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A POTA “ATNO” activation

Once again let me take you back in time where on June 1st and 2nd I had operated the SS Keewatin in the Museum Ships on the air event.

And if you look at the below PIC its quite clear that the Ship is in the dry dock

So now fast forward to today and I get notified that the Kingston Dry Dock is a National Historic Site and had been accepted as a Parks on the Air (POTA) location.

I quickly uploaded my logs for the Museum Event to POTA and now it seems that I was the first activation for the site (All Time New One)

Over the last few years I have hunted a few ATNO locations but in my feeble attempts of activating Parks this will most likely be my first (and only) activation of an ATNO….

So…. Thanks to all the hunters…..


And a big thanks to VE3FI for bringing it to my attention.

A POTA “ATNO” activation

Once again let me take you back in time where on June 1st and 2nd I had operated the SS Keewatin in the Museum Ships on the air event.

And if you look at the below PIC its quite clear that the Ship is in the dry dock

So now fast forward to today and I get notified that the Kingston Dry Dock is a National Historic Site and had been accepted as a Parks on the Air (POTA) location.

I quickly uploaded my logs for the Museum Event to POTA and now it seems that I was the first activation for the site (All Time New One)

Over the last few years I have hunted a few ATNO locations but in my feeble attempts of activating Parks this will most likely be my first (and only) activation of an ATNO….

So…. Thanks to all the hunters…..


And a big thanks to VE3FI for bringing it to my attention.

A bit of catching up…

There has been lots happening and no time to keep you in the loop and so here (once again) is the “Coles Notes” version.

The POTA Support your Parks event went better than I expected.

There were some family issues that kept me from taking my FT891 out into the local parks for activation.

However I did manage (as a hunter) to get 35 activators in my log with resulted in 6 new parks in my log as I slowly (very slowly) get towards the 3000 unique Parks in my log.

A bit of a “shucks” happened when a deal I had made for some new equipment for the shack fell through.

The other party (to his credit) cancelled the deal when he found out there was problem with the radio I was about to acquire from him.

It will need major repairs and most likely will not be finding its way into my shack.

And the final “downer” for the week happened yesterday. I entered a contest at our local FM broadcast radio station with the prize being a trip for 2 on a River Cruise along the St Lawrence River and last week they informed me that I won the trip for 2. Liz and I started to make plans

Yesterday I got given notice that the cruise had been cancelled and on the Radio Stations website I found this:

The radio stations, and its TV affiliate has laid off most/all of their on air staff as their Parent Company Corus Entertainment tries to restructure so they can stay afloat (no pun intended).

This is part an an email sent to me (the day after I got notified by the ticket agent that they had cancelled) by Corus which reads as follows”

I want to thank you for supporting 96.3 BIG FM, and for purchasing tickets to the boat cruise.  Due to recent staff changes, we don’t think it’s the appropriate time to be holding a party boat cruise and have decided to cancel the event.

Liz was looking forward to the evening out and we will still go somewhere but our feet will stay dry. (a small pun intended here)

Thinking about an earlier “3 Hour Cruise” from the past…has me thinking that keeping dry might be a good thing .

This would be the Punny side of life I guess…


A bit of catching up…

There has been lots happening and no time to keep you in the loop and so here (once again) is the “Coles Notes” version.

The POTA Support your Parks event went better than I expected.

There were some family issues that kept me from taking my FT891 out into the local parks for activation.

However I did manage (as a hunter) to get 35 activators in my log with resulted in 6 new parks in my log as I slowly (very slowly) get towards the 3000 unique Parks in my log.

A bit of a “shucks” happened when a deal I had made for some new equipment for the shack fell through.

The other party (to his credit) cancelled the deal when he found out there was problem with the radio I was about to acquire from him.

It will need major repairs and most likely will not be finding its way into my shack.

And the final “downer” for the week happened yesterday. I entered a contest at our local FM broadcast radio station with the prize being a trip for 2 on a River Cruise along the St Lawrence River and last week they informed me that I won the trip for 2. Liz and I started to make plans

Yesterday I got given notice that the cruise had been cancelled and on the Radio Stations website I found this:

The radio stations, and its TV affiliate has laid off most/all of their on air staff as their Parent Company Corus Entertainment tries to restructure so they can stay afloat (no pun intended).

This is part an an email sent to me (the day after I got notified by the ticket agent that they had cancelled) by Corus which reads as follows”

I want to thank you for supporting 96.3 BIG FM, and for purchasing tickets to the boat cruise.  Due to recent staff changes, we don’t think it’s the appropriate time to be holding a party boat cruise and have decided to cancel the event.

Liz was looking forward to the evening out and we will still go somewhere but our feet will stay dry. (a small pun intended here)

Thinking about an earlier “3 Hour Cruise” from the past…has me thinking that keeping dry might be a good thing .

This would be the Punny side of life I guess…

