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Are we approaching a β€œSeneca Point” with FT8 DXing?

Roman Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca said: β€œFortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid.” Like a house of cards, which takes time to carefully assemble yet can collapse in but a moment, are we building towards a Seneca Inflection Point DXing with FT8? As an FT8 QSO is by design reduced to the… Continue reading Are we approaching a β€œSeneca Point” with FT8Β DXing?

Doing Some Logging Math

Just crossed 55,000 logged at QRZ.com: Confirmed at QRZ.com is 71.6% A new country, if evenly spaced out, would be one out of every 256 QSOs (every 233 QSOs if the 21 unconfirmed DX Countries were confirmed at QRZ.com) Domestic QSOs account for 75.6% (so DX contacts average just under one-fourth) 73 Steve K9ZW

Doing Some Logging Math

Just crossed 55,000 logged at QRZ.com: Confirmed at QRZ.com is 71.6% A new country, if evenly spaced out, would be one out of every 256 QSOs (every 233 QSOs if the 21 unconfirmed DX Countries were confirmed at QRZ.com) Domestic QSOs account for 75.6% (so DX contacts average just under one-fourth) 73 Steve K9ZW

Quietly Logging QSOs – Discarded Drafts and Lots going on

As mentioned a number of drafts didn’t make it past my efforts to finalize. Instead I dumped them. Hence the rather sudden breakdown in what had been a steady flow of posts. Will recreate some of the ideas in fresh writings, but it takes time. Have a lot going on at the moment, which makes… Continue reading Quietly Logging QSOs – Discarded Drafts and Lots goingΒ on

DX Ruminations

A couple ponderings about DXing: DX Clubs Attended our area DX Club meeting last Saturday. Very interesting presentation by Mike W9MK about the T42T Cuba event. That presentation was done by Zoom and other than the specific Q&A of our specific day’s presentation, you can actually find the presentation as a YouTube available on demand. […]
