaware Valley Radio Association


  • ARRL

The association of this conference with IEEE and the College of New Jersey are encouraging! We in Amateur Radio ought to be actively cultivating more such “cross fertilization” between technical societies, education, and “Zero Retries Interesting” Amateur Radio activities such as EME.

And lastly, I have been corresponding with a Zero Retries reader and in part debating the merits of in-person Amateur Radio technical conferences versus virtual technical conferences. Thus I was impressed that there were over 100 attendees (I stopped counting after I hit 100), and I mentioned this to my correspondent.

As N2OA noted in his report:

The highlight of any of these events is always the people. It was an incredible experience to sit and talk to folks from all over the world that are involved in this great aspect of the hobby, pick their brains, and learn from their adventures.

Indeed - that has also been my experience with Amateur Radio technical conferences that I’ve attended over the years. If you cannot attend in person, attending virtually, and watching recordings, gives you some of the information. But, in my opinion, the real value of attending a technical conference in person is the serendipitous interactions one-on-one with attendees and presenters and vendors. It’s one of those “trying to drink from a firehose” experiences. I may well not have felt that I’m equipped to tackle a project like creating Zero Retries if not for the formative experiences I’ve had at Amateur Radio technical conferences such as the Digital Communications Conferences over the years. I learned so much, so deeply, so quickly at those conferences, and Zero Retries is part of paying it forward to future generations of Amateur Radio Operators.

Hacking the [Quansheng] UV-K6 [Portable Radio] for Digital Modes

Robb Riggs WX9O on the m17-users email list:

Working on this...


It will require hacking the radio hardware, the firmware, and adding on an M17 baseband processor.

Currently working on how to cleanly bypass the audio amp as I think it is causing some of the distortion I am seeing.

The referenced blog post:

Modified UV-K6 connected to Mobilinkd TNC4 configured for 9600 baud - Image courtesy of Mobilinkd

There is an active community of radio amateurs dedicated to hacking the Quansheng UV-K5 and variants. I count myself as one of them. In the linked article I show how to modify the hardware and firmware of the radio to allow it to be used for digital modes such as 9600 baud FSK and 4-FSK modes such as those used by the M17 Project.

That GitHub page (this is becoming a merry chase…)

One of the holy grails of amateur radio is an inexpensive FM transceiver with a flat response. An old-school ham would call this a radio with discriminator output and varactor input but everything is digital and I/Q modulated these days, so a flat response is a clearer way to say what we are after. These are radios that are capable of digital modes like 9600 baud GFSK or 4-FSK. Radios such as these are typically expensive mobile units or base stations with packet data ports. These typically cost many hundreds of dollars. To date, only Kenwood has made a hand-held radio (long since discontinued) which exposed this capability directly.

The Quansheng UV-K5 and variants (including the UV-K6) have an active hacking community. The hardware has been well-documented and the firmware reverse-engineered. Customized firmware variants are in wide use. The BK4819 RF IC used in this device is fairly well documented.

I have discovered that with a few trivial hardware modification and some new firmware features, we can enhance these $30 radios to provide a flat response on both transmit and receive, allowing these radios to be used for digital modulation. This article documents those changes and how to get started with digital modes using this radio, along with a modem such as the Mobilinkd TNC4.

A later post on m17-users by WX9O:

I am trying to work through an issue with the radio. RX shows some odd artifacts where the DC bias jumps significantly as soon as a signal is present. (Likely not an audio amp problem as I originally thought.) This happens when the radio has been in RX mode for a while. The issue seems to occur in both Wide and Narrow mode, but to a lesser extent in narrow mode. The image below shows the issue. The polarity of the drift and then sudden adjustment after ~120ms can switch (can drift up or down), and it can be much more severe. The image below is in wide mode. In narrow mode, it is less noticeable, but still enough to cause the first few frames to get corrupted. This is not much of an issue with M17 voice, since we can recover after a few frames. That's not possible with packet mode. All of the frames must be received correctly.

TX or changing the RX frequency resets it and it works well for a bit, then starts to show the behavior again. So there is likely a way to fix this or work around the issue. We just don't have good docs for the chip. If anyone wants to explore this issue, I'd be happy to point out where to start poking at the firmware. The hardware mod is pretty easy if you can do surface mount work. And the firmware is easy to modify, build and load.

Vladimir Zivadinovic YU4TET replied (beating me to making the same comment):

The Quansheng mod is some of the most exciting work in ham radio. It can become the easiest and cheapest way for a ham to dip their toes in modes requiring flat audio.

There was only 1 (one) HT radio with flat audio for digital modes before, the TH-F6A/TH-F7E. It is expensive and unobtanium.

This would make portable work with digital modes more accessible and much, much cheaper than anything else. Currently, you'd be stuck with digital modes to one of the Yaesu mobiles, or a commercial mobile rig. This is not cheap, nor easy, nor practical.

I with you the best of luck with your Quansheng modding!

One issue with using portable radios for data is the Receive / Transmit time tends to be longer than desired for data communications, and WX9O addresses that in the Future Work section:

Turn-around time can be improved by changing the firmware to configure the transmitter and receiver only when material changes are made. Currently, the firmware reconfigures many BK4819 parameters when switching between transmit and receive. Some of this is likely done to make dual-receive simpler to implement.

The transmit delay is the time between pressing PTT and the time the transmitter is active and at full power. It is currently about 120ms. This is longer than requried. The firmware does key debounce which requires 30ms. This can be eliminated for PTT in DIG mode where PTT is controlled by a modem/TNC. The same improvements for turn-around time will also reduce transmit delay. I suspect it is possible to get each down to around 40ms without too much work.

Kudos to WX9O for tackling this! His GitHub article does a great job in explaining the hardware and firmware modifications, and his current progress and future work.

As YU4TET said, this mod to a $30 portable radio would make (faster) [data] modes more accessible for experimenters. A UV-K6 modified for flat audio and faster RX/TX turnaround would make a great radio for a DigiPi system that’s operating higher-speed data modes. Or, heck… at a mere $30 each, just buy two - one for TX and one for RX - full duplex (probably operating dual band). If Quansheng began offering a “data” version of this radio, factory modified per WX9O’s recommendations, I’d happily pay double the $30 price for such a unit. I’ve done SMT work, even as small as 0402 components, and while it’s doable with a sturdy bench, good light, a swing arm stereo microscope, steady hands, and a temp-controlled soldering iron with SMT tip… it… is… tedious… work.

freebeacon / FreeDV Beacon With Repeat

Alan Veard VK2ZIW on GitHub:

Automated Beacon for FreeDV that runs on a Raspberry Pi

  • FreeDV beacon With repeat:

  • Listens for FreeDV signals, then transmits a reply.

  • Supports FreeDV 700D and 700E modes.

  • Places the received signals as files.

  • Requires a Linux machine with a sound card and RS232-PTT (or Hamlib CAT) interface to your radio.

  • Just one sound card is required.

  • Can run on machines as small as a Raspberry Pi.

  • Now running with Codec2 API Ver 1.2

  • Using Reliable Text, but we need extra chars for trigger string eg. + and -

  • Since FreeDV cannot add these to a callsign, now triggering with numbers at the end of your callsign eg. VK2FABC0 or for short callsigns K1AA000

  • With ideas like this, it's like having Talk Groups

Stuff like this is so cool…

My thanks to Cale Mooth K4HCK for mentioning this in an email, who noted:

It's an interesting use case that could facilitate the request of “on-demand” information via HF and FreeDV.

This makes me think that freebeacon could be used as a simple ping, or perhaps even a slightly more interesting system like the old NOS / UNIX “finger” utility. When I read this:

It requires a "txfilename" wave file to transmit, e.g. some one saying "Hi, I am a FreeDV beacon blah blah". The signal report is encoded into the transmit text message. Make the wave file long enough so that the the signal report is repeated a few times, say 30 seconds. Transmit will stop when the "txfilename" wave file is played once.

… my slightly mischievous mind thought of putting an AI system to work creating funny audio IDs with my callsign using imitations of memorable voices such as Gilbert Gottfried (recently deceased) or Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny and many other memorable characters).

TAPR Board of Directors Call For Nominations 2024

Staną Horzepa WA1LOU on several TAPR-sponsored email lists:

Three Director positions on the TAPR Board of Directors are now open for nomination and nominations may be submitted now.

TAPR Board members serve three-year terms and their responsibilities include:

  1. Attendance at both in-person board meetings each year. [One is held at the Hamvention in May, the other at the Digital Communications Conference (DCC) in September.]

  2. Regular participation in the continuous board session, which is conducted over the Internet.

  3. Active engagement in TAPR’s management.

To place a person in nomination, please remember that he or she must be a member of TAPR. Also, confirm that the individual is willing to have his or her name placed in nomination. By September 21, 2024, send that person’s name (or your own if you wish to nominate yourself ), call sign, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number(s), and a biographical sketch (250 words maximum) via or via snail mail to TAPR, 1 Glen Ave., Wolcott, CT 06716-1442

The three current TAPR Directors whose terms are expiring in 2024 are:

  • Dan Babcock N4XWE

  • George Byrkit K9TRV

  • Scotty Cowling WA2DFI (current TAPR President)

Mobilinkd TNC4 firmware version 2.5.14

Rob Riggs WX9O on the Mobilinkd email list:

TNC4 firmware version 2.5.14 has been released and the User Guide has been updated. The TNC will indicate when its audio input is being overdriven. PTT lockup on iOS when 2 or more apps are attached to the TNC is fixed. The 9600 baud modulator and M17 demodulator have been improved.

The change log for this version shows 14 distinct updates, including these Zero Retries Interesting updates:

  • Update 9600 baud FSK modulator to use interpolating FIR filter rather than lookup table for pulse shaping.

  • Fix M17 packet SRC (TNC3 -> TNC4).

  • Fix M17 demod offset.

  • Fix divide by zero that would cause M17 demodulator to stop working.

  • Other miscellaneous M17 demod changes which should improve demod performance.

Kudos to WX9O for putting that level of effort into M17 which I’ll guess is still a tiny percentage of use cases for purchasing a TNC4… but growing!

The Beginners Guide To The Radioberry HF SDR Transceiver Pi Hat - YouTube

As always, Matt Miller M0DQW does a great job explaining a Zero Retries Interesting subject on video. I love that he provides a complete description of the subject in his video titles, and unlike so many other Amateur Radio YouTube content creators, does not pad his videos with extraneous commentary.

If you’re a regular reader of Zero Retries, but not following the Tech Minds YouTube channel, you’re missing a lot of great Zero Retries Interesting content.

AREDN Plans to Sunset Global Tunnel Server in “Near Future”

Orv Beach W6BI on several AREDN email lists:

Years ago it was really difficult to get tunnels set up, so the AREDN team set up a “global” tunnel server to provide connectivity and many hams took advantage of it.

Since then tunnel became easier to set up and then supernode clusters came into being.  Now there are only a few nodes still connected to the global tunnel server.  Since there are so few, and the code on the tunnel server is way out of date and problematic, AREDN will pull the plug on it in the near future. Here's the list of nodes still connected to it.  If you own or know the owner of one of these nodes, make plans for an alternative link into the network (if you don't have one already).


  • KB4YFK-GL150



  • K4SPB-HAP-1


  • K5DLQ-HAP-1

  • W1HS-UTIK-5AC2ND-1


W6BI is a Zero Retries Pseudostaffer, AREDN Project Manager, and AREDN Ambassador.

Coming Soon! 12th Annual International DATV QSO Party

From Amateur Television Journal, August, 2024, 2nd edition, Issue #168; Jim Andrews KH6HTV, Editor:

The Melbourne Amateur Television Group along with the Boulder Amateur Television Club, Amateur Television in Central Ohio, and the Amateur Television Network is preparing our worldwide “stage” for the upcoming DATV QSO Party 2024! The DATV QSO Party is an annual event utilizing the mode of amateur television within the amateur radio spectrum. This grand event on video begins on Saturday, August 31, 2024, beginning at 00:00 UTC (Friday, August 30, 2024 beginning at 5:00pm Pacific Daylight Time / 8:00pm Eastern Daylight time in the USA). The DATV QSO Party links up with participating ATV repeater systems and chapter stations throughout the world during the approximately 11 hour event, but could go longer depending on the number of check-ins received. This event is the ultimate amateur television “Net.” Hams and the general public will be able to watch our live-stream on YouTube, Facebook, BATC, and through the AREDN system.

Participating repeater systems and uplink system for this year’s “party” so far includes but not limited to:

  • VK3RTV – Melbourne, Australia

  • WR8ATV – Columbus, Ohio, USA

  • W0BTV – Boulder, Colorado, USA

  • W6CX – Northern California, USA

  • W6ATN – Southern California, USA (6 ATV repeater systems linked) W7ATN – Arizona, USA

  • WB9KMO – Mesa, AZ USA

  • QO-100 OSCAR Satellite

If you are a licensed ham radio operator and don’t have an ATV station , you can still join in on the fun and festivities of the DATV QSO Party. You can participate with us on our ATN IP video insertion channel on our Whereby system at: and you can check-in and participate with our chapter stations and be included into the “party.”

Mark your calendar and come join us for the biggest amateur television party on the planet for the 12th Annual DATV QSO Party on Saturday, August 31, 2024 beginning at 00:00 UTC. It will be the video party of the year!

How to Watch: You can watch the “party” through our streaming channels:




This is Zero Retries Interesting that it’s a rare “linked via Internet” event to showcase Digital Amateur [Radio] Television (DATV) technology and operations, not just to other ATV operators, but Amateur Radio Operators not (yet) using ATV, and the general public that can watch online per the above links. Outside of this event, these local / regional Amateur Television networks operate almost entirely via radio.

See Amateur Television Network’s DATV QSO Party page for archives of past events.

EggNOGS (Eggbeater) Antenna Kits Now Available for Five Bands

Mark Smith (Smitty) N6MTS on the Halibut Electronics email list:

All 5 bands are now available for purchase:

  • 137.5 MHz for Weather Satellites

  • 145.9 MHz and 436.5 MHz for Ham Bands

  • 388.0 Mhz and 401.0 MHz for Commercial Bands

EggNOGS Antenna page - Note that these are actually semi-kits; you’ll be supplying some of the components such as a PVC mast and the copper (or other) wire for the actual antennas. But the very hard part, the phasing circuitry necessary for the antenna’s polarization to be “up” (suitable for satellite reception and transmission) is done in a pair of circuit boards supplied in the semi-kit.

I view eggbeater antennas as the ideal satellite antenna for beginning satellite users. The radiation pattern of a conventional omnidirectional (ground plane) antenna is horizontal. Yagi (beam) antennas have a sufficiently tight radiation pattern that they must be aimed at the satellite. That’s fun for a casual contact, but to regularly work satellites with a yagi requires azimuth / elevation rotors. An eggbeater antenna’s radiation pattern is “omnidirectional up” - not as good for working satellites as an aimed yagi, but far better than a ground plane. Building up the 145.9 MHz and 436.5 MHz EggNOGS antennas will be a good winter project.

Now that EggNOGS is in production and stocked, N6MTS will be working on two follow-on projects - AmpNOGS and TeaNOGS.

EggNOGS is just the antenna. No active electronics at all.

AmpNOGS is a transmit capable LNA.

TeaNOGS is a bias-T injector with features. 

AmpNOGS is an LNA designed to attach directly to EggNOGS, and be powered by bias voltage on the coax. If you have a radio that can generate a bias voltage (eg: RTL-SDR dongle, or the Icom 9700), then AmpNOGS will work directly with that.

If your radio can’t put a bias voltage on, you’ll need a bias-T in the shack. For receive, any old bias-T will do. AmpNOGS supports between 4v and 15v. 


If you want to transmit through AmpNOGS, you need a system that will remove the bias voltage before you transmit. The IC-9700 can be configured for this directly. (The RTL-SDR dongle can’t, but it’s Rx only, so it’s irrelevant.)

If you want to transmit, and your radio cannot remove bias on transmit, then TeaNOGS is for you. Like all bias-T’s, it injects bias voltage on the coax. It also has a PTT input; when PTT is triggered, it remove bias voltage from the line to put AmpNOGS in Tx mode. 

It requires a PTT signal (either active high or active low) from your transmitter, which many radios can provide. It might be on the “data” or “accessory” port. My Flex has an RCA with it directly. 

I don’t have firm numbers on power handling for EggNOGS and AmpNOGS yet. I’ve tested EggNOGS up to 17W and it got toasty after a couple minutes of constant carrier FM, but not over-toasty. Highest I saw was 40C, but all components are rated to 85C or more. I haven’t measured AmpNOGS yet (though I expect it’ll be easier/better than EggNOGS.)

While none of these units - EggNOGS, AmpNOGS, and TeaNOGS breaks new ground technologically, N6MTS’ innovative use of carefully-designed circuit boards to create the necessary (very fussy, exacting) phasing circuitry makes an EggNOGS antenna much less expensive and thus more approachable. Thus that makes satellite operation much less expensive and more approachable for greater numbers of radio experimenters, including those that want to provide telemetry downloads from experimental satellites into the SatNOGS network - no Amateur Radio license required!

AREDN Software's New UI - An Overview (Video)

My thanks to friend Ren Roderick K7JB for pointing out this video.

APRS Messaging Being Covered by Jason Oleham KM4ACK (Videos)

On his email list (for which I cannot find an online reference to link to) KM4ACK reports a followup to the above video:

Experimental Success! BEHIND THE SCENES

Before the Huntsville Hamfest I had an idea that utilized APRS messages to set up a quasi social media network. By creating a group, we could send messages from both the RF world and the Internet. Full details can be found in this video.

How did it work? Better than I expected but there were short comings. Messages that weren't entered over RF and those that were from RF but out of digipeat range never made it to my radio. This meant that without an internet connection, options to read the messages were limited. So was this a fail? I don't think of it as a fail but more of a learning opportunity to better understand how group messages work. Assuming everyone is in range of the same digipeater, group messages are an excellent RF only tool and a fantastic way to deliver a message to multiple people. One example is the message below that my radio received on Saturday morning before the show.

Image courtesy of Jasen Oleham KM4ACK

N4GLE used the APRS group "QST" to pass an important message to everyone in range of the digipeater. Since most APRS radios come preprogrammed with the QST group, he was able to send it to multiple operators without knowing their individual call signs. Real time data delivered over RF is what makes APRS much more than "vehicle tracking" but it takes operators with the understanding and skill set to pull it off. Once understood and implemented correctly, APRS becomes a very valuable tool in our arsenal. 

In my (admittedly limited) experience, APRS messaging is an under-appreciated capability in Amateur Radio. While APRS messaging has been a capability of APRS from nearly the beginning, it’s never been easy to use. If it had been, perhaps Amateur Radio would have a compelling “peer” mode to Meshtastic which is getting a lot of attention.

I think the new paradigm of decoupling the radio / modem / TNC from the keyboard / display, and moving the latter to a smartphone or tablet such as the excellent RadioMail and Meshtastic apps would make APRS messaging far more usable and popular. The videos above show that APRS messaging is sometimes built-in to a radio… but it’s far from easy / friendly / convenient / “discoverably” easy to use. But as soon as you see RadioMail or Meshtastic, you quickly grasp how easy it is to use.

There is also an app which includes APRS messaging as a feature (when subscription is enabled), but I have not investigated that app. Not having seen how the app implements APRS messaging… I’ll guess that I’d still have a preference for a dedicated messaging app such as RadioMail or Meshtastic. When I’m composing a message, I’d rather have the entire device devoted to a display and keyboard with nothing else infringing on the small screen real estate that is available.

Note that the use of a smartphone or tablet does not imply “Internet” is needed to use these apps - they are communicating via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi back to a radio / modem / TNC stack, and not using Internet for the actual communications in the app.

If Amateur Radio were to create a good combination of the following for using APRS messaging:

  • Portable radio / battery

  • Modem / TNC

  • Bluetooth / Wi-Fi link

  • Display / Keyboard / utilities / configuration app on a smartphone

I think that combination would be a powerful “answer” to Meshtastic in Amateur Radio.

Perhaps this might be an interesting use case for Computer and Telemetry System (CATS) - and its newer radio technology of Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) at 9600 bps on UHF… if a compatible app for a smartphone could be developed.

Raspberry Pi 5 For Radio Amateurs With The RTL-SDR V4 (Video)

If you have an interest in using the Raspberry Pi 5 with Ham Radio, but don't know where to start, then check out this new book from Elektor. We go through the book and even perform some of the projects which are highly detailed within the book.

I wasn’t previously aware of the book Raspberry Pi 5 for Radio Amateurs, but by now it’s totally unsurprising that Matt Miller M0DQW of the Tech Minds YouTube channel is on it.

It’s matter-of-fact, approachable material like this that, in 2024 and beyond, is presenting Amateur Radio in a manner that is relevant and interesting to newer, younger, techier, hacker-oriented Amateur Radio Operators. It’s encouraging that Elektor (magazine) chose to partner with RTL-SDR Blog for the bundled Software Defined Receiver. In my observation, RTL-SDR Blog makes the best, most reliable of the small form factor “SD RX dongles” and thus buyers of this book and receiver combination will have a good chance of a satisfying experience working through the various experiences outlined in the 303 pages of this book.

A Free and Open Source IPv6 Textbook

A collaborative IPv6 book. This project is a practical introduction to IPv6 for technical people, kept up to date by active practitioners. The book will be available free of charge (and free of advertising) on-line, possibly with an option to obtain a printed copy at cost price.

The more I have read about IPv6… the less I like the “mess” that IPv4 has become, with the necessity with IPv4 for many workarounds such as Network Address Translation (NAT). Once you understand its advanced capabilities, IPv6 just works, and I think IPv6 is just going to be a better solution for Amateur Radio systems now, and certainly in the decades to come. That said, there will always be a place for IPv4 in Amateur Radio as many of our “trailing edge” applications and hardware just have no way of handling IPv6.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Annual Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK1DF / VK2MKZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0011 - Rick Prelinger W6XBE

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

  • One particularly effective method of promoting Zero Retries is to add a mention of Zero Retries to your QRZ page (or other web presence) and include a link:

  • If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

These blogs and newsletters regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

These YouTube channels regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

These podcasts regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

Zero Retries is currently using the Substack email publishing platform to publish Zero Retries. It’s particularly suitable for small newsletters as you can get started for no cost.

If you’re reading this issue on the web and you’d like to see Zero Retries in your email Inbox every Friday afternoon, just click below to join 2000+ other subscribers:

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Zero Retries (N8GNJ) is on Mastodon — — just click:

Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Mastodon

Zero Retries (N8GNJ) is also on Bluesky — @n8gnj — just click:

Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Bluesky

Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


There was a subtle but important endorsement implied in the fourth photo of the unit - the callsign NS7C - Scott Currie who is one of the most knowledgeable subject matter experts on data communications on Amateur Radio VHF / UHF channels. A quick email exchange with NS7C confirmed that he was involved in the DRA-Pi-Zero.


Formerly known as “sound cards”, though such units haven’t been actual cards (as in expansion cards for PCs for decades now… but the terminology persists.


Not generally viable for this unit without a lot of work to run Windows software on a Raspberry Pi on top of Linux (such as using WINE). This is stated as an example of the depth of experience from Masters Communications.


The Raspberry Pi Zero (and successors) are so small and light that when the Raspberry Pi Zero debuted, Raspberry Pi Foundation’s magazine The MagPi Issue 40 included an actual Raspberry Pi Zero on the cover of that issue! Thus $15 for “shipping” of a Raspberry Pi Zero unit seems excessive.

Zero Retries 0165

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Radios are computers - with antennas! Now in its fourth year of publication, with 2000+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to William Arcand W1WRA for renewing as a Founding Member Annual Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 10 for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 43 for becoming a new Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to the many Monthly Paid Subscribers to Zero Retries!

Financial support from Zero Retries readers is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Just recently, paid subscriptions that provide financial support of Zero Retries has enabled me to fund the m17-users email list (beyond the 100 max subscribers of the free tier) for promotion of M17 as a working, usable system that is no longer solely a loose collection of related projects.

Zero Retries Has 2000+ Subscribers!

Wow… Now in its fourth year of publication, Zero Retries has 2000+ individual email subscribers. Anecdotally, hundreds more people read Zero Retries via RSS feed and from mentions I post every week to 293 followers on Mastodon (, and 23 followers on Bluesky (@n8gnj). There are a fair number of folks who, on principle, won’t subscribe to Zero Retries because it’s currently hosted on Substack, with all the baggage of that platform (heard, and understood).

This latest big bump in subscribers past 2000 is mostly from yet another generous mention in Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 343 on 2024-08-10 by Editor Cale Muth K4HCK:

Why M17 is significant
No other Amateur Radio digital voice system is as well defined as M17.
Zero Retries

That article is now, retroactively, edited to be Part 1. Part 2 appeared in last week’s Zero Retries 0164.

If You Wonder How Zero Retries Keeps Going…

… a big part of the energy of Zero Retries is generous mentions like this one from Michael Clemens DK1MI on his blog:

Zero Retries


"Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology." This is how Steve Stroh (N8GNJ), the editor of Zero Retries, describes his weekly newsletter.

But to call it just a newsletter does not do justice to his work. I have been reading and following this site for a long time and am always fascinated by how many high-quality articles he publishes every week. Steve doesn't just limit himself to writing news but is obviously very interested in promoting the hobby of amateur radio and conveying its fascination. Important projects such as the M17 project are regularly pushed by him in order to help drag this valuable project out of its niche.

In the meantime, the newsletter has reached a size that would justify publishing the content as an ePub (hint hint). I would actually love to read it on an eBook reader.

My recommendation? Click here, subscribe and have a nice weekly read on inspiring amateur radio related topics.

First, thank you for the kind words DK1MI! An ePub version for eReaders… hmm… I had not previously considered that, but that does make sense, and fits with a few other long term plans that are in motion for Zero Retries.

DK1MI is a bit modest in not mentioning his (perhaps unintended) role in creating Zero Retries Interesting content himself, including excerpts here in Zero Retries:

DK1MI’s Open Source In Amateur Radio Wiki - - is a perfect example of why I started Zero Retries. That wiki is a great project1 to try to gather a quick mention of all (eventually… it’s a work in progress) open source projects in Amateur Radio so, for example, if you want to find an open source project for (imaginary) a 68092-based packet radio modem… this would be a great place to start one’s search.

If one’s only source of Amateur Radio news is the “mainstream” Amateur Radio media, likely you wouldn’t ever hear3 of the Open Source In Amateur Radio Wiki. Which is just… notcool… considering that a lot of new Amateur Radio Operators are coming into Amateur Radio from younger, techie, hacker / maker communities and the Open Source In Amateur Radio Wiki is something that they will find extremely valuable in adapting Amateur Radio to their priorities of what a radio-based technical activity should be.

But DK1MI, like Zero Retries, publishes technical content in public, for the benefit of Amateur Radio worldwide and I’m happy to promote such material, and a lot of other great material (that I’m not writing - I’m just mentioning). If there wasn’t all of this Zero Retries Interesting activity going on, or there was extensive coverage of technological innovation in Amateur Radio in the “mainstream” Amateur Radio media… there wouldn’t be a need for Zero Retries. So, thank you DK1MI, but do take a bow yourself.

Happy 40th Anniversary to KD7WSF!

Another thing that keeps Zero Retries going is the incredible support I get from my wonderful wife Tina Stroh KD7WSF. Tina getting her Amateur Radio license (to satisfy a premarital promise, deferred for a couple of decades) is an epic tale worth telling sometime. The salient point is that Tina has put up with me… supported mefor 40 years of marriage now (as of Sunday 2024-08-18). Tina has encouraged me beyond belief in taking a great leap of faith a couple of decades ago from a paycheck job to trying to make a living as a freelance writer (didn’t go so well…) and now in making Zero Retries a success for three plus years now. Recently Tina has taken on the role of Office Manager for Zero Retries, tackling some of the nagging administriva that inevitably has to be dealt with when there is a pro forma business with minor revenue involved, which frees me up to write. Thank You Honey, and…

Happy Anniversary Honey!

Friendly Amateur Radio Elmers Group on Facebook

Zero Retries is also picking up new subscribers from Facebook. My wife Tina KD7WSF told me about the Facebook group Friendly Amateur Radio Elmers which she had been participating in, and suggested I join. It is indeed a friendly group, and I occasionally contribute there when I think I can add some unique perspective (generally, digital topics). The moderators do a pretty good job of enforcing “friendly” in the group, though there are the inevitable folks that test the limits. One behavior that’s expressly forbidden is the semi-snarky default reply to a question with “Google is your friend”. That consistently provokes a fast response from the moderators. There are a lot of beginners and folks with unique situations that request specific types of help, and this is one of the few Facebook groups about Amateur Radio that seems to work (again, mostly from hard work by the moderators).

Store and Forward Podcast Also Mentioned in Amateur Radio Weekly

Also in Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 343, K4HCK also generously mentioned the Store and Forward Podcast by Kay Savetz K6KJN and I.

Store and Forward
A podcast about the past and future of Ham Radio.
Store and Forward

all three four episodes of it to date 😀

Episode 4 features Kay telling his most recent “away team” story of rescuing (literally) unique electronic material as part of the mission of Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications. Now that we have a shiny new website (thanks again K6KJN), Store and Forward is now mentioned in the Closing the Channel section at the end of every issue of Zero Retries. Kay tells the tale, in more detail, in text, in his article in this issue of Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, next weekend!

  • Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 9 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us). I have offered to do a presentation about Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio, and (I think) my proposal has been accepted.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

Requesting Reports From Recent Zero Retries Interesting Events

Several Zero Retries Interesting Events have occurred recently such as AirVenture 2024, Central States VHF Society, and the EME Conference. I would love to hear reports about those and other recent Zero Retries Interesting events for reporting out to the readership of Zero Retries. An email is fine, or if you’d prefer to write an article, I’m happy to lightly edit it if requested.

Note that I didn’t ask for a report for DEF CON 32 as Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Dan Romanchik KB6NU did a great job reporting out from that conference - DEF CON 32: Another mind-blowing experience.

Zero Retries Sponsored Email Lists

Zero Retries now sponsors some email lists for in-depth discussion of topics that I haven’t seen addressed by other email lists or forums.

  • new-dcc - Discuss the creation and operation of a conference similar to the long-running Amateur Radio Digital Communications Conference that was formerly sponsored / managed by ARRL and TAPR. I had intended that this would get a fair amount of attention so that there will be a DCC of some kind in 2025, but my attention is going to be deferred for a few months by…

  • 902-928-threat-2024 - Discusses that NextNav, Inc. has proposed to the FCC to reconfigure the usage / allocations of the 902-928 MHz band which is shared between license-exempt (Part 15) users and Amateur Radio users. Despite NextNav's "assurances" to both of these user bases that they won't be significantly impacted by NextNav's proposal. Make no mistake - this proposal would severely impact both license-exempt use and Amateur Radio use of 902-928 MHz. I created this group to attempt to provide some “cross fertilization” between groups of users of 902-928 MHz that otherwise wouldn’t be cooperating in their comments to the FCC. This is an experiment, but it seemed worth a try and the threat is significant, and urgent as NextNav asserts that it has priority in 902-928 MHz and thus it’s “reasonable” to reconfigure the band per its request.

  • m17-users - Discuss using M17 Project technology to build out infrastructure to support M17 (such as repeaters) and the discussion of using M17 devices such as radios, adapters, Internet linking, Software Defined Transceivers (and receivers) etc. m17-users was operating as a free email list with a max of 100 subscribers. I’ve now upgraded m17-users to a paid email list and thus it can now accept more users (up to 500 now). m17-users is sponsored by Zero Retries ($20 / month). My thanks to Steven Davidson K3FZT and M17 Project for donations for the first month of operation.

Military HF Communications - Interesting “Contest” Idea

Dale N0KQX comment on Zero Retries 0164:

The military put all theirs eggs in the satcom basket for a while and realized that wasn’t a good idea and reinvested in some hf radio.

I replied:

Dale - Yep - I saw a fair amount of what I guessed was HF whips on DDG 102. It's no panacea though - HF can be jammed fairly easily. Hmm... you just gave me an interesting idea for a Zero Retries article next week - Thanks! I'll credit you.

As N0KQX observed, “HF is back” in military communications, and I’ll guess that it needs ideas for good, reliable, HF communications beyond the expediency of 10 kW transmission power from ships and shore stations.

What if there was a contest on Amateur Radio HF where the communications were encouraged to be stealthy and reliable as an example of the ingenuity of Amateur Radio Operators? Just a few ground rules (and, again, as I propose this, such a contest is completely imaginary… at the moment):

  • The contest runs for only 6 hours or so - long enough to prove out the concept, but not long enough to disrupt any significant Amateur Radio activity.

  • The 30 meter band seems like a good place to conduct this contest.

  • The contestant has to establish a connection over HF with another station at least 1000 km away. (The assumption that there will be pairs of operators using the same experimental system.)

  • The contestant has to pass at least 1 MB of data another station during the duration of the event. The data transfer does not have to be continuous. For reference, VARA HF “Tactical, Level 17” can transfer up to 8489 bps, which would require (by my math) ~ 16 minutes to transmit 1 MB of data (not counting acks and retransmissions, etc.).

  • The transmission has to be identified with the callsigns of the two stations (in-mode is acceptable).

  • The experimental mode has to be publicly documented on a website, with contact information.

  • After the contest, all of the participants disclose their participation on a common website.

  • Adding some interest to the contest, perhaps there could be several geographically dispersed Software Defined (Web) Receivers that record the entire band during the contest for later playback / analysis.

The idea is that the military doesn’t have to transmit back into Amateur Radio spectrum, but they can monitor the activity of the contest. If they observe a system that looks interesting, they could contact that station for more info.

The “best case scenario” in such a contest would be that the military was monitoring… and didn’t detect that a particular experimental system was actually in use, but it was proven that it was in use and moved a significant amount of data.

Prior to the creation of WSPR and the other WSJT-X modes, it wasn’t well-understood that such communications were possible on HF, with signals so far below the noise floor. Now we know that such things are possible, and we’ve got more cheap computer power than ever to use in implementing even more impressive modes.

And… I’m not counting out the potential for Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning techniques to create (and operate) such new modes.

I Love Living In The Future

Lastly… on this happy (for Tina and I) and sunny weekend, I just had one of those “living in the future” moments. Our daughter and son-in-law have two cute, young cats (our Grandkittens). She regularly sends us short video clips which we always enjoy. As I was finishing up this issue of Zero Retries, I happened to be away from my phone when one video clip arrived, but my watch was within range of my phone, so I was notified. Absentmindedly I tapped on my watch to acknowledge, and the video started playing… on my watch4… complete with audio!

To someone like me that grew up with no personal computers, to progress to this marvel of technology, within one lifetime, really does feel to me like we are living in the future5. Thus how can I not have that same sense of wonder and optimism about this most futuristic of hobby activities - Amateur Radio, where we actually get to participate in making the future such as M17 and other bleeding edge radio technology projects?


Steve N8GNJ

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Playing for “Those Five”, Microcomputers in 1976, Linux… and the M17 Project

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

This first section is a story that I include in the Thank You email to paid subscribers to Zero Retries who choose financially support Zero Retries, despite no extra benefits (to date) for doing so, other than my additional attention to them when they email or call. I think it helps frame the situation in Amateur Radio between those that get M17, and those that don’t get M17.

Playing For Those Five in Zero Retries

One of my “virtual mentors” in becoming a writer and starting Zero Retries is the late microcomputer pioneer and author Don Lancaster. One of the most profound things (to me) that Lancaster has ever written was this brief passage that he only ever mentioned a few times:

Many years ago, I was at a rock concert. The opening act was a single flute player standing solo in front of the closed stage curtains. His job was to warm up the audience for the high priced talent that was to follow. He was good.

But as he went along, the musical vibes got stranger and stranger, then totally bizarre. He was playing chords on his flute. Combined with utterly unbelievable riffs. Much of the audience got impatient and bored at what seemed like a bunch of gawd-awful squawks.

Then I happened to notice a friend beside me who had both been in and taught concert band. He was literally on the edge of his seat. He turned to me and slowly said “you ...can’

Of the thousands and thousands of people in the theater audience, at most only five realized they were witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime performance of the absolute mastery of a difficult and demanding instrument.

Always play for those five.

This passage just resonated with me, and in starting Zero Retries, I decided that I was going to write for “those five” and not attempt to write Zero Retries for a mass audience. Rather, I would embrace Lancaster’s advice and write for “those five” that shared my enthusiasm for technological innovation in Amateur Radio and the role that Amateur Radio can play in advancing technological progress by exposing people to hands-on radio technology and potentially influencing young people into careers involving radio technology. We need them now, and we’re going to need a lot of them in the future. Hopefully Zero Retries can help do so, at least in a small way.

Thus I write Zero Retries for “those five”, and I’m humbled that there are a very few of you who chose to step up to be Founding Members and Paid Subscribers to indicate your substantial support for what I’m doing in Zero Retries.

Writing about the potential I see in M17 is part of writing for “those five” (well, 2000+ of you now…). In having written extensively now about M17 Project and its role in Amateur Radio, it’s become apparent to me that there is a very pronounced schism regarding M17 versus other VHF / UHF digital voice systems.

Open, Schmopen. They Don’t Get It.

The majority of Amateur Radio Operators don’t understand what the fuss is about M17.

The majority of Amateur Radio Operators generally get that Digital Voice on VHF / UHF is somewhat superior in some ways to “plain old FM”, and have bought into one of the three variants of VHF / UHF digital voice - Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), D-Star, or System Fusion (SF)… and having made their choice of one of those three, call it good. The majority of Amateur Radio Operators don’t see the point of yet another variant of VHF / UHF digital voice.

But, to a minority of Amateur Radio Operators… which in my observations are the newer Amateur Radio Operators who trend younger, techie, and proudly count themselves as part of the Hacker / Maker community… DMR, D-Star, or SF were never an option because they aren’t open (or at least weren’t all the way open). In fact, in several private email threads with me, some folks have told me that they weren’t interested in Amateur Radio at all… until they learned about M17 and that it’s open. Having learned that M17 was an option… then they became interested in Amateur Radio.

M17 is a very big deal to them because it’s entirely open. There’s no trademark or copyright on the name. The specification is open. The hardware designs are open. The software designs are open. The Internet interfaces are open. The critical CODEC for converting analog voice into an efficient data stream and back into voice is Codec 2, not proprietary like every other VHF / UHF digital voice system. In a phrase, M17 is their kind of Amateur Radio because M17 is open.

I think this hypothesis is being proven out by the experiences Dan Romanchik KB6NU is having at various “hacker” conferences this Summer - HOPE, and most recently DEF CON 32 - DEF CON 32: Another mind-blowing experience. KB6NU is exposing younger, techie, hackers and maker folks to Amateur Radio in a way that is relevant to them, and they quickly become interested. Hacking? Radio? Together you say? Thus they become licensed at the VE session at the same conference.

Thus… there’s a very real schism between the “open, schmopen” majority, and the “if it ain’t open, I’m not goin’” minority.

Analogy - M17 and Microcomputers in 1976

I offered an analogy about M17 versus proprietary Amateur Radio digital voice systems on the m17-users email list - 1976 and M17:

M17 versus the status quo of Amateur Radio digital and FM repeaters is analogous (in my mind) to the computer industry in 1976.

In 1976, mainframes and minis were doing the job satisfactorily for the computer industry. Everyone that needed and could afford a computer had one. That’s analogous to the current repeater technology and the current repeater owners.

But in 1975, one year earlier, microcomputers had come on the scene. The MITS Altair was unveiled in the January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics magazine. By 1976 a completely new crowd entered the “computer industry” and were using these new (and still very imperfect, by mini and mainframe standards) microcomputers to do computing very differently than was possible with mainframes and minis.

The microcomputer folks didn’t ask “permission” from the mainframe and mini folks, and they didn’t try to persuade the mainframe and mini owners that microcomputer were “better” and they should start doing / using microcomputers.

Instead of asking permission or trying to persuade, they just started doing things their own new way with microcomputers and rapidly evolved an entirely different version of the computer industry.

A decade later, the mainframe and mini computer industry looked around and said “what happened?!?!?” All of the energy in the computer industry had shifted to microcomputers.

In my opinion, from deep observation of M17 and trying to explain it and write about it substantively…

M17 in 2024 is at the “computer industry circa 1976" point of inflection.

Like microcomputers, M17 is open. Thus there’s no structural issue that prevents M17 from rapidly growing and evolving.

A Better Analogy From a GenXer - M17 and Linux

As good as an analogy as I thought that was… Cale Mooth K4HCK offered a far better analogy, from his generation’s perspective:

For the post-minicomputer generation, the relevant genX analogy will be that of Linux vs. Windows. Linux offered the same open source freedom that M17 does today in that it was a completely accessible, modifiable, and “free” alternative to Microsoft that we could tinker with. Today, almost every server on the internet runs Linux. If the M17 future follows that path, we'll see a ubiquitous mode found on nearly every transceiver. And people won't really think about it.

It's exciting to me as a “techie” because it can be entirely a software interaction. The intersection of software and RF is what got me interested in the hobby, and this extends that world of freedom and possibility.

People will be persuaded to invest in M17 once they can see the benefits over other modes in practical application. That will come as the early adopters continue to build on this initial success and showcase what's possible.

K4HCK is of the generation that matters in this discussion - they’ve got decades ahead of them to contribute to Amateur Radio… or not, if they aren’t convinced that Amateur Radio offers their generation opportunities compatible with their interests and priorities.

So… yes, thank you so much K4HCK for this far better analogy to explain the open nature of M17 and why it matters - as much as Linux being open versus Windows not being open matters.

I’m a bit more skeptical than K4HCK of the “build it and they will come” approach of evangelizing and building out M17 systems will entice more users (beyond the “you had me at open and radio technology” folks… at least through the end of this decade. I don’t think that M17 quite represents a “TNC-2” moment in Amateur Radio where the TNC-2 offered something that didn’t exist before it. From my perspective, most Amateur Radio Operators see digital voice on VHF / UHF to be an (over) solved problem with DMR, D-Star, and SF.

Thus I don’t think this schism can be bridged. My experiences to date have led me to believe that it won’t be very effective to evangelize M17 as an alternative to the other digital voice systems. I think the “I just don’t get it about M17” contingent in Amateur Radio is just going to have to be routed around by the folks with the energy, the better M17 technology (which will evolve faster and take advantage of new computer and radio technology)… and the youth to outlast the majority.

Instead, I think the M17 community should put our energy into extending M17 such as adding digital signatures, building out new M17 infrastructure, assisting new M17 users that are really interested in getting on M17, creating new devices, and evangelizing to the younger, techie, hacker / maker folks that would be receptive to “hack with radio technology - get your entry level Amateur Radio license and start playing with M17 and other open systems in Amateur Radio”.

I can easily imagine setting up localized M17 repeaters that cover perhaps a college campus, that will probably get more use with data / messaging than digital voice. How to set up such an M17 repeater will be a big focus of the M17 book that I’m working on.

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Followup to The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers

This is an email from Witold Kinser VE4WK in response to two mini-articles in Zero Retries 0162:

As VE4WK acknowledges, there was no hint of Amateur Radio involvement in the article cited by KB6NU, and later my mini-article. Apparently that omitted mention of Amateur Radio is now considered to be an oversight.

Thank you for Zero Retries and LEO SatS

Dear Steve,

Thank you very much for your effort in delivering an excellent Amateur Radio newsletter. I always find something very interesting in each issue.

In Zero Retries 0162 (Beacon), you mentioned an article "The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers," by Kathy Pretz in IEEE Spectrum Online (2024-01-07) that describes our IEEE Future Directions LEO Satellites and Systems (LEO SatS) Initiative, but did not mention amateur radio (AmRad) explicitly. I agree, it was a significant mistake. I apologize.

My apology also goes to Daniel M. Romanchik, KB6NU, who alerted you to the IEEE Spectrum article in his KB6NU Ham Radio Blog.

However, I assure you that we use ham radio bands to operate our satellites. I started designing, building and testing 3U Cubesats in 2010 with 130 students and 70 advisors from academia, industry, business, military and governments. Each generation takes two years to complete. Many university/college students have become certified ham radio operators through my course on amateur radio theory and operations. My new AmRad Basic Qualifications course will start in January 2025. I also taught Advanced and Morse Code courses. Many of those students are now in leading positions in the aerospace industry. So, amateur radio has been at the centre of all our activities.

The IEEE LEO SatS Initiative is preparing student competitions to develop new subsystems and algorithms for the nanosatellites to improve communications between the satellite and the terrestrial federated networks through two-level undergraduate and graduate student competitions.

An experienced ham and the Operations Lead of the IEEE MOVE Team ( is an advisor of the LEO SatS.

We are also preparing an interesting and free-of-charge sixth workshop on LEO SatS this November. If you wish, I could send you information on the topics covered so that you could include it in the Zero Retries Newsletter.

Another LEO SatS development that might interest the AmRad community is a series of workshops on CubeSat and CanSat development using inexpensive kits. The workshops will address improvements and even new approaches to data communications on AmRad bands.

Kind regards,
Witold VE4WK

My thanks to VE4WK for his kind words and such a gracious followup to a mildly critical pair of mini-articles. One of the best parts of publishing online is that you can fix issues like this. Those two mini-articles in Zero Retries 0162 now have a pointer to this article so future readers of those mini-articles won’t be left with the wrong impression.

In the bigger picture, as VE4WK describes, there is significant crossover between Amateur Radio and the work of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in reaching out to students to encourage becoming an Electrical / Electronics engineer. IEEE’s “public” publication, IEEE Spectrum does a good job in exposing some Amateur Radio activity to its membership that otherwise might not be aware of Amateur Radio (and doing fun stuff with radio technology).

But it seems odd that there isn’t a more formal involvement between IEEE and Amateur Radio… perhaps even a Special Interest Group within IEEE specifically to encourage more technical Amateur Radio activities.

For example, an interesting overlap between IEEE’s activities and Amateur Radio is the development of the IEEE 802.11ah Wireless Local Area Network standard. 802.11ah, and the tightly related Wi-Fi Alliance certification for Wi-Fi HaLow seems poised (in my observation) for significantly increased usage of the 902-928 MHz band in the US, which is shared between unlicensed uses such as 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow and Amateur Radio.

An IEEE SIG for Amateur Radio… (again, just fantasizing)… that would be cool, and of course, Zero Retries Interesting!

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What’s New at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications - August 2024

By Kay Savetz K6KJN
Zero Retries Pseudostaffer
Internet Archive's Program Manager, Special Collections

Hello from — not DLARC World Headquarters as usual, but from 30,000 feet somewhere over the midwest United States. I’m headed back to HQ following a successful field trip to collect radio books and manuals for the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications. With that in mind, this column will be less “What’s New at DLARC” and more “What I Did This Summer.”

Months ago, I read in Amateur Radio Weekly that Fair Radio Sales, a radio surplus store in Lima, Ohio, would be closing. After running the place for more than 40 years, the proprietor Phillip Sellati is ready for a well-deserved retirement. I reached out to Phillip to ask if he would donate leftover radio books and manuals to DLARC. He agreed. Flash forward to last weekend, when two assistants and I arrived at Fair Radio’s massive warehouse in beautiful Lima. Phillip gave us carte blanche to take everything we wanted for DLARC.

I can hardly express how large this warehouse is and how much reading material was available for us: commercial radio manuals. military documents, avionics repair guides, parts catalogs, schematics… on shelves and in stacks and filling up filing cabinets. It took our three-person team two ten-hour days to box it all up. I rented a U-Haul van and drove the material directly to Internet Archive’s scanning center, about an hour and a half away in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In two round trips I delivered about 200 boxes of radio reading material to the scanning center.

When I needed a little break from driving and boxing up manuals, I took a few minutes to explore the massive warehouse. Soooo many radios and gear, literally stacked to the rafters. I noticed once-upon-a-time top-of-the-line Kenwood ham gear and military radios seemingly going back to WWI. All guarded by a very good old dog named Reagan. You can see some pictures from the trip (yes, including Reagan.)

Fair Radio was among the last of the great surplus places. Check out their web site while you can. We at DLARC are deeply grateful to Mr. Sellati for his generous donation of material. He was especially kind in giving us access before everything else went to auction August 15-17.

The scanning center will start on the Fair Radio material soon, but it will certainly take them months to get it all done, interspersed with their other scanning work. I’ll keep you updated as their work progresses. 

The expedition to Fair Radio was actually my second away mission for DLARC this summer. In July, I flew to Denver to sort through the collection of Robert Cooper. This time, I was on my own, digging through seven pallets of material from the estate of Mr. Cooper. He was a ham, but was primarily known as an expert in satellite and cable TV communications. In the ‘80s, he was one of the first people to figure out that HBO transmitted its satellite signals unencrypted. He published an article about how anyone could set up a satellite dish in their backyard to get free TV. These ideas led to an entire industry of TVRO (television, receive only) satellite dishes, lawsuits, and a years-long escalating war of scrambled signals and television descramblers. That whole story arc is well-documented by the various print publications and television programs that Coop produced.

So there I was in a warehouse in Denver, trying to get a grip on all that material. Magazines and books and videotapes, but also decades of personal correspondence, project notes, business records, photographs, and legal paperwork. To his credit, Mr. Cooper saved everything. It was my job to decide what was worthy of being preserved. It took three days in the warehouse, but in the end, I shipped off 18 boxes of videotapes and 21 boxes of magazines and books to the scanning centers. I sent another two big boxes of CD-ROMs and DVDs and various other media to myself at DLARC World Headquarters to dig through later.

As that material gets digitized, the Bob Cooper collection in DLARC is growing. It’s early, but you can already find there the complete run of Coop's Satellite Digest, Cooper’s magazine covering the birth of the home satellite industry. It was published from October 1979 through April 1987. And, a complete run of SatFacts, his publication covering the world of satellite television in the Pacific and Asia, published from September 1994 through August 2004. And, the complete run of Community Antenna Television Journal, which was published from 1974 through 1979. AND the entire run of Cooper James Report, also known as CSD2, a short-lived publication directed at TVRO manufacturers and distributors. It was published from August 1983 through September 1985, concurrent with the publication of Coop's Satellite Digest.

That’s the tip of the iceberg: Cooper had many more publications and projects. There will be a whole lot more in the coming months as we continue to process and digitize what I found in Denver.

I talk even more about both of these away missions on the Store & Forward podcast, my new podcast with Zero Retries editor Steve Stroh. You can hear the audio versions in your favorite podcast app, or watch the video version, hosted at DLARC, naturally.

Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications is funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) to create a free digital library for the radio community, researchers, educators, and students. If you have questions about the project or material to contribute, contact me at

DLARC want list:

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

ARRL and Meshtastic Publicize the Fight to Save 902-928 MHz

ARRL Urges Protecting the Amateur Radio 902-928 MHz Band

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) accepted for public comment a Petition for Rulemaking filed by NextNav Inc., a licensee in the 900-MHz Location and Monitoring Service (LMS), to completely reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band and replace the LMS with high-powered 5G cellular and related location services.

ARRL is preparing comments urging protection of existing and future amateur uses in this band. ARRL urges all amateurs to study the proposal and file their own comments describing their activities in this band and the expected effect of the proposed changes. The filing deadline is September 5, 2024. Replies to comments are due by September 20, 2024. Click here for a guide to filing comments.

Meshtastic's Opposition to Proposed Changes on 900 MHz Band

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently considering a proposal from NextNav that could drastically reshape the 900 MHz band. While this proposal may seem like just another routine reconfiguration, it has significant implications for a broad range of users, particularly those who rely on unlicensed spectrum for innovative, community-driven projects. At the heart of the debate lies the potential impact on open-source initiatives like Meshtastic, an open-source, decentralized communication platform that operates in the 900 MHz ISM band.

As a community, we are raising our voices in opposition to this proposal, and here’s why we believe it’s crucial for all stakeholders, especially amateur radio operators, tech enthusiasts, and public safety advocates, to understand the ramifications of this change.

Understanding the 900 MHz Band and Its Importance

The 900 MHz band is a critical piece of spectrum used for various applications, including industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) purposes, as well as amateur radio. It’s a unique band that supports a wide array of technologies, from garage door openers and baby monitors to more advanced uses like Meshtastic’s decentralized communication networks.

Meshtastic leverages LoRa (Long Range) technology to facilitate long-distance communication without relying on centralized infrastructure. This capability is especially valuable in remote areas where traditional communication networks are either unavailable or unreliable. The proposal by NextNav threatens to disrupt this delicate balance by reallocating portions of the 900 MHz band, which could severely impact these unlicensed applications.

These two organizations representing non-commercial user communities are only the leading edge of what will likely be a tsunami of opposition to NextNav’s petition at the FCC, and the FCC’s Request for Comments - Docket 24-240. There are entire industries that have been built on using 902-928 MHz without the requirement of a license, and they’re “getting along” with the many competing users in 902-928 MHz… unlike NextNav. One prominent company that will almost certainly file comments is Amazon, which builds a neighborhood area network into their home devices, operating on 902-928 MHz (in the USA) called Amazon Sidewalk.

One primary argument I will be making is that NextNav knew the mixed environment and unusual rules when they bought their licenses in 902-928 MHz… and now want to change those rules.

There are already 150+ comments on Docket 24-240. There will be hundreds more, perhaps thousands in the next few weeks. But there’s a tight deadline:

  • Comment Period End Date: Sep 05, 2024

  • Reply to Comment Period End Date: Sep 20, 2024

I have started a small, private email list for those who are involved in Amateur Radio (including manufacturers, etc.) or closely related such as Meshtastic so that we can “cross fertilize” our comments to make the strongest case possible in opposition to NextNav with the FCC. Email me if you’d like to participate on that email list.

The M17 Project - Article by Ira Brodsky KC9TC

This great article - The M17 Project by Ira Brodsky KC9TC, mentioned in Zero Retries 0164 last week, is now available online via Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC), and will be (hopefully soon - technical difficulties) on the M17 Project website.

This article originally appeared in the May, 2024 issue of RSGB RadCom Magazine. This article is Copyright © 2024 by RSGB and is reproduced with kind permission of the RSGB. If you’d like to get this issue of RadCom, or any other RSGB merchandise, the RSGB Shop is at

My thanks to Ira Brodsky KC9TC for 1) writing such a great article that explains M17 so well, and 2) working things out with RSGB on behalf of the M17 community for RSGB to allow this article to be made publicly available.

NW Digital Radio’s DRAWS Going Back Into Production

Bryan Hoyer K7UDR of NW Digital Radio on the email list:

Hi All,

DRAWS™ Goes on Backorder Discount Next Week, delivery Mid-September.

This will be the last run of 140 Units as we are moving to a new GPS Receiver.

We will be doing an update to the board and have created a new subgroup, Evolution, to discuss feature requests and new product ideas. Please join and share your input!

I’m a fan of NW Digital Radio not just because they’re a manufacturer of Zero Retries Interesting products from this region (Friday Harbor, Washington, USA), but because I know all of the principals including Silent Keyboard John Hays K7VE.

As a small electronics manufacturer, NW Digital Radio got hammered in the great components shortage of a few years ago, and I’m glad to see that they’re back to the point of resuming production. DRAWS is a cool data modem designed for use with Raspberry Pi computers, and includes support for two radios via standard 6-pin MiniDIN connectors, a 12V input which powered the modem and computer (with ample power margin), some analog IO channels, and an onboard GPS receiver with battery backup (for faster acquisition of GPS data compared to a cold start). NW Digital Radio was careful to design in full compatibility with higher speed modes like 9600 bps (and faster) when using Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation.

But the best part of DRAWS… is the very cool case that NW Digital Radio had custom made for DRAWS:

Image courtesy of NW Digital Radio

There’s definitely going to be a “to do list” for DRAWS 2 (?); for example, the RPi 4 and RPi 5 have emerged while DRAWS was out of production, and those have some quirks not present with the Raspberry Pi 3 (which will remain in production for the foreseeable future).

The new Evolution group for NW Digital Radio is at

I think I scored the coveted “first post” on the Evolution list! (Gosh I’m such a geek at times.)

Recommendation of Repeater Builder STM32_DVM for M17

Founding Member Annual Subscriber William Arcand W1WRA via email:

[I have been] playing with M17 very early on using various methods you recently outlined. Of course today I use my CS7000 M17 mostly, with a stm32-dvm connected to a FTM-6000’ 9600 baud data port. Setting deviation, etc is quicker and easier than some mmdvm modems in my opinion. I am not about to get rid of my mmvdm setups, but that stm32-dvm board is rock solid, and is now my “reference” setup.

I confirmed that the unit W1WRA mentions is manufactured by Repeater Builder - RB_STM32_DVM. That’s a great recommendation (especially since I also have a Yaesu FTM-6000R) as a foundation for one’s experiments with various M17 units. It’s so cool to keep hearing these reports about the Connect Systems CS7000 M17 portable radio that includes M17 out of the box (with the occasional firmware update).

Despite no mention of M17 on the RB_STM32_DVM product page, I’ll reprint this from the m17-users email list:

I just clarified in an email with Scott Zimmerman N3XCC of Repeater Builder, that their version of MMDVM, which they call RB_STM32_DVM V4 (latest) - does support all the same modes as the current MMDVM firmware:

  • D-Star

  • DMR

  • System Fusion

  • P25

  • NXDN

  • M17


  • AX.25

  • FM

IE, it’s just another MMDVM device.

The current verbiage on that web page omits

  • M17


  • AX.25

But those modes are supported by the V4 hardware, assuming the version of firmware loaded onto the unit is the latest.

Thus, there is “repeater grade” hardware, and more importantly documentation and support, available to add MMDVM support to many / most Amateur Radio FM repeater systems.

This is really good news for breathing life into tired old, increasingly unused Amateur Radio FM repeaters.

Rhizomatica Mercury Open Source HF Modem Public Demonstration

Peter Bloom on the ARDC Community email list:

Greetings from Rhizomatica.

With support from ARDC, we have been working on a software-defined modem called Mercury for quite a while and are excited to share two videos of it in action. Much more info to come, including tutorials.

Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions!

On the email list, I asked:

Could you outline the advantages of Mercury that you’ve been able to achieve to date that are better than competing HF modems?

There was quite a detailed, technical response to my question, and I’ll just provide some limited excerpts here. See the link for full details.

Here is Rafael, PU2UIT, working in the project. Right now we are demonstrating the physical layer, so you read and write from/to the modem just the raw frames (ready to be used, already error-corrected). Here are the frame sizes for each mode (frame size in "full" octets, in bits and the remaining data not byte aligned):

CONFIG_0 (84.841629 bps), frame_size: 12 Bytes / 100 bits / 4
non-byte-aligned bits

CONFIG_16 (5735.294118 bps), frame_size: 162 Bytes / 1300 bits / 4
non-byte-aligned bits

The following setup for each mode (

modulation BPSK
ldpc_rate 1/16

modulation 32QAM
ldpc_rate 14/16

Our primary target is the sBitx, which is the radio we use in our deployments, but I'm carrying now tests with an ICOM IC-7100 to make sure everything is working with a more standard radio.

So far we're not comparing with other HF modems yet, as our ARQ code is not yet production, but already integrated with TNC commands mostly VARA compatible, just set the ports to 7002 (control port) and 7003 (data port). Indeed, I tested some VARA HF ARQ software we have (namely and )
with Mercury and they worked (but expect some bugs in ARQ system at this point).

We aim to be able use free software in the HF solution we provide in our project. Right now we use VARA in our deployments. Our aim is that Mercury will be able to substitute VARA in our deployments. In replacement at first, then keep evolving. For example, right now we are testing Mercury in pre-production mode to be used for data broadcast in
carousel mode (using RaptorQ, code here:
for emergency alerts and other small (or not so small) message broadcast. We'll deploy this version in Bangladesh, at fishing boats / for fishermen at Kuakata region at the Bengali bay.

A follow-on comment by Dan Cross:

This brings joy to my heart! I love to see UUCP used over HF.

Oh… I so agree with Cross about seeing UUCP used for Amateur Radio!

There’s additional interesting technical detail in the thread - I recommend reading the entire thing (not to mention subscribing to the ARDC Community email list).

It’s not only cool that they've been so hard at work on Mercury, but that their target for using it is the sBitx radio. A capable open source modem and data communications system running on an open source radio! Kudos to Rhizomatica for this work, and kudos to ARDC for funding this work by Rhizomatica!

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0010 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

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All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


Sad to say, I’ve been too absorbed in Zero Retries and related projects like the recent attempt at hostile takeover of a majority of the US 902-928 MHz band to contribute my favorite examples of open source projects to the Open Source In Amateur Radio Wiki. But doing so is definitely “on the list”.


When I first wrote this, it was a gratuitous plug for my favorite 8-bit processor, the Motorola 6809 which was used in the Tandy / Radio Shack Color Computer series. But something nagged at me and I finally remembered that the 6809 was also used in the TAPR TNC-1, which, unfortunately, there is no good capsule description online to link to.


As an indication of how absurd things have become in “mainstream” Amateur Radio media, one primary Amateur Radio publication prefers to reprint tens of pages of archival material every month instead of promoting technological innovation in Amateur Radio. And, they hide what content they do publish behind a paywall, where only a small minority of Amateur Radio Operators worldwide will ever see that content.


For perspective, my watch isn’t the most advanced version (I’m… checkingsix generations behind the current model), and it also doesn’t have the optional cellular modem (AKA, the “Dick Tracy” option). Yet my watch… does video. Mind. Blown.


If I tried to describe this to my daughter, she’d probably say “Oh. Tuesday.” This stuff is “native” for her generation.

Zero Retries 0164

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its fourth year of publication, with 1900+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 09 for renewing as an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 2 weeks!

  • Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 10 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us). I have offered to do a presentation about Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio, and (I think) my proposal has been accepted.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

Seattle Fleet Week 2024 - The USS Sampson (DDG 102)

Steve Stroh N8GNJ - USS Sampson in background - Seattle Fleet Week 2024

Last week was Fleet Week 2024 in Seattle, Washington and the “star” ship available for civilian tours was the US Navy’s USS Sampson - DDG 102. The Sampson is a Arleigh Burke class destroyer, one of the “Flight IIa” variants of the Arleigh Burke destroyers, commissioned in 2007. I’d been curious about these very high tech ships since watching the television series The Last Ship, which was a set on a fictionalized1 Arleigh Burke class destroyer, the “Nathan James - DDG-151”.

The Sampson’s current home port is Naval Station Everett (Washington), just North of Seattle, so this was a neighborly visit by the crew of the Sampson.

We civilians (including a group from several Asian countries) didn’t see much on our guided tour of the Sampson, but what I saw is that the Sampson just radiates power and is built for deadly purpose when that is necessary. You can’t help but viscerally understand this when you see the primary weapons systems up close - the missile launch tubes, the 5 inch main gun (range of 13 nautical miles), and the Close In Weapons System (CIWS) “Phalanx” 20mm rotary cannon.

We didn’t get to see the helicopters that are another weapons system included in the Arleigh Burke destroyers… but you get the point of the deadliness of the helicopters when you’re told that their primary mission is to find and kill submarines. Not to mention there are lots of hard points for machine guns all over the superstructure if it ever comes to close-in battle.

Per Wikipedia, there are 73 Arleigh Burke destroyers in service, with 19 more under construction or planned. I was impressed with this one ship!

Despite the crew’s welcoming and “aw, shucks, it’s our job” mannerisms, I came away knowing, viscerally, that the Sampson and her crew are highly efficient at their assigned missions and tasks. Such ships cannot exist without a strong sense of mission and purpose by the entire crew and the infrastructure (and traditions) that support them.

I was in awe of getting close to those huge phased array Aegis / AN/SPY-1 RADAR antennas. While on the main deck, I couldn’t help noticing that the superstructure is literally covered with all manner of antennas - conventional rotating RADARs (including a couple that would look appropriate on a pleasure boat), radomes of all sizes for satellite communications, many whip antennas of various lengths, and a few unique shapes of which I could not guess the purpose or band they were designed for. It seems obvious that the electronic techs onboard the Sampson are kept busy keeping all the electronics operational.

Military Sealift Command Communications Jobs

After touring the Sampson, we browsed a few exhibit tables where I learned that most Navy ships are replenished at sea (or can be) by ships of the Military Sealift Command (MSC). These “floating warehouses and refueling tankers” are US Navy ships, but are crewed by US civilians, with a few US Navy officers. In a brief conversation with the MSC representatives, they emphasized there are lots of jobs available within Military Sealift Command, including lots of positions for communications specialists including these positions and average salaries / hiring bonuses on the website:

  • Ship Communications Officer - $129,871

  • Ship Communications Officer - $157,409

  • Chief Radio Electronics Technician - $120,244 + $36,161 Bonus

  • Chief Radio Electronics Technician - Mixed Work Schedule - $72,321

  • Chief Radio Electronics Technician - $123,663 + $39,230 Bonus

  • Chief Radio Electronics Technician - Mixed Work Schedule - $78,460

  • First Radio Electronics Technician - $107,496

  • First Radio Electronics Technician - $123,663 + $36,004 Bonus

  • Second Radio Electronics Technician - $75,762

  • Radio Electronics Technician Advancement Program - $55,095 - $64,049

From my personal experience, one of the primary attractions of choosing to work at sea for a few years when I first graduated from Electronics Technician training was that it’s hard to spend your paycheck while you’re at sea. I had my paychecks sent home for my Dad to bank and invest2. If I were young, talented, technically curious, single, with a bit of wanderlust, in this era I’d be tempted by these jobs. I can’t imagine that an Amateur Radio license would be an extra qualification.

Starshield Is Being Deployed

Lastly, on one of the ships docked for Fleet Week, when I mentioned that I was an Amateur Radio Operator, and interested in all the antennas, I was told, quietly, that military ships are already being equipped with antennas for the brand new Starshield broadband communications system. I was surprised that Starshield equipment is being deployed so quickly (for military systems). Starshield was only formally announced in December 2022… but apparently has been quietly under development years earlier than that. The demand for broadband communications, especially secure broadband communications, within the US military, is voracious.

Thank you for your service and sacrifices, crew of the USS Sampson!

Many Independent M17 Projects Demonstrates Energy and Excitement

One of the most subtle aspects of my ongoing study of M17 so that I want write about it in Zero Retries is just how many individual projects involving M17 have been undertaken and completed… and that most were done independently. That is a demonstration of the strength of the open source development model, that all of these various aspects of M17 are now available. Just one example is that I had no idea how many repeaters around the world are “M17 capable” - a lot of them!

What I didn’t understand until recently is how much energy there is within the M17 community! Folks are excited about M17, mostly because it’s entirely open source! The last time I saw such excitement and energy for a VHF / UHF technology was the debut of D-Star, and before that, the TNC-2 era of Packet Radio. In contrast, I haven’t seen anyone energized in the same way about Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) or System Fusion (SF). My sense is that those two systems, and now D-Star, are considered pretty utilitarian - they work, they’re reliable, they’re proven… but not much excitement any more. That’s definitely not the case for those who are actively involved in M17. You really don’t understand this… feel it… experience it… until you really start digging into M17 as I have now done, and Ira Brodsky KC9TC learned from writing his recent article for RSGB RadCom - The M17 project (see below for details).

Zero Retries Overfloweth Yet Again…

Substack Editor banner: Post too long for email… it is to laugh 😆 <click off>

I’ve been pouring text and verbiage into this issue for days now, completely blowing beyond the “quick read” that an email newsletter is intended to be. If you’re (beginning to) read this as an email, I suggest saving yourself some grief and scroll up a bit and click on the web version link just under the contents outline to view the entire issue in a web browser.

In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying the waning weeks of Summer and bright sunshine here in the Pacific Northwet with the roll up doors to N8GNJ Labs wide open, fretting that I still haven’t repaired the wind-damaged antenna pole, working on my HamWAN connection, and hoping the smoke from regional wildfires doesn’t get too obnoxious for working outdoors.


Steve N8GNJ

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Image courtesy of Imminent Server Failure - Donations Requested

By Tomas Hood NW7US

Editor’s Note - This article originally appeared on Facebook’s Space Weather + Ham Radio Resources on 2024-08-28. SunSpotWatch is one of many independent services that helps make Amateur Radio such an engaging activity, provided by individuals at their expense and considerable time and effort. These kind of unexpected, major expenses can be existential issues to continuing such services, thus I decided to run this appeal as an article in Zero Retries.

Urgent: Your Help Is Critical!

Reason: Imminent Server Hardware Failure (28 July 2024)

I need your help. As a patron of this page and of our website and related resources of SunSpotWatch dot com, you can directly help keep the service and resources up and running. Time is of the essence, though.


This page is the Facebook home for the main website, SunSpotWatch dot com. SunSpotWatch dot com is a public, non-commercial educational resource for amateur radio hobbyists, pigeon racers, military users, and other people interested in space weather and the propagation of radio waves in the shortwave spectrum. There are other resources, also tied to this.

The Issue:

The website lives on a server that has been running for years. The server that stores, and presents to the public, the SunSpotWatch dot com website, as well as all related resources (the space weather RSS feed, the live update automation to X, Facebook, and other social media sites, as well as other hobby websites like OliviaDigitalMode dot org), is failing. If the server fails completely, before we have a solution for this problem, all of that public resource will go dark.

The IT staff at the co-location server farm is mandating that we migrate our failing server data to a new server that has full redundancy, automated backups, and better resources. Right now, the IT staff must restart the server nearly daily to keep it alive because the hardware is failing. This failure is hardware and not storage.

The old server is NOT repairable. I must move everything to a new server ASAP, hopefully this last weekend of July.

Here's the issue: the costs of provisioning the new server, as well as necessary IT resource fees, are more than I can do on my own right now.

How You Can Help:

Please donate toward this repair and migration cost. When you donate, below, you can add a note to your donation that you wish to be listed on a "contributor highlight" page, once we are finished moving the website to the new server. Will you help out, today?

Time is of the essence! Donate through the following link:

Thank you. Your help, today, is greatly appreciated.

For those interested in a short history of this page, our group, and most importantly, our website, SunSpotWatch dot com, here is a reader's digest:

Since the inception of this FB page, years ago -- since February 22, 2010, to be exact -- it has been extremely rare that financial donations are mentioned at all. As a matter of fact, until this year, a request for donations toward the effort to keep the website, the RSS feed, the X(Twitter) feed, and other resources going with fresh information hasn't been made in many years!

Right now, The website is getting a remake - we are overhauling the website. Since the website is NOT a commercial business, this is done in spare time and at my expense. I am a senior software engineer, and an amateur radio operator who loves space weather. The whole new website is using modern technology (such as Next.Js), and will be very informative about both space weather and the propagation of shortwave radio waves.

My website was the FIRST ever non-commercial, non-governmental website on the topic, on the 'net (started in the 1990s). While our technology is sorely in need of upgrade, we have never missed a day in all these years. When I created this page, it made sense because on social media, discussion can be had. I am looking at ways to make the website somewhat interactive, as well.

Your help to move this forward by solving the failing hardware issue with a donation toward the new server, and by being a part of this page, is inspiring.

Thank you,

Tomas, NW7US

Note: I pay for the hosting, the bandwidth, etc., all out of my pocket, since starting the website in the 1990s. I do not make any money from this - it is a gift to the community (ham radio, science, and so on).

Why M17 Is Significant - Part 2

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

This is a followup on my article in Zero Retries 0163 - Why M17 Is Significant. After this issue publishes, I’ll update that title to Why M17 Is Significant - Part 1.

While I had planned to do an eventual followup, in the days immediately afterward, I received so much good info that only a week later, there’s ample information to justify “Part 2”.

Attributions (or Lack of) - Apologies

Apologies in advance when I don’t get attributions for work done on these projects completely correct in this article. Given the nature of M17 as a “highly decentralized” project, by folks that prefer to develop rather than “document and promote”, it’s hard for a third party like me to provide accurate attributions. I do the best I can with the information I’m able to find. In an eventual, comprehensive treatment of M17 (like a book), accurate and complete attributions will have to be done.

The M17 project by Ira Brodsky KC9TC

This is an open-source digital voice standard which promotes innovation, and which should attract young 'hardware hackers' to amateur radio.


The freedom to design, build, and experiment has always been an important part of amateur radio. As our hobby migrates to digital voice technology, that freedom may be limited by proprietary technology used to code and decode the signals. What experimenters need is an open-source digital standard, ie a standard that anyone can use without having to buy a license or pay royalties, and that anyone can extend or modify provided that they share their code with the amateur-radio community.

This was an excellent 3-page article in the May 2024 issue RSGB’s RadCom magazine. After last week’s article, a Zero Retries reader sent me photos of the article which I read eagerly. (No, I won’t share / forward - please don’t ask.)

I was impressed enough with the article that I ordered a copy of that issue for £5.95 ($7.55) from RSGB. Surprisingly, there was no additional shipping charge. The process is:

Shop > Type “RadCom” in the search box > RADCOM BACK ISSUES (Radcom & QST) > and select May. Note that RSGB only stocks the past 12 months of back issues, so if you’d like to do the same, order in time for them to have this issue in stock.

This article would be a perfect introduction to M17 if it could be made available through the M17 Project, but it is copyrighted and available only by paying RSGB. I trust that the irony is obvious that an article about an open source project, of which all of the detail is publicly available for anyone to access, worldwide… but this article is only available behind a paywall (or buying a physical magazine).

The article mentioned a number of M17 implementations that I wasn’t aware of (or just don’t remember), including:

  • The WPSD Project - WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur radio use, enjoyed by many thousands of hams around the globe. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.

  • mvoice - M17 Digital Voice, now using FLTK - M17 Digital Voice , mvoice, is a fully functional, graphical repeater. It uses David Rowe’s Codec 2 and operates as a complete M17 repeater, only there is no RF component. It can Link to M17 reflectors and it can also do routing! It works best with a USB-based headset with microphone. mvoice uses the default pulseaudio/ALSA input and output device, so for most versions of linux, all you need to do is plug your headset in and you should be ready to go.

  • mrfed - The mrefd reflector is for connecting M17 clients together. mrefd can be configured with up to 26 different channels. M17 clients (M17 repeaters, M17 hot-spots and other MREFD reflectors) can be linked to a channel. An incoming M17 voice stream from one of the clients will be heard by all the other clients.

    Encrypted voice streams will pass through an mrefd channel, but only if they are configured for it.

  • DroidStar - This software connects to M17, Fusion (YSF/FCS, DN and VW modes are supported), DMR, P25, NXDN, D-STAR (REF/XRF/DCS) reflectors and AllStar nodes (as an IAX2 client) over UDP. It is compatible with all of the AMBE USB devices out there (ThumbDV, DVstick 30, DVSI, etc). It also supports MMDVM modems and can be used as a hotspot, or as a stand-alone transceiver via direct mode to the MMDVM device. This software is open source and uses the cross platform C++ library called Qt. It will build and run on Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS. No USB device support for iOS though (AMBE vocoder or MMDVM). It should also build and run on any other posix platform that has Qt available (xxxBSD, Solaris, etc). This software is provided as-is and no support is available.

  • SDRPlusPlus - SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software - Features:

    • Multi VFO

    • Wide hardware support (both through SoapySDR and dedicated modules)

    • SIMD accelerated DSP

    • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS and BSD)

    • Full waterfall update when possible. Makes browsing signals easier and more pleasant

    • Modular design (easily write your own plugins)

    • One of the “Decoders” available for compilation (not included as a default) is m17_decoder

  • OpenWebRX - OpenWebRX is an open source web-based software defined radio application that allows users to share access to one ore more SDR devices using a browser. M17 support was added in v1.0.0.

    • "Software defined radio": All processing is done in software, using digital signal processing ("DSP") technology.

    • "Web-based": Users do not need to install anything on their PC; all that's required to be able to use OpenWebRX is an HTML5 capable browser.

    • "Shared access": Multiple users can use the same receiver at the same time, and can listen to different frequencies and modes (some restrictions apply).

    • "Open source": The code for all parts of OpenWebRX is available under free and open source ("FOSS") licenses.

DroidStar is a perfect example that I have a lot more to learn about M17. Prior to reading this article, I was only aware of DroidStar as an M17 client app for Android devices. I’m delighted to see that it will also run on a MacOS… which is, for me… “Great… now another short term project to get started on”.

The article concludes with:

M17 and the future of amateur radio

In an increasingly digital and internet-connected world, it's essential that radio amateurs continue to develop their digital voice/data capabilities. An open-source standard is needed so that the entire amateur radio community, licensed operators as well as equipment manufacturers, can contribute to the process. M17 appears to be well- positioned top help make that happen.

Well stated, KC9TC… well stated!

Wikipedia - M17 (amateur radio)

Speaking of good reference material on M17… of course there is a Wikipedia article for M17… I frequently reference Wikipedia articles to elaborate on certain obscure topics (example - OFDM) that are mentioned in passing in articles in Zero Retries. But for some reason, I never thought to look up M17 in Wikipedia, but I should have. The intro there is an excellent brief description of M17:

M17 is a digital radio modulation mode developed by Wojciech Kaczmarski (amateur radio call sign SP5WWP) et al. [1][2][3][4][5][6] M17 is primarily designed for voice communications on the VHF amateur radio bands, and above. The project received a grant from the Amateur Radio Digital Communications in 2021[7] and 2022.[8] The protocol has been integrated into several hardware and software projects[citation needed]. In 2021, Kaczmarski received the ARRL Technical Innovation Award for developing an open-source digital radio communication protocol, leading to further advancements in amateur radio.[9]

Overall, this article is pretty good, but it needs some updating from folks with good knowledge of the current state of M17 (such as a number of Zero Retries readers). For example, the new CS7000 M17 radio isn’t mentioned in the Hardware Support subsection.

On the m17-users email list, I asked for volunteers to update this article. Thus, perhaps by the time this issue is published, the needed update might be complete.

M17 is Open Source, an Open Specification, Largely Software, Thus Can Be Extended

Near the conclusion of Why M17 Is Significant in Zero Retries 0163, was this subsection:

Why Does All This Matter? The Big Picture?

One of the reasons to try / adopt M17 is once there’s some real momentum, it’s all open source so it can get improved, forked, hacked, extended, transmogrified, etc. No other Amateur Radio digital voice system is as well defined as M17 (that I know of), especially the sticky (patented) digital voice chip.

Wojciech (Woj) Kaczmarski SP5WWP reminded me about the mention of the recent experimental inclusion of digital signatures (authentication) in M17.

That development nicely illustrates my point:

M17 can be improved, forked, hacked, extended, transmogrified, etc.

This development was mentioned in Zero Retries 0159 - M17 Experimental Authentication Signatures (slightly rewritten for this article).

ECDSA is Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm.

Per M17 Project on Mastodon:

Finally some good news regarding digital signatures. I've been experimenting with ST's CMOX library and just got 160-bit ECDSA to run on the Module17. It takes around 8.25 ms to sign a 16-byte M17 voice stream digest. The signature can be appended to the voice stream. The curve used is Brainpool P-160 R1, with secp256r1 signing takes a tad under 15 ms.

In the future, users might be able to generate ECDSA key pairs and use the private key for M17 stream signing. Then, by sharing the public component, allow the rest to perform identity checks. No more impersonation.

Our protocol implementation has just been updated with experimental ECDSA signature support based on the secp256r1 curve. No signature verification has been added yet.

Implementing digital signatures in M17 - part 2. Looks like both encoder and decoder work together and the latter is able to verify stream signatures now.

GitHub (`auth` and `crypto` branches are the most interesting):

See also micro-ecc - ECDH and ECDSA for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors.

The idea is that in addition to the digitized voice or data and overhead data, an authenticated M17 transmission appends a private key that can be authenticated with checking it against a person’s public key. SP5WWP commented:

The signature occupies 4 last data frames of the stream. It is generated after the data transmission has finished. When there's no more user data to transmit, a hash based on all the contents is calculated. That hash value is then signed with the user's private key. The assumption here is that there would be a central, trusted public key directory (a database with callsign-key pairs). That would ideally be run by IARU or some other international organization. I'm aware that IARU does not have enough human resources to run this, tho.

Key pair generation is trivial (under Linux CLI, it's a one-liner). An experimental (but already fully-functional, even with strong encryption) implementation is already available in our "M17_Implementations" repository ("main" branch).

This is a powerful capability for Amateur Radio given that we can quickly adapt such technology. For example, it could be used in emergency communications scenarios to insure that transmissions can be verified to be from authorized stations. I can imagine a future radio device that displays the callsign of a received signal…

  • ✅ when the transmitted callsign matches the signature / public key on file

  • ❌ when the transmitted callsign does not match the signature / public key on file.

The takeaway from this development isn’t that this particular experimental implementation isn’t complete, or perhaps has some issues, it’s that with an open source system such as M17… such things are possible!

Buying an Assembled Module 17

Zero Retries Annual Paid Subscriber Prefers to Remain Anonymous 15 emailed me to blame me for their purchase of two Module 17 units 🤨 Fair enough, I’ll accept that “blame”… but I wasn’t aware (that I recall) that assembled Module 17 units were available for on-demand purchase from AliExpress for $55:

LILYGO® & Module17-Revision 0.1e STM32 Development Board M17 Modem Board With DE-9 Connector Microphone Speaker Interface Switch.

Be sure to select

M17-R0.1E With OLED

In comparison, the only information on the M17 website about buying a Module 17 is

How to order Module17s at JLCPCB

Months ago in a private (or public?) discussion about Module 17, I stated that it was “good enough” to release as a “just buy it and use it” product to enable folks to generate some M17 radio transmissions. Apparently someone took that idea and went forward with it.

It Takes a Village (or an Email List) to Fully Understand M17

Tony Langdon VK3JED/VK3IRL on the m17-users email list:

I can add that Jonathan Naylor G4KLX was responsible for adding M17 support to the MMDVM project (which is also his work). [See also] He also created M17Client, which is client side (radio terminal) software that used a MMDVM board as a user radio. This works with both the modems (paired with a 9600 capable radio, makes an excellent M17 radio) and hotspots (creating a QRP self contained transceiver). Only other thing required is a USB sound device and some form of display usually HDMI or Nextion, though I got it working using a remote X server.

I've been involved in testing the MMDVM implementations of M17. I've also played with the TNC3 [obsoleted, new version is the TNC4] (unfortunately the app doesn't like my Android phone, which makes it a challenge to get working reliably), and today I use a Module17 into my own local M17 systems. The M17Client is still available as an alternative or for demonstrating a different implementation. As your article states, the different implementations work well with each other.

You missed M17Tools, which is a suite of software that runs on a host PC/Pi/Mac etc and can use a soundcard interface (Digirig is a recommended all in one interface that can pass baseband) to do M17 with a 9600 capable radio. At this time, M17Client doesn't like my Windows laptop, but others have reported good results, especially on Linux hosts.

VK3JED added:

Also, a lot of early IP only M17 activity was done by directly connecting to reflectors using mvoice or DroidStar. These methods are still available today, and are in common use.

See above for links to mvoice and DroidStar.

On the same thread, Tom Early N7TAE contributed:

I am pretty much an open-source fanatic, so when I heard of the M17 Project in early 2020, I had a few initial conversations with Steve, KC2AWV, on the M17 IRC channel and I was very excited about the project.

I was working on another project that was taking most of my free hours, but finished it up in the late summer of 2020. I knew I could help the M17 Project, in at least a small way. I got back on the IRC channel and started asking question about M17 internet packets. That part of the spec wasn't yet nailed down so had several email exchanges with Mike, W2FBI and Steve. The three of us settled enough on the specifics, that I squirreled myself away with my trusty laptop.

I wanted to write a reflector for M17. I already knew its name, mrefd. I didn't want to write it from scratch, but I knew of only two open-source reflector at that time. Because of its design, I chose xlxd as a starting point, an open-source transcoding reflector written by Jean-Luc, LX3JL and Luc, LX1IQ. I essentially gutted the multi-mode aspects of xlxd, as a framework for mrefd, so I just had to write the classes for the M17 protocol. I also needed an M17 client to test the reflector, so I coded mvoice basing it on another D-Star app I had written earlier.

After testing everything I could think of, on or about Oct. 17, 2020, my good friend and co-developer, Colby, W1BSB and I used mvoice to have the first M17 QSO going direct mvoice to mvoice (AZ to ME). Then we connected to the M17-USA reflector, at that time running on a server owned by Colby and had another QSO through the reflector. On that day, several bug were found and squashed.

A few days later, after fixing a few more things and filling in some details in the READMEs, I Emailed Mike about what Colby and I had done. Then Mike announce on the M17 IRC channel something like "Tom has developed a ****-load of working M17 software and ...". What happened next was amazing...

There was a lot of excitement! I think a lot of hams just wanted to hear what M17 sounded like. So, within a very short time there were mrefd reflectors running everywhere and mvoice bugs were coming in hot and heavy. Very quickly Doug, AD8DP added the M17-protocol to Droidstar. Within a year, there were over 100 M17 reflectors all over the world and Steve had a page on the M17 Project website where you could register your reflector and view the rapidly growing list of reflectors. It was amazing. There were lots of hams having QSOs with other hams all over the world, using the M17 Spec, even though precious few were doing it with RF. I think this illustrates very well how hungry hams were for a V/UHF digital voice mode that 100% belongs to them!

VK3JED concluded:

Some great early history there Tom, thanks for filling in some gaps I didn't know either. I was one of the DroidStar only early adopters myself.

As for my own involvement, COVID caused a resurgence of my interest in ham radio, as it was the perfect activity for lockdowns - one could stay home and have social interactions with others over the air. I quickly discovered a multimode system on VK3RBA and was intrigued at their integration of several modes. I had done a lot of work on IRLP/Echolink integration and EchoIRLP years earlier.

Anyway, I discovered DVSwitch [see also] not long after and started experimenting with building my own multimode gateway, and while learning about DVSwitch, I saw mention of "M17" in the DVSwitch groups. I had no idea what M17 was, but a Google search quickly educated me and I was instantly hooked. Some time after, the arrival of USRP2M17 gave me cause to add M17 capabilities to my expanding multimode reflector. That system has since grown into a major multimode hub servicing several independent networks.

Rabbit Hole Explorations - The M17 Project Wiki

And… looking up some references made in the preceding exchanges on the m17-users email list quickly became a chase down a rabbit hole of yet more implementations and documentation of M17. Despite having gotten involved and interested in M17 months ago, in all the times I have visited the M17 website, I completely neglected to notice “Wiki” at the right end of the menu bar, and there is some very good info there, including:

I think that the M17 Project Wiki is an underutilized resource and that should be the repository of a lot of tribal knowledge such as what’s mentioned in this article. What’s great about wikis is that the user community can maintain them with little oversight from a webmaster.


M17 Modulator & Demodulator in C++ (GPL)


This program reads a 48k samples per second 16-bit, little-endian, single channel, M17 4-FSK baseband stream from STDIN and writes a demodulated/decoded 8k SPS 16-bit, single channel audio stream to STDOUT.

Some diagnostic information is written to STDERR while the demodulator is running.


This program reads in an 8k sample per second, 16-bit, 1 channel raw audio stream from STDIN and writes out an M17 4-FSK baseband stream at 48k SPS, 16-bit, 1 channel to STDOUT.

This is yet another discovery of an independent implementation of M17 enabled by the high quality of the M17 specification:

Thanks to the M17 team to for the great work on the spec.

Finding (and Registering) M17 Repeaters

M17 Project on Mastodon:

You can now register M17 repeaters at the Repeater World website - an open-source, open-data repeater directory!

To see all of the M17 repeaters worldwide, click the More Modes button, click M17, and click Search. (There’s a lot!)

On RepeaterBook (which is not not open source3), you can also view all M17 repeaters - put your cursor onto SPECIAL MODES on the menu bar and click on M17. You can also Add a Repeater on RepeaterBook; note that there is a checkbox for M17. Kudos that RepeaterBook has apparently had the M17 option since 2023.

I note that the Western Washington Amateur Relay Association (WWARA), the repeater coordination organization in my region, doesn’t yet recognize M17 in their Technical Data Sheet application for coordination. I emailed them to suggest adding it.

Every Friday is M17 Activity Day

M17 Activity Day - get on the air/net with M17!

An all-day event on Fridays where people are encouraged to get on the air or get on the network using the M17 digital voice mode.

Link your hotspots and repeaters to the M17-M17 Reflector on Module C for greater effect!

When: Weekly, on Fridays


  • Internet: Reflector M17-M17 module C

  • On the Air:

  • IARU Region 1:

    • 2 meters: 144.875 MHz

    • 70 centimeters: 433.475 MHz

  • IARU Region 2 (calling):

    • 2 meters: 146.520 MHz

    • 70 centimeters: 446.000 MHz

  • IARU Region 3 (TBD)

I created an entry in NetFinder for M17 Activity Day. The entry isn’t perfect as it allows only one frequency to be stated, and a specific time (and this event runs all day, with no time zone for “all day” stated. But there’s ample fun to be had from getting on the air, or network, with M17.

Follow-on M17 Projects - OpenHT and Remote Radio Unit

As a continuation of his development work on M17, Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP has begun development of two follow-on projects that incorporate M17 - the OpenHT and the Remote Radio Unit.


The OpenHT is a handheld, self-contained Software Defined Transceiver for the Amateur Radio 420-450 MHz (70 cm) band and the 2.4 GHz band, including display and keyboard. I’ve previously written about the OpenHT in Zero Retries 0099 - M17 OpenHT - A Breakthrough In Ham Radio.

Most of the progress on OpenHT was in mid-2023 for its debut at Ham Radio 2023. I’m not aware of any additional progress on OpenHT reported recently.

Remote Radio Unit (RRU)

The RRU is an M17 and FM radio / repeater that is designed to be installed (remoted) near an antenna, very similar to the Icom IC-905’s radio unit. I’ve written about the RRU several times:

As I understand it, both OpenHT are projects in development, but lack sufficient funding to take them forward and complete them enough to be products (which would then require a group or company to commercialize them for turnkey sale, or at least launch a crowdfunded project to manufacture batches of them).

From my perspective, I consider the RRU to be a very promising concept and project and (again, seems to me) that RRU could be taken forward into being a popular product, especially in the US where there is ample spectrum in the Amateur Radio 420-450 MHz to make use of such a system.

A Demonstration of the Flexibility of M17 - Running on a GameBoy Advance

Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP on LinkedIn:

Can you run an M17 packet encoder on a GameBoy Advance with a custom-made ROM? Of course! The trick is to use fixed point arithmetic instead of floats in the square-root raised cosine baseband filter :-) The point of this proof of concept is to show how versatile and portable libm17 (and the M17 protocol itself) is.

Here's the GitHub repository for my open-source "game" generating M17 baseband:

The generated signal is available at the headphones port and can be used with an amateur radio transceiver for sending text messages.

Followup email from SP5WWP:

I managed to run libm17 on my Gameboy Advance, generate baseband for a packet and decode it on my PC under Linux with the `m17-packet-decode`. How cool is that?

The point of this is not to make people use GBA for M17, it's to show how versatile libm17 is (and how cool the protocol is!). I'm aware the repeatability of this is low, but it's interesting and educational.

More Concluding Conclusions on M17

The more I have studied M17 in order to write about it in Zero Retries, the more impressed I am with the energy and enthusiasm being applied by the M17 community that has been devoted to making M17 a viable option for Amateur Radio use on VHF / UHF bands. I’m not surprised with this level of enthusiasm and participation as there have been other projects such as Multi Mode Digital Voice Network (MMDVM) that have very broad (and occasionally niche-y) development. But all of that… energy… isn’t readily apparent about M17 as there isn’t a single place to see all of the various facets of M17.

The Wikipedia M17 article isn’t comprehensive, the M17 website isn’t comprehensive, and certainly the history of articles about M17 in Zero Retries isn’t comprehensive. Not to mention, M17 continues to evolve; it’s not stable - and in my opinion, that’s a feature in this era of Radios Are Computers - With Antennas! No one expects a computer to remain static - its software, and often its firmware, is constantly being updated. Radios in the 21st century, being largely computers, shouldn’t be considered differently.

Sometimes… a subject as complex and diverse of subject such as M17 really cries out to be captured in a book - which can contain all of the disparate aspects . I’m working on such a book, with help from SP5WWP. These articles about M17 in Zero Retries are precursors to chapters in that book. I’ll keep you apprised about its progress.

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Starlink Mini - Game, Set, Match for Emergency Communications

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

I intend no disrespect to all the varied Emergency Communications activities that are performed within Amateur Radio, or those that perform them. The emergence of Starlink as a Broadband Internet Access system with few dependencies other than power has changed the paradigm of emergency communications. But now, but the emergence of the new Starlink Mini has profoundly changed the paradigm of emergency communications.

Image courtesy of SpaceX / Starlink

The photo above tells the story at a glance about how well-suited Starlink Mini4 is for providing emergency communications when normal communications such as cellular or consumer Internet access are unavailable. Starlink Mini is light enough and compact enough to be carried on one’s back (or in a backpack). It can be powered by any USB-C power source, including compact USB-C battery packs (for at least a few hours) or an AC to USB-C power adapter. Wi-Fi and Ethernet are built-in on the unit. It’s managed by a smartphone app. To set it up, open the app, follow the instructions for orienting it optimally (though it will likely work acceptably by laying flat if there is enough clear sky). Within a few minutes at most you are connected to the Internet at broadband speeds. It can easily be remoted to a rooftop using a simple and inexpensive power extension cord and an Ethernet cable. It will work nearlyanywhere!

The reason I bring this up is that a Zero Retries reader contacted me about an article about a “Go Box” to set up Winlink and noted “things have changed now that Starlink Mini is available”.

Disclaimer - Yes, Starlink is a subscription service, and you have to buy Starlink Mini for a few hundred dollars and keep a service plan active for one’s Starlink Mini to be ready to use at a moment’s notice. To use one’s Starlink unit for emergency communications will likely mean exceeding the “inexpensive” service tier’s maximum data transfer limit of 50 GB. Acknowledged that those are real issues now, but Starlink has exhibited considerable flexibility in adjusting its services in response to changing business conditions. It’s my (optimistic) guess is that in a declared emergency, if one asks, Starlink can temporarily waive data transfer limits or cost penalties for “excessive usage”.

Winlink, Briefly

The goal of using Winlink, of course, is to be able to send Internet email over Amateur Radio spectrum, both HF and VHF / UHF. Using Winlink used to be a bit fraught with peril because of the relatively poor data modes Amateur Radio has traditionally used for Winlink. Formerly the only good option had been the pricey and proprietary Pactor 4 modem for HF. Now there are other options for Winlink, especially VARA - FM for VHF / UHF and VARA HF for HF. The cost of a VARA license and audio adapter to use VARA FM and VARA HF are a fraction of the price of a PACTOR 4 modem, and work comparably on HF, and work great on VHF / UHF (up to 25 kbps).

Starlink Mini / Winlink Go Kit Comparison

But consider the bigger picture here in “Winlink versus Starlink Mini” as a “Go Kit” solution (in approximately the same form factor):

  • Winlink is “narrowband” email, with some capability for attached files.

  • Starlink Mini is a broadband Internet system, and thus can handle any Internet activity - video cameras, video conferences, viewing streamed video, file transfers, email, Voice Over IP telephones… and can do all of that for multiple client devices such as multiple laptops connected via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

  • A Winlink Go Kit is a complex assemblage of radio(s), modems, computers, software, antennas, power supplies, and integration.

  • A Starlink Mini is simple by comparison - power from a USB-C source, and connect to it via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, use normal Internet systems such as web browser.

  • A Winlink Go Kit can only be used by an Amateur Radio Operator who is trained / practiced in using the combination of the radio, the modem, the computer, and the software, and all of the procedures on how transmit and receive via Winlink.

  • A Starlink Mini can be used by anyone; it’s effectively “unlicensed” wireless Internet. The app is easy to understand, and once it acquires the satellite constellation, it just works when you connect to it with Wi-Fi or Ethernet. The app provides status, devices connected, some management, and diagnostics including a speed test for troubleshooting and it can tell you if there’s an issue with the satellites, or obstruction.

  • Winlink requires some infrastructure, especially when using VHF / UHF Radio Mail Servers (RMS).

  • A Starlink Mini requires comparatively little infrastructure now (a regional Starlink Ground Station) and in the future will require practically no infrastructure through the use of inter-satellite links.

Analogy - Autopatch

I think there’s a useful analogy in Amateur Radio’s very active use, and then complete disuse, of “Autopatch” on VHF / UHF repeaters. As a new Amateur Radio Operator in the mid-1980s, one of the most popular uses of repeaters was autopatch - “automatic phone connection”. If you wanted to make a phone call from your portable or mobile VHF / UHF radio, you could easily and quickly command the repeater to connect a phone line, dial a call with touch tones from your radio, have your conversation, and then disconnect the phone line. Autopatch was an incredibly popular feature of repeaters… but no one uses autopatch any more. There’s no technical reason not to continue using autopatch; it would work as well in the mid 2020s as it did in the mid-1980s, and there’s only a minor cost issue in having a telephone line connected to a repeater for a monthly fee.

The reason that no one uses autopatch any more is because using one’s own mobile phone is so superior to using autopatch that it’s no longer even a question about using autopatch. Why would you even want to consider using autopatch?

I think that’s the situation we’re now in with Winlink, albeit at the very beginning of the situation where Starlink (Mini) is such a superior solution to the issue of emergency communications. But I believe that the conclusion will eventually be the same as with autopatch; no one will consider using Winlink because using Starlink (and other similar systems now in development5) will be a far superior solution for emergency communications.

On Beyond Starlink - Mobile Phone Direct to Satellite

Not to mention… by the end of this decade, we may not even need Starlink to use at least basic satellite connectivity from our mobile phones in an emergency, thanks to:

It’s amazing to me that Iridium, the one “phone works everywhere on the planet via satellite” service provider, has fallen out of the conversation versus the above developments getting lots of attention.

It’s a brave, interesting, much more communications-rich new world!

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

FCC Public Notice - Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology Seek Comment on NextNav Petition For Rulemaking

NextNav Inc. (NextNav) filed a petition for rulemaking requesting that the Commission initiate a proceeding to reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band (Lower 900 MHz Band) and adopt new rules to enable the deployment of a 5G terrestrial positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) network that “complements and backs up” the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS). By this Public Notice, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and the Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) jointly seek comment on NextNav’s Petition.

Amateur radio operations are allocated on a secondary basis to LMS. Part 15 unlicensed devices also operate in the band, are not typically afforded interference protection, and may not cause harmful interference to LMS licensees, amateur operations, or other licensed systems. However, Commission rules intended to ensure coexistence between services require M-LMS licensees to demonstrate through field tests that their systems do not cause unacceptable levels of interference to part 15 devices.

This goes on for 8 pages of dense, tortured, legalistic, pseudo-technical explanations from NextNav of how this system is desperately needed and is the solution for “3D positioning accuracy”.

This is NextNav’s second attempt at getting the FCC to reconfigure 902-928 MHz to accommodate their technology. Their previous attempt was dismissed by the FCC in 2014:

By this Order, we terminate the above-captioned Multilateration Location and Monitoring Service (M-LMS) rulemaking proceeding, and conclude that the various proposals for broad revisions of the applicable rules do not merit further consideration at this time.

It’s particularly galling that “LMS” licenses were auctioned in 2005, but the buyers of those licenses simply could not make their technology work to actually deploy a working system in accordance with their licenses and the unique situation and user hierarchies inherent in 902-928 MHz when they bought those licenses!

Originally this system was posited as the solution to more precise automatic location during E911 calls. GPS receivers built into mobile phones, and other measures such as triangulation from cell towers has proven to be an adequate solution for that issue. Thus, NextNav has pivoted its technology’s purpose to “backing up GPS”. The history of Location and Monitoring Service (LMS) in 902-928 MHz has gone on for nearly two decades now trying to exploit an LMS license in this band for monetary gain (likely hoping for a buyout of their license) or a favorable “spectrum swap”. In those nearly two decades, 902-928 MHz has become used for millions of devices (I’d argue hundreds of millions of devices) such as Automatic (radio) Meter Reading (AMR). Usage of unlicensed devices in 902-928 MHz has literally exploded beyond any possible accounting by FCC or anyone else, and is poised to increase even more with inexpensive and capable 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow devices that have recently emerged as a solution for wider range personal wireless networks that can extend up to several miles, including through trees.

My previous house in Woodinville, Washington had three such devices operating in 902-928 MHz - one on the water meter, one on the electric power meter, and another on the natural gas meter, all using a common radio network.

But, however… nonsensical and blatantly self-serving in trying to posit a “crisis” as this Petition for Rulemaking is, it is a formal proceeding underway by the FCC. If granted, it definitely will affect Amateur Radio’s use of 902-928 MHz, such as the new capabilities we could soon be using with 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow devices.

Comments Due: September 5, 2024

Reply Comments Due: September 20, 2024

Sigh… great… more pro forma, legalistic writing of a formal comment to the FCC, with a tight deadline.

My thanks to Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Orv Beach W6BI for mentioning this document to me.

Stealth Mode New Hire at ARDC - Adam Lewis KC7GDY is New IT & Development Manager

ARDC hasn’t announced this yet (as I compose this issue), but it’s confirmed on the ARDC Who We Are page and a brief mention on KC7GDY’s LinkedIn page:

I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as IT & DevOps Manager at Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)!

KC7GDY has been an energetic and talented volunteer on the ARDC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), especially on the still-in-beta-testing ARDC 44Net VPN project. From that exposure, he’s had to become familiar with the unique challenges of ARDC’s IT infrastructure, and thus… he was warned about what he was getting himself into 😀

Congrats and Kudos, Adam! Well deserved!

(And, if you’re reading this Adam, apologies for being a laggard on the beta 44Net VPN participation. I will get my beta VPN up and running soon!)

A Sneak Peek at the Forthcoming Halibut Electronics Egg Beater Antenna

An Egg Beater antenna is an ideal antenna for receiving from (and transmitting to) satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Think of it as an omnidirectional antenna whose pattern is directed towards the sky instead of to / from the horizon.

The problem with Egg Beaters is that they’re “fussy” - necessary to achieve the required phasing of the two elements necessary to achieve the “overhead omnidirectional” pattern. Thus professionally built antennas have been the preferred type of Egg Beater antennas… until now.

Mark Smith (Smitty) N6MTS of Halibut Electronics seems have cracked the code for building your own Egg Beater antenna by providing a semi-kit of “the fussy bits”. N6MTS does the tough phasing work providing a pair of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and a choke / coaxial cable assembly. Those components are derived from a lot of testing and measuring to develop the PCBs that really work. Considerable assembly and your own parts are required. The instructions are detailed, including several cautions of what not to do during the assembly process.

N6MTS asked for feedback on the Halibut Electronics email list for his preliminary assembly manual for the EggNOGS antenna kit (he explains the name in the document). Think of it as a preview for the EggNOGS prior to it being generally available for purchase.

This is a cool kit and an EggNOGS looks like a decent antenna to get started with downloading telemetry from Amateur LEO satellites until you’re ready to invest in a full azimuth / elevation tracking directional antenna system.

Separately, N6MTS also provided a brief video “unboxing” of the EggNOGS kit.

Video - Preview of a New User Interface for AREDN

AREDN Ambassador (and Zero Retries Pseudostaffer) Orv Beach W6BI on several AREDN-related email lists:

Coming to an AREDN nightly build near you soon - a shiny new UI :-)

This YouTube overview by Tim KN6PLV explains why the AREDN devs decided a new UI was needed for the AREDN software. Tim goes into the reasons why, then does a deep dive into every corner the new UI. Folks who have seen it like it a lot. Check it out!

AREDN is Amateur Radio Emergency Digital Network and is a firmware load to convert Wi-Fi and Wireless Internet Service Provider units into Amateur Radio microwave networking mesh network units. I agree that the new user interface is a significant improvement and with it you’re more easily able to understand what is going on with your station and the network(s) you’re connected to.

The QubeDX - a modular CubeSat style QRP Transceiver

Michael Clemens DK1MI on his blog:

Image courtesy of Michael Clemens DK1MI

This article is about the implementation of the idea of building a (decorative) [HF] QRP radio for digi mode operation that can be operated remotely via Wi-Fi. One possible use would be to place the device together with a simple vertical antenna and a small battery, e.g. temporarily in the garden, so that it can then be operated from the computer from inside the house. The basic idea is to be able to conveniently control the device remotely via VNC.

I just stumbled onto this neat project in my casual browsing. Being Zero Retries Interesting, I had to mention it here. In some respects it’s the HF equivalent of a DigiPi and G1LRO’s Universal Radio Controller (though those units do not include a radio as this unit does). The CubeDX also maps nicely into an Amateur Radio Data Appliance that I imagined in Zero Retries 0136.

Kudos DK1MI - neat idea!

New Raspberry Pi Pico 2 Microcontroller

Eben Upton of Raspberry Pi:

We’re happy to announce the launch of Raspberry Pi Pico 2, our second-generation microcontroller board, built on RP2350: a new high-performance, secure microcontroller designed here at Raspberry Pi.

With a higher core clock speed, twice the memory, more powerful Arm cores, new security features, and upgraded interfacing capabilities, Pico 2 delivers a significant performance and feature uplift, while retaining hardware and software compatibility with earlier members of the Pico series.

There’s a lot to unpack in this announcement but it’s impressive that Raspberry Pi improved the performance and capabilities (more I/O), with perfect backwards compatibility (it’s a drop in replacement), with a trivial price increase from $4.00 to $5.00. Note that the core of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 is Raspberry Pi’s unique, custom developed silicon - the new RP2350.

What’s curious is that Upton’s article doesn’t mention what, to me, is a significant feature (though not immediately usable) - two of the four cores are the RISC-V architecture which is an open source specification for a processor core. It’s feasible that Raspberry Pi can build future versions of the Pico using only RISC-V cores (the RP2350 has two ARM cores) at reduced cost because no license fee would be owed to ARM Holdings for using their processor designs.

Jeff Geerling (KF0MYB) goes into detail about the RISC-V aspects in his video introduction to the Raspberry Pi Pico 2.

To me, the strongest factor in recommending the Raspberry Pi Pico as one’s preferred microcontroller is the incredibly strong support infrastructure that Raspberry Pi has developed for it in the few years the Pico has been available… and especially that it can be programmed in a reasonable-to-understand high level language - Micro Python.

IPNode-new - A QPSK IP Radio Network Node

Steve Sampson in Zero Retries 0163 Comments:

I started on a 1200 Baud QPSK AM modem, but being an old man, I fade out pretty fast these days. While I appreciate FM, it seems a missed opportunity not to do QPSK at 3 kHz bandwidth, on 10 meters and Up. Heck, maybe even 20 meters, ha. I had to learn about Timing Error Detection which wore me out. The theory being that no power wasted in a carrier is a good thing.

From the Github page:

A QPSK IP Radio Network Node

Based on highly modified Dire Wolf repository, to create a Linux based QPSK Packet Radio Node. This design uses 1200 baud, giving 2400 bit/s (2-bits per Baud) throughput, in 1.6 kHz of bandwidth. This can also be used on VHF and above if you have an SSB rig.

It uses an I/Q sampling rate of 9600 bit/s. A Root-Raised-Cosine (RRC) matched filter is used on transmit and receive, and a slightly modified Improved Layer 2 Protocol (IL2P) encodes the data onto modified AX.25 protocol packets. A Gardner Timing Error Detection (TED). and a Costas Loop are used on receive.

These are meant to be point-point links, and digipeaters were designed out. Digipeaters are deprecated in this network design.

Technological innovation in Amateur Radio… because we’re curious and we have the ability and the spectrum to try new things in radio technology! Kudos to Sampson for this!

TAPR PSR Newsletter #158 - Summer 2024

In this issue:

  • Call for Nominations [3 Board of Directors positions]

  • Wanted: New Treasurer

  • New Product: ezDV 04

  • New Product: RX888 Clock Kit & Thermal Pad 05

  • New Product: HF Receiver Isolation Transformer

  • VE4KLM Report

PSR is always a good read to find out what’s happening within TAPR.

Video - Bringing [Amateur] Radio into the 21st Century

Jason Oleham KM4ACK on his KM4ACK YouTube channel:

This video is significant because of the brief discussion and demonstration of arcOS Linux:

What is arcOS?

The Amateur Radio Community Operating System is a bootable Linux system on a USB drive. arcOS is founded on the belief that digital communications within communities of operators can be accessible and easy to use for ALL, regardless of license class or experience.

  • Simple.
    arcOS focuses on standardized digital communication modes commonly used for both casual and emergency communications. By minimizing the number of included applications and complexity, arcOS strives to avoid overwhelming new or inexperienced users, while offering ambitious users the ability to configure additional features and functionality.

  • Portable.
    arcOS runs on almost any modern-ish x86_64 computer. This means the arcOS USB can be used just about anywhere. By using modular scripts, users can configure arcOS to be deployed for many different roles. Communities of operators can collaborate to build modules suited for their needs. Operators can even share these modules over the air to help others in real time.

  • Reliable.
    After booting from the USB, arcOS "just works!" Basic digital communications are ready to go, right now. With arcOS, users are not responsible for maintaining an installed Linux system. Feel free to explore and experiment, knowing that any mistakes are easily undone by rebooting.

It’s also notable that there was a demonstration of fldigi’s flamp utility that “broadcasts” files in blocks. In this demo, there were only two users, but there could be many “receivers” of a flamp file broadcast, which is why flamp is such a powerful capability.

Video - The Beginners Guide To The Radioberry HF SDR Transceiver Pi Hat

Great overview by Matt Miller M0DQW on his Tech Minds YouTube channel of the Radioberry HF Software Defined Transceiver that’s a HAT for a Raspberry Pi.

We’re never going to run out of Zero Retries Interesting units at this pace.

Food for Thought - KE9V - Rapidly Shifting Sand

Zero Retries Pseudostaffer and Amateur Radio thought leader Jeff Davis KE9V on his blog:

Problems Well sure, this all has the potential to create more problems:

  • The secret identifying codes wouldn't necessarily be legal on the ham bands. This might require the software to check-in online every now and then to receive an authorization token.

  • Many elements of this concept probably require closed-source software to prevent unauthorized modification.

  • Who gets to be trusted authorities?

  • Who decides when the kill switch gets pulled?

  • Etc.

This isn’t at all ideal. But consider D-STAR, DMR, Fusion, and the like. “Someone” gets to be in charge of those and you must ask permission to get your identifying “key” to use those digital modes. In the same way, “someone” would be in charge of issuing DXpedition and DX chasers “keys” to make it all work.

Minor correction to the above - the “identifying key” is only necessary to use repeaters and networks; traditional simplex operation with any digital voice system is unrestricted.

I’ve actually observed a (what appeared to be purely putative) “lockout” of a particular user on a digital voice repeater network in Western Washington. While that was completely within the Amateur Radio regulations for a repeater / network administrator to decline to “repeat” a particular Amateur Radio Operator’s transmissions… it just wasn’t cool, especially considering that the “dispute” was conducted entirely outside of Amateur Radio (on an email list).

Thus KE9V’s concerns are not alarmist.

Help Me Make a [Zero Retries Interesting] Ham Zine

Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Dan Romanchik KB6NU on his KB6NU blog:

Last night, on Mastodon, I came across a post that just made me say, “Wow!” It contained a link to a post by Susan Kaye Quinn, who is a speculative fiction author with a PhD in environmental engineering, who writes hopepunk climate fiction & solarpunk. The post on Quinn’s website includes the following video on how to make an eight-page “zine” from a single sheet of paper.

Folding Solarpunk Zine (How to Write Solarpunk)

I love this idea so much that I now want to make my own ham radio zines. The first could be something like, “Cool Things that Hams Do.”

This is such a cool idea! I had hoped to fully develop my ideas for a Zero Retries Interesting zine, but didn’t get very far and didn’t want to punt this cool idea yet again into a future issue. Note that one of the key attributes of a zine is interesting graphics, which isn’t my strong suit (as a creator of text). So here’s some ideas I have, to date, for the eight pages of a future Zero Retries Interesting zine:

  1. Front: Intro to Zero Retries

  2. Ham radio6 is the original open source collaborative electronics activity - we share the fun of what we build.

  3. Ham radio can do data networks via radio without any dependence on the Internet, cellular, or satellite

  4. Ham radio can do regional, national, and international communications via radio!

  5. Open source radio hacking is more fun on ham radio - we can transmit!

  6. Ham radio does space - satellites, Earth Moon Earth, and ham radio on the International Space Station!

  7. Ham radio builds its own independent microwave data networks

  8. Back: Pointer for Ham Radio for Dummies book, Amateur Radio Technician question pool, how to find a testing site, and subscription info to Zero Retries

It also occurs to me that it would be really cool to create a zine for M17 for distribution at (non Amateur Radio) technical conferences.

Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0010 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

  • One particularly effective method of promoting Zero Retries is to add a mention of Zero Retries to your QRZ page (or other web presence) and include a link:

  • If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Bluesky

Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


Per several members of the USS Sampson crew during my tour of the ship, the “Nathan James” was quite fictionalized. They didn’t go into details.


My Dad was fond of telling the story of how I did try spending a portion of my paychecks while working at sea - on dozens of magazine subscriptions at one point (Byte, Popular Electronics, Radio Electronics, Home Power, Ad Astra, QST, etc.), all of which were duly delivered to me in bulk during port calls in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Bering Sea. That, and $10/minute INMARSAT telephone calls charged to Dad’s telephone credit card when I became engaged to my now wonderful wife of nearly 40 years, Tina KD7WSF.


Per the tagline on RepeaterBook:
Copyright © 2006-2024 All Rights Reserved.
Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377).


For those that will want to raise the issue of “dependence” on SpaceX and Starlink as an “Elon Musk company” and how they would never consider depending on such a system… just don’t go there. This discussion is not going to descend into political or narcissistic personality issues, including comments. Provably, Starlink works.


Starlink will eventually have some competition. Amazon’s Project Kuiper is well, known, but this week China launched the first satellites of its Qianfan system. Europe’s HydRON system is still in the design phase. Eutelsat OneWeb is already in operation, but seems to have been largely eclipsed by the amazing success of Starlink.


I normally state “Amateur Radio” not Ham Radio, but a zine is intended to casually familiarize someone on an unfamiliar subject, so in this case, I think using “Ham Radio” is more appropriate. And please, no comments on my preferred capitalization.

Zero Retries 0163

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its fourth year of publication, with 1900+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Doug Leber KF0PCW for upgrading from a Monthly subscriber to Zero Retries to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week! In an email exchange, KF0PCW said:

I’m a new ham but a longtime tutor teaching reading to dyslexic youngsters and teens. So many of my students are makers and tinkerers and hackers. I’m thrilled to learn more about how to expose them to this amazing hobby that can bring them joy and powerful skills.

I’m including KF0PCW’s note here in hopes that other Zero Retries readers that are involved in similar activities (or might want to be) might wish to exchange ideas with him - see his QRZ page for contact info.

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 41 for being a New Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 42 for being a New Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 3 weeks!

  • Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 11 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us). I have offered to do a presentation about Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio, and (I think) my proposal has been accepted.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

Late Publication Today

Apologies for late publication of this issue of Zero Retries, especially to those that like to read it as soon as it hits their inbox or RSS feed reader. One Zero Retries reader on the US East Coast told me that their early Friday evening routine has become to grab a beer and their tablet computer and settle into their favorite comfy chair to read Zero Retries. My apologies to that reader for a late “beer thirty” today.

I had completed a major article for this issue, but in the last few hours before auto-publication, I decided that article deserved more thought and time to carefully consider. Thus I brought forward the M17 article that I had planned for next week’s issue into this week’s issue and that needed some significant editing.

Store and Forward Podcast - Episode 3

Episode 3 of the Store and Forward (S&F) podcast, featuring Kay Savetz K6KJN and myself, has now dropped. Our cadence for new shows is “approximately twice per month”, especially for the remaining few months of nice weather here in the Pacific Northwet. K6KJN lives in the Portland, Oregon area and I live in the Vancouver, British Columbia area. We are both “of a certain age” and have lived in the region long enough to be intimately familiar with how fleeting this wonderful summer weather is… so we won’t let the labor of love that is S&F dictate our summer.

The link goes to our brand new Store and Forward website - - a podcast about the past and future of ham radio. S&F is all thanks to K6KJN who is the brains, website builder, podcast producer, and uses their editing mad skilz for S&F. One gripe I have about other podcasts is poor or no show notes, so we both try to insure there are reasonable show notes for each episode. And for those that watch the video, I will be doing a better job of my video by the next episode - K6KJN has their video well dialed-in.

This episode is mostly K6KJN describing an epic fingers-bleeding week in Denver sorting through the Bob Cooper archives which have been donated to Internet Archive and Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC). For those that understand the reference (in the context of Internet Archive), K6KJN was an “Away Team of One”… and bless them for doing that. Some of the “Coop” material has already made it into public access in DLARC.

Richard “Reverend Rick” Olsen N6NR is a Silent Keyboard

I’m sad to learn that Rick Olsen N6NR, also known as “Chaplain Rick”, is now a silent keyboard. I didn’t know N6NR well; my personal memory of N6NR was that he was wicked smart with deep technical background… but when it came to Amateur Radio, he happily shared his knowledge with those of us that weren’t as deeply knowledgeable about radio technology.

N6NR was Director of Engineering of US West NewVector (which became US West Cellular… or vice versa - I’ll just abbreviate it to USWC). In that position, he was the de facto ringleader of a small, merry band of Amateur Radio Operators within USWC and that gave the merry band “cover” for putting up three UHF 9600 bit regenerative repeaters on USWC towers in the Seattle metro area. Those repeaters became the core of the Puget Sound Amateur Radio TCP/IP Network. Some of the more interesting bits about these repeaters were that these towers were owned by USWC. Thus USWC Engineering department had carte blanche for “experimental systems” on those towers. Not to mention that as cellular quickly gained popularity, these towers had all of their cellular equipment moved down much lower on the tower to accommodate more aggressive frequency reuse, thus the upper half of the towers became largely unused. Those three towers originally covered all of the Seattle metro area (this was the very early days of cellular where the average cellular unit was at least 1 watt on 800 MHz).

The antennas originally used for the repeaters turned out to be designed with “uptilt” radiation patterns (for typical Amateur Radio Operators)… which wasn’t optimum at the top of a 300 foot tower… on hilltops. So the merry band decided to invert them and that worked great until they suffered water infiltration; despite reasonable waterproofing precautions, they weren’t designed to be used upside down. They went through a few antennas before they got that issue sorted out.

Another fun bit of detail was that the repeaters were repurposed Motorola Pulsar radios which were used for the original (pre-cellular) mobile telephone system on UHF. They were designed for full duplex and long duty cycles, living in a car trunk, at high power for good voice quality. Thus they were rugged. The “merry band” had no problems bypassing the need for a head unit, dialing down the power for tower service, putting them on Amateur Radio UHF repeater frequencies, and pulling out flat audio signals for the TNCs with the TAPR 9600 bps board with a bit regeneration adapter.

To provide a backhaul link to the three repeaters without needing yet another Amateur Radio radio on the tower (there were also 2 meter 1200 bps simplex radios as part of each repeater), the “merry band” connected the repeater’s computer (running KA9Q NOS) to a telemetry connection at (if memory serves) 19.2 kbps, thus it was possible to have very wide area data transfers from by accessing one of the repeaters and connecting seamlessly to a user on one of the other repeaters.

This was all fantastic fun for several years, but inevitably USWC was consolidated into bigger and bigger entities, and the towers were sold to a site owner that didn’t want Amateur Radio Operators on their towers (without paying full rent). N6NR and the merry band’s very valuable skills as pioneers of using Qualcomm’s CDMA technology were in intense demand in the exponentially growing cellular industry.

N6NR became Reverend Rick, and went on to lead a very happy life beyond his time as USWC Director of Engineering. I (and we in the Puget Sound Amateur Radio TCP/IP Group / Network) owe N6NR and the rest of the merry band a debt of gratitude for their sponsorship of the repeaters that were the core of the network. I wasn’t the only one that leveraged my knowledge from that network and its pioneering use of TCP/IP in Amateur Radio to further my professional career.

But, mostly, N6NR made it possible to have an enormous amount of Amateur Radio bleeding edge networking technical fun, and for that I’m personally grateful to him.

73, N6NR! I wish you clear channels and Zero Retries! de N8GNJ


Steve N8GNJ

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New 3600 bps Packet Radio Mode for Radios Without Flat Audio

By Nino Carrillo KK4HEJ

Editor’s Note - Achieving maximum data speeds with a conventional VHF / UHF FM radio generally require using a radio that provides a “flat audio” connection such as the “9600” or “data” connector found on the Yaesu FTM-6000R1. A flat audio connection bypasses the radio’s microphone pre-emphasis and speaker de-emphasis stages in the radio that make voice communications more intelligible. However, the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis stages distort higher speed data (audio) signals. Radios with flat audio connections are relatively rare in the mid-2020s. Until now, there were only a few data modes that were faster than 1200 bps Audio Frequency Shift Keying - AFSK that could be used with a typical radio’s microphone and speaker connections. Thus for decades now, 1200 bps AFSK has been the default Amateur Radio data communications standard because it worked with every Amateur Radio VHF / UHF FM radio. Thus this new development, to be able to do reliable communications that are faster than 1200 bps, using radios without a flat audio connection, is very welcome.

I’m pleased to welcome Nino Carrillo KK4HEJ, the primary developer of the NinoTNC, as a guest author in Zero Retries. The NinoTNC is a relatively new KISS TNC that’s available as a “through hole components” kit, or an assembled and tested version.

I've been working on a 3600 bps mode for the NinoTNC. My goal was to make a mode that worked reliably through unmodified speaker/mic connections on FM voice radios, and moved data a little faster than 1200 AFSK.

The mode uses QPSK at 1800 symbols per second, applied to a 1650 Hz carrier tone. I use matched filtering on the I and Q channels in the modulator and demodulator to shape the occupied audio bandwidth and filter noise. Using an RRC filter with rolloff-rate of 0.3 results in a baseband waveform that fits through the audio filters of normal FM voice radios. Here's an image of my simulation of 1800 symbol/sec BPSK, which has the same audio spectrum as QPSK:

You can see the audio spectrum should fit in a normal 300 Hz to 3000 Hz voice channel.

It's worth noting that QPSK on the audio carrier does not result in an RF QPSK waveform after FM modulation. Similar to AFSK over FM, which is not RF FSK. 

The bottom squares on the chart show the baseband waveform after the transmit RRC filter (bottom left) and after the receive RRC filter (bottom right). You can see the effect of the scheme "cleaning up" the received "eye" pattern, or removing inter-symbol interference.

The QPSK demodulator in the NinoTNC firmware implements a Costas Loop to sync the audio carrier and provide "coherent detection".

I have this working in NinoTNC firmware v3.39 (for 256k dsPICs) and v4.39 (for 512kdsPICs). It's mapped to MODE switch position 0101, replacing the old DPSK 2400 mode. In the NinoTNC, I use IL2P+CRC as the encoding method for this mode.

I've also been working with John G8BPQ to help him make a compatible mode in his qtSoundModem program. He and I have collaborated on similar efforts in the past.

There are a couple operators in the NCPACKET network who have tested this mode out on the air, as well as a few members of the OARC in the UK. Thanks to Tadd KA2DEW and Tom M0LTE for their help and support testing the mode on-air.

NinoTNC users can download firmware images with this mode here:, switch to the "v39" branch to get this version. I still consider this “beta”.

GitHub - ninocarrillo/flashtnc: Firmware updater for N9600A TNCs

Firmware updater for N9600A TNCs. Contribute to ninocarrillo/flashtnc development by creating an account on GitHub.

For folks interested in generating their own RRC filter taps, I have a little open-source python utility:

For folks interested in understanding any of the demodulation methods I use in the NinoTNC, they might check out my open-source pymodem software. It's an offline packet decoder that mimics some of the techniques I use in firmware. It can demodulate recordings of the 3600 bps mode, as well as other modes:

The QPSK phase map I use for the 3600 mode is the same as the other modes in the NinoTNC, and can be found in the IL2P specification document:

Editor’s Footnote - KK4HEJ “buries the lede” a bit in not mentioning that all of the modes available on a NinoTNC can optionally use a new Forward Error Correction (FEC) protocol that he developed called Improved Layer 2 Protocol (IL2P). Use of FEC makes packet radio communications even more robust. Prior to IL2P, the only FEC available for Amateur Radio packet radio was FX.25 which “appends” an FEC packet to an AX.25 packet, thus not efficient or optimum, but it was FEC, and was compatible with AX.25. In contrast, IL2P is interleaved with the data packet making it (in my opinion) more robust and better optimized than FX.25. When using IL2P, all stations that are communicating must also be using IL2P.

Kudos to KK4HEJ for this new mode for better data communications in Amateur Radio!

Why M17 Is Significant - Part 1

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Post publication update - I knew that there would be an eventual update to this story, but I had no idea that so much, and such good information would be sent to me as a result of this article. Thus Why M17 Is Significant - Part 2 is now available in Zero Retries 0164.

This article is mostly derived from an email that I sent that was “an absurdly long answer to a short set of questions”. A Zero Retries reader asked me (very tersely summarized), “Is the new Connect Systems CS7000 M17 really significant? And, by extension, “Is M17 actually a viable new Amateur Radio Digital Voice system for VHF / UHF?”.

An Irreverent History Lesson of Digital Voice in Two-Way Radio

Why do we have digital voice in two way radio? FM was as good as it needed to be, right? Heck, we used FM for the comm channels on the Apollo Moon missions! Because back before cellular, two-way radio was getting really popular for business. Everyone wanted their own frequency, and if they couldn’t get their own frequency, they wanted at least a less crowded frequency / trunked radio system so people could talk as necessary without waiting for others. Remember that at those times, television broadcasting was still dominant, and they were still irritated that the FCC had yanked UHF channels 70-83 away from television broadcasting and carved up that 84 MHz of spectrum 50% for public safety / commercial two-way, and 50% for the new cellular industry2. Television broadcasters said “Never again”… until the FCC came up with the novel measure of the HDTV cutover to compact broadcasting down into the lower end of television UHF.

So FCC (and as I understand it, simultaneously, ETSI) required by fiat that the two way radio industry - public safety and industry, convert their systems from 20/25 kHz channels to 12.5 kHz channels, with an evolution path to eventually move to 6.25 kHz channels. The technology of that era (three decades or so ago) couldn’t easily do those kinds of narrow channels with analog (FM) techniques, so they decided that since everyone was paying big bucks for entirely new systems, they would pay a little bit more for the “benefits” of digital voice. That made doing 12.5 kHz channels a lot easier as you could get an understandable digital voice signal into 12.5 kHz and even into 6.25 kHz. Digital voice also made it a lot easier to manage fleets of radios because every DV radio transmitted a digital ID and if someone lost a radio, that ID could be de-authorized so it couldn’t use the repeater / trunked radio system so the thief couldn’t do bad things with the stolen radio. Being digital theoretically made things possible like over the air updates (which has a checkered history, from the stories I recall).

Oh, and another feature of digital voice that was very attractive to public safety and especially US government (think security for military bases and nuclear plants) was the possibility of encryption. Doing real voice encryption in analog is hard (and pretty ineffective / easy to crack), but pretty easy when the voice is already digitized. All you need to do with a digital voice is scramble the order of the transmitted voice bits (and reassemble them).

Along the way, some company made the argument to the FCC (and apparently ETSI) that they could do the equivalent of 6.25 kHz channels by using Time Division Multiple Access (DMA) techniques to cram two independent voice channels into a 12.5 kHz channel. FCC and ETSI said “good enough” which is how we got (cheap) DMR.

But then cellular happened.

Cellular happened, at least the wild popularization of cellular in displacing two way radio and especially trunked radio partially because cellular could peanut butter their infrastructure costs across tens of thousands of users. In comparison, the average two-way radio system only had hundreds of users. Cellular was just that more efficient (and faster to change generations of technology) with their spectrum.

The (Payment) Problem With Digital Voice

Back three decades ago, in the early days of the “narrowband mandate” for two-way / trunked radio, some technical sharpies foresaw that there would need to be digital voice, and decided to get ahead of the curve and start patenting all conceivable approaches to doing digital voice over two way radio and cellular. And that approach worked. There were some fortunes made purely out of patent filings that were never implemented - they just got acquired for defensive purposes.

When TAPR first looked at trying to create a digital voice system for Amateur Radio, they did a very extensive study. Their conclusion was there was no way to implement digital voice that had not already had a patent on file. Every conceivable method. If you wanted to do digital voice over radio, you were going to have to pay royalties to someone. And the license terms were that you had to use their technology as a black box, with no understanding of how it worked internally, or tinkering with, your chosen DV technology. Just “bolt it in”, use it, don’t ask questions.

DMR with its 2 conversations in a 12.5 kHz channel is a creature of the narrowband mandate. D-Star is also a creature of the narrowband mandate, but the Japanese were more technically capable and were able to make 6.25 kHz channel radios, with a trickle of streamed data alongside the digital voice. “Everyone” accepted that using patented DV Coder Decoders (CODECs) was just the price of having a digital voice two way radio system.

Apologies in advance to K6BP and VK5DGR for this quick take on the creation of Codec 2. I’m sure that I’ve got details wrong in my telling that follows.

Fast forward a few decades from the digital voice patenting frenzy and Open Source advocate Bruce Perens K6BP decided that there ought to be an open source option for digital voice in Amateur Radio and connected with David Rowe VK5DGR to try to create an open source digital voice option.

VK5DGR did his own (new) study of the digital voice field and hit upon the novel idea of not trying to work around the “digital voice patent minefield” but rather take advantage of patented techniques whose patents had expired. He eventually developed Codec 2 which was a successful, usable digital voice CODEC that was entirely open source. Anyone could use it, anyone could hack it, improve it, etc. It’s now in widespread use, notably in Amateur Radio as the core technology of FreeDV on HF, and M17 on VHF / UHF.

The creation of Codec 2 was the breakthrough that eventually made inexpensive, hackable, digital voice possible in Amateur Radio, and digital voice that could evolve in new systems, new capabilities, etc.

Why M17?

Why M17? Especially why M17 when we have “perfectly usable” digital voice systems in DMR (and cheap!) and D-Star and System Fusion and even surplus P25 radios?

Several reasons, combined:

  • Because we could - see below.

  • Because we wanted to - see below.

  • Mostly, because Wojciech (Woj) Kaczmarski SP5WWP decided to try.

Because we could… We now have fantastically cheap, fantastically powerful microcontrollers. How cheap? We’re embedding processors with full TCP/IP stacks and Wi-Fi into light bulbs. Yep, we’re now in the ludicrous position that some light bulbs boot up into (a heavily distilled) Linux OS. So what used to require an expensive, embedded, proprietary chip to do digital voice could now be done with a cheap embedded microcontroller. Thus we now had the raw capability to do cheap, good, open source digital voice that was just software. The hardware caught up with Codec 2 being implemented solely in software.

Because we wanted to... It took me a long time to understand this, but there is a sizable contingent in Amateur Radio that hate, with a white hot passion, modulation techniques that are not open standards. These folks don’t think it’s moral, fair, or perhaps even legal (though no one has really pushed that argument yet) for there to be transmissions over Amateur Radio spectrum that are proprietary… can’t be hacked on… without paying someone to buy their proprietary technology. They argue that using proprietary systems on Amateur Radio goes against the spirit of openness in Amateur Radio, for experimentation, interoperability, fun, curiosity, learning, motherhood, apple pie, etc. Not just DVSI for patented digital voice chips, this white hot hatred against proprietary systems extends to Pactor 4, VARA HF and VARA FM, Robust Packet (though that’s been kind of hacked), CLOVER, and others I’m forgetting.

Apologies in advance to all of the many folks along the way that contributed to M17 becoming a usable system. I wasn’t able to find a comprehensive list of such folks to link to, and mentioning all of them is part of the story deserves to be told, probably as part of an eventual book on M17. I’m sure that I’ve got details wrong in my telling that follows.

M17 exists primarily because Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP decided to try. He created M17 out of an idea. He was bright, capable, energetic, motivated, and had the requisite background to create M17 - with lots of help along the way.

First came a detailed specification. You only know that you did a good job with a spec when people read the spec and build their own independent system and it works and most importantly interoperates with the versions that other people build from the same spec. By this measure, the M17 folks did a great job on the spec.

For a long time, M17 existed as a mode on Internet linking of repeater networks via BrandMeister. Gradually radio hardware for M17 emerged like the Module 17 hardware and then modifying some radios to do M17 modulation. Mobilinkd got in on the M17 fun and included M17 data modes in their TNC3 and new TNC4. From my perspective, that was a powerful endorsement of M17 seeing it implemented in a plug and play product like the TNC 3 and 4. There was also ZUMRadio’s MMDVM hotspots and MMDVM modems which included M17.

M17 really started to get some traction towards becoming a usable two way radio system (including repeaters) when it was included as just another digital voice mode in the Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem (MMDVM) project which has been implemented in dozens of different, independent hardware modems. That meant M17 was now available for use in MMDVM radio hotspots, MMDVM modems, and especially MMDVM modems that could convert FM repeaters into digital voice repeaters. Most people install MMDVM modems into repeaters to be usable by FM, and DMR, and D-Star, and SF users, but M17 is also in MMDVM now, so if MMDVM radios eventually emerged (which they existed, with Modem 17 connected to a “9600 capable” radio like Kenwood TM-V71A) and the OpenRTX modified radios, they could work through an MMDVM repeater.

Connect Systems CS 7000 M17 - The First “M17 Out of the Box” Radio

Which brings us to current day and the recent availability (past couple of weeks) of the first “off the shelf, built in from the factory” M17 radio from Connect Systems - the CS7000 M17 UHF Radio.

In these early days, some post-sale firmware updates are inevitably going to be required, but eventually all the early quirks will get worked out and it really will be usable out of the box.

Connect Systems committed to creating a new M17 radio, lined up the needed talent to develop it, committed the capital for the development costs and the initial order from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), and the willingness to evangelize M17 and carry the units in stock. The CS7000 M17 UHF Radio is now a product, not a “project". Thus the credit for Connect Systems having shipped the first “out of the box M17 radio” is well-earned.

Thus we now have all the pieces in place for those that want to put an open source digital voice repeater system on the air, and “buy them and use them” radios to use such repeaters. I’ve seen claims that there are 30’ish M17 repeaters on the air worldwide, but I haven’t been able to find any additional details to refer to. In the US, the first such system I’m aware of, that explicitly supports M17 (read the fine print), is the Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club’s W6CX-DV -- MultiMode Digital Voice Repeater.

Why Does All This Matter? The Big Picture?

One of the reasons to try / adopt M17 is once there’s some real momentum, it’s all open source so it can get improved, forked, hacked, extended, transmogrified, etc. No other Amateur Radio digital voice system is as well defined as M17 (that I know of), especially the sticky (patented) digital voice chip.

As I understand it, the M17 spec is written well enough that it’s now theoretically possible (perhaps even done; apologies for not doing that research) to create a “module” (not sure what you call this - sketch?) to be able to do a software download into a Software Defined Transceiver for an M17 radio. In this era of Software Defined Transceivers and wicked capable and wicked cheap microcontrollers, M17 has the ability to develop rapidly to take advantage of SDTs and new microcontrollers.

Thus, imagine writing an “M17 radio” in GNU Radio:

Specification + Software + Software Defined Transceiver = working M17 radio.

Since such a thing would be implemented on a Software Defined Transceiver, which typically can operate on all the Amateur Radio VHF / UHF bands, there no reason M17 can’t be used on other interesting bands like 10m, 6m, 2m, 1.25m as well as the default 70cm band.

Side Note re:Data on M17

The M17 folks were smart and aware enough to incorporate reasonable data capability in their spec3 - you can even connect to an M17 radio (again, according to the spec) as a KISS TNC device and it will send data, including telemetry (APRS strings), short messages, and even file data transfers. None of the other digital voice systems did this so well, at least outside their proprietary systems. You can do data between MOTOTRBO radios, between Hytera radios, kind of send data between D-Star (using their barely supported DV Fast Data mode), and you can send photos (but no data) on System Fusion.

It won’t be long before we’re just doing digital voice + data on VHF / UHF as “just one of many modes”, very much like selecting between FM and SSB on an HF / VHF / UHF radio. At the current rate of radio evolution, we’re only a few years from that. So having a system like M17 with a solid specification, refined with actual hardware interoperability testing, that’s designed for Amateur Radio, with no license or trademark or any other issues (because it’s all open source) will become the default for such radio systems.

Is M17 by itself compelling enough to displace DMR or D-Star or SF? Probably not… it depends… maybe… Which answer is appropriate depends on the locals and how much they want to have fun and experiment with something new like M17. Like everything else, if you can get someone(s) to charismatically lead such a project and make it look like you’re having fun, especially having more fun than the next group, you’ll get some folks who want to join the fun and play along.

All the rest of the digital voice systems are captive to the expectation - by their manufacturers and by their users, to the traditional hardware, traditional form factors, whatever China can mass produce and sell cheap, etc. We’re getting cheaper DMR transceivers with more bells and whistles from China, but I don’t think we’re getting better DMR transceivers from China. And we’re certainly not getting better and especially not cheaper D-Star and SF transceivers… just more expensive, and fewer choices, with maybe a few more features. So I’m guessing M17 will evolve faster than any of the other Amateur Radio digital voice systems can evolve.

The final, and best reason for M17 is that it’s a new idea that’s born within the past decade, and it’s open source, which is beloved with this generation of techies and hackers. Thus M17 is going to be one of the ways of getting the current generation of techies and hackers interested in doing Amateur Radio VHF / UHF. Soon enough they’ll be able to do it for cheap by loading it onto an SD transceiver, putting up their own micro repeaters, maybe even something radical like a mesh network of micro repeaters where the repeaters can listen to each other (you know, with a SD receiver or ka9q-radio) and if there’s a user who wants to talk to someone who’s a user of another repeater, the repeaters dynamically handshake (over the air or maybe over an Amateur microwave network) to set up a cross link for the duration of the conversation.

Repeaters the way we know them, and repeater coordination, and DV repeaters, and maybe even the IRLP and Echolink networks are products of an earlier era when radios were all hardware, modulation methods were hard coded and unchangeable, etc. We can do better now with current technology, and something I’ve observed about the current generation is that they don’t feel beholden to past ways of doing things. They’re not writing letters on paper with stamps, they’re not even writing checks, they’re not watching network TV or listening to broadcast radio, a lot of them that live in cities don’t feel compelled to own a car, and don’t feel compelled to talk on the radio.

M17 - The New Hotness

In conclusion, M17 has reached the stage that it can be considered “The New Hotness” in Amateur Radio VHF / UHF. While M17 remains very much a work in progress, especially building out wide area (or even local area) M17 infrastructure, that’s part of the attraction for the newest generation of Amateur Radio Operators that are techies and hackers. M17 is a creature of the open source movement and this new generation will get to define it and change it and adapt it to their needs.

Thus, in comparison to the “live with it because that’s the best we can do” approach of the incumbent digital voice systems which are well-deployed and well understood, aren’t nearly as exciting.

Your opinions may vary.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

QST Reviews “Designed for Digital Modes” Radio… Without Testing Digital Modes

I generally don’t mention anything published in ARRL publications since only the small percentage of Amateur Radio Operators that are ARRL members can see ARRL content behind its paywall, but the absurdity of this review was Zero Retries Interesting.

In my usual brief pass-through of QST, I discovered this review and thought “Oh, cool, a portable HF radio that is designed to operate digital (data) modes!”:

BG2FX FX-4CR Portable Transceiver
Reviewed by Phil Salas AD5X
QST, 2024-08, pages 35-40


The FX-4CR transceiver is a compact and attractive transceiver that covers the 80 – 6-meter ham bands, along with a general-coverage receiver that tunes continuously from 3.5 to 54 MHz. The cast aluminum metal case has an excellent solid feel to it. And even though the FX-4CR can output up to 20 W of power, it literally its in the palm of your hand. A tiny microphone rounds out the unit. The FX-4CR also includes a built-in microphone for portable operation. And besides normal AM, FM SSB, and CW modes, the FX-4CR is designed for digital modes. A USB cable provides computer interfacing for digital modes as well as for firmware updates.

It was a good review, describing the experience of setting up the radio and some of its features. I read on eagerly to see how well it did for the reviewer on digital modes.

On the Air

I operated CW and SSB on 40, 20, and 17 meters, and CW on 30 meters, using my 43-foot vertical. I did not test the FX-4CR on digital modes as I am primarily a CW and SSB operator.

You really cannot make this stuff up!

Whitebox Smart Software Radio Device Project - The Rest of the Story

The Whitebox project was an ambitious attempt to create an open source Software Defined Transceiver in a handheld radio form factor around 2013-2015. The technology of that era was barely viable for attempting such a portable radio (without the resources of a multi-million dollar commercial company), and thus it was admirable to even try. Despite considerable progress as evidenced from a 2013 DCC paper, Github page, and even a Facebook page, the project just seemed to stop.

Now there’s some closure on the Whitebox project from Bruce Perens K6BP, posting on LinkedIn:

More than a decade ago, I was involved in the "Whitebox" radio project with Chris Testa KD2BMH. This was a project that would have created an Open Source and Open Hardware handheld software-defined transceiver. The prototype had a lot of digital noise and the project lost steam at that point. The M17 project has completed a number of our previous goals.

Chris subsequently fell completely off of the internet and has not been heard of for years. He did so with some thousands of dollars of my equipment in hand, but that doesn't matter as much. He worked for several companies, but the online data on him seems to have petered out.

During Hamvention, on the morning of my presentation, an anonymous person texted me from a number purportedly in Minnesota, and apologized for letting down the Open Source and Amateur Radio communities. I replied but there was no further communication.

In referring to M17, I think K6BP is referencing the OpenHT project:

The OpenHT, at least in its Proof of Concept stage, is a complete QRP SDR handheld transceiver. It's built around the STM32F469I-DISCO board. Morgan ON4MOD designed an awesome RF shield for it. Some technical details behind the design:

Duobander: 389.5 - 480, 2400 - 2483.5MHz (RX, TX frequency ranges are limited by your local laws) low RF power output: <14dBm (<25mW) complete I/Q transceiver allowing for virtually any mode (including M17 and FreeDV) the radio uses the AT86RF215 low-cost I/Q transceiver chip by Microchip/Atmel use of an FPGA (Lattice LIFCL-40) as the AT86<->STM32 interface allows to offload the MCU (FPGA does the DSP heavy lifting, all the way from RF stream to baseband) the radio will run a port of OpenRTX on it hardware is TAPR licensed Supported modes so far.

I haven’t seen any recent progress on the OpenHT, but potentially it could be realized in this decade given the capabilities available now versus the Whitebox a decade ago:

  • Like Whitebox, OpenHT is open source, so all the hard work can be shared.

  • OpenHT uses current parts.

  • There are a lot more, and better RF design tools available in this era. There’s also a lot more “open source” RF design expertise available from there having been so many open source radio projects, such as the TAPR TangerineSDR project, and the Universal Radio Test Instrument, to name just two.

  • Crowdfunding the design process is feasible via Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Crowd Supply, etc., not to mention grants are available from ARDC for open source projects.

  • There are competent and reasonably trustworthy, low cost, turnkey assemblers in China4.

I hope that OpenHT will actually become a product, not just a project. I think the new paradigm of building a portable radio that is only the battery system and radio, and using Bluetooth to link to a smartphone (or tablet) for the display and keyboard and audio is much more viable idea than doing all of that in one handheld device.

ARRL Executive Committee Meeting - FCC Counsel's Update on Symbol Rate Proceeding

Excerpt from the 2024-06-06 ARRL EC Meeting:

6. FCC Counsel's Update - David Siddall

Mr. Siddall provided updates on Washington matters and plans for future actions with regard to pending issues at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Pending Petitions: Multiple important petitions have been pending at the Commission for a number of years. Mr. Siddall and the EC discussed how to proceed on each of the pending ARRL petitions. Those of ARRL and others that address Part 97 changes have completed comment cycles, but none has received further action. A report will be made at the July Board meeting.

Mr. Roderick expressed his dissatisfaction with the FCC’s inaction on the ARRL petitions but also noted that the Commission’s recent favorable action on the long-pending symbol rate proceeding offers hope. Nevertheless, given the most optimistic FCC timeline for addressing our key proceedings, it could be 2026 before we see final and hopefully favorable determinations.

Follow-on symbol rate proceeding: Comments and reply comments have been filed with regard to the remaining amateur bands that have symbol rate restrictions. Almost all comments favor deleting the restriction. The issue is now with the FCC staff for their consideration.

It’s surprising that in his report, FCC Counsel Siddall only referenced the potential for symbol rates to be eliminated. In its Reply Comments on this proceeding, ARRL said:

Bandwidth Limits Should be Deleted

(Emphasis mine.) And that… is as much… as little… as we know at the moment about progress within the FCC on the symbol rate proceeding and the potential to eliminate both symbol rate and bandwidth restrictions on the US Amateur Radio VHF / UHF bands.

2026??? Sigh…

Some AREDN Network Metrics as of 7/1/2024

AREDN Ambassador and Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Orv Beach W6BI:

Some metrics from the AREDN World Map as of 7/1/24:

  • Total number of visible nodes:  2295 (down from 2503 last month)

  • Percentage of nodes updated to latest production build: 48% (up from 35%  )

  • Percentage of nodes that are non-MIMO (mostly Bullets, AirGrids and AirRouters): .4% (down from 5.4%)

  • Longest uptime: 1689 days: still KA6ECT-RM3-Pleasants-36-198-231

  • Nodes with highest reported number of tunnels*: 


  • AA3JC-AC3-HATFLD-1 - 26

  • KI7LXY-HAP-AC3 - 23

Who's running what?

  • Mikrotik: 57.5% (up from 56.7%)

  • Ubiquiti: 33.2% (down from 33.7%)

  • TP-link: 1.6% (down from 2%)

  • Gl.inet: 5.1% (down from 5.4%

  • VMs (Virtual Machines):  .35% (8) up from .3% (7)

ka9q-radio Resources Page

Resources for ka9q-radio, such as where to get, how to install, how to configure and how it works.

What is ka9q-radio

ka9q-radio (Yes, by custom of the author, it is lowercase) is a attempt to move the data processing from dedicated hardware, move it into software on a CPU. The current radio is receive only. It uses a variety of USB receivers.

ka9q-radio is a very flexible system which require a time and effort to become competent in it use.

This document is designed to step you through the resources and the learning process.

What do you need to know?

The software runs on a variety of hardware configurations. Some receive tasks require very few physical resources. However some tasks require more receive and computer resources to process. ka9q-radio has two basic tasks,

  1. First the ka9q-radio reads a data-stream from the USB 3+ port. The entire spectrum available is processed into a iqstream multiple times per second.

  2. Second a separate process reads a specific location in the spectrum and decodes the signal protocol to either an audio or a digital format. Since these samples are small relative to the entire spectrum, ka9q-radio can sample hundreds of subsamples using multiple separate process in a multi-core CPU.

  3. The iq samples can be processed locally or sent from one computer to another through the multicast network so the decoding can be completed on any number of other computers. Complicated configurations require more complicated configuration files.

This entire page, maintained by Dave Larsen KV0S is distilled wisdom like the above excerpt. This is “ka9q-radio for mortals” (which, in my opinion, previously required wizard-class skills). Even I can follow this info now and have a reasonable chance at success in getting ka9q-radio going.

Kudos (again) to KA9Q and now KV0S for ka9q-radio and this valuable info!

WANslam - A Zero Retries Interesting Competition

From Ward Silver N0AX via email:

The WiFi distance record reminds me that I have been imagining a combination licensed / unlicensed competition for sending data over wireless links. I call it the WANslam and the basic idea is for individuals or teams to try and send a data file over a wireless link with scoring being driven by distance, speed, bit rate, etc. There could be licensed and unlicensed categories. Although the two can't contact each other due to FCC rules, it would be a neat way for folks to learn about ham radio and interact with hams.

That… is a very cool and Zero Retries Interesting idea! That the scoring factors in speed and bit rate (and bandwidth?) makes it more interesting (to me) than the simple “we heard a signal” frequency + distance competitions.

YouTube - Two New Zero Retries Interesting (Shack) Battery Developments

These two separate YouTube videos reflect the incredible innovation in battery technology that’s going on that’s actually usable by the average Amateur Radio Operator. To date, most of the innovation in batteries for Amateur Radio has been for portable use because of the high energy / weight ratio (energy density) that makes it a lot more feasible to do portable operations with reasonable endurance. But those innovations have largely not been reasonably priced (or have high enough capacity) for “shack” usage. Until now.

The first is a 100 Ah Lithium battery that’s reasonably priced:

The second illustrates that solid state batteries are (finally) available in the real world:

Wow… and Wow!

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0010 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


This radio is specified because it’s currently in production and provides a flat audio I/O connection (without the extra cost of the Yaesu System Fusion capability which is irrelevant for data communications in this discussion).


There was also one 6 MHz channel that was reserved for public safety communications, which is an entire story in itself.


This is another big chunk of writing work for a future, detailed article about M17 Data, and inclusion in the eventual M17 book.


I have no idea who such “competent and reasonably trustworthy, low cost, turnkey assemblers“ actually are… but there’s ample experience within the small innovative Amateur Radio ecosystem of who the reliable vendors are.

Zero Retries 0162

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its fourth year of publication, with 1900+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My belated thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 21 for becoming a New Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries on 2024-02-09. That acknowledgement should have appeared in Zero Retries 0139, and I apologize for that omission.

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 06 for being a Renewed Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 07 for being a Renewed Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 40 for upgrading from a free subscriber to Zero Retries to an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 4 weeks!

  • Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 12 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us). I have offered to do a presentation about Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio, and (I think) my proposal has been accepted.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events for additional events.

The Writing Just Gets Away From Me Sometimes

This is yet another issue of Zero Retries where the content just got away from me, and the only external indication that I had written too much was that my butt became numb from sitting too long. There are many times over the now three years of Zero Retries where the writing is just fun, and this was one of those weeks.

You’ll notice a lot of attention given to the 902-928 MHz band in this issue. There are three reasons. The first is because it’s probably my favorite band, mostly for all the interesting “Part 15” uses it has been put to over the decades since being opened for communication use in 1985. For example, a continuously deferred writing project, that I still hope to do one day, is to write a small book about the history of Metricom, who was the first company to attempt to provide a commercial Internet service using an ISM band, preceding the rise of Wireless Internet Service Providers doing so by at least a half-decade, if not more. When Metricom attempted that, the FCC initially said, “Um no, you can’t provide a commercial service in an ISM band”. Metricom said “show us in your rules where it says we can’t”. Point taken, and the FCC stood down. If you’re really interested in 902-928 MHz, I recommend reading that section in the great book Wireless Spectrum Finder, beginning on Page 153. (Thank you, Internet Archive, for making it available online, and author Bennett Z. Kobb AK4AV for writing a great book!).

The second is that writing about the myriad, and at times downright whacky uses of 902-928 MHz will be one of many recurring themes in a newsletter that I will launch sometime in Fall, 2024 that will feature my unconventional perspective on the foibles of the telecom / Internet industry. (How’s the construction of that new 5G network coming along, Dish Networks?) Most of the stories I’ll write there will relate to radio technology. I’ll be telling interesting stories to a non-Amateur Radio audience that will hopefully find that newsletter interesting enough to pay a reasonable subscription fee. At a minimum, it will be an interesting experiment for a year to see if it’s a viable product.

Third, 902-928 MHz is the “magic band” between UHF and Microwave with some of the best aspects of both. It’s nearly as large as 420-450 MHz (26, vs 30 MHz), but still relatively easy to work with, using yagi beam antennas, reasonably-priced coaxial cable, etc. with less risk to eyeballs, etc. from microwave transmissions.

Calculated Ignorance of Amateur Radio

Post publication update - see Zero Retries 0165 - Followup to The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers for an update relevant to this mini-article. Turns out, Amateur Radio is a prominent part of this program.

In Zero Retries 0140, I wrote an article titled Amateur Radio and the Growth of the Spectrum Workforce in the US National Spectrum Strategy (which turned out to be a short series). Basically, the US needs (and the US Government painfully recognizes this need) many more employees that understand radio technology. It was painful to see the “gyrations” that the panelists (and government agencies) have done to recruit people into training programs to create such expertise… all while completely ignoring the existence of Amateur Radio and that participating in Amateur Radio is a defacto self-education in radio technology.

In ZR > BEACON in this issue, I mention a similar situation about the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite industry needing more employees with expertise in radio technology… but completely ignoring that Amateur Radio has been self-educating Amateur Radio Operators on radio and LEO satellite technology - for decades!

Originally I thought this was simple ignorance; the perception that Ham Radio was a thing from back in the 1950s with a huge antenna on a tower, with Grandpa sitting in the basement in front of a big tube radio set, tapping on a Morse Code key… right? That couldn’t possibly have anything to do with modern telecommunications - cell phones, Wi-Fi, or LEO satellites… right?

But now I think something else is occurring - a “calculated ignorance” of the existence of Amateur Radio and the role of Amateur Radio Operators to self-educate themselves about radio technology. I remember a memorable phrase attributed to a principal of Ziff Davis magazine publishing group when Popular Electronics (which featured a lot of electronics projects that hobbyists could tackle) transitioned to “Computers and Electronics” (with few or no projects). The quote was something like “We’re glad to make that change; we’d rather not be publishing magazines for the dirty fingernails crowd”.

I don’t think this “calculated ignorance” of Amateur Radio can last much longer - in government, in companies, in society. They need the help, (and they need it more, every month). Their “system” of recruitment, special programs, scholarships, industry training, isn’t working, at least fast enough. The “spectrum workforce” is rapidly aging out, having drawn from the big pool of radio technology experience resulting from the two way radio industry, the early cellular industry, the military (back when they didn’t depend mostly on satellites, so they cared about training radio operators), the Bell system employing lots of radio technology experts to maintain microwave networks and car telephones, even television repair. Radio equipment broke a lot back then, so you needed a lot of people that could keep it all working. Now, you mostly hear about computers and networking, and not much need for radio technology expertise if you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for deploying Wi-Fi access points.

In considering the replacement of the Spectrum Workforce that’s aging out, it’s a much shorter leap to reach into the ranks of Amateur Radio to get that expertise than starting from scratch. In saying that, I’m not positing that the average Amateur Radio Operator is qualified to start designing cellular towers or user terminals for Low Earth Orbit satellites on the basis of their Amateur Radio experience. (I’m sure not!) But Amateur Radio Operators understand the basics of radio technology from their hands-on experience a lot better than the average person who’s never had any hands-on experience with radio technology. If you start with a Ham, you get a better, more capable Spectrum Workforce - like Qualcomm did when they recruited and hired Phil Karn KA9Q. (Read on for the relevance of that reference.)

Congrats to Tom Salzer KJ7T on 100 Issues (and 1000 Subscribers) of Random Wire Review Newsletter!

This week, KJ7T has published another all Zero Retries Interesting issue of Random Wire Review and it coincides with achieving 1000 subscribers. It’s work and commitment to publish your content consistently, and keep it consistently interesting that 1000 people commit to following your work and allow your content to come into their email inbox every week.

Congrats, Tom, and I look forward to Random Wire Review every Friday morning!


Steve N8GNJ

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Irrational Exuberance About Amateur Radio - Four Data Points

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

  • Nothing great has ever been accomplished without irrational exuberance.
    Tom Evslin

  • Irrational exuberance is pretty much the business model of Zero Retries Newsletter.
    Steve Stroh N8GNJ

I used to have these two quotes on the “masthead” of Zero Retries… until Zero Retries started to get “too long” and I moved them to the About Zero Retries page to make more room for “content”.

My “irrational exuberance” about Amateur Radio has gotten me through some rough moments and low points over the three years I’ve been writing Zero Retries, such as observing too much unwarranted (in my opinion) gloom, apathy, and misogyny, and way, Way, WAY too much “Well… that’s not real Amateur Radio…” stupidity being expressed.

There is just so much cool and interesting about Amateur Radio, and even if I had started as an Amateur Radio Operator as a teen (as some have), I don’t think two full human lifetimes would be enough to learn all that I’m endlessly curious about within Amateur Radio. Here are three four recent stories from my perspective about why Amateur Radio (and having Amateur Radio as a part of your life) is just cool, and keeps me endlessly interested in always learning more.

HamWAN Lookout Node Repair

Last Saturday 2024-07-20, I spent the day on top of a local mountain - Lookout Mountain1. I was one of three “ground crew” on a mission to repair two dead sectors of the “Lookout” node of the Puget Sound Data Ring (aka HamWAN).

Image courtesy of

Here’s the detail from clicking on the “nuclear symbol” of the “Lookout” node near Bellingham, Washington:


Three sectors, plus backhaul links to SnoDEM,and Triangle Mnt

Triangle-Lookout link

  • distance: 55.8 miles

  • signal strength: null dBm

  • speed: 0 Mbps2

Lookout-Snodem link

  • distance: 53.0 miles

  • signal strength: -58 dBm

  • speed: 115.5 Mbps

The red overlays indicate a general coverage to one of the sectors on Lookout on 5.9 GHz, with reasonable effort on the user’s station such as getting a dish antenna elevated in the clear.

“Sectors” are 120 degree coverage on 5.9 GHz (Amateur Radio semi-exclusive) for user access. “Links” are point-to-point, narrow-beam, high performance redundant links for “backhaul”. Triangle is another high profile communications site in British Columbia, Canada to the North, and “Snodem” is a communications tower at the Snohomish County (Everett) Washington Department of Emergency Management headquarters.

During the previous winter, the Lookout node experienced cable damage to two of its three sectors and it was hoped that replacing the cables would restore the two sectors for full function. Fortunately that was the case - while it wasn’t simple, easy, or fast to replace the damaged cabling for the two tower climbers, it was a known process and we were able to complete that task. By late afternoon, Lookout’s three sectors were working, along with the two point-to-point links, restoring the full functionality of the Lookout node.

The Puget Sound Data Ring - PSDR (the name of the this particular network, the original / proof of concept) HamWAN (the overall technology / network architecture) is a remarkable achievement of a small group of dedicated Amateur Radio Operators to build a resilient, high speed microwave network that covers the heavily populated areas of Western Washington from Bellingham in the North, nearly to Vancouver Washington in the South. One of the primary points of design of each PSDR node is that if there is damage to sectors or point to point links on a node, the node incorporates all necessary services for that node to continue to function “standalone”. Thus users on a single sector can continue to communicate via that sector, or multiple sectors, etc. with no dependence on centralized services such as the case (and, thus, failure prone) cellular networks, or commercial microwave networks, etc.

The existence, for years now, of PSDR has been a point of irrational exuberance to me. PSDR demonstrates that a small group of Amateur Radio Operators can create and maintain such a network, and the network owners allow its use, unrestricted, by any Amateur Radio Operator that can put in the minor work to build their own user node, and learn enough about TCP/IP networking to use it without causing disruption to the network or other users. There are a number of Amateur Radio microwave networks in the US, but most (that I’ve heard of) are restricted to “authorized” users, not general access. Rocky Mountain Ham Radio’s Amateur Microwave Network is an example. That PSDR is “open access” is thus more remarkable. PSDR is “living proof” of the relevance of Amateur Radio in the 2020s - a long-distance, multi-node, high speed TCP/IP network supporting modern network services and devices such as VOIP phones, live view cameras, videoconferencing, large file transfers, etc. PSDR lives up to the ideals of Amateur Radio by offering free-to-access services and thus actively encourage Amateur Radio learning and experimentation. PSDR also makes a handy backup communications system when other communications systems fall down.

Long time readers of Zero Retries have read my regular references to the “glory days” of the Puget Sound Amateur Radio TCP/IP Network, the network of 9600 bps bit-regenerating data repeaters operating in the Seattle, Washington area in the 1990s. As much as I miss the PSARTN, and hope (and evangelize) for the equivalent capabilities in the 2020s… having the pretty unique microwave, fast, all-TCP/IP Puget Sound Data Ring is the modern equivalent of the PSARTN.

YouTube Review of Meshtastic Units by Jeff Geerling KF0MYB

Jeff Geerling KF0MYB is a recent, and somewhat “stealthy” new Amateur Radio Operator. While he doesn’t mention Amateur Radio much on his two YouTube channels Jeff Geerling and Geerling Engineering, KF0MYB is hugely influential in the Raspberry Pi and Maker community and (in my opinion) is one of the best YouTube creators.

KF0MYB and his Dad, Joe Geerling KF0MYJ got their Amateur Radio licenses at the same time, and KF0MYJ is a veteran Broadcast Engineer for a number of radio broadcast stations in the St. Louis, Missouri area, thus it’s fun to watch the two of them do a video together with KF0MYB’s younger, “hacker” perspective, and KF0MYJ’s long experience with radio technology, but being new to Amateur Radio.

I’m sure that by now, most Zero Retries readers know at least a minimal amount about Meshtastic:

  • It’s a decentralized, independent system with no dependencies on Internet, cellular, or satellite technology; use of GPS for location and time is optional.

  • Operates on small, inexpensive devices using the robust LoRa technology, on license-exempt spectrum.

  • When using license-exempt spectrum, no (Amateur Radio or other) license is required to use LoRa or Meshtastic.

  • The Meshtastic software uses the LoRa radios to form a mesh network for text messaging.

  • There are… many… variants of units suitable for using Meshtastic, from the minimal units that KF0MYB discusses (which pair to a Meshtastic app on a smartphone), to self-contained handheld terminals with keyboard and screen, to “node” units intended solely for creating relay points (effectively, digipeaters).

While KF0MYB’s video is about Meshtastic… it exposes his audience to independent data communications via radio, in a form that anyone who’s technical curious can learn from and experiment with. That’s effectively Amateur Radio in the 2020s, without the license. I’ve previously, and probably often quoted Mark Herbert G1LRO for stating this incredibly valuable “framing” of Meshtastic as it relates to Amateur Radio:

Meshtastic is a gateway drug into Amateur Radio!

And thus this “one more” discussion of Meshtastic on YouTube (there are many…) is just more… momentum… for those that are technically curious about radio technology to learn hands-on and experiment with it. Initially with Meshtastic or perhaps Ribbit / Rattlegram. The most adventurous experimenters will probably find their way to Amateur Radio and see the greater capabilities that are possible with Amateur Radio - higher power, more spectrum, full duplex repeaters, etc. That search for a better experience than Meshtastic may have already begun, as Andy Kirby M6JKA posits in his YouTube video MESHTASTIC is broken... SO WHATS NEXT!?.

I hope that we - the progressive elements of Amateur Radio, including us Zero Retries Co-Conspirators of “All things digital and fun” will soon be ready for them with at least equivalent, and hopefully better systems. Perhaps a “Super Meshtastic”? While a full exploration of what “Super Meshtastic” might be will have to be deferred for a future article, just imagine an implementation of Meshtastic that can take advantage of longer range links, ability to scale to thousands of users in the same network with dynamic channel assignment, etc. All of that is feasible with Amateur Radio’s tens of MHz of VHF / UHF spectrum (Meshtastic on 222 - 225 MHz, anyone?), being able to make use of independent microwave networks such as Puget Sound Data Ring (see above) and Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) networks, etc.

We can already see the outlines of Meshtastic-like capabilities in Amateur Radio with…


Application Software

Protocols / Networks

Best of all, Meshtastic is open source, so it is certainly possible for talented, motivated folks to leverage the work done with Meshtastic create a “Super Meshtastic”.

Community / Low Power FM Broadcast Radio Stations - KMRE in Bellingham, Washington

I periodically mention the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Events that I maintain. A Zero Retries reader suggested that I include the Grassroots Radio Conference 2024 because it is a conference for Community [Broadcast] Radio, which this reader considers to be Amateur Radio adjacent. The reader also mentioned that in their experience, many Amateur Radio Operators are involved in community radio stations because of their familiarity with radio technology, a chance to offering hyperlocal media coverage, and perhaps even some on-air participation. That last point isn’t entirely unknown for there to be an Amateur Radio program on broadcast radio - Ria Jairam N2RJ hosts a program on Amateur Radio on shortwave broadcast station WRMI.

That got me curious about the Community Radio station in my area - KMRE on 88.3 MHz FM, with transmitter and studio both in Bellingham, Washington. I recently met with several senior members of KMRE and I was impressed with all that they have accomplished with KMRE in the last few years, including a major fundraising campaign, receiving approval for higher transmit power (now authorized for 2000 watts), relocation of their transmitter to a better location with a higher antenna, and relocation of their studio to a local community college. It’s impressive that all management and on-air programming is done solely by volunteers.

The meeting I had with the KMRE members was preliminary, but they were interested in my technical / Amateur Radio background. I asked questions relating to their broadcast systems that few people had ever asked, and I mentioned a few perspectives that they had not considered, such as trying to work more closely with various emergency planning agencies3 in the area because they have some unique attributes:

  • A mission to serve the Bellingham and Whatcom County community,

  • A not-for-profit entity,

  • Facilities and management fully within the local area,

  • Their structure could allow for pre-emption of their local programming to broadcast continuous updates during an emergency.

I also discussed KMRE’s issues with marginal coverage over part of its service area, discussing topology, antenna placement on the tower, potential use of translators, etc. We also talked about their current reliance on a national broadband Internet provider between their studio and their transmitter, which leaped out at me as a single point of (likely) failure in an emergency.

In general, they seemed surprised that I knew a lot about broadcast radio technology despite never having been involved with broadcasting. I explained that at its most fundamental level, the technologies of broadcast radio, Amateur Radio, two-way commercial / public safety radio, cellular, and even satellite communications is pretty universal, so my experience with Amateur Radio prepared me pretty well to understand KMRE’s radio broadcast technology. I think they gained some respect for Amateur Radio during our discussions.

We briefly discussed some ideas I had for additional programming on KMRE. My involvement in a local program might be a win / win. KMRE has a good studio setup with high quality audio and recording equipment, and I had several ideas for a unique program that doesn’t overlap with any of their current programming, nor would compete with any other local broadcast station.

The overlap between Amateur Radio and Community [Broadcast] Radio is interesting and could be a lot of fun. KMRE and I still have more discussions to complete, and I look forward to seeing their studio and transmitter… which was yet another surprise to them - no one has asked to go see the transmitter before).

Thus, I can recommend reaching out to your local Community Radio station if you have some spare time to volunteer. It might be that you have capabilities from your Amateur Radio background that could help them, and you could have a lot of fun getting involved.

New Meme - Hackers Are The Future of Ham Radio

On 2024-07-15, Dan Romanchik KB6NU wrote a blog article titled Back to the future: Are hackers the future of amateur radio?

Just a few days later, KB6NU’s article was mentioned on Hackaday, and from that mention, the topic seemed to go mildly viral. I’ve seen numerous references to a new meme that seems to be developing - Hackers Are The Future of Ham Radio. KB6NU asked a question, but the meme seems to be a statement.

I think that’s because in reading KB6NU’s article about his experience at the HOPE 2024 conference, and seeing his excellent slide deck, techies can’t help but see the obvious areas of interest and overlap between their technical backgrounds (and yes, “hacking”), and the possibilities inherent in Amateur Radio. This isn’t the first time for interaction between an event within a technical community (that isn’t Amateur Radio) and presenting Amateur Radio in a “techie relevant context”. In Zero Retries 0000, I mentioned this interesting experience reported from DEFCON 2014:

Another encouraging sign is despite Amateur Radio’s (seemingly) best efforts to market Amateur Radio’s potential for self-education in wireless technology (“sushi”) as old white guys sitting in their basement tapping on a Morse Code key (“cold, dead, fish”), we have moments like this:
It's instructive that the largest Volunteer Examiner (VE) Amateur Radio license testing session was at DEFCON 22 in August 2014 (see pages 8 and 9). 205 hackers took their Amateur Radio test at DEFCON 22; the number that passed wasn't noted in the article.

There is also the very popular GNU Radio Conference -GRCon (which is the primary (non-government) event for Software Defined Radio technology. Amateur Radio License Exams are prominently listed on the sidebar of the 2024 conference, immediately under the Scheule link. Although I don’t (currently) see any Amateur Radio specific talks scheduled, I suspect it would be hard to attend GRCon 2024 and not encounter Amateur Radio at some point.

Lastly, Ham Radio Village was (as it was explained to me) originally the Amateur Radio “village” (Special Interest Group) at the annual DEFCON conferences. Ham Radio Village became so successful that it (see the mention above) that it organized itself as a standalone (US) 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization so that it could extend its mission to conferences other than DEFCON:

Strengthening the Amateur Radio community through fun events!

Our mission is to deliver high-quality and innovate amateur radio related educational content, hands-on experiences, and license testing sessions online and in-person through events. We believe that the more people know about amateur radio, the more safe, secure, functional, and innovative our wireless products, services, and experiments will be.


The combination of all of these recent “irrational exuberance” influences - Puget Sound Data Ring / HamWAN, Meshtastic, Community / Low Power FM Broadcast, and Hackers Are The Future of Amateur Radio all combine in my mind to inform the hopeful and progressive tone of Zero Retries. Generally, there’s a lot of interesting stuff going on in Amateur Radio (and adjacent to Amateur Radio).

While these sorts of things keep me going, it’s unfortunate for new Amateur Radio Operators that to know about such interesting stuff, you have to be involved with it or know where to look for the good info4. It’s no longer the case that “general interest” Amateur Radio media can “bring it to you”. They just don’t seem to be able to do that in this era, especially coverage of topics on the bleeding edges of technology like (true, not marketing-speak) Software Defined Radio technology5. I’m realistic that while Zero Retries can help expose the interesting stuff, Zero Retries is (currently) a long form text publication in what is now a short video / short audio / short text world, with 2000 or so readers, hardly any budget, and a staff of 0.5. I hope that Amateur Radio can do a better job of evangelizing these amazing new capabilities occurring within Amateur Radio, and soon. We need to let the techies / hackers know about Amateur Radio so they can join in on all the fun.

New Distance Record Claimed for 802.11ah (Wi-Fi HaLow) on 902-928 MHz (33 cm) Band

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

The 902-928 MHz (33 cm) band in North America is an underutilized resource in Amateur Radio, especially for data communications. Some recent developments may make 902-928 MHz much more usable for Amateur Radio data communications.

In this article, I’m not referencing the use of voice radios (such commercial / public safety radios re-tuned from 800 MHz to 902-928 MHz.

902-928 MHz (33 cm) Band Primer

There are several issues that have stymied the widespread use of the 902-928 MHz (33 cm) band for data communications in Amateur Radio:

  • 902-928 MHz is an Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) “US Part 15” license-exempt band that is only allocated in North America and a few other countries. It is not a worldwide allocation. The Amateur Radio allocation of 902-928 MHz is a 100% overlay of the same band, with Amateur Radio having some additional privileges beyond license-exempt such as the ability to use higher power transmissions.

  • There are overlapping use cases for 902-928 MHz beyond license-exempt and Amateur Radio, such as a proposed terrestrial navigation system and various US Government use such as US Navy RADAR. One early wireless local area network system that used 902-928 MHz was NCR WaveLAN (which at least a few folks connected external antennas to). For a time, 902-928 MHz was used intensively in a few US cities by the now-defunct Metricom Ricochet6 Internet Access network.

  • 902-928 MHz is now the primary band used for various Internet of Things systems and networks such as Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), stream flow monitoring, and other low-data-rate activities that are mostly “transmit-only”. Thus there is a large amount of “activity” in 902-928 MHz. Note that “activity” is not the same as “interference” as “Part 15.247” regulations require that
    Unlicensed devices must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

  • Lack of standardization between manufacturers and products (proprietary products / standards), meant that…

  • Prices of 902-928 MHz products remained high (captive markets), compared to products available for 2.4 GHz and 5-6 GHz,

  • Relatively few products available as the Wireless ISP industry largely abandoned 902-928 MHz because demand for high Internet speeds could not be accommodated in a “noisy” band with only 26 MHz of spectrum.

That said, there are many proprietary data radios available for 902-928 MHz band such as Doodle Labs Mesh Rider and FreeWave Technologies FGR3 Series.

902-928 MHz is now seeing a resurgence in use by (license-exempt) experimenters because of the rise of Meshtastic which is based on LoRa radios operating in license-exempt spectrum. In the US, LoRa radios primarily operate on 902-928 MHz. LoRa devices have become so ubiquitous that LoRa has become a defacto industry standard and thus there is interoperability between various LoRa devices - because all LoRa radios are manufactured by Semtech.

IEEE 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow; the Emergence of Teledatics

In the last few years, a relatively new standard for data radios for 902-928 MHz has begun to be widely implemented - IEEE Standard 802.11ah / Wi-Fi HaLow. Note that these are two different things. 802.11ah is a standard but from long experience, it’s possible for two manufacturers to build products to the same standard… and for those two manufacturer’s products not to interoperate. Thus to insure interoperability, the only solution was to buy only one manufacturer’s products with the assumption hope that interoperability would be maintained within their product lines and periodic updates to their products.

The Wi-Fi Alliance was formed to fix that problem in the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) industry and has created interoperability standards separate from the IEEE standards. The Wi-Fi brand name and various sub-brands (such as Wi-Fi HaLow) can only to be used on products that have passed Wi-Fi Alliance’s interoperability testing and are thus proven to be interoperable with other manufacturer’s products.

But it takes time for such standards / industry / products and a customer base to “gell” together, and we now (finally) seem to be at that point with Wi-Fi certified products that operate in 902-928 MHz - Wi-Fi HaLow.

Teledatics is a new company that is focused on making Wi-Fi HaLow products.

I discussed Teledatics’ first product in Zero Retries 0038 on 2022-03-18 - Halo TD-XPAH - New 902-928 MHz 802.11ah Radio. While I bought that product from its crowdsourcing campaign, I have yet to install it and test it (writing Zero Retries keeps me pretty busy).

Per a “coming soon” page on Crowd Supply, Teledatics seems to be on the cusp of introducing two new product lines for 902-928 MHz - HaloMax and LoraMax.

HaloMax is a small unit that does 802.11ah on 902-928 MHz, and the article claims it is compliant with Wi-Fi HaLow. It has an external antenna connector and transmit power is 1 watt. The stated application is “Extreme range Wi-Fi HaLow communication“.

LoraMax is a small unit that does LoRa on 902-928 MHz and also Bluetooth (on 2.4 GHz). It has an external antenna connector (presumably for 902-928 MHz) and the transmit power (presumably for 902-928 MHz) is 1 watt. The stated application is “Extreme range LoRa and Meshtastic communication“.

Both units are offered in modules that can be soldered down to a printed circuit board, or as an M.2 card. The latter is significant as the new Raspberry Pi 5 includes a PCIe 2.0 interface, and there are now a number of RPi 5 PCIe 2.0 to M.2 card adapters available. Thus, theoretically, a HaloMax or LoraMax could be “plug and play” with a Raspberry Pi 5, perhaps even remotable on a tower or other remote location when using a Power Over Ethernet (POE) adapter.

To demonstrate the long range capabilities of the HaloMax unit, Teledatics conducted a range test on two mountaintops - Mount Greylock and Mount Wachusett in Massachusetts, and wrote a white paper about the results.

Teledatics Smashes Wi-Fi HaLow Distance Record

Groundbreaking Achievement Showcases the Future of Long-Range Wireless Communication


Teledatics, in collaboration with Newracom and TE Connectivity, has set a new benchmark in wireless communication by achieving a 106-kilometer (66 mile) Wi-Fi HaLow connection. This groundbreaking test demonstrates the potential of Wi-Fi HaLow technology for long-range, low-power applications, paving the way for innovative wireless solutions and industrial applications.

Performance Metrics

The test achieved impressive performance metrics.

  • Signal strengths: -81 to -92 dB

  • Connection bandwidth: 1, 2, and 4 MHz

  • Frequency range: 902 to 928 MHz

  • Distance: 106 kilometers (66 miles)

tx bitrate: 6.0 MBit/s
rx bitrate: 6.0 MBit/s

While the range figure is impressive in the context of license-exempt systems, and the “bitrate” seems reasonable for 902-928 MHz, the white paper does not mention any performance (speed) testing being conducted, nor what speeds are possible with what “Connection Bandwidth”. For context, some amazing potential speeds are stated in the Wikipedia article about 802.11ah such as a conservative example of 20 Mbps when using 64 QAM modulation in a 4 MHz channel.

In correspondence with Teledatics I pointed out that while their range achievement is impressive for license-exempt systems (and previous range testing for 902-928 MHz systems), such range figures between mountaintops with clear line of sight and ample Fresnel Zone clearance are routine in the context of Amateur Radio VHF / UHF / microwave experimentation, including frequencies up to 10 GHz (and possibly higher).

Whether HaloMax and LoraMax will be useful within Amateur Radio will depend on pricing, their real world performance, and their ability to integrate with other Amateur Radio systems. This should be doable, at least with the M.2 card versions as they are stated to have these communications options:

  • USB

  • UART

  • SPI

  • I2C

The primary differentiation between 902-928 MHz and 2.4 GHz / 5-6 GHz is that the former does provide some tree penetration, and the latter requires clear line of sight (no trees). In situations where trees are an issue (such as communicating between two stations in a heavily wooded area) and thus a 902-928 MHz link / network might work, but a 2.4 GHz or 5-6 GHz link / network would not work. Another differentiation is that antennas for 902-928 MHz are generally conventional yagi beam antennas rather than dish antennas that are conventional for 2.4 and 5-GHz.

At a minimum, if the pricing is reasonable and the availability is reasonably soon, Teledatics’ HaloMax and LoraMax products with their 1 watt transmit power on 902-928 MHz might make some interesting alternatives for Amateur Radio and Meshtastic networking.

Admittedly it’s a stretch to imagine this possibility, but if Teledatics could adapt their 902-928 MHz products for the 1240-1300 MHz (23 cm) band, that band is accessible in some form to Amateur Radio Operators worldwide (unlike 902-928 MHz).

Disclaimer - I have experienced mixed results from participating in several crowdfunding campaigns on Crowd Supply. As a result, despite offered discounts, I no longer participate in the pre-production crowdfunding phases of Crowd Supply projects. I only purchase Crowd Supply products after they are in production and are shipping from stock. Your experiences and risk tolerance may vary.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers

Post publication update - see Zero Retries 0165 - Followup to The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers for an update relevant to this mini-article. Turns out, Amateur Radio is a prominent part of this program.

Kathy Pretz in IEEE Spectrum Online - 2024-01-07:

IEEE is holding educational workshops about the field

The LEO satellite market is likely to grow from more than US $4 billion in 2022 to nearly $7 billion in 2031, according to Business Research Insights.

Although the market is growing, the number of engineers and technologists who understand the complicated systems is not. That’s why in 2021 IEEE launched the Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites and Systems (LEO SatS) project under the leadership of Witold Kinsner. The IEEE Fellow is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and past vice president of IEEE Educational Activities.

My thanks to Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Dan Romanchik KB6NU for pointing out this article in his article Wanna work with satellites? Get an amateur radio license.

The article then focuses on the efforts of the IEEE Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites and Systems (LEO SatS) project. The article points out that it has held a number of workshops and other events to educate engineers and students about opportunities in the industry, but it makes no mention of amateur radio. I think that’s a mistake, and I’ve just emailed the leader of the program, Witold Kinsner, reminding him of the role that amateur radio could play.

KB6NU explains the situation very well, and he’s on it.

Some Promising Movement From ARRL Towards “The Next Generation” and STEM

Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Dan Romanchik KB6NU - ARRL Member Bulletin on second board meeting of 2024:

Yesterday, the ARRL published a report on the second board meeting of the year. There’s a lot to like here.

I like the new mission statement. “ARRL’s mission is to promote and protect the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio, and to develop the next generation of radio amateurs” is short and to the point, and I like the emphasis on developing the next generation of radio amateurs.

KB6NU reprints the entire article from the ARRL, so please read that for full context.

It’s encouraging that ARRL is at least acknowledging that there is a next generation! In my opinion, way too much of what the ARRL does seems driven by the Amateur Radio Re-enactment League7 mentality such as an entire section of QST devoted to reprinting excerpts of QST from decades ago (free content, plus nostalgia). I like the additional emphasis of promoting Amateur Radio as part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) curriculums. Sadly, despite the discussion about the increasingly shaky financial foundation of ARRL, they still don’t seem to recognize that the “put their content behind a paywall” strategy is a mostly-failed business model (at least for “hobby” content) and that ARRL’s primary “enemy” isn’t content piracy… it’s irrelevance. In this era of publicly available content, ARRL’s content is, essentially non-existent unless you’re a paid-up ARRL member.8 Also, sadly I concur with KB6NU’s dismay about no recognition by the ARRL in new (current) technology radically changing Amateur Radio such as Software Defined Transceivers:

Aside from the mission statement, there’s nothing in the report that points to the ARRL taking a leadership position in technology development. This is a technical hobby, and the hobby’s “national organization” should take a leadership role in the technology9.

Connect Systems CS7000 M17 Is Now Shipping From Stock

Connect Systems Newsletter 2024-07-23:

CS7000 M17 has shipped

All orders of the CS7000 M17 has shipped. Additional radios are now available for immediate shipping.

Application Notes for CS7000 M17

We have very detailed application notes for the following:

  1. Updating firmware in M17 mode

  2. Converting between M17 and DMR

  3. Converting between DMR and M17

If you have the radio you must read it. If you are thinking about getting the radio or curious you can also read it. The link to the page the application note is on is below. The application notes are at the bottom of the page.

Application Notes

And there will be at least one major firmware update soon, per the Connect Systems Newsletter 2024-07-24:

Status of New Firmware

Currently I'm doing a pass of refactoring/ reworking/ consolidation of all the work done so far. Immediately after this, I'll implement the persistence of settings and VFO, which is fundamental, and send you another firmware image. I cannot make an exact estimate, but I hope to have something ready by the end of the next week.

Congrats and Kudos to Connect Systems (Jerry Wanger KK6LFS) for stepping up to the challenge (and considerable expense) to create and ship the very first commercial M17-native radio units that provide M17 capability out of the box.

Even after years of development, it’s early days for actually getting M17-native radios into folk’s hands for real-world usage (as opposed to adapters such as Module 17 or M17-over-Internet usage). M17 is a big deal because M17 is the digital voice system for VHF / UHF Amateur Radio that is open source (no dependency on a proprietary CODEC) and is designed for Amateur Radio.

The CS7000 M17 is so new it’s not yet listed on Connect Systems’ main Amateur Radio page, and the purchase page for the CS7000 M17 states that it’s still in the pre-order stage (for the $449 discount price) and availability is “Late September 2024”. But note that second line above - “Additional radios are now available for immediate shipping”.

At least two folks on the m17-users email list report that they’ve received their CS7000 M17 radios.

As for being able to use M17 with a repeater, the primary method of creating an M17-capable repeater is to embed a Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem (MMDVM) into an FM repeater, which then enables a number of Digital Voice modes, including M17 (included since 2020). Thus I recommend some reading:

BridgeCom Systems BCM-220 Mobile (Data) Radio on Sale for $250

The BridgeCom Systems BCM-220 222-225 MHz mobile / base radio is normally $350, but currently there is a “code” (BCM100OFF) shown on the sales page for $100 off at checkout. The BCM-220 has two Zero Retries Interesting features:

  • It can operate in the 219-220 MHz “data band” - the only Amateur Radio unit that I know of that can do so without modification.

  • It has a flat audio connector on the rear enabling it to be used for high speed data such as VARA FM. The connector is a unique high density 15-pin DSUB connector (same as a computer VGA connector). Fortunately, Masters Communications offers the BCM-6 adapter to convert this odd connector to a standard 6-pin MiniDIN “data” connector for Amateur Radio data use.

WSJT-X SuperFox Verification is Flawed

“xssfox” on their blog (discovered via Mastodon):

WSJT-X has published a release candidate which includes a new fox mode called SuperFox which promises a +10dB total system gain compared to the old fox mode. It also comes with a “SuperFox digital signature” in attempt to alleviate dx-pedition pirates. Verification of dx-peditions is an excellent idea, and I really want to see this problem be solved.

Security by obscurity is a bad idea

I’m sure you already know this one. Security by hiding the algorithm is a bad idea. You might have noticed that when I walked through how SuperFox is meant to work, that there was no step for where “WSJT-X downloads latest keys” or “user inserts public key”. That’s because the only security provided by this system is from the algorithm used to “sign” the messages.

The good news is that it’s no longer obscure…

mwheeler@foxbook superfox_keygen % gcc -I. main.c <censored>.c
mwheeler@foxbook superfox_keygen % ./a.out N0CALL

I spent a little bit of time looking at how the binaries worked and made my own implementation of the key generator.

A public release of this code as GPL will be available after the Jarvis Island 2024 dx-pedition.

Oops. Great example that it’s not just a good idea to encourage young, energetic hackers to get involved in Amateur Radio… it’s essential because of issues like this. Given that xssfox disclaims that they’re not a cryptography expert, they seem to have effectively hacked this system in short order. As they discuss, there are better approaches to a situation like this, and there are ample cryptography experts within Amateur Radio if they were to put the call out.

Fun Read - Geek of the Week - Phil Karn from 1994-01-26

Malamud: You’re perhaps best known in the Internet as the author of KA9Q. Why don’t you tell us what KA9Q is?

Karn: Okay well, first of all, KA9Q was actually my amateur radio call, my ham radio call sign. I’ve been a radio amateur since I was in high school. It’s uh, been some time now. But that name has gotten applied to a package of software I wrote primarily for amateur packet radio use. It does TCP/IP under DOS machines. However it has found quite a following beyond amateur radio. And a lot of are people running it who have nothing to do with amateur radio.

Definitely a fun read - recommended! This interview was conducted on Internet Talk Radio by Carl Malamud. It was a “conventional” talk radio interview program… that was made available on the nascent Internet rather than broadcast radio.

The Beauty of Keyboard to Keyboard Digi Modes

Michael Clemens DK1MI:

I find it absolutely fascinating to be able to make longer intercontinental conversations with just a little power and even in less than ideal conditions. You have a lot more time to think during the conversation as it would be in SSB, which is very helpful if you're not talking/typing in your native language. I used a mixture of macros and manual keystrokes to automate, for example, the beginning of each pass or the transitions to the other station, but also longer blocks of text such as the station description.

But even with macro-based QSOs you learn much more about the person on the other side than in any FT8 or in most SSB QSOs. It was the latter in particular that I realized with regret. SSB remains my main mode, but I have now found a functioning alternative mode that meets my requirements.

I would like others to give the many different keyboard to keyboard modes available a chance. I keep reading about younger radio amateurs who don't dare to try SSB and prefer to communicate via the computer and then use FT8.

The main message of this post: Modes like Olivia, JS8call and PSK31 offer a great opportunity to communicate non-verbally but still personally. It could be the perfect way to enjoy ham radio as an introvert or as a ham with a sub-optimal antenna situation in a way that it's still a personal communication between humans.

I’m in complete agreement, and when I get back on HF, data modes will be primary for me, both networking (exchanging automated messages and files) and keyboard to keyboard chatting as DK1MI describes.

Working the International Space Station from a Commodore 64

Alick Gardiner (2021):

Using the ISS digipeater from a Pakratt PK-232MBX TNC, Yaesu FTM7250 and Commodore 64

After getting my Amateur radio licence I was wondering what to do next and noticed that my Commodore 64 was sitting right next to my Transceiver and remembered when researching my BBS See previous blog post that there were packet radio BBSs. Packet radio to a BBS probably isn’t practical since I’d be the only person in the local area using it, but packet radio (Sending/receiving data packets via radio instead of through the internet) was an interesting idea, and the fact that the International Space station has a repeater for packet radio seemed like a good final objective.

Note that this writeup won’t assume a lot of prior knowledge. As a lot of this hardware is 30-40 years old it can be tough scraping together relevant bits of information from many disparate sources among the dead links or discovering it yourself so I’m going to go into a lot of detail here for the next person.

This article goes into an impressive amount of detail on how they were able to accomplish this.

An Initial Review of the RFNM Software Defined Radio

Last year the RFNM (RF Not Magic) software-defined radio was announced and opened up for pre-orders. RFNM is an SDR based on the new 12-bit LA9310 baseband processor chip, and together with either a 'Granita' or 'Lime' daughter board it is capable of tuning from 10 - 7200 MHz or 5 - 3500 MHz respectively. It is also capable of wide bandwidth - up to 153.6 MHz on a host device like a PC. The RFNM is affordable, costing US$299 for the motherboard, US$179 for the Lime board, and US$249 for the Granita board. Currently, the second production batch is available for preorder.

Um, wow… tuning range of 5 - 3500 MHz? Up to 153.6 MHz bandwidth? Double Wow! To handle the “153.6 MHz bandwidth” requires connecting two USB cables - interesting approach! This would be an ideal Software Defined Radio for use on the 60 MHz of the Amateur Radio 1240 - 1300 MHz band. Per the review, apparently the software support for the RFNM is “in the early stages”. But, still…

Arizona Beacon Project - Carrier+Q65+CW

Chuck Claver NJ6D on the RFZero email list:

Here in central and southern Arizona we have benefitted from several beacons run by Tom, N7GP, over many years. These beacons served most of Arizona as well as the greater Southwest US. Unfortunately these beacon have gone QRT following a significant desert monsoon storm, knocking out antennas and supports.

The Arizona VHF Society is embarking on rebuilding these beacons and expanding their technical capabilities while we are at it. We are aiming for beacons on 50, 144, 222, 432, 902 and 1296 to start with and future plans to expand upward into the microwave allocations. We are wanting to implement beacons with carrier, CW and Q65 segments in the transmit cycle. The specific Q65 mode will be band specific. During the carrier portion we also want to control a step attenuator to set calibrated level offsets - e.g 0dB, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB and- 40dB - or other offsets allowed by a controllable/programmable attenuator. We may even want to apply offsets to the Q65 signal as well.

Sounds like a fascinating project, and the RFZero community was welcoming and responsive to NJ6D’s inquiries about using RFZero as the primary component in these beacons.

Packet RF Forwarding Network Adds New Station

Glenn Allison N3MEL on the EastNetPacket and Packet-Radio-RF-Forwarding email lists:

We have added a new station in Florida, and we are very happy to have KD4WLE as the latest station to join the network. Although, at the current time, there are no RF partners in Sean's NVIS range, we would like to change that as soon as possible.

KD4WLE and N3MEL have linked over AXIP temporally to bridge the gap. This will allow any local station to KD4WLE access to the forwarding network.

If there are any stations from Southern Virginia to Northern Florida that would like to become a network forwarding partner, please let me know either by email or direct pack message.

We are not only looking at the East Coast but across the US as well. I know there are others linked via HF around the country, and we would like to link these others in. We only need one of these linked stations to consider putting up a VARA HF Port on our 40 & 80M frequency. There is no need to [interrupt] your other connections but only consider being a part of our growing network with the sole purpose of having a network that is not reliant on the internet and our aging infrastructure.

Those of you on the West Coast might consider contacting Chris KQ6UP. He may be interested in doing RF forwarding there.

Thank you to all the stations listed below for being part of the Packet RF Forwarding Network.

Current Network Stations & Status



Central New York
KP3FT 40 & 80M w/ARDOP
K1YMI 40 & 80M

Eastern Pennsylvania:
N3MEL 40 & 80M w/ARDOP
KC3SMW 40M Currently Offline

Northern Delaware:
KA3VSP 40 & 80M

Southern New Jersey:

Northern Virginia:
KN4LQN 40 & 80M w/ARDOP

NEW East Central Florida:

40M 7.103.2 dial UBS VARA HF & ARDOP BW500 offset 1500 Daytime

80M 3.596 dial UBS VARA HF & ARDOP BW500 offset 1500 Nighttime

It is so cool to watch Amateur Radio automatic message forwarding on HF re-emerge as more viable in the 2020s than in the early days of Packet Radio (when 300 bps AFSK AX.25 was used, poorly adapted for HF and no Forward Error Correction - FEC was used).

The use of Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) provides reliable regional communications via HF, which is a needed complement for networking on VHF / UHF where it’s sometimes hard to bridge “gaps” of VHF / UHF coverage. (The long stretches of “not much” in the Western US, and especially the interior of Texas come to mind as ideal for NVIS.)

The use of the more advanced data modes specifically designed for HF of VARA HF and Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol (ARDOP) has (in my opinion) changed the paradigm of automatic message forwarding on HF from a marginal technique to “just works”.

It’s doubly cool that there is discussion about forming a US West Coast Amateur Radio NVIS network like the activity underway on the US East Coast.

WINTNC Update - 2024-07-21

Jon Welch G7JJF on the WINTNC email list:

Since its creation, WINTNC has been written for and compiled using Borland C++ For Windows Ver 5.02. The Borland compiler was last updated in 1997 and has since been discontinued. When I started to convert WINTNC to be 32 bit compatible in 2023, it was easier to continue using the Borland C++ compiler rather than update the code to use a more modern compiler. The conversion seems to have worked very well but the time has now come to abandon the Borland compiler and switch to something more modern and maintainable. Therefore, I have converted the code to use Visual Studio 2022 as an IDE/Compiler and also converted the old format help file (tnc.hlp) to a more modern compiled HTML help file (wintnc.chm). This change should also make converting the code to be 64 bit compatible much easier when the time comes that Microsoft abandons 32 bit software.

Using a newer compiler is a big change and I have hopefully caught all the bugs introduced by the conversion but please let me know if anything doesn’t work properly. The new version is file compatible with your existing WINTNC installation so you won’t loose any PMS mail files or users you already have. Having said that, do please backup your current working system first before upgrading to the new version.

A side effect of the upgrade is that some dialog boxes currently won’t look as pretty as the previous version as Borland used their own controls for things like OK/Cancel/Help buttons with icons for ticks, crosses and help question marks etc. I haven’t created new buttons yet so they are still plain and boring looking. Hopefully, this will get addressed in a future update.

I have also added a telstar client if you connect to any BPQ nodes that are supporting the telstar server.  Alternatively, do a 'C' from a cmd: prompt.

Image courtesy of Jon Welch G7JJF

I haven't added the updated info to the web site yet but you can download the installation file from From now on, I won't be doing separate update files and full installation files. They will all be full installation files and will ask whether you want to perform a full install or upgrade over an existing installation keeping existing files intact.

I’m a fan of G7JJF and WINTNC! Initially he revived WINTNC to be able to run on current versions of Windows and removed the payment / registration requirement. Then he continued to improve WINTNC in 2024 with additional features and fixes. Now this “big lift” of switching compiler software.

Kudos to G7JJF for “WINTNC 2024”!

WINTNC looks so usable and approachable for working with a KISS TNC. One of my personal experiments in the near future to give WINTNC a try with a few modern KISS TNCs such as the SMT TARPN NinoTNC (a version of the NinoTNC that uses Surface Mount Technology components, and is sold assembled and tested). We really need user friendly systems like WINTNC to be able to effectively evangelize Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio data communications, bringing it out of the paradigms of the “DOS” era.

Further reading on “friendly” user interfaces:

Three Zero Retries Interesting Articles by Jason Rausch K4APR

While browsing for something else, I ran across these three useful Zero Retries Interesting articles by Jason Rausch K4APR.

K4APR is the proprietor of RPC Electronics LLC (mentioned in the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Small Vendors) and the creator of the SMT TARPN NinoTNC (a version of the NinoTNC that uses Surface Mount Technology components, and is sold assembled and tested).

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0010 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


The photo in the link is apparently when the tower was very new; it’s nothing like that now, covered with many antennas and microwave dishes.


The HamWAN website is not exactly up-to-date, and details like this don’t necessarily reflect the current state of the Puget Sound Data Ring.


Involvement beyond KMRE’s (and every broadcast station’s) involvement in the US Government’s Emergency Alert System (EAS).


One great example of “knowing where to look” is the free (recently retitled) Amateur Television Journal newsletter by Jim Andrews KH6HTV, published approximately weekly. It’s a wealth of information about modern (digital) Amateur Television systems, including repeaters, the digital technology used, user equipment, appropriate antennas, etc. I’ve not read this kind of detail anywhere else… but you have to know where to look in order to find this info.


One example is that there is now an Open Source Software Defined Radio implementation of LoRa. Per the article, more than one! With that, Amateur Radio can tailor LoRa for more appropriate use in Amateur Radio - LoRa on 222-225 MHz, using higher power, different patterns, etc. The general Amateur Radio media is still trying to catch up with explaining LoRa and Chirp Spread Spectrum.


As recently as a few years ago, Ricochet poletop nodes were still powered on and “chirping away” in the Seattle area on 902-928 MHz. Electric utility companies chose not to remove them unless a power pole required servicing.


My thanks to Ward Silver N0AX for that memorable phrase.


In contrast to ARRL’s paywall model of content, you can read every word, of every issue, of 73 Magazine and Ham Radio Magazine online, for free, and download them as PDFs, but not QST.


ARRL used to do so. Just one example is that ARRL was very involved in popularizing Amateur Radio Packet Radio and the AX.25 protocol.

Zero Retries 0161

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its fourth year of publication, with 1900+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

  • My thanks to Paul Elliott WB6CXC for being a Renewed Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

  • My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39 for becoming a New Founding Member to Zero Retries this past week!

  • My thanks to Chuck Hast KP4DJT for becoming a New Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week! KP4DJT shared this public message:

I was just reading your Bits Oughta Be Just Bits, and fully agree. In looking at the common products out there I also like products that use TDMA so as to also obtain more usage out of the bit stream. I was hoping that M17 would go that route. But in my view bits is bits and whatever you can stuff in a data stream should be free to go.

  • My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 38 for becoming a New Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Paid subscriptions offset some of the costs of publishing Zero Retries weekly, and support some additional services and projects such as Zero Retries videoconferences that will debut this Fall, the forthcoming Zero Retries email list, and other ongoing expenses.

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 5 weeks!

  • Pacificon 2024 in San Ramon, California, USA on 2024-10-18 thru 20 in 13 weeks. Tina KD7WSF and I plan to attend Pacificon 2024 (which makes it “major” to us). I have offered to do a presentation about Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio, and (I think) my proposal has been accepted.

Have a Good Idea Suffering from Censorship or Apathy? Route Around It!

There’s a (now in-) famous phrase that many of us remember vividly from the early days of the Internet:

The Net Interprets Censorship As Damage and Routes Around It

There’s some variations of this phrase (generally attributed to John Gilmore W0GNU) but you get the idea.

I interpret this phrase very generally to mean that if there is something that you’d like to see in the world, but it isn’t there, either for reasons of active suppression… or just apathy / lack of inclusion… by people or entities that you think should be “doing something” about your idea… do it yourself!

The tools for “do it yourself” have never been better, including publishing on the Internet, or creating hardware, or creating software, or creating groups of like-minded folks.

We are not dependent on them to make good things happen in the world! In this issue of Zero Retries, the respective activities of MM0RFN and KB6NU are but two examples of that truth. Both of them saw a need and decided that they would give it a try to create the change they wanted to see in the world, and both of their activities are materially improving Amateur Radio from their individual efforts! The existence of Zero Retries is entirely an example of “I got tired of cool stuff in Amateur Radio not being mentioned by them…” and decided that I could do something about it.

Another (near future) example is an email list about a cool subject that I’d like to see more activity in, but the creator / moderator of that email list is completely unresponsive to requests to help restart the conversations there. So, I’m going to route around that email list and create a new one with the same focus. Some will criticize the creation of a second email list as “forking the conversation” or “unnecessary duplication”. Those criticisms would be valid - if the original email list was active and responsive. But it isn’t, and I’ll be stating that prominently when I start the new email list - “calling ‘em as I see ‘em”.

Thus seeing all the examples of individual empowerment here in Zero Retries, I encourage all of you Zero Retries Readers to do the same. We are not passive victims of the “Same Old, Same Old” effect that’s so pervasive in Amateur Radio! Step up out of your comfort zone and be a co-conspirator for progress in Amateur Radio (and adjacent areas to Amateur Radio such as radio experimentation that doesn’t require an Amateur Radio license, like Meshtastic and SatNOGS).

If you have an idea that you’d like to see in the world… maybe it’s just something simple like a new Packet Radio Bulletin Board System (PBBS) in your area1, but don’t know any like-minded folks in your area to help out, drop an email (or a comment) to me here at Zero Retries and I’ll publish your name, contact info, and your idea and perhaps some co-conspirators for your idea will get in touch.

Now I Know About Scheduling Publication

In the 30 minutes prior to Zero Retries auto-publishing at 15:30 Pacific, there was an announcement that the 2024 Digital Communications Conference had been canceled. That was obviously Zero Retries Interesting and I scrambled to include it in this issue. But, I didn’t “unschedule” the auto-publication and thus as 15:30 happened, Zero Retries 0161 was auto-published in its current state, mid-edit. Fortunately it doesn’t look too bad, just the headline under ZR > BEACON didn’t quite make it into the email version. Now I know how to manage this situation in future issues.


Steve N8GNJ

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Followup on HAM RADIO 2024 (Lack of) Zero Retries Interesting Developments

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

This is followup to my brief mention of HAM RADIO 2024 in Zero Retries 0160.

One Zero Retries subscriber who attended HAM RADIO 2024 confirmed that they did not see any Zero Retries Interesting new products at the conference. But in that brief mention, I did not mean to say that there wasn’t any Zero Retries Interesting activity at HAM RADIO 2024.

Ample Zero Retries Interesting Activity in Europe

I should have clarified that there is considerable Zero Retries Interesting activity ongoing in Europe including:

I’m sure those activities had an (ongoing) presence at HAM RADIO. I was soliciting information about new products, projects, etc. that were exhibited at HAM RADIO 2024, of which a few have now emerged.

Ulrich L. Rohde Awards

Celebrating Software Defined Radio

At Ham Radio 2024, the International amateur radio exhibition, last week in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the Software Defined Radio Academy (SDRA) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. Founded in 2014, the SDRA has become a new platform for the exchange of knowledge surrounding software defined radio. In the early years, the academy’s lectures were recorded with primitive camera technology, but today a video team takes the recordings to a completely different level. The SDRA's YouTube channel now has 150 uploads, 4850 subscribers, and many more views of the videos.

The winners of the Ulrich L. Rohde Award, created in 2022 for innovative research in the field of software defined radio, were also announced:

The GNU Radio project for its good software solutions for software defined radio (SDR) technology. GNU Radio is a free software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software-defined radios and signal processing systems.

The DARC-AJW team for the SDR questions in the new questionnaire and the standardization of education. According to group leader Matthias Jung, DL9MJ, posting on X, the team’s work “focused on integrating SDR into the German amateur radio exam and educational materials.”

Rob Robinett, AI6VN, with Paul Elliot, WB6CXC, for their fundamental work and influence on scientific research in other areas.

Christoph V. Wüllen, DL1YCF, with Laurence Barker, G8NJJ, for fundamental work on stations.

Dr. Rohde, N1UL, has been an avid amateur radio operator holding several licenses in the United States and Germany. He has been licensed since 1956 and involved in technology and systems and has received worldwide recognition. In 2015, he won first place in the ARRL DX Contest in the Northern New Jersey Section. He also operates N1UL/MM on his yacht, the Dragonfly, and is Trustee of the Marco Island Radio Club, K5MI.

I normally would not use an entire article’s contents in Zero Retries, but to excerpt just the names would lose the context, thus I opted to include the entire article, with full attribution credit to ARRL.

Kudos to all the winners of this Zero Retries Interesting award, especially to Zero Retries contributor Paul Elliot WB6CXC!

Technology Firms Recruiting at HAM RADIO 2024

Another Zero Retries Interesting followup from HAM RADIO was this public comment on KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog by Ed Durrant DD5LP:

Given the lack of RF engineers (indeed electronic engineers in general), the recent HAM RADIO Friedrichshafen, included a job fair where 4 major technology firms were looking for suitable people to train to fill the large number of open positions that they (and other companies) have.

TetraPack One Year Followup

As I was browsing the BrandMeister website for the above, I discovered this Zero Retries Interesting announcement:

TetraPack presentation at HamRadio 2024 in Friedrichshafen

Discover today’s extraordinary unveiling from the Brandmeister TetraPack team at HamRadio 2024 in Friedrichshafen. Dive into the remarkable new features revealed in their latest project update by downloading the presentation deck here!

  • Supported TETRA TMO features

    • Group calls

    • Simplex and duplex individual calls

    • Phone calls

    • Short text messaging and geo-positioning

    • Packet data access

  • Bridging with BrandMeister

    • Group calls (any talk-group > 90 available across both networks)

    • Bridging talk-groups with “classic” ham-radio technologies (D-STAR, System Fusion, etc.)

    • Simplex individual calls and SMS bridging

    • SMS services via APRS/MQTT/API

    • Geo-positioning to APRS/MQTT/API

  • Supported radio-access technologies

    • Motorola CompactTETRA (CTS)

    • Motorola Dimetra (EBTS/MBTS/MTS)

TETRA is a trunked radio system for public safety / government use. Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) is also a trunked radio system, but is intended for private / commercial use. Both systems were developed in Europe by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

This is a dense presentation of (what seems to me to be) a very ambitious project. I can’t begin to do it justice in offering a compact description of this project, just a few points I think I gleaned from a quick browse:

  • Adapting TETRA for Amateur Radio justified a separate online network (TetraPack) that is separate from, but interoperable with the BrandMeister Network. Thus TetraPack users can converse with M17 and other Amateur Radio digital voice users via TetraPack “peering” with BrandMeister.

  • A TETRA base station (repeater) can scale beyond other systems. TETRA provides 4 time slots in each 25 kHz channel, and additional 25 kHz channels can be “ganged” into a TETRA base. One of the time slots is a “signaling” (control?) channel, but only one signaling time slot is required regardless of the additional 25 kHz channels used.

  • Tetra uses a different CODEC - ACELP which provides superior voice quality compared to DMR or P25. Per Wikipedia: The ACELP patent expired in 2018 and is now royalty-free. Thus ACELP is effectively open source (?) - no royalties due (such as the case with DMR and other Amateur Radio digital voice systems that use the DVSI AMBE CODEC chip).

  • This was kind of neat - It is possible to have full-duplex conversations, so your radio behaves like a cellular phone.

  • From a few bullet points, data seems to be supported as part of the system:

    • Short text messaging

    • Position data (similar to APRS)

    • Packet data access

    • Basic web-based browsing is possible (comparable to WAP)

The “ganging” of 25 kHz channels seems like a very powerful capability for Amateur Radio that would allow multiple Amateur Radio groups to share a common Base Station (Repeater) infrastructure (and the cost of same) at a good location. Perhaps a repeater that gangs 4x 25 kHz channels into a single 100 kHz repeater that could provide up to 15 individual timeslots for use by different clubs, different user groups such as one devoted to travelers passing through, different activities such as data and text chat, regular nets that don’t “monopolize” the system, etc.

Attending HAM RADIO is on my “bucket list” and I hope to do so in within the next few years.

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Back to the Future: Are Hackers the Future of Amateur Radio?

By Dan Romanchik KB6NU

Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog by Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Dan Romanchik KB6NU. It amplifies on a central theme of Zero Retries, that if Amateur Radio is presented to the current generation (which skews “technical” more than previous generations) and specifically presented to techies… Amateur Radio looks pretty interesting. But a “presentation of Amateur Radio” must be relevant to that audience, and KB6NU absolutely nails that in his excellent set of slides for the referenced presentation at the HOPE Conference. KB6NU’s article is getting a lot of traction, including a prominent mention on Hackaday, and to date has garnered 98 comments.

Last fall, under the aegis of Ham Radio Village, I was awarded a grant to take my one-day Tech class on the road. Ham Radio Village believes that more people in technical fields should have amateur radio licenses and that amateur radio is underrepresented in the hacker, STEM/STEAM, and maker communities. Currently, there is little outreach to these communities about the benefits of amateur radio in their fields.

Enter the “ham radio evangelist.” In October of 2023, we applied for and were awarded an $18,000 grant to reach out beyond the boundaries of traditional amateur radio communities, including scientific, engineering, hacker, maker, and STEM/STEAM focused conferences where attendees might have an interest in amateur radio (e.g., DEFCON, GRCon, Maker Faire, IEEE Communications Conference).

This grant provides funding to both educate these communities about amateur radio and to streamline the process of obtaining an amateur radio license. If accepted, HRV will give a talk about amateur radio, teach a one-day Technician Class license course, and offer a Volunteer Examiner test session at an event. These activities will provide these new hams with a lifelong hobby that aligns with their professional and technical interests. And, it will also enable these new hams to bring their experiences and ideas to amateur radio, thereby advancing the hobby.

HOPE couldn’t have gone any better

HOPE XV was the first event at which we evangelized ham radio. In my mind, it couldn’t have gone any better.

On Friday, I gave a talk entitled “Ham Radio for Hackers.” (Click here to see the slides.) I wandered in about 10 minutes before the talk was to start at 1:00 pm. There were already so many people there that I thought I was in the wrong room.

Adding to my confusion, was the fact that the slide announcing the previous talk was still up on the screen. I turned around and started heading out, but caught myself before I left the room. This had to be the place, and indeed it was.

In the talk, I explained some of the basics of amateur radio, discussed some of the projects that radio amateurs are currently hacking on, and then how to get a hacking, errrr ham radio license. I probably could have gone into a little more depth on some of the projects, but in general, I think that the talk was very well-received.

Tech class yields 25 new hams

On Saturday, I held my one-day Tech class. I was concerned that attendance would be poor because:

  1. They scheduled the class on Saturday, and there were lots of other interesting talks being held that day.

  2. They scheduled the class to start at 10:30 am, which could have thrown off my timing.

As it turned out, the class went really well. The students asked lots of questions—which caused the class to run about an hour longer than usual—but they were all good questions. 25 hackers passed the test and got their licenses. There were some failures, but it’s unclear whether those people were in the class or not. We invited anyone to show up at 5:00 pm and take the test, whether they were in the class or not. I’m going to claim that 100% of the students passed the test.

I can say that all those who passed the test were very excited that they did. Many of them came up to me after the class and thanked me. I can also say that this group was much younger than normal. I’m guessing that there were only two students over the age of 50. There was a good number of women, too. I counted at least six women.

I really want to thank the VE team. Without them, this couldn’t have happened. They were:

  • Seth, N2SPG

  • Nicole, AD2IM

  • Ed, N2XDD

  • Grant, W4KEK

  • Vlad, AF7QV

A great start

I think that this is a great start to the ham radio evangelist program. Not only did we license 25 new  hams, they all seem very interested in the hobby.

I also talked to a lot of different people about the program. One fellow, a young guy working with the Philadelphia Maker Faire, invited me to contact him about doing a class next spring.

So, onward and upward! I think the hackers at HOPE are just the kind of people we want to get into the hobby. They’re young and interested in hacking ham radio. It will be fun to see what they can do.

Editor’s Note: Again, KB6NU posted his slides for this presentation in another post on his blog, and each of them I wholeheartedly agree with the points he made to this audience.

In addition to his Amateur Radio evangelism, KB6NU publishes an excellent set of No-Nonsense Study Guides for the US Amateur Radio Technician, General, and Extra classes of license - recommended! KB6NU generously offers his Technician study guide as a free PDF.

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What I've been up to in Open Ham Radio - July 2024

By Hibby MM0RFN

Editor’s Note: This was originally a casual, personal email from MM0RFN to me, and I thought it was so informative about the UK Packet Radio Network and associated projects that I encouraged him to make it into an article that could be cited in Zero Retries. MM0RFN generously agreed for this to be a full article in Zero Retries.

I do a lot in free software for ham radio, and Steve at Zero Retries encouraged me to take this email I sent him and translate it into something here.

UK Packet Radio Network

UKPRN is going nicely, with the Nottingham and South segment really quite impressively interconnected over RF - I’m excited to see the growth down there!

We’re sorting out forwarding and routes in Aberdeen too, and working to grow the RF path to Inverness.

We’re still selling and shipping NinoTNC boards & controllers - see the current preorder happening here. New people are coming on air - it’s fun to see new bubbles of activity slowly appear. This month has seen a number of UK Foundation licensees (Technician equivalent) set up unattended ‘GB7xxx’ callsign packet nodes - a privilege that was previously restricted to Full (Extra) license holders only - they are limited to 5W ERP, but it’s made growing the network infrastructure hugely more accessible to all interested parties.

Packet Radio Guide

In the odd periods of quiet I’ve found, I’ve been fiddling with writing Hibby’s Packet Radio Guide (HPRG) -

as a method of documenting what I know in an accessible format for our new users to accompany my repository. This is largely written from a Debian/Ubuntu/Raspi perspective and makes the assumption you’ll install packages from my Repository, but hopefully the Beginners guide and Linux Primer will prove helpful. I’m slowly building out bits as creativity hits me, but the process of writing, thinking about presentation of information and focus is quite therapeutic!

Writing the guide has been a great excuse to focus on the ‘first timer’ elements of Linux - specifically why are things different from Windows, what do I need to learn, how do I edit text (as much as I love vim & nano, they aren’t really beginner friendly!) and I’ve been trying to incorporate elements of that.


HPRG has made me focus quite a lot on the new-user experience - resultantly I have been toying with the idea of starting a Debian based Distribution that contains a set of sensible default packages to get people on the air with the packet guide onboard as a help reference and recommendations of next steps for explorers. It feels like quite a natural progression for the repositories - pre-installed, just download and go.

I have the first live-tests of the project codenamed ‘Maxwell’ running in a VM and a laptop. I want a common interface and package set across both x86/64 and arm64/armhf architectures, so it’s predictably usable and understandable across laptops and Raspberry Pis. It’s not yet publicly available, maybe by the end of summer. I think there’s a lot to be said for something that ships both pre-prepared and documented and has a bit more focus/face than ‘the Debian Hamradio Team’ or ‘Ubuntu Hamradio’ and builds on the work I already do.

This project is beginning to get off the ground - I am simultaneously working on build infrastructure, live-cd build infrastructure, QA testing and learning hard. I’m focussing a lot on it - I find learning quite intoxicating and get into really tight iteration cycle where experiments and changes absorb all of my time and attention for days at a time.


I am speaking about packet radio, open software and UKPRN at EuroBSD Con in September - This means I need to finish and test my FreeBSD port of BPQ32! I know it’s worked in the past, but I probably need to do some work to get it working again.

Debian Work

Hello! I’m a Debian Developer now, I’ve been once since January and have been contributing to the project since 2015!

I’ve been chipping away at bugs in Debian too! Cqrlog has been broken in Ubuntu for some time now - I’ve fixed the root cause and now it’s a work-in-progress to get the updates backported to older Ubuntus. This in particular has been on my todo list for a little too long, but Ubuntu’s SRU feels impenetrable to me as an outsider/upstreamer. Svxlink has been updated as well so that it doesn’t start all its services on boot - that was stealing soundcards from the OS and making a system unusable for anything requiring audio (including radio fun!) if you had installed the hamradio-all, hamradio-rigcontrol or hamradio-digitalvoice software collections.


Sadly, WSJTX, which we hold up as an example of ‘ham radio done right’ thanks to an open spec and open implementation is looking to ship binary executables with no code for their new ‘Superfox’ feature - this has already arrived in ~rc5 of their upcoming release that we’ve not yet added to Debian. I understand that it’s related to the DXPedition signing process by NorCal DXF - they will be the only group able to ‘approve’ DXPeditions (concerning for someone who’s not US based already - why do they get to be the sole arbiters of what’s real and isn’t?).

We’ll need to patch out the functionality to ship it to Debian as we cannot distribute this nonfree software, which is a great shame - our users will become second class citizens, as will Ubuntu users and other families like the Fedora users etc.

We manage to handle trusted cryptographic signatures to produce the Debian OS using only free software, but sadly the stakeholders of signatures in Superfox seem determined that obscurity and hiding the secret sauce is the correct way to combat DXPedition Piracy. The discussion is on their development mailing list around

Editor’s Postscript: My thanks again to MM0RFN for this great report, and his work on Hibby’s Packet Radio Guide. We’ve had Amateur Radio Packet Radio technology for four decades now, but it’s only been in this decade that we’re getting around to documenting the many better ways we can do Amateur Radio Packet Radio such as using the NinoTNC instead of “classic” TNCs such as the (still being sold) Kantronics KPC-3 Plus, using Raspberry Pi dedicated computers instead of desktop PCs, and modern operating systems such as Debian Linux instead of Windows (now, with interstitial advertising!). We’ve been able to do all of this, and many, many have done all of this, but what’s been lacking is a good reference on tying all of this cool stuff together. Thus kudos to MM0RFN for tackling this. Sometimes, what it takes to progress things in the world, in technology, and Amateur Radio, is for someone to decide that, well, if no one else is going to do it, I might as well try to do it.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Breaking - 2024 Digital Communications Conference Canceled

Stana Horzepa WA1LOU on the TAPR aprssig (and several others) email list :

After careful consideration and weighing all available options, we regret to inform you that the 2024 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC), scheduled for September 20-21, 2024, has been cancelled. This decision was not made lightly, but due to logistical challenges, we believe it is in the best interest of all involved.

We understand the inconvenience this may cause and sincerely apologize for any disruption to your plans. We appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Well… this is a shame. Like the still-unannounced death of CQ Magazine, I think it’s now reasonable to “leap” to the conclusion that we’ve seen the last “ARRL/TAPR” Digital Communications Conference (in 2022, not counting the “Mini DCC” in late 2023).

Thus I think the “field is clear” to discuss the creation of a new, independent Digital Communications Conference, and to accelerate that discussion, I’ve created a new email list:

This group is to discuss the creation and operation of a conference similar to the long-running Amateur Radio Digital Communications Conference that was formerly sponsored / managed by ARRL and TAPR. The 2024 DCC was canceled by TAPR and (at the time this group was created) it doesn't seem likely that TAPR will be able to sponsor / manage future DCCs.

Like "Old DCC", some goals of "New DCC" are:

  • A conference held in person in North America, over a Friday / Saturday / Sunday

  • Rotate the location of "New DCC" to various cities in North America

  • While "New DCC" would be focused on the in-person experience, it would be live video streamed, and recorded for later archival viewing.

  • Presentation of formal papers / presentations will be a primary aspect of "New DCC".

A "New DCC" would have to be operated independently, perhaps creating a new organization solely focused on conducting such a conference.

Thus, (at least initially) lacking the resources of a sponsoring organization such as TAPR, financial aspects of such a conference will be a primary point of discussion; without financial resources, such an event cannot be scheduled.

Texas Amateurs Prepare for Moon Day Demonstration

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2437 for Friday July 12th, 2024:

STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Between an eclipse in the spring and then flares and storms a few weeks ago, the sun has been getting a lot of attention lately. Now it's the moon's turn - and Travis Lisk N3ILS tells us how the moon is getting its day, at least in Texas.

TRAVIS: The Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas is once again marking "Moon Day" on the 20th of July, a date to celebrate the anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission's landing on the moon. According to the schedule of events, the moon will have its day in the sun at last through a variety of presentations. The Dallas Amateur Radio Club will show how hams communicate via EME, or moon bounce and AMSAT ambassadors will be present to demonstrate what radio communication is like through amateur satellites. The keynote speaker will be former NASA astronaut Gregory Johnson, whose experience piloting early space shuttle flights contributed toward the construction of the International Space Station.

The six-hour program is considered the year's largest space-related event in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

This is Travis Lisk N3ILS.


Because Amateur Radio Newsline is intended as an audio program, they typically don’t feature web links of the source of their info - in this case, only a reference to “AMSAT”. The closest match I could find on the AMSAT website was this:

Tom Schuessler is still looking for a few volunteers from the DFW area to assist with the “Moon Day event at the Frontiers of Flight Museum on Saturday, July 20. This is a general public STEAM day with seminars, activities and exhibitors relating to space exploration and astronomy. He will have the CubeSat Simulator, Fox engineering model, explanation of satellite orbits and if available in the time frame, outdoor satellite passes worked. Volunteers get free admission and lunch and a break area. Tom needs to know by probably middle of next week. Drop Tom an email at tschuessler [at] amsat [dot]org. [ANS thanks AMSAT for the above information.]

The activities relating to Amateur Radio (Earth Moon Earth communications! Amateur Radio Satellites!) at Dallas (Texas, USA) Frontiers of Flight Museum on July 20th (55th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on Luna) is even grander than what I had imagined (on a personal scale) for my idea I called “Neil’s Night” (Part 1, Part 2). I never realized any of what I discussed about Neil’s Night; the idea was much more ambitious than I ended up having personal bandwidth to implement. But I’m glad someone had the vision to combine the grandest adventure of humanity to date with hands-on involvement in Amateur Radio at a very public venue. Kudos to Tom Schuessler N5HYP and the Dallas Amateur Radio Club for stepping up to this challenge!

Perhaps the ideas of the Frontiers of Flight Museum’s Moon Day 2024 event could be duplicated in 2025 at other aviation-themed museums such as Seattle’s Museum of Flight, Washington DC’s Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Dayton Ohio’s National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, etc. … if enough interested and motivated Amateur Radio Operators can be found to participate.

In fact, wouldn’t it be cool if aviation-themed museums (there are a number of them) that host “Moon Day” events made it a point to try to “work each other” on Earth Moon Earth communications?

Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) Update

ITDRC is a relatively new Communications Emergency Response organization that I think is relevant in this decade and beyond because its capabilities reflect current emergency communications needs for the public such as providing emergency Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi, etc. While ITDRC is interested in Amateur Radio experience (it’s one of the questions on their volunteer form), it’s not a primary qualification.

Thus I feature information from ITDRC occasionally in Zero Retries.

2024 has been a very busy year so far.

From tornadoes, to wildfires, to an unseasonably early Hurricane Beryl, catastrophic events have impacted a huge portion of the country in the last few months, sending our teams from coast to coast.

Since the end of April, ITDRC has responded to 15 significant events, providing boots on the ground connectivity and technology infrastructure support. With resources activated within 24 hours, we ensured response and recovery agencies across sectors could effectively mobilize to help communities impacted, and ultimately help survivors heal.

New Mexico Wildfires

On Monday June 17, 2024, the South Fork and Salt fires ignited on the Mescalero Apache Reservation. ITDRC has been actively engaged; coordinating with federal, local, state, tribal, non-governmental, and private sector entities to provide Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) support to responders and the impacted communities.

May 2024 Severe Weather and Tornado Outbreak

ITDRC is providing support to communities in Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas after a dangerous storm system made its way across the US.

Hurricane Idalia

Teams are providing emergency communications, WiFi connectivity, and cell phone charging stations in shelters and command centers and performing assessments for unmet communications and technical needs.

If I was younger and more flexible, I would probably be involved in ITDRC. If you’re interested in ITDRC, their website is

Support What You Want to See in the World

Jason Milldrum NT7S in Applied Etherics newsletter:

A few weeks ago, I ran across a guest essay from Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP on the Zero Retries Substack entitled What Stalls Amateur Radio Development? I don’t necessarily agree with everything written in this editorial, but I do believe in the general message that we need new ways of funding our FOSS amateur radio/hobby electronics endeavors, if we all want to continue to enjoy the fruits of many valuable hours of development from talented people in this hobby.

I’d like to note that this is not some kind of passive-aggressive way to nudge you to support me financially on this Substack. If anything, this is a way for me to attempt to hold myself publicly accountable so that I more fully live up to the ideals that I’m espousing here, as well as to try to put these ideas in front of more peoples’ eyeballs. I would encourage you to support projects and creators that inspire you the most. With that in mind, I’m going to pull some quotes out of the linked article so I can riff off them to add some of my own ideas. I encourage you to follow the link above to read the article in its entirety.

With that said, let me make some suggestions for concrete actions that you can take to help move things in a better direction:

  • The biggest thing you can do is provide that financial contribution to projects that you use regularly or simply want to see succeed. I’m working on changing my habits so that I can budget a bit more every month to contribute to creators and projects on a continuing basis.

  • If you find a problem with a project, be quick to offer positive feedback and help, and slow to offer criticism. Pointing out issues is necessary, but let’s not do it in a needlessly critical way, nor use them as a cudgel against the people working on the project.

  • In a similar vein, if you really feel strongly about something with one of these projects, put some skin in the game. Whether it is via your time or financially, your opinion means a lot more if you actually have something riding on it.

  • In general, try to patronize small creators and businesses more often. Please don’t buy clones off of Aliexpress and the like. None of us are getting rich off of this, and when some random overseas company free-rides on a small creator’s designs, it just hurts the prospects of future work being done.

  • One area where I know we need a lot more work is in social networking. YouTubers are already pretty good at this, but I think it would be beneficial if we all started supporting and cross-promoting each other more. I don’t know exactly how this should work in practice, so any suggestions would be most helpful.

It’s a huge cliché, but we’re going to have to be the kind of change that we want in this world. By learning some new habits, we can create a more self-sustaining ecology that will benefit all of us in the long run.

NT7S’ entire article is well worth a read and he makes additional points beyond what SP5WWP and I have made in Zero Retries.

For support, as soon as NT7S begins offering his Etherkit products again, I’ll add him to the Zero Retries Interesting Small Vendors Catalog.

QUISK Software Defined Radio Software

What is Quisk?

Quisk is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) and is the software that controls my receiver and transmitter. Quisk rhymes with "brisk", and is QSK plus a few letters to make it easier to pronounce. QSK is a Q signal meaning full breakin CW, and Quisk has been designed for low latency CW operation. It works fine for SSB and AM too. Quisk is written in Python and C, and all source is included so you can change it yourself. The Quisk receiver can read the sample data, tune it, filter it, demodulate it, and send the audio to the sound card for output to external headphones or speakers. The Quisk transmitter can accept microphone input and send that to your transmitter via a soundcard or Ethernet. For CW, Quisk can mute the audio and substitute a side tone. Quisk offers these capabilities:

  • Quisk can control the HiQSDR.

  • Quisk can control Hermes-Lite hardware.

  • Quisk can control SoftRock hardware for both receive and transmit.

  • Quisk can control the SDR-IQ by RfSpace, and several other hardwares.

If you have supported hardware, then Quisk is ready for you to use. If you have other receive hardware, then you will need to change the file to connect your receiver to Quisk. For example, if you change your VFO frequency with a serial port, then you need to change to send characters to the serial port. The file is written in the Python programming language, a very easy language to learn and use. I have tried to make Quisk easy to modify so it can be used for hardware other than my own.

My thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 339 for the pointer to Quisk.

WiMo Window Quad Dualband 2m / 70cm Antenna

An interesting product from WiMo in Germany:

Image courtesy of WiMo

Quad loop as a mono band antenna for 2m or 70cm, or a dual band version for both bands. Full wavelength loop, gain approx. 1dBD, includes BNC connector. The loop can be opened at one corner, which allows for fast and very small packing. SWR adjustment with a plastic screw at gamma match feed. Both antennas are mounted to the window with oversized suction cups, can be mounted either for horizontal or vertical polarization.

I saw this interesting antenna at a recent Amateur Radio club meeting and it seems a perfect external antenna for use in an apartment or condo or even a home where you cannot otherwise install external antennas. It’s very light weight and can be collapsed easily, so it’s even suitable for traveling. I’ve not seen anything similar from US Amateur Radio sources.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19
    Founding Member 0010 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 39

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

  • One particularly effective method of promoting Zero Retries is to add a mention of Zero Retries to your QRZ page (or other web presence) and include a link:

  • If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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These podcasts regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

Zero Retries is currently using the Substack email publishing platform to publish Zero Retries. It’s particularly suitable for small newsletters as you can get started for no cost.

If you’re reading this issue on the web and you’d like to see Zero Retries in your email Inbox every Friday afternoon, just click below to join 1800+ other subscribers:

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Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Bluesky

Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


Putting up a PBBS is one of my top 5 priorities for Summer 2024.

Zero Retries 0160

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its third fourth year of publication, with 1800 1900+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 05 for renewing their Annual Paid Subscription to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 36 for becoming a new Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 37 for becoming a new Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

Recent updates in the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Conferences include these events:

Zero Retries Readers in Certain States Needed

Glancing at one of the many obscure status pages for Zero Retries in Substack - Audience Insights, this statement got my attention:


Zero Retries is read across 49 US states and 58 countries.

49 states??? I clicked into that section to find out who the holdout state was, and actually there are several Zero Retries “holdout” states (have no Zero Retries subscribers):

  • Alaska

  • Mississippi

  • New Hampshire

  • New Mexico

  • North Dakota

  • South Carolina

  • Vermont

  • Wyoming

I’m a bit skeptical of this metric, given that Substack only knows about email addresses and IP addresses when you read or click on an issue of Zero Retries. “Registration” with personal identifying information, like address, isn’t required for subscribing to Zero Retries.

Still, if you know of a co-conspirator that might be interested in Zero Retries, located in the Zero Retries holdout states, please put in a good word for Zero Retries 😄.

“According to these stats”, the most popular state for Zero Retries (14%) is California. Washington and Oregon are tied for second most popular state - 8% for each of them.

Worldwide, Zero Retries is still pretty obscure, though it’s making some inroads, with one subscriber each in:

  • Argentina

  • Chile

  • Hungary

  • Norway

  • Romania

  • South Africa

  • South Korea

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

Again, these stats are highly suspect; despite a subscriber count of 1800+, per this report there are 275 subscribers in the US. And no subscribers in Peru - bummer! The map was skewed to the point where I couldn’t find several countries despite browsing the cursor in the areas where I know some small countries are located.

But it was kind of fun to look at this.

Thank you again, Zero Retries subscribers!

Beginning the Fourth Year of Zero Retries - With 1900+ Subscribers!

I once read a story1 about Steve Jobs that when he became CEO of Apple (again), he was checking out his new offices and came across a closet full of older Apple units that were being saved for an eventual on-premise Apple Museum. The story goes that Jobs told his assistant to get rid of them, donate them somewhere. The memorable part of that story, to me, is that Jobs reportedly said that “If you look backwards in this industry, you’ll get run over” (or “you’ll get killed”, or something to that effect).

I thought about that pearl of wisdom from Jobs this week as I approached the 3 year anniversary of Zero Retries (2nd Friday of July) and am now faced with how to deal with the legacy of securing hundreds of issues of Zero Retries into archival form. I was discussing with a trusted advisor to Zero Retries on how best, and most efficiently, to secure those past issues issues into a permanent archival form, safe from the vagaries of Substack. I felt like Jobs did upon seeing that closet full of computers; time spent dealing with the Zero Retries archive is time away from creating new material for Zero Retries, and of course the fun of Amateur Radio activities. But unlike Jobs, creating archives of Zero Retries is a unique task that falls to me (though the trusted advisor suggested outsourcing this task).

I don’t have any profound insights to offer for Zero Retries having been in continuous weekly publication for three years now; just a few minor insights.

The first is that I periodically need to emphasize to Zero Retries readers that most of what I’m writing about in Zero Retries is largely exposing technological innovation in Amateur Radio that others are doing that isn’t being reported on elsewhere. I periodically offer some of my own thoughts about technological innovation that I’d like to see Amateur Radio go in… but beyond Zero Retries, my contributions to technological innovation in Amateur Radio are pretty modest. There have been a few surprises, such as Mark Herbert G1LRO creating an Amateur Radio Data Appliance that I only imagined:

In this article by Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Steve sets out the functionality required to create the Amateur Radio Data Appliance, being:

  • Power supply

  • Battery backup

  • Radio transceiver

  • Modem

  • Embedded computer with a minimal display for status / health / troubleshooting

  • Networking required to for remote access via “household” network (not Internet)

  • Most of all, cabling to interconnect all of the above

And, as you’ll read, I had actually imagined something vaguely like Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC), but I did not imagine the scope of what DLARC has become, and how wonderful it is to have DLARC as a publicly accessible resource.

Although I had nothing to do with the creation of Open Source in Amateur Radio wiki, l had imagined and written briefly that such a directory was needed to be able to easily locate existing Amateur Radio Open Source projects to lessen the “reinventing the wheel” issue of creating multiple implementations of the same system. I had advocated for funding such a thing with a grant or direct involvement of ARDC, but that went nowhere, and this project is simply a better realization of my idea.

All that said, I do have some plans for doing a little of my own technological innovation in Amateur Radio that I hope to make a bit more real during Summer 2024.

When I began Zero Retries, I had a lingering fear that I would run out of interesting material to report on. I began with a substantial queue of interesting things to write about, but I wasn’t sure what would happen when I emptied that queue 🤣 - would there still be interesting things continuing to occur that I could keep Zero Retries going? This actually happened two decades ago with my Digital Wireless column in CQ Magazine. I actually did run out of things to talk at times, which caused friction with CQ’s editor about missed deadlines. The good news is that in the 2020s, the rate of technological innovation in Amateur Radio is such that the queue has kept growing, not reducing. The bad news is that caused the opposite problem to what I feared - there are too many things to write about, with not quite enough time and never enough space in Zero Retries as an email newsletter.

Another minor insight is that I now have confidence that I can sustain a weekly publication schedule, being able to say something of substance about technological innovation occurring in Amateur Radio.

Yet another minor insight is that I must be doing something right given the subscriber count keeps growing - now at 1900+. When I began Zero Retries, I did not imagine that level of interest; I only imagined perhaps a few hundred subscribers would share my specific interests in Amateur Radio… but apparently I didn’t dream big enough.

Speaking of “Dreaming Bigger”…

I have some short term plans for the Zero Retries ecosystem:

  • My book - Zero Retries Guide to Amateur Radio in the 21st Century is still in progress. I recently discovered an interesting service that can publish a book online (beyond a simple PDF on a website) that might speed up my progress to allow posting incremental updates (chapters) as I complete them.

  • I’ve been threatening to create an email list on for Zero Retries, and that is now imminent.The first tranche of invitations will go out to the paid subscribers as a Thank You for their financial support of Zero Retries. Eventually the Zero Retries email list will be opened to all Zero Retries subscribers. My idea is to post the headlines / links there each week and let the discussions between subscribers commence in a more interactive, easy to access system. The Comments section of Zero Retries on Substack has proven problematic for a lot of folks who don’t want to “get involved” in Substack’s ecosystem for various reasons (and I don’t blame them). I also plan to offer “requests for comments” for upcoming articles in Zero Retries in which I invite folks to contribute ideas and background on subjects that I need help in understanding. Zero Retries can sometimes come across as a “one man show” but believe me, I lean heavily on advice and expertise of others when I’m trying to understand and explain a deeply technical subject on Zero Retries.

  • Kay Savetz K6KJN and I have decided to do a podcast called Store and Forward. We conspired that we can offer a unique combination of looking back at Amateur Radio (from the perspective of DLARC) - “Store” and the future of Amateur Radio (from the perspective of Zero Retries) - “Forward”. The prototype episode of Store and Forward is online in DLARC. Initially (Summer 2024) we’ll be recording biweekly. The longer term logistics - website, podcast feed, etc. will be worked out. Both K6KJN and I have busy summer plans (some intense travel ahead for K6KJN, as you’ll read) and I just have a lot of catching up to do in N8GNJ Labs to take advantage of the summer weather interlude between the Whatcom Winds / Monsoon Rains seasons. Thus the publication schedule of Store and Forward might be a little irregular initially.

Using DLARC, Amateur Radio Operators are Resurrecting Technical Ideas from the Past, Using 21st Century Tech

I recently wrote a brief note of thanks for the existence of DLARC within the Internet Archive to Brewster Kahle, Founder and Board Chair of Internet Archive:

I just wanted to drop a note to you and IA in general as a Thanks for creating and maintaining the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications within IA.

DLARC has proven to be an absolute godsend of archival information for Amateur Radio (despite the stubborn resistance of the ARRL… which I’m working on). One of the most valuable aspects of DLARC is reading about technologies and projects that were mere dreams or not-quite-successful decades ago that can be realized now with current technology such as cheap embedded processors and FPGAs and Software Defined Radio technology.

I use DLARC multiple times per week… and contribute to it regularly, working with Kay Savetz to periodically send in material from my Amateur Radio collection that DLARC doesn’t already have.

Kahle replied and wondered if my “dreams” perspective might be expanded into a post on the Internet Archive blog, and I agreed.

That article is now online - Using DLARC, Amateur Radio Operators are Resurrecting Technical Ideas from the Past, Using 21st Century Tech. A Thank You to Internet Archive’s Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications.


One of my favorite ways to use the DLARC (nearly 120,000 items now, and still growing) is to re-explore ideas that were proposed or attempted in Ham Radio, but for various reasons, didn’t quite become mainstream. Typically, the technology of earlier eras simply wasn’t up to some proposed ideas. But, with the technology of the 2020s such as cheap, powerful computers and software defined radio technology, many old ideas can be reexamined with perhaps succeed in becoming mainstream now. The problem has been that much of the source material for such “reimagining” has been languishing in file cabinets or bookcases of Ham Radio Operators like me, with nowhere to go. With the grant, IA could hire a dedicated archivist and began receiving, scanning, hosting, and aggregating electronic versions of old Ham Radio material.

Kahle noticed the post, and commented:

You are most welcome– thanks to ARDC, DLARC has been a huge success for other reasons as well: a possible model for other communities.

Kay has made this a success, I believe, because he is both a knowledgeable ham community member, and embedded at the Internet Archive (he has the tech and social chops to get things through our internal processes).

This is a first for us– and hopefully a model for archives to come.

Thank you ARDC, Kay, and ham community.

I agree wholeheartedly - while ARDC provided the funding with a grant, and IA had the infrastructure to host DLARC… K6KJN has made DLARC a success.

Not Much Zero Retries Interesting Reported from HAM RADIO 2024

I’m surprised that not much that was Zero Retries Interesting was reported out of HAM RADIO 2024 which concluded 2024-06-30, at least that I’m aware of. No new Zero Retries Interesting products, or Zero Retries Interesting new vendors, etc. Admittedly I haven’t watched the walkthrough videos that have been posted (they’re queued up in a too-deep queue of videos to watch), but I would have thought that there would be some exciting developments reported. If I missed something, please Zero Retries readers, let me know so I can share it here in Zero Retries.

Another 21st Century Telecommunications Option for N8GNJ Labs?

Most of the summer, Northwest Washington where we live is blessed by a mild summer climate, so we mostly sleep with the windows open to the fresh cool air overnight. One morning last week we awoke to hearing some voices in a small group on the edge of our property. To my delight, the voices turned out to be a survey crew from Ziply Fiber who apparently is considering bringing in fiber to our neighborhood and down our private street.

In contrast, Comcast’s infrastructure in our neighborhood is solely serviced by “well aged coaxial cable” with a fiber / coax transition well outside the neighborhood. A neighbor was experiencing significant issues with their Comcast service and reported to me that Comcast would constantly play the “reset your router and in 10 minutes it should be OK” game, replacing the router, etc. - everything to forestall sending out a technician who discovered that a previous technician had disconnected the first neighbor’s coax to bring a new neighbor online whose house previously didn’t have Comcast service. Thus switching to Starlink for my household was a relief from the vagaries of Comcast “service” over “well aged coaxial cable”.

If Ziply Fiber does become available on my street (I’ve heard of Ziply not actually deploying fiber as promised), that’s going to be a tough decision not to opt for that, if for nothing else than greatly improved uplink speeds beyond what Starlink is capable of given that I eventually plan to do video production. But it’s possible Starlink might tinker with their service plans with a more affordable price than the current $120/month for unlimited usage. I’d happily accept a transfer cap for mostly standby (or solely Amateur Radio) use for a lower price such as the $30/month Starlink currently charges for use of the new Starlink Mini user terminal.

The Random Wire Newsletter (and now Podcasts!) - Zero Retries Interesting, and Recommended

I’ve recommended The Random Wire newsletter (and now, podcasts!) in Zero Retries and would like to do so again here. Tom Salzer KJ7T is doing a stellar job exploring various aspects of Amateur Radio that I simply don’t get around to, or have much depth to offer, here in Zero Retries. One example is KJ7T’s regular coverage of radio hotspots for Amateur Radio Over Internet such as AllStarLink, covered so well that instead of trying to cover that subject in Zero Retries2, I’ll defer to KJ7T’s much better knowledge of the subject, and his constant experimentation with different aspects of Amateur Radio Over Internet.

I’ve said before that I probably wouldn’t have started Zero Retries if the stuff I’m interested in was covered adequately in other Amateur Radio media. The Random Wire is an excellent example of exactly that - covering subjects I’m interested in so well that I can just read it (enjoyably) and learn from it instead of having to research it to write about it. I’ve also been enjoying KJ7T’s foray into podcasting, following his adventures with microphones, recording, etc. Given our geographic proximity, I hope to meet up with KJ7T face to face sometime this summer. I think that if you enjoy the subject material in Zero Retries, you’ll find ample Zero Retries Interesting material in The Random Wire and I recommend that all Zero Retries subscribers also subscribe to The Random Wire.


Steve N8GNJ

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Image courtesy of Internet Archive / Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications

What’s New at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications - July 2024

By Kay Savetz K6KJN

Greetings from DLARC World Headquarters, which has three big things going for it: a fast Internet connection, air conditioning, and cats to pet. In the past few weeks, I’ve added a wide variety of ham radio material to DLARC. Here’s a peek at some of it.

The DX Bulletin (TDXB) was written and published by Jim Cain, K1TN. He published 324 issues from 1979 to 1986. He scanned the entire run — about 1500 pages — years ago. The scans have been hosted by The Yasme Foundation, a non-profit that conducts scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio. Mr. Cain and Ward Silver of The Yasme Foundation agreed it would be a good idea to make the newsletters available at DLARC as well. Mr. Cain told me that in retrospect, the name The DX Bulletin was too generic — many other publications have had similar names over the years — and maybe he should have titled it “Jim Cain's Weekly DX Screed.” By any name, it’s a fascinating read and DLARC is better for its inclusion.

Cain is also the author of the book “YASME, The Danny Weil and Colvin Radio Expeditions” which is now downloadable from DLARC with his permission. From the back-of-book blurb: "This is the history of three travelers spanning the birth of YASME — the boat that carried young sailor Danny Weil on his first voyages beginning in 1954 — and the lives of famed ham radio DXpeditioners Lloyd and Iris Colvin.”

DLARC has added 217 issues of the “Blown Fuse” newsletter from the East Bay Amateur Radio Club out of El Cerrito, California. Some of them were PDFs on their web site. For the older issues that were only available on paper, the club lent us a hefty stack of newsletters to scan, some of which go all the way back to 1964. We’ve also added 113 issues of the Minnesota Amateur Radio Technical Society newsletter. The 12-year-old group is based in Minnetonka, MN.

Sometimes a simple newsletter donation turns into a whole little project. California Historical Radio Society donated, and we scanned, 35 issues of Spark Gap Times, which was the newsletter of the Old, Old Timer's Club. That organization started in 1947. At the time, the requirement for membership was proof of two-way communication by wireless 40 or more years prior to 1947. I can only assume that specific requirement was relaxed as the years passed.

The OOTC web site is gone now (replaced by a spammy ad for a sportsbook) and I guess that the organization is now defunct. The OOTC site’s last capture in the Wayback Machine was just this May. So I scoured the site in Wayback, found another 44 issues of Spark Gap Times, and added those to the collection too. Thanks to the California Historical Radio Society for the donation of those first 35 issues which started me down this rabbit hole.

Here’s a special treat for our esteemed editor, Steve Stroh: last year he donated three issues of the Texas Packet Radio Society “Quarterly Report” newsletter. TPRS was devoted to radio digital communications, and the creators of TexNet, a wireline/wireless hybrid networking project. Based on their site in The Wayback Machine, the group lasted from roughly 1996 to 2003ish. I scrounged 15 more newsletter issues from their Wayback’d web site and created the TPRS Quarterly Report newsletter collection. If you have more issues in any format, please let me know.

I was sorry to learn that Allen Katz K2UYH died in June. Katz was the publisher of 432 And Above EME News, and was a professor of electrical and computer engineering at The College of New Jersey. I am grateful that he gave permission to archive his newsletter in DLARC before he passed.

Somehow I’ve managed to write almost entirely about newsletters so far. Moving on to other topics.

DLARC has added all 99 episodes of the Ham Radio 360 podcast. This podcast ran from 2014-2018: it was a bi-weekly show created “for the new guy” hosted by Cale Nelson K4CDN. (Nelson recently launched a new podcast called PrepComms.)

Software Defined Radio Academy is an annual conference, since 2015, that covers all aspects of SDR. The hosts have done an admirable job of recording their conference’s presentations over the years, and now those talks are archived in DLARC.

Meanwhile, the Internet Archive’s scanning centers have been hard at work scanning thousands of magazines and books, which can be checked out using controlled digital lending in the DLARC Library. It would be folly to try to list them all, but I encourage you to browse around and see what’s new. Of particular note are many books and journals about microwave communications, which were a generous donation from the family of James Beyer W9ADJ, who was a specialist in that field.

If you’ll permit me a paragraph about a personal project that’s only tangentially ham radio related: I found, recovered and digitized 53 episodes of “The Famous Computer Cafe”, a radio show about home computers that was broadcast from 1983-1985. The hosts interviewed many of the big tech names of the day: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Apple’s Bill Atkinson, Atari VP James Copland, author Timothy Leary, author Douglas Adams, and more. From the news segments to the commercials, the shows are a perfect time capsule of the world of home computers in that era. One of the interviewees is Steve Roberts, a ham radio operator. From 1983 to 1991, he explored the United States on a computerized, radio-equipped recumbent bicycle named BEHEMOTH.

Next week I’ll be leaving the cats and climate-controlled comfort of DLARC World Headquarters for Denver Colorado to retrieve pallets of material from the estate of Bob Cooper. Bob was an expert in satellite and cable TV communications, and publisher of Coops Satellite Digest. I already have a little start of a Bob Cooper collection in DLARC, but there’s sure to be much more in the coming months as we begin to process and digitize what I find in Denver.

Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications is funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) to create a free digital library for the radio community, researchers, educators, and students. If you have questions about the project or material to contribute, contact me at

Kay Savetz, K6KJN
Internet Archive's Program Manager, Special Collections
DLARC want list:

Editor’s Note - K6KJN is too modest to mention this in this month’s column (which is intended to highlight new material in DLARC), but unlike DLARC, the work of digitizing the 53 episodes of “The Famous Computer Cafe” (and potentially additional episodes should they be located), is privately funded, with some reimbursement from a successful GoFundMe campaign (donations currently closed). There’s more detail about the rescue of TFCC there. Kudos to K6KJN for rescuing these treasures.

Bits Oughta Be Just Bits

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Some thoughts about the ideal interoperability of digital voice and data in Amateur Radio.

Digital repeaters are easier, and work better, than analog repeaters

I’m on an email list where the technical details of Amateur Radio repeaters are discussed… at times in excruciating technical detail. The discussion that inspired this article was about the minutiae required to keep a repeater signal and audio path absolutely “clean” for good retransmitted radio signal and good audio, including knowing about external factors that can influence the repeater’s signal quality - down into the weeds to the point of debating the relative merits of different types of coaxial cable connectors.

I’m not disparaging the concepts being discussed or the folks making offering the minutiae. But it struck me in reading the discussion that to a large extent, most of those details largely become moot if the repeater was operating as a digital system rather than analog (FM).

Disclaimer - Yes, I am acutely aware that one cannot entirely ignore the analog aspects of radio transmission. While digital systems can overcome some aspects of interference, or noise, or other radio issues… “making it digital” is certainly not a “cure all” for significant radio system issues such as major antenna and feedline issues.

In my highly inexpert opinion, almost all of the issues of the discussion I was following would simply not be an issue if that system were digital, largely because of the presence of Forward Error Correction (FEC) in modern digital radio systems. Minor noise issues on analog systems that are annoying to the point of the system being unusable (un-listenable) are simply not an issue with digital systems.

One of the most elegant digital techniques I know for Amateur Radio digital repeaters is the idea of receiving a digital signal and then applying bit regeneration at the repeater. which permits the transmitted signal from the repeater to be perfect, even if the signal received at the repeater wasn’t perfect. (Yes, I understand that there’s a threshold beyond which the FEC cannot help.) I featured an excellent article about bit regeneration in Zero Retries 0147 - Advantages of a Bit-Regenerating Repeater for Local Area Networks that explains the concept well, despite predating the now-common use of FEC.

But beyond the “digital fixes analog issues” factors, digital radio systems offer the (theoretical) advantage of being able to do data in addition to digital voice.

Bits Are Bits - once it’s digital, the bits should be agnostic.

Think about how different types of data is handled by TCP/IP and by extension, the Internet. We take it for granted that the same high speed TCP/IP connection into our homes, offices, and shacks can easily handle realtime voice (and video) bits, recorded voice (and video) bits, email bits, file download bits, photo bits, realtime telemetry bits, etc. That’s because TCP/IP generally3 treats all bits the same. It doesn’t care what the bits are supposed to be part of in the end, it just moves the bits from point A to Point B.

In Amateur Radio, we haven’t done voice / data mixing and matching particularly well to date. When there is a data capability in an Amateur Radio digital voice system, to date, data has been an afterthought. In the oldest Amateur Radio digital voice system - D-Star, there is a 900 bps data stream accompanying the (3600 bps) digital voice stream. Roughly two decades after its introduction, Icom quietly slipstreamed “DV Fast Data” mode into some radios4 which allows the digital voice stream to also be used for data. System Fusion’s data capabilities are “locked” to only support transport of images and some telemetry data such as APRS. DMR and P25 have data capability in their respective system and protocol specifications. In those systems, digital voice interoperability was extensively tested and required, but data capabilities were left to individual vendors such as Motorola and Hytera to implement a usable data option.

This is somewhat understandable - Amateur Radio has been doing voice over radio for about a century now, and data for nearly as long (Radio TeleTYpe - RTTY was used extensively in World War II). But with the technology of the 2020s and beyond, we can do better, and I posit we should do better. Amateur Radio shouldn’t remain stuck in a frame of reference from the 1960s that “repeaters are for voice”5.

Sidenote - Repeaters are for voice, Digipeaters are for data is a specious premise.

There is a “blind spot” with many Amateur Radio Operators that think that because data systems like packet radio can use digipeating to extend range, that data systems should use digipeating, and not use (simultaneous receive / transmit) repeaters to extend range of data systems.

Digipeaters can work well if they are very lightly loaded, but if there is significant usage of a digipeater, it begins to be subject to Hidden Transmitter Syndrome (Wikipedia calls this issue Hidden Node Problem).

A simple thought experiment can demonstrate what a specious premise this is. There have been “simplex voice repeaters” for decades, ever since we’ve had microprocessors that can record a transmission, and replay it back onto the same channel. It’s a poor experience at best, obvious because we can hear the poor result. No one likes using a simplex voice repeater, and will go to the trouble and expense to create a full duplex repeater instead. Digipeaters for data are no different in suffering from the poor effects of receive / buffer / retransmit on a simplex channel. It’s just that with data, the effects are hidden by the data devices.

We’re getting a bit better about making data equivalent to voice in Amateur Radio. As discussed in Zero Retries 0159 - M17 Data Modes, M17 can do both voice and data within the M17 protocol / systems. FreeDV is a digital voice mode for HF communications, and the modem for dealing with HF conditions is so good that there’s now work underway to use the FreeDV modem for data - FreeDATA. I’m not aware that FreeDV and FreeDATA are going to be made interoperable - send voice, or send data, interchangeably from the same app / system, but in my opinion, that should be a goal.

But the most recent such development was (welcome!) recent news from Open Research Institute about their ongoing project called Opulent Voice (emphasis mine):

Opulent Voice Flying High

Opulent Voice is an open source high bitrate digital voice (and data) protocol. It’s what we are using for our native digital uplink protocol for ORI’s broadband microwave digital satellite transponder project. Opulent Voice has excellent voice quality, putting it in a completely different category than low bitrate digital communications products such as D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion, and DMR. Opulent Voice can be used on the 70 cm band and above.

Opulent voice switches between high resolution voice and data without requiring the operator to switch to a separate packet mode. Opulent voice also handles keyboard chat and digital file transmission. Seamless integration of different data types, using modern digital communication techniques, differentiates Opulent Voice from any other amateur radio protocol.

(It’s not explained why ORI says Opulent Voice can only be used on “70 cm band and above”, possibly because the US FCC currently applies too-restrictive limits on bandwidth and data rates on VHF / UHF bands below 70 cm. Such limitations are generally not an issue outside the US, and hopefully that issue will be fixed in the US soon.)

Yes! YES!! YES!!! Someone finally gets this fundamental issue of being able to seamlessly mix digital voice and data, designed in from the beginning!!! Kudos to Open Research Institute for sponsoring this project, and to the developers who have pulled this off! I have previously not studied Opulent Voice very deeply because I was unaware of the data capability, only that it was higher quality digital voice system for Amateur Radio. But now, I will investigate Opulent Voice more deeply.

Also, it’s probably kind of assumed / understood that Opulent Voice is open source… from the Open Research Institute… but in Opulent Voice, like M17 / FreeDV / Codec 2, there’s no dependence / usage on a proprietary CODEC (chip) as there is with DMR, D-Star, System Fusion, etc. That factor is a third significant differentiation, beyond high quality voice and integrated data capability, of Opulent Voice from DMR, D-Star, SF, etc.

Gosh I look forward to sitting down at my Amateur Radio station, tuned to the local repeater, seeing a dashboard of who was recently on the repeater realtime… and reading my emails and bulletins that have queued up waiting for me… all on the same system! That will be a dream, realized.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

RFBitBanger Batch 2 Kits Available

Kits are available at our eBay store at this link

Be a part of the future with a prototype Batch 2 kit build of the RFBitBanger, a low-power high-frequency digital radio by Dr. Daniel Marks KW4TI. Presented by Open Research Institute, this kit is designed to produce 4 watts of power and opens up a new digital protocol called SCAMP.

SCAMP Is now available in FLDigi!

SCAMP is a new protocol that allows keyboard-to-keyboard contacts with a digital protocol that has excellent connection performance. See Dr. Marks presentation [link added to original text] about RFBitBanger at QSO Today Academy in September 2023 to learn more about SCAMP and the RFBitBanger project.

Open Research Institute has been busy lately, between Opulent Voice and now making RFBitBanger widely available… with the new SCAMP data mode! And as you’ll read at the link, a significant present at DEFCON32.

Project Yamhill Progress Continues

The biggest news by far is that I finally was able to submit my large PCB order for manufacturing. It was put off a lot longer than I was hoping for, because I kept finding small changes that I needed to make. However, I didn’t want to fall into the trap of analysis paralysis, so I had to commit to getting it pushed to manufacturing in order to not completely lose momentum.

I’ve been following Jason Milldrum NT7S’ progress on this ambitious project of a new low power HF radio, completely from scratch, fascinated by the detailed explanations of his design choices and the results (and sometimes, non-results) of his development process. I’m learning a lot from the insights into his development process that other developers don’t offer - NT7S is a great writer. NT7S’ newsletter Applied Ethics is Zero Retries Interesting, and recommended!


This is an impressive archival collection of packet radio software, and some other categories. They’ve done a great job of archiving and making available a lot of historical (and often still relevant) Amateur Radio data communications software. I haven’t explored much of what they offer yet, but doing so is yet another thing that’s in my queue.

Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Small Vendors

I decided this was needed so as I develop the archives of Zero Retries, and new issues, I had a single repository to mention all the interesting Zero Retries Interesting hardware products and projects I discover and consider worth mentioning. It’s certainly not complete (done), but it is usable so I decided to mention it this week.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

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    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


I did a brief web search for this story but didn’t find any references. This story is not related to Job’s famous commencement speech about “looking back and connecting the dots”.


AllStarLink definitely falls within the scope of Zero Retries Interesting subjects… but there are so many such subjects, and KJ7T covers it so well.


Yes, there are a few exceptions of special handling of different types of data within TCP/IP such as IP Multicast. And there are also Quality of Service (QOS) mechanisms that can be used.


In the linked article, radios supporting DV Fast Data include the ID-52A/E, IC-705, and IC-9700, and hopefully VHF / UHF radios introduced since those radios such as the IC-905.


Again, there are exceptions - there have been RTTY repeaters, and some data repeaters such as the Puget Sound Amateur Radio TCP/IP Network, Icom D-Star DD mode data repeaters (many still active), and even 56 kbps data repeaters based on the WA4DSY 56k modem.

Zero Retries 0159

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its third year of publication, with 1800+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 35 for becoming a new Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Approximately one year ago, at the request of a few dedicated readers who wanted to support Zero Retries financially, I activated payment options for Zero Retries. I include this in every issue of Zero Retries at the “ending boilerplate”:

If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

Some of those who began their paid subscriptions in June and July 2023 have renewed their paid subscriptions, including:

  • Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT

  • Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD

  • Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ

  • Orv Beach W6BI (Annual)

  • John Simmons NK0K (Annual)

  • Hugh Vance KW5X (Annual)

  • Prefers to Remain Anonymous 03 (Annual)

I am especially indebted to K3FZT for a formative conversation I had with him at Hamvention 2022 and his ongoing support and feedback on Zero Retries.

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Subscribe now

Major Conference Countdowns

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Conferences for other Zero Retries Interesting events.

We’re almost at the three year anniversary of Zero Retries - the 2nd Friday of July, and I’ll have some reminiscing to do next week in Zero Retries 0160, with the start of Zero Retries’ fourth year of publication.

But this has been a busy week on the personal / home front, with some travel and the US Independence Day holiday, thus I’m falling back on a favorite quote of mine from the television series Stargate SG-1, “The Serpent’s Lair”, by Col. Jack O’Neill. The context is that his team is on the cusp of beginning a “big project”.:

Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound.

[long pause]

Nothing comes to mind. Let's do it.

And today a trusted advisor to Zero Retries offered this advice:

If it gets to be a grind - might already be - take 2 weeks off. Nobody'd mind. Gotta keep yourself happy.

While I’d get a bit itchy if I didn’t put out an issue of Zero Retries each week, Thank You for that grace, trusted advisor!

So please enjoy this “lite” version of Zero Retries with no heavy reading, only ZR > BEACON items.


Steve N8GNJ

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Looking for HF-forwarding packet nodes to extend RF-only network in USA

Jeff Mein KP3FT on Facebook Packet radio systems and information:

We're using VARA HF and ARDOP between NVIS-range stations. The conventional 300-baud AFSK mode isn't very good for HF links, which is why we're using VARA and ARDOP. Currently we have from NY to Virginia linked. NVIS range preferred for 24/7 links. We want to keep extending to every direction (except eastward over the ocean obviously). Map: There's a page dedicated to RF forwarding here: The most common setup is a packet node using BPQ with a VARA HF port or ARDOP, with BBS mail forwarding set up to forward to a partner BBS using one of those modes. Other modes can be used as well, but VARA HF is easily the best performer (except probably the very expensive PACTOR mode).
Thanks, 73 Jeff KP3FT

In the early to middle stages of the “Packet Radio Revolution”, forwarding of Packet Radio Bulletin Board System (PBBS) traffic via HF was common… but problematic as the 300 baud Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) modulation and the AX.25 protocol was barely up to the task of getting messages back and forth over noisy, erratic HF frequencies. A single bit error in a packet would require resending the entire packet. In fact, it’s surprising this system worked at all. When access to the Internet became available for the general public, much of the PBBS traffic moved to the Internet… until PBBS usage fell to the point where PBBS sysops didn’t feel it was worth continuing to keep a PBBS online. But PBBS’ are seeing a resurgence, and we now have VARA HF which, in a phrase, “just works”, because it’s robust, adaptive, and offers higher data rates. For those that prefer not to use VARA HF, Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol (ARDOP) is also an option. It’s notable that this network uses Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) techniques to “restrict” the area covered to “regional” versus “worldwide” propagation. The G8BPQ BBS package has good integration with both VARA HF and ARDOP. Kudos to KP3FT and friends for getting the radio back into Amateur Radio Networking.

HamCon:Zion 2024 Conference - 2024-07-12 and 13 in St. George, Utah

Bill Buhler AF7SJ via email:

The really cool part is that there are a lot of presentations that I believe will have a high level of appeal to Zero Retries readers:

  • Digital Communications by "Bucky" Buckwalter W0SUN

  • Mesh Networks by Frank Kostelac N7ZEV

  • Winlink by Gary Hutton KE7UIA

  • Ham Radio Homebrew by James Kretzschmar AE7AZ

  • Using Attenuators by myself, Bill Buhler AF7SJ (I believe a vital part of good digital experimentation / station calibration).

  • Build the Foundation & They Will Come by David Becar KI6OSS might be


  • AI and Machine Learning in Ham Radio by Michelle Thompson W5NYV

  • Arduino University Workshop by Jeff Anderson (requires additional fee and pre-registration)

  • #APRSTHURSDAY by Mike DiTurno KC8OWL

  • Starlink by Jeff Baxter KE7DYR

  • Amateur Satellites by Ednaf Buckley N6UTC/MW1BQO & Patrick Stoddard WD9EWK / VA7E

There are several other presentation on things like the Icom 905, Yeasu System Fusion, and other more traditional ham radio topics.

For those not in the US, “Zion” refers to the nearby Zion National Park. Judging solely by the website, there seems to be an unusually high level of energy to HamCon:Zion! I agree with AF7SJ about a number of Zero Retries Interesting seminars, to which I would add Icom 905 by Scott Honaker - N7SS - Icom. This is the first time I’ve seen a seminar devoted to this radio; its unique capabilities are worth devoting a seminar session to. Had I known about this conference earlier, I might have made plans to travel and attend - the route from Bellingham to St. George looks like an interesting two-day drive. This conference is now on the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Conferences.

If Zero Retries readers are aware of other “general” Amateur Radio conferences with a “reasonable number” of Zero Retries Interesting presentations, please let me know about them. (“Reasonable number” is entirely subjective, at your discretion from your reading of what subjects receive coverage in Zero Retries.)

New AREDN Production Release Available -

AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements.   Besides a fix for an RF link issue that snuck past beta testing release, this release contains these fixes and enhancements:


  • Added MTR support via installable package (mtr-nojson).

  • Improved iPerf3 service to provide data line by line rather than at the end.

  • Now use the closest supernode rather than first discovered supernode.

  • Made LQM+OLSRD improvements where weak connections are detected.

  • Now detect "leaf" nodes and prevent them being blocked.

New Device Support

  • Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish

  • Antenna: airMAX 2.4 GHz, 24 dBi 6.6° RocketDish

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 26 dBi 7° RocketDish

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 18 dBi, 120° Sector

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 12 dBi Omni

  • Antenna: airMAX 5 GHz, 30 dBi 5.8° RocketDish Light Weight

  • Antenna: Mikrotik 15 dBi 120° Sector

  • Antenna: Mikrotik 19 dBi 120° Sector

  • Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish (PA)

Plus numerous fixes and improvements. The energy and continuous improvement of the AREDN development team is really impressive. They continually demonstrate technological innovation within Amateur Radio!

If you want to learn about AREDN and experiment with (very local) Amateur Radio microwave networking, the easiest (in my opinion) and least expensive way to do so is with the GL-iNet products that are supported by AREDN.

2024 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) Sept. 20-21, Knoxville, Tennessee

I saw this terse mention of this conference only in passing in the TAPR website RSS feed. “In association with GRCon24” refers to GNU Radio Conference 2024.

Editorial - I do wish TAPR would have the courage to drop the reference to ARRL from this conference. All management, scheduling, financial commitments, etc. are solely done by TAPR; ARRL has had nearly nothing to do with this conference for decades now other than some history, passive mentions of it in their publications, and “printing” the conference Proceedings of which I’m probably one of a dozen that actually purchase them.

2024 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting – October 25th thru 27th, 2024

Doubletree by Hilton Tampa Rocky Point Waterfront
3050 N Rocky Point Drive West
Tampa, FL 33607

I saw this terse mention of this conference in passing in the AMSAT News Service 182. Despite the inclusion of the AMSAT website link, at the moment there is no information about this conference available there (but ample details about the 2023 conference).

Heathkit was Acquired… And Relocated… and No One Noticed

I’ve been mildly curious about Heathkit since its “revival” early in the past decade and the “revival owners” idiosyncratic mysteriousness about not revealing the owners and other personnel of the company. Not much seems to change with “New Heathkit”, so every few years I browse around to see if there are any new developments beyond their two primary products, a clock and an AM broadcast receiver. This year’s browsing resulted in some actual news - from a LinkedIn post for Heathkit nearly a year ago:

Kirkwall is pleased to announce its acquisition of Heath Company. Following the acquisition, William Cromarty will serve as Chief Executive Officer of both companies and will oversee a relocation of manufacturing operations to North Dakota as part of a planned expansion.

There is no mention of this acquisition (or relocation of facilities) on the Heathkit website or the Heathkit page on Facebook (last post 2020-01-01).

In the time since this announcement, this statement doesn’t appear to have been realized:

This expansion of operations in North Dakota will build on the impressive work of the Heath team in reestablishing the company as the premier educational electronics kit manufacturer, and allow our team to scale operations in preparation for new product launches.

I understand that all press releases are intended to be a bit over-the-top to get noticed, but… premier educational electronics kit manufacturer??? That was true in Heathkit’s prime, but that statement is really over-the-top considering New Heathkit’s very modest product line compared to, for example, the electronic kits available from Velleman or Adafruit. But, I guess the press release served its purpose - it did get this mention.

M17 Experimental Authentication Signatures

The goal of the M17 Project is to create a digital voice / messaging / telemetry / data system for Amateur Radio VHF / UHF that does not use DVSI’s proprietary digital voice CODEC. In mid-2024, “the pieces are in place” (in my opinion) that M17 can actually be used as a radio system. Documenting the usability of M17 in real world usage, such as this item and the following two items, is an ongoing project here in Zero Retries.

Apologies for how “fuzzy” this item is, but in the past couple of weeks I saw mention by Wojciech Kaczmarski SP5WWP that he was experimenting with adding authentication signatures to M17 transmissions.

Unfortunately, I cannot find the actual statement from SP5WWP (he posts his ideas in a variety of places). I recorded this link, but don’t see any detail there to support the above statement.

Update - Found it (post publication) - M17 Project on Mastodon:

Finally some good news regarding digital signatures. I've been experimenting with ST's CMOX library and just got 160-bit ECDSA to run on the Module17. It takes around 8.25 ms to sign a 16-byte M17 voice stream digest. The signature can be appended to the voice stream. The curve used is Brainpool P-160 R1, with secp256r1 signing takes a tad under 15 ms.

In the future, users might be able to generate ECDSA key pairs and use the private key for M17 stream signing. Then, by sharing the public component, allow the rest to perform identity checks. No more impersonation.

Our protocol implementation has just been updated with experimental ECDSA signature support based on the secp256r1 curve. No signature verification has been added yet.

Implementing digital signatures in M17 - part 2. Looks like both encoder and decoder work together and the latter is able to verify stream signatures now.
GitHub (`auth` and `crypto` branches are the most interesting):

I think the idea is that in addition to the digitized voice or data and overhead data, an authenticated M17 transmission would interleave the data (or perhaps a separate payload) interleaved private key that can be authenticated with checking it against a person’s public key. This is a good example of the nature of an Open Source system, and the ability to extend it to experiment with new ideas that aren’t practical with “hardcoded” and commercially produced radios.

Update - (post publication) email from SP5WWP:

[Your description is correct.] The signature occupies 4 last data frames of the stream. It is generated after the data transmission has finished. When there's no more user data to transmit, a hash based on all the contents is calculated. That hash value is then signed with the user's private key. The assumption here is that there would be a central, trusted public key directory (a database with callsign-key pairs). That would ideally be run by IARU or some other international organization. I'm aware that IARU does not have enough human resources to run this, tho.

Key pair generation is trivial (under Linux CLI, it's a one-liner). An experimental (but already fully-functional, even with strong encryption) implementation is already available in our "M17_Implementations" repository ("main" branch).

Connect Systems M17 Project Status 2024-07-04

“Ongoing” communications like this are only accessible from signing up for the Connect Systems email list - there’s no web-based archive. Connect Systems is developing a pair of portable Amateur Radio units that will feature a native M17 mode - no reprogramming or modification needed. To my knowledge, these radios will be the first to feature a native M17 mode, and are hoped to be available in Summer, 2024.


There is something else to consider. If I buy the AnyTone, I just give them money and I get the radio With the M17 design, the company is paying for the development to implement the protocol in our radio. Then we will support for the CS7000 M17 PLUS for the development and implementation of the other protocols such as Fusion and DSTAR.

Obviously the CS7000 M17 is costing us a lot more to buy but there is a reason. The CS7000 M17 is based on a commercial radio and the receiver is a double conversion superhet design with front end varactor tuning. That compares with the AnyTone which uses a single chip direct conversion receiver. The radio is also rated at IP-67 which means you can swim with it and not destroy it.

2. What is the status of your work and was is an approximately schedule for you to complete this part of the project.

The radio transmits and receives M17 without modulation or demodulation issues. I'm currently working on the radio driver in order to properly set up the missing parts, that are the bias voltage for the input filter and RF PA and some HR_C6000 configurations. It also seems that there is a bug somewhere that causes the radio to sometimes transmit only a carrier, but I didn't figure out yet where the problem is. I also brought up the driver to use the HR_C6000 as the audio DAC for the speaker, it needs some integration and final touches. The plan is to have a first alpha version of the firmware, with working M17 but still without settings' persistence, within two weeks: it all depends on how much time it's going to take working on the radio part, which implies a lot of reverse engineering of the CoValue firmware (and this takes really a lot of time). After this, I'll move on implementing the persistence, codeplug system and the remaining parts.

M17 Data Modes

I have not been able to be continuously engaged with the m17-users email list that I created, but my co-conspirators there have been keeping things interesting, such as this interesting post by Tony Langdon:

M17 uses 4FSK modulation at 4800 baud (9600 bps). Last I knew, there were 3 modes defined:

  • Full rate voice (Codec2 3200). This is currently by far the most dominant format. However there’s still room for some ancillary data like GNSS position. I believe this is a streaming mode.

  • Half rate mixed voice/data (Codec2 1600 plus a data channel). Kind of like D-STAR’s original mode. I’m not sure if this one is still officially defined.

  • Packet mode. This is M17’s data only mode.

Another interesting fact is M17 over KISS has been defined, which allows M17 frames to be sent to a TNC and transmitted. Obviously the TNC has to support 4FSK for the resulting transmission to actually be M17. The TNC4 is able to do this.

It’s also possible to use packet mode to run AX.25 over M17.

This… is really cool. M17’s data capabilities are something that I intend to dive deeply into. My thanks to Tony for explaining this so clearly - in my previous readings of the M17 Specification, I had not been able to find that level of detail / explanation about doing data over M17.

Arduino Digital Transceiver (ADX) Buildathon

Email from Clifford Heath VK2CLF:

You asked for Australian info. Manly Warringah Radio Society (VK2MB) is building the ADX (Arduino Digital Transceiver) and today was a big build day with the first units on-air. It's all documented on the club website:

Image courtesy of the Manly-Warringah Radio Society

It all started with very good lecture by Richard Hinsley VK2ARH/W5ARH on the ADX (the Arduino Digital Transceiver) in April 2024 followed by an email to all from Michael VK2MDP asking around about interest for a club buildathon, very quickly the list of interested members grew to 28 people wishing to grab a kit, many to attend the 2 buildathon sessions, others either not local, not available or just wanted the challenge to try it on their own.

The ADX Buildathon workshop dates were:

  • Wed 26-Jun-2024 – 7:30pm to 9:30pm Winding toroids for the low pass filters.

  • Sat 29-Jun-2024 – 9:00am to 5pm ADX Build and Testing … and mandatory BBQ.

This buildathon of the ADX (link, I think…) by the Manly-Warringah Radio Society (Terrey Hills Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia) is well-documented with many photographs of folks obviously having a good time with their builds, elbow to elbow.

TX Factor - Episode 31 (TXF031) - Bluetooth Radio and QO-100 Ground Station

Email from Zero Retries Pseudostaffer Jeff Davis KE9V:

I was just watching the latest edition of TX-Factor that was out new yesterday (TXF031). It includes the 2nd half of the QO-100 groundstation, but perhaps even more ZR relevant was as review of the new Anytone BT01 bluetooth “microphone” for the Anytone 578 DMR transceiver. The video can explain much better than I can type it up but basically, it's a useful accessory that permits the mobile style radio to have remote access (via BT) which works well since that transceiver doesn't have a detachable head.

I can see where this would be very useful and I imagine a lot of ZR readers are into DMR.

I jumped into this a video on KE9V’s recommendation and it’s pretty engaging. The Anytone BT-01 is a pretty cool item, which I first wrote about in Zero Retries 0065. It’s just one of several Bluetooth “remotes” for Amateur Radio units, and it would be cool if someone was able to reverse engineer the Bluetooth protocol and create an open source equivalent. Also, the Anytone 578 is also capable of FM, so if the BT-01 is a major usability improvement, and you don’t have any DMR repeaters in range (or don’t care for DMR operation), it might still be worth investing in an Anytone 578. The last part of the video is also pretty engaging, operating on the QO-100 geostationary Amateur Radio payload accessible from most of the Eastern Hemisphere using the DXPatrol Full Duplex Groundstation V2.0.

ELEKITSORPARTS - the Most Zero Retries Interesting Amateur Radio Retailer

A correspondent [in the US] remarked recently:

Sometimes I wish I lived in Europe ... everything good in the ham radio world is “over” there now, not here.

I replied with a link to ELEKITSORPARTS, which I’ve been a fan of since they became the first to offer a plug and play New Packet Radio unit. Their unique product mix for Amateur Radio exemplifies what my correspondent was saying. I have no idea where ELEKITSORPARTS is located in Europe; I’ve never been able to find a clue on their website.

ELEKITSORPARTS keeps featuring new Zero Retries Interesting units, most recently the New digiPi HAT. Just as an example, here are some Zero Retries Interesting radio options:

ELEKITSORPARTS is pretty close to my ideal of a 21st century Amateur Radio retailer. If we could combine that with a Raspberry Pi retailer for one shop stopping for computer and radio hardware… that would be fantastic.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD (Renewed 2024)
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ (Renewed 2024)

    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

  • One particularly effective method of promoting Zero Retries is to add a mention of Zero Retries to your QRZ page (or other web presence) and include a link:

  • If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

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Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Bluesky

Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Zero Retries 0158

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its third year of publication, with 1800+ subscribers. Radios are computers - with antennas!

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Rick Gilmore W3TM for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week! He included this nice message:

I learn something new in every post. And learning is what this grand hobby is about, IMHO.

My thanks to Eric Stammers M0REQ for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

My thanks to Prefers to Remain Anonymous 34 for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries!

Major Conference Countdowns

  • HAM RADIO 2024 in Friedrichshafen, Germany on 2024-06-28 thru 30 - this weekend. I’ve received some hints that there will be some interesting projects shown there. Zero Retries readers that will be attending HAM RADIO 2024, please provide some reports of Zero Retries Interesting projects and products.

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 8 weeks!

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Conferences for other such events.

Zero Retries Correspondents Wanted - Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, etc.

Of necessity, most of what I report as Zero Retries Interesting here in Zero Retries is US-centric, with occasional contributions from Zero Retries readers, and occasional stories about ZRI developments in Europe (such as QO-100) and Japan. I’d really like to cover more frequently the Zero Retries Interesting developments occurring in countries with active Amateur Radio technical activities - data communications, satellite / space, creation of interesting, specialized Amateur Radio hardware, etc.

I’m not asking for folks to write an article. While I feature co-authors whenever I’m offered articles, I understand that writing an article is daunting to most folks in this era. The more usual circumstance these days is for folks to get in touch with me and point out something that’s Zero Retries Interesting. I take it from there, with credit to the correspondent (if they want). To keep Zero Retries interesting and relevant, I need folks like you Zero Retries readers to tell me what’s going on - point me to local clubs doing Zero Retries Interesting things, data networks, technical activities, etc.

Please don’t take offense if I don’t feature your info (there are times when there are just too many items to include), or that I’ve previously mentioned your info in a previous issue of Zero Retries. It’s better to be over-informed than under-informed. If I really miss something significant, please remind me.

The countries listed in the headline are my biggest “mystery countries” at the moment, with practically no visibility about Zero Retries Interesting Amateur Radio activities there.

I hope Zero Retries readers can help. If I get at least a few volunteers, I’ll set up an email list for “Zero Retries Contributors” where we can be in touch with each other instead of purely private correspondence with me (though that is, of course, an option if you’d prefer).

Google NotebookLM

Speaking of “previously mentioned your info in a previous issue of Zero Retries”, there are times that I forget what I’ve covered. It’s also painful at times to find when I’ve mentioned something in a previous issue of Zero Retries. Substack’s search tool has become ineffective because it now defaults to also searching other Substack publications… and items in Zero Retries are already obscure and hard to search for.

But citing previous articles is a significant part of Zero Retries and with three years of weekly issues, it’s getting ponderous to do manual searches. To help with that I’ve experimented with pouring a subset of text versions of Zero Retries into a single file so I can do faster searches. That didn’t go well.

But a fellow writer, of much longer standing and much greater stature than I experienced the same frustrations, and his public plaints on the matter were heard. A few years ago Steven Johnson was invited to join the team that created Google’s new NotebookLM. That sounds like that’s exactly the tool that I’ve been hoping for. My “Zero Retries Notebook” in Notebook LM will be restricted entirely to the content I put into each notebook. All I have to do is to finish exporting all three years of Zero Retries into PDF versions, which unfortunately is a semi-manual process because of the odd ways Substack creates its web pages, I usually have to fuss with the creation of the PDF to get it to turn our right. If I “respected” Substack’s warnings about “too large for email” then I could have shortcut this process by exporting just the email versions of Zero Retries, but oh well.

I’ve become wary of investing my efforts in Google projects… because Google has, in my opinion (and others) become actively predatory, and because Google has become infamous for its many Killed by Google projects. But I haven’t seen a better alternative than NotebookLM for my specific requirements for Zero Retries, and Johnson is a trusted name in non-fiction writing and he’s putting his name behind NotebookLM. Plus, having created the PDF library, my data will be secure and under my control, and it’s all public anyway, in the likely event that Google decides to “overshare” my Zero Retries Notebook in .

With those factors, a Zero Retries NotebookLM seems worth a try. A bonus will be that I can do limited sharing of the Zero Retries NotebookLM, and since the sharing is limited, that may end up being a perk of Zero Retries paid subscribers.

Just to stretch your imagination a bit, NotebookLM can be used with any collection of PDFs. Given that 73 Magazine is already in PDF form, that might be my next NotebookLM project.

Guilty of Optimism

As I put the finishing touches on this issue Friday morning, I had an email exchange about politics with an old friend, and they accused me of optimism (as in the opposite of realism)… and I replied that I wear the epithet of “Optimist” with pride.

It’s easy to be pessimistic about the future of Amateur Radio. It’s an activity that was begun in the early years of the previous century and in this modern society of wristwatches having their own cellular radios, light bulbs having a TCP/IP stack and a Wi-Fi radio, and mobile phones now having direct-to-satellite connectivity… it’s easy to think of Amateur Radio as an anachronism. The “realistic” point of view about Amateur Radio is that it is inevitably declining - in licensees, in relevance to society, in innovation, etc.

But from my “optimism” perspective, I believe that Amateur Radio has a role to play in the 21st century as our society has transitioned wholly to radio technology for the last miles, last few feet, and last few inches our electronic communications. Just as the previous century required vast numbers of those skilled in working with internal combustion engines, this century will require vast numbers of those who understand radio technology beyond the simple act of plugging in a Wi-Fi access point or using a mobile phone.

Amateur Radio is a perfect vehicle for developing such knowledge and skills and Zero Retries is a testament to that perspective and my optimism about Amateur Radio.

Happy Independence Day

To Zero Retries readers in the US, Happy Independence Day this coming Thursday. Despite our vast shortcomings as a nation and as a people, we continue to struggle to continually create a “more perfect union” for 248 years now. Despite sometimes vastly different perspectives between us, we collectively continue to try to make ourselves better as a nation and as a people. For my part, I consider myself blessed beyond all reason to have been born in the US and thus a US citizen with no effort on my part. Many wonderful friends of mine were not similarly blessed. That they chose to work very hard and sacrifice much to become citizens of this incredibly imperfect nation tells me that the US is at least doing some things right.


Steve N8GNJ

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Two Projects for Making Amateur Radio Open Source Software Easier to Find and Use

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

One of the most significant issues in Open Source development in Amateur Radio is the creation of multiple, sometimes incompatible implementations of various applications or functions that are made available as open source software (or hardware) … somewhere… (often somewhere obscure, such as a personal blog or website). Various implementations of the AX.25 stack for use with Linux comes readily to mind as an example of this issue. Two recent projects should start helping to make various Open Source Software much more visible so that there is less “reinvention” needed, and thus more (defacto) standardization and interoperability.

Radio Catalog: Ham Radio Software Preservation and Restoration

Ham software is becoming increasingly hard to find. Decades worth of development person-years are at risk of being lost.

I've noticed a lack of best practices for managing the open source software projects that many hams have built and rely on over the past couple decades. It's understandable given that these were often hobby projects, but it would be a shame to lose some of the great contributions to our community. As many of these hams are getting older or become silent keys it becomes increasingly difficult to locate many of the original source files for these projects. This is often due to these sources no longer being hosted on their original sites, entire domains being taken offline, link rot, or for a number of other reasons.

I propose building a software catalog to aggregate many of these long-standing, open source ham software projects into history preserving code repositories using git, a modern source control management system and the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC) archive. These code repositories would also serve as a place for continuous future development and iteration. I'm a software engineer in my day job and it's something I would be very interested in helping put in place. I believe it would go a long way to making these projects remain accessible and relevant across our ham community going forward.

List of 10 software projects for preservation:

  • ardopc - mode for HF Winlink

  • QtSoundModem - multi-platform port of UZ7HO's SoundModem

  • arim - Amateur Radio Instant Messaging

  • rmsgw - Linux RMS Gateway for Winlink

  • ax25mail - Utilities for packet radio mail exchange with the BBS

  • 4NEC2 - Antenna Simulation and modeling software

  • LinFBB - F6FBB BBS software for bulletins and messages distribution via Packet Radio and wired networks

  • OpenBCM - packet radio mailbox system by DL8MBT

  • Linpac - A modular console-oriented amateur radio AX.25 keyboard to keyboard chat and PBBS program

  • Paclink-unix - A UNIX/Linux client for the Winlink 2000 ham radio email

(Excerpts of the grant proposal used with permission of Rob Hernandez KM6BLU.)

While ARDC has not made this (approved) grant public, I received permission from the principal of this grant, Rob Hernandez KM6BLU to mention this project in Zero Retries.

At present, there is not yet an online presence for this work as their grant was only recently approved and KM6BLU and his collaborators are just getting the work organized.

Update 2024-06-30 - At present, there is not yet an online presence for this work as their grant was only recently approved and KM6BLU and his collaborators - Paul Harvey M0SET and Matthew Croughan are just getting the work organized with their fiscal sponsor - National Upcycled Computing Collective (

Although this team’s initial software projects to preserve is a good start1, there are many such open source projects that are equally critical and influential within Amateur Radio, and thus the methodology, standards, display format, etc. that KM6BLU and team will develop for this work will be probably more foundational for Amateur Radio in the long term.

I’ll be watching this work and am looking forward to reporting on this project in future issues of Zero Retries.

Open Source in Amateur Radio Wiki

Michael Clemens DK1MI / N1BSD on Reddit r/amateurradio:

[] is a wiki, which in the first step categorises and lists all open source software and hardware projects for amateur radio that I/we know of. Later, more detailed pages on the individual projects will be added. I also envisage adding setup descriptions for open source based amateur radio stations or collections for GNU Radio blocks/flowcharts or Node Red flows, functions and scripts.

Open Source in Amateur Radio

Image courtesy of

Welcome to the Open Source in Amateur Radio wiki! This resource is dedicated to providing information about open-source software and hardware as well as free home-brew projects for amateur radio enthusiasts. The idea of this website or wiki is to give a (future) radio amateur an overview of all available open source projects. The aim is to promote the use of open source software and hardware in amateur radio. Depending on personal requirements, it is now possible to set up an amateur radio station whose main components are open source.

The Wiki (clever domain name!) is also a recent project which has a similar goal (at least in my mind) of creating a directory of Amateur Radio Open Source projects (notably, not just software) and thus would also serve the goal of reducing the creation of multiple, sometimes incompatible implementations of various applications or functions that are made available as open source. In short, why reinvent something if someone has already done it? The trick, prior to this project, is knowing that a specific open source project even exists; it’s tough to search for an open source implementation if you don’t know if such a project exists, and especially its name. is off to a good start, and I plan to get involved in adding to it with some of my favorite open source projects such as adding to the Packet Radio section.

The current nine contributors could use some additional help:


This wiki cannot be filled and maintained by one person alone, which is why I call on people to register on the wiki in order to correct errors, add information, translate articles and/or create new content.

Please visit How to contribute for further information.

I’m sure there are many able contributors in the Zero Retries readership.

Wikipedia - List of Amateur Radio Software

Lastly, this Wikipedia article seems to be a poorly maintained or abandoned list of some software used in Amateur Radio. While there are a few mentions of proprietary software, most items seem to be open source software.

While this article is within the semi-authoritative easy to find Wikipedia… the Wiki seems to be the better project for contributing one’s efforts to document the many open source projects within Amateur Radio that have been developed over the decades. We’re just going to have to figure out how to insure its survival as an information database - at a minimum, regularly “snapshotted” by Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and perhaps regular mirroring to other sites.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Darryl Smith VK2TDS Highlighted in ARDC Newsletter

ARDC Newsletter June 2024 (not yet posted on their website):

A member of the inaugural [Grants Evaluation Team - GET], Darryl has enjoyed analyzing the results of the work that ARDC has funded, stating “I feel privileged to be a part of the team.” Licensed in Sydney, Australia more than 30 years ago, Darryl became a ham to experiment with packet radio and has “loved every minute of it.” After many years of focusing on VHF, Darryl got his first HF radio early last year. When he’s not volunteering at ARDC or on the air, Daryl is a consultant electrical engineer, where he had the amazing opportunity to work as a microwave and satellite engineer & RF technician on the set of Furiosa - A Mad Max Saga, work he cites as the work he’s most proud of. In his spare time, Darryl also enjoys recreational running, where he averages running about one marathon a year.

VK2TDS is also beginning his 8th three-year term as a Board Member of TAPR.

I’m looking forward to seeing Furiosa when it’s available on one of my streaming services, especially now knowing that VK2TDS was working on the complicated communications required for that movie.

Digital only POTA Activation using FT8 on the sBitx V3

David Saylors WK4DS on his WK4DS Amateur Radio Blog:

So today was a good day for radio. I had a block of time and wanted to see how hard it would be to get the activation only on FT8. I know it is possible to do this, but I also wanted to do it on 15 meters too and that is where the problems come in. You see the last couple of weeks have been tough for 15 meters operations what with the solar flares and CMEs and all. So to secure the activation on the higher bands will be… interesting…

Image courtesy of David Saylors WK4DS

One of the things that I like most about this radio is the clean layout of the FT8 mode. It is not cluttered with an endless array of different information and on screen settings. The other programs, while very versatile and powerful, are rife with buttons and information that really is not needed for simple QSO contacts. The sBitx could be a little easier though so it is not perfect either. One thing that has come up a couple of times is that it needs the ability to be able to sort the information display to just stations calling CQ so you can pick one easier. I agree with this as it can be tough to grab a calling station in that 2.5 second window of time. So being able to sort by CQ would be a big help there. One other thing that is mildly frustrating is that there is no way to scroll the display so if there is a lot of stations on the band then you will not be able to see them all. It pushes them off the top of the screen and then they are just gone.

What WK4DS did as a Parks On The Air (POTA) activation with a data-only radio (in his case, the sBitx v3), is pretty much what I was imagining for a data-only Field Day activity. Based on a Raspberry Pi, the sBitx v3 seems so elegantly designed for data use. I didn’t know what exactly I was looking for until I saw it with the sBitx v3, which is now on my wish list… unless perhaps the zBitx becomes a reality.

My thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 336 for the pointer to this story.

ARDC Grantees Include Society of Women Engineers (SWE) 2023 Programs

I thought this post from ARDC about the impact of their grantmaking was Zero Retries Interesting:

Society of Women Engineers (SWE): SWE 2023 Programs

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Image courtesy of Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is an organization that promotes diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. In 2023, ARDC funded 30 of SWE’s Global Scholarships, as well as contributed to multiple programs that help women in engineering fields excel professionally and showcase their achievements. Last month, SWE published a blog post that included testimonials from scholarship recipients, emphasizing the significance of ARDC-funded scholarships on their educational pursuits. You can check out the blog post in its entirety at

ARDC also supported a first-time analysis into the impact of SWE scholarships on women pursuing a STEM degree. The results of this analysis can be found at

Funding also supported the SWENext High School Leadership Academy. You can check out a year in review of the SHLA program in this blog post:

The Community Collegiate Affiliate Support & Expansion (CCASE) is designed to encourage more women in community colleges, particularly those facing exceptional financial challenges and from underrepresented backgrounds, to pursue a STEM degree. In its first program year, CCASE helped establish seven new community college affiliates/sections and added 81 SWE members.

Pull quote of the study that ARDC supported:

Research indicates that women pursuing bachelor’s degrees in STEM switch to non-STEM fields at higher rates than men, with 32% of women major switching compared to 26% of men. Overall, less than half of women persist in their bachelor’s degree programs in STEM.

The impact of a SWE scholarship is remarkable! Almost 88% of undergraduate scholarship recipients have either earned or are still pursuing a STEM degree, with 97% of these STEM students majoring in engineering or computer science.

That result is fantastic! Note that Amateur Radio isn’t mentioned, and there’s no Amateur Radio involvement in the SWE scholarships (you don’t have to be an Amateur Radio Operator)… but I cannot imagine that those scholarship recipients didn’t take note that an organization called Amateur Radio Digital Communications helped to fund their STEM degree.

Followup on Fixing the Linux Kernel AX.25 ARDC Grant

Grant: Fixing the Linux kernel AX.25
Date: December 2021
Amount: €179,690

Changes to the Linux kernel over the years have improved and modernized the kernel, but have also made existing AX.25 implementations incompatible and turned preexisting issues into bugs. This can make systems unpredictable or even unusable. Linux kernel development is complex, requiring deep specialized knowledge, and bugs are hard to trace. This may be one of the reasons, why the Linux kernel AX.25 stack is currently in such a bad state.

This ARDC grant funds will allow the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club to hire software developers who can create a stable Linux AX.25 implementation and prevent Linux distributions from dropping pre-compiled AX.25 support. The fixed and functional Kernel-AX.25 stack will improve global amateur radio infrastructure. Professional kernel development can bring Linux AX.25 back to life.

It’s a shame that ARDC rarely issues status reports on how grants like this turned out. ARDC formed a Grants Evaluation Team (GET) in 2024, but to date, there have been no results from that team publicly disclosed.

Now, two and a half years after this grant was awarded, we get a small glimpse of the outcome of this grant from a brief statement on ARDC’s 44Net email list by ARDC Grants Manager Chelsea Párraga KF0FVJ:

The AX.25 team ran into some challenging circumstances and they were unable to carry out the grant. In these situations we work with the grantee to return funds to us. If you'd like to know more about the project I suggest reaching out directly to those working on it!

Of course, the above description is all that ARDC has publicly released about this grant, and thus there is no contact information for “those working on it” provided by ARDC for us to to actually be able “reach out directly”. Since there was no progress on this grant, there seems little point in further followup. But given that unless ARDC chooses to feature a grant in one of their stories, which usually includes names of those involved with the grant, ARDC doesn’t otherwise disclose details about their grants such as the names and contact info associated with the grant… so that it actually is possible to “reach out directly”.

Such lack of detail when ARDC does report a grant being made, and lack of followup (publicly reported) on most of the ARDC grants, even years later, has been a continuing frustration to those of us following ARDC’s grantmaking.

BBS and email for Meshtastic

TheCommsChannel / TC2-BBS-mesh on Github:

This is the TC²-BBS system integrated with Meshtastic devices. The system allows for message handling, bulletin boards, mail systems, and a channel directory.

YouTube video - BBS and Mail for Meshtastic! (queued for future watching), unfortunately no transcript available to excerpt.

As an active participant in the rise of Packet Radio systems in Amateur Radio, it’s fascinating to me to see the rapid evolution of Meshtastic and seemingly exponential interest in building out Meshtastic networks as a hobby activity. Now Meshtastic users will be able to discover the fun and utility of Bulletin Board Systems.

While Meshtastic does feature better physical layer technology (Semtech’s proprietary LoRa, an implementation of Chirp Spread Spectrum) versus Amateur Radio’s 1200 bps Audio Frequency Shift Keying, Meshtastic users will soon discover the limits of simple radio physics - crowded channels, low throughput, and the limitations of ad-hoc mesh networks when they become popular and over-used.

We experienced Amateur Radio Operators could, and I would argue should get involved with our local Meshtastic activities and offer our perspective of what has worked in the past, at least to the limits of what the LoRa technology is capable of.

And perhaps, as we “tap into” the energy and excitement of these new Meshtastic users and networks, we can rediscover some energy and excitement that we can apply to recreating what we know now to work in Amateur Radio networking. Things such as leveraging the vastly better technology we now have available - higher speed modems, forward error correction, more robust modulation techniques, etc. And… rediscovering the fun of building something collaboratively with our fellow Amateur Radio Operators.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT
    Founding Member 0001 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19

  • Numerous Annual and Monthly subscribers who also generously support Zero Retries financially!

Want to Support Zero Retries?

  • The most effective way to support Zero Retries is to simply mention Zero Retries to your co-conspirators that are also interested in knowing more about technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio and encourage them to become a fellow subscriber.

  • One particularly effective method of promoting Zero Retries is to add a mention of Zero Retries to your QRZ page (or other web presence) and include a link:

  • If you’d like to financially support Zero Retries, becoming a paid subscriber is greatly appreciated and helps offset expenses incurred in publishing Zero Retries. Paid subscriptions for Zero Retries are entirely optional, as explained in this special issue of ZR:
    Zero Retries Administrivia - Activating Payment Options.

These blogs and newsletters regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

These YouTube channels regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

These podcasts regularly feature Zero Retries Interesting content:

Zero Retries is currently using the Substack email publishing platform to publish Zero Retries. It’s particularly suitable for small newsletters as you can get started for no cost.

If you’re reading this issue on the web and you’d like to see Zero Retries in your email Inbox every Friday afternoon, just click below to join 1800+ other subscribers:

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Social Media:

Zero Retries (N8GNJ) is on Mastodon — — just click:

Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Mastodon

Zero Retries (N8GNJ) is also on Bluesky — @n8gnj — just click:

Zero Retries / N8GNJ on Bluesky

Email issues of Zero Retries are “instrumented” by Substack to gather basic statistics about opens, clicking links, etc.

More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.

Footnotes for this Issue


To that list, I would have included KA9Q NET, KA9Q NOS, ka9q-radio, Dire Wolf Software TNC, G8BPQ BBS and other G8BPQ utilities, Xastir, D-RATS, FreeDV, FreeDATA, and JNOS.

Zero Retries 0157

Zero Retries is an independent newsletter promoting technological innovation that is occurring in Amateur Radio, and Amateur Radio as (literally) a license to experiment with and learn about radio technology. Now in its third year of publication, with 1800+ subscribers.

About Zero Retries

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus

In this issue:

Request To Send

Commentary by Editor Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Paid Subscribers Update

My thanks to Scott Honaker N7SS for becoming an Annual Paid Subscriber to Zero Retries this past week!

Financial support is a real vote of confidence for continuing to publish Zero Retries.

Major Conference Countdowns

  • HAM RADIO 2024 in Friedrichshafen, Germany on 2024-06-28 thru 30 - next weekend. I’ve received some hints that there will be some interesting projects shown there. Zero Retries readers that will be attending HAM RADIO 2024, please provide some reports of Zero Retries Interesting projects and products.

  • JARL Ham Fair 2024 in Tokyo, Japan on 2024-08-24 and 25, in 9 weeks!

Attendees at HAM RADIO 2024 might also be interested in attending the 10th Software Defined Radio Academy on 2024-06-29:

The programme for the 10th Software Defined Radio Academy (June 29) in Friedrichshafen is ready. Because of possible short notice changes please check the following website:

We have assembled an attractive programme again for this anniversary year and we are looking forward to see you all either on site in Friedrichshafen or in the live stream. The SDRA starts at 10:00 in the room “Berlin” in the Conference Zone East. For HAMRADIO visitors there is no entrance fee, and visiting individual talks is just perfectly fine. You can find the stream at:

BR / VY73

My thanks to Alexander von Obert DL4NO for forwarding this notice.

See the Zero Retries Guide to Zero Retries Interesting Conferences for other such events.

Minor Case of Summer Doldrums

This week I had a minor case of the summer doldrums where I didn’t get a lot done (that’s of measurable progress), either on Zero Retries and its associated projects, or in N8GNJ Labs. Thus the bulk of the content of this issue will be ZR > BEACON short mentions.

I guess I just “soaked in” the first full week of mostly sun and no rain and only brief cloudy overcast, and it took this week for my psyche to switch fully over to “enjoy the summer” mode. Up here in the Pacific Northwest corner of North America, we’ve been spared (thus far) the punishing “heat dome” that is enveloping much of the US, and for that, we’re grateful.

ARRL Field Day This Weekend

This weekend is ARRL Field Day in the US. I have no plans to attend any of the festivities in my area, mostly from lack of enthusiasm for the overall experience.

At the last ARRL Field Day event I attended, a friend had an Icom IC-705 and it seemed an idea rig for (my idea of) a casual Field Day experience. I had hoped by now to have procured an IC-705, and if I did have one, that would probably motivate me to get on the HF bands for Field Day.

Instead I think I’ll treat this weekend as an Amateur Radio holiday and work solely on some long-deferred Amateur Radio projects in N8GNJ Labs.

ARDC 44Net VPN Beta Testing - I’m In!

After a few “nudges” regarding my request to participate in the 44Net VPN Beta Test, I finally received acknowledgement that my request had been accepted and some basic instructions on how to get started. I haven’t done anything quite yet, but I will do the requested actions this coming week and start actively learning about how to use 44Net IPv4 addresses. One of the first things I’m going to do is to set up an “air gapped” LAN within N8GNJ Labs with a dedicated computer. I’ll report on my progress here in Zero Retries.

Battle of Britain: The Race for Radar - Highly Recommended!

I’m a very casual history fan, and lately my interests have been focused on the World War II era.

On Prime Video, I discovered Battle of Britain: The Race for Radar, and it was fascinating - extremely Zero Retries Interesting!

I was aware that the only way that the UK was able to effectively defend themselves against the German Luftwaffe bombing campaign (The Battle of Britain) in 1940 was to build “The Dowding System” - a RADAR and Command and Control network that directed the limited UK fighter groups towards the highest concentration / greatest threats of Luftwaffe bombers. But I knew nothing of the technical details of the RADAR system, which was named Chain Home. This documentary explained the technical details including that Chain Home barely worked at first, and was, by design, “third rate” - not the best technical solution, but a system that would be at least minimally effective and most importantly could be constructed in time to be ready when it would be needed most.

One of the most interesting technical details to me was that all of the transmitters in the system transmitted continuously and in phase with each other, transmitting 25 pulses per second. The synchronization system chosen was the simple expedient of using the national power grid’s synchronized 50 Hz (cycles, then) AC line frequency to synchronize the RADAR transmitters, and it worked!

Another detail that was interesting to me was that the Germans were aware of the very powerful transmissions from the Chain Home, but never understood how it functioned. The Germans eventually concluded that the transmissions were spurious leakage from the UK national power grid, and thus discounted the idea that the UK had a terrestrial RADAR system.

The documentary makes a compelling case that the creation of Chain Home and The Dowding System was a primary influence in the outcome of World War II. If the UK had not been able to repel the majority of Luftwaffe bombers, German bombing may have reduced the UK’s defensive capabilities and made Germany’s “Operation Sea Lion”, the seaborne invasion of the UK, viable. If the UK was successfully invaded by Germany, the US would not have been able to use the UK as a staging base for Operation Overlord, the Allies invasion of France and into Europe.

I’m certainly not positing that my ancestral fellow radio techies “won World War II”… but after viewing this documentary, we radio techies were very active participants in contributing to the Allies victory in World War II… and we’re present in current battles, and will be present in future battles.


Steve N8GNJ

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Just In Time for Meadow Day Anniversary - Starlink Mini

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

One year ago, on the same weekend as ARRL Field Day, I conducted my “Meadow Day” test of using Starlink as (simulated) emergency communications, similar to the premise of ARRL Field Day. One year later, we’ll soon have a better alternative to “fixed Starlink” for real emergency communications - Starlink Mini.

Background on “Meadow Day” 2023 -

Meadow Day 2023 was conducted with a bulky “Gen 2” Starlink antenna and router. Those units are intended for permanent fixed installation to provide service to a typical household, but somewhat usable for “luggable” use with a suitable (mains-equivalent) power supply. I made it work, and Starlink now offers units intended for mobile use such as affixing it horizontally to the roof of a boat or a recreational vehicle or a semi tractor.

But now there is another variant of Starlink that’s far more conducive to my “Meadow Day” scenario - Starlink Mini.

All this information about Starlink Mini comes from a great (new to me) Zero Retries Interesting website and YouTube channel - StarlinkHardware. is an unofficial resource for SpaceX Starlink satellite internet users. We are not affiliated with Starlink or SpaceX in any way.

Founded in 2021, our goal is to provide helpful information, tutorials, and advice for Starlink users. We are Starlink fans and users, and aim to help others get the most out of the system.

Image courtesy of

The most obvious aspect of the Starlink Mini is that it’s smaller - roughly the size of a laptop, as shown above.

Beyond the smaller size, Starlink Mini is optimized for portable use, including:

  • Lightweight - under 3 pounds,

  • Integrated Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 5 standard) (no separate Wi-Fi router / power supply),

  • DC power input, 12-48 volts DC. There will be apparently be an optional “USB-C to Barrel Jack Cable Accessory”, thus you apparently can use battery units provide a USB-C power outlet.

  • Lower power consumption; 25 - 40 watts.

Starlink Mini also seems usable for fixed (or mobile) use by including a number of features that could have been omitted for “cost optimization”, including ability to mount on a pipe (pipe mount is included), an Ethernet port, and most surprisingly, the heating element to be able to melt snow or ice buildup.

Like the current (Gen 3) Starlink Standard unit, optimum performance of the Starlink Mini will depend on the user orienting it optimally per the Starlink app on a mobile phone.

One of the most notable features of Starlink Mini is (as “reportably” as an Elon Musk “tweet” can be) that Starlink Mini will sell at “half” the price as a Starlink Standard unit - $300 versus $600, though there was a recent price drop of the latter to $499, so perhaps Starlink Mini might be priced at $250.

This week, Starlink has done a “dribbling release” of details about Starlink Mini, as well-documented by StarlinkHardware:

In the US, some existing Starlink customers are receiving invitations to purchase the Starlink Mini hardware for $599 (yes, that’s $100 more than the “full size, full service unit), with a service plan of $30 / month for up to 100 Mbps download speeds and 50 GB of transfer. That service plan is in addition to an existing Starlink service contract.

Starlink explains this rationale in the Support section of their website:

Currently, the purchase of Starlink Mini is limited to a small group of customers in the US and is invitation only. We are unable to accommodate order requests from customers who did not receive an invitation.

Starlink Mini will expand to other markets over time. However, we do not have estimated dates to provide at this time. Stay tuned for updates on the wider release of Starlink Mini!

Our goal is to reduce the price of Starlink, especially for those around the world where connectivity has been unaffordable or completely unavailable. But in regions with high usage, where Starlink Mini places additional demand on the satellite network, we are offering a limited number of the Starlink Mini Kits to start for $599.

This makes sense… those who accept this offer can get a more portable Starlink unit when they are traveling, and Starlink gets to “beta test” the unit with customers who are willing to pay full price, without sacrificing profit margins from existing service plans. The selective invitations won’t add to Starlink service being already at (or past) capacity in certain parts of the US, such as the major metro areas of California.

There was also a mention that the latency of Starlink can be lower than than cable Internet, which I can easily believe given the vagaries I experienced with Comcast on our neighborhood’s 20-30 year old coaxial infrastructure. Glancing at my Starlink status panel as I compose this article…

LATENCY: Min: 20 ms * Max 115 ms * Last 27 ms

It’s pure speculation on my part, but Starlink Mini will open up entirely new use cases for Starlink such as remote monitoring. Imagine monitoring a power substation, including live video (and even live infrared video to see hotspots developing in the equipment).

It’s also speculation that Starlink Mini is optimized so well that organizations involved with emergency communications (in the US, such as Red Cross and Salvation Army) will be able to hand over a backpack or rugged (“Pelican”) case to volunteers to deploy to a remote area that has lost communications. Or a search and rescue operation in a remote area. The package will include a Starlink Mini, perhaps a mag mount for temporary installation on a vehicle roof, lots of various cables, a battery unit good for several days of operation, perhaps even a ruggedized solar panel, and a phone or two that has apps preinstalled for voice comms, telephony-over-Wi-Fi, video, assessment survey apps, email, etc.

The most disruptive aspect of Starlink that many observers simply don’t understand, because we’ve never had such a communications system previously, is that each square mile, per hertz, per second, per satellite that isn’t fully utilized is additional potential for revenue for Starlink. Each Starlink satellite in the constellation is “paid up” by each satellite’s time providing service to customers (US, Canada, Western Europe, etc.) who can pay higher prices for Starlink service. Thus if there are places that cannot afford that price point in the orbital path of each satellite, Starlink can sell a lower-cost, but still-attractive service package and capture additional revenue from each satellite.

I’ll further speculate that Starlink Mini will eventually become a full product in the US for a price point of $300, with a service plan of no more than $50 / month for up to 100 Mbps download and 50 GB of transfer, and probably allow mobile and marine use as it’s simply easier to accommodate a smaller antenna on a vehicle. I’ll guess that long term, Starlink will add other service tiers and allow Starlink Mini to be turned on and off for camping season, skiing season, beach season, etc.

As for Amateur Radio… once Starlink Mini is a full product, I’ll leave it to readers to imagine a future for Amateur Radio emergency communications versus such a capability.

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Preview - Building Back Better Amateur Radio Networks

By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

I didn’t make as much progress on this article this week as I’d hoped, but I did write enough to justify a “preview” of the full article that I hope to complete in the next couple of weeks.

I’m seeing increasing numbers of Amateur Radio radio networks. We’ve never had better radio network building blocks for groups of Amateur Radio Operators to experiment with, learn on, and have fun with.

My inspiration for this article was that apparently I hit some mental threshold of seeing yet another casual mention of yet another Amateur Radio radio network, and realized with a startle that such activity has become so ubiquitous, and perhaps so subtle, that most of us “don’t see the forest for the trees”.

For Amateur Radio Operators from my generation of Amateur Radio - first active in the 1980s when extended packet radio (and Packet Radio Bulletin Board System forwarding), active and growing Amateur Radio radio networks were the norm, and constantly growing and improving.

Then… the general public was able to use the Internet through dialup connections, and Packet Radio and Packet Radio BBS use looked primitive by comparison.

Despite many / most packet radio and BBS networks falling into disuse, many Amateur Radio radio networks never went away. And, many new Amateur Radio networks have quietly come into being, but not widely recognized outside their area.

What has changed between “the Internet happened” and now is that TCP/IP became the for networking, and it has become the defacto method to bridge disparate Amateur Radio networks. In the packet radio era, it was a heavy lift for the typical devices such as TNCs to be able to interoperate with TCP/IP - convert the TNC to a KISS TNC, set up KA9Q NOS on a DOS PC, etc.

But in this era, we have $35 computers with ample memory, compute power, and especially ample Input / Output to function as a router. For example, JNOS can route between AX.25 packet radio connections (which know nothing of TCP/IP) and an “advanced” TCP/IP network such as New Packet Radio.

Amateur Radio now has a plethora of networking tools… and networks, many that are operating entirely independently. Thus what remains is to highlight and recognize those local and regional networks and perhaps bridge them into an integrated whole of networking to be usable as “ARNet”. I use this name to differentiate from AMPRNet which is a registered domain name (.org) that is used by Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).

In the full version of this article, I’ll discuss various Amateur Radio radio networking technologies and a few networks that I know of, so Zero Retries readers can begin to see the same individual “trees” in the “forest” of Amateur Radio network capabilities, that I have been seeing for a while now.

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By Steve Stroh N8GNJ

Short mentions of Zero Retries Interesting items.

Career Days Makes Debut at HAM [RADIO 2024]

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2434 for 2024-06-21:

PAUL/ANCHOR: For our final story we visit the international Ham Radio exhibition in Friedrichshafen [Freed-Ricks-Harf-Ven], Germany, which will have its doors open between the 28th and 30th of June. This year's event has found a way to combine the amateur with the professional - and Jeremy Boot G4NJH tells us how.

JEREMY: Employers in technical fields and prospective job candidates will have a chance to meet up for the first time this year in Friedrichshafen to see who is hiring and who is hunting. According to the organisers' website, the job marketplace recognises that hams are ideal candidates for employment in technical fields and their amateur skills fit well in a professional environment. Career days will be held for two days - the 28th and 29th of June.

Visitors can now have a lot more to look forward to than a fancy new state-of-the art rig: They will perhaps find a new way to afford it.

This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.

Hmmm… glad to see that phonetic explanation of Friedrichshafen - I’d always heard it pronounced Freed-Rick-Stoff-Ven - Thanks Amateur Radio Newsline!

Waxing nostalgic a bit, I remember when US employers looking for technical personnel to hire would have “we’re looking for help” booths at Hamvention. I haven’t seen that in the last several Hamventions that I’ve been able to attend. Kudos for HAM RADIO 2024 for arranging this, and those employers that are recruiting will find a plethora of good candidates that are self-motivated to educate themselves about current and future radio technology.

Digirig Lite Rev. 1.2

Image courtesy of

[Digirig Lite is] a minimalistic version of Digirig with the same audio [codec] as regular model of the interface but without serial port.

  • Combines audio codec and PTT switch

  • Supports PTT by GPIO3 of CM108 audio codec

  • Supports VOX PTT by the tone on the unused right channel (experimental)

  • Works with all major OS flavors: Windows, MacOS and Linux

  • Uses a single TRRS connector compatible with existing Digirig audio cables

  • Growing collection of pre-made cables including popular Icom, Yaesu, Elecraft, Baofeng, Xiegu transceivers

  • Isolation can be easily added using inexpensive USB isolator dongle

The new revision of Digirig Lite got its enclosure, cable form factor with USB-C tail and USB-A adapter included. Other changes include added indicators for power and PTT, significantly improved PTT by tone/VOX. Solder pads for individually disabling PTT by GPIO3 and VOX. Pad easy access to codec’s GPIO lines used for COS and CTCSS.

Digirig, and especially Digirig Lite Rev. 1.2 is just an elegant, well-integrated piece of hardware!

Status of the Connect Systems M17 Project - 2024-06-19

Connect Systems email list:

The two production radios have shipped to the developers as promised late last month. The status of those radios are shown below. The production radios are now ready to be modified and shipped to the customers who have already bought the radios. I will generate another email blast when I have a more definite date on shipping to the customers who have already bought the radio.

If you are in Europe and going to the Ham Convention, you should see the production radios in operation.


RX works, TX needs some more adjustment because the transmitted signal is distorted. I need to investigate further where the problem is.


Hardware modifications are good to go, both TX and RX work and the transmitted audio is loud.

I just want to see if changing a resistor on the baseband path improves a bit the modulation quality, but is not a mandatory change.

Sounds like we’re very close to having portable radios with native M17 capability!

ARDC is Hiring: Technology Department Manager

ARDC seeks an experienced Technology Department Manager to join our team and lead all technology efforts. These include, but are not limited to, overseeing the following department initiatives and personnel management:

  • Activities of 44Net, and IPv4 address space allocated to amateur radio;

  • Open-source software development projects; and

  • General internal IT system administration, including streamlining existing systems and helpdesk.

In addition to having solid management experience in a technical field, this person must also be an excellent communicator – able to write policy, wrangle volunteers, and manage open-source technology development that includes staff, volunteers, and contractors. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated the ability to effectively communicate with executive-level management on a regular basis. It is expected you will prepare management reports and complex technical documents that are well written, appropriately and effectively organized, accurate, and comprehensive, meeting all professional standards.

Direct reports to this position include technical contractors and staff; the department is also supported by communications and operational staff, and 60-70 volunteers are working in association with our technical activities. This position reports to the Executive Director.

Some important notes about this role:

  • Experience and history with amateur radio and the Internet is required. Many of the people we work with, projects we take on, and communities we make grants to are rooted in amateur radio, and our particular realm of focus intersects heavily with the information technology and hacker communities. Applicants without an active amateur radio license will not be considered.

  • Experience working with nonprofits and/or open-source technology projects is required. There are nuances of working in nonprofit and community-driven environments, including participation in open-source technology projects, that can only be learned through experience – such as collaborative decision-making and best practices in engaging with open-source development. Experience in one or both of these areas is required for this role; applicants without such experience will not be considered.

This is a challenging position, requiring equal parts managerial, networking, and general software / technical skill. From my time volunteering on the ARDC Grants Advisory Committee, I witnessed that ARDC’s “technology stack” is… let’s just say varied… and in need of improvement. And, the position entails considerable cat-herding, judging from the discussions on the various ARDC mailing lists.

Zero Retries readers, please pass the word about this position. With the numerous specialized requirements for this position, ARDC will have to cast a very wide net to find the right person. ARDC is critical to the future of Amateur Radio, and this position is critical to the future of ARDC.

VarAC V9.2.3

From the VarAC mailing list. These are the two most salient features (to me).

Chat Recall

Have you ever found yourself reconnecting with someone only to ask the same questions again? You know you've chatted before; you see their basic details on screen, but the specifics escape you. That's where Chat Recall steps in.

Upon connection, your data stream seamlessly incorporates previous correspondences with this contact. Just like in WhatsApp, where even after a year, you can effortlessly revisit past chats to refresh your memory.

DCD Bypass

By default, VarAC respects the busy indicator and prevents you from transmitting in any way while the BUSY indicator is lit. This means no CQs, beacons, broadcasts, or connections.

However, sometimes constant noise, such as an OTH radar or deliberate QRM, can block the frequency.

Version 9.2.3 allows you to temporarily override the DCD detector and ignore the BUSY indicator. You can enable this by checking the box on the right side of the VarAC console. VarAC will automatically turn it off after 2 hours.

Starting with VarAC V9.2.3, the send broadcast form includes a checkbox to request an SNR report in your broadcast. This signals the recipient to send you a report back automatically.

Please note that this feature is only available when sending a broadcast to a specific station. You can't request a report from "ALL".

QO-100 Satellite Ground Station Complete Build

Mike Tatum M0AWS on his blog:

I get quite a few emails from readers of my blog asking how my QO-100 satellite station is put together and so, I thought perhaps now is a good time to put together an article detailing the complete build.

My QO-100 satellite ground station is built around my little Icom IC-705 QRP transceiver, it’s a great little rig and is ideal for the purpose of driving a 2.4Ghz transverter/up-converter.

Of course all the software used for the project is Opensource and freely available on the internet.

The station comprises of the following building blocks:

  • Icom IC-705 Transceiver

  • DXPatrol 28/144/433Mhz to 2.4Ghz Up-Converter

  • DXPatrol GPSDO Reference Oscillator

  • DXPatrol 2.4Ghz 5/12w Amplifier

  • Nolle Engineering 2.2 turn 2.4Ghz IceCone Helix Antenna

  • 1.1m (110cm) Off-set Dish

  • Bullseye 10Ghz LNB

  • Bias-T to feed 12v to LNB

  • NooElec SmartSDR Receiver

  • PC Running Kubuntu Linux Operating System

  • GQRX SDR Opensource Software

  • Griffin Powermate USB VFO Knob

  • QO-100 Ground Station Dashboard developed using Node-RED

  • LMR400-UF/RG58 Coax Cable

This is a great article with ample detail, but if you’re a US reader, like me, it’ll make you itch to have a similar capability to QO-100 in the Western Hemisphere.

My thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly Issue 334 for the pointer to this story.

Related, also mentioned in ARW Issue 334:

TX Factor Episode 30 - To space and back - TX date 7th June 2024

Bob G0FGX demonstrates the Groundstation 2 from DX Patrol in the first of a two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 geostationary satellite. He looks at the hardware and software needed to achieve your first QSO at home or out mobile.

Foundations of Amateur Radio Episode 010 - Do Your Thing and Find Friends to Play With

Today in Amateur Radio is no different from yesterday, last year, last decade or longer. The hobby today is filled with people who are here to have fun, learn stuff and experiment. This hasn't changed since our hobby came into being.

You can argue that the hobby has seen a great many changes. We have seen spark-gap transmitters, valves, transistors, miniaturisation, chips and now software defined radios. The experimental nature of our pursuit has not changed.

We still spend time looking for cool stuff to do and people to do it with.

And that's the single point I'd like to make.

Finding people “to do it with”.

If you're a new amateur you might look to a club or your fellow classmates to combine your efforts. This can be a great way to forge life-long friendships and it's a sure fire way to find exposure to other ideas and activities.

There might come a time when you find yourself at a loss what to do next, or who to do it with. You might lament that the group you're hanging out with are not doing fun stuff anymore, or that activities never quite happen or any number of observations that make it less fun to be part of amateur radio.

I've now been here for a little while and I've noticed that some of my fellow amateurs have fallen by the way-side. Of course family and changing interests will account for some of that, but often it's a lack of something to do that makes people fade away.

There is nothing stopping you from organising your own event. You can plan a camp-out, or an antenna testing day, or a DX activity, a contest, an activation, some software hacking, or hardware building, soldering training, learning how to log, how to do a QSO, or any number of other things.

If you tell the community about it, you're likely to be surprised by some other amateur who was just thinking to do the same thing.

So, don't wait for someone else to do your fun activity. If you focus on doing things that you enjoy, you might find a few like-minded friends who will participate.

I'm keen to hear your ideas and activities, so drop me a line.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

Good advice, which has direct bearing my (lack of) enthusiasm for participating in (conventional) ARRL Field Day activities. Perhaps for Field Day 2025 I can find some kindred Zero Retries Interesting folks in Western Washington (or the Pacific Northwest region) that would also be interested in a data-modes-only ARRL Field Day.

I’ve been meaning to mention the excellent Foundations of Amateur Radio podcast by Onno Benschop VK6FLAB in Zero Retries for some time now. To date, VK6FLAB has created 470 weekly (?) episodes. I enjoy FoAR because a number of episode topics are Zero Retries Interesting, but also because FoAR is a “solo” podcast with an accompanying transcription / script. That’s a podcast model that is very similar to what I plan to do for Zero Retries. FoAR’s model of discussing a single, distilled topic is far more workable than attempting to discuss the variety of topics that I mention in a typical issue of Zero Retries.

… the transcript of the weekly 'Foundations of Amateur Radio' podcast, produced by Onno Benschop, VK6FLAB who was licensed as radio amateur in Perth, Western Australia in 2010. For other episodes, visit Feel free to get in touch directly via email:

Each week / episode, VK6FLAB publishes the script / transcript via an email list, and thus it’s easy, and time-efficient to determine if a FoAR episode is “Zero Retries Interesting” and thus worth queuing up for my limited “audio time”. (I’m a far faster reader than a listener, so I now read the text each week.) Yes, in reading the text, I get the basic information, but as listeners pointed out in my podcast experiments, audio adds more depth than what mere text can convey.

I wish more Amateur Radio podcasts could do the same thing as FoAR; many Amateur Radio podcasts that are potentially Zero Retries Interesting don’t bother to publish show notes (and apparently aren’t popular enough to have Apple Podcast apps create an automatic transcript), so I tend to not queue those up unless the title hints of a Zero Retries Interesting topic.

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Join the Fun on Amateur Radio

If you’re not yet licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator, and would like to join the fun by literally having a license to experiment with radio technology, check out
Join the Fun on Amateur Radio for some pointers.

Zero Retries Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — In development 2023-02.

Closing the Channel

In its mission to highlight technological innovation in Amateur Radio, promote Amateur Radio to techies as a literal license to experiment with radio technology, and make Amateur Radio more relevant to society in the 2020s and beyond, Zero Retries is published via email and web, and is available to everyone at no cost. Zero Retries is proud not to participate in the Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex, which hides Amateur Radio content behind paywalls.

My ongoing Thanks to:

  • Tina Stroh KD7WSF for, well, everything!

  • Founding Members who generously support Zero Retries financially:
    Founding Member 0000 - Steven Davidson K3FZT
    Founding Member 0001 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 01

    Founding Member 0002 - Chris Osburn KD7DVD
    Founding Member 0003 - Don Rotolo N2IRZ
    Founding Member 0004 - William Arcand W1WRA
    Founding Member 0005 - Ben Kuhn KU0HN
    Founding Member 0006 - Todd Willey KQ4FID
    Founding Member 0007 - Merik Karman VK2MKZ
    Founding Member 0008 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 14
    Founding Member 0009 - Prefers to Remain Anonymous 19

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More bits from Steve Stroh N8GNJ:

  • SuperPacket blogDiscussing new generations of Amateur Radio Data Communications — beyond Packet Radio (a precursor to Zero Retries)

  • N8GNJ blogAmateur Radio Station N8GNJ and the mad science experiments at N8GNJ Labs — Bellingham, Washington, USA

Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ / WRPS598 (He / Him / His)
These bits were handcrafted (by a mere human, not an Artificial Intelligence bot) in beautiful Bellingham (The City of Subdued Excitement), Washington, USA, and linked to the Internet via Starlink Satellite Internet Access.


Blanket permission is granted for TAPR to use any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter (I owe them from way back).

Blanket permission is granted for Amateur Radio use of any Steve Stroh content in Zero Retries for Amateur Radio newsletters and distribution via Amateur Radio such as (but not limited to) Packet Radio Networks, Packet Radio Bulletin Board Systems, Repeater Nets, etc.

In such usage, please provide appropriate authorship credit for the content.

If you’d like to republish an article in this issue for other uses, just ask.

All excerpts from other authors or organizations, including images, are intended to be fair use. Unless otherwise noted in the article, there are no paid promotional items in any Zero Retries articles.

Portions Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 by Steven K. Stroh.
