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Long Duration M-Class Flare, and More (Livestream)

This livestream recording is from September 1, 2024 – the NW7US Radio Communications Channel Livestream.  We do this livestream every Sunday at 21:15 UTC.  Here is the link to the livestream from this past Sunday: The livestream list is here: I hope to see you in our livestream live chat, during the next session […]

Long Duration M-Class Flare, and More (Livestream)

This livestream recording is from September 1, 2024 – the NW7US Radio Communications Channel Livestream.  We do this livestream every Sunday at 21:15 UTC.  Here is the link to the livestream from this past Sunday: The livestream list is here: I hope to see you in our livestream live chat, during the next session […]

Livestream: Space WX, Propagation, Amateur Radio – Sundays

Join us, every Sunday at 21:15 UTC (5:15 PM, Eastern Daylight Time, 4:15 PM Standard), for an informal livestream chat session about: – current space weather — the Sun/Earth connection — including sunspot activity, solar x-ray flares, and geomagnetic activity, as well as, – current radio signal propagation conditions on the shortwave (high-frequency, or HF) […]

New Products Spotlight Video: Chameleon Remote Antenna Tuner, RigExpert Power Supply, and More

One of the great things about ham radio is the amazing variety of items that can be purchased to add more enjoyment to the world’s best hobby. Case in point: Today’s featured video on some of the latest products available at

DX Engineering’s Michael Murphy, KI8R, highlights a few excellent station add-ons in his series, “What’s New at DXE,” including products from Chameleon Antennas, Eclipse Tools, RigExpert, Nifty Reference Guides, InnovAntennas, Comet Antennas, RT Systems Radio Programming Software, and DX Engineering.

Watch the video and find many more details on these featured products by clicking on the links below:

Chameleon Antenna URT1 Universal Remote Antenna Tuner

Chameleon Universal Remote Antenna Tuner cha-urt1_hq_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

InnovAntennas LFA-WOS 6M 7-Element Yagi

InnovAntennas LFA-WOS 6 Meter 7 Element Yagi

Shackmaster Power 600 Compact Desktop Power Supply

Shackmaster Power 600 Compact Desktop Power Supply reu-power-600_bo_xl

Eclipse Tools Butane Gas Soldering Iron Kit

Eclipse Tools Butane Gas Soldering Iron Kit etl-gs-23k_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

Eclipse Tools PK-616A Professional Electronics Tool Kit

Eclipse Tools PK-616A Professional Electronics Tool Kit etl-pk-616a_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

Eclipse Tools SS-969E SMD Hot Air Rework Station

Eclipse Tools SS-969E SMD Hot Air Rework Station
(Image/DX Engineering)

Eclipse Tools 3-5/16 True-RMS Compact Digital Multimeter

Eclipse Tools 3-5-16 True-RMS Compact Digital Multimeter etl-mt-1236_rq_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

Eclipse Tools SS-628A Mini Hot Air Gun

Eclipse Tools SS-628A Mini Hot Air Gun etl-ss-628a_ls_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

2024 Contest University Textbook

2024 Contest University Textbook cub-ctu-2024_bk_xl
(Image/DX Engineering)

Nifty Mini-Manual for the Kenwood TH-D75A Tri-Band Handheld

Nifty Accessories Reference Guide for MM-THD75A kenwood
(Image/DX Engineering)

RTS Programming Software and Cable Combos for the Kenwood TH-D75A and Icom ID-50 Handheld Transceivers

Comet Mobile Antenna Mount Adapters

Comet Mobile Antenna Mount Adapter
(Image/DX Engineering)

The post New Products Spotlight Video: Chameleon Remote Antenna Tuner, RigExpert Power Supply, and More appeared first on OnAllBands.

Livestream: Space WX, Propagation, Amateur Radio – Sundays

Join us, every Sunday at 21:15 UTC (5:15 PM, Eastern Daylight Time, 4:15 PM Standard), for an informal livestream chat session about: – current space weather — the Sun/Earth connection — including sunspot activity, solar x-ray flares, and geomagnetic activity, as well as, – current radio signal propagation conditions on the shortwave (high-frequency, or HF) […]

Chasing Marconi’s Legacy: Bob and Alanna’s POTA Adventure in Cape Breton

Many thank to Bob (K4RLC) who shares the following guest post: Marconi Revived – Activating the Marconi sites in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia by Bob K4RLC VE1/K4RLC Alanna K4AAC and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was a bucket list trip. One goal was to visit and … Continue reading Chasing Marconi’s Legacy: Bob and Alanna’s POTA Adventure in Cape Breton

The Sun Shines Bright in My Old Kentucky Home



I do not claim to be knowledgeable in Space Weather (forecasting).

 I consider myself a Space Weather enthusiast.

The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home as it does over most of the earth during Solar Cycle 25. 

For several weeks now it seems no matter what region of the Sun is facing Earth, the Sun is having a hissy fit with solar flares, solar storms, CMEs and radio blackouts.  How has Solar Cycle 25 affected, if any your Amateur Radio operating?

In anticipation of Solar Cycle25, during the Pandemic shutdown I delved  into areas of Amateur Radio that I was familiar with but wanted to expand my knowledge.  One area is Space Weather and the effects the sun has on Amateur Radio operating.   

During the shutdown, I  probed the far reaches of the internet searching for any content, instructions, courses, papers, blogs, social media posts and videos for information on space weather.  I knew a little about how the sun effects radio propagation from my Amateur Radio exams over the years. One thin I did know from spending many hours in TV weather sets during my broadcasting career, that Space Weather is just as unpredictable as Terrestrial Weather. One thing I wasn't aware of,  Space Weather forecasting is basically in its infancy in comparison to Terrestrial Weather.   Especially in the area of Solar Cycles, since they come basically every 11 years.  Satellites and computer models data models have definitely aided in space weather forecasting.

My internet search turned up many people with vast knowledge in Space Weather and  Space Weather forecasting.  The person who caught my eye and provided ME with an easy understanding of Space Weather and Forecasting is "The Space Weather Woman:, Dr. Tamitha Skov. 

Dr. Skov's YouTube channel's wide range of Mini courses, her "Live" presentations and "Q & A" sessions along with updated Space Weather forecast have served ME well in my Space Weather and Forecasting education.  Here are some of the sites pertaining to Dr. Tamitha Skov.

I don't have a hard fast RULE of whether I allow a Space Weather forecast determine if I am going to operate that day. Basically, I use Space Weather forecast data as a means to determine what antenna I may use, QRP or QRO rigs, what mode I may use (SSB, CW, or Data) or if I'm operating Parks on the Air, what park and what area of a park I'll operate from. I use this data just as I would a Terrestrial weather forecast that may forecast a 30% chance of rain.  Do I need to carry an umbrella

After several months of trying to determine what works for me. Here are  some of the places I visit almost daily.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  (NOAA)

Space Weather Prediction Center

Space Weather LIVE

Solar Ham

Sometimes I will check band conditions at the following sites.

PSK Reporter Info


I would love to hear from those who follow other sites. Leave message in comments.

FlexRadio Announces the 8000 series will Ship September 2024

Received a welcomed update yesterday: Hi Steve, I wanted to give you a personal update on the status of your FLEX-8X00 series radio order. Our team has been working with incredible dedication and precision to bring this innovative product to you. I am pleased to report that our contract board manufacturer and internal assembly team… Continue reading FlexRadio Announces the 8000 series will Ship September 2024

Sweat, Signals, and History: A POTA Activation from the Battleship North Carolina’s Radio Room!

Those of you who know me know that I’m a huge World War II history buff. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by the stories of bravery, sacrifice, and technological innovation that defined this era. That’s why the activation I performed on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, was very special. I activated the … Continue reading Sweat, Signals, and History: A POTA Activation from the Battleship North Carolina’s Radio Room!

Go Back In Time – Vintage Film

Turning back time to virtually witness a critical historic method of shortwave communication using the fundamental mode of continuous wave modulation. This is a film from 1944, teaching the basics of Morse code, for military comms. What is the proper (and most efficient) technique for creating Morse code by hand, using a manual Morse code […]