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Taking your dog to Hamvention???

Well think again after reading the following:

With all the news coming out of the United States recently between the attempted Assassination and the Republican Convention this might of been missed.

According to CBC News… the Center for Disease Control has brought out some updated guidelines for moving your dogs into the USA.

The following is a “Cut N Paste” from the CDC website (above link)

Requirements for all dogs

All dogs must:

Dogs that do not meet all entry requirements or do not have accurate and valid forms will be denied entry to the United States and returned to the country of departure at the importer’s expense. These requirements apply to all dogs, including service dogs and dogs that were born in the United States.

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Requirements for dogs with a current and valid rabies vaccination administered in the United States

Specific requirements depend on whether the dog has been in a high-risk country for dog rabies in the past 6 months.

Dogs with a current rabies vaccination administered in the United States that have been in a high-risk country for dog rabies must:  

  • Meet all requirements in the “All Dogs” section above
  • Have a Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccine form that was endorsed by USDA before the dog departed the United States
    • The Certification of U.S.-issued Rabies Vaccination form is required for the importation (re-entry) of U.S.-vaccinated dogs that have been in high-risk countries for dog rabies within the 6 months before re-entry into the United States.
    • Please note, during the transition period (which will expire on July 31, 2025), the importer may instead present a copy of the USDA-endorsed export health certificate that was used to ship the dog from the United States, if that export health certificate was issued by a USDA-accredited veterinarian before July 31, 2025, and documents the dog’s age (at least 6 months), the microchip number, and valid rabies vaccination administered in the United States. The rabies vaccination must be valid (not expired) on the date of return or the form will be invalid.
  • Arrive at the location listed on the CDC Dog Import Form receipt
    • This can be any airport, land border crossing, or sea port but you must select this location when you complete the CDC Dog Import Form.

Dogs with a current rabies vaccination administered in the United States that have NOT been in a high-risk country in the last 6 months must:

  • Meet all requirements in the “All Dogs” section above
  • Have one of the following documents:
    • Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccine form that was endorsed by USDA before the dog departed the United States; or
    • A USDA endorsed export health certificate. The export certificate must demonstrate the dog is 6 months of age or older, list the microchip number, and either:
      • Be for the dog rabies-free or low-risk country where the dog’s return itinerary originated (the form will only be valid for 30 days if it does not contain rabies vaccination information), or
      • Document a valid (unexpired) rabies vaccination administered in the United States (the form will be valid for the duration of the rabies vaccination (1 or 3 years)).
  • Arrive at the location listed on the CDC Dog Import Form receipt
    • (This can be any airport, land border crossing, or sea port but you must select this location when you complete the CDC Dog Import Form.)

Important information about the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination Form

The Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form must be completed before the dog departs the U.S. Before asking your veterinarian to complete this form, verify the following requirements will be met:

  • Ensure your dog will be at least 6 months of age on date of return to the U.S.
  • Have your dog microchipped with an International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compatible microchip (implanted before any required rabies vaccinations)
  • Once your dog is at least 12 weeks (84 days) of age, have a USDA-accredited veterinarian vaccinate your dog against rabies with a U.S.-licensed vaccine in accordance with manufacturer instructions
    • Ensure the veterinarian scans the dog for the ISO-compatible microchip and records the microchip number at the time of vaccine appointment. Rabies vaccines administered prior to microchip implantation will not be considered valid.
    • Ensure the rabies vaccination will be valid for the entire duration of your travels. If your dog’s U.S.-issued rabies vaccination lapses while overseas and your dog has been in a high-risk country in the past 6 months, your dog will need to be revaccinated overseas and meet requirements for foreign-vaccinated dogs to return to the U.S., including having a rabies serology titer, arriving at a specific port of entry, and possible quarantine requirements.
    • Your dog must receive its initial (first) rabies vaccine at least 28 days before leaving the United States. USDA-accredited veterinarians should only issue the Certification of U.S.-issued Rabies Vaccination form for dogs that received their initial (first) rabies vaccine at least 28-days previously. Booster vaccines are considered valid immediately.
  • Have the USDA-accredited veterinarian that administered the rabies vaccine to your dog complete the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form
    • Ensure the veterinarian submits this form to the USDA for official endorsement through the VEHCS portal
    • Obtain a copy of the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form from your veterinarian once it has been officially endorsed by the USDA
      • Your dog must travel with a printed copy of the official endorsed form upon your dog’s return to the United States if your dog has been in a high-risk country within the 6 months before returning to the U.S.

During the transition period (which will expire on July 31, 2025), U.S.-vaccinated dogs that have been in a high-risk country in the past 6 months, may have either the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form or the USDA endorsed export health certificate for re-entry into the United States. Without one of these forms your dog will need to meet the requirements specific to the risk category of the countries where they have been in the 6 months before returning to the United States.

The export health certificate must be issued by a USDA-accredited veterinarian before July 31, 2025, and document the dog’s age (at least 6 months), microchip number, and the rabies vaccination date. The rabies vaccine must be valid (not expired) on the date of return or the form will be invalid.

Step 1: Recommend to begin 60 days before travel out of the United States to allow sufficient time to prepare for travelVerify dog will be at least 6 months old on day of travel back to the United States.​​Get your pet microchipped or have your veterinarian verify their microchip number. Make sure the microchip number is listed on all veterinary records.​​Visit veterinarian to get your dog their rabies vaccination (or booster) before travel.Your dog must be at least 12 weeks (84 days) old when it gets its first rabies vaccination.Make sure your dog’s rabies vaccination will be valid (not expired) for the entire duration of travel.
Step 2: Recommend to begin 30 days before travel out of the United StatesContact your veterinarian to have them complete either:the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form, orthe USDA endorsed export health certificate if your dog will be only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries and will return from the country listed on the certificate or that documents a valid rabies vaccination issued in the United States (if your dog will be in a high-risk country, this option is available during the transition period [which will expire on July 31, 2025])
Step 3: 2-10 days before travel back to the United States​​Print a copy of the Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form or USDA APHIS-endorsed export health certificate from USDA.Take a photo of your dog and complete the CDC Dog Import Form.This form requires you to upload a picture (jpg, png, gif files only) of your dog showing its face and body.Dogs that will be less than one year of age at time of return to the United States should have the photograph taken within 10 days before travel.Ensure you enter your dog’s microchip number into this form correctly. This is very important.Submit a corrected form if any of the information on this form changes.Print a copy of CDC Dog Import form receipt you will receive in your email and travel with it.CDC recommends you travel with at least 2 copies of this form in case the country you are visiting keeps one copy for their records. You will need to present this form for re-entry into the United States.​​Finalize travel arrangements with the airline or transport company.
Step 4: Day of travel back to the United States If traveling by air, present the following to the airline before boarding your dog:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andCertification of U.S.-issued Rabies Vaccination form or USDA APHIS-endorsed export health certificateArrive at the location on CDC Dog Import Form receiptPresent the following to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andCertification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form or USDA APHIS-endorsed export health certificate

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Requirements for foreign-vaccinated dogs that have been in a country with high risk of dog rabies within 6 months before entry

Dogs, including service dogs, that have been in a country at high-risk for dog rabies within the 6 months before entry and do not have appropriate documentation of current U.S.-issued rabies vaccine must:

  • Meet all requirements in the “All Dogs” section
  • Have a complete Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form
    • Ensure the dog is microchipped with an International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compatible microchip before receiving the rabies vaccination and the number is recorded on the veterinary documents or the vaccine will not be considered valid
    • Verify the dog is at least 12 weeks (84 days) of age when vaccinated against rabies
    • The dog must have a valid (i.e., non-expired) rabies vaccination. If it’s the dog’s first vaccination or if the dog’s vaccination coverage has lapsed, the vaccine must be administered at least 28 days before arrival to the United States.
    • The Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form must be completed by your veterinarian AND endorsed by an official veterinarian in the exporting country.
  • Have a valid rabies serology titer (titer not required if dog has reservation for 28-day quarantine at a CDC-registered animal care facility)
    • The blood sample for the rabies serology titer must have been drawn at least 30 days after the dog’s first valid rabies vaccination and at least 28 days before entry to the U.S.
    • Dogs with a history of multiple valid rabies vaccinations administered after the microchip was placed may have the sample for the rabies serology titer drawn at any time after a rabies booster vaccination as long as the dog’s first vaccine was given at least 30 days before the blood sample was drawn and there has been no lapse in vaccine coverage. If a lapse occurs, the sample must be drawn at least 30 days after the valid booster vaccination was administered.
    • The sample must be sent to a CDC-approved rabies serology laboratory. If there is no CDC-approved laboratory in your country, your veterinarian may draw the sample and send it internationally to a CDC-approved laboratory.
    • Passing results must be obtained in order for a serology to be valid.
    • Rabies serology titer results will be considered valid for the life of the dog as long as the dog’s rabies vaccination coverage does not lapse. If a lapse occurs, a new rabies serology titer will be required and that sample must be drawn at least 30 days after the new vaccination was administered.
    • If the dog does not have a valid rabies serology titer, it will be required to be quarantined at a CDC-registered animal care facility for 28 days after the dog is revaccinated by the facility’s veterinarian.
  • Have a reservation at a CDC-registered animal care facility for examination and revaccination (and quarantine if the dog does not have a valid rabies serology titer)
    • All foreign-vaccinated dogs that have been in a high-risk country in the previous 6 months must have a reservation for examination, verification of age, documents, and microchip number, and administration of a rabies booster vaccination at a CDC-registered animal care facility immediately upon arrival in the United States.
    • Dogs that do not have a valid rabies serology titer must also have a reservation for quarantine. Dogs will be quarantined at the facility for 28 days at the importer’s expense after being revaccinated by the facility’s veterinarian.
    • All CDC-registered animal care facility expenses, including exam, revaccination, and quarantine (if required), are the responsibility of the importer.
    • The facility will need copies of all required documents prior to confirming your reservation.
    • Ensure the dog meets any facility-specific requirements (contact facility for additional information).
    • If after arrival the CDC-registered animal care facility determines that your documents are not valid or the dog’s microchip number, age, or description does not match the paperwork provided, the dog may be denied entry and returned to the country of departure at your expense.
    • Dogs that have evidence of illness or are not healthy will be required to have testing to confirm they do not have contagious diseases before they will be eligible for release, which may extend the required quarantine period beyond 28 days. Any required testing or extended stay in quarantine will be at the importer’s expense, so please ensure dogs are healthy upon arrival (including no evidence of fleas, ticks, or skin diseases).
  • Have an international flight that arrives directly at the airport with the CDC-registered animal care facility where the dog has a reservation
    • Dogs must arrive to the U.S. at the airport where the CDC-registered animal care facility is located. This must be the location where the dog has a reservation.
    • This must also be the airport listed on the CDC Dog Import Form
    • Domestic flights or other forms of travel to other locations in the U.S. are not permitted until after the dog receives required follow-up services at the CDC-registered animal care facility and is cleared for entry.
  • SERVICE DOGS ARRIVING BY SEA: Service dogs, as defined in 14 CFR 382.3, may arrive by sea if they meet the requirements in the “All Dogs” section, have a complete Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form and a valid rabies serology titer, and are traveling with their handler. Emotional support animals are not service animals under this definition.
Step 1: Recommend to begin 60-90 days (or more) before travelVerify the dog will be at least 6 months old on day of arrival in the United States.Get the dog microchipped or have a veterinarian verify its microchip number. Make sure the microchip number is listed on all veterinary records.Visit a veterinarian to get the dog its rabies vaccination (or booster) before travel.Vaccination must be current on date of arrival.The dog must be at least 12 weeks (84 days) of age when vaccinated against rabies.Rabies vaccination must be administered at least 28 days before arrival if it is the dog’s first rabies vaccine or if its rabies vaccination coverage has lapsed.Have the veterinarian collect a blood sample (at least 30 days after first valid rabies vaccine) to send to a CDC-approved laboratory for a rabies serology titer if you wish to avoid a quarantine for the dog.You may have this completed at a different time point, but the sample must be collected at least 30 days after the dog’s first rabies vaccination. Note that results may take weeks to obtain from the laboratory and samples must be drawn at least 4 weeks (28 days) before entering the United States.
Step 2: Recommend to begin 30 days before travelContact veterinarian to have them complete the Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form.The veterinarian must submit this form to an official government veterinarian in the exporting country for certificationIf not done already: last chance to have a veterinarian collect a blood sample to send to a CDC-approved laboratory for a rabies serology titer to avoid a quarantine for the dog. Titers MUST be collected at least 28 days before travel to the U.S.Receive copy of endorsed Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form from the official veterinarian in the exporting country.Book a reservation at CDC-registered animal care facility.All foreign-vaccinated dogs that have been in a high-risk country must have a reservation for (at minimum) examination, verification of age, microchip, and documents, and administration of a rabies booster vaccination.If the dog will not have a valid rabies serology at time of entry to the United States, you must also make a reservation for quarantine.Print a copy of the reservation confirmation from the CDC-registered animal care facility. This reservation confirmation MUST accompany the dog.Finalize the dog’s travel arrangements.Make sure the itinerary has the dog’s first point of arrival in the United States at the airport with the CDC-registered animal care facility where the dog has a reservation.
Step 3: 2-10 days before travelTake a photo of the dog and upload it to complete the CDC Dog Import Form.This form requires you to upload a picture (jpg, png, gif files only) of the dog showing its face and body.Dogs that will be less than one year of age at time of arrival should have the photograph taken within 10 days before arrival.Ensure you enter the dog’s microchip number into this form correctly. This is very important.Ensure the airport entered into the form is the same one where the CDC-registered animal care facility where the dog has a reservation is located.Submit a corrected form if any of the information on this form changes.Print a copy of CDC Dog Import Form receipt you will receive in your email and ensure it accompanies the dog.Finalize travel arrangements with airline or transport company.
Step 4: Day of travelPresent the following to the airline before boarding the dog:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andreservation confirmation for the CDC-registered animal care facilityArrive at the location where the CDC-registered animal care facility is located and that is printed on the CDC Dog Import Form receipt.Present the following to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andreservation confirmation for the CDC-registered animal care facilityFollow instructions provided by CBP and the CDC-registered animal care facility to ensure the dog is transferred to the facility.
Step 5: After travel Follow the instructions of the CDC-registered animal care facility regarding where and when to pick up the dog after required services have been completed. 

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Requirements for dogs that have been ONLY in countries that are dog rabies-free or low-risk during the 6 months before entry

Countries that are not on the list of countries at high risk for dog rabies are considered to be free of or low risk for dog-mediated rabies virus variant (DMRVV) (called dog rabies-free or low-risk countries on these webpages).

Dogs, including service dogs, that have been ONLY in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries during the 6 months before entry into the United States must:

  • Meet all requirements in the “All Dogs” section
  • Have one of the following (note: any documentation that is not from the United States must be completed in the country where the dog’s travel originates):
    • Certification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United States form endorsed by an official veterinarian in the exporting country; AND valid rabies serology titer OR veterinary records* (which list the microchip number) for the dog from the exporting country for the 6 months before traveling to the U.S. This form must be for the dog rabies-free or low risk country where the dog’s return itinerary originated. The form has different entry requirements depending on whether and where the dog was vaccinated. The form is valid for:
      • A single entry into the U.S. for 30 days after it was issued if it does not contain information about rabies vaccination administered in a dog rabies-free or low-risk country, OR
      • Multiple entries into the U.S. for the duration the rabies vaccination is valid (1 or 3 years) if the rabies vaccination was administered in a dog rabies-free or low-risk country
    • Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form, including the endorsement by an official veterinarian of the dog rabies-free or low-risk country where the dog has been located; AND EITHER (1) a valid rabies serology titer OR (2) veterinary records* (which list the microchip number) for the dog from the exporting country for the previous 6 months. The form must be completed within 30 days before arrival to the United States and is valid for a single entry.
    • Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form that was endorsed by USDA before the dog departed the United States
    • Valid USDA-endorsed export health certificate that either:
      • Is for the dog rabies-free or low-risk country where the dog’s return itinerary originated (the form will only be valid for 30 days if it does not contain rabies vaccination information), or
      • Documents a valid (unexpired) rabies vaccination administered in the United States (the form will be valid for the duration of the rabies vaccination (1 or 3 years)).
    • Foreign export certificate that documents the dog is at least 6 months of age, lists the dog’s International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compatible microchip number, and has been endorsed by an official veterinarian of the exporting country; AND veterinary records* (which list the microchip number) for the dog from the exporting country for the previous 6 months. The certificate must be issued within 30 days before arrival to the United States and is valid for a single entry.
  • Arrive at the location listed on the CDC Dog Import Form receipt (This can be any airport, land border crossing, or sea port but you must select it when you complete the CDC Dog Import Form.)

Any documentation that is not from the United States must be completed in the country where the dog’s travel originates. For example, if the dog’s documents were issued in France, the dog may not enter the U.S. via a land-border crossing from Mexico to the U.S.

*Examples of veterinary records that must accompany completed forms are European Union pet passports or proof of payment for veterinary services received in the exporting low-risk country for the previous 6 months. Records must include the dog’s microchip number.

Step 1: Recommend to begin 60-90 days before travel Verify dog will be at least 6 months old on day of travel.Get dog microchipped or have a veterinarian verify its microchip number. Make sure the microchip number is listed on all veterinary records.Visit a veterinarian to get your dog its rabies vaccination (or booster) before travel.Rabies vaccination is not required if the dog has been only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries for 6 months, but is strongly recommended. It may also be required by the U.S. state or territory to which the dog is traveling.
Step 2: Recommend to begin 30 days before travelAsk the veterinarian to complete the Certification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United States form or other CDC-approved documentationThe veterinarian must submit this form to an official government veterinarian in the exporting country (or to USDA if the dog was vaccinated in the United States) for certification Collect veterinary records for past 6 months.These must list an address for the veterinarian in the low-risk country from where the dog is departing for the U.S. and the dog’s microchip number.Veterinary records are not needed if the dog’s documentation is a valid Certification of U.S.-Issued Rabies Vaccination form, or a USDA endorsed export health certificate if the dog is returning from the dog rabies-free or low-risk country listed on the certificate.If the dog’s documentation is the Certification of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form, the importer can present a valid rabies serology titer instead of veterinary records.Receive copy of Certification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United States (or other CDC-approved documentation) from the veterinarian. Begin making travel arrangements and reservations.The Certification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United States form has different entry requirements depending on whether and where the dog was vaccinated. The form is valid for:A single entry for 30 days after the form was issued if it does not contain information about rabies vaccination administered in a dog rabies-free or low-risk country ORMultiple entries into the US for the duration the rabies vaccination is valid (1 or 3 years) if it contains information about rabies vaccination administered in a dog rabies free or low-risk country
Step 3: 2-10 days before travelTake a photo of the dog and complete the CDC Dog Import Form.This form requires you to upload a picture (jpg, png, gif files only) of the dog showing its face and body.Dogs that will be less than one year of age at time of arrival should have the photograph taken within 10 days of travel.Ensure you enter the dog’s microchip number into this form correctly. This is very important.Submit a corrected form if any of the information on this form changes.Print copy of CDC Dog Import Form receipt you will receive in your email and ensure it accompanies the dog.Finalize travel arrangements with airline or transport company.
Step 4: Day of travelPresent the following to the airline before boarding the dog:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andCertification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United form States (or other CDC-approved documentation)☐ Arrive at the location on CDC Dog Import Form receipt.☐ Present the following to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer:CDC Dog Import Form receipt andCertification of Dog Arriving from DMRVV-free or Low-Risk Country into the United States form (or other CDC-approved documentation)

For more information, see: Frequently Asked Questions on CDC Dog Importations 

If you have questions or need more information, please contact CDC-INFO at (800) 232-4636.

Last Reviewed: May 29, 2024

Source: Centers for Disease Control and PreventionNational Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)Division of Global Migration Health (DGMH)

Note that this applies to Canadian Dogs entering the States and also American Dogs returning to the States.

Now it only makes sense that Canada will mirror the law as closely as possible to make it easier for American dogs entering Canada to return home after their visit. There is no official on when the Canadian restrictions (if any) will come into effect.

Keep watching the CBC News Website (link at the top) for more info.


Conflicting Factors Influencing My Brain Stem

…and how they present challenges to restful sleep. While we’re at it, I’ll talk about an iOS App that I think should exist, but I have not yet found.

My wife and I both snore. In my case, it’s severe Sleep Apnea for which I wear a CPAP, but that doesn’t guarantee that I’m 100% snore-free. I can still make noises, from my head and elsewhere. My wife’s snoring varies considerably, from a rhythmic melodic hum, to chirps, to raspberries, to wheezes.

She’s used an ear-plug for years. Whichever ear is not against the pillow. Now she uses Bose Sleepbuds, but still, only one ear at a time. So when she rolls over from one side to the other, she has to remove one, insert the other. This is more conscious (i.e. wakeful) effort than I’m willing to abide.

I recently started using earplugs. This doesn’t solve the problem, it merely changes the problem. It’s that brain stem thing. Over many generations, the male side of our family has been conditioned that “as the man of the house,” it is our responsibility to remain alert to out-of-the-ordinary noises, so that should the Vikings come a-pillaging, we can spring into defense of our homes and villages… laughable as that may be in reality. So, earplugs that stifle the noise that keep me from falling asleep just irritate my brain stem because I won’t hear the smoke alarm, the phone ring, burglars breaking in, or police helicopter overhead tracking the bad guys through the back yards. Yes, I do watch too much TV, and no, it has not helped.

What I need is a combination of 2 things, both of which already exist on the App Store:

  • Sleep/Meditation Sounds
    …of which I’ve found some really cool ones
  • Baby Monitor / Remote Mic

Though it should be possible to do this with simply my current and immediately previous iPhones, I’ve cobbled together a solution that is almost there. Needs a little refinement. Start with sleep sounds, which mostly is for masking…

Please see my update comment below about this horrible Live365 station.

Because I’m a Ham Radio guy, and musician, I’ve got multiple computers and audio gear. There’s a six-channel mixer on my desk, in my office, which is directly downstairs from our bedroom. So, although I could do it with one computer, I happen to be doing all this with two. Anyway, a 2nd computer has a browser open to the Live365 station pictured above. Its output is one of the sliders on my mixer. It’s not turned up very much.

There’s also a boom mic plugged into that mixer. That’s pushed up to the nominal 0dB line, but not beyond that to “boosted” (which badly raises the noise floor). If my ears could hear a smoke alarm, or other time-to-wake-up sound, so can this microphone. It’s the same distance from the front door, for example. But it’s not in the same room as the snoring from either of us, which helps.

So that’s the “mix”. Now to get it to a pair of low-profile earbuds which block ambient noise very well, and are low-profile enough to comfortably be in the pillow-side ear.

I was in a KickStarter for one of Decibullz products, & I’ve bought several things from them. I’m impressed.

The “bridge” between the mixer on my desk and the earbuds in the bedroom upstairs is two products from the same company…

I’ve had this kludge running only one night so far, but I was impressed by how well it worked. For one quirky example, as I was winding down toward sleep, I heard a “click…click”. Took me a moment, but realized it was the TX relay for my APRS iGate transmitting on 144.39MHz. It’s a familiar sound. I hear it many times a day as I sit at my desk almost within arm’s reach of the thing. It was familiar. It helped convince my subconscious that if something happens that needs my attention, I will hear it. I can hear “household sounds”.

The ideal solution would be a single iOS app that

  • Downloads the sound loops & stores/plays them locally, so I don’t need internet access to use it.
  • Has a mixer to set relative volumes of masking/sleeping sound and awareness mic.
  • Can use the local iPhone’s mic(s) to be used standalone.
  • Can use a 2nd iPhone’s mic(s) in bluetooth or wifi range to hear from elsewhere.

I’m imagining the sleep-deprived young parent who needs to respond to a baby crying down the hall, but would like to not be kept up by their partner’s snoring in the same room.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does, Sir!

Memorable line from Forrest Gump, as it happens.

The Right and the Left both think someone would have to be SO STUPID to think the way the other side thinks. OK, let’s set that thought aside for a moment. We’ll come back to this.

There’s this guy I was following and often interacting with on Twitter. Seems like a really nice dude, posted about woodworking, retweeted funny memes about the Former Criminal In Chief, etc. We were aligned in a lot of ways. If he lived within 3 houses of me, he’d probably be the one neighbor I’d actually spend some time chatting with. Maybe even help him with a woodworking project, or vice-versa. Possibly even go fishing together.

Then, yesterday, he posted an obvious-tongue-in-cheek admonition about people who choose to back into parking spots. Had to wait a moment for someone to back into a spot. Made a funny little dig. It’s fine. This is fine. But then the replies… oh my god, the replies.

ALL THE IDIOTS noticed that someone had popped the bung out of the bunghole, and came gushing out of the barrel to pile on. Not with anything clever or amusing – no – just to say how much they hate “backer-inners“.

None of these people also complain about waiting for someone to back OUT of a parking spot. No, of course not. They probably stop, wave the backer-outer out, possibly even flash their headlights to let the person know “I see you, come on out.”

Look, ya twits, it’s approximately the same amount of waiting whether the other person is backing IN, or backing OUT. Either way, you’ve sometimes had to wait. But because someone does it not in your preferred way, you’re pissed off, and making moral judgements?!

Well let me clue you in on a little something. IT IS DEMONSTRABLY SAFER to back into a parking spot than it is to back out. Here’s why: Your vehicle (and your head) isn’t designed for greatest visibility backing up. You’ve got blind spots anyway, but they’re much worse behind. So, when is it that you can see the MOST things around the vehicle, MORE about the situation, and BEST determine that it’s safe to proceed backing up?

a. While you’re out in the parking lot aisle, with no vehicles within a few feet of your side windows? or
b. While you’re in a parking spot, with enormous black-tinted-windowed SUVs on either side of you?

Basically, what you’ve come right out and admitted publicly is that you hate people because they’re smarter than you, wiser than you, more skilled/experienced than you, or some combination of those three. Now – take a step back – isn’t this exactly how we wound up with #IQ45 and a horribly RWNJ-stacked SCOTUS? Because all the stupidest people came pouring out the ol’ bunghole, all excited for their long-awaited chance to be part of a mob of people shouting gleefully about how fucking stupid they are? Finally, someone appreciates them for their ignorance – they could vote for someone who is stupid “just like me are”?

So yeah… I blocked a bunch of those folks who replied negatively about backer-inners. After a while, I also blocked the nice guy who posted the original tweet.

Yeah, I despise all and block most on the Right. I reluctantly tolerate and endure dumb people from anywhere on the socio-political spectrum. Half of the people are of below-average intelligence, after all, and it should be noted that “wise” and “smart” do not always correlate. But HOLY SHIT, I will not tolerate for a minute those who are stubbornly ignorant, proud of it, and hate anyone smarter than them. Whence come all the most wretched ills of the modern age.

Lake Peltier Morning 2021-10-16

Drove just over a mile away to the opposite side of the lake nearest my home, to shoot a sunrise timelapse, then a 10-photo burst to do a “super-resolution” conversion on. In both cases, I was shooting through a 1.33x anamorphic lens such that the resultant pic/vid can be more landscape-y than it initially was captured in the iPhone’s camera.

The video might not work out. We’ll see. But the timelapse function on the iPhone did exposure adjustments in abrupt jumps, which seems stupid to me. I’m hoping there’s a way to un-abrupt them in whatever app it is I’ll use to “de-squeeze” for the anamorphic lens.

The photo, however, was processed with The Gimp 2.1, with some python script add-ons. It’s rather huge. Could be printed quite large, I would think, if someone were so inclined.

Lake Peltier, 2021-10-16, 7:49am CT – un-compressed PNG, 108mb, 8000x4500px

Minnesota Drivers Are So Dumb

The story told happened somewhere in here, probably on County 18.

There have been times when my vehicle has been the fastest one on a given stretch of road. e.g. Late for something urgent, someone in the vehicle badly needs the bathroom, just in an aggressive mood, etc.

There have been times when my vehicle has been the slowest one on a given stretch of road. e.g. There’s something somewhat fragile in the back, & it’s not netted down. I’m towing a trailer with tiny wheels. I’m someplace unfamiliar and trying to read street signs. Just in an enjoy-the-drive mood, etc.

I took Friday and Monday off… definitely a mental health break thing, so I was very intentionally arm-twisting myself into an enjoy-the-drive mood. Some tricks to this:

  • Head out after rush hour.
  • Don’t go the same direction most people go.
  • Take County Highways (i.e. get off the Interstate as much as reasonable).
  • Use the cruise control (i.e. math and technology) to maintain your speed… not your emotions and your right foot.

An old friend – a guy I worked with way back in the ’90s – wrote a great article about Scenic State Park, and within it mentioned the Lost 40 Scientific and Natural Area. Once I learned that this spot existed, and in light of the drought and forest fires we’ve had up north, I figured I’d acutely regret it if I didn’t go see these majestic, towering beauties before they burned down. It was wonderful. If you factor in the difference in climate between Northern MN and Mill Valley, CA, I think the Lost 40 is as impressive as Muir Woods.

So – you can imagine my general travel attitude when I chose to leave the hotel at 6am on Sunday, and furthermore decided to take a route that avoided the most popular Highways. I wasn’t in a hurry. For much of this drive, I only saw other vehicles traveling the same direction as I was about 3% of the time. Otherwise I could see nobody ahead of me, and nobody behind. It was reasonably safe to stop, turn around, get out and take a photo, like this one…

Sunday Morning Fog

Ergo, it wasn’t a problem to set the cruise within 2mph of the posted speed limit, like it usually is. No, I’m serious… you can literally get shot at, run off the road, or involved in some other form of road rage incident if you have the audacity to drive slower than 9mph over the speed limit here in MN. But I digress – as this story isn’t about rush hour.

The driver I’m about to describe is just one particular guy, but he shares several characteristics with many other non-commute drivers I’ve seen in the past few years. I was somewhere between MN 65 and I-35. I got on I-35 at Hinckley, so I was crossing Eastward somewhere probably on or near the map shown at the top of this page. I had the cruise set at approximately 54mph in a big, lumbering Chevy Tahoe, when someone in a little 2-door car come up behind me going 5-10mph faster than I was.

Then he hangs 2 car lengths behind me. I can see him gesturing. Nothing vulgar, but he clearly thinks I must be stupid.

We’re in a long passing zone. There are no other vehicles in sight ahead or behind. So I tap the “-Decel” on the Cruise a few times to slow down even further. If this guy has any clue at all, he should interpret this as “Please be my guest – pass me – I’ll make it as easy as possible for you. But no, I am not interested in going faster because you’re tailgating.”

The gesturing intensifies. A couple times, I see him swerve slightly left, as if to get a better view of the opposing lane, and judge whether or not he can pass. The latter of these times, it was just at the beginning of a No Passing Zone.

Pro Tip: Following extremely close to a larger vehicle makes it harder – not easier – to see if it’s safe to pass. It also makes it harder to perform the pass. Do please feel free to contact me if you’d like a lesson on passing on a 2-lane highway. I can help you.

I figured this guy must be about as dumb as can be, though I should point out that in this area there are still many big blue flags and signs for an election which was lost over 9 months ago by someone stupid enough to own a casino and go bankrupt. So yeah – a lot of stupid around here. But again, I digress.

To get this guy to finally pass me, I picked a farm driveway ahead on the right, turned on my right blinker, and started slowing as if I was headed there. He finally zoomed around me.

But really – what an absolute chicken shit – and one of many. Why am I so often finding that people will not pass on a 2-lane county highway? They’ll tailgate, yell, gesture, and turn red in the face, but they won’t simply pass. It’s like they don’t even know that’s an option. This was never a problem in the 1970s to 1990s. Hell, I would regularly see people towing a boat trailer and still passing on a 2-lane. Not anymore.

It seems that our society started to lose the knowledge of the safe and legal 2-lane pass around the same time we started losing the knowledge of how to take a left turn at a semaphore when it doesn’t have a turn arrow.


Over-Mod Boys – a sub-category of mic-eaters. Their voice peaks are badly clipped, and the magic of the CODEC preserves the full splendor of their horrid audio signal.

Nose-Puffers – as they exhale vigorously at the end of each transmission. Often also mic-eaters, these are surely morbidly obese dudes who are out of breath simply from the effort of holding in the PTT button, such that the last bit of air they have left after talking for 20 seconds is blasted directly into the mic just before they un-key and gasp desperately for their next gulp of air.

General Mic-Eaters – every “P” (or other plosive) blasts distortion. Every “S” (or other sibilant) scratches like dragging a Red Solo cup across 65-grit sandpaper. Heaven forbid these lids ever get on HF SSB – what a mess of harmonics they’d emit.

Good Buddies – folks who can’t let go of the CB lingo, e.g.

  • “handle here is Dick” – just say “my name is Dick”
  • “personal over here is Dick” – just say “my name is Dick”, and you can’t be anywhere but where you are, so the “over here” bit is just dumb
  • “got your ears on?” – just sell your radio
  • “10-4” – just drive over your radio with your lifted pickup truck.

Jargon Junkies – which affects all manner of voice ops (bands, sub-modes), but is especially amusinoying on Digital Fusion wherein, if the voice going into the mic is crystal clear, the voice decoded at the other end is crystal clear. These fellas like to say “Yeah, QSL, QSL” and such. Dude, just converse like a person. Like you’d talk to a neighbor or co-worker. I mean, you never say “ACK, ACK” just because you also use computer networking, do you?

There is absolutely a situation where QSL is the correct thing to ask or respond: on CW (i.e. Morse Code) when the signal is difficult to read, in order to confirm the message was understood – because there is good reason for doubt. It’s commonly also used during difficult SSB conversations, but I’d suggest that “Roger! Roger!” is more clearly understood via voice, particularly over static on sideband.

Log Fetishist – I hear two guys on ––––AMERICA–LINK who have both explained that their equipment is connected directly by WiRES-X, such that neither is making a radio transmission at all. Near the end of the conversation, one will make a big point to say “I’m going to log this QSO on, if you don’t mind confirming that.” Logging it in any way only makes sense to me if you also keep a log of phone calls. But really, who in their right mind would log a telephone call, and also expect the other person to somehow confirm?

Dude – just talk to people, possibly make friends. Relax. There was no radio operating skill, antenna building skill, nor long distance propagation luck involved. The point of logging and confirming is to prove something difficult or unlikely was – against significant odds – nevertheless achieved. If I dial your phone number from, oh I don’t know, any telephone anywhere, and you answer it and say “Hello?”, it is not impressive.

Radio Check Bait-&-Switchers – It goes about like this…

RCB&S: “KD1CK Radio Check?”

Me: (waits several seconds, ‘cuz I’m actually working, don’t have time to get pulled into a long QSO, & I’m hoping someone else will confirm Dick’s gear is actually working and can be heard, then) “Loud and clear, n0mql.”

RCB&S: “N0MQL, thanks, this is KD1CK. I’m in Podunk, Kentucky, running a (some radio) through a (some hotspot). It’s 65 degrees & breezy here right now. Where are you? What are you running?”

Me: (not transmitting again)

Here’s the thing – if you just want to have a chat with anybody anywhere, there’s an internationally accepted way to do that. It’s called “calling CQ”. It’s not that hard. So here’s what you do:

Dick: “CQ CQ KD1CK, Podunk, KY.”

(wait a bit… if nobody answers, repeat the above at least 3x before assuming your equipment might not be working, and if there’s still no answer…)

Dick: “KD1CK Radio Check?”

Me: “Loud and clear, n0mql.”

Dick: “Thank you. KD1CK, calling CQ, from Podunk, KY.” (notice: leaving me the heck out of it)

CQ-Phobia Sufferers – This one is not a peeve, but just an amusing observation. I literally heard the following in the “room” called ––––AMERICA–LINK yesterday:

Guy 1: “(callsign) monitoring on America Link.”

Guy 2: (seconds later) “(callsign) monitoring.”

Guy 3: (seconds later) “(callsign) listening.”

Guy 1: (seconds later) “(callsign) monitoring.”

Fortunately, before this could go ’round the horn a full second time, some 4th person chimed in and called for a specific other (5th) station, the other station responded, and they talked for a few minutes.

But the 1st 3 guys were the Amateur Radio equivalent of me at any High School dance where I wasn’t running sound and/or lighting (which I usually was). Stand on the periphery & suffer the internal battle of what might be worse – some girl coming up to talk to me… or not (it was always not). This is why I became a floor guard & DJ at the local roller rink. Loved music, loved skating, but didn’t have to skate with a partner (most of the time).
